


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の タマ199915(和歌山電鐵貴志川線貴志駅名誉永久駅長)


歴史暦:古今東西 06/22 今日の出來事

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-217/0622:「Raphia 戰」
Ptolemy IV Philopator of Egypt defeats Antiochus III the Great of the Seleucid kingdom.



-168/0622:「Pydna 戰」 ロウマ、マケドニアを破る
Romans under Lucius Aemilius Paullus defeat Macedonian King Perseus who surrenders after the battle, ending the Third Macedonian War.




Ouverture du concile d'Ephèse.

Concilium Ephesinum:現在はトルコ共和国のセルチュク郊外となるエフェソスで開かれたキリスト教の公會議。




0813/0622:「Battle of Versinikia」 ブルガリアビザンチン軍に勝利
The Bulgars led by Krum defeat the Byzantine army near Edirne.

Emperor Michael I is forced to abdicate in favor of Leo V the Armenian.

0900/0622(昌泰03/0523):日本 文徳天皇皇后 藤原明子082900、薨去

Fujihara no Meishi(Akirakeiko)




古今集』に、父の良房が「年經れば 齢は老いぬ しかはあれど 花をし見れば 物思ひもなし」と詠じて、明子の美しさを櫻花に例へた歌がある。

The Hungarians defeat the East Frankish army near the Rednitz River, killing its leader Gebhard.


1183/0622(壽永02/0601):日本 文武兩道 齋藤實盛111183、戰死

Saitō Sanemori est un samouraï qui apparaît dans les épopées du Hōgen monogatari 『保元物語』et du Heike monogatari 『平家物語』.

Il mourut à la bataille de Shinohara, combattant contre les forces de son ancien seigneur Minamoto no Yoshinaka 源義仲115484, à qui il avait autrefois sauvé la vie lorsqu'il était bébé.
Après la bataille, lorsque celui-ci se vit présenter les têtes coupées de ses adversaires, il crut reconnaître celle de son vieux protecteur, mais les cheveux d'un noir de jais le firent douter et il ne reconnut formellement la tête que lorsqu'elle fut lavée et que la teinture partit.


室町時代の1414應永二十一年の三月、加賀國の江沼郡、潮津で七日七夜の別時念佛を興行した、その四日目、布教中の時宗の遊行十四世太空のもとに白髪の老人が現れ、十念を受けて群集のなかにふたたび姿を消したといふことがあった。この白髪の老人が、この地で源平合戰の時に討死した齋藤別當實盛の亡靈ではなかったかの風聞が立った。これを訊いた太空は卒塔婆を立て、その遊魂を慰めたといふ ―― これが京都にまで傳はり「事實ならば稀代の事なり」と都人は愕いた。この話は世阿彌元清136343の耳にも届き、世阿彌は『實盛』を作った。





1372/0622:Bataille de La Rochelle
In the Hundred Years War, the two-day naval battle of La Rochelle begins between a French-Castilian fleet and the English.


この日の前日のイングランド王Edward Ⅲ 131277 の死去により(王太子の嫡子、Edward the Black Prince が先に死去してゐたため)孫の Richard Ⅱ 136700 が即位。

Edward Ⅲ 131277:在位、1327~77。五十年にわたり君臨し、イングランドを強國にし、百年戰爭を始めた。

RichardⅡ136700:在位、1377~99、幼少で卽位したため重臣らに摂政され、長じては側近を重用して反撥を招き、その反對派を排除して獨裁體制に入ると一層の反撥を招き、從弟の Henry Bolingbroke(後の Henry Ⅳ 142171)主導のクウデタで王位から追放され、幽閉されて死去、プランタジネット朝を斷絶させた。




1476/0622:Bataille de Morat、
The Swiss Confederates defeated Karl den Kühnen in the Battle of Murten during the Burgundian War.


Fatahillah expels Portuguese forces from Sunda Kelapa, now regarded as the foundation of Jakarta.

