


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 06/21 今日の出來事

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夏至の日の今日、死者生者を並べてみたら、コトバあそびをやれとばかりに「偶然の一對」が二つもみつかった。で、即興に「五七五七七」にしてみた ――



 ―― お粗末



Secundum Bellum Punicum(-219~-201)Le consul romain Flaminius est sévèrement battu par Hannibal Barca à la bataille du lac Trasimène.




Il tempio Capitolino a Roma è stato inaugurato dal pretore Elvidio Prisco,


A Byzantine expeditionary fleet under Belisarius sails from Constantinople to attack the Vandals in Africa, via Greece and Sicily.

1007/0621:中國「唐宋八大家」 歐陽脩100772、生


Ouyang Xiu, courtesy name Yongshu, was a Chinese statesman, historian, essayist, calligrapher and poet of the Song Dynasty.
Ouyang was one of the major players in the Qingli Reforms of the 1040s and was in charge of creating the New Book of Tang (1060). He was regarded as one of the great masters of prose of the Tang and Song era. He was a noted writer of ci and shi poetry.


Der bayerische Pfalzgraf Otto VIII. von Wittelsbach ermordet in Privatfehde den römisch-deutschen König Philipp von Schwaben und entscheidet damit den deutschen Thronstreit zugunsten Otto von Braunschweigs.

The Bavarian Count Palatine Otto VIII of Wittelsbach murdered in private feud, the Roman-German King Philip of Swabia and thus decides the German throne dispute in favor of Otto von Brunswick.

Külüg Khan is enthroned as Khagan of the Mongols and Wuzong of the Yuan.


The division of the Mongol Empire, c. 1300.


Battle of Laupen happened, Bern(a city state)won the nobility army.






1527/0621:マキアヴェリスト Niccolò Machiavelli 146927、死

Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli noto semplicemente come Niccolò Machiavelli è stato uno storico, filosofo, scrittore, politico e drammaturgo italiano.
Considerato, come Leonardo da Vinci, un uomo universale, nonché figura controversa nella Firenze dei Medici, è noto come il fondatore della scienza politica moderna, i cui principi base emergono dalla sua opera più famosa, Il Principe, nella quale è esposto il concetto di ragion di stato e la concezione ciclica della storia.

≫ From this arises the question whether it is better to be loved rather than feared, or feared rather than loved. It might perhaps be answered that we should wish to be both: but since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved. {支配者は愛されることより恐れられることを望め、獨裁者は皆さうしてるでせう。


French forces are driven out of northern Italy by Spain at the Battle of Landriano during the War of the League of Cognac.


Sengoku period: the most powerful of the Japanese daimyōs, Oda Nobunaga 織田信長153482 was forced to commit suicide by his own general Akechi Mitsuhide 明智光秀152882.

{なにゆゑ、忠實であること犬のごときであった明智光秀152882は主君の織田信長153482に楯突き、噛みついたのか ―― 日本史上、最大の謎として無數の憶測、珍説がなされ、それらが眞相をむしろ見えにくくしてゐる。

1582/0621:戰國下剋上の梟雄 織田信長153482、部下の謀反に敗死

Oda Nobunaga was a daimyō (feudal lord) of Japan in the late 16th century who attempted to unify Japan during the late Sengoku period, and successfully gained control over most of Honshu 本州.
Nobunaga is regarded as one of three unifiers of Japan along with his retainers Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉153798 and Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康154316.

During his later life, Nobunaga was widely known for most brutal suppression of determined opponents, eliminating those who by principle refused to cooperate or yield to his demands.
His reign was noted for innovative military tactics, fostering free trade, and encouraging the start of the Momoyama 桃山 historical art period.
He was killed when his retainer Akechi Mitsuhide 明智光秀152882 rebelled against him at Honnō-ji 本能寺.





l'exécution de chefs protestants tchèques marque la fin de la période bohémienne de la guerre de Trente Ans.



Execution of 27 Czech noblemen on the Old Town Square in Prague as a consequence of the Battle of White Mountain.

L'exécution de chefs protestants tchèques marque la fin de la période bohémienne de la guerre de Trente Ans.

1640/0621:ドイツ 細密画家 Abraham Mignon 164079、生

ein deutsch-niederländischer Maler.
ein holländischer goldener Maler, spezialisiert auf Blumensträuße.
ドイツの細密画家{このドイツ人らしさといかにもフランス人的な Odiron Redon 184016 の花の繪と『對のあそび』にしてみたくなった。



1652/0621:イギリス建築の開祖 Inigo Jones 157352、死

the first significant English architect (of Welsh ancestry) in the early modern period, and the first to employ Vitruvian rules of proportion and symmetry in his buildings.
As the most notable architect in England, Jones was the first person to introduce the classical architecture of Rome and the Italian Renaissance to Britain.

