


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 01/09 今日の出來事


The Byzantine emperor Zenon flees from Constantinople because of a planned palace revolt against him. The next day Basiliskos is raised to the new emperor.


ゼノン(Ζήνων, Zenon 042691) 皇帝レオ一世のもとで実権を握ってゐたゲルマン人のアスパル父子を倒した功績で皇女アリアドネの婿となり、レオ一世歿後、アリアドネとの一男、レオ二世の後見役となる。が、レオ二世が早世したため即位。



Twelfth Council of Toledo: King Erwig of the Visigoths initiates a council in which he implements diverse measures against the Jews in Spain.


Minamoto no Muneyuki est un poète de waka 和歌 du début de l'époque de Heian 平安 et un noble japonais. Il fait partie de la liste des trente-six grands poètes 三十六歌仙 et un de ses poèmes est inclus dans l'anthologie bien connue Hyakunin Isshu.百人一首于 Parmi ses œuvres, il existe une collection de poèmes appelée Muneyukishū (宗于集).

『寛平后宮歌合』や『是貞親王家歌合』などの歌合に参加し、紀貫之087045らとの贈答歌などが傳はる。 『古今和歌集』に六首ほか、勅撰和歌集に十五15首が入集。



Jin–Song Wars: Invading Jurchen soldiers from the Jin dynasty besiege and sack Bianjing (Kaifeng), the capital of the Song dynasty of China, and abduct Emperor Qinzong of Song and others, ending the Northern Song dynasty.

靖康の變: 金の軍勢によって首府開封が陥落、北宋が滅亡し、皇帝欽宗と太上皇徽宗は金に連行された政變。


Jin Xizong was Hailing Wang Wan Yan Liang by the end, Wanyanliang become the fourth emperor of the Golden State.
Wanyan Liang and other court officials murder Emperor Xizong of Jin. Wanyan Liang succeeds him as emperor.



Shinran ou Zenshin (善信) est le fondateur de l'école bouddhique japonaise Jōdo-Shinshū (淨土眞宗 « École véritable de la Terre pure »), après avoir quitté le maitre Hōnen 平安. Il s'est donné lui-même le surnom de « Tondu-l'imbécile » (愚禿, Gutoku).






1317/0109:フランス、フィリプ五世 卽位
Philippe V est couronné et sacré roi de France dans la cathédrale de Reims. Il règne en union personnelle comme Philippe II et le Royaume de Navarre.

Toute la population juive de Bâle, accusée d'être responsable de la propagation de la peste, est massacrée et incinérée.

In Basel, a large part of the Jewish population of the city, which has been banished to a Rhine island, burned in a house built especially for them, because they are accused of the poisoning of wells during the plague epidemic of the Black Death.

Début du procès de Jeanne d'Arc.

Judges' investigations for the trial of Joan of Arc begin in Rouen.

1514/0109:フランス王妃 Anne de Bretagne 147714、崩去

reine de France de 1491 à 1498 et de 1499 à 1514, veuve de Charles VIII et épouse de Louis XII
duchesse de Bretagne et comtesse de Montfort (1488-1514) et d'Étampes (1512-1514) et, par ses mariages, reine de Germanie (1490-1491), puis de France (1491-1498), puis de nouveau reine de France (1499-1514) et reine de Naples (1501-1503) et duchesse de Milan (1499-1500 et 1500-1512).


Amago Haruhisa was a daimyō 大名 warlord in the Chūgoku 中國 region of western Japan.
戦国時代、出雲国戦国大名。「出雲・隠岐備前・備中・備後・美作・因幡伯耆」の守護大名となり、「八カ国守護」とも呼ばれた。He was the second son of Amago Masahisa. Initially named Akihisa (詮久), he changed his name to Haruhisa in 1541 after Ashikaga Yoshiharu 足利義晴152146 offered to let him use a kanji character(晴) from his name.


Un grave terremoto in Sicilia costa circa 60.000 vite.

Die Stadt Altona wird im Großen Nordischen Krieg von schwedischen Truppen niedergebrannt.

1728/0109:イギリスの桂冠詩人 Thomas Warton 172890、誕生

an English literary historian, critic, and poet. From 1785 to 1790 he was the Poet Laureate of England.

His most famous poem remains The Pleasures of Melancholy, a representative work of the Graveyard poets.

