


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 05/11 今日の出來事

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今日、五月十一日は、犯罪者の日か呟いたほど、犯罪者の記事が續いた ――

近代に入って、フランス人の Eugène-François Vidocq 177557 が1857年に死んだといふ記事があって以降、二十世紀に入ると、
ナチスドイツの強制収容所の勤勉な悪魔を演じ、戰後は南米へと逃げ込んだ(Hannah Arendt 云ふところの)「平凡な惡人」たち、Adolf Eichmann 190662 とか、Nikolaus 'Klaus' Barbie 191391 の事が續いて出てきて、

導入部がいい。少年少女たちが建物の中庭で『カゴメカゴメ』のやうな遊びに熱中してゐる。その平和な光景から物騷な話が始まっていく。 ……


-479/0511/0511:中國 儒教開祖 孔子-55179(Confucius)、死去


論語』』學而 第一 
{毎日三回も反省しなければならないとは、 ―― 多分、お祈りのやうに形式的なものであったのだらう、と思ふしかない。

In Athens, which is in the midst of preparations for the Sicily expedition in the Peloponnesian war against Sparta, in the morning numerous hermen with a head cut off are found. Hermenevels are suspected of being the leader of Alcibiades, but the process is postponed, in order not to delay his departure.

以下のやうなものを herma といふらしい。

{男はやっぱり顏とアソコといふことでせうか。しかし、なんとはなし哀愁が漂ってGreatMother のあの堂々たる貫禄には到底かなはない。男は哀愁ですな。

0252/0511:中國[三國時代]の呉王 孫權018252、死去

吳大帝孫權,字仲謀,三國時期孫吳開國皇帝。孫權父親孫堅為漢末名將,兄長孫策則在群雄割據中打下江東基業。孫權十九歲時,孫策遭刺殺身亡,後繼掌事,成為江東地區的諸侯,並將疆土擴展到荊交二州。 221年,曹丕冊封孫權為吳王並賜其九錫。 222年,與曹丕決裂,建號黃武;229年登基稱帝。諡號大皇帝,因其廟號為太祖,所以又被稱為吳太祖。統治江東地區長達五十二年,是三國時代統治者中最長的。
Sun Quan courtesy name Zhongmou, formally known as Emperor Da of Wu (literally "Great Emperor of Wu"), was the founder of the state of Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period.
 He inherited control of the warlord regime established by his elder brother, Sun Ce, in 200. He declared formal independence and ruled from 222 to 229 as the King of Wu and from 229 to 252 as the Emperor of Wu. Unlike his rivals Cao Cao and Liu Bei, Sun Quan governed his state mostly separate of politics and ideology, he is sometimes portrayed as neutral considering he accommodated the wills of both his rivals but only when it benefited Eastern Wu and never fully attempted to conquer his rivals, although most of historians would cite his lack of logistical resources to do so.


After several years of construction, Emperor Constantine the Great consecrated the Byzantium under the name of Nova Roma and made it the capital of the Roman Empire. After his death, the city was named Constantinople.

Byzantium is renamed Nova Roma during a dedication ceremony, but it is more popularly referred to as Constantinople.

0483/0511:東ロウマ帝國 皇帝 Justinianus I 048365、誕生

Latin: Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus Augustus; Greek: Φλάβιος Πέτρος Σαββάτιος Ἰουστινιανός Flávios Pétros Sabbátios Ioustinianós), traditionally known as Justinian the Great and also Saint Justinian the Great in the Eastern Orthodox Church, was the Eastern Roman emperor from 527 to 565.
During his reign, Justinian sought to revive the empire's greatness and reconquer the lost western half of the historical Roman Empire.
Justinian's rule constitutes a distinct epoch in the history of the Later Roman empire, and his reign is marked by the ambitious but only partly realized renovatio imperii, or "restoration of the Empire".

