1Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
歴史暦:古今東西 09/21 今日の出來事
westREmperor Avitus enters Rome with a Gallic army and consolidates his power.
Marcus Maecilius Flavius Eparchius Avitus 038057:Western Roman Emperor from 8 or 9 July 455 to 17 October 456He was a senator and a high-ranking officer both in the civil and military administration, as well as Bishop of Piacenza.
Song Shenzong Wang Anshi new law, began to implement 青苗法.1170/0921:English & Irish
Combined English and Irish forces(under the command of Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke and Diarmait Mac Murchada, King of Leinster)seize Norse-Gaelic Dublin, forcing Ascall mac Ragnaill, King of Dublin into exile.
1217/0921:Livonian Crusade「Battle of Mathew's Day」
The Estonian leader Lembitu and Livonian leader Kaupo the Accursed are killed in Battle of Matthew's Day.
The Livonian Crusade refers to the conquest of the territory constituting modern Latvia and Estonia during the pope-sanctioned Northern Crusades: performed mostly by Germans from the Holy Roman Empire and Danes, it ended with the creation of the Terra Mariana and Duchy of Estonia. The lands on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea were the last corners of Europe to be Christianized.1327/0921:England「Assassination」
The English king Edward II is murdered in the prison of Berkeley Castle.
1411/0921:Richard of York 141160, 3rd Duke of York、誕生
a leading English magnate, a great-grandson of King Edward III through his father, and a great-great-great-grandson of the same king through his mother.He inherited vast estates and served in various offices of state in Ireland, France, and England, the latter which he ultimately governed as Lord Protector during the madness of King Henry VI.
1415/0921:Friedrich III. (HRR) 141593、誕生
Er war der vorletzte römisch-deutsche Kaiser, der vom Papst gekrönt wurde, und der letzte, bei dem dies in Rom geschah.1452/0921:Girolamo Savonarola 145298、誕生
un religioso, politico e predicatore italiano.1435/0921:Hundred Y War「Congress of Arras」
causes Burgundy to switch sides in the Hundred Years' War.
Die Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg wird gegründet.
von Albrecht VI. gegründet und ist eine der ältesten Universitäten Deutschlands. Sie bietet das Fächerspektrum einer Volluniversität an.1520/0921:Ottoman Empire「Süleyman I」
becomes Sultan and Caliph of Constantinople.
1558/0921:Karl V. (HRR) 150058、崩去
神聖ロウマ帝國の皇帝、ハプスブルク家第三代(在位1519~56)、&スペイン國王(在位1516~56)スペイン名は Carlos I。フランスでは Charles Quint と呼ばれ、{面倒臭くなった。名前くらゐ統一しろ。彼がヨウロパを統一できなかったのは、その多樣な呼び名の多さのせゐだったかも知れないのである。
1576/0921:Gerolamo Cardano 150176、逝去
un medico, matematico, filosofo astrologo italiano.本業は医者。占星術師(当たらなかったらしい)、賭博師(勝てなかったらしい)、哲学者的思索もおこなった。
父はかの Leonard da Vinci 145219 の友人でもあった弁護士で、その私生兒として誕生。母は流産しようと頑張ったが、
賭博では「賭博師が最大の利益を得るには、賭博をしないことだ」といふ眞理とともに確率論を數學的に扱ふことを Blaise Pascal 162362にさきがけておこなひ、
Cardano Joint
1640/0921:Philippe d’Orléans 164001、誕生
Philippe d’Orléansun prince de France, fils de Louis XIII et d’Anne d’Autriche, et frère de Louis XIV. Il est connu sous son titre de duc d’Orléans ou sous l'appellation de Monsieur. Ses descendants directs forment la branche cadette d’Orléans.
Le petit Monsieur (ici en robe), avec son frère Louis XIV.
Fall of the Golcada Fortress by the Mughal Empire Expeditionary Force. Qutub Shahi kingdom, the end.1721/0921:Cuba「University」
La Universidad de La Habana es fundada en Cuba.
1745/0921:Jacobite Rebel「Battle of Prestonpans」
A Hanoverian army under the command of Sir John Cope is defeated, in ten minutes, by the Jacobite forces of Prince Charles Edward Stuart
Jacobite rebels, led by Charles Edward Stuart, defeated British government troops under General Sir John Cope in the Battle of Prestonpans, and thereby temporarily gain control over all of Scotland.1780/0921:American Revolutionary War:
Benedict Arnold gives the British the plans to West Point.
Mise en place de la Convention nationale et abolition de la royauté en France.
