歴史暦:古今東西 07/26 今日の出來事
1806年に、ドイツの女流詩人、Karoline von Günderrode がみづからの胸に懷刀を突き立てて自殺した日です。
彼女は若くして同時代の大詩人、Johan Wolgang von Goethe 174932 にも認められたほどの詩人した。「私は女であって、男の力なくして男のやうになりたい欲望を持ってゐる」と云ふ彼女は情熱的な戀愛家で「ロマン派のサッフォ」と呼ばれるやうになりました。そして、妻子ある男と戀愛關係になった。その男が病氣になって、若い愛人と別れることにきめました。それを知った彼女は(自殺用かどうかは知りませんが)愛用のナイフを持ってヴィンケル・アム・ラインの川岸へ行き、そのナイフを胸に突き刺したのでした。
1937年(129年後ですか)、Gerda Taro(本名は Gerta Pohorylle)といふドイツ人の報道寫眞家が、スペイン内戦を取材中に運惡く戰車に敷かれ、翌日に死亡しました。
彼女は Robert Capa の一人でした。Robert Capa とは、André Friedmann(この人が一般に Robert Capa として知られてゐる人です)との二人の共同の Art Name だったのです。
彼女はドイツ生まれでしたが、ユダヤ系のポウランド人でした。ナチスに反抗したためにドイツを追はれ、パリに行きアンドレの助手となり、戀人となり、いい条件で寫眞を賣り込むための妙案としてに二人でアメリカ出身の Robert Capa になったのでした。それから、彼女の Taro はアンドレと親交のあった岡本太郎から拜借したものでした。
China's Western Jin Dynasty civil strife, eight king of chaos began.
0657/0726:Muslim、First Fitna:
In the Battle of Siffin, troops led by Ali ibn Abu Talib clash with those led by Muawiyah I.
0811/0726:Battle of Pliska:
Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros I is killed and his heir Staurakios is seriously wounded.
Déroute d'une alliance chrétienne entre les royaumes de Navarre et de León, contre les musulmans, à Pampelune durant la Reconquista.
Rout of an alliance of Christian troops from Navarre and Léon against the Muslims at Pamplona.
Henry VII is recognized King of the Romans by Pope Clement V.
1340/0726:Siège et bataille de Saint-Omer.
La victoire française contribuera au retrait des troupes anglaises.
1346/0726: Guerre de Cent Ans、Siège de Caen.
Le siège de Caen en 1346 est un des premiers faits significatifs de l'attaque anglaise sur le territoire français lors de la Guerre de Cent Ans.
Après l'invasion de la Normandie lors de la Chevauchée d’Édouard III en juillet 1346, la prise de la ville de Caen se termine par une lutte acharnée dans les rues de la cité normande qui est en partie détruite.
The siege of Caen in 1346 is one of the first significant facts of the English attack on the French territory during the Hundred Years War. After the invasion of Normandy during the Ride of Edward III in July 1346, the capture of the city of Caen ends with a fierce struggle in the streets of the Norman city which is partly destroyed.
Das in der Schlacht bei Tannenberg siegreiche polnisch-litauische Heer beginnt, die Marienburg des Deutschen Ordens zu belagern.
1469/0726:Wars of the Roses: Battle of Edgecote Moor ,
pitting the forces of Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick against those of Edward IV of England, takes place.
The Emperor Krishnadevaraya ascends to the throne, marking the beginning of the regeneration of the Vijayanagara Empire.
1529/0726:La conquista española del Imperio Inca:
Carlos I de España Francisco Pizarro permitió una campaña contra el imperio Inca y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador futuro del Perú.
Spanish conquest of Peru: Charles I of Spain allowed Francis Pizarro to campaign against the Incarceration and appoint him as general captain and future governor of Peru.
1533/0726:インカ皇帝 Atahualpa 150233、(Conquitadorの)暗殺
, Inca emperor murdered by Francisco Pizarro (b. ca. 1500)
He was the ruler of Quito for five years before conquering the Inca Empire from his brother Huascar, the 13th Inca Emperor. After defeating his brother, Atahualpa became very briefly the last Sapa Inca (sovereign emperor) of the Inca Empire (Tawantinsuyu) before the Spanish conquest.
1581/0726:Plakkaat van Verlatinghe (Act of Abjuration):
Mit der Plakkaat van Verlatinghe erklären die Niederlande ihre Unabhängigkeit von Spanien.
The northern Low Countries declare their independence from the Spanish king, Philip II.
1597/0726:戰國時代の大名 小早川隆景153397、死去
painter Rembrandt van Rijn declares his insolvency.
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn 160669、破産。
1758/0726:北米、French & Indian War:
Capitulation des Français au siège de Louisbourg, en Nouvelle-France.
