

06/20: 歴史の道行「この世の名殘、夜も名殘、夢の夢こそ哀れなれ

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 06/20 今日の出來事

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今日、六月二十日は ――

0451/0620:ヨウロパ、Battle of Chalons:
Flavius Aetius' battles Attila the Hun. After the battle, which was inconclusive, Attila retreats, causing the Romans to interpret it as a victory.





A case that triggered the era of Musashikeikei from the era of Mr. Fujiwara 's ruling government.

1180/0620(治承04/0526):後白河天皇の皇子 以仁王115180、敗死

Prince Mochihito, also known as the Takakura Prince, and as Minamoto Mochimitsu, was a son of Emperor Go-Shirakawa 077後白河雅仁112792天皇.
He is noted for his role in starting the Genpei War.

1180/0620(治承04/0526):以仁王の武將 源頼政110480、敗死

Minamoto no Yorimasa was a prominent Japanese poet whose works appeared in various anthologies. He was a warrior, leading the Minamoto armies at the beginning of the Genpei War 源平合戰.
He served eight different emperors in his long career, holding posts such as hyōgo no kami 兵庫守(head of the arsenal).


University Oxford receives Royal charter.




1347/0620:Charles de Blois,
 est fait prisonnier lors de la bataille de La Roche-Derrien.




1469/0620:ミラノ公 Gian Galeazzo Maria Sforza 146994、生

è stato il sesto Duca di Milano e il terzo della dinastia Sforza.

Born in Abbiategrasso, he was only seven years old when in 1476 his father, Galeazzo Maria Sforza, was assassinated and he became the Duke of Milan.
His uncle, Ludovico Sforza, acted as regent to the young duke, but quickly wrested all power from him and became the de facto ruler of Milan. Ludovico later became the duke after Gian Galeazzo's death, which was widely viewed as suspicious.


1512/0620(永正09/0507):日本[室町] 装剣金工 後藤祐乘144012、死

Gotō Yūjō was a famous artisan, and the founder of the Goto Family line of Japanese sword fittings makers.
Yujo is said to have been a retainer to Ashikaga Yoshimasa 足利義政143690 and was initially employed to establish a government mint to control the making and quality of gold currency.
He became famous as the founder of one of many great families of craftsmen of parts for swords The family continued to produce tsuba 鍔 until the death of his final descendant in 1856. ……


1586/0620(天正14/0504):日本[戰國] 武將大名  荒木村重153586、死

Araki Murashige was a retainer of Oda Nobunaga 織田信長153482, and daimyō (feudal lord) of Itami Castle 伊丹城 during the late Sengoku period.
He commanded part of Nobunaga's army in the ten-year siege of the Ishiyama Honganji, but was accused in 1578 of sympathies to the Mōri clan, one of Nobunaga's enemies, by Akechi Mitsuhide. He retreated to Itami and held out there against a one-year siege by the forces of Oda before the castle fell in 1579; Araki escaped, and lived the rest of his life as a chanoyu disciple of Sen no Rikyū.

Japan Early Modern. Ieyasu Tokugawa orders Daimyo to build Nijo Castle.



It is in Heijo in Kyoto city, there are those by Mr. Ashikaga, Oda, Mr. Toyotomi, Mr. Tokugawa to be mentioned later, but what is currently seen is due to Mr. Tokugawa.

In the later modern era Nijo Castle was used as the prefectural office of Kyoto Prefecture and the imperial home of the Imperial family.
Historically, Yagi accompanied by Tokugawa Ieyasu 's general' s proclamation and Tokugawa Yoshinobu 's reconciliation were held, that is, it was the beginning and the end of the Edo shogunate era.

1620/0620:Thirty Years' War「Battle of Höchst」
In der Schlacht bei Höchst besiegen katholische Truppen unter dem Feldherrn Tilly protestantische Söldner des Herzogs Christian von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel. Viele Soldaten des Herzogs ertrinken auf einer panischen Flucht im Main, als sie sich über eine Schiffsbrücke zurückziehen sollen.

