


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 09/14 今日の出來事


Domitian becomes Emperor of the Roman Empire upon the death of his elder brother Titus.



0585/0914:030天皇 敏達053885、崩御

和風諡号渟中倉太珠敷尊 NuNaKura-no-FutoTamaShiki-no-Mikoto


Emperor Heraclius enters Constantinople in triumph after his victory over the Persian Empire.





0775/0914:東ロウマ帝國皇帝 Kōnstantinos V 071975、崩去

Constantine V (Κωνσταντῖνος Ε΄), denigrated by his enemies as Kopronymos or Copronymus, meaning the dung-named, was Byzantine emperor from 741 to 775.


0786/0914:Abbasid「Night of the three Caliphs」
 Harun al-Rashid becomes the Abbasid caliph upon the death of his brother al-Hadi. Birth of Harun's son al-Ma'mun.



0919/0914:Ireland「Battle of Islandbridge」
 High King Niall Glúndub is killed while leading an Irish coalition against the Vikings of Uí Ímair, led by King Sitric Cáech.


0949/0914:攝政關白(延喜の治) 藤原忠平088049、薨去


1146/0914:Imad ad-Din Zengi 108746、崩去(暗殺)

He was a Turkish atabeg who ruled Mosul, Aleppo, Hama, and Edessa.
He was the namesake of the Zengid dynasty.
Zengi continued his attempts to take Damascus in 1145, but he was assassinated by a Frankish slave named Yarankash in 1146. Zengi was the founder of the eponymous Zengid dynasty. In Mosul he was succeeded by his eldest son Saif ad-Din Ghazi I, and in Aleppo he was succeeded by his second son Nur ad-Din.

1164/0914:075天皇 崇徳111964、崩御





Battle of Ishibashiyama in Japan.




1321/0914:『神曲』詩人 Dante Alighieri 126521、他界

un poeta, scrittore e politico italiano.
È considerato il padre della lingua italiana; la sua fama è dovuta eminentemente alla paternità della Comedìa, divenuta celebre come Divina Commedia e universalmente considerata la più grande opera scritta in lingua italiana e uno dei maggiori capolavori della letteratura mondiale.


The Ming army began to attack the city outside the Qihua Gate of the Yuan Dynasty, and the Yuan Dynasty withdrew from the Central Plains, and the North Yuan began.


1402/0914:England vs Scotland「Battle of Homildon Hill」
 results in an English victory over Scotland.


1515/0914:France vs Suisse「Bataille de Marignan」
 Victoire des troupes franco-vénitiennes de François Ier sur les mercenaires suisses.

After the Battle of Marignano, where the Old Confederation is decisively defeated by France, Switzerland does not pursue any further expansion policy.

1580/0914:Francisco de Quevedo 158045、誕生

Francisco Gómez de Quevedo Villegas y Santibáñez Cevallos, conocido como Francisco de Quevedo, fue un escritor español del Siglo de Oro. 
Se trata de uno de los autores más destacados de la historia de la literatura española, conocido especialmente por su obra poética, aunque también escribió narrativa, teatro, y diversos opúsculos filosóficos, políticos, morales, ascéticos, humanísticos e históricos. 



Signature du traité de Péronne, par lequel Honoré II de Monaco asuure au roi de France Louis XIII la tutelle de ses territoires.




1712/0914:パリ天文臺初代 Jean-Dominique Cassini 162512、死去

un matematico, astronomo, ingegnere, medico e biologo italiano.

1723/0914:Malta「Fort Manoel」
Grand Master António Manoel de Vilhena lays down the first stone of Fort Manoel in Malta.



1741/0914:音楽 ヘンデルメサイア』完成
George Frideric Handel completes his oratorio Messiah.


The British Empire adopts the Gregorian calendar, skipping eleven days (the previous day was September 2).


1763/0914:Pontiac's War「Battle of Devil's Hole」
Seneca warriors defeat British forces at the Battle of Devil's Hole during Pontiac's War.

The Seneca are a group of indigenous Iroquoian-speaking people native to North America who historically lived south of Lake Ontario. They were the nation located farthest to the west within the Six Nations or Iroquois League (Haudenosaunee) in New York before the American Revolution. 

1767/0914:江戸期の儒學者 山県大貳172567、刑死




1769/0914:ドイツの自然学者 Alexander von Humboldt 176959、誕生

ein deutscher Naturforscher mit weit über Europa hinausreichendem Wirkungsfeld. In seinem über einen Zeitraum von mehr als sieben Jahrzehnten entstandenen Gesamtwerk schuf er „einen neuen Wissens- und Reflexionsstand des Wissens von der Welt“ und wurde zum Mitbegründer der Geographie als empirischer Wissenschaft.

Said ibn Sultan is appointed sole ruler of Muscat, Oman and Zanzibar. Under his reign, Oman reached its greatest power and extent.


1808/0914:ロシアvsスヱデン Finnish War「Battle of Oravais」
 Russians defeat the Swedes at the Battle of Oravais.



