


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が誕生日の Leonard da Vinci 145219 Hombre de Vitruvio 1490 

歴史暦:古今東西 04/15 今日の出來事

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 一人はルレサンス時代のイタリア人、Leonard da Vinci 145219
もう一人は エンライトンメント時代のスイス人、 Leonhard Euler 170783

Madame de Maintenon 163519、Louis XIV 163815 の愛妾
Madame de Pompadour 176464、Louis XV 171074 の愛妾
Jean-Paul Sartre 190580 と Jean Genet 191086 が死んだ日でもある。

昨日、劇場で背後から撃たれた米大統領 Abraham Lincoln 180965 が息を引き取り、
カンボジアのクメルルウジュに大量殺人を演じさせた Pol Pot 192598 が「裏切り者」として終身刑を宣告され、森の中に連れて行かれて「心臓麻痺」で死んだ。



Bari(the last Byzantine possession in southern Italy)is surrendered to Robert Guiscard.

After three years of siege, the inhabitants of Baris, who are suffering from hunger, surrender to the Norman under Robert Guiskard. The Byzantine Empire loses its remaining territory in southern Italy.

Roberto il Guiscardo d'Altavilla 101585:ノルマン人、傭兵。後に中世シチリア王國を作ったオウトヴィル家の棟梁。兄ウンフレドの死後、カラブリア伯となりさらにカラブリア公となる。

As apostolic emperor Prano Carpini travels to the Mongol empire.


Iohannes de Plano Carpini 118252:イタリア、ベネチア共和國の唱導師。本名は Giovanni da Pian del Carpine(名+出身地)



Timur defeats Tokhtamysh of the Golden Horde at the Battle of the Terek River. The Golden Horde capital city, Sarai, is razed to the ground and Timur installs a puppet ruler on the throne.

Golden Horde =Ulūs-i Jūchī(ジョチウルス):13~18世紀に、チンギスカンの長男ジョチの子孫=ウルス(遊牧政權)が支配した、北海北岸のドナウ川クリミア半島から中央アジアカザフ草原、バルハシ湖、アルタイ山脈にいたるステップ地帯

The division of the Mongol Empire, c. 1300, with the Golden Horde in yellow

1446/0415:イタリア 建築家 Filippo Brunelleschi 137746、死去

Per esteso Filippo di ser Brunellesco Lapi, è stato un architetto, ingegnere, scultore, matematico, orafo e scenografo italiano del Rinascimento.

Cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore

Battle of Formigny: Toward the end of the Hundred Years' War, the French attack and nearly annihilate English forces, ending English domination in Northern France.


1452/0415:ルネサンスの天才 Leonard da Vinci 145219 誕生


1469/0415:インドのグル Guru Nanak 146939、誕生

([ˈɡʊɾu ˈnɑnək]) was the founder of Sikhism and the first of the ten Sikh Gurus.
His birth is celebrated worldwide as Guru Nanak Gurpurab on Kartik Pooranmashi, the full-moon day in the month of Katak, October–November

Guru Nanak with Bhai Bala, Bhai Mardana and Sikh Gurus

1473/0415:日本の守護大名 山名宗全140473、死去

Yamana Sōzen was originally Yamana Mochitoyo (山名 持豊) before becoming a monk. Due to his red complexion, he was sometimes known as Aka-nyūdō 赤入道 "the Red Monk".
He was one of the daimyōs 大名 who fought against Hosokawa Katsumoto 細川勝元151973 during the Ōnin War 應仁の亂 in Kyoto.

1489/0415:イスラムの建築家 Mimar Sinan 148988、誕生

Koca Mi'mâr Sinân Âğâ (Ottoman Turkish: معمار سينان, "Sinan Agha the Grand Architect") was the chief Ottoman architect (Turkish: mimar) and civil engineer for Sultans Suleiman the Magnificent, Selim II, and Murad III.
He was responsible for the construction of more than 300 major structures and other more modest projects, such as schools. His apprentices would later design the Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul, Stari Most in Mostar, and help design the Taj Mahal in the Mughal Empire.

ehmed Paša Sokolović Bridge inscribed at UNESCO, built by Sinan in 1577

Battle of Rain: Swedes under Gustavus Adolphus defeat the Holy Roman Empire during the Thirty Years' War.

1642/0415:Irish Confederate Wars:
 A Confederate Irish militia is routed in the Battle of Kilrush when it attempts to halt the progress of a Royalist Army.