彼の遺産の重要な側面は、ロウマ法を統合して改訂した『Corpus Iuris Civilis』であり、これは今も多くの現代国家の大陸法の基礎であり続けている。

0753/0511:日本[平城京]官僚 巨勢奈弖麻呂067053、死去



A copy of the Diamond Sutra is printed in China, making it the oldest known dated printed book.
en Chine, Wang Jie réalise une copie du sūtra du Diamant, traduit du texte original en sanskrit, ce qui en fait le plus ancien texte imprimé connu à ce jour.


Liu Chang、北宋の仁宗朝後半と英宗朝に活躍した文人官僚。当時において無類の博学を誇った。字は原父。

1092/0511:Lincoln Cathedral is consecrated.



In Regensburg bricht anderthalb Jahre nach Eroberung Jerusalems durch die Ayyubiden unter Sultan Saladin mit einem mehrtausendköpfigen Heer Kaiser Friedrich I. Barbarossa zum Dritten Kreuzzug auf.

In Regensburg one and a half years after the conquest of Jerusalem by the Ayyubids under Sultan Saladin with a thousand-headed emperor Frederick I. Barbarossa breaks to the Third Crusade.

1258/0511:In the Treaty of Corbeil,
 Jacob I of Aragon gives up successions to two French counties, while, in return, France's King Louis IX acknowledges the whereabouts of North Catalonia and Barcelona in the Kingdom of Aragon.


1310/0511:en France,
 54 membres de ordre des Templiers sont condamnés au bûcher pour hérésie.


Gian Galeazzo Visconti reçoit le titre de duc de Milan de Venceslas de Luxembourg, souverain du Saint-Empire romain germanique.


1502/0511:Christopher Columbus
 departs Cádiz on his fourth and final voyage to the Americas.


Henri de Valois (le futur roi de France Henri III) est élu roi de Pologne.


1610/0511:イエズス會宣教師 Matteo Ricci 155210、死去

un gesuita, matematico, cartografo e sinologo italiano. È stato proclamato Servo di Dio il 19 aprile 1984.
Ricci arrived at the Portuguese settlement of Macau in 1582 where he began his missionary work in China.
He became the first European to enter the Forbidden City of Beijing in 1601 when invited by the Wanli Emperor, who sought his selected services in matters such as court astronomy and calendrical science.
He converted several prominent Chinese officials to Catholicism, such as his colleague Xu Guangqi, who aided in translating Euclid's Elements into Chinese as well as the Confucian classics into Latin for the first time.

Matteo Ricci's way from Macau to Beijing


Unattributed, very detailed, two-page colored edition (1604?), copy of the 1602 map with Japanese katakana transliterations of the phonetic Chinese characters

1646/0511:劍術で大名になった 柳生宗矩157146、死去

Yagyū Munenori was a Japanese swordsman, founder of the Edo branch of Yagyū Shinkage-ryū 柳生流, which he learned from his father Yagyū "Sekishūsai" Muneyoshi 柳生石舟齋宗嚴152706.
This was one of two official sword styles patronized by the Tokugawa shogunate (the other one being Ittō-ryū 一刀流).
Munenori began his career in the Tokugawa administration as a hatamoto 旗本, a direct retainer of the Tokugawa house, and later had his income raised to 10,000 koku 石, making him a minor fudai daimyō 譜代大名 (vassal lord serving the Tokugawa), with landholdings around his ancestral village of Yagyū-zato.
He also received the title of Tajima no Kami (但馬守).


Peter Stuyvesant arrives in New Amsterdam to replace Willem Kieft as Director-General of New Netherland, the Dutch colonial settlement in present-day New York City.


1672/0511:War Franco-Dutch、
Louis XIV of France invades the Netherlands.


1708/0511:ルイ14の建築家 Jules Hardouin-Mansart、誕生

un architecte français.
Il fut premier architecte du roi Louis XIV et surintendant des bâtiments du roi.
Il devient l'architecte principal de Louis XIV. Il est l'un des principaux experts de l'architecture française du baroque tardif et a travaillé sur de nombreux bâtiments représentant la puissance et la gloire de Louis XIV.

