


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の Paul Gauguin 184803 の D'où venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Où allons-nous ?


歴史暦:古今東西 05/08 今日の出來事

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ロウマ帝國の衰亡』を記したイギリスの歴史家、Edward Gibbon 173794 が誕生し、
西洋の沒落』を書いたドイツの歴史家、Oswald Spengler 188036 が死去した。

ロウマ市民を「彼等がひたすら求めるものはもっぱら二つのこと、panem et circenses パンとサアカス」と諷刺したのは、ロウマ帝國の退廢をみづから生きた Decimus Junius Juvenalis 0060130 であったが、英國人のギボンも同樣の視点でロウマ帝國全體の歴史を見詰め見据ゑて、
History is indeed little more than the register of crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind.歴史とは、人類の犯罪・愚行・厄災の登記簿のやうなものにすぎない と嘆息した。ロウマ帝國の歴史をつぶさに見ていけば、そんな實感を持つのは至極あたりまへだらう。陰謀と暗殺が日常茶飯、頽廢した無能と狂氣の皇帝ばかり、退嬰する腐敗した元老院、墮落する市民はパンとサアカス(このサアカスはサアキット=競技場のことらしい)にウツツを抜かし、 ……

ロウマ帝國で演じられた事がより大掛かりに西洋の世界で演じられたのだ。十九世紀から二十世紀にかけての西洋が主導した時代。世界中を荒らし囘り、戰爭と侵略、快樂原則に支配されセックスとスクリンとスポウツにウツツを抜かし、 ……

Frieden ist ein Wunsch, Krieg ist eine Tatsache; Und die Geschichte hat niemals auf menschliche Wünsche und Ideale geachtet. =Peace is a desire, war is a fact; and history has never paid heed to human desires and ideals.「平和は希望であり、戰爭は事實である。そして、歴史が人間の希望や理想に注意を拂ったことなどけっしてなかった」




D'où venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Où allons-nous ?

彼の代表作となる大作に「D'où venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Où allons-nous ?」と題した Paul Gauguin 184803 が太平洋上の島で野垂れ死にした日であった。

Jules César adottato Ottaviano, il futuro imperatore Augusto.

 Gaius Julius Caesar -10044
 Octavianus Augustus -06314

0413/0508:ロウマ皇帝 Honorius、善政す
Emperor Honorius signs an edict providing tax relief for the Italian provinces Tuscia, Campania, Picenum, Samnium, Apulia, Lucania and Calabria, which were plundered by the Visigoths.


Reccared I summons the Third Council of Toledo.


0730/0508(天平02/0417):日本[平城京] 光明皇后、施薬院を作る


Der unmündige Heinrich, Sohn des Kaisers Friedrich II. (HRR), wird in Aachen von Erzbischof Engelbert I. von Köln zum römisch-deutschen König und zum Mitregenten seines Vaters gekrönt.





Dans la paix de Brétigny avec les Français Johann König II a renoncé à l'anglais Eduard König III. à la fin de la première phase de la guerre de Cent Ans à la couronne de France et pour Calais, Poitou et les territoires recevront au sud-ouest France en possession.



1429/0508:フランス、Jeanne d'Arc
 oblige les Anglais à lever le siège d'Orléans.

Joan of Arc lifts the Siege of Orléans, turning the tide of the Hundred Years' War.
Un jour après la prise d'Orléans après sept mois de siège par les troupes françaises sous Lahire et Jeanne d'Arc déconnecter l'anglais, ce qui signifie un changement dans la guerre de Cent Ans et ouvre König Karl VII. Le chemin de la cathédrale du sacre à Reims.


1450/0508:イギリスで「Jack Cade's Rebellion」
Kentishmen revolt against King Henry VI.


1516/0508:どこかの國で、Trần Cảo Rebellion:
A group of imperial guards, led by Trịnh Duy Sản, murdered Emperor Lê Tương Dực and fled, leaving the capital Thăng Long undefended.


Kaiser Karl V. verhängt auf dem Reichstag zu Worms im Wormser Edikt die Reichsacht über Martin Luther, der sich am 17. und 18. April geweigert hat, seine Thesen zu widerrufen.


