


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 03/23 今日の出來事

0625/0323:イスラム、In the battle of Uhud,
 a Quraish-led coalition of Arab tribes under Abū Sufyān ibn Harb defeats Muslims under their Prophet Muhammad. However, the battle has no consequences, as the victors no longer pursue the possible capture of the weakly fortified Medinas.



1022/0323:中國 宋03皇帝 眞宗096822、崩去

Emperor Zhenzong of Song, personal name Zhao Heng, was the third emperor of the Song dynasty in China. He reigned from 997 to his death in 1022. His personal name was originally Zhao Dechang, but was changed to Zhao Yuanxiu in 983, Zhao Yuankan in 986, and finally Zhao Heng in 995. He was the third son of his predecessor, Emperor Taizong, and was succeeded by his sixth son, Emperor Renzong.


Miao Fu and Liu Zhengyan changed the mutiny in Yangzhou and forced Song Gaozong to give the two-year-old prince Wei Guogong Zhao Wei, and that history was changed.

# 苗劉兵變,又稱劉苗之變、明受之變,是建炎三年(1129年)由苗傅和劉正彥發動,誅殺宋高宗趙構寵幸的權臣及宦官以清君側,並逼迫宋高宗將皇位禪讓給三歲的皇太子趙旉的兵變。兵變消息傳出後,苗、劉二人沒有採取進一步的措施,各地將領紛紛採取勤王平亂的立場,出兵鎮壓,苗傅和劉正彥見局勢失去控制,連忙奉宋高宗復辟,最後兩人被打敗,在建康被寸斬。

1153/0323:Friedrich Barbarossa
 swears the Treaty of Constance, in which the conditions negotiated with Pope Eugen III are fixed for his imperial coronation.

1190/0323:日本の遊行詩人 西行111890、逝去

était un célèbre poète japonais ayant vécu à la fin de l’époque de Heian et au début de l’époque de Kamakura. Vantant dans ses œuvres les beautés du voyage et de la nature, son style simple et empreint de spiritualité eut une grande influence sur la poésie japonaise.











Trêve de Bordeaux, la quatrième depuis le début de la guerre de Cent Ans. Après la bataille de Poitiers, où il a été fait prisonnier, Jean II le Bon signe une trêve de deux ans avec le Prince noir, avant d'être envoyé en Angleterre, où il demeurera en captivité pendant trois ans.


Hu Jijun, Vietnam's Fu Ji Taishi, became a new monarch and founded the Hu Dynasty, replacing Chen Chao, who had been ruled Vietnam for 175 years.

The Republic of Venice changes sides in the Holy League and allies itself with the League fought France under King Louis XII.

Waltham Abbey is surrendered to King Henry VIII of England; the last religious community to be closed during the Dissolution of the Monasteries.

The Peace of Longjumeau is signed, ending the second phase of the French Wars of Religion.

Signature, après la victoire remportée à Calais par le duc de Guise sur les Anglais, de la paix de Longjumeau, qui rétablit l'édit de Pacification d'Amboise (du 19 mars 1563).

With the Peace of Longjumeau, Catherine de Medici makes an attempt to end the hostilities of the Second Huguenot War. But only six months later, the next religious war breaks out in France.


The Tensho Ken'Ou Shounen Shisetsu delegation visited Pope Glegorius XIII.

The Dutch admiral Pieter Willemsz Verhoeff (Pierre-Guillaume Veruff), back from Java, stops at Reunion and baptizes the still uninhabited island England's forest.


The Edo shogunate prohibits the return of the Japanese who traveled abroad except for a draft ship(奉書船).

1657/0323:Traité de Paris.
 L'Angleterre et la France s'allient contre l'Espagne.

1680/0323:Lous14の蔵相 Nicolas Fouquet、死去

un homme d'État français de haut rang, surintendant des finances à l'époque de Mazarin, procureur général au parlement de Paris.
Il eut un pouvoir et une fortune considérables. Promoteur des arts au sens le plus noble du terme, Nicolas Fouquet sut s'attirer les services des plus brillants artistes de son temps.

1689/0323:Johann Adam Kulmus 168945、誕生

ein deutscher Anatom.
日本の江戸時代末期、蘭學者となった杉田玄白173317や前野良澤172303が苦勞して翻訳した『解体新書』の主原著となる『Anatomische Tabellen 解剖学図表』1722 の著者。


Wu Sangui was an emperor in Hengzhou.

