歴史暦:古今東西 09/24 今日の出來事
『Fanny Hill』を書いた John Cleland 170989 や、
『The Great Gatsby』を書いた Scott Fitzgerald 189640 が誕生し、
『Bonjour Tristess』を書いた Françoise Sagan 193504 が死去した日。
そして、フランスの修道院僧の Dom Pérignon 163915 が罪深い物を有難くも遺してこの世を去っていった日。
0015/0924:ロウマ皇帝 Aulus Vitellius Germanicus 001569、誕生
Roman Emperor(在位0069/0416~/12229
Muhammad & his followers completed their Hijra from Mecca to Medina to escape religious persecution.
Hegira (Hijra Arabic: هِجْرَة) is the migration or journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina, in the year 622.
In June 622, after being warned of a plot to assassinate him, Muhammad secretly left his home in Mecca to emigrate to Yathrib, 320 km (200 mi) north of Mecca, along with his companion Abu Bakr.
Yathrib was soon renamed Madīnat an-Nabī (Arabic: مَـديـنـة الـنّـبي, literally "City of the Prophet"), but an-Nabī was soon dropped, so its name is "Medina", meaning "the city"
The council assembled at the church of Hagia Sophia.
The Second Council of Nicaea is recognized as the last of the first seven ecumenical councils by the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.
In addition, it is also recognized as such by the Old Catholics and others. Protestant opinions on it are varied.
Manuel I Komnenos last Emperor of the Komnenian restoration dies.
1468/0924:李氏朝鮮 世祖141768、崩去
1501/0924:イタリアの才人 Gerolamo Cardano 150176、誕生
1541/0924:スヰス出身の錬金術師 Paracelsus 149341、死去
本名 Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim
ein schweizerisch-österreichischer Arzt, Alchemist, Astrologe, Mystiker und Philosoph. スヰス出身の醫師、錬金術師、神祕思想家、
醫學の刷新(かならずしも近代化ではない)、錬金術的發想のケミストリ 魔術的自然哲學
≫ sola dosis facit venenum(量が毒を作る)
≫ Alle Dinge sind Gift und nichts ist ohne Gift; allein die Dosis macht es, dass ein Ding kein Gift ist.(すべては毒であり毒でないものは存在しない。その使用量が毒であるかさうでないかを決定する。)
1564/0924:日本人にされた William Adams=三浦按針156420、誕生
an English navigator who, in 1600, was the first of his nation to reach Japan during a five-ship expedition for the Dutch East India Company. Of the few survivors of the only ship that reached Japan, Adams was the first ever (of a very few) Western samurai.
Le dernier héritier inca, Túpac Amaru, est décapité.
Il succède à son frère Titu Kusi Yupanqui, mort d'une étrange maladie. Il est le fils de Manco Inca. Son nom signifie « serpent brillant » en quechua. Il a été exécuté par les Espagnols.
Túpac Amaru 154572:インカ帝國の最後の皇帝ではあったが、インカ帝國は彼が皇帝となるずっと以前にスペインからの侵略者、Francisco Pizarro 147141 に征服されて、残党の一部が局地抵抗を續けてゐた状態で、この「インカ帝國」が擁立したのがトゥパク・アマルであった。が、この日、彼はクスコで斬首されて、インカはまったく滅亡した。
1583/0924:ボヘミア出身の傭兵隊長 Albrecht von Waldstein 158334、誕生
Wallenstein, eigentlich Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Waldstein, tschechisch Albrecht Václav Eusebius z Valdštejna, war ein böhmischer Feldherr und Politiker. Er war Herzog von Friedland und Sagan, von 1628 bis 1631 als Albrecht VIII.
Herzog zu Mecklenburg, Fürst zu Wenden, Graf von Schwerin, Herr von Rostock, Herr von Stargard und als Generalissimus zwischen 1625 und 1634 zweimal Oberbefehlshaber der kaiserlichen Armee im Dreißigjährigen Krieg.
1621/0924:モルダビ「Bataille de Khotin」
l'armée polonaise de Jan Karol Chodkiewicz se retranche dans la forteresse Moldave de Khotin, bloquant ainsi l'avancée des Ottomans.
1631/0924:「Cape Dorset」發見
Découverte du cap Dorset par l'explorateur Luke Fox.
1645/0924:イギリス内戦「Battle of Rowton Heath」
Parliamentarian victory over a Royalist army commanded in person by King Charles.
Second Tantrik Coronation of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Mahara 162780:was an Indian warrior king and a member of the Bhonsle Maratha clan. Shivaji carved out an enclave from the declining Adilshahi sultanate of Bijapur that formed the genesis of the Maratha Empire. In 1674, he was formally crowned as the Chhatrapati (Monarch) of his realm at Raigad.
Début de la guerre de la Ligue d'Augsbourg.
1709/0924:猥本『ファニイヒル』作者 John Cleland 170989、誕生
an English novelist best known as the author of Fanny Hill: or, the Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure.