1541/0508:スペイン、 Hernando de Soto (conquistador) の冒険
El navegante español y conquistador Hernando de Soto llegó con su ya difícil expedición diezmada desde la Florida hasta el río Mississippi.

Hernando de Soto reaches the Mississippi River and names it Río de Espíritu Santo.




In Lübeck wird eine Sklavenkasse eingerichtet, die lübische Seeleute aus den Fängen nordafrikanischer Piraten freikaufen soll. Die Kasse hat Bestand bis ins 19. Jahrhundert.


The First English-Dutch War ends with the peace of Westminster. The Netherlands must recognize the English navigations, according to which foreign goods can only be imported into England on English ships.


Oliver Cromwell (Lord Protector of England since 1653) rejects the royal crown offered him by Parliament.


Members of the Convention Parliaments in the Commonwealth of England proclaim the King Charles II as a king and thus end the Republican period in English history.


1737/0508:ロウマ帝國興亡史の Edward Gibbon 173794、誕生

an English historian, writer and Member of Parliament.
His most important work, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, was published in six volumes between 1776 and 1788 and is known for the quality and irony of its prose, its use of primary sources, and its open criticism of organised religion.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: 1776–1788 

History is indeed little more than the register of crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind. "Roman Empire's Failure History.(歴史とは)人類の犯罪や愚行、厄災の登記簿のようなものにすぎない。

1753/0508:メキシコの建國 Miguel Hidalgo 175311、誕生

Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo y Costilla Gallaga Mandarte y Villaseñor​ (Hacienda de Corralejo en Pénjamo, fue un sacerdote y revolucionario novohispano que destacó iniciando la primera etapa de la Guerra de Independencia de México con un acto conocido en la historiografía mexicana como Grito de Dolores.
Early leader in Mexico independence movement. He was caught and executed during the independence struggle.

1769/0508:Bataille de Ponte-Novo
Bataille de Ponte Novu, les troupes paolistes perdent la bataille contre les troupes de Louis XV, la Corse est conquise militairement par la France.



As the highlight of the Spanish re-conquest of Florida by the United Kingdom during the American War of Independence, Spanish troops under the command of Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid succeeded in conquering the city of the same name in the Battle of Pensacola.


Exécution des vingt-huit fermiers généraux à Paris, dont Antoine Lavoisier.

Branded a traitor during the Reign of Terror by revolutionists, French chemist Antoine Lavoisier, who was also a tax collector with the Ferme générale, is tried, convicted and guillotined in one day in Paris.
Astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange told Lavoisier's death, "It is a moment to cut off his head, but it will take 100 years for something with the same brain as him to appear."

1794/0508:万能の科学者 Antoine Lavoisier 174394、処刑(斷首)

un chimiste, philosophe et économiste français, souvent présenté comme le père de la chimie moderne, qui se développera à partir des bases et des notions qu'il a établies et d'une nouvelle exigence de précision offerte par les instruments qu'il a mis au point.
Il a inauguré la méthode scientifique, à la fois expérimentale et mathématique, dans ce domaine qui, au contraire de la mécanique, semblait devoir y échapper.


1821/0508:ギリシア獨立戰爭「Battle of Gravia Inn」
The Greeks defeat the Turks at the Battle of Gravia Inn.


1828/0508:赤十字の創設 Henry Dunant 182810、誕生

homme d'affaires humaniste suisse et également un chrétien protestant.
Une année plus tard, il participe à Genève à la fondation du Comité international de secours aux militaires blessés, désigné dès 1876 sous le nom de Comité international de la Croix-Rouge.
La première convention de Genève est ratifiée en 1864 et se réfère largement à ses propositions. Il obtient avec Frédéric Passy le premier prix Nobel de la paix en 1901 et est ainsi considéré comme le fondateur du mouvement de la Croix-Rouge internationale.


In Great Britain the workers are closed for the first time, and the Democratic Socialists demand, in their People's Charter program, the general and secret right to vote for men over 21 years of age, annual parliamentary elections, the elimination of rotten boroughs and diets for deputies.



Zachary Taylor defeats a Mexican force north of the Rio Grande in the first major battle of the war.



In the Londoner Protokoll (1852)  between Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia and Austria, as well as the Eastern Seas, Sweden and Denmark, the integrity of the Danish state is reaffirmed by the Great Powers. The duchies of Schleswig and Holstein remain, however, as independent units.