The Siege of Louisbourg ends with British forces defeating the French and taking control of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence.
United States Post Office Department is established .
Benjamin Franklin is appointed as general postmaster from the American Continent Congress and is to organize the postal system within the 13 English colonies.
Giacomo Casanova wird im Dogenpalast in Venedig inhaftiert. 15 Monate später gelingt ihm die spektakuläre Flucht aus den Bleikammern.
The writer and adventurer Giacomo Casanova 172598 is imprisoned in the Doge's Palace in Venice. Fifteen months later he managed the spectacular escape from the clay chambers.
1778/0726(安永07/0703):日本 江戸時代の文人 貫名菘翁177863、誕生
「Nukina SuuOu」日本[江戸時代後期]の儒學者・書家・文人畫家。書は幕末三筆と稱された。
1796/0726:USA 画家 George Catlin 179672、誕生
an American painter, author, and traveler who specialized in portraits of Native Americans in the Old West. Travelling to the American West five times during the 1830s, Catlin was the first white man to depict Plains Indians in their native territory.
1802/0726:江戸時代の歌舞伎役者 四代目松本幸四郎173702、死去
The Surrey Iron Railway(arguably the world's first public railway)opens in south London.
A Italia centrale, da Napoli a Campobasso casa in cerca di terremoto sostiene più di 26000 morti, secondo le stime.
An earthquake troubled by a central Italy from Naples to Campobasso calls for an estimated 26000 deaths.
1806/0726:Karoline Friederike Louise Maximiliane von Günderrode 178006、自殺
eine deutsche Dichterin der Romantik.
In die heitre freie Bläue 快活で自由な青の中に
In die unbegränzte Weite 制限されない広がりの中に
Will ich wandeln, will ich wallen 私は静かに歩んで生きたい。
Nichts soll meine Schritte fesseln. 何も私の歩みを縛ってはならない。
Leichte Bande sind mir Ketten 軽やかなリボンは私にとって鎖であり
Und die Heimat wird zum Kerker. 故郷は牢獄となる。
Darum fort und fort ins Weite それ故に、さらに、さらに広がりの中に
Aus dem engen dumpfen Leben. 狭い馬鹿げた生を出でて。
1814/0726:Swedish–Norwegian War
Rencontre de Guayaquil, entre José de San Martin et Simón Bolívar.
José de San Martín arrives in Guayaquil, Ecuador, to meet with Simón Bolívar.
1822/0726:Ottman vs Greece
First day of the three-day Battle of Dervenakia, between the Ottoman Empire force led by Mahmud Dramali Pasha and the Greek Revolutionary force led by Theodoros Kolokotronis.
1842/0726:イギリス 経済学者 Alfred Marshall 184224、誕生
Liberia declares its independence.
1855/0726:ドイツ 社会学 Ferdinand Tönnies 185536、誕生
German sociologist and philosopher
あらゆる社会的相互作用や集団を人間の思考と意思とがつくったものとして考え、そのなかで実在的・自然的な本質意思 (Wesenwille) と観念的・作為的な選択意思 (Kürwille) とを区別し,前者に(Gemeinschaft)、後者に(Gesellschaft)という集団類型をたてた。
1856/0726:イギリス 作家 George Bernard Shaw 185650、誕生
an Irish playwright (who held both British and Irish citizenship), critic and polemicist whose influence on Western theatre, culture and politics extended from the 1880s to his death and beyond.
1861/0726:American Civil War:
George McClellan assumes command of the Army of the Potomac following a disastrous Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run.
1863/0726:USA 軍人&政事家 Sam Houston 179363、死去
, American general & politician, 7th Governor of Texas.
1863/0726:American Civil War:
Morgan's Raid ends; At Salineville, Ohio, Confederate cavalry leader John Hunt Morgan and 360 of his volunteers are captured by Union forces.
Kingdom of Prussia & Austrian Empire signed a temporary treaty of Nicholsburg.
1872/0726:日本 江戸時代の大名 山内容堂182772、死去
1874/0726:Sergey Aleksandrovich Kusevitsky187451、誕生
Сергей Александрович Кусевицкий
a Russian-born conductor, composer and double-bassist, known for his long tenure as music director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra from 1924 to 1949.
1875/0726:スヰス 心理学者 Carl Gustav Jung 187561、誕生
ein Schweizer Psychiater und der Begründer der analytischen Psychologie.
1877/0726:USA 投資家 Jesse Lauriston Livermore 187740、誕生
an American investor and security analyst.
Livermore was famed for making and losing several multimillion-dollar fortunes and short selling during the stock market crashes in 1907 & 1929.