Prince Fatahillah from the Demak kingdom, with his troops, destroys the harbor town Sunda Kelapa, which is allied with the Portuguese, in what is now Indonesia, and subsequently erects Jakarta in the same place.





1593/0622:「Battle of Sisak」
Allied Christian troops defeat the Ottomans.




1622/0622:「Battle of Macau」
Portuguese forces repel a Dutch invasion at the Battle of Macau during the Dutch–Portuguese War.


1633/0622:イタリア、R教皇庁Galileo Galilei に有罪判決
The Holy Office in Rome forces Galileo Galilei to recant his view that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the Universe in the form he presented it in, after heated controversy.




King Charles II of England founded the Observatory in Greenwich, which marks the Nullmeridian since 1884.


1767/0622:ドイツ 才人 Wilhelm von Humboldt 176735、生

Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Carl Ferdinand von Humboldt war ein preußischer Gelehrter, Schriftsteller und Staatsmann. Als Bildungsreformer initiierte er die Neuorganisation des Bildungswesens im Geiste des Neuhumanismus und betrieb die Gründung der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin.

Wilhelm mit Schiller, seinem Bruder Alexander und Goethe


A poisonous cloud caused by the eruption of the Laki volcano in Iceland reaches Le Havre in France.


1815/0622:フランス、Abdication de Napoléon Ier



Strategic situation in Western Europe in 1815: 250,000 Frenchmen faced a coalition of about 850,000 soldiers on four fronts. In addition, Napoleon was forced to leave 20,000 men in Western France to reduce a royalist insurrection.

The British Parliament abolishes feudalism and the seigneurial system in British North America.


Cherokee leaders Major Ridge, John Ridge, and Elias Boudinot are assassinated for signing the Treaty of New Echota, which had resulted in the Trail of Tears.


1846/0622(弘化03/0529):江戸末期の蘭學者 宇田川榕菴179846、死

Udagawa Yōan was a 19th-century Japanese scholar of Western studies, or "Rangaku 蘭學(オランダ學)".
In 1837, he published the first volume of his Introduction to Chemistry (舎密開宗 Seimi Kaisō), a compilation of scientific books in Dutch, which describes a wide range of scientific knowledge from the West.
Most of the Dutch original material appears to be derived from William Henry's 1799 Elements of Experimental Chemistry. In particular, the book contains a very detailed description of the electric battery invented by Volta forty years earlier in 1800. The battery itself was constructed by Udagawa in 1831 and used in experiments, including medical ones, based on a belief that electricity could help cure illnesses
Udagawa's Science of Chemistry also reports for the first time in details the findings and theories of Lavoisier in Japan. Accordingly, Udagawa made numerous scientific experiments and created new scientific terms, which are still in current use in modern scientific Japanese: e.g., “oxygen” (酸素 sanso), “hydrogen” (水素 suiso), “nitrogen” (窒素 chisso), “carbon” (炭素 tanso), “oxidation” (酸化 sanka), “reduction” (還元 kangen), “saturation” (飽和 hōwa), “dissolution” (溶解 yōkai) and “element” (元素 genso)


Début des barricades lors de l'insurrection ouvrière de Paris contre la Deuxième République.

Les journées de Juin sont une révolte du peuple de Paris du 22 au 26 juin 1848 pour protester contre la fermeture des Ateliers nationaux.


1859/0622:明治文學の旗手 坪内逍遥185935、生

Tsubouchi Shōyō est un écrivain, dramaturge, traducteur, éditeur, et critique littéraire japonais.




1864/0622:ドイツ 数学者 Hermann Minkowski 186409、生

ein deutscher Mathematiker und Physiker.

He created and developed the geometry of numbers and used geometrical methods to solve problems in number theory, mathematical physics, and the theory of relativity.
Minkowski is perhaps best known for his work in relativity, in which he showed in 1907 that his former student Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity (1905) could be understood geometrically as a theory of four-dimensional space–time, since known as the "Minkowski spacetime".