1684/0415:ロシア女帝 Екатерина I Алексеевна 168427、誕生

российская императрица с 1721 года (как супруга царствующего императора), с 1725 года как правящая государыня; вторая жена Петра I, мать императрицы Елизаветы Петровны.

1707/0415:啓蒙時代の天才 Leonhard Euler 170783、誕生

ein Schweizer Mathematiker und Physiker. Wegen seiner Beiträge zur Analysis, zur Zahlentheorie und zu vielen weiteren Teilgebieten der Mathematik gilt er als einer der bedeutendsten Mathematiker.
Ab 1720 studierte er an der Universität Basel und hörte hier Vorlesungen von Johann Bernoulli. 1723 erlangte er durch einen Vergleich der newtonschen und cartesianischen Philosophie in lateinischer Sprache die Magisterwürde. Seinen Plan, auch Theologie zu studieren, gab er 1725 auf.

Euler was one of the most eminent mathematicians of the 18th century, and is held to be one of the greatest in history. He is also widely considered to be the most prolific mathematician of all time. His collected works fill 60 to 80 quarto volumes,[5] more than anybody in the field. He spent most of his adult life in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and in Berlin, then the capital of Prussia.

Map of Königsberg in Euler's time showing the actual layout of the seven bridges, highlighting the river Pregel and the bridges.


1710/0415:フランスバレリナ Marie-Anne de Camargo 171070、誕生

Marie-Anne de Cupis Camargo, dite la Camargo, est une danseuse née à Bruxelles

Nicolas Lancret, Mlle Camargo dansant (vers 1730),

Voltaire lui a dédié ce madrigal :

Ah ! Camargo, que vous êtes brillante !
Mais que Sallé, grands dieux, est ravissante !
Que vos pas sont légers, et que les siens sont doux !
Elle est inimitable, et vous êtes nouvelle ;
Les Nymphes sautent comme vous,
Mais les Grâces dansent comme elle.


1715/0415:Pocotaligo Massacre
 triggers the start of the Yamasee War in colonial South Carolina.

1719/0415:ルイ14の愛人 Madame de Maintenon 163519、死去

(Françoise d'Aubigné)、une dame française des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles qui fut l'épouse puis la veuve de Paul Scarron. Par la suite, elle fut titrée marquise de Maintenon.

數奇な運命の糸の導きで、Louis XIV 163815 の妃となったが、「貴賤結婚」のため王妃にはなれなかった。宮廷に入ってからは「マダムマントノン」と呼ばれた。
いろいろなことがあってパリに向かふ途中で、彼女は Pスカロンなる男と出逢った。彼は彼女より二十五歳も年上のうへリウマチ病みだったが、これから修道女になるしかなかった天涯孤獨の少女はこの男の結婚の申し出を受け入れた。
マントノン夫人は、自分のやうに兩家でありながら零落した子女のために『聖ルイ王立學校』を作った。Jean Racine 163999 はサン=シルの少女らのために『エステル』や『アタリ』を作った。


1741/0415:USA 画家 Charles Willson Peale 174127、誕生

an American painter, soldier, scientist, inventor, politician and naturalist.
He is best remembered for his portrait paintings of leading figures of the American Revolution, and for establishing one of the first museums in the United States.

The Staircase Group (1795), a trompe l'oeil by Peale depicting his sons Raphaelle and Titian Peale I

{Trompe l'oeil トロンプルイユ(騙し繪)いい実例がなかなか見付からなかったが、これはいい繪だので紹介。

1755/0415:イギリス、S ジョンソン『英語辞書』刊行
Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language is published in London.

After nine years of work, Samuel Johnson published his Dictionary Dictionary of the English Language. It is still regarded as one of the most influential dictionaries in the history of the English language.

1764/0415:ルイ15の愛人 Madame de Pompadour 172164、死去

(Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson), marquise de Pompadour, duchesse de Menars1, est une dame de la bourgeoisie française devenue favorite de Louis XV, roi de France et de Navarre.

Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson、裕福なブルジョア和、銀行家の娘。
1741、徴税請負人と結婚。タンサン夫人やフョフラン夫人の超一流のサロンに出入りするやうになり、Voltaire 169478 や Bernard Fontenelle 165757 ら一流の文化人と交はり、1744、その美貌が Louis XV 171074 の目をとらへた。彼女は、 ポンパドル公爵夫人の稱號が與へられ、夫と別居し、1745/0914、ルイ十五世の公妾となった。
天は容易に二物をあたへ、彼女は美貌とともにその骸骨の中身も優秀にできてゐて、サロンを主催して Voltaire 169478 や Denis Diderot 171384 らの新進思想家を屯させ、フランスに華麗優雅なるロココ文化を花開かせた。


Arc-et-Senans, la première pierre de l'architecte Claude-Nicolas Ledoux par ordre de Louis XVI König royal prévus fixés saltworks. Il est l'un des projets les plus importants mis en œuvre l'architecture révolutionnaire que l'on appelle.

Originalplan der Saline in Arc-et-Senans

1765/0415:ロシアの博識家 Mikhaïl Lomonossov 177165、死去

Russian experts, scientists, writers.
He is well-known for being told from Aleksandr Pushkin "Lomonossovf himself is a university".

L'astronome français Charles Messier a découvert dans la constellation de la Vierge, une galaxie spirale, il reçoit comme numéro 58 dans son répertoire.

Messier 58

Preliminary articles of peace ending the American Revolutionary War (or American War of Independence) are ratified.

1786/0415:イギリス 探檢家 John Franklin 178647、誕生

an English Royal Navy officer and explorer of the Arctic.
Franklin also served as Lieutenant-Governor of Van Diemen's Land (now Tasmania) from 1837 to 1843.

He disappeared on his last expedition, attempting to chart and navigate a section of the Northwest Passage in the Canadian Arctic. The icebound ships were abandoned and the entire crew died of starvation, hypothermia, tuberculosis, lead poisoning, and scurvy.

1809/0415:ドイツ 數理家 Hermann Graßmann 180977、誕生

ein deutscher Mathematiker, Physiker und Sprachwissenschaftler.
Er gilt als eigentlicher Begründer der Vektor- und Tensorrechnung.

1812/0415:フランス 風景画家 Théodore Rousseau 181267、誕生

Étienne Pierre Théodore Rousseau, dit Théodore Rousseau, est un artiste-peintre paysagiste français, cofondateur de l'école de Barbizon.
Il se revéla comme un observateur attentif de la nature à toutes les époques de l'année.
Il ne doit pas être confondu avec Henri Rousseau qui a vécu à la même époque.

1843/0415:USA 小説家 Henry James 184316、誕生

an American author regarded as a key transitional figure between literary realism and literary modernism, and is considered by many to be among the greatest novelists in the English language.

Henry James, age 11, with his father, Henry James Sr 1854

Portrait of Henry James, charcoal drawing by John Singer Sargent (1912)

1855/0415:遠山の金さんのモデル 遠山景元179355、死去

Tōyama Kagemoto was a hatamoto 旗本 and an official of the Tokugawa shogunate during the Edo period of Japanese history.
His ancestry was of the Minamoto clan of Mino Province. His father, Kagemichi, was the magistrate of Nagasaki.

1858/0415:フランス 社会学 Émile Durkheim 185817、誕生

un sociologue français considéré comme l'un des fondateurs de la sociologie moderne.

Auguste Comte 179857 以後に登場した代表的な総合社会学の提唱者であり、その学は方法論的集団主義と呼ばれる。実証主義の科学としてコントによって創始された社会学が、いまだ学問として確立されてないと見た彼は、社会学を独自の対象を扱う独立した科学としての地位を築くことに努めた。
彼の理論は二十世紀初頭の多くの社会学民族学者 人類学者などに影響した。また、フランスでの最初の社会学のための L'ANNÉE SOCIOLOGIQUE (1898年発刊)を創刊、この機関紙の執筆者や協力者によってデュルケム学派が形成された。この学派は、彼の死後Marcel Mauss 187250 が中心となった。

(anomie) は、社会秩序が乱れ、混乱した状態にあることを意味する「anomos」を語源とし、宗教学で使はれてゐたが、デュルケムが社会学に持ち込み、一般化した。アノミを彼は近代社会の病理とみなした。社会の規制や規則が緩んだ状態においては、個人が必ずしも自由になるとは限らず、かえって不安定な状況に陥ることをさす。規制や規則が緩むことは、必ずしも社会全體また個人にとってよいことだけではない。

President Abraham Lincoln calls for 75,000 Volunteers to quell the insurrection that soon became the American Civil War

1865/0415:US大統領 Abraham Lincoln 180965、死去

an American statesman and lawyer who served as the 16th President of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865.
Lincoln led the United States through its Civil War—its bloodiest war and perhaps its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis.
In doing so, he preserved the Union, abolished slavery, strengthened the federal government, and modernized the economy.