1715/0924:シャンパン發明した修道僧 Dom Pérignon 163915、逝去
(Pierre Pérignon, dit), moine français.
selon la légende, a importé de Limoux la méthode de la prise de mousse du vin dite méthode champenoise.
en France, création de la Bourse de Paris.
In seiner Zeitung an die Königliche Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften präsentiert Martin Heinrich Klaproth seine Entdeckung von Uran.
Der deutsche Chemiker Martin Heinrich Klaproth gibt vor der Königlich-Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften die Entdeckung des Elements Uran bekannt.
United States Congress passes the Judiciary Act which creates the office of the United States Attorney General and the federal judiciary system, and orders the composition of the Supreme Court of the United States.
1798/0924:江戸の幕臣(砲術家 )高島秋帆179866、誕生
A revolutionary committee of notables forms the Provisional Government of Belgium.
1831/0924:USA、New York
With the locomotive DeWitt Clinton, which is the first in the USA to serve a scheduled passenger traffic, the American railway age is finally ushered in the state of New York.
1834/0924:ブラジルの皇帝 Pedro I of Brazil 179834、死去
nicknamed "the Liberator", was the founder and first ruler of the Empire of Brazil. As King Dom Pedro IV, he reigned briefly over Portugal, where he also became known as "the Liberator" as well as "the Soldier King".
Born in Lisbon, Pedro I was the fourth child of King Dom João VI of Portugal and Queen Carlota Joaquina, and thus a member of the House of Braganza. When their country was invaded by French troops in 1807, he and his family fled to Portugal's largest and wealthiest colony, Brazil.
The Sultan of Brunei cedes Sarawak to the United Kingdom.
1846/0924:Mexican–American War
General Zachary Taylor captures Monterrey.
The first airship powered by (a steam) engine, created by Henri Giffard, travels 17 miles (27 km) from Paris to Trappes.
Admiral Despointes formally takes possession of New Caledonia in the name of France.
Rebel troops under Gabriel García Moreno & Juan José Flores take the Ecuadorian provincial capital Guayaquil. With the flight from President Guillermo Franco to Peru, the National Crisis ends. Moreno subsequently established an authoritarian-clerical regime.
1869/0924:USA、金価格「Black Friday」
Gold prices plummet after Ulysses Grant orders the Treasury to sell large quantities of gold after Jay Gould and James Fisk plot to control the market.
The first Black Friday on Wall Street is a stock market crash caused by gold speculation. Attempts by the speculators James Fisk and Jay Gould to put the gold price under their control lead to the collapse of trade on the New York Stock Exchange.
1885/0924:日本の海軍大將 嶋田繁太郎188576、誕生
1896/0924:アメリカの小説家 Francis Scott Fitzgerald 189640、誕生
an American novelist and short story writer, whose works illustrate the Jazz Age. While he achieved limited success in his lifetime, he is now widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century.
1898/0924:オウストラリア 薬理学者 Howard Florey 189868、誕生
an Australian pharmacologist and pathologist who shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Sir Ernst Boris Chain and Sir Alexander Fleming for his role in the development of penicillin.
1901/0924:China[清] & Japan[大日本帝國]
The Qing government signed a 30-year agreement with Japan on the Japanese concession.
1902/0924:イランの精神指導者 Rouhollah Khomeiny 190289、誕生
(روحالله موسوی خمینی), homme politique et chef spirituel iranien
known in the Western world as Ayatollah Khomeini, was an Iranian Shia Muslim religious leader, philosopher, revolutionary, and politician.
Chinese revolutionaries Wu Yue in Zhengyangmen train station to prepare to study abroad monarchy of the Qing government five ministers, Wu failed to death, but the five ministers to study abroad and therefore delayed.
1906/0924:Germany 藝術家集団「橋」結成
Die expressionistische Künstlergruppe Brücke veranstaltet ihre erste Ausstellung in Dresden. Sie findet beim heimischen Publikum wenig Anklang.
1906/0924:USA、最初のナショナルモニュメント「Devils Tower」
U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt proclaims Devils Tower in Wyoming as the nation's first National Monument.
His Majesty's Airship No. 1, Britain's first rigid airship, is wrecked by strong winds before her maiden flight at Barrow-in-Furness.
1914/0924:WWⅠ「The Siege of Przemyśl (Poland) 」
In the First World War the siege of Przemyśl began through the tsarist army. The fortress held by Austria-Hungary surrenders after nearly six months before the attackers.
1925/0924:日本の小説家 辻邦生192599、誕生
1927/0924:日本の日本畫家 加山又造192704、誕生
The Soviet government has the decree introducing the 5-day-week from 1 October. The revolutionary calendar system is followed by a rest day on four working days, Saturday and Sunday are abolished. This measure is aimed above all at increasing productivity.
Gandhi & Dr. BR Ambedkar agree to the Poona Pact, which reserved seats in the Indian provincial legislatures for the "Depressed Classes" (Untouchables).