1896年、チューリッヒスイス連邦工科大学準教授に就任。ここでの学生にAlbert Einstein 187955がゐた。『数の幾何学』を発表。




United States Department of Justice created by the U.S. Congress.


1887/0622:イギリス 進化生物学 Julian Huxley 188775、生

a British evolutionary biologist, eugenicist, and internationalist.
He was a proponent of natural selection, and a leading figure in the mid-twentieth century modern synthesis.
He was secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935–1942), the first Director of UNESCO, a founding member of the World Wildlife Fund and the first President of the British Humanist Association.

JBritish Army Intelligence Corps 1918

The Royal Navy battleship HMS Camperdown accidentally rams the British Mediterranean Fleet flagship HMS Victoria which sinks taking 358 crew with her, including the fleet's commander, Vice-Admiral Sir George Tryon.


1897/0622:ドイツ 社会学者 Norbert Elias 189790、生

a German sociologist of Jewish descent, who later became a British citizen. He is especially famous for his theory of civilizing (and decivilizing) processes.
Elias' theory focused on the relationship between power, behavior, emotion, and knowledge over time. He significantly shaped what is called process or figurational sociology.
Due to historical circumstances, Elias had long remained a marginal author, until being rediscovered by a new generation of scholars in the 1970s, when he eventually became one of the most influential sociologists in the history of the field.
Interest in his work can be partly attributed to the fact that his concept of large social figurations or networks of interdependencies between people explains the emergence and function of large societal structures without neglecting the aspect of individual agency. In the 1960s and 1970s, the overemphasis of structure over agency was heavily criticized about the then-dominant school of structural functionalism.

British colonial officers Charles Walter Rand & Lt. Charles Egerton Ayerst are assassinated in Pune, Maharashtra, India by the Chapekar brothers and Mahadeo Vinayak Ranade, who are later caught and hanged.

インド・マハラシュトラ州プーナで、Chapekar兄弟 らがイギリス植民地政府の役人を暗殺。彼らは後に逮捕処刑され、インド独立運動の最初の犠牲者となった。

1898/0622:ドイツの小説家 Erich Maria Remarque 189870、生

ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Seine überwiegend als pazifistisch eingestuften Romane, in denen er die Grausamkeit des Krieges thematisiert, finden bis heute große Verbreitung.
Im 1929 veröffentlichte er einen Kriegsroman "Im Westen nichts Neues", der das Auftreten von Soldaten, die im Ersten Weltkrieg dienen, darstellt, wurde zum größten Verkäufer und wurde im Alter von 31 Jahren ein beliebter Schriftsteller.
Bereits zu Beginn der NS-Herrschaft, als der Autor durch sein Hauptwerk, den 1928 erstmals erschienenen, 1930 in Hollywood verfilmten Antikriegsroman Im Westen nichts Neues, schon weltberühmt war, emigrierte er in die Schweiz.
Seine Arbeiten wurden in Deutschland als „schädliches und unerwünschtes Schrifttum“ verboten und 1933 öffentlich verbrannt.



1898/0622:Spanish–American War: USA海軍、Cuba に上陸


1903/0622:日本 小説家 山本周五郎190367、生

Yamamoto Shūgorō est le nom de plume de 清水三十六, Shimizu Satomu, nouvelliste et romancier japonais de l'ère Shōwa.
Il est connu pour ses ouvrages populaires et pour avoir publié des titres sous au moins quatorze noms d'auteur differents.

1906/0622:USA 映画監督 Billy Wilder 190602、生

Samuel "Billy" Wilder was an Austrian-American filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, artist, and journalist whose career spanned more than five decades.
He is regarded as one of the most brilliant and versatile filmmakers of Hollywood's golden age.
With The Apartment, Wilder became the first person to win Academy Awards as producer, director, and screenwriter for the same film.