1757/0109:Bernard Le Bouyer de Fontenelle 165757、死去

un écrivain et scientifique français.


1792/0109:ロシア&オットマン「Treaty of Jassy」
 between Russian and Ottoman Empire is signed.

à Jassy en Moldavie entre l'Empire russe et l'Empire ottoman. L'objectif du traité était de mettre fin à la septième guerre russo-turque déclarée par les Ottomans à la Russie en 1787 parce que cette dernière avait occupé le khanat de Crimée et le littoral septentrional de la mer Noire.

The Frenchman Jean-Pierre Blanchard starts in Philadelphia in the presence of George Washington for the first balloon flight on the American continent.

Le magnifique navire du Doge vénitien, le Bucintoro, est complètement détruit par les soldats de Napoléon, qui surestiment la valeur de la feuille d'or appliquée.

1799/0109:イタリアの女数学者 Maria Gaetana Agnesi 171899、死去

una matematica, filosofa e benefattrice italiana. Riconosciuta come una delle più grandi matematiche di tutti i tempi, fu la prima donna autrice di un libro di matematica e la prima a ottenere una cattedra universitaria di matematica, dopo aver insegnato nell'Università di Bologna per tre anni in sostituzione del padre.


British Prime Minister William Pitt the Younger introduces an income tax of two shillings to the pound to raise funds for Great Britain's war effort in the Napoleonic Wars.

Horatio Nelson, who died in October near Trafalgar, is buried in a state funeral in the crypt of London's St Paul's Cathedral.


Sir Humphry Davy tests his safety lamp for miners at Hebburn Colliery.

The Portuguese prince Pedro I of Brazil decides to stay in Brazil against the orders of the Portuguese King João VI, beginning the Brazilian independence process.

1829/0109:ドイツの西域探檢家 Adolf Schlagintweit 182957、處刑

ein deutscher Reisender und Entdecker.

1854年Alexander von Humboldt 176959 の推薦を受けて、イギリス東インド会社は、ヘルマン、アドルフとロベルトの三兄弟に西域の科学的調査、特に、地磁気についての研究を委託した。以後三年間、デカン高原から始まり、ヒマラヤ山脈カラコルム山脈崑崙山脈を踏破した。

Adolf Schlagintweit bereiste im Sommer 1857 erneut das Hochland nördlich des Himalaya, überschritt den Kunlun östlicher als seine Brüder im Jahr zuvor und stieg dann nach Turkestan hinab. In der Nähe von Kaschgar wurde er gefangengenommen und am 26. August 1857 ohne Prozess oder Anhörung am Hof des Hodschas Wali Khan als mutmaßlicher chinesischer Spion enthauptet.


Iwasaki Yatarō was a Japanese financier and shipping industrialist, and the founder of Mitsubishi. 明治時代の政商。

The French Academy of Sciences announces the Daguerreotype photography process.

The strong Fort Tejon earthquake shakes large parts of California.
The quake is comparable to the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. The epicenter is suspected in the city of Parkfield. Due to the fact that the affected area is sparsely populated, less personal injury than property damage is the result.

Anson Jones, the last President of the Republic of Texas, commits suicide.

1861/0109:American Civil War: "Star of the West" incident occurs near Charleston, South Carolina.

Star of the West was an American civilian steamship, launched in 1852 and scuttled by Confederate forces in 1863. In January 1861, she was hired by the United States government to transport military supplies and reinforcements to the U.S. military garrison of Fort Sumter, but was fired on by cadets from The Citadel, in what were effectively the first shots fired in the American Civil War.

1873/0109:フランス政事家 Napoléon III 180873、死去

Charles-Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte1, dit Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, est un homme d'État français. Il est à la fois l'unique président de la Seconde République, le premier chef d’État français élu au suffrage universel masculin, le 10 décembre 1848, le premier président de la République française, et après la proclamation de l'Empire le 2 décembre 1852, le dernier monarque du pays, sous le nom de Napoléon III, empereur des Français.

Umberto I becomes King of Italy.

1890/0109:Karel Čapek 189038、誕生

ein tschechischer Schriftsteller, Übersetzer, Journalist und Fotograf und gilt als einer der wichtigsten Autoren der tschechischen Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert. Das Wort Roboter geht auf sein Schauspiel R.U.R. zurück.