Orangerie du château de Versailles


Grand Trianon


1720/0511:ホラ吹き男爵 Friedrich von Münchhausen 172079、誕生

Hieronymus Carl Friedrich Freiherr von Münchhausen war ein deutscher Adliger aus dem Kurfürstentum Braunschweig-Lüneburg. Ihm werden die Geschichten vom Baron Münchhausen zugeschrieben.

ミュンヒハウゼン物語が初めて纏まった形で出版されたのは1781年、ベルリンでのことだった、著者は不明。その後、1785年に大幅加筆された英語版が出版された(Baron Munchhausen's Narrative of his Marvellous Travels and Campaigns in Russia)The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen とも呼ばれた。そこにはミュンヒハウゼンとは無關係の話から拝借したものも多く混じってゐる。


1745/0511:War' Austrian Succession: Battle of Fontenoy:
French forces defeat an Anglo-Dutch–Hanoverian army.


1752/0511:Johann Friedrich Blumenbach 175240、誕生

, anthropologue et biologiste allemand

1760/0511:ビルマの覇王 Alaungpaya 171460、死去

Alaungpaya also spelled Alaunghpaya or Alaung Phra, was the founder of the Konbaung Dynasty of Burma (Myanmar).
By the time of his death from illness during his campaign in Siam, this former chief of a small village in Upper Burma had unified Burma, subdued Manipur, conquered Lan Na and driven out the French and the British who had given help to the Mon Restored Hanthawaddy Kingdom. He also founded Yangon in 1755.
He is considered one of the three greatest monarchs of Burma alongside Anawrahta and Bayinnaung for unifying Burma for the third time in Burmese history.

1778/0511:William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham 170878、死去

William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham was a British statesman of the Whig group who led the government of Great Britain twice in the middle of the 18th century. Historians call him Pitt of Chatham, or William Pitt the Elder, to distinguish him from his son, William Pitt the Younger, who also was a prime minister. Pitt was also known as The Great Commoner, because of his long-standing refusal to accept a title until 1766.

Captain Robert Gray becomes the first documented white person to sail into the Columbia River.

On his expedition along the north-western Pacific coast of the American continent, US captain Robert Gray sails into the mouth of a river, which he calls his Columbia Columbia River, and holds for the US.

Quaker William Tuke opens the first private medical and nursing home for mentally disturbed The Retreat in England, one of the first in the history of psychiatry. The institution, which is characterized by the absence of coercion and violence, still exists today.


Au cours de la Révolution française, le membre du conseil Louis-Marie de La Révellière-Lépeaux soutient le coup d'Etat sans effusion de sang le 22 floréal VI, qui est dirigé contre les Jacobins.

During the French Revolution, council member Louis-Marie de La Revelliere-Lépeaux supports the bloodless coup d'etat on 22 Floréal VI, which is directed against the Jacobins.

1812/0511:イギリス首相 Spencer Perceval 176212、暗殺
Prime Minister Spencer Perceval is assassinated by John Bellingham in the lobby of the House of Commons, London.

a British statesman who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from October 1809 until his assassination in May 1812.

Perceval is the only British prime minister to have been murdered. He was also the only Solicitor General or Attorney General to become Prime Minister.

In Australia, William Lawson, Gregory Blaxland and William Wentworth lead an expedition to cross the Blue Mountains west of Sydney.

Their route opens up inland Australia for continued expansion throughout the 19th century.

1827/0511:フランス彫刻家 Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux 182775、誕生

un sculpteur, peintre et dessinateur français.

Le Triomphe de Flore. South façade of the Pavillon de Flore, Louvre Palace,


Les Quatre parties du monde (1874),


An anatomy law is passed in Great Britain to prevent theft.
It allows the anatomists to dissect bodies which are not claimed by relatives. To ensure that no bodies are illegally dissected, an inspector for anatomy is appointed.


