


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 07/27 今日の出來事




0774/0727:日本の佛教思想家 佐伯眞魚=空海077435、誕生


Siward, Earl of Northumbria invades Scotland and defeats Macbeth, King of Scotland somewhere north of the Firth of Forth.


Friedrich Barbarossa arrives at Niš, the capital of Serbian King Stefan Nemanja, during the Third Crusade.


1202/0727:Georgian–Seljuk wars:
At the Battle of Basian the Kingdom of Georgia defeats the Sultanate of Rum.


1214/0727:Battle of Bouvines :
Philip II of France decisively defeats Imperial, English & Flemish armies, effectively ending John of England's Angevin Empire.


1302/0727:Battle of Bapheus:
Decisive Ottoman victory over the Byzantines opening up Bithynia for Turkish conquest.


Jacques Cœur(grand argentier du roi Charles VII)est l'instigateur d'une ordonnance décidant, pour la première fois depuis 1370, la frappe de pièces d'argent de bon aloi, à 92 % d'argent fin, ce qui créait ce que l'on a appelé le « Gros de Jacques Cœur ».


1452/0727:Ludovico Maria Sforza detto il Moro 145208、誕生

Durante il suo regno, Milano conobbe il pieno rinascimento ed egli stesso tenne una delle più splendide corti del nord Italia. Patrono di Leonardo da Vinci e di altri artisti di rilievo della sua epoca, è noto soprattutto per aver commissionato l'Ultima Cena a Leonardo.

1510/0727:Giovanni Sforza 146610、死去

, condottiere italien.

The Jesuit priest Francis Xavier's ship reaches Japan. 

ザビエル(Francisco de Xavier 150652) の乘った船が鹿児島沖に現れ、錨を降ろす。0815(旧暦7月22日)に上陸。


1563/0727:(guerres de religion)
Les Français réoccupent Le Havre, dont la garnison anglaise est décimée par la peste, une maladie qu'elle introduira dans son pays à son retour.

The French reoccupy Le Havre, whose English garrison is decimated by the plague, a disease which it will introduce in its country on its return.



1656/0727:Baruch Spinoza 163277、破門
Baruch Spinoza est frappé par un herem, terme que l'on peut traduire par excommunication, qui le maudit pour cause d'hérésie de façon particulièrement violente et, chose rare, définitive.

Baruch Spinoza is struck by a herem, a term which can be translated as excommunication, which curses him for heresy in a particularly violent way, and a rare and definitive thing.

The English Parliament passes the second Navigation Act requiring that all goods bound for the American colonies have to be sent in English ships from English ports.


1667/0727:Johann Bernoulli 166748、誕生

Schweizer Mathematiker und Arzt, der jüngere Bruder von Jakob I. Bernoulli und der Vater von Daniel Bernoulli und Johann II. Bernoulli.


1689/0727:England、Glorious Revolution:
The Battle of Killiecrankie ends.

The Battle of Killiecrankie was an episode of the second English Revolution which opposed the Highland clans supporting King James VII of Scotland to the partisan government troops of William of Orange.

By decision of the Parliament & with royal approval, the Bank of England is founded on the suggestion of William Paterson.


1710/0727:In the Spanish Succession War、
the battle of Almenar ends with a victory of the Allied English & Imperial over Spanish-French troops.


The Battle of Grengam marks the second important victory of the Russian Navy.


1775/0727:Founding of the U.S. Army Medical Department:
The Second Continental Congress passes legislation establishing "an hospital for an army consisting of 20,000 men."





1778/0727:American Revolution:
First Battle of Ushant: British & French fleets fight to a standoff.

The battle, the first major naval engagement between the French and British fleets in the American Revolutionary War, ended indecisively and led to political conflicts in both countries.

1789/0727:France Revolution
Les ouvriers de Montmartre se répandent armés dans la plaine de Saint-Denis, détruisant les blés.

The workers of Montmartre spread themselves armed in the plain of Saint-Denis, destroying the corn.

The first U.S. federal government agency, the Department of Foreign Affairs, is established (it will be later renamed Department of State).


Im Hinblick auf die Französische Revolution verständigen sich in der Reichenbacher Konvention Preußens König Friedrich Wilhelm II. und der Habsburger Leopold II. auf das Beilegen ihrer Konflikte.


1794/0727:(9 thermidor an Ⅱ)、Chute et arrestation de Maximilien de Robespierre.

French Revolution: Maximilien Robespierre is arrested after encouraging the execution of more than 17,000 "enemies of the Revolution".