China, Taiping paradise troops began to subdue northern.

American Civil War: Richmond, Virginia is named the capital of the Confederate States of America.


Two days after the Battle of the Wilderness, the Army of the Potomac under General Major George Gordon Meade and the Army of Northern Virginia by General Robert Edward Lee again face the American Civil War.

The Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse between the two exhausted units begins on the first day with a brief skirmish, but continues until 21 May.



1873/0508:イギリス 社会思想家 John Stuart Mill 180673、死去

a British philosopher, political economist and civil servant. One of the most influential thinkers in the history of liberalism, he contributed widely to social theory, political theory and political economy. Dubbed "the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century", Mill's conception of liberty justified the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state and social control
Mill was a proponent of utilitarianism, an ethical theory developed by his predecessor Jeremy Bentham 175832. He contributed to the investigation of scientific methodology,
A member of the Liberal Party, he was also the first Member of Parliament to call for women's suffrage.

It is better to be a person with dissatisfaction than being a satisfied pig. - 'Utilitarianism' (1861)
{肥った豚になるより痩せたソクラテスになれ の元はこれだったんだな。それにしても、人間を豚と比較するといふ感覺がやはり私にはどうしても理解できない。しかもその人間たるやかのソクラテスである。たしかにその外貌は豚のやうな顏ではあったが、その中身においては史上屈指の哲人であり、それを豚と比較するといふのはJSミルの見識を疑ひたくなる。たんに、肥った人間になるより痩せた人間、滿足した人間より不滿を持った人間になれ、のはうが單純明解でいいのではないか。あ、ソクラテスといふ名は彼が持ちだしたのではなく、東大の學長の捏造だったのか。それにしても、人間を豚と比較するなんて ……

Bei deutschen Ausgrabungen in der Cella des Heratempels in Olympia wird der Hermes von Olympia ans Tageslicht gefördert. Es wird überwiegend angenommen, dass es sich dabei um eine Skulptur des antiken Bildhauers Praxiteles handelt, die um 340 v. Chr. entstanden ist.


Hermes von Olympia (unrestauriert)



1880/05/0508:ボバリ夫人の Gustave Flaubert 182180、死去

Prosateur de premier plan de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, Flaubert a marqué la littérature universelle par la profondeur de ses analyses psychologiques, son souci de réalisme, son regard lucide sur les comportements des individus et de la société, et par la force de son style dans de grands romans comme Madame Bovary (1857), Salammbô (1862), L'Éducation sentimentale (1869), ou le recueil de nouvelles Trois contes (1877).
Fraubert vise à éliminer la subjectivité de l'auteur et à assimiler l'auteur à la personne en construction avec un styliste objectif et précis.
Ses mots "Mme Bovariy est censée être moi" aurait dit au cours du procès est une simple expression de sa croyance littéraire.

{フロベルにおいて、作者は物語の背後に姿を消し、物語は自立し、 …… {しかし、さうなると「ボヴァリ夫人は私だ」と裁判の場で發言したフロベル自身のグロテスクな、女装趣味みたいな告白が、作者の死を否定してくるやうでもある。

1884/0508:USA大統領 Harry S. Truman 188472、誕生

an American statesman who served as the 33rd President of the United States (1945–1953), taking the office upon the death of Franklin Roosevelt.
A World War I veteran, he assumed the presidency during the waning months of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War.
He is known for implementing the Marshall Plan to rebuild the economy of Western Europe, for the establishment of the Truman Doctrine and NATO against Soviet and Chinese Communism, and for intervening in the Korean War.
≫ If Germany is likely to win Russia, Russia must help Germany if Russia is to win. And they will try to kill as much as possible. - "The New York Times" June 24, 1941

{アメリカが日本に原爆を落とさなければ(と IF してみると)、ソ連の参戦によって敗戰後の日本がドイツのやうに分斷することになってゐた可能性が高くなる。トルマン自身もさうした懸念を持ち、すでに勝敗を決してゐた軍關係者の反對意見にも拘らず、実験に成功したばかりの原子爆彈を使ふ氣になったのではないか。彼のソ連への警戒心は強かった。ソ連の滯日宣戰布告は(ヤルタ會談の密約)八月十五日だった。七月十六日に原爆の実験についての報告を受けた後、トルマンの態度はソ連にたいする対応は強硬なものになった。貪欲なソ連の要求を彼は拒絶した。ヨウロパでのソ連の動きにたいしても、警戒を強めた。Cold War が始まった。

Pharmacist John Pemberton first sells a carbonated beverage named "Coca-Cola" as a patent medicine.