The Queen's House at Greenwich


St. Paul's Church, Covent Garden




James Scott によるモンマスの反亂


1710/0621:天体望遠鏡製造 James Short 171068、生

a Scottish mathematician and manufacturer of optical instruments, principally telescopes. During his 35-year career as a telescope-maker he produced approximately 1,360 scientific instruments.


1730/0621:日本=大和學の開祖 本居宣長173001、生

Motoori Norinaga est un célèbre érudit japonais. À la fois médecin, poète et philosophe de formation classique, il fait preuve d'un grand esprit universel.
Il est reconnu par beaucoup comme le plus grand philologue des classiques japonais, dont il relance l'étude en fondant l'école des Études Nationales (kokugaku).

本居宣長六十一歳自画自賛像」 17990寛政02、





Benjamin Franklin conducts experiments to prove the charging of the cumulonimbus by Leiden bottle.


James Otis Jr. offends the King and Parliament in a speech to the Massachusetts General Court.


1781/0621:フランス 数学者 Siméon Denis Poisson 178140、生

un mathématicien, géomètre et physicien français.


1788/0621:ドイツ 思想家 Johann Georg Hamann 173088、死

ein deutscher Philosoph und Schriftsteller.
Er wurde durch ein christliches Erweckungserlebnis entscheidend geprägt.
Hamann ging vom sokratischen Nichtwissen aus und deutete dies als ein Plädoyer für den Glauben. Eine höhere Einheit könne nicht durch den trennenden Verstand erfasst werden.
Er kritisierte die Aufklärung und betonte, dass es Vernunft vor Sprache und Geschichte nicht geben könne. Nach Hamann beruht die Fähigkeit zu denken auf Sprache. Er gilt als ein Wegbereiter des Sturm und Drang. Goethe nannte ihn einen der hellsten Köpfe seiner Zeit.

その独特で難解な文体から彼は「北方の博士」「北方の魔術師 Magus in Norden」の徒名を付けられた。合理主義や啓蒙思想に反対し、人間の根元能力である感性や確信の哲学を主張し、同時代で同郷の Immanuel Kant 172404 を批判した。同じ東プロイセン出身のJohann Gottfried von Herder 174403を見出したことでも有名

New Hampshire ratifies the Constitution of the United States and is admitted as the ninth state in the United States.


1791/0621:フランス ルイXVI一家、逃走中
King Louis XVI of France and his immediate family begin the Flight to Varennes during the French Revolution.


1798/0621:Irish Rebellion「Battle of Vinegar Hill」
The British Army defeats Irish rebels at the Battle of Vinegar Hill.

Victoire des troupes britanniques contre la rébellion irlandaise à la bataille de Vinegar Hill.

1807/0621:Napoleonic war、当事者三ヶ國間で休戦協定、締結
Armistice agreement concluded between the three countries of France, Germany and Prussia.


1807/0621(文化04/0516):江戸期の儒學者&画家 皆川淇園173507、死

Minagawa Kien、real name: Minagawa Gen (皆川 愿), was and Japanese confucianist and painter of the Nanga during the middle Edo period.



1813/0621:スペイン独立戦争Bataille de Vitoria


1813/0621:Peninsular War「Battle of Vitoria」
Wellington defeats Joseph Bonaparte at the Battle of Vitoria.


1824/0621:Greek War of Independence、
Egyptian forces capture Psara in the Aegean Sea.


Cyrus McCormick receives the US patent on the beam mower he invented for grain harvesting. His Virginia Reaper is pulled by horses.



1839/0621:Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis 183908、生

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis foi um escritor brasileiro, considerado por muitos críticos, estudiosos, escritores e leitores um dos maiores senão o maior nome da literatura do Brasil.

Machado's style is unique, and several literary critics have tried to describe it since 1897.
He is considered by many the greatest Brazilian writer of all time, and one of the world's greatest novelists and short story writers.
His chronicles do not share the same status. His poems are often misunderstood for the use of crude terms, sometimes associated to the pessimist style of Augusto dos Anjos, another Brazilian writer.

1848/0621:In the Wallachian Revolution,
Ion Heliade Rădulescu and Christian Tell issue the Proclamation of Islaz and create a new republican government.


1852/0621:幼児教育の父 Friedrich Fröbel 178252、死

ein deutscher Pädagoge und Schüler Pestalozzis.
Sein besonderes Verdienst besteht darin, die Bedeutung der frühen Kindheit nicht nur erkannt, sondern durch die Schaffung eines Systems von Liedern, Beschäftigungen und „Spielgaben“ die Realisierung dieser Erkenntnisse vorangetrieben zu haben. Er ist der Begründer des „Kindergartens“, der erste entstand im Jahre 1840 in Bad Blankenburg.
Dieser unterschied sich von den damals bereits existierenden „Kinderbewahranstalten“ durch die pädagogische Konzeption. Damit verbunden war die Erweiterung des Aufgabenspektrums von der Betreuung zur Trias von Bildung, Erziehung und Betreuung.