{「祝祭から革命へ」と Jean-Jacques Rousseau 171278 は言ったが、實際には「革命から祝祭へ」であった。自由平等友愛の發熱状態は亢奮した亂痴氣騷ぎになっていった。

1816/0727:US Navy、Battle of Negro Fort:
The battle ends when a hot shot cannonball fired by US Navy Gunboat No. 154 explodes the Fort's Powder Magazine, killing apx. 275. It is considered the deadliest single cannon shot in US history.


1824/0727:Alexandre Dumas fils 182495、誕生

, romancier et auteur dramatique français, membre de l'Académie française.

1830/0727:France、La révolution de Juillet
Insurrection de Paris, première journée des « Trois Glorieuses », baptisées ainsi par Honoré de Balzac en 1847.

La révolution de Juillet est la deuxième révolution française après la révolution française de 1789. Elle porte sur le trône un nouveau roi, Louis-Philippe Ier, à la tête d'un nouveau régime, la monarchie de Juillet, qui succède à la Seconde Restauration. Cette révolution se déroule sur trois journées, les 27, 28 et 29 juillet 1830, dites « Trois Glorieuses ».




1835/0727:Giosuè Alessandro Giuseppe Carducci 183507、誕生

un poeta e scrittore italiano. Fu il primo italiano a vincere il Premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1906.


1839/0727:China[清] vs England
Opium war broke out between China vs England, after Chinese authorities seized and destroyed English imports of opium.


1841/0727:ロシア作家 Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov 181441、死去

Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов
a Russian Romantic writer, poet and painter, sometimes called "the poet of the Caucasus", the most important Russian poet after Alexander Pushkin's death in 1837 and the greatest figure in Russian Romanticism.


1844/0727:John Dalton 176644、死去

an English chemist, physicist, and meteorologist. He is best known for proposing the modern atomic theory, and for his research into colour blindness, sometimes referred to as Daltonism in his honour.




Shogunate 's Uraga magistrate refuses to notify the American trade request and notifies the deportation

At the request of Turkey, Russia intervenes in the principalities of the Danube, to repress the uprisings.


Siege of Arrah begins: 68 men hold out for 8 days against a force of 2,500 to 3,000 mutinying sepoys and 8,000 irregular forces.


1866/0727:Atlantic Ocean、
The first permanent transatlantic telegraph cable is successfully completed, stretching from Valentia Island, Ireland, to Heart's Content, Newfoundland.


1867/0727:Enrique Granados 186716、誕生

un compositor y pianista español.

1871/0727:Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand Zermelo 187153、誕生

ein deutscher Mathematiker.


1873/0727:ロシア 詩人 Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev 180373、死去

Фёдор Иванович Тютчев 180373
русский поэт, дипломат, консервативный публицист, член-корреспондент Петербургской Академии Наук с 1857 года, тайный советник.
Poète et diplomate russe, le journaliste conservateur, membre correspondant de l'Académie des sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg de 1857, membre du Conseil privé. 



1880/0727:Second Anglo-Afghan War:
Battle of Maiwand: Afghan forces led by Mohammad Ayub Khan defeat the British Army in battle near Maiwand, Afghanistan.


1890/0727:Vincent van Gogh 185390、se suicide au pistolet. 

Vincent van Gogh shoots himself and dies two days later.

Kaiser Wilhelm II makes a speech comparing Germans to Huns; for years afterwards, "Hun" would be a disparaging name for Germans.


Felix Manalo registers the Iglesia ni Cristo with the Philippine government.


Une révolution éclate à Haïti.


Passengers on ships that entered the port of Yokohama have developed cholera. This spreads all over Japan, and this year alone it will bring out about 7500 deaths.


1917/0727:Emil Theodor Kocher 184117、死去



The Allies reach the Yser Canal at the Battle of Passchendaele.


The Chicago Race Riot erupts after a racial incident occurred on a South Side beach, leading to 38 fatalities and 537 injuries over a five-day period.


1921/0727:Hormone insulin
Researchers at the University of Toronto, led by biochemist Frederick Banting, prove that the hormone insulin regulates blood sugar.


1924/0727:Ferruccio Busoni 186624、死去

un compositore e pianista italiano naturalizzato tedesco.


本名はなんと、Dante Michelangelo Benvenuto Ferruccio Busoni


The Geneva Convention of 1929, dealing with treatment of prisoners-of-war, is signed by 53 nations.



The Red Army occupies Changsha. Changsha Soviet regime established.






1939/0727:USA & Japan

The United States notified of the destruction of Japan-US commerce and navigation treaty. 

Japanese troops stationed in Tonkin occupy the southern portion of French Indochina.

l'Armée impériale japonaise, qui stationne depuis l'année précédente au Tonkin, installe ses troupes dans l'ensemble de l'Indochine française.

