


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 05/09 今日の出來事

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昨日のギボン『ロウマ帝國衰亡史』、シュペングラの『西洋の沒落』の話を續けろといふみたいに、今日は『大衆の反亂』を書いて現代人に自省を迫ったオルテガ・イ・ガセット Ortega Y Gasset 188355 の誕生日であった。

彼の『大衆の反亂=La rebelión de las masas』は1929年に出版された。ほゞ Oswald Spengler 188036 と同じ時期だ。時代は第一次世界大戰と第二次世界大戰のあひだ。ヨウロパが一息ついてゐる頃であった。

オルテガの思想の主張は「razón vital 生の理性」、いはゆる生の哲學者で、自分を理論体系化せず、即物即興に現實と對面し挌鬪していくなかで生身で自己形成していく、といふものであった。ゆゑに、彼の知識の範圍は學的ジャンルを超えて、人間についての全體的な理解をめざすものであった。それゆゑ、現代人のその人間性についての理解は辛辣なものとなった。


この『大衆の反亂』と重ね合はせるやうに私はオランダの歴史家、ホイジンガJohan Huizinga 187245 の『朝の影のなかで』も讀んでゐた。これは1935年に書かれた。ヨウロパは第二次世界大戰に突入していく頃だ。



さうした人間性を改善しなければ、 ―― 私は『大衆の反亂』『朝の影のなかに』に續けるやうにして、ヘッセ Hermann Hesse 187762 の『硝子玉遊戲 Das Glasperlenspiel』といふ彼の最後の小説となる未來小説を讀んでゐた。この大作は第二次大戰の經過と時間並行して作られていった。絶望のなかで希望を見付けださうとする努力であった。
その内容は、この現代人とその文化を feuilleton 文化と否定して、硝子玉遊戲といふ或種の藝術的行爲によって新たな人間の精神共同體が形成されていく、そんなユウトピアの物語に啓示を受けて、
私も一人の Glasperlenspieler となったつもりで、それらの本を枕にして夢想に耽ったのであった。


1147/0509:日本の武家 鎌倉將軍 源頼朝114799、誕生

Minamoto no Yoritomo was the founder and the first shōgun of the Kamakura Shogunate of Japan. He ruled from 1192 until 1199.



1386/0509:イングランドポルトガルTreaty of Windsor 
Portugal and England renew their alliance with the Treaty of Windsor since 1275. It is one of the oldest friendship treaties still valid today. On February 2, 1387, the alliance was reaffirmed by the marriage of King John I of Portugal with Philippa of Lancaster, sister of the later King Henry IV.


'Abd al-Latif (Timurid monarch) is assassinated.


1469/0509:フランス「Traité de Saint-Omer」
entre le duc de Bourgogne, Charles le Téméraire et le duc d'Autriche, Sigismond de Habsbourg.


From Cádiz Christopher Columbus, with his son Fernando and the four ships Capitana, La Gallega, Santiago de Palos and Vizcaína, breaks up for his fourth journey to the New World.



Hernando de Alarcón sets sail on an expedition to the Gulf of California.


The sea battle of Djerba between the fleets of the Ottoman Empire under Grandadmiral Piale Pasha and a coalition of Christian medias, led by Spain.

Victory ―― Ottoman E.

The figure who later became Mr. Punch made his first recorded appearance in England.

Mr.Punch:十四世紀のイタリアで流行した『Comedia dell'Arte』で、これがイギリスに傳はった時、登場人物の道化師である Pulcinella が Punchinello と綴られ、それが短縮されて Punch となった。

この Punch & Judy が組み合はされて人形劇となり、ロンドンの Covent Garden で初演されたのがこの日の事(といふ記録あり)とされる。

{Audrey Hepburn 主演の『Charade』の最後のはうで、パリのノミの市が催される公園で演じられてゐたのも パンチ&ジュディだった、かな?

Der Zoo Dresden wird eröffnet, einer der ältesten in Deutschland.


Thomas Blood, disguised as a clergyman, attempts to steal England's Crown Jewels from the Tower of London.