1890/0109:Kurt Tucholsky 189035、誕生

ein deutscher Journalist und Schriftsteller.
Er schrieb auch unter den Pseudonymen Kaspar Hauser, Peter Panter, Theobald Tiger und Ignaz Wrobel.

Tucholsky was one of the most important journalists of the Weimar Republic. As a politically engaged journalist and temporary co-editor of the weekly magazine Die Weltbühne he proved himself to be a social critic in the tradition of Heinrich Heine. He was simultaneously a satirist, an author of satirical political revues, a songwriter and a poet.
He saw himself as a left-wing democrat and pacifist and warned against anti-democratic tendencies – above all in politics, the military and justice – and the threat of National Socialism. His fears were confirmed when the Nazis came to power in January 1933. In May of that year he was among the authors whose works were banned as "un-German", and burned; he was also among the first authors and intellectuals whose German citizenship was revoked

Alles vergängliche ist nur ein Gleichnis. Faust II


Asahina Sōgen was an influential Japanese Rinzai zen 臨濟禪 master and founder of Nippon wo Mamoru kai 日本を守る會. He was also a prolific writer and a calligrapher.



1905/0109:フランスのアナキスト Louise Michel 183005、死去

une institutrice, militante anarchiste, franc-maçonne, aux idées féministes et l’une des figures majeures de la Commune de Paris. Première à arborer le drapeau noir, elle popularise celui-ci au sein du mouvement libertaire.

1923/0109:小説家 Katherine Mansfield 188823、死去

a prominent New Zealand modernist short story writer who was born and brought up in colonial New Zealand and wrote under the pen name of Katherine Mansfield.
At 19, Mansfield left New Zealand and settled in the United Kingdom, where she became a friend of writers such as D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf. In 1917, she was diagnosed with extrapulmonary tuberculosis, which led to her death at age 34.


« Dimanche rouge » à Saint-Pétersbourg.

1908/0109:フランスの思想家 Simone de Beauvoir 190686、誕生

une philosophe, romancière, épistolière, mémorialiste et essayiste française.
Simone de Beauvoir est souvent considérée comme une théoricienne importante du féminisme, et a participé au mouvement de libération des femmes dans les années 1970.

En 1929, elle fait la connaissance de Jean-Paul Sartre 190580, qui interagira les uns avec les autres tout au long de sa vie.
Tous les deux ont passé l'Agrégion (la première qualification d'enseignement) (philosophie) de cette année (Sartre est n ° 1, Beauvoir est n ° 2). Passage à l'âge de 21 ans est le plus jeune dans l'histoire, et aussi comme une femme dans son ensemble, il a été le neuvième passé depuis Aguregação a accepté les femmes.
Avant ou après cela, elle a fait la connaissance de Paul Nizan 190540, Claude Lévi-Strauss 190809, Maurice Merleau-Ponty 190861.

Accord entre la France et l'Allemagne sur le Maroc.

Ernest Shackleton, leading the Nimrod Expedition to the South Pole, plants the British flag 97 nautical miles (180 km; 112 mi) from the South Pole, the farthest anyone had ever reached at that time.

Due to lack of provisions, the British polar expedition under Ernest Shackleton around 180 km from the South Pole in the Antarctic must reverse.


After the resignation of Duarte Leite Pereira da Silva, Afonso Costa becomes prime minister in Portugal for the first time.

Nach dem Rücktritt der Regierung Afonso Costa wird Bernardino Machado Ministerpräsident der instabilen Ersten Portugiesischen Republik.

1916/0109:WWⅠ「Battle of Gallipoli」
 concludes with an Ottoman Empire victory when the last Allied forces are evacuated from the peninsula.

With the evacuation of the last units of the Entente from the peninsula ends in the First World War, the Battle of Gallipoli, which began on 19 February of the previous year.

The Battle of Rafa is fought near the Egyptian border with Palestine.

1918/0109:American Indian Wars「Battle of Bear Valley」
 The last battle of the American Indian Wars.

三俣の大雪崩: 新潟県三俣村(現湯沢町)で大規模な雪崩が発生、死者155名。記録に残るものでは日本最悪の雪崩災害。

Greco-Turkish War: The First Battle of İnönü, the first battle of the war, begins near Eskişehir in Anatolia.