President James Polk asked for and received a Declaration of War against Mexico, starting the Mexican–American War


1848/0511:ドイツ 新カント派 Wilhelm Windelband 184815、誕生

ein deutscher Philosoph, Professor, Vertreter des Neukantianismus, der so genannten Wertphilosophie und Begründer der „Südwestdeutschen Schule“ oder „Badischen Schule“ des Neukantianismus.
彼は、自然科學と精神科學の境界設定に傾注した。自然科學は nomothetisch 法則鼎立的な方法を用ゐる。その對象を普遍妥當的な法則をとほして記述する。精神科學は、個別的なもの、一回限りのもの、の idiographisch 個性記述的な方法を取る。


1849/0511:フランスの閨秀 Juliette Récamier 177749、死去

Jeanne Françoise Julie Adélaïde Bernard, à la ville Madame Jacques Récamier dite Juliette ou Julie Récamier est une femme de lettres française dont le salon parisien réunit, à partir du Directoire et jusqu'à la monarchie de Juillet, les plus grandes célébrités du monde politique, littéraire et artistique.

en 1800 par Jacques-Louis David,


en 1805 par François Gérard,


en 1807 par Firmin Massot,

Wikipedia ja には「世界の歴史上、最も美しい女性」と折紙を付けてあり 、WP fr のペイジは物スゴイほどの力の入れようで紹介してゐるが、はたしてどうだらうか。彼女がもう少し後に生まれるか、写真がもう少し早くできてゐたら実証できるのだが(私は美に順位は付けられないと固く確信する者なので、世界一の美女などと折紙を付けられるとマユツバしないではゐられなくなるのだ。

1850/0511:イタリア人、asteroid Parthenope 發見
in Naples, Annibale de Gasparis discovers the asteroid Parthenope.


On the second day of the Indian uprising against British colonial power, the Sepoys take command of Delhi. In the Red Fort, Grandmogul Bahadur Shah II gives them his blessing.


1857/0511:パリの怪人 Eugène-François Vidocq 177557、死去

un aventurier français, successivement délinquant, bagnard puis policier et enfin détective privé.
Forçat évadé du bagne, il devient chef de la « brigade de sûreté ». À la tête de cette brigade, d'abord officieuse et qui devient par la suite le service de sûreté de la préfecture de police de Paris, ancêtre de la direction régionale de la police judiciaire parisienne, il est le père de la police judiciaire. Il est également le fondateur de la toute première agence de détectives privés de l'histoire.


Edgar Allan Poe 180949 はパリの素人名探偵を創造し、
Honoré de Balzac 179950 は直接ヴィドックと面會し、『ゴリオ爺さん』に登場するヴォウトランは明らかにヴィドックがモデルであった。
Victor Hugo 180285 の『レミゼラブル』の主人公、ジャンヴァルジャンも彼がモデルになってゐると云はれてゐる。


I guerriglieri italiano Giuseppe Garibaldi terre sotto la protezione di due navi da guerra britanniche con il treno dei Mille a Marsala in Sicilia, per conquistare il borbonico dominato Regno delle Due Sicilia durante il Risorgimento.


With the second London treaty, the Great Powers of Great Britain, France, Prussia, and Russia succeeded in the Luxembourg crises between the French Emperor Napoleon III. And the Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. The Grand Duchy is declared neutral and independent.


1875/0511:USA 最初の女流飛行士 Harriet Quimby 187512、誕生

an early American aviator and a movie screenwriter. In 1911, she was awarded a U.S. pilot's certificate by the Aero Club of America, becoming the first woman to gain a pilot's license in the United States.
In 1912, she became the first woman to fly across the English Channel.