幼児教育の祖。J H ペスタロッチに啓発され、彼の初等教育方法をより幼い子供教育に適用するために一生を捧げた。

1863/0621(文久03/0506):日本幕末の文人 貫名菘翁177863、死

Nukina Kaioku was a Japanese painter and calligrapher.


1864/0621:USA Civil War「Battle of Jerusalem Plank Road」


1864/0621:スヰス 美術史家 Heinrich Wölfflin 186445、生

ein Schweizer Kunsthistoriker, dessen objektive Klassifizierungsgrundsätze ("malerisch" gegen "linear" und dergleichen) Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der formalen Analyse in der Kunstgeschichte im frühen 20 Jahrhundert hatten.
Er lehrte in Basel, Berlin und München in jener Generation, die die deutsche Kunstgeschichte zu einem herausragenden Künstler machte.
Seine drei großen Bücher, noch konsultiert, sind Renaissance und Barock (1888), Die Klassische Kunst (1898, "Klassische Kunst") und Kunstgeschichtliche Grundbegriffe (1915, "Principles of Art History").

学生時代にヴェルフリンは父の紹介でJacob Burckhardt 181897に師事し、終生親しく交際した。大学卒業時、22歳で学位論文『建築心理学序説』を執筆した。イタリア建築の研究を続け、1893年、ブルクハルトの後任としてバーゼル大学に招かれた。


1868/0621:Wagner ニュルンベルクのマイスタジンガ、初演
Richard Wagners Oper Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg wird unter Hans von Bülow uraufgeführt.


1870/0621:ドイツ 女性化学者 Clara Immerwahr 187015、生

Deutsche Chemikerin, Frauenrechtlerin und Pazifistin, eine der ersten Frauen in Deutschland mit Doktortitel 


People in the Tianjin China burned the French consulate and the church. (Tenjin's plan)


1874/0621:Anders Jonas Ångström 181474、死

a Swedish physicist and one of the founders of the science of spectroscopy.


1876/0621:Antonio López de Santa Anna Pérez de Lebrón 179476、死

Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón fue un político y militar mexicano. Fue Presidente de México y, aunque en la gran mayoría de textos se dice que ocupó la presidencia en once ocasiones, el Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de las Revoluciones de México (INEHRM) sostiene que solo fueron seis veces.


1891/0621:イタリア 建築家 Pier Luigi Nervi 189179、生

un ingegnere italiano, specializzato nell'edilizia civile. Fu socio dell'Accademia nazionale delle scienze e autore di alcune grandi opere. Collaborò con architetti di fama internazionale, tra cui Le Corbusier e Louis Kahn.

George Washington Bridge Bus Station


Pirelli Tower


1892/0621:USA聖書学者 Reinhold Niebuhr 189271、生

「ニーバー」a Protestant American theologian famous for his studies of the relationship between the Christian faith and the reality of modern politics and diplomacy.
He is one of the major American theologians of the twentieth century.

1893/0621:USA 大學創業者 Leland Stanford 182493、死

Amasa Leland Stanford was an American tycoon, industrialist, politician, and the founder (with his wife, Jane) of Stanford University.


Kaiser Wilhelm II eröffnet den damals noch Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kanal genannten Nord-Ostsee-Kanal.


United States captures Guam from Spain.


Boxer Rebellion. China formally declares war on the United States, Britain, Germany, France and Japan, as an edict issued from the Empress Dowager Cixi.


The former House of Representatives Chairman, Minister of Communications and Tokyo Metropolitan Conference chairman Hoshi Toru is stabbed by Iita Sotaro.



1903/0621:スヱデン 映画監督 Alf Sjöberg 190380、生

Sven Erik Alf Sjöberg was a Swedish theatre and film director. He won the Grand Prix du Festival at the Cannes Film Festival twice: in 1946 for Torment (Swedish: Hets) (part of an eleven-way tie), and in 1951 for his film Miss Julie (Swedish: Fröken Julie) (an adaptation of August Strindberg's play which tied with Vittorio De Sica's Miracle in Milan).

1905/0621:フランス 思想家 Jean-Paul Sartre 190580、生

Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre est un écrivain et philosophe français, représentant du courant existentialiste, dont l'œuvre et la personnalité ont marqué la vie intellectuelle et politique de la France de 1945 à la fin des années 1970.
Écrivain prolifique, fondateur et directeur de la revue Les Temps modernes (1945), il est connu aussi bien pour son œuvre philosophique et littéraire qu'en raison de ses engagements politiquesn, d'abord en liaison avec le Parti communiste, puis avec des courants gauchistes, au sens léniniste1 du terme, plus particulièrement maoïstes, dans les années 1970.