1682/0323:フランス、Louis XIV confirme
 par édit la Déclaration des Quatre articles, qui devient ainsi loi d’État.
 Le pape Innocent XII refuse alors de donner l’institution canonique aux prêtres choisis par le roi pour occuper les évêchés vacants, sous prétexte qu’ils avaient souscrit à la déclaration.

1701/0323:イギリス 海賊 William Kidd 164501、死罪(絞首刑)

, also Captain William Kidd or simply Captain Kidd was a Scottish sailor who was tried and executed for piracy after returning from a voyage to the Indian Ocean.


James Francis Edward Stuart lands at the Firth of Forth.

The Old Pretender James Francis Edward Stuart, son of the deposed English King James II, lands at the Firth of Forth in Scotland to assert his claims to the throne against reigning Queen Anne.

In London, first performance of the Messiah, composed by Georg Friedrich Haendel, who receives a standing ovation - the first in history, it seems - after the performance.

1749/0323:ラプラスの悪魔 Pierre-Simon de Laplace 174927、誕生

un mathématicien, astronome, physicien et homme politique français.
Laplace est l’un des principaux scientifiques de la période napoléonienne. En effet, il a apporté des contributions fondamentales dans différents champs des mathématiques, de l’astronomie et de la théorie des probabilités.

1769/0323:イギリス地質学者 William Smith 176939、誕生

an English geologist, credited with creating the first nationwide geological map.
At the time his map was first published he was overlooked by the scientific community; his relatively humble education and family connections prevented him from mixing easily in learned society.

Patrick Henry delivers his speech "Give me liberty, or give me death!" at St. John's Episcopal Church, Richmond, Virginia.

≫ Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!


1782/0323:フランス文藝 ラクロ『危險な關係』出版

En France, paraît la première édition du roman Les Liaisons dangereuses de Pierre-Ambroise-François Choderlos de Laclos. Après quatre semaines, les 2000 exemplaires imprimés sont épuisés.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart gibt im Wiener Burgtheater in Gegenwart von Kaiser Joseph II. ein großes Akademie-Konzert, bei dem mehrere seiner Werke uraufgeführt werden, darunter die Haffner-Sinfonie und das 13. Klavierkonzert.

Arrestation du général François-Athanase de Charette de La Contrie, mettant fin à la guerre de Vendée.

1801/0323:ロシア皇帝 パヴェル一世、暗殺
Tsar Paul I of Russia is struck with a sword, then strangled, and finally trampled to death inside his bedroom at St. Michael's Castle.

Павел I 17540:生母エカチェリナⅡの崩御で卽位。母の統治を全否定する政事を始め廷臣の離反を生み、つひにはクウデタにより暗殺される。


After traveling through the Louisiana Purchase and reaching the Pacific Ocean, explorers Lewis and Clark and their "Corps of Discovery" begin their arduous journey home.

After wintering at the mouth of the Columbia River, the US Lewis and Clark expedition sets out on its way home to St. Louis.

1821/0323:Greek War of Independence:
 Battle and fall of city of Kalamata.
In the Peloponnesian city Kalamata, which was conquered by insurgents, the Greek Revolution is announced, which is supposed to lead to independence from the Ottoman Empire.

1829/0323:イギリス天文學者 Norman Pogson 182991、誕生

an English astronomer who worked in India at the Madras observatory.
He introduced a mathematical scale of stellar magnitudes with the ratio of two successive magnitudes being the fifth root of one hundred (~2.512) and referred to as Pogson's ratio.

1842/0323:フランス 作家 Stendhal (Henri Beyle) 178342、死去

un écrivain français, connu en particulier pour ses romans Le Rouge et le Noir et La Chartreuse de Parme.

In the course of the March Revolution, Venice declares itself independent of Austria and proclaims the Repubblica di San Marco under Prime Minister Daniele Manin, which can hold until 23 August 1849.

Elisha Otis's first elevator is installed at 488 Broadway New York City.

Beginning of the Battle of Jhansi (Uprising of the Sepoys).

1862/0323:USA、「First Battle of Kernstown」
 Virginia, marks the start of Stonewall Jackson's Valley Campaign. Although a Confederate defeat, the engagement distracts Federal efforts to capture Richmond.

The Confederate Shenandoah campaign under "Stonewall" Jackson during the War of Secession marks the first combat with Union troops at Kernstown, near Winchester, Virginia. Despite losing the battle, the Confederates may be strategically successful as the Union subsequently withdraws troops from other locations.

1868/0323:USA、The University of California
 is founded in Oakland, California when the Organic Act is signed into law.

Carl Graebe and Carl Liebermann register a patent for the production of alizarin. The development of the technical synthesis of the product used as a colorant leads to the continuation of the cultivation of dyer's rape.