In 1911 Quimby authored seven screenplays or scenarios that were made into silent film shorts by Biograph Studios. All seven were directed by director D. W. Griffith. Stars in her films included Florence La Badie, Wilfred Lucas, and Blanche Sweet. Quimby had a small acting role in one movie.

 Her death

1871/0511:天文學者 John Herschel 179271、死去

an English polymath, mathematician, astronomer, chemist, inventor, and experimental photographer,
He made many contributions to the science of photography, and investigated colour blindness and the chemical power of ultraviolet rays; his Preliminary Discourse (1831), which advocated an inductive approach to scientific experiment and theory building, was an important contribution to the philosophy of science.


Der Sozialist Max Hödel verübt Unter den Linden ein Pistolenattentat auf den deutschen Kaiser Wilhelm I., bei dem allerdings niemand verletzt wird. Das Attentat ist ein Vorwand für den Erlass des Sozialistengesetzes am 19. Oktober.


1881/0511:日記を書きつづけた Henri-Frédéric Amiel 182181、死去

un écrivain et philosophe suisse, auteur d'un journal intime exceptionnel tant par son volume (17 000 pages) que par la valeur et l'universalité de son message.


1881/0511:カルマン渦の Theodore von Kármán 188163、誕生

a Hungarian-American mathematician, aerospace engineer, and physicist who was active primarily in the fields of aeronautics and astronautics. He is responsible for many key advances in aerodynamics, notably his work on supersonic and hypersonic airflow characterization. He is regarded as the outstanding aerodynamic theoretician of the twentieth century.



1888/0511:USA 作曲者 Irving Berlin 188889、誕生

an American composer and lyricist, widely considered one of the greatest songwriters in American history. His music forms a great part of the Great American Songbook.
Born in Imperial Russia, Berlin arrived in the United States at the age of five.
He published his first song, "Marie from Sunny Italy", in 1907, receiving 33 cents for the publishing rights, and had his first major international hit, "Alexander's Ragtime Band" in 1911.

The Ōtsu incident: Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich of Imperial Russia (later Nicholas II) suffers a critical head injury during a sword attack by Japanese policeman Tsuda Sanzō. He is rescued by Prince George of Greece and Denmark.

On Tsarewitsch Nikolaus a visit to Japan during the Ōtsu incident is an assassination attempt. A policeman from his Japanese escort injured the victim with a saber in his face and failed on a second blow.

The Swedish Johan Petter Johansson receives a patent on the invented adjustable wrench.



Der deutsche Destillateur Hugo Asbach gründet nach seiner Rückkehr aus Frankreich in Rüdesheim am Rhein die Weinbrennerei Asbach Co, um deutschen Weinbrand herzustellen, und übernimmt die Geschäfte der Export-Compagnie für deutschen Cognac.


1894/0511:モダンバレエの Martha Graham 189491、誕生

an American modern dancer and choreographer. Her style, the Graham technique, reshaped American dance and is still taught worldwide.
Graham has been sometimes termed the "Picasso of Dance" in that her importance and influence to modern dance can be considered equivalent to what Pablo Picasso was to modern visual arts.
Her impact has been also compared to the influence of Stravinsky on music and Frank Lloyd Wright on architecture.

1894/0511:USA、Pullman Strike:
Four thousand Pullman Palace Car Company workers go on a wildcat strike in Illinois.

In Illinois, wild labor camps begin, which as Pullman strike become one of the largest workers' protests in the United States.

1899/0511:日本の陸軍人 川上操六184899、死去

Kawakami Sōroku was a general and one of the chief military strategists in the Imperial Japanese Army during the First Sino-Japanese War.


1904/0511:Salvador Dalí 190489、誕生

un pintor, escultor, grabador, escenógrafo y escritor español del siglo XX. Se le considera uno de los máximos representantes del surrealismo.

≫ La única diferencia entre un loco y yo, es que yo no estoy loco.
The only difference between a madman and me is that I'm not crazy.

1916/0511:天文學者 Karl Schwarzschild 187316、死去

ein deutscher Astronom und Physiker und gilt als einer der Wegbereiter der modernen Astrophysik.
He provided the first exact solution to the Einstein field equations of general relativity, for the limited case of a single spherical non-rotating mass, which he accomplished in 1915, the same year that Einstein first introduced general relativity. The Schwarzschild solution, which makes use of Schwarzschild coordinates and the Schwarzschild metric, leads to a derivation of the Schwarzschild radius, which is the size of the event horizon of a non-rotating black hole.
Schwarzschild accomplished this while serving in the German army during World War I. He died the following year from the autoimmune disease pemphigus, which he developed while at the Russian front. Various forms of the disease particularly affect people of Ashkenazi Jewish origin.


1916/0511:スペイン 作家 Camilo José Cela 191602、誕生

Camilo José Cela Trulock fue un escritor español. Autor prolífico, destacó por igual como novelista, periodista, ensayista, editor de revistas literarias, conferencista,
He was awarded the 1989 Nobel Prize in Literature "for a rich and intensive prose, which with restrained compassion forms a challenging vision of man's vulnerability".


1918/0511:USA 理論物理学 Richard Feynman 191888、誕生

Richard Phillips Feynman was an American theoretical physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as in particle physics for which he proposed the parton model.
For his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman, jointly with Julian Schwinger and Shin'ichirō Tomonaga, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965.

The Italian polar explorer Umberto Nobile starts off with a 16-man crew, including Roald Amundsen and the financier of the expedition, Lincoln Ellsworth, with the Norge airship to cruise across the North Pole.


1927/0511:キュビスト Juan Gris 188727、死去

José Victoriano González-Pérez、un pintor e ilustrador español que desarrolló su actividad principalmente en París.
Es considerado uno de los maestros del cubismo.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6c/Amedeo_Modigliani_-_Portrait_of_Juan_Gris.jpg/800px-Amedeo_Modigliani_-_Portrait_of_Juan_Gris.jpg par Amedeo Modigliani

Retrato de Picasso


Mujer sentada, 1917.


The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is founded.


1928/0511:イスラエル 造形作家 Yaacov Agam 1928--、誕生
(Hebrew: יעקב אגם) is an Israeli sculptor and experimental artist best known for his contributions to optical and kinetic art.



Fountain in Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv


1930/0511:システム工学 Edsger Dijkstra 193002、誕生

a Dutch systems scientist, programmer, software engineer, science essayist,[9] and early pioneer in computing science
One of the most influential members of computing science's founding generation, Dijkstra helped shape the new discipline from both an engineering and a theoretical perspective. ……

≫ Program testing can be a very effective way to show the presence of bugs, but is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence. Edsger W. Dijkstra "The Humble Programmer (1972)"

Die Österreichische Credit-Anstalt erklärt während der Weltwirtschaftskrise ihre Zahlungsunfähigkeit und löst damit eine erhebliche Finanzkrise aus. Das Kreditinstitut wird in der Folge durch Sanierungsmaßnahmen und mit staatlicher Hilfe vor dem endgültigen Ruin gerettet.



Military conflict in the form of proxy war between Japan and Russia, Manchuria and Mongolian People's Republic


Am Ufa-Palast am Zoo in Berlin erfolgt die Uraufführung des Films M – Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder von Fritz Lang und Thea von Harbou mit Peter Lorre in der Titelrolle unter dem ursprünglichen Titel M. Der Film wird zu einem Publikumserfolg, erhält jedoch gemischte Kritiken von der Presse.

Das Cahiers du cinéma listete M 2008 in ihrer Liste der 100 besten Filme aller Zeiten auf Platz 6, er nimmt damit die beste Platzierung für eine deutsche Filmproduktion ein. ➜ Cahiers du Cinema 100 Films | The Moving Arts Film Journal

1942/0511:日本の詩人 萩原朔太郎188642、死去

Hagiwara Sakutarō est un écrivain japonais réputé pour avoir libéré le vers libre japonais du carcan des règles traditionnelles. Il est considéré comme le « père de la poésie moderne familière au Japon ». Il a publié durant toute sa carrière de nombreux essais, critiques littéraires, culturelles et aphorismes.


