歴史暦:古今東西 09/13 今日の出來事
-509/0913:Roman Republic
The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus on Rome's Capitoline Hill is dedicated on the ides of September.
0081/0913:(Roman Emperor)Titus 003981、崩去
ロウマに誕生。皇宮で皇帝一族の間近くで育てられ、帝位繼承者の Britannicus 004155 と竹馬の友となった。
彼の在位は二年に過ぎなかったが、善政の皇帝として後世の五賢帝により皇帝の理想とされた。だが、ロウマ人は辛辣に「二年くらゐなら誰だって善良な皇帝を演じられる」と云ったといふ。ネロだって最初の頃は ……
Titus's brother Domitianus becomes Roman Emperor after the death of Titus.
0122/0913:Roman Empire
"Hadrian's Wall" to begin construction.
The Burmese church of Jerusalem, consecrated to the order of the Roman Emperor Constantine I and his mother Helena, was consecrated.
聖墳墓教會 イエスキリストの墓とされる場所に建立。
Yax Nuun Ahiin I is crowned as 15th Ajaw of Tikal
Yax Nuun Ahiin I was an ajaw of the Maya city of Tikal. His name when transcribed is 「YAX-?-AH:N」, translated "First ? Crocodile".
He took the throne on September 12, 379 and reigned until his death
Belisarius of the Byzantine Empire defeats Gelimer and the Vandals at the Battle of Ad Decimum, near Carthage, North Africa.
Fujiwara no Fuhito was a powerful member of the imperial court of Japan during the Asuka and Nara periods. Second son of Fujiwara no Kamatari 藤原鎌足061469.
He had sons by two women, and those sons were the founders of the four principal lineages of the Fujiwara clan 藤原四家: the South 南家, North 北家, Ceremonial 式家, and Capital 京家 lineages.
Also, he had four daughters by two other women. three by Kamohime, one by Tachibana no Michiyo 橘三千代066533. One daughter by Kamohime became Emperor Monmu's wife Miyako 宮子, who in turn gave birth to Emperor Shōmu 045聖武首070156天皇. The daughter by Michiyo became the empress of his grandson Shōmu, Empress Kōmyō 光明子070160.
Ögedei Khan is proclaimed Khagan of the Mongol Empire in Kodoe Aral, Khentii:
1437/0913:Portugal「Battle of Tangier」
a Portuguese expeditionary force initiates a failed attempt to seize the Moroccan citadel of Tangier.
1475/0913:マキアベリの理想像 Cesare Borgia 147507、誕生
Cesare Borgia, detto il Valentino, è stato un nobile, cardinale e condottiero italiano; figlio illegittimo di papa Alessandro VI, fu una delle figure più controverse del Rinascimento italiano.
1501/0913:Italy, Firence ミケランジェロ『ダビデ』制作開始
Michelangelo begins work on his ”David".
Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand issue a Royal Warrant for the construction of a Royal Chapel (Capilla Real) to be built.
1506/0913:イタリアの画家 Andrea Mantegna 143106、死去
un pittore e incisore italiano.
Quinta guerra italiana「Battaglia di Marignano」
1520/0913:イギリスの政事家 William Cecil 152098、誕生
an English statesman, the chief advisor of Queen Elizabeth I for most of her reign, twice Secretary of State (1550–53 & 1558–72) and Lord High Treasurer from 1572.
Albert Pollard says, "From 1558 for forty years the biography of Cecil is almost indistinguishable from that of Elizabeth and from the history of England."
After three years of exile, Jean Calvin 150964 returns to Geneva to reform the church under a body of doctrine known as Calvinism.
Se ha completado el mayor edificio renacentista del mundo, el Real Sitio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial en España.
San Lorenzo del Escorial Palace in Madrid is finished.
1592/0913:フランスの知性 Michel de Montaigne 153392、死去
selon les traditions universitaires soit un philosophe et moraliste de la Renaissance, soit un écrivain érudit, précurseur et fondateur des « sciences humaines et historiques » en langue française.