Juan de la Cierva makes the first autogyro flight.

1924/0109:ソ連の映画監督 Sergei Parajanov 192490、誕生

советский кинорежиссёр, сценарист и художник.
World fame came to Sergei Paradzhanov after the filming of the cult films "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" (1965) and "Color of the Pomegranate" (1968), thanks to which the director is considered one of the founders of the "new Soviet wave" and "poetic cinema".

1946年、モスクワの全ソ国立映画大学の監督科に入学。 1947年の夏に悪ふざけに耽っていたトビリシの学生らとともに同性愛の嫌疑をかけられて逮捕され、初めて投獄された。翌1948年の初めに釈放された。 1951年、初の短編『Молдавская сказка』を製作した。また、1950年にタタール人の女学生と結婚したが、翌1951年に彼女は女学生の家族の報復によって殺害された。

1927/0109:イギリスの思想家 Houston Stewart Chamberlain 185527、死去

a British-born philosopher who wrote works about political philosophy and natural science;
Chamberlain's best known book is the two-volume Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century), published in 1899, which became highly influential in the pan-Germanic völkisch movements of the early 20th century and later influenced the antisemitism of Nazi racial policy. Indeed, Chamberlain has been referred to as "Hitler's John the Baptist"

A fire at the Laurier Palace movie theatre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, kills 78 children.

1929/0109:ドイツの劇作者 Heiner Müller 192995、誕生

Pseudonym Max Messer, gilt als einer der wichtigsten deutschsprachigen Dramatiker der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts und zählt zu den bedeutendsten Schriftstellerpersönlichkeiten der DDR. Bedeutung erlangte er außerdem als Lyriker, Prosa-Autor und Essayist, Interviewpartner sowie als Regisseur, Dramaturg, Intendant und Präsident der Akademie der Künste Berlin (Ost).




Annonce de la découverte du Francium par Marguerite Perey.

1941/0109:USA歌手 Joan Baez 1941--、誕生

an American folk singer, songwriter, musician, and activist whose contemporary folk music often includes songs of protest or social justice,

First flight of the Avro Lancaster.

The British bomber Avro Lancaster is being tested in its first flight. The aircraft is subsequently produced in large quantities for the Royal Air Force.


With the landing of US Army troops in the Gulf of Lingayen, the Battle of Luzon begins against the Imperial Japanese Army in the Philippines.

1947/0109:ドイツの社界學者 Karl Mannheim 189347、死去

ein Soziologe und Philosoph österreichisch-ungarischer Herkunft, jüdischer Religion, deutscher und britischer Staatsbürgerschaft und kosmopolitischer Gesinnung.

Mannheim’s life, one of intellectual and geographical migration, falls into three main phases: Hungarian (to 1919), German (1919–1933), British (1933–1947). Among his valued interlocutors were György Lukács, Oszkár Jászi, Georg Simmel, Martin Heidegger, Edmund Husserl, Karl Marx, Alfred and Max Weber, Max Scheler, and Wilhelm Dilthey. In his work, he sought variously to synthesize elements derived from German historicism, Marxism, phenomenology, sociology, and Anglo-American pragmatism.

The United Nations Headquarters is officially opened in New York City.

The British North Greenland Expedition measures the hitherto lowest temperature on the island of Greenland at its wintering station North Ice at -65.9 degrees Celsius.

British Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden resigns from office following his failure to retake the Suez Canal from Egyptian sovereignty.

Start of work on the Aswan dam on the Nile, financed by the Soviet Union.

President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser opens construction on the Aswan Dam by detonating ten tons of dynamite to demolish twenty tons of granite on the east bank of the Nile.

Martyrs' Day: Several Panamanian youths try to raise the Panamanian flag in the U.S.-controlled Panama Canal Zone, leading to fighting between U.S. military and Panamanian civilians.




Floating Seawise University, the former RMS Queen Elizabeth is severely damaged and capsized in Hong Kong harbor by a fire, presumably laid.


On the occasion of the International Year of the Child, the Bee Gees perform at the concert for UNICEF with their title Too Much Heaven. The group donates its entire worldwide royalties to the United Nations Children's Fund.


1968/0109:マラソン選手 円谷幸吉194068、死去(自殺)

Tsuburaya Kōkichi was a Japanese athlete who competed mainly as a marathoner.
Kokichi was also a 1st lieutenant in the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force.