George V and Mary of Teck are crowned King and Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.


1922/0622:Herrin Massacre:
Nineteen strikebreakers and three union miners are killed in Herrin, Illinois.


1923/0622:日本 男優 木村功192381、生

Kimura Isao was a Japanese actor.
He appeared in several films directed by Akira Kurosawa. The first was Stray Dog (1949) as Yusa the criminal. Perhaps his most notable collaboration with Kurosawa was in Seven Samurai as the youngest of the samurai, Katsushiro.
During his career he also appeared in several films directed by Mikio Naruse as well as appearing in the famous Lone Wolf and Cub film series. In addition to a film career spanning almost thirty years, Kimura founded and directed an acting company which ultimately went bankrupt. He died of esophageal cancer at 57 years old.


1925/0622:クラインの壺 Felix Klein 184925、死

ein deutscher Mathematiker.
Felix Klein hat im 19. Jahrhundert bedeutende Ergebnisse in der Geometrie erzielt. Daneben hat er sich um die Anwendung der Mathematik und die Lehre verdient gemacht. Klein, der auch ein bedeutender Wissenschaftsorganisator war, hat wesentlich mit dafür gesorgt, dass Göttingen zu einem Zentrum der Mathematik aufstieg.



France is forced to sign the Second Compiègne armistice with Germany.

signature de l'armistice entre la France et l'Allemagne.

Nazi Germany invades the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa.


The June Uprising in Lithuania begins.


Erwin Rommel is promoted to Field Marshal after the capture of Tobruk.


Pledge of Allegiance formally adopted by US Congress


Opening day of the Soviet Union's Operation Bagration against the Army Group Centre.



The Battle of Okinawa comes to an end.


Emperor Showa shows the intention of the end of the war for the first time at the Supreme War Guidance Conference(最高戦争指導者會議).


Japan, Promulgated the wartime emergency measures law.




The ship MV Empire Windrush brought the first group of 492 Jamaican immigrants to Tilbury near London, marking the fateful and disastrous start of modern immigration to the United Kingdom.



At the appeal trial at the Mitaka case, the Supreme Court confirmed death sentence for Junichi Takeuchi.

1956/0622:イギリス 小説家 Walter de la Mare 187356、死

a British poet, short story writer and novelist.
He is probably best remembered for his works for children, for his poem "The Listeners", and for a highly acclaimed selection of subtle psychological horror stories, amongst them "Seaton's Aunt" and "All Hallows".



De la Mare described two distinct "types" of imagination – although "aspects" might be a better term: the childlike and the boylike. It was at the border between the two that Shakespeare, Dante, and the rest of the great poets lay.
Walter de la Mare was also a notable writer of ghost stories. Although de la Mare wrote a number of them, only a select few are considered to aspire to elicit terror in the reader, with most instead essaying a type of dream-like melancholy and mystery. His collections Eight Tales, The Riddle and Other Stories, The Connoisseur and Other Stories, On the Edge and The Wind Blows Over all contain a few ghost stories each.

Malenkov and others conservative senior officials who tried to dismiss Kurcisoff's first secretary are dismissed from the party position.


1965/0622:映画プロデュサー David O. Selznick 190265、死

an American film producer, screenwriter and film studio executive.
He is best known for producing Gone with the Wind (1939) and Rebecca (1940), both earning him an Academy Award for Best Picture.


Conclusion of Japan-Korea Basic Treaty · Japan-Korea Claim Rights · Economic Cooperation Agreement.


The Cuyahoga River catches fire in Cleveland, Ohio, drawing national attention to water pollution, and spurring the passing of the Clean Water Act and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency.

オハイオ州カヤホガ川で沿岸の工場から排出された大量の廃油などが燃え火事に。タイム誌に大きく取り上げられ、アメリカ合衆国環境保護庁 (EPA) 設立のきっかけとなる。

1969/0622:USA 映画女優&歌手 Judy Garland 192269、自殺?