Allied forces successfully halt the final Axis advance into Egypt.


1946/0727:Gertrude Stein 187446、死去

an American novelist, poet, playwright, and art collector.
She hosted a Paris salon, where the leading figures of modernism in literature and art, such as Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sinclair Lewis, Ezra Pound, and Henri Matisse, would meet.


Pablo Picasso, Portrait of Gertrude Stein, 1906


Initial flight of the de Havilland Comet, the first jet-powered airliner.


Fighting in the Korean War ends when the United States, China, and North Korea sign an armistice agreement. 

朝鮮戦争: 板門店で休戦協定が調印され、現在の軍事境界線が設定される。


found a stabbing body (securities broker) by the blood dripping from the ceiling of Bar in Shimbashi, Tokyo.

The Allied occupation of Austria stemming from WWⅡ ends.


1964/0727:Vietnam War:
5000 more American military advisers are sent to South Vietnam bringing the total number of United States forces in Vietnam to 21,000.




1968/0727:Lilian Harvey 190668、死去

an Anglo-German actress and singer, long based in Germany, where she is best known for her role as Christel Weinzinger in Erik Charell's 1931 film Der Kongreß tanzt.


1970/0727:Antonio de Oliveira Salazar 188970、死去

, homme politique portugais, président du Conseil portugais de 1933 à 1968 .


A warning system for photochemical smog and an alarm issuance system started in Tokyo.

1972/0727:Richard Nikolaus Eijiro Coudenhove-Kalergi 189472、死去(自殺)

ein japanisch-österreichischer Schriftsteller, Politiker und Gründer der Paneuropa-Union. Zudem war er der erste Träger des Karlspreises. https://is.gd/iDDtzj

{以下、Wikipedia の記事を讀みながらの拔書、
Coudenhove 家と Kalergi 家とが連合した伯爵家の出身で、東京で日本人を母として誕生。日本人名は「青山榮次郎」。
長じて、Pan-Europeanism を提唱し、歐州連合構想の先駆をなした。
1923、Paneuropa を發行し、その記者兼編集者となる。早速、ナチスドイツの彈壓が加へられた。
1940、アメリカに亡命して、PanEurooeanism を宣教。
1972、スヰス國境近くのオウストリアの村シュルンスで逝去。表向きは脳卒中とされたが、自殺であった。彼の墓石にはフランス語で「Pionnier des États-Unis d'Europe」とだけ刻まれてゐる。

彼は Freemason に加盟してゐた。が、1926に脱會した。汎ヨウロパ運動とFMとの關係を問題視されるのを配慮したのである。

彼は『Adel(貴族)』1922 を出版した。彼の思ひ考へる「Adel」とは、たんに血統的意味合ひでの貴族ではなく、人類に必要な指導者や先驅者となりうる精神の貴族の謂であった。


≫ Jedes große historische Geschehen begann als Utopie und endete als Realität.(すべての偉大なる歴史的事象は理想から始まり現実に帰することになった。)




1974/0727:USA、Watergate scandal:
The House of Representatives Judiciary Committee votes 27 to 11 to recommend the first article of impeachment (for obstruction of justice) against President Richard Nixon.


1976/0727:Japan, Lockheed scandal

Former Japanese prime minister Kakuei Tanaka is arrested on suspicion of violating foreign exchange and foreign trade laws in connection with the Lockheed bribery scandals.




1981/0727:William Wyler 190281、死去

an American film director, producer and screenwriter.


1983/0727:Colombo「Black July」
18 Tamil political prisoners at the Welikada high security prison in Colombo are massacred by Sinhalese prisoners, the second such massacre in two days.


Korean Airplane crashed into a residential area just before Tripoli Airport in Libya. 74 of 199 passengers and 6 local residents died.


The Supreme Soviet of the Belarusian Soviet Republic declares independence of Belarus from the Soviet Union. 


1990/0727:coup d'état
The Jamaat al Muslimeen attempt a coup d'état in Trinidad and Tobago.


1996/0727:Pipe bombing
In Atlanta, United States, a pipe bomb explodes at Centennial Olympic Park during the 1996 Summer Olympics.


About 50 people are killed in the Si Zerrouk massacre in Algeria.


2002/0727:Ukraine airshow disaster:
A Sukhoi Su-27 fighter crashes during an air show at Lviv, Ukraine killing 77 and injuring more than 500 others, making it the deadliest air show disaster in history.


After an incident during STS-114, NASA grounds the Space Shuttle, pending an investigation of the continuing problem with the shedding of foam insulation from the external fuel tank.


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World