歴史暦:古今東西 12/27 今日の出來事
0232/1227:陳思王 曹植019232、薨去
His poetry has a great influence on future generations, talented and very popular poets admire; with his father Cao Cao, brother Cao Pi and said "three Cao." However, unlike his father and brother, Cao Zhi did not hold an important military and civilian life. Due to seal Chen Wang, and the number of thinking, future generations often said Chen Si Wang, Chen Wang.
The Hagia Sophia is completed.
Consécration de basilique Sainte-Sophie à Constantinople.
Prédication de la deuxième croisade à Spire par Saint Bernard, devant l'empereur Conrad III.
Saint Dominique et Diego d'Osma fondent le monastère féminin de Prouilhe (qui ne deviendra monastère double que l’année suivante), à l’origine du développement des dominicaines et des dominicains.
The Flemish explorer Wilhelm von Rubruk arrives at the Mongolian capital Karakorum, where he and his companions are allowed to spend several months at the court of the Großkhans Möngke Khan.
1428/1227:Hussite Wars「Battle of Altwilmsdorf」
In der Zeit der Hussitenkriege besiegen Hussiten in der Schlacht bei Altwilmsdorf im Glatzer Land das Truppenaufgebot des Münsterberger Herzogs Johann I.
In the time of the Hussite Wars, Hussites defeat the troops of the Münsterberg Duke Johann I in the Battle of Altwilmsdorf in the Glatzer Land.
この自天王と忠義王の兄弟の悲話については、谷崎潤一郎188665 が強い興味と關心を持って取材してゐたことをその『吉野葛』で書いてゐた。だが、作品に作ることはなかった。 ―― と識って、創作意欲が湧いてきた私は、地元でもないけれど吉野の山奥の(北山といふ所だけど)、雪降り仕切るなかの深夜の惡靈のやうな慘劇を思ひ描いたのであった。
The Spanish Crown issues the Laws of Burgos, governing the conduct of settlers with regard to native Indians in the New World.
Leyes de Burgos para la protección de los amerindios. Introducen la encomienda, la asignación de la cuota de trabajo nativo a los colonos del Nuevo Mundo a cambio de una educación cristiana.
The Zwickau prophets arrive in Wittenberg disturbing the peace and preaching the Apocalypse.
Philip Melanchthon cannot silence them.
Martin Luther is being held in protective custody at the Wartburg castle at this time. He is later released and is able, by his preaching, to regain the peace.
1571/1227:Johannes Kepler 157130、誕生
ein deutscher Naturphilosoph, Mathematiker, Astronom, Astrologe, Optiker und evangelischer Theologe.
1585/1227:Pierre de Ronsard 152485、死去
un des poètes français les plus importants du XVIe siècle.
Il était la figure centrale de "la Pléiade" et a été honoré comme "le prince des poètes".
« Prince des poètes et poète des princes », Pierre de Ronsard est une figure majeure de la littérature poétique de la Renaissance. Auteur d’une œuvre vaste qui, en plus de trente ans, s'est portée aussi bien sur la poésie engagée et officielle dans le contexte des guerres de religions avec Les Hymnes et les Discours (1555-1564), que sur l’épopée avec La Franciade (1572) ou la poésie lyrique avec les recueils Les Odes (1550-1552) et des Amours (Les Amours de Cassandre, 1552 ; Les Amours de Marie, 1555 ; Sonnets pour Hélène, 1578).
la Pléiade
Krakow crowned Sigismund III of Poland, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania.
Kōsa (光佐), also known as Hongan-ji Kennyo (本願寺顕如), was the 11th head of the Hongan-ji in Kyoto, and Chief Abbot of Ishiyama Hongan-ji 石山本願寺, cathedral fortress of the Ikkō-ikki 一向一揆(Buddhist warrior monks and peasants who opposed samurai rule), during its siege at the end of the Sengoku 戰國 period. He engineered many alliances, and organized the defenses of the cathedral to the point that most at the time considered Ishiyama Hongan-ji to be unbreachable.
He regarded Oda Nobunaga 織田信長153482 as a "Buddhist enemy" aimed at unification of the God and Buddha, and calling for a believer in Honjin to overthrew Nobunaga and challenged the decisive battle. With opponent Oda Army overwhelmingly advantageous both militarily and economically, he built a network of Nobunaga around the scheme and fought a fierce battle for over 10 years
Henri IV échappe à une tentative d'assassinat menée par Jean Châtel.