For five cents per glass sold in Atlanta the druggist John Pemberton for the first time a drug developed by him against headache and fatigue, later known as Coca-Cola.

1891/0508:神智學の開祖 Helena Blavatsky 183191、死去

Елена Петровна Блаватская、русская дворянка, гражданка США, религиозный философ теософского (пантеистического) направления, литератор, публицист, оккультист и спиритуалист, путешественница.
Russian noblewoman, US citizen, religious philosopher of the Theosophical (pantheistic) direction, writer, publicist, occultist and spiritualist, traveler.
Her career (in particular until she started activities in the United States in 1874) is wholly enveloped by the veil and is decorated with many myths


1895/0508:USA 文藝評論 Edmund Wilson 189572、誕生

an American writer and critic who explored Freudian and Marxist themes. He influenced many American authors, including F. Scott Fitzgerald, whose unfinished work he edited for publication. His scheme for a Library of America series of national classic works came to fruition through the efforts of Jason Epstein after Wilson's death.

1899/0508:経済思想家 Friedrich Hayek 189992、誕生

ハイエク」ein österreichischer Ökonom und Sozialphilosoph.
Neben Ludwig von Mises war er einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter der Österreichischen Schule der Nationalökonomie. Hayek zählt zu den wichtigsten Denkern des Liberalismus im 20. Jahrhundert und gilt manchen Interpreten als wichtigster Vertreter des Neoliberalismus, auch wenn er sich selbst nie so bezeichnete.

1944年、 ”The Road to Serfdom”) は社会主義共産主義ファシズムやナチズムが同根の Colletivism 集産主義であると批判、共産主義社会主義が本質的にファシズムやナチズムと同根であり、更に質の悪いものであり、むしろ超ファシズム、超全体主義であるということを、レニンの友人だった Max Eastmanや Frederick Augustus Voigt らの観察や結論に同意しながら論証し、共産主義社会主義への宥和に強い警告を発した。

The Irish Literary Theatre in Dublin produced its first play.


1902/0508:生物學 André Michel Lwoff 190294、誕生

un chercheur en biologie français.
Il reçoit le prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine en 1965, avec François Jacob et Jacques Monod, pour la découverte du mécanisme utilisé par certains virus (plus exactement des provirus) pour infecter des bactéries.
En 1962, Lwoff introduit une taxinomie des virus (voir Classification des virus).

In Martinique, Mount Pelée erupts, destroying the town of Saint-Pierre and killing over 30,000 people. Only a handful of residents survive the blast.


1903/0508:フランス 画家 Paul Gauguin 184803、死去

un peintre postimpressionniste. Chef de file de l'École de Pont-Aven et inspirateur des nabis, il est considéré comme l'un des peintres français majeurs du XIXe siècle, et l'un des plus importants précurseurs de l'art moderne avec Munch et Cézanne.

La Vision après le sermon ou La Lutte de Jacob avec l'ange (1888),


D'où venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Où allons-nous ? (1897-1898)

Frieden ist ein Wunsch, Krieg ist eine Tatsache; Und die Geschichte hat niemals auf menschliche Wünsche und Ideale geachtet. 
Peace is a desire, war is a fact; and history has never paid heed to human desires and ideals.



L'ingénieur Lucien Lévy reçoit un brevet français pour la mise au point par le récepteur superhétérodyne, ce qui permet des circuits radio utilisables.

The engineer Lucien Lévy receives a French patent for the development by the superheterodyne receiver, which allows usable radio circuits.

1927/0508:Paris-NewYork ノンストップ初飛行、離陸後失踪
Attempting to make the first non-stop transatlantic flight from Paris to New York, French war heroes Charles Nungesser and François Coli disappear after taking off aboard The White Bird biplane.


