


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
Sigmund Freud 185639 による 心構造

歴史暦:古今東西 04/24 今日の出來事

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今日四月二十四日は、吉田松陰183059 が海外密航すべく伊豆の下田港に來て、停泊中の Matthew Perry 179458 の黒船に乗り込んだが、すげなく斷られた日だ。その後、松陰は幕府に引き渡され、牢に入れられ、死を待つ身になった。



私の「歴史の天使」は、多分「もう一人の私」であり、それは私をみちびこうとする「翼を持った白鳥のタマシヒであり」、「私を見詰め見張る、きよきまなじりのつよきまなざし」であり、どこからともなく深く高く廣く響きくるその聲は、私にはたらく「チカラタカラ」であり、私といふ現實、限界を突破していかうとする透明な意志であり、 ……

Thutmose III ascends to the throne of Egypt, although power effectively shifts to Hatshepsut (according to the Low Chronology of the 18th dynasty).

Traditional date of the fall of Troy.


The Marco Polo Bridge or Lugou Bridge is a stone bridge located 15 km southwest of Beijing city center in the Fengtai District. It bridges the Yongding River, a major tributary of Hai River
かつてこの地を訪れた Marco Polo 125424 はその旅行記『東方見聞録』で、盧溝橋を讃美して「世界中どこにもこれに匹敵するものはない」と記してゐる。これによって西洋では盧溝橋を『マルコポウロの橋』と呼んでゐる、とか。




1492/0424:Sabina von Bayern 149264、誕生

, Herzogin von Bayern und Frau von Ulrich, Herzog von Württemberg

1547/0424:Battle of Mühlberg
Duke of Alba, commanding Spanish-Imperial forces of Charles I of Spain, defeats the troops of Schmalkaldic League.


1558/0424:Mariage、Mary et François
Mary (reine des Écossais) épouse le Dauphin de France = François (François II) à Notre Dame de Paris.

この二人、後にスコットランド女王となる Mary Stuart は十六歳、François II となるフランンソワ は十四歳。当然、政略結婚、フランソワの生母である Catherine de' Medici 151989 の指金である。その野望はフランソワの二年後の夭折で潰える。
その後、Mary は波瀾萬丈の運命を辿り、ライヴァルの イングランド女王となった Queen Elizabeth I 153303 により斷頭臺に身を置くことになる。その事についてはすでにかなり詳しくこの『歴史暦:古今東西、今日の出来事』で記した。

1617/0424:フランスの元帥 Concino Concini 157517、死去

, maréchal de France{コメディアンみたいな名だがフランスの元帥だぞ
un favori de la régente Marie de Médicis dont il avait épousé la confidente, Léonora Dori. Sa grande influence politique auprès de la régente lui vaudra l'opposition du jeune Louis XIII et de ses courtisans qui le feront assassiner.

1622/0424:Fidelis von Sigmaringen 157822、暗殺

Promovierter Philosoph und Jurist, katholischer Ordenspriester und Märtyrer.
Capuchin friar who was a major figure in the Counter-Reformation, and was murdered by his opponents at Seewis im Prättigau, now part of Switzerland.

The Russian peasant and Cossack leader Stenka Rasin, who has been controlling large parts of South Russia for a short time, is captured by his own followers.

Русский крестьянин и казацкий Степан Тимофеевич Разин 163071, который кратко контролируемый большие части южной России, захвачен казаками из его собственного окружения.


1697/0424:日本の國學者にして歌人 賀茂眞淵169769、誕生

Kamo no Mabuchi est un philologue et poète japonais waka de l'époque d'Edo.
Mabuchi conduit ses recherches dans l'esprit de l'ancien Japon par ses études du Man'yōshū et d'autres ouvrages de la littérature ancienne. Disciple de Kada no Azumamaro, Mabuchi est considéré comme un des quatre grands du Kokugaku, courant intellectuel qui s'oppose à l'étude de la tradition bouddhiste en faveur des classiques japonais.
Parmi ses disciples se trouvent Motoori Norinaga, Arakida Hisaoyu, Katō Chikage, Murata Harumi, Katori Nahiko, Hanawa Hokiichi, Uchiyama Matatsu et Kurita Hijimaro.


The first regular newspaper in British Colonial America, The Boston News-Letter, is published.