1937/0924:プラハで喜劇「Village without Men」初演
Ödön von Horváths Lustspiel Ein Dorf ohne Männer wird in Prag uraufgeführt.
1938/0924:Tennis、Don Budge 史上初のグランドスラム達成
the national tennis championship. Achieved the first annual Grand Slam in history.
1940/0924:ベルリンで「66 Kinos」反セミティズムプロパガンダ
In Berlin kommt in 66 Kinos der antisemitische Propagandaspielfilm Jud Süß des Regisseurs Veit Harlan zur Erstaufführung.
1944/0924:Germany「KZ Dachau」
Die Uraufführung der Dachau-Messe von Pater Gregor Schwake findet im „Priesterblock“ des KZ Dachau statt.
1946/0924:Cold War
Clark Clifford & George Elsey(military advisers to U.S. President Harry Truman)present him with a top-secret report on the Soviet Union that first recommends the containment policy.
The Chinese People's Liberation Army captured Shandong Jinan, and captured the Shandong Provincial Chairman Wang Yaowu, Jinan campaign ended.
The Honda Motor Company is founded.
Forest fires black out the sun over portions of Canada and New England. A blue moon is seen as far away as Europe.
A survey ship of the Japan Coast Guard who is observing the eruption at Myoujin reef was involved in the eruption, and all 31 people died.
1945/0924:ガイガーカウンター Hans Geiger 188245、死去
, physicien allemand
President Dwight Eisenhower sends 101st Airborne Division troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to enforce desegregation.
USS Enterprise, the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, is launched.
International Development Association (IDA, Second World Bank), establish.
1970/0924:USSR「Lunar Project」
The capsule of the Soviet Unmanned Moon Lunar Projection Lunar No. 16 will return to Earth with the moon soil. Collect the moon soil for the first time.
Guinea-Bissau declares its independence from Portugal.
1975/0924:登山「Mt. Everest」
Dougal Haston & Doug Scott on the Southwest Face expedition become the first persons to reach the summit of Mount Everest by any of its faces.
CompuServe launches the first consumer internet service, which features the first public electronic mail service.
The Cambodian monarchy is restored, with Norodom Sihanouk as king.
1996/0924:国連「Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty」
Representatives of 71 nations sign the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty at the United Nations.
2000/0924:イギリスの社会学者 Basil Bernstein 192400、死去
a British sociologist known for his work in the sociology of education.
バーンステインは、社会言語学の知見から、家庭、学校教育において習得される言語コードがいかにして子どもの心身行動を差別的に規制しているのかを示し、当時の言語能力観を批判した。すなわち、1960年代には、万人は生まれながらに言語獲得能力を有しており、共通の学習過程を通じて普遍的、平等的に獲得されるとされていたが、バーンステインの主張するところ、実際には、社会の権力配分と統制原理とが言語コードにおける分類化/枠付けの様式に巧みに翻訳され、個人の認知や表現を規制しているのである ――
≫ Forms of spoken language in the process of their learning initiate, generalize and reinforce special types of relationship with the environment and thus create for the individual particular forms of significanc
That is to say that the way language is used within a particular societal class affects the way people assign significance and meaning to the things about which they are speaking.
Elaborated code and restricted code
The restricted code is suitable for insiders who share assumptions and understanding on the topic, whereas the elaborated code does not assume that the listener shares these assumptions or understandings, and thus elaborated code is more explicit, more thorough, and does not require the listener to read between the lines.
President Saddam Hussein announced that he would change the oil settlement currency from US dollar to euro.
2004/0924:フランスの女流小説家 Françoise Sagan 193504、死去
une femme de lettres française
この人もフランス風の「おそるべき子供 L'enfant terrible」だったわけか。おそらく、今のところ最後の。
En 1998, la romancière avait rédigé son épitaphe : « Sagan, Françoise. Fit son apparition en 1954, avec un mince roman, Bonjour tristesse, qui fut un scandale mondial. Sa disparition, après une vie et une œuvre également agréables et bâclées, ne fut un scandale que pour elle-même. »
2006/0924:人形淨璢璃使ひ 吉田玉男191906、死去
2006/0924:日本の映画俳優 丹波哲郎192206、死去
Between 30,000 and 100,000 people take part in anti-government protests in Yangon, Burma, the largest in 20 years.
The Hortfund discovered by the sonde Terry Herbert in Staffordshire near Lichfield is declared a treasure by the British authorities. The treasure of Staffordshire is the largest ever discovered light from the Anglo-Saxon era.
2009/0924:World サミット「G20」
The G20 summit begins in Pittsburgh with 30 global leaders in attendance. It marks the first use of Long-Range Acoustic Devices in U.S. history.
The Japanese Democratic Party's government released a Chinese captain who was arrested and detained as the main criminal of the Senkaku Islands collision case in China while pending disposal.
The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), a Mars orbiter launched into Earth orbit by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), successfully inserted into orbit of Mars.
2015/0924:Saudi Arabia
At least 1,100 people are killed and another 934 wounded after a stampede during the Hajj in Saudi Arabia.