1928/0508:日本のサド研究家 澁澤龍彦192887、誕生

Shibusawa Tatsuhiko est un romancier, critique d'art et traducteur japonais de littérature française, actif durant l'ère Shōwa.
Shibusawa est l'auteur de nombreuses nouvelles et romans basés sur la littérature française et les classiques japonais. Ses essais consacrés à la magie noire, à la démonologie et à l'érotisme sont également populaires au Japon.

En 1959, Shibusawa publie Akutoku no sakae (悪徳の栄え?), traduction de Histoire de Juliette, ou les Prospérités du vice du marquis de Sade. L'ouvrage fait immédiatement scandale, et en 1960, lui et Kyōji Ishii (石井 恭二, Ishii Kyōji?), son éditeur, sont condamnés pour obscénité publique. ……

1933/0508:Mohandas Gandhi begins
a 21-day fast of self-purification and launched a one-year campaign to help the Harijan movement.


1936/0508:西洋の沒落の Oswald Spengler 188036、死去

ein deutscher Geschichtsphilosoph, Kulturhistoriker und antidemokratischer politischer Schriftsteller.
In seinem Hauptwerk Der Untergang des Abendlandes richtet sich Spengler gegen eine lineare Geschichtsschreibung, die die Geschichte „der Menschheit“ als Geschichte des Fortschritts erzählt. Stattdessen vertritt er eine Zyklentheorie, nach der immer wieder neue Kulturen entstehen, eine Blütezeit erleben und nach dieser Vollendung untergehen. Er fasst Kulturen als eindeutig abgrenzbare, quasi-organische Gebilde mit einer Lebensdauer von etwa 1000 Jahren auf, die jeweils ganz charakteristische, das Denken und Handeln der Individuen prägende Eigenschaften aufweisen. Schon der Titel des Werkes enthält die These, die im Buch dargestellt und begründet werden soll, dass in der Gegenwart Spenglers die „Kultur des Abendlandes“ im Untergang begriffen sei.
Spengler wird zur nationalistischen und antidemokratischen „Konservativen Revolution“ gerechnet, lehnte aber den Nationalsozialismus und namentlich dessen Rassenideologie ab. Sein Ideal sah er eher in Benito Mussolini verwirklicht, dem Diktator des faschistischen Italien.

1937/0508:USA 作家 Thomas Pynchon 1937--、誕生

an American novelist. A MacArthur Fellow, he is noted for his dense and complex novels. His fiction and non-fiction writings encompass a vast array of subject matter, genres and themes, including history, music, science, and mathematics. For Gravity's Rainbow https://is.gd/RmRYu9, Pynchon won the 1973 U.S. National Book Award for Fiction

Gravity's Rainbow {この本を孤獨な存在にしてはいけない。鏡にうつすこと。Rainbow's Gravity、虹の重力。闇雲に切り裂く虹の童子かな、より。乞ふ御期待。 

1938/0508:フランス 漫画家 Jean Giraud 193812、誕生

un auteur français de bande dessinée, connu sous son propre nom et sous les pseudonymes de Mœbius et de Gir.
En tant que Jean Giraud et que Gir, il est le créateur, avec le scénariste Jean-Michel Charlier, de la célèbre bande dessinée de western Blueberry. Sous le pseudonyme de Mœbius, il est l'auteur et/ou le dessinateur de bandes dessinées de science-fiction, telles que Le Garage hermétique, L'Incal ou Arzach, qui lui valent une reconnaissance internationale jusqu'aux États-Unis et au Japon, habituellement peu réceptifs à la bande dessinée européenne.
Mœbius est l'un des fondateurs de la maison d'édition Les Humanoïdes Associés, éditrice du magazine Métal hurlant. Il participe également à la conception graphique de films comme Alien et Tron. Son impact sur la bande dessinée populaire en tant que Giraud autant que celui de la science-fiction en tant que Mœbius font de lui l'un des dessinateurs francophones majeurs du XXe siècle.

En 1970 il rencontre Alejandro Jodorowsky pour qui il réalise l'affiche du film El Topo.



The German Luftwaffe launches a bombing raid on Nottingham and Derby


1942/0508:WWⅡ「Battle of the Kerch Peninsula」
The German 11th Army begins Operation Trappenjagd (Bustard Hunt) and destroys the bridgehead of the three Soviet Armies (44th, 47th, and 51st) defending the Kerch Peninsula, in the eastern part of the Crimea.