Jean Châtel (en moyen-français Jean Chastel) 157594 est un jeune homme qui tenta d'assassiner Henri IV le 27 décembre 1594. Il fut exécuté, en place de Grève deux jours plus tard.
1654/1227:Jacques Bernoulli 165405、誕生
un mathématicien et physicien suisse, frère de Jean Bernoulli et oncle de Daniel Bernoulli et Nicolas Bernoulli.
Il rencontre Robert Boyle et Robert Hooke lors d'un voyage en Angleterre en 1676. Après cela, il se consacre à la physique et aux mathématiques.
Il mérita par ses travaux et ses découvertes d'être nommé associé de l'Académie des sciences de Paris (1699) et de celle de Berlin (1702).
Sa correspondance avec Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz le conduit à étudier le calcul infinitésimal en collaboration avec son frère Jean. Il fut un des premiers à comprendre et à appliquer le calcul différentiel et intégral, proposé par Leibniz, découvrit les propriétés des nombres dits depuis nombres de Bernoulli et donna la solution de problèmes regardés jusque-là comme insolubles.
1655/1227:Second Northern War/the Deluge
Monks at the Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa are successful in fending off a month-long siege.
1703/1227:Tratado Methuen entre Portugal e Inglaterra.
In the methane contract, England acquires the right to export textiles unrestrictedly to Portugal, while conversely Portugal may exclusively supply England with wine.
Portugal and England sign the Methuen Treaty which gives preference to Portuguese imported wines into England.
1707/1227:Jean Mabillon 163207、死去
un religieux et un historien français,
Il est un moine bénédictin français, un historien et un archéologue et est également connu comme "père de l'étude historique", a écrit "De re diplomatica" 1681.
De même, la publication de son ouvrage De Re Diplomatica a été considérée a posteriori par l'historien Marc Bloch comme « une grande date en vérité dans l’histoire de l’esprit humain ».
1743/1227:Hyacinthe Rigaud 165943、死去
un peintre français, spécialisé dans le portrait. フランスの肖像画家
le général Lazare Hoche à la tête de l'armée de Rhin-et-Moselle bat les Autrichiens et les Prussiens à la bataille de Wissembourg.
La bataille de Wissembourg se déroule du 26 au 29 décembre 1793 et oppose une armée française sous le commandement du général Lazare Hoche aux armées de la Première Coalition.
Les troupes révolutionnaires françaises entrent en Hollande.
Dans le nord de l'Italie, sous l'influence de la Révolution française, la République Cispadan est fondée comme une république filiale française.
Napoléon Ier nomme son frère Joseph roi de Naples.
1814/1227:USA「War of 1812」
The American schooner USS Carolina is destroyed.
It was the last of Commodore Daniel Patterson's makeshift fleet that fought a series of delaying actions that contributed to Andrew Jackson's victory at the Battle of New Orleans.
1822/1227:Louis Pasteur 182295、誕生
un scientifique français, chimiste et physicien de formation, pionnier de la microbiologie, qui, de son vivant même, connut une grande notoriété pour avoir mis au point un vaccin contre la rage.
ドイツの Robert Koch 184310 とともに「近代細菌學の開祖」と並称される。
≫ 科學には國境はないが、科學者に祖國がある。
Charles Darwin embarks on his journey aboard the HMS Beagle, during which he will begin to formulate his theory of evolution.
1832/1227:Thomas Blakiston 183291、誕生
an English explorer and naturalist.
He stayed in Japan from the end of the Tokugawa period to the Meiji era. He pointed out the existence of a zoological distribution boundary line in the Tsugaru Strait, which was later named "Blakiston line".
1834/1227:Charles Lamb 177534、死去
an English essayist, poet, and antiquarian, best known for his Essays of Elia and for the children's book Tales from Shakespeare, co-authored with his sister, Mary Lamb176447.
He studied at Christch Hospital from 1782 to 1789 and has a relationship with the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. After that, he worked for East India Company for more than 30 years, and after retirement lived with that salary.