1812/0914:ナポレオン戰爭「Prise de Moscou par Napoléon」
The French Grande Armée enters Moscow. The Fire of Moscow begins as soon as Russian troops leave the city.



Battle of Baltimore: The poem Defence of Fort McHenry is written by Francis Scott Key. The poem is later used as the lyrics of The Star-Spangled Banner.

"The Star-Spangled Banner" is the national anthem of the United States of America.
The lyrics come from "Defence of Fort M'Henry", a poem written on September 14, 1814, by the 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet Francis Scott Key after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships of the Royal Navy in Baltimore Harbor during the Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812. Key was inspired by the large American flag, the Star-Spangled Banner, flying triumphantly above the fort during the American victory.(Wikipedia en)

1822/0914:Egypt & France「Rosetta Stone
Champollion réussit à déchiffrer l'hiéroglyphe de Rosetta Stone.





1829/0914:Ottoman & Russia「Treaty of Adianople」
The Ottoman Empire signs the Treaty of Adrianople with Russia, thus ending the Russo-Turkish War.


Jang Bahadur and his brothers massacre about 40 members of the Nepalese palace court.


1851/0914:アメリカの小説家 James Fenimore Cooper 178951、死去

a prolific and popular American writer of the early 19th century.


1852/0914:アイルランドの軍人政事家 Arthur Wellesley 176952、死去

an Anglo-Irish soldier and statesman who was one of the leading military and political figures of 19th-century Britain.
His defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 put him in the first rank of Britain's military heroes.





In the Namamugi incident, several British citizens are attacked by Japanese samurai against one of their daimyō, who kill one of them and injure the others. One year later, the British Navy bombed the city of Kagoshima.


1862/0914:American Civil War「Battle of South Mountain」
 part of the Maryland Campaign, is fought.


The Choshu clan enters peace with the Allied fleet of the four countries of Britain, the United States, Netherland and France.


1882/0914:フランスの発明家 Georges Leclanché 183982、死去

un ingénieur puis industriel français.

1866年(1867や1868とも)、現在のマンガン乾電池の原形である「ルクランシェ電池(Leclanché cell)」を考案。

1886/0914:變死したチェコの政事家 Jan Masaryk 188648、誕生

ein tschechoslowakischer Politiker. 1940 bis 1948 war er Außenminister, zunächst im Exil. Er starb unter nicht geklärten Umständen.

その死 ―― マサリクはソ連に呼び出されてモスクワへ行き、ヴャチェスラフ・モロトフ外相と会談。帰国後間もない1948/0310、外務省の中庭、浴室の窓の下でパジャマ姿で死んでゐるのが發見された。死因は転落死といふことになった。が、

Após uma rebelião contra o presidente Floriano Peixoto da baía de Guanabara, a frota brasileira bombardeou sua própria capital, o Rio de Janeiro e seus fortes.

After a rebellion against President Floriano Peixoto from the bay of Guanabara, the Brazilian fleet bombed their own capital Rio de Janeiro and their forts.

1895/0914:イギリス生まれの昆虫学者 Charles Riley 184395、死去

a British-born American entomologist and artist.





1901/0914:アメリカ大統領 William McKinley 184301、暗殺死

U.S. President William McKinley dies after an assassination attempt on September 6, and is succeeded by Vice President Theodore Roosevelt.

the 25th President of the United States from March 4, 1897 until his assassination in September 1901, six months into his second term. McKinley led the nation to victory in the Spanish–American War, raised protective tariffs to promote American industry, and maintained the nation on the gold standard in a rejection of inflationary proposals.




Премьер-министр России Петр Столыпин получил серьезные ранения в результате покушения на убийство и погибли четыре дня спустя.


 After the Marnschacht, where the Schlieffen plan failed, Generalstabsche Moltke was replaced by War Minister Erich von Falkenhayn.


1914/0914:イタリアの映画監督 Pietro Germi 191474、誕生

un réalisateur, scénariste, acteur et producteur italien.

Russia is officially proclaimed a republic.

Премьер-министр Временного правительства Александр Керенский призывает Россию, требуемую радикальными левыми после февральской революции. Большевики планируют восстание.

1926/0914:フランスのアンチロマン Michel Butor 182616、誕生

un poète, romancier, enseignant, essayiste, critique d'art et traducteur français
Il est célèbre pour son roman La Modification (1957), ouvrage majeur du Nouveau roman, pour la part de son œuvre consacrée aux livres d'art, et pour ses travaux universitaires sur la littérature française.

1927/0914:アメリカの舞踏家 Isadora Duncan 187727、死去

an American dancer who performed to acclaim throughout Europe.


On the night of September 14, 1927, in Nice, France,
As The New York Times noted in its obituary: "Isadora Duncan, the American dancer, tonight met a tragic death at Nice on the Riviera. According to dispatches from Nice, Duncan was hurled in an extraordinary manner from an open automobile in which she was riding and instantly killed by the force of her fall to the stone pavement."