1866/0415:In Tanis
 the Prussian Egyptian Richard Lepsius finds the Kanopus Decree of an Egyptian priestly synod on a limestone floor. The stele with a calendar rule was erected in the year 237 BC and persisted the times under Ruinenschutt.

1877/0415:日本の史学者 辻善之助187755、誕生


1880/0415:ゲシュタルト心理學創始 Max Wertheimer 188043、誕生

ein österreichisch-ungarischer Psychologe, der neben Kurt Koffka und Wolfgang Köhler einer der drei Begründer der Gestaltpsychologie war.
Er ist bekannt für sein Buch Produktives Denken und für die Konzeption des Phi-Phänomens als Teil seiner Arbeit in der Gestaltpsychologie.


1888/0415:イギリス 批評家 Matthew Arnold 182288、死去

an English poet and cultural critic who worked as an inspector of schools.
Matthew Arnold has been characterised as a sage writer, a type of writer who chastises and instructs the reader on contemporary social issues.

1892/0415:USA「General Electric Company=GE」
The two competitors Edison General Electric Company and Thomson-Houston Company are merged into General Electric Company, based in Schenectady, New York.

1889/0415:キリスト教聖人 Père Damien 184089、死去

Saint Damien de Veuster, connu sous le nom de père Damien, est un missionnaire catholique membre de la congrégation des Sacrés-Cœurs de Jésus et de Marie.
Il est connu pour son travail de missionnaire dans le Pacifique, spécialement auprès des lépreux relégués par les gouvernements locaux sur l'île de Molokai à Hawaï.
Durant son ministère, il contracta lui-même la lèpre en 1884. S'identifiant totalement avec ses fidèles il accepta de ne plus quitter Molokai et y poursuivit son travail pastoral et missionnaire jusqu'à sa mort en 1889.

1894/0415:USA ブルウスの女王 Bessie Smith 189437、誕生

an American blues singer. Nicknamed the Empress of the Blues, she was the most popular female blues singer of the 1920s and 1930s.
She is often regarded as one of the greatest singers of her era and was a major influence on other jazz singers.

1894/0415:Nikita Khrouchtchev 189471、誕生


Closing ceremony of the Games of the I Olympiad in Athens, Greece.



1900/0415:Philippine–American War:
 Filipino guerrillas launch a surprise attack on U.S. infantry and begin a four-day siege of Catubig, Philippines.

1907/0415:動物行動学開創 Nikolaas Tinbergen 190788、誕生

a Dutch biologist and ornithologist who shared the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Karl von Frisch and Konrad Lorenz for their discoveries concerning organisation and elicitation of individual and social behaviour patterns in animals. He is regarded as one of the founders of modern ethology, the study of animal behaviour.

Tinbergen described four questions he believed should be asked of any animal behaviour, which were:
Causation (mechanism): what are the stimuli that elicit the response, and how has it been modified by recent learning? How do behaviour and psyche "function" on the molecular, physiological, neuro-ethological, cognitive and social level, and what do the relations between the levels look like? (compare: Nicolai Hartmann: "The laws about the levels of complexity")
Development (ontogeny): how does the behaviour change with age, and what early experiences are necessary for the behaviour to be shown? Which developmental steps (the ontogenesis follows an "inner plan") and which environmental factors play when / which role? (compare: Recapitulation theory)
Function (adaptation): how does the behaviour impact on the animal's chances of survival and reproduction?
Evolution (phylogeny): how does the behaviour compare with similar behaviour in related species, and how might it have arisen through the process of phylogeny? Why did structural associations (behaviour can be seen as a "time space structure") evolve in this manner and not otherwise?*
In ethology and sociobiology, causation and ontogeny are summarised as the "proximate mechanisms", while adaptation and phylogeny are the "ultimate mechanisms". They are still considered as the cornerstone of modern ethology, sociobiology and transdisciplinarity in Hum

1909/0415:日本の歌人 山川登美子187909、死去


1910/0415:日本浪漫派 保田與重郎191081、誕生

ein japanischer Autor und Literaturkritiker.
In seiner Oberschulzeit in Osaka kam Yasuda mit dem Marxismus in Berührung, ohne jedoch nachhaltig davon beeinflusst worden zu sein.
In dieser Zeit beschäftigte er sich mit der deutschen Romantik, insbesondere mit Hölderlin und Schlegel. Yasuda studierte an der Universität Tokio Kunstgeschichte. Zusammen mit Kamei Katsuichirō, der die Zeitschrift Nihon romanha (日本浪漫派) gründete, ist Yasuda der wichtigste Vertreter der japanischen romantischen Schule


1912/0415:北朝鮮建國 金日成191294、誕生

Kim Il-sung or Kim Il Sung (김일성, Korean) was the leader of North Korea from its establishment in 1948 until his death in 1994.
He held the posts of Premier from 1948 to 1972 and President from 1972 to 1994.
He was also the leader of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) from 1949 to 1994 (titled chairman from 1949 to 1966 and general secretary after 1966).
Coming to power after the end of Japanese rule in 1945, he authorized the invasion of South Korea in 1950, triggering a defense of South Korea by the United Nations led by the United States.
Following the military stalemate in the Korean War, a cease-fire was signed on 27 July 1953. He was the second longest-serving non-royal head of state/government in the 20th century, in office for more than 45 years.


The British passenger liner RMS Titanic sinks in the North Atlantic at 2:20 a.m., two hours and forty minutes after hitting an iceberg. Only 710 of 2,227 passengers and crew on board survive.


1922/0415:USA「Teapot Dom Scanndal」
U.S. Senator John B. Kendrick of Wyoming introduces a resolution calling for an investigation of a secret land deal, which leads to the discovery of the Teapot Dome scandal.

Insulin becomes generally available for use by people with diabetes.

Rand McNally publishes its first road atlas.

1927/0415:フランス 大衆小説家 Gaston Leroux 186827、死去

un romancier français.
Il est surtout connu pour ses romans policiers empreints de fantastique.


Die Oper Frühlings Erwachen von Max Ettinger nach dem gleichnamigen Stück von Frank Wedekind wird in Leipzig uraufgeführt.
『Frühlings Erwachen 春のめざめ』1891年出版。思春期の少年たちの性への目覚めと、それに対する大人たちの抑圧、その結果として起こる少年たちの悲劇を描いた3幕の作品。検閲により上演禁止の措置がとられ、15年を経た1906年になってマックス・ラインハルトの演出で初演された。

1933/0415:イギリス 写真家 David Hamilton 193316、誕生

a British photographer and film director best known for his photography of young women and underage girls, mostly in the nude.

Lewis Carroll 183298 に始まって(それ以前からのことだらうが)、イギリスの知識人層の少女趣味の流行?は相當程度屈折し、倒錯したものだったやうに感じられる。この少女趣味の一方には、Oscar Wilde 185400 などの少年愛があり、かうした傾向はいまだに續いてゐるやうでもある。

Aer Lingus (Aer Loingeas) is founded by the Irish government as the national airline of the Republic of Ireland.

1938/0415:イタリア 女優 Claudia Cardinale 1938--、誕生

un'attrice italiana.

1942/0415:ドイツ 作家 Robert Musil 188042、死去

ein österreichischer Schriftsteller und Theaterkritiker.
Für sein literarisches Schaffen bedeutsame Einschnitte waren der Erste Weltkrieg sowie die Errichtung der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft in Deutschland und Österreich.

{James Joyce 188241の『ユリシイズ』、Marcel Proust 187122『失はれた時を求めて』と Robert Musil 188042 の『特性のない男』とが、二十世紀の文學の最高峰といふことになってゐたな。發表されたのもほゞ同時期だらう。

1944/0415:日本のフットボウラ 釜本邦茂1944--、誕生

Kamamoto Kunishige is a Japanese former football player and politician. He won the bronze medal with the Japan national team at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City, Mexico, finishing as the tournament's top scorer with seven goals, and is the all-time leading goalscorer for Japan.

Das KZ Bergen-Belsen wird durch kampflose Übergabe an britisch-kanadische Truppen unter Bernard Montgomery befreit.

Bergen-Belsen concentration camp is liberated.

Lage des ehemaligen KZs

1947/0415:USA MLB
Jackie Robinson debuts for the Brooklyn Dodgers, breaking baseball's color line.

