


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 03/24 今日の出來事

今日は、梶井基次郎190132の命日で『檸檬忌』が催事として記してあった。檸檬はレモンと讀む。果物の Lemon のことである。


檸檬』がまさに爆彈のやうに私を魅了したのは、この部分であった ――


……  「あ、さうださうだ」その時私は袂の中の檸檬を憶ひ出した。本の色彩をゴチャゴチャに積みあげて、一度この檸檬で試して見たら。「さうだ」
 そして私は活動寫眞の看板畫が奇體な趣きで街を彩ってゐる京極を下って行った。 ……


檸檬の形をした爆彈」といふイメヂは、私の思想=思考69空想にもっとも影響力を持って私に作用しつづけた。私は、自分の Art of Heart を「レモンの形をした時限爆彈」と思ひなすやうになっていった。



だから、といふわけでもないが私は沈默した。沈默し、傍觀者となり、鑑賞家となった。折角、世界の終末近くに生まれ合はせたのだ、Word of World 、人間世界四千年の歴史の「見るべきほどのものは見」たいものだと思ったのであった。


Nietzsche 184400 は『ツァラツストラ』の副題に「 Ein Buch fur Alle und Keinen 」と嘯いた。「萬人のために、そして誰のためでもなく」と書きつけた。




「見たくないなら見せてやらねえ」、だが、見せてやらないだけでは何にもならない、見せてやらないことを見せてやらなければ ―― つまり、それが存在してゐることを周知させなければ、このドスの利いたセリフは吐けないことになる。



愚公となっていそいそと檸檬の形をした手榴弾と地雷を、それらが未來において爆發する有樣をまざまざと想像しつゝ制作に勤しんでゐる ―― ま、自分自身ゾッとしない、いやゾッとする狂氣の沙汰の感じがしないわけでおないが、もはや狂氣こそが私ののぞむところであるのかも知れない …… もう何を云ってるのか自分でもわからない


0809/0324:05AbbasidCaliph、Harun al-Rashid 076309、崩去

His birth date is debated, with various sources giving dates from 763 to 766.
His surname translates to "the Just", "the Upright", or "the Rightly-Guided"; fully translated, his name means "Aaron the Just". Al-Rashid ruled from 786 to 809, during the peak of the Islamic Golden Age.
His time was marked by scientific, cultural, and religious prosperity. Islamic art and music also flourished significantly during his reign. He established the legendary library Bayt al-Hikma ("House of Wisdom") in Baghdad in present-day Iraq, and during his rule Baghdad began to flourish as a center of knowledge, culture and trade.
During his rule, the family of Barmakids, which played a deciding role in establishing the Abbasid Caliphate, declined gradually.
In 796, he moved his court and government to Raqqa in present-day Syria.


les Magyars (Hongrois) s'avancent à travers la Bourgogne et arrivent devant Sens.

Les principales expéditions magyares au Xe siècle.

1141/0324:源平時代の武將 熊谷直實114107、誕生

Kumaga'i Nahozane、




1334(建武01)、0105正三位 →0904參議(左兵衛督)
1335(建武02)、07~08中先代の亂 →0809征東将軍、宣下 →0830從二位 →1126征東将軍停止
1336(建武03)、02多々良濱戰 →0525湊川戰 →1107建武式目、制定 →1126權大納言へ轉任

1351/0324:尊氏の武將 高師直??1351、敗死

Kō no Moronao , also Moronō was a Japanese samurai of the Nanboku-chō 南北朝 period who was the first to hold the position of Shitsuji (Shōgun's Deputy).
He was appointed by Ashikaga Takauji, the first shōgun of the Ashikaga shogunate. As Deputy, he served not only an administrative governmental function, but also as general of the Shogun's armies.
He fought for the Ashikaga against the loyalist forces of the Southern Court during the wars of the Nanboku-chō period and killed its generals Kitabatake Akiie and Kusunoki Masayuki.