1879/0726:日本 陸軍人 畑俊六187962、誕生
1881/0726:日本 劇作家 小山内薫188128、誕生
Premiere of Richard Wagner's opera Parsifal at Bayreuth.
Das letzte musikdramatische Werk von Richard Wagner, das „Bühnenweihfestspiel“ Parsifal hat mit Erfolg seine Uraufführung am Bayreuther Festspielhaus. Dirigent ist Hermann Levi. Das Bühnenbild stammt von Paul von Joukowsky.
1882/0726:Southern Africa、
The Republic of Stellaland is founded.
1885/0726:フランス 作家 André Maurois 188567、誕生
un romancier, biographe, conteur et essayiste français.
Publication of the Unua Libro, founding the Esperanto movement.
Publication à Varsovie de l'ouvrage Langue Internationale par Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof qui marque la naissance de l’espéranto.
Zuerst auf Russisch veröffentlicht Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof unter dem Pseudonym Doktoro Esperanto das Lehrbuch über seine „Internationale Sprache“. Weitere Broschüren in anderen Sprachen folgen rasch. Das Pseudonym bleibt als Name der Sprache haften: Esperanto.
ルドヴィコ ザメンホフが創作したエスペラントの最初の学習書『Unua Libro』出版。
1889/0726:日本 あんパン創業者 木村安兵衛181789、死去
1890/0726:In Buenos Aires, Argentina
the Revolución del Parque takes place, forcing President Miguel Ángel Juárez Celman's resignation.
1891/0726:France annexes Tahiti.
1893/0726:ドイツ 画家 George Grosz189359、誕生
German painter and illustrator
a prominent member of the Berlin Dada and New Objectivity group during the Weimar Republic.
1894/0726:イギリス 作家 Aldous Huxley 189463、誕生
an English writer, novelist, philosopher, and prominent member of the Huxley family.
1897/0726:India、Anglo-Afghan War:
The Pashtun fakir Saidullah leads an army of more than 10000 to begin a siege of the British garrison in the Malakand Agency of the North West Frontier Province of India.
United States Attorney General C.J.Bonaparte issues an order to immediately staff the Office of the Chief Examiner (later renamed the Federal Bureau of Investigation=FBI).
Serbia and Bulgaria interrupt diplomatic relationship.
1925/0726:ドイツ 數理思想家 Gottlob Frege 184825、死去
ein deutscher Logiker, Mathematiker und Philosoph.
1919/0726:環境論 James Lovelock 1919--、誕生
an independent scientist, environmentalist and futurist who lives in Devon, England. He is best known for proposing the Gaia hypothesis, which postulates that the Earth functions as a self-regulating system.
彼の主張によれば、21世紀末までに温帯の平均気温は 8°C、熱帯の平均気温は最高 5°C まで上昇し、世界のほとんどの土地が居住不可能となり、農業もできなくなる。
1922/0726:USA 映画監督 Blake Edwards 192210、誕生
an American film director, screenwriter, and producer.
The Philippine Assembly advocates a referendum on the independence of the islands, a project to which the American governor general vetoes.
1928/0726:USA 映画監督 Stanley Kubrick 192899、誕生
an American film director, screenwriter, producer, cinematographer, editor, and photographer. He is frequently cited as one of the greatest and most influential directors in cinematic history.
1933/0726:日本プロ野球 吉田義男1933--、誕生
1934/0726:USA 漫画家 Winsor McCay 187134、死去
an American cartoonist and animator. He is best known for the comic strip Little Nemo (1905–14; 1924–26) and the animated film Gertie the Dinosaur (1914).
1936/0726:in the Spanish Civil War、
The Axis powers decide to intervene .
1937/0726:RobertCapaの半分 Gerda Taro 193710、死去
eine deutsche Fotografin.
Sie dokumentierte zusammen mit ihrem Partner Robert Capa die Gräuel des Spanischen Bürgerkrieges.
(Wikipedia ja)1937年7月25日、タローは国際旅団の政治委員であったカナダの作家、テッド・アランと共にスペイン内戦のブルネテの戦いの取材に向かったが、ナショナリスト軍の攻勢が激しくなり、撤退する共和国軍の混乱に巻き込まれてしまった。後退する道の途中で、負傷兵を運ぶ将官用のオープンカーを見つけ、同乗しようとステップに足をかけた際に、暴走した共和国軍の戦車が衝突し、タローは轢かれ重傷を負った。直ちに共和国軍の野戦病院に担ぎ込まれ、緊急手術を受けたものの、翌7月26日に死亡した。26歳没。
{1806年のこの日に自殺した Günderrode と同じ二十六歳の死。夭折した二人のドイツ女性、
1937(昭和12)/0726:Japan vs China「広安門事件」
1937/0726:Spanish Civil War「Battle of Brunete」end.