The English explorer Thomas Blood tries with three accomplices to rob the crown jewels from the Tower of London. They manage to overwhelm the administrator, but they are still taken before the flight. The perpetrators are pardoned by King Charles II, who is impressed by their courage.

Thomas Blood and his accomplices making their escape


Colonel Thomas Blood 161880アングロアイルランド人。このロンドンタワーで大胆不敵にもイギリスの王冠寶石の盗みを試みたことで「命知らずのブラボ野郎」と評判を呼んだ。また、誘拐事件や仇敵の殺人などもおこなった。


Five men arrested during a raid on Mother Clap's molly house in London are executed at Tyburn.



公事方御定書 Kujikata Osadamegaki江戸幕府の成文による基本法典。八大將軍の徳川吉宗168451のもとで作成が始まり、1742一應の完成に達した。

1746/0509:フランスの数学万能者 Gaspard Monge 174618、誕生

un mathématicien français dont l'œuvre considérable mêle géométrie descriptive, analyse infinitésimale et géométrie analytique.
En parallèle à ses travaux de recherche, il enseigne une grande partie de sa vie et a comme élèves beaucoup des futurs grands mathématiciens français du XIXe siècle.
Il joue un grand rôle dans la Révolution française, tant du point de vue politique que du point de vue de l'instauration d'un nouveau système éducatif : il participe à la création de l'École normale de l'an III et de l'École polytechnique (en 1794)4, deux écoles où il enseigne la géométrie. Il concourt également avec Berthollet, Chaptal et Laplace à la création de l'École d'arts et métiers.

1754/0509:USA、Bフランクリンの奇策、Join, or Die


Benjamin Franklin publishes a caricature considered the first published in the United States. Entitled Join, or Die, it shows a snake cut into several pieces, each representing an American state.


1763/0509:アメリカ、Siege of Fort Detroit begins
during Pontiac's War against British forces.


1707/0509:ドイツ 作曲家 Dietrich Buxtehude 163707、死去

ein dänisch-deutscher Organist und Komponist des Barocks.
Als Komponist schuf Buxtehude ein umfangreiches Werk. Unter seinen weltlichen Werken herrschen Triosonaten und Klavierwerke vor.
An geistlicher Musik schuf er zahlreiche Orgelwerke, etliche davon sind in ihrem Charakter nicht liturgisch, sondern konzertant, andere eignen sich als Vor- oder Nachspiel zum Gottesdienst wie zur konzertanten Aufführung.

1773/0509:スヰス 経済学 Jean de Sismondi 177342、誕生

Jean Charles Léonard Simonde de Sismondi、un historien, essayiste politique et économiste suisse.


1800/0509:USA 奴隷解放運動 John Brown 180059、誕生

an American abolitionist who believed in and advocated armed insurrection as the only way to overthrow the institution of slavery in the United States.
He first gained attention when he led small groups of volunteers during the Bleeding Kansas crisis of 1856. He was dissatisfied with the pacifism of the organized abolitionist movement: "These men are all talk.
What we need is action—action!" In May 1856, Brown and his supporters killed five supporters of slavery in the Pottawatomie massacre, which responded to the sacking of Lawrence by pro-slavery forces. Brown then commanded anti-slavery forces at the Battle of Black Jack (June 2) and the Battle of Osawatomie (August 30).



1805/0509:ドイツ 文豪 Friedrich von Schiller 175905、死去

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller war ein Arzt, Dichter, Philosoph und Historiker.
Er gilt als einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Dramatiker, Lyriker und Essayisten.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/Friedrich_Schiller_by_Ludovike_Simanowiz.jpg von Ludovike Simanowiz im Jahr 1794

Le Français Nicéphore Niépce 176533 a utilisé une caméra obscura pour capturer des images sur du papier de chlorure d'argent. mais il ne peut pas corriger les enregistrements.



1849/0509:明治天皇の皇后 昭憲皇太后184914、誕生

Shōken-kōgō, also known as Empress Dowager Shōken (昭憲皇太后 Shōken-kōtaigō), was the wife of Emperor Meiji of Japan.