1908/0621:ロシア五人組作曲家 Nikolaï Rimski-Korsakov184408、死

Николай Андреевич Римский-Корсаков、русский композитор, педагог, дирижёр, общественный деятель, музыкальный критик; участник «Могучей кучки».


Great Britain. The WSPU is organizing a demonstration in London on the introduction of women's suffrage, which is attended by over 250,000 people, mostly women.


1914/0621:女性解放運動 Bertha von Suttner 184314、死

Bertha Sophia Felicita Freifrau von Suttner, geborene Gräfin Kinsky von Wchinitz und Tettau, Pseudonyme: B. Oulot, war eine österreichische Pazifistin, Friedensforscherin und Schriftstellerin. Sie wurde 1905 als erste Frau mit dem Friedensnobelpreis ausgezeichnet.



Admiral Ludwig von Reuter scuttles the German fleet in Scapa Flow, Orkney. The nine sailors killed are the last casualties of World War I.

1928/0621:イギリス セクスピア女優 Ellen Alice Terry 184828

an English actress who became the leading Shakespearean actress in Britain.

Ellen Terry at Age Sixteen by Julia Margaret Cameron

In her garden with granddaughter Nelly Gordon, c. 1918

1929/0621:USA vs Mexico「Cristero War」
An agreement brokered by U.S. Ambassador Dwight Whitney Morrow ends the Cristero War in Mexico.


Weltrekordfahrt des Schienenzeppelins von Franz Kruckenberg mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 230,2 km/h.


1935/0621:フランス 小説家 Françoise Sagan 193504、生

de son vrai nom Françoise Quoirez, est une femme de lettres française.
Elle devient célèbre dès son premier roman, Bonjour tristesse, publié en 1954 à l'âge de dix-huit ans.
Elle est connue pour la « petite musique1 de ses récits romantiques mettant en scène une bourgeoisie riche et désabusée. Elle est connue aussi pour défrayer régulièrement la chronique mondaine et judiciaire.
Le « charmant petit monstre », comme la surnomme François Mauriac, écrit également des biographies, des pièces de théâtre, des chansons, et collabore à l'écriture de scénarios et de dialogues de films.


≫ お金は今の社界では防衛手段であり、自由になれる手段です。
≫ お金は持ってゐる者だけでなく、持ってない人たちをも支配してゐます。


Newyork Yankees' Lou Gehrig retires.


France surrendered to Germany.


Tobruk falls to Italian & German forces.


A Japanese submarine surfaces near the Columbia River in Oregon, firing 17 shells at nearby Fort Stevens in one of only a handful of attacks by Japan against the United States mainland.


フランス、Arrestation de Jean Moulin.

昨日が誕生日だった、Jean Moulin、逮捕された。

1945/0621:WWⅡ(日米太平洋戰爭)「Battle of Okinawa」
when the organized resistance of Imperial Japanese Army forces collapses in the Mabuni area on the southern tip of the main island.


The Columbia Broadcasting System presents the long-distance plate at 33.1/3 revolutions per minute.

This vinyl record, invented by her collaborator Peter Carl Goldmark, soon replaced the shellac plate.


世界初のプログラム内蔵式コンピュータManchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM) が初稼動。

1951/0621:日本、UNESCO と ILO に加入
Japan joined the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO).


In a hotel in Manhattan FBI officials arrest Rudolf Iwanowitsch Abel, one of the most successful agents of the Soviet Union.


1954/0621:ジッパーの發明 Gideon Sundback 188054、死

a Swedish-American electrical engineer, who is most commonly associated with his work in the development of the zipper.

Drawing of the 1914 patent filing




Armin Hary is the first sprinter to reach the finish line in an officially recognized time of 10.0 seconds in the 100 meter run in Zurich. 


Three civil rights workers, Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Mickey Schwerner, are murdered in Neshoba County, Mississippi, United States, by members of the Ku Klux Klan.

1970/0621:インドネシア建國の父 Sukarno 190170、死

(born Kusno Sosrodihardjo) was the first President of Indonesia, serving in office from 1945 to 1967.


John Hinckley is found not guilty by reason of insanity for the attempted assassination of U.S. President Ronald Reagan.


Demonstration teams by thousands of anti-government students collided with police force in Myanmar's capital Yangon.


1990/0621:JazzVocalist June Christy 192590、死去

My favorite American Jazz Vocalist

In the New York FX market, the yen exchange rate became the first dollar, 100 yen or less.


1997/0621:日本の映画男優 勝新太郎193197、死

Katsu Shintarō was a Japanese actor, singer, producer, and director.
He played the role of blind masseur Zatoichi in a series of films in 25 movies between 1962 and 1973, starred and directed a 26th in 1989 and played the role in four seasons of a spin-off television series.

Pluto's newly discovered moons are officially named Nix & Hydra.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World