1879/0323:War of the Pacific: The Battle of Topáter,
 the first battle of the war is fought between Chile and the joint forces of Bolivia and Peru.

1881/0323:ドイツ 化學者 Hermann Staudinger 188165、誕生

ein deutscher Chemiker und Nobelpreisträger.
Er war organischer Chemiker und hat die makromolekulare Chemie (Polymerchemie, Chemie der Makromoleküle) begründet. Er hat wichtige Beiträge zur Strukturaufklärung der Makromoleküle Cellulose, Stärke, Kautschuk, Polystyrol geleistet. Er entdeckte die Stoffgruppe der Ketene und fand ein Verfahren zur Darstellung von Diazomethan, eine Reduktionsmethode von Carbonylgruppen zu Methylengruppen.

1881/0323:フランス小説家 Roger Martin du Gard 188158、誕生

Romancier français. Son chef-d'œuvre est "Les Thibaults" et en 1937, il a reçu le prix Nobel de littérature par "Les Thibaults : l'Été 1914".

Britain concludes a peace treaty with the South African Republic, ending the First Boer War.

un incendie détruit le théâtre municipal de Nice, causant la mort de 59 personnes.

1883/0323:日本の美食家 北大路魯山人188359、誕生

Kitaōji Rosanjin est un artiste japonais
Il a réalisé diverses activités tout au long de sa vie, comme des bracelets, des peintres, des potiers, des calligraphes, des artistes de laque, des chefs et des gourmets.

彼は、生涯を通じ多種多樣な創造活動{篆刻家 画家 陶芸家 書道家 漆芸家 料理家 美食家)に遊んだ。

1885/0323:中國[清]vsフランス、Sino-French War
 Chinese victory in the Battle of Phu Lam Tao near Hưng Hóa, northern Vietnam.

1887/0323:一生キュビズム画家 Juan Gris 188727、誕生

José Victoriano Carmelo Carlos González-Pérez est un peintre espagnol proche du cubisme, qui vécut et travailla en France à partir de 1906.

Portrait de Pablo Picasso (1912)

Newspaper and Fruit Dish, (1916),

1888/0323:In England, The Football League,
 the world's oldest professional association football league, meets for the first time.


US President Benjamin Harrison signs a proclamation to release the last Indian Territory in the United States territory in Oklahoma for White settlement.
 The Oklahoma Land Run will be held on April 22nd.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is established by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in Qadian, British India.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad founds the religious community of Ahmadiyya in the Indian city of Qadian as a reform movement within Islam.

1894/0323:進化論者 George Romanes 184894、死去

a Canadian-English evolutionary biologist and physiologist who laid the foundation of what he called comparative psychology, postulating a similarity of cognitive processes and mechanisms between humans and other animals.
He was the youngest of Charles Darwin's academic friends, and his views on evolution are historically important.
He is considered to invent the term neo-Darwinism, which in the late 19th century was considered as a theory of evolution that focuses on natural selection as the main evolutionary force

William Ramsay first isolates the chemical element and noble gas helium from the uranium mineral Cleveit.

1900/0323:深層心理學者 Erich Fromm 190080、誕生

ein deutsch-US-amerikanischer Psychoanalytiker, Philosoph und Sozialpsychologe.
Bereits seit Ende der 1920er Jahre vertrat er einen humanistischen, demokratischen Sozialismus. Seine Beiträge zur Psychoanalyse, zur Religionspsychologie und zur Gesellschaftskritik haben ihn als einflussreichen Denker des 20. Jahrhunderts etabliert, auch wenn er in der akademischen Welt oft gering geschätzt wurde. Viele seiner Bücher wurden zu Bestsellern, insbesondere Die Kunst des Liebens aus dem Jahre 1956 sowie Haben oder Sein von 1976. Seine Gedanken wurden auch außerhalb der Fachwelt breit diskutiert.


British archaeologist Arthur Evans begins excavating the Minoan city of Knossos, an activity that will take over 14 years.

Emilio Aguinaldo, only President of the First Philippine Republic, was captured at Palanan, Isabela by the forces of General Frederick Funston.

Eleftherios Venizelos calls for Crete's union with Greece, and begins what is to be known as the Theriso revolt.

1910/0323:世界の映画監督 黒澤明191098、誕生

a Japanese film director and screenwriter, who directed 30 films in a career spanning 57 years. He is regarded as one of the most important and influential filmmakers in the history of cinema.

Avec Yasujirō Ozu et Kenji Mizoguchi, il est considéré comme le cinéaste japonais le plus célèbre et le plus influent de l'histoire. En 57 ans de carrière cinématographique, il réalisa pas moins de 30 films.



au dernier recensement, la France compte 39 605 000 habitants.