The Imperial Family in 1900. From left to right: Princess Kane, the Crown Princess, Princess Fumi, the Emperor, Princess Yasu, the Empress, the Crown Prince and Princess Tsune.


1850/0509:フランス 化学者 Louis Joseph Gay-Lussac 177850、死去

「ゲ リュサック」un chimiste et physicien français, connu pour ses études sur les propriétés des gaz.
Ces travaux méticuleux en physique et chimie pneumatique, dans la continuité de Lavoisier et dans le respect de l'école newtonienne d'Arcueil, ont ouvert une voie paradoxale, mais assurée, aux notions fondamentales de la chimie atomique, à commencer par le nombre d'Avogadro et la molarité.


85 Indian soldiers (Sepoys) of the British garrison in Merath, British India, are publicly demoted and chained after refusing two days earlier to use the new Enfield rifle, in which rumors of beef tallow and pork loin are processed has been. The harsh punishment comes from the following day into the Sepoy uprising, which will last until 1858.


1860/0509:ピーターパンの James Matthew Barrie 186037、誕生

a Scottish novelist and playwright, best remembered today as the creator of Peter Pan.


by Sir George Frampton in Kensington Gardens, London


1864/0509:Second Schleswig War
The Danish navy defeats the Austrian and Prussian fleets in the Battle of Heligoland.


US inventor Richard Gatling patented the Gatling Gun, a predecessor of the machine gun, invented by him in 1861.



1873/0509:ツタンカアメン發掘 Howard Carter 187339、誕生

a British archaeologist and Egyptologist who became world-famous after discovering the intact tomb (designated KV62) of the 18th Dynasty Pharaoh, Tutankhamun (colloquially known as "King Tut" and "the boy king"), in November 1922.
Although only 17, Carter was innovative in improving the methods of copying tomb decoration.
In 1892, he worked under the tutelage of Flinders Petrie for one season at Amarna, the capital founded by the pharaoh Akhenaten. From 1894 to 1899, he worked with Édouard Naville at Deir el-Bahari, where he recorded the wall reliefs in the temple of Hatshepsut.


American Civil War: President Andrew Johnson issues a proclamation ending belligerent rights of the rebels and enjoining foreign nations to intern or expel Confederate ships.


Unter Leitung des Komponisten wird in Linz Anton Bruckners 1. Sinfonie uraufgeführt.

Die Aufführung, die von Eduard Hanslick durchaus positiv rezensiert wird, gerät zu einem Achtungserfolg.

1873/0509:ウイン、株式相場暴落 „Schwarzen Freitag
Der Gründerkrach, ein Börsenkrach an der Wiener Börse, ausgelöst durch hemmungslose Spekulationen rund um die Wiener Weltausstellung, führt nach den Gründerjahren international zu einer schweren Rezession. Beim Platzen der Spekulationsblase am „Schwarzen Freitag“ werden alleine rund 120 Unternehmen insolvent.


Der deutsche Erfinder Nicolaus Otto 183291 nimmt versuchsweise seinen ersten Viertaktmotor, den Ottomotor, in Betrieb.





In the Iquique earthquake and the subsequent tsunami, 2541 people are killed. Most of the victims are in Chile in the Iquique region and neighboring Peru. But the effects are felt up to Hawaii and Japan.


David Edward Hughes presents an improved microphone, the carbon microphone developed by him, at the Royal Society in London.


Der Dresdner Arzt Maximilian Nitze stellt in Wien das erste Urethrozystoskop vor, ein Gerät zur Harnröhren- und Blasenspiegelung.


Das deutsche Reichspatent Nummer 22244 schützt die von Georg Meisenbach erfundene Autotypie. Dieses Druckverfahren ermöglicht die Wiedergabe gerasteter Fotos in der Presse.


1883/0509:近代「大衆」批判 Ortega Y Gasset 188355、誕生

un filósofo y ensayista español, exponente principal de la teoría del perspectivismo y de la razón vital —raciovitalismo— e histórica, situado en el movimiento del novecentismo.