≫ Le monde n'est que varieté et dissemblance.
≫ Cette fantasie est plus seurement conceuë par interrogation : Que sçai-je ?
≫ Il n'est rien sujet à plus continuelle agitation que les lois.
≫ 人に死に方を教える者は、生き方を教えているのである。
1598/0913:スペイン王 Felipe II de España 152732、崩去
Felipe II de España, llamado «el Prudente» , fue rey de España desde el 15 de enero de 1556 hasta su muerte, de Nápoles y Sicilia desde 1554 y de Portugal y los Algarves —como Felipe I— desde 1580, realizando la tan ansiada unión dinástica que duró sesenta años. Fue asimismo rey de Inglaterra e Irlanda iure uxoris, por su matrimonio con María I, entre 1554 y 1558.
1743/0913:「Treaty of Worms」
Great Britain, Austria and the Kingdom of Sardinia sign.
1759/0913:「Battle of the Plains of Abraham」
the British defeat the French near Quebec City in the Seven Years' War, known in the United States as the French and Indian War.
1761/0913:浮世繪師にして戯作者 山東京傳176116、誕生
Santō Kyōden est un écrivain et artiste de l'ère Edo. Son nom réel est Samuru Iwase (岩瀬醒), mais il est également communément connu sous le nom de Kyōya Denzō (京屋伝蔵, kyōya denzō).
1782/0913:American Revolutionary War:
Franco-Spanish troops launch the unsuccessful "grand assault" during the Great Siege of Gibraltar.
The Philadelphia Convention sets the date for the first presidential election in the United States, and New York City becomes the country's temporary capital.
'Assemblée constituante de 1789 fait de la France une monarchie constitutionnelle.
King Louis XVI of France accepts the new constitution.
Emperor Qianlong held the third "Millennium Banquet"
1803/0913:フランスの風刺画家 Grandville 184703、誕生
(Jean Ignace Isidore Gérard, dit) dessinateur, caricaturiste, aquarelliste et lithographe français.
Ludwig van Beethovens Messe in C-Dur op 86 wird in Eisenstadt uraufgeführt.
1808/0913:Finnish War「Battle of Jutas」
Swedish forces under Lieutenant General Georg Carl von Döbeln beat the Russians, making von Döbeln a Swedish war hero.
1812/0913:War of 1812
A supply wagon sent to relieve Fort Harrison is ambushed in the Attack at the Narrows.
1814/0913:USA「National Anthem」
In a turning point in the War of 1812, the British fail to capture Baltimore. During the battle, Francis Scott Key composes his poem "Defence of Fort McHenry", which is later set to music and becomes the United States' national anthem.
1819/0913:ドイツの女流ピアニスト Clara Schumann 11996、誕生
eine deutsche Pianistin und Komponistin und ab 1840 die Ehefrau Robert Schumanns.
The Greek Army rebels against the autocratic rule of king Otto of Greece, demanding the granting of a constitution.
1847/0913:Mexican–American War
Six teenage military cadets known as Niños Héroes die defending Chapultepec Castle in the Battle of Chapultepec. American troops under General Winfield Scott capture Mexico City in the Mexican–American War.
Vermont railroad worker Phineas Gage survives an iron rod 1 1⁄4 inches (3.2 cm) in diameter being driven through his brain; the reported effects on his behavior and personality stimulate thinking about the nature of the brain and its functions.
First ascent of Piz Bernina, the highest summit of the eastern Alps.
The Piz Bernina, 4049 m high, is climbed by Johann Coaz and Jon and Lorenz Ragut Tscharner for the first time.
1862/0913:American Civil War
Union soldiers find a copy of Robert Lee's battle plans in a field outside Frederick, Maryland. It is the prelude to the Battle of Antietam.