In the Battle of Höchst, Catholic troops defeat under the general Tilly Protestant mercenaries of Duke Christian of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. Many of the duke's soldiers drown in a panic flight in the Main as they are about to retreat over a ship's bridge.

1685/0620:England, James Scott、イングランド王を自稱す
Monmouth Rebellion: James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth declares himself King of England at Bridgwater.








1737/0620:10將軍 徳川家治173786、誕生

Tokugawa Ieharu was the tenth shōgun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan, who held office from 1760 to 1786.
His father is the ninth shogun, Tokugawa Iheshige 徳川家重171261.


1760宝暦10、父の家重の隠居により徳川宗家を相続、9月2日には正式に将軍宣下を受けて第十代将軍職に就任、正二位の内大臣に昇叙された。父の遺言にしたがひ、田沼意次171988側用人として重用、やがて田沼を老中にすると、次第に政事に飽いて趣味の世界へ逃避するやうになった。 ……

A British garrison is imprisoned in the Black Hole of Calcutta.


The U.S. Congress adopts the Great Seal of the United States.



1787/0620:アメリカを「United States」と呼ぶ運動、起こされる
Oliver Ellsworth moves at the Federal Convention to call the government the 'United States'.


Deputies of the French Third Estate take the Tennis Court Oath.

三部會の第三身分の議員がヴェルサイユ宮殿の球技場(Jeu de paume)に集合し、憲法の制定まで解散しないことを誓ひあった。

0620、議場を閉鎖された國民議會は、ヴェルサイユ宮殿の球技場に集まり「Nous jurons de ne jamais nous séparer et de nous réunir partout où les circonstances l'exigeraient, jusqu'à ce que la Constitution du royaume fût établie et affermie par des fondements solides(王國の憲法が制定され、強固な基盤のうへに確立されるまでは決して解散せず、周圍の狀況におうじていかなる場所でも會議を開く)」と誓ひあった。これを朗讀すると、議員らは萬歳三唱した。連判状も作った。







1819/0620:オペレッタ作曲家 Jacques Offenbach 181980、生

un compositeur et violoncelliste français d'origine allemande

The U.S. vessel SS Savannah arrives at Liverpool, United Kingdom. It is the first steam-propelled vessel to cross the Atlantic, although most of the journey is made under sail.



Queen Victoria succeeds to the British throne.



1861/0620:Frederick Gowland Hopkins 186147、誕生

an English biochemist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1929, with Christiaan Eijkman, for the discovery of vitamins, even though Casimir Funk, a Polish biochemist, is widely credited with discovering vitamins. He also discovered the amino acid tryptophan, in 1901.

1912「Feeding Experiments Illustrating the Importance of Accessory Food Factors in Normal Dietaries(一般的な食事に於ける補助栄養素の重要性を例証する食餌実験)」を発表し、食生活におけるビタミンの必要性を論証。

Barbu Catargiu, the Prime Minister of Romania, is assassinated.



Hijikata Toshizō was the Japanese Vice-Commander (副長 Fukucho) of Shinsengumi, a great swordsman and a talented military leader who resisted the Meiji Restoration.
Hijikata Toshizō était un guerrier japonais, vice-commandant du Shinsen Gumi, le plus puissant des groupes de samouraï qui, sous les ordres du shogun Tokugawa, devait maintenir l'ordre à Kyoto durant le Bakumatsu, à la fin de l'époque d'Edo (1860-1868). Il fut ensuite vice-ministre des armées de la République d'Ezo. Il écrivit aussi un recueil de haiku sous le pseudonyme littéraire de Hōgyoku.



Signing of a peace treaty ends triple alliance war, the most bloody conflict in the history of Latin America, especially for Paraguay.


Alexander Graham Bell installs the world's first commercial telephone service in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.