Family tragedy
In 1796 my sister Mary stabbed my mother with a knife due to a temporary insanity. Lam abandoned his marriage and continued to look after her sister who suffered an irregular seizure due to mental illness.
The worst ever avalanche in England occurs at Lewes, Sussex, killing eight people.
The Lewes avalanche occurred in Lewes, Sussex, when a huge build-up of snow on a chalk cliff overlooking the town collapsed into the settlement 100 metres below, destroying a row of cottages and killing eight people.
It remains the deadliest avalanche on record in the United Kingdom.
Ether anesthetic is used for childbirth for the first time by Dr. Crawford Long in Jefferson, Georgia.
Spanish Prime Minister Juan Prim is attacked when he leaves a parliamentary session. Prim dies of the injuries three days later.
Count Ōtani Kōzui was the 22nd Abbot of the Nishi Honganji sub-sect of Jōdo Shinshū Buddhism in Kyoto, Japan. He is known for expeditions to Buddhist sites in Central Asia, such as Subashi.
1880/1227:Theodor Litt 188062、誕生
ein deutscher Kultur- und Sozialphilosoph und Pädagoge.
Er zeichnet den Fluss von Wilhelm Diltheyi183311, idealerweise ein Hegelianer. Insbesondere hatte sie großen Einfluss auf Wolfgang Klafki, der Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts die deutsche Bildungswissenschaft leitete.
The Olympia Exhibition Hall, built by the National Agricultural Company, opens in London, the largest steel and glass building in the UK.
à Saint-Pétersbourg, la convention militaire qui avait été signée au mois d'août 1892 par la France et la Russie est enfin ratifiée par le tsar.
1901/1227:Marlene Dietrich 190192、誕生
eine deutsche Schauspielerin und Sängerin.
Sie blühte in der deutschen Filmhochzeit der Weimarer Republik der 1920er Jahre auf, trat in Hollywood-Filmen aus den 1930er Jahren auf, und seit den 1950er Jahren viel Aktivität als Sängerin.
With three one-acters of William Butler Yeats and Lady Gregory, the Abbey Theater opens in Dublin.
1904/1227:ロンドン、「Peter Pan」初登場
The stage play Peter Pan by James Matthew Barrie will be premiered in London.
"Jana Gana Mana", the national anthem of India, is first sung in the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress.
1918/1227:「Great Poland Uprising」against the Germans
Der Posener Aufstand beginnt. Die Polen in der preußischen Provinz Posen kämpfen militärisch für eine Eingliederung ihrer Region in die Zweite Polnische Republik.
1919/1227:トルコ、Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
, following his election to the deputies of the last House of Ottoman deputies, remains in Anatolia and between this day in Ankara. He is greeted triumphantly in what will become the capital of the Turkish Republic.
The Swedish film company Svensk Filmindustri (SF), producer of numerous Bergman films, is formed.
{このBergman は Ingrid Bergman 191582。
Japanese aircraft carrier Hōshō becomes the first purpose built aircraft carrier to be commissioned in the world.
1923/1227:Gustave Eiffel 183223、死去
un ingénieur centralien et un industriel français, qui a notamment participé à la construction de la tour Eiffel à Paris, du viaduc de Garabit et de la statue de la Liberté à New York.
1925/1227:Sergueï Essénin 189525、死去(自殺)
「セルゲイ エセニン」(Сергей Александрович Есенин), poète russe
русский поэт, представитель новокрестьянской поэзии и лирики, а в более позднем периоде творчества — имажинизма Russian poet, representative of new peasant poetry and lyrics, and in a later period of creativity - imagination
In 1916, he published the first poetry collection "Радуница". In poetry on love and life, he became one of the most popular poets at that time in Russia.
Yesenin's suicide triggered an epidemic of copycat suicides by his mostly female fans. For example, Galina Benislavskaya, his ex-girlfriend, killed herself by his graveside in December 1926.
Although he was one of Russia's most popular poets and had been given an elaborate state funeral, some of his writings were banned by the Kremlin during the reigns of Joseph Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev. Nikolai Bukharin's criticism of Yesenin contributed significantly to the banning.
1925/1227:Michel Piccoli 1925--、誕生
un acteur français. Il est également producteur, réalisateur et scénariste.