1871/0913(明治04/0729):Japan & China「日清修好条規」、
1872/0913:ドイツの思想家 Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach 180472、死去
ein deutscher Philosoph und Anthropologe, dessen Religions- und Idealismuskritik bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Bewegung des Vormärz hatte und einen Erkenntnisstandpunkt formulierte, der für die modernen Humanwissenschaften, wie zum Beispiel die Psychologie und Ethnologie, grundlegend geworden ist.
1872/0913:日本の外交官から政事家 幣原喜重郎187251、誕生
1874/0913:現代前衛音楽の旗手 Arnold Schönberg 187451、誕生
ein österreichisch-amerikanischer Komponist, Musiktheoretiker, Kompositionslehrer, Maler, Dichter und Erfinder.
1882/0913:Anglo-Egyptian War「Battle of Tel el-Kebir」
1894/0913:フランスの作曲家 Emmanuel Chabrier 184194、死去
un compositeur français
Ses créations étaient admirées de nombreux compositeurs tels que Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, Erik Satie, Richard Strauss, ou encore Igor Stravinsky.
Hannibal Goodwin patents celluloid photographic film.
Mackinder, Ollier and Brocherel make the first ascent of Batian (5,199 m 17,058 ft), the highest peak of Mount Kenya.
ヘンリー H ブリスなる人物がニュウヨウクの交差点で自動車と衝突、翌朝に死亡。アメリカで最初の自動車事故死亡者となった。
1900/0913:日本の時評家 大宅壮一190070、誕生
Filipino resistance fighters defeat a small American column in the Battle of Pulang Lupa, during the Philippine–American War.
1903/0913:歌舞伎役者(立役) 九代目市川團十郎183803、死去
五代目 尾上菊五郎、初代 市川左團次とともに、いわゆる「團菊左時代」を築いた。写実的な演出や史実に則した時代考証などで歌舞伎の近代化を図る一方、伝統的な江戸歌舞伎の荒事を整理して今日にまで伝わる多くの形を決定、歌舞伎を下世話な町人の娯楽から日本文化を代表する高尚な芸術の域にまで高めることに尽力した。
≫ 神あがりあがりましぬる大君のみあとはるかにをろがみまつる
≫ うつし世を神去りましゝ大君のみあと慕ひて我はゆくなり
≫ 出でましてかへります日のなしときくけふの御幸に逢ふぞかなしき
South African troops open hostilities in German south-west Africa (Namibia) with an assault on the Ramansdrift police station.
The Battle of Aisne begins between Germany and France.
Fin de la bataille du Grand Couronné. Victoire des Français du général Castelnau sur les Allemands du prince Rupprecht de Bavière.
1920/0913:Ernst Jünger ”In Stahlgewittern"
wird veröffentlicht, in dem er seine Erlebnisse im Ersten Weltkrieg verarbeitet.
Storm of Steel (in German: In Stahlgewittern) is the memoir of German officer Ernst Jünger's experiences on the Western Front during the First World War. It was originally printed privately in 1920, making it one of the first personal accounts to be published. The book is a graphic account of trench warfare. It was largely devoid of editorialization when first published, but was heavily revised several times.
The final act of the Greco-Turkish War, the Great Fire of Smyrna, commences.
1923/0913:Spain「Coup d'Etat」
Establecimiento de la dictadura de Primo de Rivera en España.
Following a military coup in Spain, Miguel Primo de Rivera takes over, setting up a dictatorship.
1928/0913:アメリカンポップアート Robert Indiana 1928--、誕生
an American artist associated with the pop art movement. His "LOVE" print, first created for the Museum of Modern Art's Christmas card in 1965, was the basis for the widely distributed 1973 United States Postal Service "LOVE" stamp.
1931/0913:日本の映画監督 山田洋次 1931--、誕生
1941/0913:日本の建築家 安藤忠雄 1941--、誕生
1942/0913:WWⅡ「Battle of Stalingrad」
The German army started a total attack and rush into the city of Stalingrad.