(born Frances Ethel Gumm) was an American singer, actress, and vaudevillian.
During a career that spanned 45 of her 47 years, Garland attained international stardom as an actress in musical and dramatic roles, as a recording artist, and on the concert stage.



Monthly magazine "Funny Half" posted Nagai Kahoo's "YojouHan Husuma no Shitabari" will be banned on suspicion of selling obscene documents.

1974/0622:フランス6人組の作曲家 Darius Milhaud 189274、死

un compositeur français de musique classique.
Il s’enthousiasme alors pour les musiques sud-américaines, qu’il insère dans les ballets L'Homme et son désir (1918-21) et Le Bœuf sur le toit (1919-20), ainsi que dans la suite de danses Saudades do Brasil (1920-21).
De retour à Paris, il est associé par le critique Henri Collet au Groupe des Six, constitué de Georges Auric, Louis Durey, Arthur Honegger, Francis Poulenc et Germaine Tailleferre. Le mentor de toute cette équipe est l'écrivain et graphiste Jean Cocteau. Fort de cette association, avec laquelle il écrit notamment la musique des Mariés de la Tour Eiffel (1921), unique œuvre collective du Groupe des Six, sur un argument de Cocteau, Milhaud est également reconnu dans le milieu parisien pour ses œuvres de jeunesse imprégnées d’influences sud-américaines.


1976/0622:日本 整体師 野口晴哉191176、死

Noguchi Haruchika est un Japonais, concepteur du Seitai, une médecine non conventionnelle fondée sur les capacités d'auto-guérison du corps humain.


IBM Industry Spy Incident: FBI arrested six employees of Hitachi and Mitsubishi Electric on suspicion of industrial spy to IBM due to a dubious investigation.


1986/0622:FIFA World Cup「Maradona's Hand of God」
The controversial Hand of God goal by Diego Maradona in the quarter-finals of the 1986 FIFA World Cup match between Argentina and England. This was later followed by the Goal of the Century also by Maradona. Argentina would win 2–1 and go on to win the world cup.


Checkpoint Charlie is dismantled in Berlin.


2000/0622:日本 新劇俳優 瀧澤修190600、死

Takizawa Osamu was a Japanese actor.
Starting at the Tsukiji Little Theater, Takizawa participated in a number of theatrical troupes before forming Gekidan Mingei with Jūkichi Uno.
His was praised for his performance in Death of a Salesman and also directed a version of The Diary of Anne Frank.


Eastman Kodak announces the production discontinuation of reversal film Kodachrome.


Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo is removed from office by impeachment and succeeded by Federico Franco.


At the World Heritage Committee, Mt. Fuji is registered as a World Cultural Heritage as "a group of related heritage of Mt. Fuji and faith and art" with Miho Matsubara and other constituent assets.




2015/0622:日本の三毛猫 たま199915、他界

Tama、a female calico cat who gained fame for being a station master and operating officer at Kishi Station on the Kishigawa Line in Kinokawa, Wakayama Prefecture(和歌山電鐵貴志川線貴志駅名誉永久駅長), Japan.

She was enshrined at a nearby Shinto cat shrine as spirit goddess Tama Daimyōjin (たま大明神) in August.

{まったく日本人のやらかすことと云ったら、戦前の忠犬ハチ公、 …… いや、日本人の動物との異樣な接し方はずっと日本の歴史を遡っていけるだらう。忠犬(『南総里見八犬傳』をはじめとする忠犬物語、猫は昔はバケ猫專門だったが、今や犬に劣らぬ働き者になって愛されてゐる。そして、銅像どころか大明神にまで祭りあげられてゐる。なんとも呆れはてる話だが、忠犬ハチ公には批判的な私も、猫好きが祟ってタマの話には一も二もなく感動してしまふのである。


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World