私にとっての彼は、やはり、Jean-Luc Godard 1930-- の『軽蔑』の時の役と、
それから、Luis Buñuel 190083 の『昼顔』の時とが印象に殘ってゐる。或意味、もっともフランス人を感じさせる男優だった、私にとっては。
Stalin's faction prevails in the Soviet Union and Leon Trotsky is expelled from the Communist Party.
Сталинская фракция преобладает в Советском Союзе, а Леон Троцкий исключен из коммунистической партии.
1927/1227:USA、最初のミュウジカル『Show Boat』初演
, considered to be the first true American musical play, opens at the Ziegfeld Theatre on Broadway.
Soviet General Secretary Joseph Stalin orders the "liquidation of the kulaks as a class".
1932/1227:USA、NYC「Radio City Music Hall」
"Showplace of the Nation", opens in New York City.
With a spectacular stage show, the New York City Radio City Music Hall is open to the public. However, the desired return to high-class variety fails.
1936/1227:Hans von Seeckt 186636、死去
ein deutscher Generaloberst und von 1920 bis 1926 Chef der Heeresleitung der Reichswehr. Er war außerdem von 1930 bis 1932 Mitglied des Reichstages und hielt sich zwischen 1933 und 1935 mehrere Male in der Republik China als Militärberater von General Chiang Kai-shek auf.
1938/1227:Ossip Emiljewitsch Mandelstam 189138、死去
ein russischer Dichter. Neben Anna Achmatowa und Nikolai Gumiljow war er der entschiedenste Vertreter des Akmeismus.
In 1913 he published his first poetry collection "Камень (Stones)" at his own expense. Acmezim is a poem that expresses in mind-friendly language with emphasis on reality, excluding the mystical expression, and was broadly supported from the knowledge class to the common people.
1933年に雑誌『星』に掲載された『アルメニア紀行』を最後として、彼は読者の前から完全に姿を消す。不服従の精神が1933年の秋に書かせた有名な『スタリン・エピグラム』の一節で、マンデリシュタムは「我々は足下に大地を感じずに生きている "Мы живем, под собою не чуя страны..."」といい、「クレムリンの登山家たち」を非難し、スタリンがクラク(ロシア富農)を根絶するために執行した集団化とその結果としての大飢饉を「16の死刑宣告」と呼んだ。
The 7.8 Mw Erzincan earthquake shakes eastern Turkey with a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI (Extreme). At least 32,700 people were killed.
1939/1227:フィンランドvsソ連「Winter War」
Finland holds off a Soviet attack in the Battle of Kelja.
1942/1227:William George Morgan 187027、死去
the inventor of volleyball, originally called "Mintonette".
The Soviet army encircles Budapest.
Советская армия окружает Будапешт.
1945/1227:The International Monetary Fund is created with the signing of an agreement by 29 nations.
国際通貨基金 (IMF) と国際復興開発銀行(世界銀行)を設立するための『ブレトンウッズ協定』が発効。
Wave of Zionist attacks against British installations in Palestine.
the Foreign Ministers of Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States, meeting in Moscow, advocate the establishment of a provisional democratic government in Korea.
1949/1227:インドネシア「Indonesian National Revolution」
The Netherlands officially recognizes Indonesian independence. End of the Dutch East Indies.
Après plus de trois siècles de régime colonial, la reine Juliana des Pays-Bas signe l'acte de souveraineté de l'Indonésie.
Promotion of "National Health Insurance Law"
1959/1227:Alfonso Reyes Ochoa 189959、死去
un poeta, ensayista, narrador, diplomático y pensador mexicano. Se le conoce también como «el regiomontano universal».
While continuing his work as a diplomat, he performed literary activities. He has worked on poetry and novels and has great influence not only in Japan, but also in next generation writers of Latin American countries. When I arrived in Buenos Aires as Ambassador of Mexico, young Jorge Luis Borges 189986 came to the teaching.
Borges said "the greatest writer in Spanish-language writers",
Octavio Paz 191498 said "He changed the anecdotes of literature,"
Carlos Fuentes said "If he makes everything in Western culture a Latin American word I translated it. "
The Beatles make their first appearance in Liverpool at Litherland Town Hall.