The National Convention declares France a republic and abolishes the absolute monarchy.フランスの国民公会が「君主制廃止」「共和制宣言」を議決。フランス第一共和政が開始。
Mit der Eröffnung des ersten Badehauses wird Heiligendamm zum ersten deutschen Seebad.
Le premier système de chauffage au gaz est breveté par l'inventeur français Philippe Lebon.
La thermolampe de Lebon, dans son brevet de 17992
1812/0921:Emanuel Schikaneder 175112、死去
Schauspieler, Sänger, Regisseur, Dichter und Theaterdirektor.Mozartのオペラ『魔笛』の台本を手がけ、自身もパパゲノ役で出演したり、一座の座長となり、作者から役者、演出家まで兼任し、また劇場を設立したりして、ウインの歌劇環境に貢獻した。
1820/0921:Russia、Pushkin is exiled to Chişinău.
Александр Сергеевич Пушкин был сослан в Кишинэу.1832/0921:Walter Scott 177132、死去
a Scottish historical novelist, playwright and poet. Many of his works remain classics of both English-language literature and of Scottish literature.1847/0921:切手「Red & Blue Mauritius」On the island of Mauritius(a British crown colony) two stamps are issued「Red & Blue Mauritius」.
The Mauritius "Post Office" stamps were issued by the British Colony Mauritius in September 1847, in two denominations: an orange-red one penny (1d) and a deep blue two pence (2d). Their name comes from the wording on the stamps reading "Post Office", which was soon changed in the next issue to "Post Paid."[3] They are among the rarest postage stamps in the world."Bordeaux Cover" with Mauritius 1d Red & 2d Deep Blue "Post Office"
auctioned for CHF 5,750,000 in 1993.
1852/0921:Germany「Colonial Goods」
In Baden-Baden Eduard Messmer begins to operate a shop with colonial goods, from which the tea trading company Messmer later becomes.
1853/0921:Heike Kamerlingh Onnes 185326、誕生
a Dutch physicist and Nobel laureate.He exploited the Hampson–Linde cycle to investigate how materials behave when cooled to nearly absolute zero and later to liquefy helium for the first time.
1860/0921:Arthur Schopenhaue 178860、死去
ein deutscher Philosoph, Autor und Hochschullehrer.主著は Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung 『意志と表象としての世界』1819年
≫ 佛陀、エックハルト、そしてこの私は、本質的には同じことを教へてゐる。
1860/0921:China[清]「第二次阿片戰爭 2nd Opium War」
An Anglo-French force defeats Chinese troops at the Battle of Palikao.
1866/0921:Herbert George Wells 186646、誕生
an English writer.He was prolific in many genres, including the novel, history, politics, social commentary, and textbooks and rules for war games.
1868/0921:Olga Leonardovna Knipper 186859、誕生
「オリガ・クニッペル」、女優。Антон Чехов 186004 夫人。1898年にコンスタンチン・スタニスラフスキらが設立したモスクワ芸術座の、39人の設立時メンバーの一人。アントンチェホフの戯曲『かもめ』1898サンクトペテルブルク初演時のアルカジナ役、『三姉妹』1901、初演時のマアシャ役、『桜の園』のラネヴスカヤ夫人役を演じた。1943モスクワ芸術座『桜の園』300回記念公演でもラネヴスカヤ夫人役を演じた。
The First International Electricity Congress defines the electrical resistance of Ohm as the unit of measurement. He honors the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm and his work.
Die Uraufführung von Gerhart Hauptmanns sozialkritischer Komödie Der Biberpelz findet in Berlin statt.
Der Biberpelz (mit dem Untertitel: Eine Diebskomödie) ist ein 1892~3 entstandenes sozialkritisches Drama und zugleich eine Milieustudie von Gerhart Hauptmann 186246. Das Werk wird noch zur literarischen Epoche des Naturalismus gerechnet.1896/0921:Africa, Sudan「Mahdist War」
British forces under the command of Horatio Kitchener takes Dongola in the Sudan.
Empress Dowager Cixi seizes power and ends the Hundred Days' Reform in China.戊戌の政変:西太后183508が『戊戌の變法』を推進していた官僚の粛清を開始、變法を支持していた光緒帝を幽閉。戊戌の變法(百日維新)が終焉。
1908/0921:Ernest Fenollosa 185308、死去
an American, professor of philosophy and political economy at Tokyo Imperial University. An important educator during the modernization of Japan during the Meiji Era, Fenollosa was an enthusiastic Orientalist who did much to preserve traditional Japanese art.フェノロサは当時の日本の美術行政、文化財保護にも深くかかはった。1884年には文部省圖畫調査會員に任じられ、岡倉天心186313心らに同行して近畿地方の古社寺寶物調査を実施。法隆寺の夢殿の祕佛であった救世觀音像を恐がる佛僧らに開扉させたりした。
フェノロサの古社寺の寶物調査は、文化財保護法の前身である『古社寺保存法』の制定への道を開くものであった。また、東京藝術大學の前身の一つとなった東京美術學校の創設にもかかはり、明治時代の日本美術の全般に彼がはたした役割は大きい。「國寶」national treasures は彼が考案したものであった。
1908/0921:Science、Mathematics「Space & Time」
Der Mathematiker Hermann Minkowski hält in Köln einen Aufsehen erregenden Vortrag über Raum und Zeit. Die Raumzeit gewinnt Konturen.
The mathematician Hermann Minkowski holds an eye-catching lecture on space and time in Cologne. The space-time gains contours.1911/0921:James Curtis Hepburn 181511、死去
an American physician, translator, educator, and lay Christian missionary.He is known for the Hepburn romanization system for transliteration of the Japanese language into the Latin alphabet, which he popularized in his Japanese–English dictionary.
1916/0921:Germany「SPD in der Krise」
Der Parteivorsitzende Friedrich Ebert berichtet auf der Reichskonferenz von einem Schrumpfen der Mitgliederzahl um 64 Prozent.
A storage silo in Oppau explodes, killing 500-600 people.
ドイツのオッパウで、貯蔵 4,500トンの化学肥料が爆發。669人が死傷。1927/0921:Japan、Tokyo「Fashion Show」
1930/0921:Patent「photographic flashlight」
Der deutsche Ingenieur Johann Ostermeyer dokumentiert ein Patent für fotografische Blitzlampen.
1931/0921:Great Britain abandoned gold standard.
中国国民政府代表施肇基正式向国联递交声明书,控告日本强占中国东三省。The Chinese National Government on behalf of Shi Zhaoyi formally submitted to the League of Nations statement, accusing Japan to occupy the three provinces of China.
A large typhoon hits western Honshū, Japan, killing more than three thousand people.1937/0921:England、Publishing「J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit」
The Great Hurricane of 1938 makes landfall on Long Island in New York. The death toll is estimated at 500-700 people.
Romanian Prime Minister Armand Călinescu is assassinated by far-right legionnaires of the fascist paramilitary organization Iron Guard.
On the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, Nazis send over 1,000 Jews of Pidhaitsi (west Ukraine) to Bełżec extermination camp.
1942/0921:Germany「Holocaust」In Poland,
at the end of Yom Kippur, Germans order Jews to permanently evacuate Konstantynów and move to the ghetto in Biała Podlaska, established to assemble Jews from seven nearby towns, including Janów Podlaski, Rossosz and Terespol.
1942/0921:Germany Nazis「Murder]
In Dunaivtsi, Ukraine, Nazis murder 2,588 Jews.
The Boeing B-29 Superfortress makes its maiden flight.
The Boeing B-29 Superfortress makes its first flight. It will prove to be the largest and most powerful bomber in World War II.1947/0921:Stephen King 1947--、誕生
an American author of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, science fiction, and fantasy.1949/0921:松田優作194989、誕生
Lieutenant No Kum-sok(a North Korean pilot)defects to South Korea and is associated with Operation Moolah.
1962/0921:Marie Bonaparte 188262、死去
une femme de lettres et une pionnière de la psychanalyse en France.Elle est une proche de Sigmund Freud, dont elle traduit l'œuvre en français et qu'elle aide à quitter Vienne en 1938.
Malta gains independence from the United Kingdom but remains in the Commonwealth.
The North American XB-70 Valkyrie, the world's first Mach 3 bomber, makes its maiden flight from Palmdale, California.
The Gambia, Maldives and Singapore are admitted as members of the United Nations.
Bahrain, Bhutan and Qatar join the United Nations.
President Ferdinand Marcos signs Proclamation № 1081, placing the entire country under martial law and marking the beginning of his authoritarian rule.
Orlando Letelier is assassinated in Washington, D.C.
He is a member of the Chilean socialist government of Salvador Allende, overthrown in 1973 by Augusto Pinochet.
Seychelles joins the United Nations.
1981/0921:Belize「Independence」United Kingdom.
出は歌舞伎役者。歌舞伎に飽きたらず前進座を結成、映画にも進出して、山中貞雄190938 を監督に得て『河内山宗俊』『人情紙風船』の名作を遺した。戰後は共産黨に入黨し、