Im Großen Nordischen Krieg kommt es zur Seeschlacht bei Fehmarn zwischen einem dänischen und einem schwedischen Geschwader.


Libérer le rebelle Abraham Davel, qui a essayé le pays de Vaud de l'Etat de Berne, est exécuté à Lausanne.


1731/0424:ロビンソンクルソウの Daniel Defoe 166031、死去

born Daniel Foe, was an English trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer and spy.
He is most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe, which is second only to the Bible in its number of translations.
Defoe is noted for being one of the earliest proponents of the novel, as he helped to popularise the form in Britain with others such as Aphra Behn and Samuel Richardson, and is among the founders of the English novel.
Defoe is known to have used at least 198 pen names.

Daniel Defoe died on 24 April 1731, probably while in hiding from his creditors. He often was in debtors' prison. The cause of his death was labelled as lethargy, but he probably experienced a stroke.
He was interred in Bunhill Fields (today Bunhill Fields Burial and Gardens), Borough of Islington, London, where a monument was erected to his memory in 1870.

1743/0424:産業革命期の発明家 Edmond Cartwright 174223、誕生

an English inventor.
He graduated from Oxford University very early and went on to invent the power loom.
He was particularly famous for the development of automatic looms (power weaving machines) and contributed to the British industrial revolution.
Cartwright also patented a wool combing machine in 1789 and a cordelier (machine for making rope) in 1792.
He also designed a steam engine that used alcohol instead of water.

Ropemaking machine


地震の被害は少なかったが、地震により最大遡上高30mほどの津波が發生、宮古八重山列島で死者行方不明者が約12000人、家屋流出2000戸以上の大參事となった。 石垣島では、潮が引いた後に珊瑚礁の撥ねる魚を女子供が採ってゐるところに、東方沖に二条の暗雲が立ち、碎けて烈しい暴潮が繰り返し襲ってきた、といふ。 死者が9400人出た八重山では住民の三分の一が犠牲となった。田畑は塩害を受け、以後、飢饉と疫病の年が續いた。

1774/0424:フランスの聾唖教育 Jean Itard 177438、誕生

un médecin français du XIXe siècle, spécialiste de la surdité et de l'éducation spécialisée.
Il s'est rendu célèbre par son travail sur le cas de l'enfant sauvage, Victor de l'Aveyron.
Pionnier de l'oto-rhino-laryngologie, il est considéré comme le créateur de la première école française d’otologie.
Il est aussi le fondateur de la psychiatrie de l’enfant et a contribué à la nosologie de la maladie de Gilles de la Tourette.

The United States Library of Congress is established when President John Adams signs legislation to appropriate $5,000 to purchase "such books as may be necessary for the use of Congress".

1803/0424:ロココ女流画家 Adélaïde Labille-Guiard 174903、死去



1815/0424:イギリス 速筆家 Anthony Trollope 181582、誕生

an English novelist of the Victorian era. Among his best-known works is a series of novels collectively known as the Chronicles of Barsetshire, which revolves around the imaginary county of Barsetshire. He also wrote novels on political, social, and gender issues, and other topical matters.

1817/0424:スヰスの化学者 Jean C. G. de Marignac 181794、誕生

un chimiste suisse, professeur à l'Académie de Genève, découvreur ou codécouvreur des éléments chimiques gadolinium, samarium et de l'ytterbium.

1836/0424:USA 風景画家 Winslow Homer 183610、誕生

an American landscape painter and printmaker, best known for his marine subjects. He is considered one of the foremost painters in 19th-century America and a preeminent figure in American art.

Eastern Point Light, 1880,

The Fox Hunt, 1893.

1845/0424:スヰスの詩人 Carl Spitteler 184524、誕生

Carl Friedrich Georg Spitteler was a Swiss poet who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1919 "in special appreciation of his epic, Olympian Spring".
His work includes both pessimistic and heroic poems.







1856/0424:フランスの軍人&政事家 Philippe Pétain 185651、誕生

un militaire, diplomate et homme d'État français.




1873/0424:ドイツ表現主義 Robert Wiene 187338、誕生

ein deutscher Filmregisseur.
Berühmt wurde insbesondere sein expressionistischer Stummfilm Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, der als Meilenstein der Filmgeschichte gilt.