1942/0508:WWⅡ「Battle of the Coral Sea」
 comes to an end with Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier aircraft attacking and sinking the United States Navy aircraft carrier USS Lexington. The battle marks the first time in the naval history that two enemy fleets fight without visual contact between warring ships.

The Battle of the Coral Sea ends without a decision, the first large gunswing between Japanese and Allied units in the Pacific War, which began the day before in the Coral Sea south of Solomon Islands.


Gunners of the Ceylon Garrison Artillery on Horsburgh Island in the Cocos Islands rebel in the Cocos Islands Mutiny. Their mutiny is crushed and three of them are executed, the only British Commonwealth soldiers to be executed for mutiny during the Second World War.


1945/0508:フランス兵士、アルジェリア市民、虐殺「Sétif massacre」
Hundreds of Algerian civilians are killed by French Army soldiers in the Sétif massacre.

In the massacre of Sétif, a peaceful demonstration celebrating the victory over Germany and at the same time raising the demand for the independence of Algeria is bloody crushed by the French colonial power, killing over 10,000 people.

1945/0508:Jazzピアニスト Keith Jarrett 1945--、誕生

an American jazz and classical music pianist.
Jarrett started his career with Art Blakey, moving on to play with Charles Lloyd and Miles Davis. Since the early 1970s he has enjoyed a great deal of success as a group leader and a solo performer in jazz, jazz fusion, and classical music. His improvisations draw from the traditions of jazz and other genres, especially Western classical music, gospel, blues, and ethnic folk music.

Jarrett performing as part of Davis' septet in November 1971

{私のアイドル的ピアニストと云へば、クラシックの Glenn Gould 193282 とジャズの Keith Jarrett だった。今でもさうだ。二人に共通する特徴として、演奏中にハミングなどの呟きを洩らすことに氣が付いた。私にもそんな癖があった。

1945/0508:WWⅡ:V-E Day, combat ends in Europe.
German forces agree to an unconditional surrender in Reims, France.





1945/0508:End of the Prague uprising,
celebrated now as a national holiday in the Czech Republic.


1945/0508:The Halifax riot starts
when thousands of civilians and servicemen rampage through Halifax.




1960/0508:John Henry Constantine Whitehead 190460、死去

a British mathematician and was one of the founders of homotopy theory.
He was the son of the Right Rev. Henry Whitehead, Bishop of Madras, who had studied mathematics at Oxford, and was the nephew of Alfred North Whitehead and Isobel Duncan.

Whitehead link


South Vietnamese soldiers under the Roman Catholic President Ngo Dinh Diem open fire on Buddhists defying a ban on the flying of the Buddhist flag on Vesak, killing nine and sparking the Buddhist crisis.



The Ministry of Health and Welfare certified Itai-Itai disease in the Jinzu River, Toyama Prefecture as a pollution disease.

1969/0508:カンヌ映画祭『Easy Ryder』高評價
At the film festivals of Cannes, the roadmovie Easy Rider, directed by Dennis Hopper, starred Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper in the main roles. The feature film leads to ambivalent reactions to critics and the public.



1970/0508:last Beatles album Let It Be is released.



Vietnam War: U.S. President Richard Nixon announces his order to place mines in major North Vietnamese ports in order to stem the flow of weapons and other goods to that nation.


A 71-day standoff between federal authorities and the American Indian Movement members occupying the Pine Ridge Reservation at Wounded Knee, South Dakota ends with the surrender of the militants.

After 71 days the occupation of the village Wounded Knee ends in the Pine Ridge reservation; The members of the American Indian Movement are members of the government.

The Great American Revolution of the Swabian amusement plant manufacturer Schwarzkopf GmbH opens its doors in Magic Mountain. It is the first roller coaster with a modern looping.

Six Flags – Wikipedia

1979/0508:USA 社会学Talcott Parsons 190279、死去

American sociologist of the classical tradition, best known for his social action theory and structural functionalism.
Parsons is considered one of the most influential figures in the development of sociology in the 20th century
He is regarded as a representative researcher of functionalism, along with Niklas Luhmann, Robert King Merton, etc., one of the most well-known sociologists after the Second World War.