1912/0323:ロケット開発 Wernher von Braun 191277、誕生

Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun war als deutscher und später US-amerikanischer Raketeningenieur ein Wegbereiter der Raketenwaffen und der Raumfahrt.

He worked as a rocket designer between the 1930s and 1970s. Some people say he was the most important rocket engineer of the 20th century. He worked for the Nazis during World War II. After World War II, he went to the United States. There, he worked for NASA. In 1955, ten years after entering the country, von Braun became a US citizen.
He was one of the developers of the V-2 rocket, the first rocket to fly up to outer space.
He also developed the Saturn V rocket, which took people to the moon in 1969.

1915/0323:スタリングラドの狙撃者 Vasily Zaytsev 191591、誕生

снайпер 62-й армии Сталинградского фронта, Герой Советского Союза

a Soviet sniper and a Hero of the Soviet Union during World War II.
Prior to 10 November, he killed 32 Axis soldiers with a standard-issue rifle. Between 10 November 1942 and 17 December 1942, during the Battle of Stalingrad, he killed 225 enemy soldiers, including 11 snipers.

 On the third day of the German Spring Offensive, the 10th Battalion of the Royal West Kent Regiment is annihilated with many of the men becoming prisoners of war

Premiers tirs de la « Grosse Bertha » sur Paris. La vingtaine d'obus tombés sur Paris et des communes avoisinantes ce jour-là fait 15 morts et 29 blessés.

In Milan, Italy, Benito Mussolini founds his Fascist political movement.

Fondando a Milano, Fasci Italiani di Combattimento, di Arditi, interventisti di sinistra, nazionalisti e futuristi, alla presenza di Benito Mussolini. Questi gruppi paramilitari costituiranno l'embrione del partito fascista.

Noi tireremo diritto(我等は眞っ直ぐに突き進む)
≫ Se avanzo, seguitemi. Se indietreggio, uccidetemi. Se muoio, vendicatemi.(我等は進む、汝等も續け。我等退けば、汝等が殺せ。我等死なば、汝等が復讐せよ)
≫ Credere, obbedire, combattere (信じ、從ひ、救ふ)
≫ La libertà non è diritto è un dovere (自由は權利にあらず、義務なり)


1920/0323:プロ野球巨人軍 川上哲治192013、誕生



1925/0323:日本の小説家 内藤千代子189325、死去

Un romancier japonais. Elle a publié de nombreux romans d'amour dans le magazine «Female Study World» et a bénéficié d'une immense popularité parmi les étudiantes.


Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar are hanged for the killing of a deputy superintendent of police during the Indian struggle for independence.

Der Reichstag gibt Adolf Hitler volle Macht.

The Reichstag passes the Enabling Act of 1933, making Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany.

Zwei Tage nach dem Tag von Potsdam nimmt der Reichstag in der Kroll-Oper – gegen die Stimmen der SPD unter Otto Wels – das Ermächtigungsgesetz an. Tags darauf wird es verkündet und tritt damit als weiterer Schritt bei der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten in Kraft.


The Soviet Union signed an agreement to transfer Dong Qing Railway to Manchuria County

The Hungarian air force attacks the headquarters of the Slovak air force in Spišská Nová Ves, killing 13 people and beginning the Slovak–Hungarian War.

Hungarian associations are attacking the newly founded First Slovak Republic from the east, opening up the Slovak-Hungarian War, which ends on 31 March.

The Lahore Resolution (Qarardad-e-Pakistan or Qarardad-e-Lahore) is put forward at the Annual General Convention of the All-India Muslim League.


The Japanese army occupied the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean.

 Execution in Paris of 4 Commandos of Operation Frankton: Lieutenant John MacKinnon, Navy James Conway, Corporal Albert Frédéric Laver and Navy W.N. Mills.


沖繩陸軍病院は沖繩守備軍(第32軍)の直轄で、四十近くの横穴壕の土壁に二段ベッドで戰病者を収容してゐた。學徒隊はそれらの病棟に分散配置された。 …… {私はかうした史實を映画『ひめゆりの塔』を想起しつゝ史實を引き寫してゐる。私はこゝで詳しく引用しても意味はあるまい。

1948/0323:神祕思想家 Nikolai Berdyaev 187448、死去

Николай Александрович Бердяев
русский религиозный и политический философ, представитель русского экзистенциализмa и персонализма.