1876/0424:ドイツ海軍人 Erich Raeder 187660、誕生

ein deutscher Marineoffizier.
Von 1928 bis 1943 war er Leiter des Oberkommandos der Marine und ab 1935 Oberbefehlshaber der Reichs- bzw. Kriegsmarine. Er erhielt am 30. Januar 1937 das Goldene Parteiabzeichen der NSDAP.
Raeder wurde im Nürnberger Prozess gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher vor dem Internationalen Militärgerichtshof angeklagt und in drei Anklagepunkten schuldig gesprochen. Aus der lebenslangen Haft wurde er 1955 entlassen

1877/0424:Russo-Turkish War:
Russian Empire declares war on Ottoman Empire.


1880/0424:ジッパーの発明 Gideon Sundback 188054、誕生

a Swedish-American electrical engineer, who is most commonly associated with his work in the development of the zipper.

Drawing of the 1914 patent filing

The Swedish polar explorer Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld returns with his ship Vega after his successful crossing of the northeast passage to Stockholm, where a triumphant reception is prepared for him.
A deeply impressed spectator is the 15-year-old Sven Hedin.


American sharpshooter Annie Oakley is hired by Nate Salsbury to be a part of Buffalo Bill's Wild West.


Ein Streik der Bergarbeiter auf der Bochumer Zeche Präsident entwickelt sich innerhalb weniger Tage zum bis dahin größten Streik im Deutschen Reich.

1891/0424:ドイツ 軍事思想家 Helmuth von Moltke 180091、死去

ein preußischer Generalfeldmarschall und Chef des Generalstabes. In dieser Funktion hatte er maßgeblichen Anteil an den Siegen in den drei Einigungskriegen. Er war auch als Schriftsteller tätig.

≫ 永遠の平和など夢にすぎない。しかも決して美しくない夢である。戦争とは神の世界秩序の一環である。戦争においてこそ人間の最も高貴な美徳、勇気、自己否定、命をかける義務心や犠牲心が育まれる。もし戦争がなかったら世界は唯物主義の中で腐敗していくであろう。
≫ フランスのように無尽蔵な手段と愛国心を持った国民が戦ったところで教育を受けた勇敢な正規軍には勝てないのである。問題なのは武装した群衆は軍隊ではなく、そうした者たちを戦闘に駆りだすのは野蛮な行為だということだ。戦争はますます激烈になり、憎むべきものとなってしまう。

1897/0424:USA 言語學 Benjamin Lee Whorf 189741、誕生

an American linguist and fire prevention engineer.
Whorf is widely known as an advocate for the idea that differences between the structures of different languages shape how their speakers perceive and conceptualize the world. This principle has frequently been called the "Sapir–Whorf hypothesis", after him and his mentor Edward Sapir, but Whorf called it the principle of linguistic relativity, because he saw the idea as having implications similar to Einstein's principle of physical relativity


1901/0424:日本の燈臺の父 Richard Henry Brunton 184101、死去

the so-called "Father of Japanese lighthouses".
He was employed by the government of Meiji period Japan as a foreign advisor (o-yatoi gaikokujin), primarily to build lighthouses.



1904/0424:USA 画家 Willem de Kooning 190497、誕生

a Dutch abstract expressionist artist. He was born in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. He moved to the United States in 1926, and became an American citizen in 1962.
In the years after World War II, de Kooning painted in a style that came to be referred to as Abstract expressionism or "action painting", and was part of a group of artists that came to be known as the New York School. Other painters in this group included Jackson Pollock, ……


1906/0424:イギリスのファシスト William Joyce 190646、誕生

nicknamed Lord Haw-Haw, was an American-born, Anglo-Irish Fascist politician and Nazi propaganda broadcaster to the United Kingdom during World War II.
He was convicted of one count of high treason in 1945 and was sentenced to death. The Court of Appeal and the House of Lords upheld his conviction. He was hanged at Wandsworth Prison by Albert Pierrepoint on 3 January 1946, making him the second to last person to be executed for treason in the United Kingdom (before Theodore Schurch the following day).

The Woolworth Building, a skyscraper in New York City, is opened.

Inauguration à Manhattan du plus haut gratte-ciel du monde jusqu'en 1930, le Woolworth Building (241 mètres).

The Franck–Hertz experiment, a pillar of quantum mechanics, is presented to the German Physical Society.

The Franck–Hertz experiment was the first electrical measurement to clearly show the quantum nature of atoms, and thus "transformed our understanding of the world".

The arrest of 250 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders in Istanbul marks the beginning of the Armenian Genocide.


Rafle des personnalités arméniennes de Constantinople. Cet événement marque le début du génocide des Arméniens par la Turquie, qui fera de 800 000 à 1,5 million de morts selon les estimations.


1916/0424:アイルランド「Easter Rising」 Irish rebels,
Dled by Patrick Pearse and James Connolly, launch an uprising in Dublin against British rule and proclaim an Irish Republic.


Ernest Shackleton and five men of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition launch a lifeboat from uninhabited Elephant Island in the Southern Ocean to organise a rescue for the crew of the sunken Endurance.


First tank-to-tank combat, at Villers-Bretonneux, France, when three British Mark IVs meet three German A7Vs.
Premier combat de chars d'assaut dans l'histoire à Villers-Bretonneux entre les Mark IV britanniques et les A7V allemands.

A British Mark IV tank with Tadpole Tail.

Der A7V Wotan im Original.

{これはこれは! すさまじい怪物と怪物の激突!、その有樣は、かつての中世騎士の鉄兜鎧の髣髴とさせて、人間の狂氣の沙汰を思ふに十二分の光景であったらう。

Bei einer Volksabstimmung in Tirol entfallen 98,5 % der abgegebenen Stimmen für den Anschluss an das Deutsche Reich. Die Abstimmung hat jedoch keine Folgen.

Am Bozner Blutsonntag greifen 400 Faschisten einen Umzug des Südtiroler Gewerkschaftsbundes an. Dabei stirbt ein Lehrer und 45 Personen werden schwer verletzt.


The first segment of the Imperial Wireless Chain providing wireless telegraphy between Leafield in Oxfordshire, England, and Cairo, Egypt, comes into operation.


In Vienna, the paper Das Ich und das Es (The Ego and the Id) by Sigmund Freud is published, which outlines Freud's theories of the id, ego, and super-ego.

{Carl Gustav Jung 187561 は別の解釋をし、他の深層心理學系の學者は多士濟々、わが道を行くが如し。かくして、現代人の精神病は多種多樣になっていきましたとさ。

1924/0424:USA 深層心理學者 Granville Stanley Hall 184624、死去

a pioneering American psychologist and educator. His interests focused on childhood development and evolutionary theory. Hall was the first president of the American Psychological Association

Group photo 1909 in front of Clark University. Front row: Sigmund Freud, Granville Stanley Hall, C. G. Jung; back row: Abraham A. Brill, Ernest Jones, Sándor Ferenczi.

Zwischen Deutschland und der UdSSR wird der Berliner Vertrag geschlossen, ein zunächst auf fünf Jahre befristeter Freundschaftsvertrag als Fortsetzung des Vertrags von Rapallo.

The Treaty of Berlin is signed. Germany and the Soviet Union each pledge neutrality in the event of an attack on the other by a third party for the next five years.


Nazi Germany begins its persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses by shutting down the Watch Tower Society office in Magdeburg.

1934/0424:USA 女優 Shirley MacLaine 1934--、誕生

an American film, television and theater actress, singer, dancer, activist and author.

Laurens Hammond receives a patent from the US Patent Office under the name of Electrical Musical Instrument for the electronic organ he designed - the Hammond organ.

1940/0424:USA 女流探偵小説家 Sue Grafton 194017、誕生

an American author of detective novels. She is best known as the author of the "alphabet series" ("A" Is for Alibi, etc.) featuring private investigator Kinsey Millhone in the fictional city of Santa Teresa, California.

1942/0424: アン物語の Lucy Maud Montgomery 187442、死去

a Canadian author best known for a series of novels beginning in 1908 with Anne of Green Gables. The book was an immediate success. The central character, Anne Shirley, an orphaned girl, made Montgomery famous in her lifetime and gave her an international following.

The SBS launches a raid against the garrison of Santorini in Greece.


The Bandung Conference ends: Twenty-nine non-aligned nations of Asia and Africa finish a meeting that condemns colonialism, racism, and the Cold War.

1957/0424:Suez Crisis:
The Suez Canal is reopened following the introduction of UNEF peacekeepers to the region.

1960/0424:ドイツの理論物理學者 Max von Laue 187960、死去

ein deutscher Physiker, der 1914 den Nobelpreis für Physik für seine Entdeckung der Beugung von Röntgenstrahlen durch Kristalle erhielt.
Zusätzlich zu seinen wissenschaftlichen Bemühungen mit Beiträgen in der Optik, Kristallographie, Quantentheorie, Supraleitung und der Relativitätstheorie hatte er eine Reihe von administrativen Positionen inne, die die deutsche wissenschaftliche Forschung und Entwicklung während vier Jahrzehnten voranbrachten und führten.

1902年にベルリン大学に転校。Max Planck 185847クに師事。プランクは1900年12月14日にドイツ物理学会量子力学の誕生を告げる有名な論文を発表していた。
1906年、ラウエはベルリンで私講師となり、プランクの助手となった。この頃、Albert Einstein 187955 と初めて出会って、アインシュタイン相対性理論の発展と受容にも貢献した。

In Stockholm succeeded the lifting of the Vasa on its voyage on 10 August 1628, which was remarkably well preserved.

1964/0424:病理學・細菌學 Gerhard Domagk 189564、死去

Gerhard Johannes Paul Domagk war ein deutscher Pathologe, Bakteriologe und Nobelpreisträger. Er führte die Sulfonamide als Antibiotika zur Therapie von Infektionen in die Medizin ein.



1967/0424:Vietnam War:
American General William Westmoreland says in a news conference that the enemy had "gained support in the United States that gives him hope that he can win politically that which he cannot win militarily."


ブラント西ドイツ首相の秘書 Gギヨームが東ドイツ情報機関のスパイとして逮捕される。

だが捜査は継続され、同年4月24日、ギヨーム夫妻はスパイ容疑で逮捕された。ギヨームは自らを逮捕した捜査官に対し「私は東ドイツの国家人民軍将校で、国家保安省の職員でもある。将校としての私の名誉が尊重されることを望む。(Ich bin Offizier der Nationalen Volksarmee der DDR und Mitarbeiter des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit. Ich bitte, meine Offiziersehre zu respektieren)」と述べ、自らが東ドイツのスパイであることを認めた。この事件は直ちに大きく報道され、ブラント首相の辞任の原因ともなった。
1975年12月15日、ギヨームは禁固15年(妻クリステルは8年)を言い渡されたが、1981年10月、西ドイツのエージェント8人と交換で釈放された(妻クリステルは6人と交換)。その後、ギヨームはシュタージの諜報学校で講義を行い、1995年に死去した。ギヨーム夫妻事件は『世界で最も成功したスパイ作戦の事例』の1つと考えられている。 Wikipedia ja


1980/0424:キュウバ 作家 Alejo Carpentier 190480、死去

Alejo Carpentier y Valmont fue un escritor cubano que influyó notablemente en la literatura latinoamericana durante su período de auge.
La crítica lo considera uno de los escritores fundamentales del siglo XX en lengua española, y uno de los artífices de la renovación literaria latinoamericana, en particular a través de un estilo que incorpora varias dimensiones y aspectos de la imaginación para recrear la realidad, elementos que contribuyeron a su formación y uso de lo «Real Maravilloso».

Eight U.S. servicemen die in Operation Eagle Claw as they attempt to end the Iran hostage crisis.


The Hubble Space Telescope is launched from the Space Shuttle Discovery.

2004/0424:Estée Lauder 190604、死去

American businesswoman, co-founded Estée Lauder Companies
In 1946, she founded Estee Lauder Company in charge of selling creams developed by his uncle who was a dermatologist expert.

2011/0424:インドのグル Sathya Sai Baba 192611、死去

an Indian guru, and philanthropist. He claimed to be the reincarnation of Sai Baba of Shirdi.

A building collapses near Dhaka, Bangladesh, killing 1,129 people and injuring 2,500 others.

2014/0424:オストリア 建築家 Hans Hollein 193414、死去

ein österreichischer Architekt und Designer, Bildhauer, Objektkünstler, Ausstellungsgestalter und Architekturtheoretiker.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World