1980/0508:日本の女優 東山千栄子189080、死去

Higashiyama Chieko est une actrice japonaise.
Chieko Higashiyama est principalement reconnue pour son rôle dans Voyage à Tokyo, considéré comme le chef-d’œuvre de Yasujirō Ozu.


The WHO declares the smallpox for world-wide eradicated and recommends the setting of the appropriate protective vaccination.


1985/0508:USA SF作家 Theodore Sturgeon 191885、死去

an American writer, primarily of fantasy, science fiction and horror. He was also a critic. He wrote approximately 400 reviews and more than 200 stories.
Sturgeon's most famous work may be the science fiction novel More Than Human (1953), an expansion of "Baby Is Three" (1952). More Than Human won the 1954 International Fantasy Award (for SF and fantasy) as the year's best novel and the Science Fiction Writers of America ranked "Baby is Three" number five among the "Greatest Science Fiction Novellas of All Time" to 1964. Ranked by votes for all of their pre-1965 novellas, Sturgeon was second among authors, behind Robert Heinlein.

Sturgeon's Law:1951, Sturgeon coined what is now known as Sturgeon's Law:
"Ninety percent of [science fiction] is crud, but then, ninety percent of everything is crud."
This was originally known as Sturgeon's Revelation; Sturgeon has said that "Sturgeon's Law" was originally "Nothing is always absolutely so." However, the former statement is now widely referred to as Sturgeon's Law. He is also known for his dedication to a credo of critical thinking that challenged all normative assumptions: "Ask the next question." He represented this credo by the symbol of a Q with an arrow through it, an example of which he wore around his neck and used as part of his signature in the last 15 years of his life.

Richard von Weizsäcker holds the much-respected speech in the German Bundestag on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the end of the war in Europe and the national socialist tyranny. The liberation of the statement of national socialism thus becomes the core statement of national memory culture in the Federal Republic of Germany.


1987/0508:北アイルランド、Loughgall ambush:
The SAS kills eight Provisional Irish Republican Army volunteers and a civilian during an ambush in Loughgall, Northern Ireland.


1988/0508:USA SF作家 Robert Heinlein 190788、死去

an American science fiction writer.
He was one of the best-selling science fiction novelists for many decades, and he, Isaac Asimov, and Arthur C. Clarke are often considered the "Big Three" of English-language science fiction authors.
Among his most notable works are Stranger in a Strange Land, Starship Troopers, which helped create the space marine and mecha archetypes, and the libertarian novel The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress.


1990/0508:イタリア 作曲家 Luigi Nono 192490、死去

un compositore, politico e scrittore italiano.
Oltre che nella musica, Nono fu altresì impegnato come uomo politico.
Utilizzò spesso testi politici nei suoi lavori: Il canto sospeso (1955), che gli diede fama internazionale, è basato su frammenti di lettere di condannati a morte della Resistenza europea; La fabbrica illuminata (1964), per soprano, coro e nastro magnetico, denuncia le pessime condizioni degli operai nelle fabbriche di quegli anni; Ricorda cosa ti hanno fatto in Auschwitz (1966), è tratto dalle musiche di scena di un dramma di Peter Weiss ambientato nel tristemente famoso campo di concentramento.


1999/0508:イギリス 男優 Dirk Bogarde 192199、死去

Dirk Bogarde (born Derek Jules Gaspard Ulric Niven van den Bogaerde) was an English actor and writer.
In a second career, he wrote seven best-selling volumes of memoirs, six novels and a volume of collected journalism, mainly from articles in The Daily Telegraph.
Bogarde came to prominence in films including The Blue Lamp in the early 1950s, before starring in the successful Doctor film series (1954–63).
He twice won the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role; for The Servant (1963) and Darling (1965). His other notable film roles included Victim (1961), Accident (1967), The Damned (1969), Death in Venice (1971), The Night Porter (1974), A Bridge Too Far (1977) and Despair (1978).


Israeli archaeologists share with journalists the discovery of the tomb of Herod the Great in Herod, south of Jerusalem.


2009/0508:日本の圍碁棋士 藤澤秀行192509、死去

Fujisawa Hideyuki, plus connu sous le nom de Fujisawa Shuko, est un joueur de go professionnel.
Il a pris sa retraite en octobre 1998, après une longue carrière parmi les meilleurs joueurs de go japonais.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World