ふらんすへ行きたしと思へども ふらんすはあまりに遠し せめては新しき背廣をきて きままなる旅にいでてみん。汽車が山道をゆくとき みづいろの窓によりかかりて われひとりうれしきことをおもはむ 五月の朝のしののめ うら若草のもえいづる心まかせに。 ―― 『旅上』(純情小曲集)


1942/0511:フォウクナー短編集 Go Down, Moses 出版William Faulkner's collections of short stories, Go Down, Moses, is published.




US troops attack the Aleutian island of Attu, which has been occupied by the Japanese since 1942, during the battle for the Aleutians in the Pacific War. The struggle for the island lasts for half a month.



Off the coast of Okinawa, the aircraft carrier USS Bunker Hill is hit by two kamikazes, killing 346 of its crew. Although badly damaged, the ship is able to return to the U.S. under its own power.



The German occupation of the fortress of Saint-Nazaire is revealed to the Allies only three days after the unconditional surrender of the German military power on 8 May 1945.



The United Malays National Organization was founded as a resistance to the Malay Union, which was established under pressure from Great Britain on 1 April.

1949/0511:日本の女優 二木てるみ1949--、誕生

a Japanese actress from Tokyo. Since a child, she has been a member of the Japanese Theatrical Company Gekidan Wakakusa, of which she has joined in 1953. She played the young girl Otoyo in Akira Kurosawa's Red Beard (1965).



Siam changed his name to King Bhumibol Adulyadej finally in Thailand. After a first renaming on June 24, 1939, the country once again took its old name after the Second World War.


Création de La Cantatrice chauve d'Eugène Ionesco.




Der israelische Geheimdienst Mossad ergreift laut eigenen Angaben in Buenos Aires den ehemaligen SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann und bringt ihn nach Israel.

In Buenos Aires, Argentina, four Israeli Mossad agents capture fugitive Nazi Adolf Eichmann who is living under the alias of Ricardo Klement.

Authorization to sell the contraceptive pill in the United States.


The United States performs a nuclear test at Nevada Test Site, which was part of the series Operation Grommet and Operation Toggle.


The bombing of the headquarters of the US Corps of the US Army in Frankfurt am Main marks the beginning of the May campaign of the Red Army faction. Lieutenant-Colonel Paul A. Bloomquist is killed, thirteen other people are injured.


Accusing the government of interference, Daniel Ellsberg is convicted for his involvement in the flight of the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times.


1976/0511:フィンランド 建築家 Hugo Henrik Aalto 189876、死去

a Finnish architect and designer.
His work includes architecture, furniture, textiles and glassware, as well as sculptures and paintings, though he never regarded himself as an artist, seeing painting and sculpture as "branches of the tree whose trunk is architecture."

Auditorium of the University of Technology, Helsinki





1981/0511:レゲエ Bob Marley 194581、死去

Robert Nesta Marley was a Jamaican singer-songwriter who became an international musical and cultural icon, blending mostly reggae, ska, and rocksteady in his compositions.
Starting out in 1963 with the group the Wailers, he forged a distinctive songwriting and vocal style that would later resonate with audiences worldwide.
The Wailers would go on to release some of the earliest reggae records with producer Lee "Scratch" Perry.


1981/0511:ロンドンで、ミュウジカル Cats 初演

The musical Cats by Andrew Webber and Trevor Nunn after T. S. Eliot's Old Testament's Book of Practical Cats is premiered with Elaine Paige at the New London Theater in London's West End.


1984: A passage of the Earth in front of the sun seen by Mars takes place.