Razón vital 生きた理性
Denomina «razón vital» a un nuevo tipo de razón —en rigor, el más antiguo y primario—, y «raciovitalismo» al modo de pensar que se apoya en su nuevo concepto de razón. La razón vital es una razón que se va realizando constantemente en la vida a la cual es inherente.
He calls "vital reason" a new kind of reason -indeed, the oldest and primary one-, and "rationalism" in the way of thinking that is based on his new concept of reason. The vital reason is a reason that is constantly being realized in the life to which it is inherent.

Yo y mi circunstancia 私と私の環境 
Con la frase «Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia y si no la salvo a ella no me salvo yo», aparecida en Meditaciones del Quijote, Ortega insiste en lo que está en torno al hombre, todo lo que lo rodea, no solo lo inmediato, sino lo remoto; no solo lo físico, sino lo histórico, lo espiritual. El hombre, según Ortega, es el problema de la vida, y entiende por vida algo concreto, incomparable, único: «la vida es lo individual»; es decir,

El perspectivismo o «doctrina del punto de vista» es una doctrina filosófica que sostiene que toda percepción e ideación es subjetiva. El individuo mira desde un punto de vista concreto, en una dirección propia.
Perspectivism or "doctrine of the point of view" is a philosophical doctrine that holds that all perception and ideation is subjective. The individual looks from a specific point of view, in a proper direction.


Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West Show opens in London.



Australia opens its first parliament in Melbourne.

Four months after the foundation of the Australian Federation, the Parliament met for the first time in Melbourne. The only building that is large enough for the opening is the Royal Exhibition Building exhibition building in the Carlton Gardens, after which the parliamentary representatives meet.

1904/0509:DubleBind 論 Gregory Bateson 190480、誕生

an English anthropologist, social scientist, linguist, visual anthropologist, semiotician, and cyberneticist whose work intersected that of many other fields. In the 1940s, he helped extend systems theory and cybernetics to the social and behavioral sciences.
He spent the last decade of his life developing a "meta-science" of epistemology to bring together the various early forms of systems theory developing in different fields of science. His writings include Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972) and Mind and Nature (1979).

Duble bind
The double bind was originally presented (probably mainly under the influence of Bateson's psychiatric co-workers) as an explanation of part of the etiology of schizophrenia. Currently, it is considered to be more important as an example of Bateson's approach to the complexities of communication which is what he understood it to be.

The steam locomotive City of Truro becomes the first steam engine in Europe to exceed 100 mph (160 km/h).


The works of Gabriele D'Annunzio are placed in the Index of Forbidden Books by the Vatican.



The President of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai, was forced by Japanese military pressure to accept the "21" proposed by him.

1915/0509:WWⅠ、Second Battle of Artois
 between German vs French forces.

At Artois in France, Loretto's battle begins with a major attack by the Triple Entente under Ferdinand Foch, a typical example of the weeks, bloody and unsuccessful material battles. It lasts until July 23rd.

Germany repels Britain's second attempt to blockade the port of Ostend, Belgium.


1920/0509:日本の小説家 岩野泡鳴187320、死去

Iwano Ho'umei、un traducteur et écrivain japonais. Iwano est considéré comme un représentant du naturalisme littéraire au Japon
Iwano veut devenir missionnaire chrétien dans sa jeunesse, mais se tourne finalement vers la littérature.
À partir de 1909 il écrit plusieurs romans autobiographiques, parmi lesquels Tandeki (« Décadence », 1909) et Hōmei gobusaku (泡鳴五部作, littéralement « Les cinq vies d'Hōmei Iwano », 1911).

1920/0509:イギリス 小説家 Richard Adams 192016、誕生

an English novelist who is best known as the author of Watership Down 1972, Shardik and The Plague Dogs.


1920/0509:Polish–Soviet War、
The Polish army under General Edward Rydz-Śmigły celebrates its capture of Kiev with a victory parade on Khreshchatyk.