Il était marxiste, mais après la révolution russe, il est devenu anti-communiste.
Il a discuté de questions culturelles et historiques basées sur le mysticisme. Exil à Paris après la Révolution d'Octobre. En 1922, il a été expulsé du pays par le gouvernement révolutionnaire de Lénine.





1953/0323:フランス 画家 Raoul Dufy 187753、死去

un peintre, dessinateur, graveur, illustrateur de livres, céramiste, créateur de tissus, de tapisseries et de mobilier, décorateur d'intérieur, d'espaces publics et de théâtre français.

La forêt ou étude d'arbre circa 1943

Regatta at Cowes, 1934


Pakistan becomes the first Islamic republic in the world. (Republic Day in Pakistan)

1958/0323:日本の社界主義思想家 山川均188058、死去

Yamakawa Hitoshi、社会主義運動家、理論家、評論家

1961/0323:チベット、14th Dalai Lama=Tenzin Gyatso,
 reshaped the Tibetan Institute of Medicine and Astrology in Dharamsala, India.

NASA launches Gemini 3, the United States' first two-man space flight (crew: Gus Grissom and John Young).

Gemini 3, the first manned mission in the US Gemini program, successfully travels with astronauts Virgil Grissom and John Watts Young. The race into space against the Soviet Union continues.


Archbishop Óscar Romero of El Salvador gives his famous speech appealing to men of the El Salvadoran armed forces to stop killing the Salvadorans.

The well of the oil platform exploded on June 3, 1979 at the Ixtoc I exploration well of the Mexican oil company PEMEX can be closed. Until then, around 100,000 to 300,000 barrels of crude oil have flowed into the sea each day, causing one of the largest oil spills.

Guatemala's government, headed by Fernando Romeo Lucas García is overthrown in a military coup by right-wing General Efraín Ríos Montt.

1983/0323:Strategic Defense Initiative:
 President Ronald Reagan makes his initial proposal to develop technology to intercept enemy missiles.


Japan, Kanto region, Passing on the south coast low pressure resulted in abnormal heavy snow.

1992/0323:経済思想家 Friedrich Hayek 189992、死去

ein österreichischer Ökonom und Sozialphilosoph.
Neben Ludwig von Mises war er einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter der Österreichischen Schule der Nationalökonomie. Hayek zählt zu den wichtigsten Denkern des Liberalismus im 20. Jahrhundert und gilt manchen Interpreten als wichtigster Vertreter des Neoliberalismus, auch wenn er sich selbst nie so bezeichnete.

1994/0323:イタリアの女優 Giulietta Masina 192094、死去

Giulia Anna "Giulietta" Masina è stata un'attrice cinematografica italiana.

Giulietta Masina nei panni di Gelsomina, nel film La strada

A United States Air Force (USAF) F-16 aircraft collides with a USAF C-130 at Pope Air Force Base and then crashes, killing 24 United States Army soldiers on the ground. This later became known as the Green Ramp disaster.

Aeroflot Flight 593 crashed into the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain, Kemerovo Oblast, Russia, killing 75.


Taiwan holds its first direct elections and chooses Lee Teng-hui as President.


The Russian Mir space station is disposed of, breaking up in the atmosphere before falling into the southern Pacific Ocean near Fiji.

2003/0323:イラク、Battle of Nasiriyah,
 first major conflict during the invasion of Iraq.


Wikipedia の記事は「K」といふ犯人名のイニシャル表示のおかげで、まるで日本のカフカ的主人公の不条理物語を讀んでゐるやうであった。








FedEx Express Flight 80: A McDonnell Douglas MD-11 flying from Guangzhou, China crashes at Tokyo's Narita International Airport, killing both the captain and the co-pilot.




2011/0323:USA 女優 Elizabeth Taylor 193211、死去

Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor was a British-American actress, businesswoman, and humanitarian.
She began her career as a child actress in the early 1940s, and was one of the most popular stars of classical Hollywood cinema in the 1950s. She continued her career successfully into the 1960s, and remained a well-known public figure for the rest of her life. In 1999, the American Film Institute named her the seventh-greatest female screen legend.


2011/0323:NewAge思想家 José Argüelles 193911、死去

「ホゼ アグエリアス」an American New Age author and artist. He was the founder of Planet Art Network and the Foundation for the Law of Time.

2015/0323:シンガポウルの建國者 Lee Kuan Yew 192315、死去

Lee Kuan Yew CH GCMG SPMJ , commonly referred to by his initials LKY, was the first Prime Minister of Singapore, governing for three decades.
Lee is recognised as the nation's founding father, with the country described as transitioning from the "third world to first world in a single generation" under his leadership.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World