1956/0415:ドイツ 画家 Emil Norde 186756、死去

einer der führenden Maler des Expressionismus.
Er ist einer der großen Aquarellisten in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts. Nolde ist bekannt für seine ausdrucksstarke Farbwahl.

Georges Pompidou est sous la présidence de Charles de Gaulle Premier ministre de la France.

The EC-121 shootdown incident: North Korea shoots down a United States Navy aircraft over the Sea of Japan, killing all 31 on board.

During the Cambodian Civil War, massacres of the Vietnamese minority results in 800 bodies flowing down the Mekong river into South Vietnam.

1972/0415:シカゴ学派 経済学 Frank Knight 188572、死去

an American economist who spent most of his career at the University of Chicago, where he became one of the founders of the Chicago school. Nobel laureates Milton Friedman, George Stigler and James M. Buchanan were all students of Knight at Chicago. Ronald Coase said that Knight, without teaching him, was a major influence on his thinking.
F.A. Hayek considered Knight to be one of the major figures in preserving and promoting classical liberal thought in the twentieth century.

1980/0415:日本の歌人 土岐善麿188580、死去

Toki Zenmaro was a Japanese Naturalist tanka poet.
After initially taking up tanka in his teens, he studied under Kun'en Kaneko, and when in attendance at Waseda University he socialized with other notable Naturalist poets such as Bokusui Wakayama.
Later, he earned the respect of the famous poet Takuboku Ishikawa 石川啄木188612, with whom he corresponded until the latter's death in 1912.

1980/0415:フランス 作家 Jean-Paul Sartre 190580、死去

Jean-Paul Sartre, écrivain et philosophe français, prix Nobel de littérature 1964 (refusé)

1986/0415:フランス 作家 Jean Genet 191086、死去

un écrivain, poète et auteur dramatique français. Jean Genet aborde dans ses ouvrages, l'homosexualité et l'érotisme, à travers la célébration de personnages ambivalents au sein de mondes interlopes.

{フランス文學のすばらしさは(と思ったモノだった)、十代の天才を何人も生みだし、盗賊から逃亡者、船乘り、飛行機乗り、歴史家から思想家までが多種多樣に文藝して、まことに Homme de lettres の國だと。ジュネは女衒だった。女衒から作家になったのではない。女衒で作家だったのだ。

1989/0415:中共の指導者 胡耀邦191589、死去


In China stirbt der Reformpolitiker Hu Yaobang. Sein Tod führt zwei Tage später zu ersten Demonstrationen am Tian’anmen-Platz in Peking.

1989/0415:イギリス、リヴァプウルで「Hillsborough disaster」
A human crush occurs at Hillsborough Stadium, home of Sheffield Wednesday, in the FA Cup Semi-final, resulting in the deaths of 96 Liverpool fans.

1990/0415:映画女優 Greta Garbo 190590、死去

a Swedish-born American film actress during the 1920s and 1930s.
Garbo was nominated three times for the Academy Award for Best Actress and received an Academy Honorary Award in 1954 for her "luminous and unforgettable screen performances."

In 1999, the American Film Institute ranked Garbo fifth on their list of the greatest female stars of classic Hollywood cinema, after Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, Audrey Hepburn and Ingrid Bergman.

1998/0415:クメル・ルウジュ Pol Pot (Saloth Sar) 192898、死去

Pol Pot (Khmer: ប៉ុល ពត) was a Cambodian revolutionary and politician who served as the Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea from 1976 to 1979.
Ideologically a Marxist-Leninist and Khmer nationalist, he led the Khmer Rouge group from 1963 until 1997. From 1963 to 1981, he served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea.


2013/0415:USA ボストンマラソンに二發の爆彈

Two bombs explode near the finish line at the Boston Marathon in Boston, Massachusetts, killing three people and injuring 264 others.

la Cour suprême de l'Inde reconnaît l’existence d’un troisième sexe.

{西洋近代的な社界(役割的)意識が根底から自壞していってる、と私などは思ってしまふ。もう男性でも女性でもなく、それも偏見であった、一個の「赤裸々なる」人間といった認識の人間觀へとなっていく ……

More than 200 female students are declared missing after a mass kidnapping in Borno State, Nigeria.

Lors de la guerre civile au Soudan du Sud, Bentiu est l'objet d’une bataille entre les rebelles de Riek Machar et le gouvernement sud-soudanais, suivi d'un massacre.


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