Admiral Richard E. Byrd and Floyd Bennett claim to have flown over the North Pole (later discovery of Byrd's diary appears to cast some doubt on the claim.)


1931/0509:USA初のN物理学受賞者 Albert Michelson 185231、死去

an American physicist known for his work on measuring the speed of light and especially for the Michelson–Morley experiment.
In 1907 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics, becoming the first American to win the Nobel Prize in a science.

Michelson and Morley's interferometric setup, mounted on a stone slab that floats in an annular trough of mercury. 







 「純血の香高く 天國に結ぶ戀、多磨に營む比翼塚、大磯心中の麗しい結末」



{事實の眞實化、そのための物語化、物語化した史實の影響力、 …… いろいろさまざま、物思はせてくれた事件であった。 


In the battle for Nanchang, with the retreat of the Chinese troops, the reconquest of the city failed. In the Second Japanese-Chinese War the possession of this railway junction opened the way for the Japanese to Indochina.

The German submarine U-110 is captured by the Royal Navy. On board is the latest Enigma machine which Allied cryptographers later use to break coded German messages.


The SS executes 588 Jewish residents of the Podolian town of Zinkiv (Khmelnytska oblast, Ukraine). The Zoludek Ghetto (in Belarus) is destroyed and all its inhabitants executed or deported.


Soviet Red Army occupying Prague.

プラハの戦い (第二次世界大戦) 

King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy abdicates and is succeeded by Umberto II.


1949/0509:モナコ、Rainier III becomes Prince of Monaco.

Prince Rainier III. After the death of his grandfather Louis II., The regent in the Principality of Monaco, because his mother Charlotte of Monaco in his favor to the throne has renounced.

Déclaration Schuman sur l'Europe, « l'Europe se fera par des réalisations concrètes, créant d'abord une solidarité de fait. »


Sortie du film Jeux interdits de René Clément en France.

 {私は映画を見るまで『禁じられた遊び』といふ題名を誤解してをりました。誤解を恥地つゝ映画に感動しました。はづかしい思ひ出です。しかし、「禁じられた遊び」と云へば私の時代でもすでに …… 

1955/0509:阪神タイガースの若虎 掛布雅之1955--、誕生

Kakefu Masayuki is a Japanese former professional baseball third baseman in Nippon Professional Baseball. He played his entire career for the Hanshin Tigers from 1974 to 1988.

1955/0509:Cold War、West Germany joins NATO
In the course of the Westintegration of the Federal Republic of Germany, their accession to NATO is carried out in a ceremony at the Paris Palais de Chaillot.


Japan climbing team climbed the world to Manaslu in the Himalayas.


Alfred Hitchcock's thriller Vertigo starring James Stewart and Kim Novak are premiered in San Francisco. 


The Food and Drug Administration announces it will approve birth control as an additional indication for Searle's Enovid, making Enovid the world's first approved oral contraceptive pill.


Russian-American pianist Vladimir Horowitz celebrates a sensational comeback at Carnegie Hall in New York after 12 years of absence


Carlos Lamarca leads the first urban guerrilla action against the military dictatorship of Brazil in São Paulo, by robbing two banks.


1970/0509:Vietnam War、全米で抗議デモ、ホワイトハウスに迫る
In Washington, D.C., 75,000 to 100,000 war protesters demonstrate in front of the White House.


1974/0509:USA、Watergate scandal:
The United States House Committee on the Judiciary opens formal and public impeachment hearings against President Richard Nixon.




1986/0509:ネパルのシェルパ Tenzing Norgay 191486、死去

born Namgyal Wangdi and often referred to as Sherpa Tenzing, was a Nepali Sherpa mountaineer.
He was one of the first two individuals known to reach the summit of Mount Everest, which he accomplished with Edmund Hillary on 29 May 1953.

Mount Everest


Hillary greets Tenzing Norgay, circa 1971


LOT Flight 5055 Tadeusz Kościuszko crashes after takeoff in Warsaw, Poland, killing all 183 people on board.







Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World