父上様母上様 三日とろろ美味しうございました。干し柿 もちも美味しうございました。
敏雄兄姉上様 おすし美味しうございました。
勝美兄姉上様 ブドウ酒 リンゴ美味しうございました。
巌兄姉上様 しそめし 南ばんづけ美味しうございました。
喜久造兄姉上様 ブドウ液 養命酒美味しうございました。又いつも洗濯ありがとうございました。
幸造兄姉上様 往復車に便乗さして戴き有難とうございました。モンゴいか美味しうございました。
父上様母上様 幸吉は、もうすっかり疲れ切ってしまって走れません。
何卒 お許し下さい。



Uno Jūkichi est un acteurs, réalisateurs, réalisateurs japonais.

Representatives from the United States and Iraq meet at the Geneva Peace Conference to try to find a peaceful resolution to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

The Serbian minority in Bosnia and Herzegovina proclaims the Republika Srpska in the east and north of the country and thereby contributes significantly to the outbreak of the Bosnian war.

1995/0109:ラオス王族 Souphanouvong 190995、崩去

「スファヌボン」along with his half-brother Prince Souvanna Phouma and Prince Boun Oum of Champasak, one of the “Three Princes” who represented respectively the communist (pro-Vietnam), neutralist, and royalist political factions in Laos.
He was the figurehead President of Laos from December 1975 to August 1991.

1996/0109:Walter Michael Miller 192396、死去

an American science fiction writer. He is known primarily for A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959), the only novel he published in his lifetime. Prior to its publication he was a prolific writer of short stories.
存命中に出版された唯一の長編小説であった『A Canticle for Leibowitz 黙示録3174年』は、1961年のHugoPrizeを獲得。終末戦争後の世界を描いたSFでは最高の評価があたへられてゐる。
全面核戦争『火焔異変 (Flame Deluge)』が勃発した。さらに、それに続いて核兵器、ひいては科学技術全般を憎む生存者たち『単純者 (Simpletons)』による暴動『単純化運動 (Simplification)』が勃発、知識人は殺され文明は破壊された。ついには読み書きができる者さえ殺され、あらゆる書物が焼かれるまでになった。



First Chechen War: Chechen separatists launch a raid against the helicopter airfield and later a civilian hospital in the city of Kizlyar in the neighboring Dagestan, which turns into a massive hostage crisis involving thousands of civilians.

An inflatable boat carrying illegal Albanian emigrants stalls near the Karaburun Peninsula en route to Brindisi, Italy; exposure to the elements kills 28.

With 62.3 percent of the vote, Yasser Arafat's Mahmoud Abbas is elected president of the Palestinian Authority after the death.

Mahmoud Abbas wins the election to succeed Yasser Arafat as President of the Palestinian National Authority, replacing interim president Rawhi Fattouh.

The Sudan People's Liberation Movement and the Government of Sudan sign the Comprehensive Peace Agreement to end the Second Sudanese Civil War.

2007/0109:フランスの歴史家 Jean-Pierre Vernant 191407、死去

un historien et anthropologue français, spécialiste de la Grèce antique, plus particulièrement de ses mythes, qui a été directeur d'études à l'École pratique des hautes études puis professeur au Collège de France

2007/0109:USA、Apple-Jobs、iPhone 披露
Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduces the original iPhone at a Macworld keynote in San Francisco.


Iran Air Flight 277 crashes near Orumiyeh in the northeast of the country, killing 77 people.

An explosion at a Mitsubishi Materials chemical plant in Yokkaichi, Japan, kills at least five people and injures 17 others.

2015/0109:フランス、パリの「Charlie Hebdo 事件」その後
une double prise d'otage a lieu à Paris et à Dammartin-en-Goële, dans le cadre de l'attentat contre Charlie Hebdo, 2 jours plus tôt.

The perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris two days earlier are both killed after a hostage situation; a second hostage situation, related to the Charlie Hebdo shooting, occurs at a Jewish market in Vincennes.

2017/0109:ポウランドの社界學者 Zygmunt Bauman 192517、死去

a Polish sociologist and philosopher.
Bauman was one of the world's most eminent social theorists, writing on issues as diverse as modernity and the Holocaust, postmodern consumerism and liquid modernity.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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