1887/0620:ドイツ 美術家 Kurt Schwitters 188748、生

ein deutscher Künstler, Maler, Dichter, Raumkünstler und Werbegrafiker, der unter dem Kennwort MERZ ein dadaistisches „Gesamtweltbild“ entwickelte.
Seine Werke umfassen die Stilrichtungen Konstruktivismus, Surrealismus und Dadaismus, dem sie aber nur durch Gegensätzlichkeit ähnlich waren. Aus heutiger Sicht zählt Schwitters zu den einflussreichsten Künstlern des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts.


Victoria Terminus, the busiest railway station in India, opens in Bombay.





1893/0620:USA、「Lizzie Borden」事件
Lizzie Borden is acquitted of the murders of her father and stepmother.


In Hong Kong, the doctor and bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin discovers the pathogen of the plague, a bacterium that later in honor of Yersin gets the name Yersinia pestis.


1895/0620:Kiel 運河、公式に開業
The Kiel Canal, crossing the base of the Jutland peninsula and the busiest artificial waterway in the world, is officially opened.


1899/0620:フランスレジスタンスの英雄 Jean Moulin 189943、生

un haut fonctionnaire (préfet d'Eure-et-Loir) et résistant français.

1943年5月、抵抗活動の全体会議を始めた直後、ムウランは裏切りにあった。同年6月21日、リヨンでクラウス バルビに捕らえられ拷問され、軍用列車でドイツへ連行される途中、国境近くの駅で死体となった。

Boxer Rebellion: The Imperial Chinese Army begins a 55-day siege of the Legation Quarter in Beijing, China.

The German ambassador in Beijing, Clemens von Ketteler, is shot dead by a soldier in the open boxing revolt.

Baron Eduard Toll, leader of the Russian Polar Expedition of 1900, departs Saint Petersburg in Russia on the explorer ship Zarya, never to return.


1905/0620:USA ドラマチスト Lillian Hellman 190584、生

an American dramatist and screenwriter known for her success as a playwright on Broadway, as well as her left-wing sympathies and political activism.
She was blacklisted after her appearance before the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) at the height of the anti-communist campaigns of 1947–52.

As a playwright, Hellman had many successes on Broadway, including Watch on the Rhine, The Autumn Garden, Toys in the Attic, Another Part of the Forest, The Children's Hour and The Little Foxes. She adapted her semi-autobiographical play The Little Foxes into a screenplay, which starred Bette Davis and received an Academy Award nomination in 1942.
Hellman was romantically involved with fellow writer and political activist Dashiell Hammett, author of the classic detective novels The Maltese Falcon and The Thin Man, who also was blacklisted for 10 years until his death in 1961. The couple never married.

1908/0620:メリタ、Coffee Filter 特許を取得
The Imperial Patent Office granted Melitta Bentz utility model protection to its invention of a coffee filtration system.


In Wien erfolgt durch Kaiser Franz Joseph I die Grundsteinlegung für das Technische Museum für Industrie und Gewerbe.


The Japanese sailing ship Kainan Maru under the command of Shirase Nobu 白瀬矗186146, who broke into the Antarctic on 1 December 1910, reaches the port of Yokohama 横濱. All the participants in the first Japanese Antarctic expedition will reach their home.


1915/0620:USAマフィアボス Paul Castellano 191585、生

Constantino Paul "Big Paul" Castellano, also known as "The Howard Hughes of the Mob" and "Big Paulie" (or "PC" to his family), was an American mafia boss who succeeded Carlo Gambino as head of the Gambino crime family in New York, the nation's largest Cosa Nostra family at the time.
The unsanctioned assassination of Castellano in 1985 by John Gotti sparked years of instability for the Gambino family.


Workers of Buckingham and Carnatic Mills in the city of Chennai, India, begin a four-month strike.


1922/0620:日本、明治の作家 饗庭篁村185522、死

Aeba Kōson, nom véritable Aeba Yosaburō (饗庭 與三郎), parfois aussi Takenoya Shujin (竹の屋主人), est un écrivain japonais et critique de théâtre de l'ère Meiji.


The Geneva Naval Disarmament Conference in Japan, the United States and Britain began. 

1928/0620:JazzMusician Eric Dolphy 192464、誕生

an American jazz alto saxophonist, bass clarinetist and flautist.
Dolphy was one of several multi-instrumentalists to gain prominence around the same time. His use of the bass clarinet in jazz performance probably finally established the instrument in the music, and he extended the vocabulary and boundaries of the alto saxophone, and was among the earliest significant jazz flute soloists.
His improvisational style was characterized by the use of wide intervals, in addition to using an array of extended techniques to emulate the sounds of human voices and animals. Although Dolphy's work is sometimes classified as free jazz, his compositions and solos were often rooted in conventional (if highly abstracted) tonal bebop harmony and melodic lines that suggest the influences of modern classical composers such as Béla Bartók and Igor Stravinsky.

1931/0620:USA、(Hoover Moratorium)
U.S President Herbert Hoover declared that he would delay the payment of the First World War in Germany for one year. 


Die Heinkel He 176 absolviert als erstes funktionsfähiges Raketenflugzeug ihren Jungfernflug.


1940/0620:フランス オルガニスト Jehan Alain 191140、射殺

un compositeur et organiste français. Il est le fils du compositeur Albert Alain et le frère des organistes Marie-Claire Alain et Olivier Alain.


Italy, unsuccessful invasion of France.


The Holocaust: Kazimierz Piechowski and three others, dressed as members of the SS-Totenkopfverbände, steal an SS staff car and escape from the Auschwitz concentration camp.


The Battle of the Philippine Sea concludes with a decisive U.S. naval victory. The lopsided naval air battle is also known as the "Great Marianas Turkey Shoot".


1944/0620:ソ連の Continuation War
The Soviet Union demands an unconditional surrender from Finland during the beginning of partially successful Vyborg–Petrozavodsk Offensive. The Finnish government refuses.


The experimental MW 18014 V-2 rocket reaches an altitude of 176km, becoming the first man-made object to reach outer space.


The United States Secretary of State approves the transfer of Wernher von Braun and his team of Nazi rocket scientists to the U.S. under Operation Paperclip.


1948/0620:USA、Ed Sullivan Show、start
Variety program "Toast of the Town" (later "Ed Sullivan Show") started broadcasting at American CBS.


1951/0620:日本、不敗傳説競馬 トキノミノル194851、病死

Tokino Minoru was a Japanese Thoroughbred racehorse, who was an undefeated winner of his 10 race starts, which included the Tokyo Yushun (Japanese Derby).




1953/0620:ソ連映画監督 Vsevolod Pudovkin 189353、死

Всеволод Пудовкин、un réalisateur, scénariste et acteur soviétique, théoricien du montage.
Les chefs-d'œuvre de Pudovkin sont souvent opposés à ceux de son contemporain Sergei Eisenstein, mais alors qu'Eisenstein utilisait le montage pour glorifier le pouvoir des masses, Pudovkin préférait se concentrer sur le courage et la résilience des individus.

David Wark Griffith 187548 の『イントレランス』を見て感激し、1919年に国立映画専門学校に第一期生として入学、映画監督のレフ クレショフの薫陶を受ける。
彼のモンタアジュ理論は Sergueï Eisenstein 189848 のあまりにも有名なモンタアジュとは對照的と云ってもいいほど異質なもので、

1956/0620:日本で活躍中の韓國の圍碁棋士 趙治勲1956、生

(Korean: 조치훈) is a professional Go player.
His total title tally of 73 titles is the most in the history of the Japanese Nihon Ki-in.
Cho is the first player to hold the top three titles—Kisei, Meijin, and Honinbo—simultaneously which he did for 3 years in a row. Cho is the first in history to win all of the "Top 7" titles in Japan (Kisei, Meijin, Honinbo, Judan, Tengen, Oza, and Gosei)

The Mali Federation gains independence from France (it later splits into Mali and Senegal).


Following the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Soviet Union and the United States sign an agreement to establish the so-called "red telephone" link between Washington and Moscow.