Klaus Barbie procède à un procès à Lyon pour des crimes de guerre commis pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Barbie, head of the Gestapo in southern France, was responsible for the deportation of the children of Izieu and numerous other massacres.

Nikolaus 'Klaus' Barbie 191391ナチスドイツの親衛隊員(大尉)、リヨンの屠殺人

1957/1007、バルビはボリビア国籍を取得、以後、ボリビアの軍事政權とアメリカの庇護のもとにドイツ系ボリビア人「Klaus Altman」として、歴代の軍事政權の治安対策アドヴァイザになった。
さらには、オウストリアの大手軍需企業とも取引をおこなひ莫大な資金を稼ぎ、すっかり Klasu Altman となったブラビは大膽にもフランスに立ち入ったこともあった。が、

1988/0511:ソ連のスパイ Kim Philby 191288、死去

Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby was a high-ranking member of British intelligence who worked as a double agent before defecting to the Soviet Union in 1963. He served as both an NKVD and KGB operative.
In 1963, Philby was revealed to be a member of the spy ring now known as the Cambridge Five, the other members of which were Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt and, possibly, John Cairncross or Victor Rothschild. Of the five, Philby is believed to have been most successful in providing secret information to the Soviet Union. His activities were moderated only by Joseph Stalin's fears that he was a triple agent providing Soviet intelligence to British authorities.
Philby was an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) from 1946 to 1965, and he was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1965.

1995/0511:核拡散防止条約 (NPT)、無条件・無期限延長を採擇
More than 170 countries extend the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty indefinitely and without conditions.


Deep Blue, a chess-playing supercomputer, defeats Garry Kasparov in the last game of the rematch, becoming the first computer to beat a world-champion chess player in a classic match format.


India conducts three underground atomic tests in Pokhran to include a thermonuclear device.


2000/0511:Second Chechen War、ロシア軍、待伏に遭ふ
Chechen separatists ambush Russian paramilitary forces in the Republic of Ingushetia.


2001/0511:イギリス SF作家 Douglas Noel Adams 195201、死去

an English author, scriptwriter, essayist, humorist, satirist and dramatist.
Adams was author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which originated in 1978 as a BBC radio comedy before developing into a "trilogy" of five books that sold more than 15 million copies in his lifetime and generated a television series, several stage plays, comics, a computer game, and in 2005 a feature film.

Adams was an advocate for environmentalism and conservation, a lover of fast cars, technological innovation and the Apple Macintosh, and a devout atheist.

2002/0511:マフィア Joseph Bonanno 190502、死去

Joseph Charles Bonanno Sr. was an Italian-born American mafioso who became the boss of the Bonanno crime family.

Eine Skulptur von Benvenuto Cellini, die Saliera (ein Salzfass), wird in der Nacht auf Sonntag aus dem Kunsthistorischen Museum in Wien gestohlen.


According to official figures, the population of India exceeds the threshold of one billion inhabitants.


On the Philippine island of Calayan in the group of the Babuyan Islands a not-known bird species, the Calayan-Ralle, is discovered.


2007/0511:サモアの王樣 Malietoa Tanumafili II 191307、崩去

Malietoa Tanumafili II , also called Susuga, was the Malietoa, the title of one of Samoa's four paramount chiefs, and the head of state, or O le Ao o le Malo, a position that he held for life, of Samoa from 1962 to 2007.
He was co-chief of state in 1962 and became the sole head of state on 15 April 1963.
At the time of his death, he was the oldest national leader in the world. It is a common mistake that the Malietoa title is a title equivalent to a king-ship. Malietoa is known as the first warrior title, and is respected not as a King but as a Tamaaiga or Ao Mamalu ole Malo. He was the last incumbant president-for-life in the world.

La version dite « O » de la série Les Femmes d'Alger de Pablo Picasso est acquise pour 179,3 millions de dollars, devenant ainsi le tableau le plus cher de l'histoire lors d'une vente aux enchères.

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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World