Dissolution of the House of Representatives. (Dissolution of "Black Mist")
Ten thousand "Red Guards", meeting in Beijing, denounce the president Liu Shaoqi.
The Cave of Swallows, the largest known cave shaft in the world, is discovered in Aquismón, San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
1968/1227:USA「Apollo program」
Apollo 8 splashes down in the Pacific Ocean, ending the first orbital manned mission to the Moon.
その後の經過については→ https://is.gd/OcRBhO
Libya, Sudan and the United Arab Republic announce the signing of a political, economic and military agreement.
Australia ends its military engagement with South Vietnam.
Spain becomes a democracy after 40 years of fascist dictatorship.
Afghanistan Conflict: The Soviet Union attacked the Presidential Palace in Afghanistan and killed President Hafi Suller Amin.
Les troupes de l'Union soviétique envahissent l'Afghanistan. Le président Hafizullah Amin est assassiné et remplacé par Babrak Karmal.
1980/1227:イギリスで「Rendlesham Forest incident」
A UFO encounter incident in the forest of Rendell Siam in Suffolk, England
A climber in Japan. Four times to the high peak of 8000 meters, three times to Everest. It is the world's first time to mount Everest from both sides of Nepal and Tibet, the world's first climb in the Everest 3 season (Spring, Autumn, Winter).
Palestinian guerrillas kill eighteen people inside the airports of Rome, Italy, and Vienna, Austria.
The Romanian Revolution concludes, as the last minor street confrontations and stray shootings abruptly end in the country's capital, Bucharest.
l'UNESCO classe sur sa liste du patrimoine mondial les quais de la Seine à Paris et la cathédrale de Reims.
2002/1227:George Roy Hill 192102、死去
an American film director. He is most noted for directing such films as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) and The Sting (1973), which both starred the acting duo Paul Newman and Robert Redford.
Other notable Hill films include: Slaughterhouse-Five, The World According to Garp, The World of Henry Orient, Hawaii, Thoroughly Modern Millie, The Great Waldo Pepper, Slap Shot, Funny Farm, A Little Romance with Laurence Olivier, and The Little Drummer Girl.
Taliban forces retake the strategic Bagram Airfield which solidifies their buffer zone around Kabul, Afghanistan.
Protestant paramilitary leader Billy Wright is assassinated in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
In Kosovo, despite warnings from NATO and the OSCE, Slobodan Milošević launches a new offensive against the KLA, the Kosovo Liberation Army.
Two truck bombs kill 72 and wound 200 at the pro-Moscow headquarters of the Chechen government in Grozny, Chechnya, Russia.
2007/1227:Jerzy Kawalerowicz 192207、死去
ein polnischer Filmregisseur, Drehbuchautor und Filmproduzent.
1961 verfilmte er mit Mutter Johanna von den Engeln einen Roman von Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz (der Film wurde mit dem Sonderpreis der Jury bei den Filmfestspielen von Cannes 1961 ausgezeichnet)
# 原作はヤロスワフ・イヴァシュキェヴィッチ『尼僧ヨアンナ』(岩波文庫)ほか。フランスの小都市ルーダンで実際に行われた悪魔裁判を題材とした作品。舞台は中世末期のポーランドの辺境の町ルーディンに変えている。修道院の若き尼僧長ヨアンナに悪魔がつき,悪魔祓いに派遣された神父はあれこれ手を尽くすが万策尽きて…。同じ事件はオルダス・ハクスリー『ルーダンの悪魔』でも扱われていて、これはケン・ラッセル監督が『肉体の悪魔』(1971)として映画化。
Former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated in a shooting incident.
assassinat de Benazir Bhutto à Rawalpindi (Pakistan).
Riots erupt in Mombasa, Kenya, after Mwai Kibaki is declared the winner of the presidential election, triggering a political, economic, and humanitarian crisis.
Israel launches 3-week operation on Gaza.
Iranian election protests: On the Day of Ashura in Tehran, Iran, government security forces fire upon demonstrators.
une actrice japonaise.
Généralement cantonnée dans des seconds rôles, elle est principalement connue pour avoir tourné plusieurs films avec Akira Kurosawa.
2012/1227:Norman Schwarzkopf 193412、死去
a United States Army general. While serving as Commander-in-chief, United States Central Command, he led all coalition forces in the Gulf War.