1968/0620:人類、100meter、10second の壁を突破
Jim Hines, Ronnie Ray Smith and Charles Edward Green recorded 9.9 seconds by manual timekeeping at the men's 100 m race at the U.S National Athletics Championship. For the first time break the wall of 10 seconds.


1972/0620:USA、Watergate scandal:
An 18½-minute gap appears in the tape recording of the conversations between U.S. President Richard Nixon and his advisers regarding the recent arrests of his operatives while breaking into the Watergate complex.


1973/0620:Ezeiza massacre in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Snipers fire upon left-wing Peronists. At least 13 are killed and more than 300 are injured.


The film Jaws is released in the United States, becoming the highest-grossing film of that time and starting the trend of films known as "summer blockbusters".


1978/0620:カナダ生の映画監督 Mark Robson 191378、死去

a Canadian-born film director, producer, and editor. Robson began his 45-year career in Hollywood as a film editor. He later began working as a director and producer.
He directed thirty-four films during his career, including The Bridges at Toko-Ri (1955), Peyton Place (1957), for which he earned his first Academy Award nomination, Von Ryan's Express (1965), and Valley of the Dolls (1967).

1987/0620:日本政事の犠牲者 嵯峨浩191487、死去

Saga Hiro was a Japanese noblewoman.(the daughter of Marquis Saneto Saga and a distant relative of the Shōwa Emperor).
She was married in 1937 to Pujie, the younger brother of Puyi, the Last Emperor of China from 1908–12 and the puppet emperor of Manchukuo from 1934–45. After her marriage to Pujie, she was known as, and identified herself as, Aisin-Gioro Hiro (愛新覺羅 浩) or Aixin-Jueluo Hao in Chinese.


Decided to eliminate the import quota from 1991 in the Japan-US trade negotiations for the liberalization of imports of beef and oranges.


1990/0620:Asteroid Eureka is discovered.


Berlin wird wieder zur Hauptstadt Deutschlands, in der Wiedervereinigung.

Berlin becomes again the capital of Germany, in reunification.

The 7.4 Mw Manjil–Rudbar earthquake affects northern Iran with a maximum Mercalli intensity of X (Extreme), killing 35,000–50,000, and injuring 60,000–105,000.


1995/0620:ルウマニア 思想家的文人 Emil Cioran 191195、死去

「エミル シオラン」ou Cioran, est un philosophe, poète et écrivain roumain, d'expression roumaine initialement, puis française à partir de 1949, date de la parution de son premier livre écrit directement en français, Précis de décomposition.
ブカレスト大学に1932年に入学、Eugène Ionesco 190994・Mircea Eliade 190786らと出逢ひ、終生の友人となる。
ニーチェパスカル、グノシス主義、仏教、エックハルト、十字架のヨハネなどによって思想し、Samuel Beckett 190689・Ernst Jünger 189598などとも親交した。



2003/0620:USA、Wikipedia 財團、創立
The Wikimedia Foundation is founded in St. Petersburg, Florida.

{感謝すべきか呪詛すべきか。 Wikipedia がなければ、私はこんな苦行を始めることはなかっただらう。

Murder case Japanese family in Fukuoka city occurred. The three Chinese crime.


2005/0620:Jack Kilby 192305、死去

an American electrical engineer who took part (along with Robert Noyce) in the realization of the first integrated circuit while working at Texas Instruments (TI) in 1958.

1958年、テキサスインスツルメンツに就職したが、年次休暇の日数が足りなくて夏休みを中止し、同僚が夏休みで不在の間に "tyranny of numbers" と呼ばれる回路設計上の問題に取り組み、半導体の上にひとまとめに回路を形成するという解決策を導き出した。それおテキサスインスツルメンツ社経営陣に説明。そのとき、一片のゲルマニウムオシロスコープをつなぎ、スイッチを入れると正弦波が表示され、ゲルマニウム上の集積回路が正常に動作していることを示した。

Kilby's original integrated circuit

He is also an inventor of calculators and thermal printers.




Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World