Second day of the Battle of Edson's Ridge in the Guadalcanal Campaign. U.S. Marines successfully defeated attacks by the Imperial Japanese Army with heavy losses for the Japanese forces.
The Japanese begin with an attack to recapture the Henderson Field flying field captured by the USA on Guadalcanal. The Battle of the Bloody Ridge during the Pacific War lasts until 15 September.
1946/0913:Amon Göth 190846、ニュルンベルク裁判で絞首刑
ein österreichischer SS-Hauptsturmführer und von März 1943 bis September 1944 Kommandant des Konzentrationslagers Płaszów bei Krakau.
Amon Göth wurde 1946 wegen Massenmordes zum Tode verurteilt und wenige Tage nach dem Urteil gehängt.
Deputy Prime Minister of India Vallabhbhai Patel ordered the Army to move into Hyderabad to integrate it with the Indian Union.
1953/0913:Soviet Union、Nikita Khrushchev
is appointed General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
The IBM 305 RAMAC is introduced, the first commercial computer to use disk storage.
South Vietnamese Generals Lâm Văn Phát and Dương Văn Đức fail in a coup attempt against General Nguyễn Khánh.
The first New York City marathon is held.
Beijing announces that Marshal Lin Piao, Minister of Defense, plotted against Mao Tse-tung's life and was killed in a plane crash, trying to flee.
Chairman Mao Zedong's second in command and successor Marshal Lin Biao flees the People's Republic of China after the failure of an alleged coup. His plane crashes in Mongolia, killing all aboard.
1971/0913:中共の軍人政事家 林彪190771、逃亡中の飛行機墜落、死
Invasion of the French Embassy in The Hague by members of the Japanese Red Army.
1975/0913:青森県出身の版畫家 棟方志功1909375、逝去
Der erste bundesdeutsche Prozess gegen Neonazis endet mit der Verurteilung von sechs rechtsradikalen Straftätern zu Freiheitsstrafen zwischen vier und elf Jahren. Unter den Verurteilten ist der frühere Bundeswehr-Leutnant Michael Kühnen.
The first German trial against neo-Nazis ends with the sentencing of six right-wing offenders to sentences of between four and eleven years. Among the condemned is the former Bundeswehr lieutenant Michael Kühnen.
South Africa grants independence to the "homeland" of Venda (not recognised outside South Africa).
1982/0913:落語家(志ん生の長男) 金原亭馬生192882、死去
1985/0913:Japan「Super Mario Bros」発売
which starts the Super Mario series of platforming games.
1987/0913:Brazil「Goiânia accident」
A radioactive object is stolen from an abandoned hospital in Goiânia, Brazil, contaminating many people in the following weeks and causing some to die from radiation poisoning.
「ゴイアニア被曝事故」 ブラジルのゴイアニア市の廃病院に放置されていた放射線療法用の放射性物質格納容器が盗まれる。250人が被曝し、4人が死亡。
Hurricane Gilbert is the strongest recorded hurricane in the Western Hemisphere, later replaced by Hurricane Wilma in 2005 (based on barometric pressure).
1989/0913:South Africa
Largest anti-Apartheid march led by Desmond Tutu.
1993/0913:Israel & PLO「Oslo Accords」
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shakes hands with Palestine Liberation Organization chairman Yasser Arafat at the White House after signing the Oslo Accords granting limited Palestinian autonomy.
In Moscow, 130 people are killed in the explosion of a bomb in a high-rise building (explosives attacks on Moscow residential buildings).
В Москве 130 человек погибли при взрыве бомбы в высотном здании (взрывные атаки на московские жилые здания).
The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.
Delhi is hit by a series of bomb blasts, resulting in 30 deaths and 130 injuries.
Hurricane Ike makes landfall on the Texas Gulf Coast, causing heavy damage to Galveston Island, Houston, and surrounding areas.
Taliban insurgents attack the United States consulate in Herat with two members of the Afghan National Police reported dead and about 20 civilians injured.