{1982の09/14、もう一人、モナコ王妃となったアメリカの女優が、同じく自動車事故で Nice に程近い Monaco で死ぬことになる。奇しき偶然の一致と云っていいだらう。

1930/0914:Germany Nazis
Bei den Reichstagswahlen wird die NSDAP mit 18,3 % der abgegebenen Stimmen zweitstärkste Partei hinter der SPD.


1935/0914:日本のギャグ漫画家 赤塚不二夫193508、誕生


Raoul Villain, who assassinated the French Socialist Jean Jaures, is himself killed by Spanish Republicans in Ibiza


The Estonian military boards the Polish submarine ORP Orzeł in Tallinn, sparking a diplomatic incident that the Soviet Union will later use to justify the annexation of Estonia.


1940/0914:Hungarian「Ip massacre」Romany
 The Hungarian Army, supported by local Hungarians, kill 158 Romanian civilians in Ip, Sălaj, a village in Northern Transylvania, an act of ethnic cleansing.


The Wehrmacht starts a three-day retaliatory operation targeting several Greek villages in the region of Viannos, whose death toll would eventually exceed 500 persons.


Maastricht becomes the first Dutch city to be liberated by allied forces.


1950/0914:Korean War
The North Korean army arrived at the southern underline in the Korean War. The next day, Incheon landing strategy


 In a top secret nuclear test, a Soviet Tu-4 bomber drops a 40 kiloton atomic weapon just north of Totskoye village.







1958/0914:France & Germany
German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and French President Charles de Gaulle end the "hereditary fate" between the two countries at their first meeting.


The Soviet probe Luna 2 crashes onto the Moon, becoming the first man-made object to reach it.


1960/0914:OPEC 創設
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is founded.


1960/0914:Africa「Congo Crisis」
 With CIA help, Mobutu Sese Seko seizes power in a military coup, suspending parliament and the constitution.


1968/0914:Japan プロ野球


1970/0914:ドイツの哲学者 Rudolf Carnap 189170、死去

ein deutscher Philosoph und einer der Hauptvertreter des logischen Empirismus. Für Carnap bestand die Aufgabe der Philosophie in der logischen Analyse der (Wissenschafts-)Sprache, wobei er als einer der ersten Theoretiker versuchte, die logischen Arbeiten von Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell und Alfred North Whitehead für erkenntnis- und wissenschaftstheoretische Fragestellungen nutzbar zu machen.

Rembrandt van Rijns Painting The Nachtwache is attacked by a man with a knife in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and is considerably damaged.



Afghan President Nur Muhammad Taraki is assassinated upon the order of Hafizullah Amin, who becomes the new president.


1982/0914:二十世紀のシンデレラ Grace Kelly 192982、死去

an American actress who became Princess of Monaco after marrying Prince Rainier III, in April 1956.

In October 1953, she gained stardom from her performance in the film Mogambo, which won her a Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award nomination in 1954. Subsequently, she had leading roles in five films, including The Country Girl (1954), for which her deglamorized performance earned her an Academy Award for Best Actress.[1] Other films include High Noon (1952) with Gary Cooper, Dial M for Murder (1954) with Ray Milland, Rear Window (1954) with James Stewart, To Catch a Thief (1955) with Cary Grant, and High Society (1956) with Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby.

On September 13, 1982, Kelly was driving back to Monaco from her country home in Roc Agel when she had a stroke.

President-elect of Lebanon, Bachir Gemayel, is assassinated.


1985/0914:Malaysia「Penang Bridge」
 the longest bridge in Malaysia, connecting the island of Penang to the mainland, opens to traffic.





1989/0914:ラテン音楽「マンボ」Pérez Prado 191689、死去

, chef d'orchestre et compositeur cubain


Official launch of the worldwide Human Genome Project.


The Constitutional Court of Bosnia & Herzegovina declares the breakaway Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia to be illegal.


1994/0914:Japan プロ野球イチロー




1995/0914:日本の男優 岡田英次192095、死去



81 killed as five bogies of the Ahmedabad–Howrah Express plunge into a river in Bilaspur district of Madhya Pradesh, India.


Kiribati, Nauru and Tonga join the United Nations.



Sortie au Japon d’un nouvelle console de jeux vidéo de Nintendo dénommée la GameCube.

In a referendum, Estonia approves joining the European Union.


2005/0914:アメリカの映画監督 Robert Wise 191405、死去

an American film director, producer and editor. He won Academy Awards for Best Director and Best Picture for both West Side Story (1961) and The Sound of Music (1965).
He was also nominated for Best Film Editing for Citizen Kane (1941) and directed and produced The Sand Pebbles (1966), which was nominated for Best Picture.

2007/0914:UK「Late-2000s financial crisis」
 The Northern Rock bank experiences the first bank run in the United Kingdom in 150 years.


The first observation of gravitational waves was made, announced by the LIGO and Virgo collaborations on 11 February 2016.




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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World