{日本發のGlobalismを構想造形せよ。汎アジア主義ではなく。それは過程であり、目的はあくまで世界新秩序である。變にアジアに留まるから變な誤解も生じ、相對化され歪曲化されもされる。行き詰まった世界を一新するための日本發の NewWorldOrder である。無論、過去に典據を求めず、未來より招來した思想として。
1941/0726:USA 言語学者 Benjamin Lee Whorf 189741、死去
1941/0726:USA vs Japan
In response to the Japanese occupation of French Indochina, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders the seizure of all Japanese assets in the United States.
1943/0726:RollingStones Mick Jagger 1943--、誕生
an English singer and songwriter, the lead singer and one of the founder members of the Rolling Stones.
the first German V-2 fall on England.
The Soviet Army enters Lviv, a major city in western Ukraine, capturing it from the Nazis. Only 300 Jews survive out of 160,000 living in Lviv prior to occupation.
1945/0726:WWⅡ、Potsdam Declaration
The Labour Party wins the United Kingdom general election of July 5 by a landslide, removing Winston Churchill from power.
1945/0726:British PM Winston Churchill announces his resignation after a lost lower house election.
The US Navy cruiser USS Indianapolis arrives at Tinian with parts of the warhead for the Hiroshima atomic bomb.
U.S. President Harry Truman signs the National Security Act of 1947 into United States law creating the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA), United States Department of Defense, United States Air Force, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the United States National Security Council(NSC).
U.S. President Harry Truman signs Executive Order 9981, desegregating the military of the United States.
1950/0726:朝鮮戦争: 老斤里事件、發生。
Walt Disney's 13th animated film, Alice in Wonderland, premieres in London, England, United Kingdom.
1952/0726:アルゼンチン María Eva Duarte de Perón 191952、死去
Eva Perón, femme politique argentine et épouse de Juan Perón.
King Farouk of Egypt abdicates in favor of his son Fuad.
Fidel Castro leads an unsuccessful attack on the Moncada Barracks, thus beginning the Cuban Revolution. The movement took the name of the date: 26th of July Movement
Following the World Bank's refusal to fund building the Aswan Dam, Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal, sparking international condemnation.
Carlos Castillo Armas, dictator of Guatemala, is assassinated.
Syncom 2, the world's first geosynchronous satellite, is launched from Cape Canaveral on a Delta B booster.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development votes to admit Japan.
The Maldives gained independence.
1968/0726:Vietnam War:
South Vietnamese opposition leader Trương Đình Dzu is sentenced to five years hard labor for advocating the formation of a coalition government as a way to move toward an end to the war.
1971/0726:USA 写真家 Diane Arbus 192371、自殺
an American photographer and writer noted for photographs of marginalized people
1971/0726:NASA、Apollo program:
Launch of Apollo 15 on the first Apollo "J-Mission", and first use of a Lunar Roving Vehicle.
Greek Prime Minister Konstantinos Karamanlis forms the country's first civil government after seven years of military rule.
1977/0726:ドイツ 経済学者 Oskar Morgenstern 190277、死去
a German-born economist.
In collaboration with mathematician John von Neumann, he founded the mathematical field of game theory and its application to economics (see von Neumann–Morgenstern utility theorem)
1984/0726:USA 連続殺人 Ed Gein 190684、死去
, tueur en série américain.
1989/0726:Computer Virus
A federal grand jury indicts Cornell University student Robert Morris, Jr. for releasing the Morris worm, thus becoming the first person to be prosecuted under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
1992/0726:日本 將棋棋士 大山康晴192392、死去
1994/0726:日本 小説家 吉行淳之介192494、死去
un écrivain japonais
1997/0726:日本 数学者 小平邦彦191597、死去
a Japanese mathematician known for distinguished work in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifolds, and as the founder of the Japanese school of algebraic geometers. He was awarded a Fields Medal in 1954, being the first Japanese national to receive this honour.
Fin du conflit de Kargil entre l'Inde et le Pakistan.
2005/0726:NASA, Space Shuttle program:
STS-114 Mission: Launch of Discovery, NASA's first scheduled flight mission after the Columbia Disaster in 2003.
Mumbai, India receives 99.5cm of rain (39.17 inches) within 24 hours, resulting in floods killing over 5000 people.
The militant Nigerian Islamist group "Boko Haram” attacks a police station in Bauchi, leading to reprisals by the Nigeria Police Force and four days of violence across multiple cities.
2011/0726:日本 SF小説家 小松左京193111、死去
Sagamihara stabbings occurs in Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan and 19 people are killed.
2016/0726:en France,
un prêtre est égorgé alors qu'il célébrait l'eucharistie dans l'église de Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray.