


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

進歩のための發展形式、そのための矛盾と鬪爭の生成と解決の無限の階梯、あらゆる種類のモーターが休みなく揺り動かす欲望と羨望、 ……



歴史暦:古今東西 07/03 今日の出來事


0324/0703:Battle of Adrianople:
Constantine I defeats Licinius, who flees to Byzantium.

The Battle of Adrianople was fought during a Roman civil war, the second to be waged between the two emperors Constantine I and Licinius; Licinius suffered a heavy defeat.


The Emperor permits the construction of the Mahayana altar of Enryakuji(延暦寺).

0987/0703:France、Hugues Capet est sacré roi des Francs.

Hugh Capet is crowned King of France, the first of the Capetian dynasty that would rule France until the French Revolution in 1792.
史家の多くが、Hugues Capet 094096 の王位繼承により、フランク王國が終り、フランス王國が始まり、八百年あまりフランスに君臨する王家が始まったとする。

1035/0703:William the Conqueror
becomes the Duke of Normandy, reigns until 1087.

1423/0703:Louis XI 142383、誕生

Roi de France de 1461 à 1483, sixième roi de la branche dite de Valois (Valois directs) de la dynastie capétienne.


1428/0703:Traité de Delft
signé entre Philippe le Bon et Jacqueline de Bavière.

1449/0703:Mariage de
Jacques II d'Écosse et de Marie d'Egmont.


The Yamahoko cruise of the Gion association which had been suspended at the battle of OuNn resurrected for the first time in 33 years.

1608/0703:北米、Fondation de l’Habitation de Québec
par Samuel de Champlain.

Québec City is founded by Samuel de Champlain.


「Matsura ShigeNobu」戰國時代から江戸時代にかけての大名。平戸の松浦氏、第二十六代當主。肥前平戸藩、初代藩主。


The Edo Shogunate cast "KanEi TuuHou" and set up Ginza in Asakusa, Shiba and Sakamoto (Omi-koku).

1642/0703:Marie de Médicis 157542、死去

フランス国王アンリ4世の2番目の王妃で、ルイ13世の母(Catherine de' Medici 151989 とは遠縁の同族)、カネ使ひが荒かったさうだ。

1622、Pierre-Paul Rubens 157740 による

1754/0703:北米、French and Indian War:
George Washington surrenders Fort Necessity to French forces.

1767/0703:Pitcairn Island is discovered
by Midshipman Robert Pitcairn on an expeditionary voyage commanded by Philip Carteret.

1775/0703:American Revolutionary War:
George Washington takes command of the Continental Army at Cambridge, Massachusetts.

1778/0703:American Revolutionary War、
British forces kill 360 people in the Wyoming Valley massacre.



China sent the canonized ShangWen(尚温) against the Ryukyu country ZhongshanKing(中山王).

1819/0703:USA、The Bank of Savings in New York City,
the first savings bank in the United States, opens.



1839/0703:USA、First State University、open

The first state normal school in the United States, the forerunner to today's Framingham State University, opens in Lexington, Massachusetts with three students.

1844/0703:The last pair of great auks is killed.

Specimen no. 3 in Brussels, one of the two last birds killed on Eldey in 1844


The royal family in the late Edo period, the eighth princess of Emperor Nitahara, Emperor Takaaki is a brother of a different family. She was married to the Edo Shogunate 14th generic Shogun Tokugawa Iemoto by "Government merger" policy.


1848/0703:Slaves are freed in the Danish West Indies (now U.S. Virgin Islands).


1849/0703:Prise de Rome par les Français mettant fin à la République romaine.

The French enter Rome in order to restore Pope Pius IX to power. This would prove a major obstacle to Italian unification.

1854/0703:Leoš Janáček 185428、誕生

チェコ民族主義的作曲家、{今日誕生した Franz Kafka 188324 もチェコ人だった。

1863/0703:American Civil War、The final day of the Battle of Gettysburg culminates with Pickett's Charge.

Charge de Pickett au troisième jour de la bataille de Gettysburg.



 …… 即日刑が執行され、以蔵ら四名は獄舎で斬首。切腹を命じられた高市半平太は體を清めて妻が仕立てた死裝束に正装し、同日夜、南會所の大廣庭で、作法はれど未だ誰も爲し得なかったと云はれてきた切腹法「三文字割腹」の法を用ゐて、法式通りに腹を三度かっさばいた後、前のめりになったところを両脇から二名の介錯人に心臓を突かせて絶命した。享年三十七。辭世は

ふたゝひと 返らぬ歳を はかなくも 今は惜しまぬ 身となりにけり




君が爲 盡す心は水の泡 消えにし後は澄みわたる空

1866/0703:Austro-Prussian War
is decided at the Battle of Königgrätz, resulting in Prussia taking over as the prominent German nation from Austria.


1880/0703:USA、Science journal "Science" was launched
(with financial assistance such as Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell).

学術雑誌『サイエンス』が(Thomas Edison 184731 や Alexander Graham Bell 184722 などの資金援助によって)創刊。

1883/0703:Franz Kafka 188324、誕生


≫ Das Böse weiß vom Guten, aber das Gute vom Bösen nicht. Selbsterkenntnis hat nur das Böse. Evil knows not of good, but good of evil. Self-knowledge has only the evil.

≫ Die Lüge wird zur Weltordnung gemacht. The lie is made a world order.

≫ I need solitude for my writing; not ‘like a hermit’ -- that wouldn’t be enough -- but like a dead man. 

1884/0703:USA、Stock Market:
Dow Jones & Company publishes its first stock average.

1886/0703:Germeny、Carl Benz macht die erste Probefahrt mit seinem „Fahrzeug mit Gasmotorantrieb“ in Mannheim.

Karl Benz officially unveils the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, the first purpose-built automobile.



1886/0703:USA、New Newspaper printing system:
The New-York Tribune becomes the first newspaper to use a linotype machine, eliminating typesetting by hand.



「Nakamura Tsune」日本の洋画家


「Murakami Kagaku」日本の日本畫家、一度見て惹かれた画家の一人


1898/0703:Battle of Santiago de Cuba、
A Spanish squadron, led by Pascual Cervera y Topete, is defeated by an American squadron under William T. Sampson in the Battle of Santiago de Cuba.

Bataille de Santiago de Cuba, la plus grande bataille navale de la guerre hispano-américaine dans l'océan Atlantique.

1908/0703:At the Ottoman Empire,
Young Turks' revolutionary movement starts.

オットマン帝国で、Young Turks の革命運動が始まる。


In the city of Osaka, the New World Lunar Park and the first Tsutenkaku opened.

1913/0703:USA、退役軍人 Confederate veterans
at the Great Reunion of 1913 reenact Pickett's Charge; upon reaching the high-water mark of the Confederacy they are met by the outstretched hands of friendship from Union survivors.

1914/0703:UK & Tibet signed Shimla Treaty.

Treaty which formally recognized Tibet as a substantially independent governor under the sovereignty of the Republic of China. However, the Republic of China refused to sign.


Special Higher Police is put in police department of all prefectures.


1931/0703:Korean & Chinese、受萬寶山事件影響,朝鲜各地发生排华事件。

Chinese detainee incident by Koreans: More than 100 Chinese are killed in Korea.



An international theater opens in Asakusa, Tokyo.

1938/0703:World speed record for a steam locomotive
is set in England, by the Mallard, which reaches a speed of 125.88 miles per hour (202.58 km/h).



To stop ships from falling into German hands the French fleet of the Atlantic based at Mers El Kébir, is bombarded by the British fleet, coming from Gibraltar, causing the loss of three battleships: Dunkerque, Provence and French battleship Bretagne. One thousand two hundred sailors perish.



Burma's Battle: Omoto Omanda orders to cancel Imphal operation. For entrance troops of 86,000 people, the entity of return troops 12,000 people to withdraw the victims.

1944/0703:WWⅡ、ヨウロパ:Operation Bagration:
Minsk is liberated from Nazi control by Soviet troops.


1947(昭和22)/0703:戰後日本、財閥解體: GHQ三井物産&三菱商事解散を指令。

Zaibatsu dismantling: GHQ orders Mitsui & Co., Mitsubishi Corporation to dissolve.

1950/0703:Korean War:
taking responsibility for the defeat of the first war, 蔡秉徳 chief of the Korean Army Staff Chief is dismissed, and 丁一権 will succeed.

朝鮮戦争: 緒戦の敗北の責任をとって蔡秉徳韓国軍参謀総長が解任、丁一権が後任となる。

1952/0703:The Constitution of Puerto Rico
is approved by the United States Congress.

1952/0703:[record] The SS United States sets sail on her maiden voyage to Southampton. During the voyage, the ship takes the Blue Riband away from the RMS Queen Mary.

アメリカの旅客船 United States 処女航海で大西洋最速横断記録(ブルーリボン賞)を更新。

1953/0703:Climbing "Nanga Parbat"
Austrian mountain climber Hermann Boule first climbed to the world's No. 9 highest(8125m) "Nanga Parbat".


1962/0703:Algérie guerre:
Sur la base des résultats des résidents en Algérie vote effectué, le président français Charles de Gaulle a déclaré l'indépendance algérienne.

Algeria war: Based on the results of residents in Algeria vote carried out, French President Charles de Gaulle declared Algerian independence.

1967/0703:The Aden Emergency:
The Battle of the Crater in which the British Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders retake the Crater district following the Arab Police mutiny.

1969/0703:Space Race:
The biggest explosion in the history of rocketry occurs when the Soviet N-1 rocket explodes and subsequently destroys its launchpad.


1970/0703:Northern Ireland、"Falls Curfew" begins in Belfast.

1976/0703:The Israeli army surprised Uganda's Endebe Airport and rescued Passengers on Air France operated hijacked.

1979/0703:U.S. President Jimmy Carter signs
the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul.

1981/0703:News from the New York Times "Discovering unknown cancer" from homosexuals ". Discovery of AIDS.


United States Navy warship USS Vincennes shoots down Iran Air Flight 655 over the Persian Gulf, killing all 290 people aboard.

https://is.gd/2BAScA イラン航空655便撃墜事件

1988/0703:The Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge in Istanbul,
Turkey is completed, providing the second connection between the continents of Europe and Asia over the Bosphorus.



鮟鱇の骨まで凍ててぶちきらる Ankou-no Hone-made Itete Buchikiraru 

雉の眸のかうかうとして賣られれけり Kiji-no Me-no KouKouToshite Urarekeri




1996/0703:Stone of Scone is returned to Scotland.

2013/0703:Egyptian coup d'état:
President of Egypt Mohamed Morsi is overthrown by the military after four days of protests all over the country calling for Morsi's resignation, to which he didn't respond. President of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt Adly Mansour is declared acting president.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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