1401/0324:Turco-Mongol emperor Timur sacks Damascus.

The Mongols under Timur occupy the Mameluk city of Damascus, but fail with the siege of the citadel.

1515/0324:Traité de Paris.
 Le comte de Flandre, futur Charles Quint, qui cherche à hériter de l'Espagne, s'allie avec François Ier afin d'obtenir son appui. Il est projeté un mariage entre Charles et la jeune Renée de France (4 ans alors) fille de Louis XII et d'Anne de Bretagne.

1550/0324:Traité d'Outreau.
 Restitution de Boulogne à la France par les Anglais contre 400 000 écus d’or.


James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England and Ireland, upon the death of Elizabeth I.

1603/0324:Elizabeth I of England 153303、崩去

Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, his second wife, who was executed two-and-a-half years after Elizabeth's birth.
Anne's marriage to Henry VIII was annulled, and Elizabeth was declared illegitimate.
Her half-brother, Edward VI, ruled until his death in 1553, bequeathing the crown to Lady Jane Grey and ignoring the claims of his two half-sisters, Elizabeth and the Roman Catholic Mary, in spite of statute law to the contrary.
Edward's will was set aside and Mary became queen, deposing Lady Jane Grey. During Mary's reign, Elizabeth was imprisoned for nearly a year on suspicion of supporting Protestant rebels.


Tokugawa Ieyasu is granted the title of shogun from Emperor Go-Yōzei, and establishes the Tokugawa shogunate in Edo, Japan.

≫ 人の一生は重荷を負て遠き道をゆくがごとし、いそぐべからず。不自由を常とおもへば不足なし、こころに望おこらば困窮したる時を思ひ出すべし。堪忍は無事長久の基、いかりは敵とおもへ。勝事ばかり知りて、まくる事をしらざれば、害其身にいたる。おのれを責て人をせむるな。及ばざるは過たるよりまされり。


1602/0324:家康の忠臣 伊井直政156102、死去

Ii Naomasa was a general under the Sengoku period daimyō, and later shōgun, Tokugawa Ieyasu.
He is regarded as one of the Four Guardians of the Tokugawa along with Honda Tadakatsu, Sakakibara Yasumasa, and Sakai Tadatsugu. He led the clan after the death of his foster mother, Ii Naotora. He married Tobai-in, Matsudaira Yasuchika's daughter and adopted daughter of Tokugawa Ieyasu.


Arai Hakuseki était un fonctionnaire, universitaire, administrateur, écrivain polygraphe et homme politique japonais confucéen de la période Edo. Il fut le conseiller du shogun Ienobu Tokugawa.



Blaise Pascal met tout son talent au service de la cause janséniste. Les dix-huit lettres qui composent Les Provinciales font sensation
Pascal relève d'emblée un talent polémique hors pair, abordant les problèmes théologiques les plus difficiles avec l'ardeur du néophyte,


1693/0324:イギリス 時計職人 John Harrison 169376、誕生

a self-educated English carpenter and clockmaker who invented a marine chronometer, a long-sought-after device for solving the problem of calculating longitude while at sea.
His solution revolutionized navigation and greatly increased the safety of long-distance sea travel.

1704/0324:日本 歌舞伎役者 初代市川團十郎166004、死去

Ichikawa Danjūrō I est un ancien acteur kabuki du Japon.
Il reste aujourd'hui l'un des plus célèbres de tous les acteurs kabuki et est considéré comme l'un des plus influents. Ses nombreuses influences comprennent la création du style de jeu aragoto, largement associé au kabuki d'Edo et à Danjūrō et ses successeurs de la lignée Ichikawa Danjūrō.




Johann Sebastian Bach dedicated six concertos to Margrave Christian Ludwig of Brandenburg-Schwedt, now commonly called the Brandenburg Concertos, BWV 1046~1051.

Preußens König Friedrich II erlässt an seine Beamten eine Circular-Ordre, mit dem Auftrag „denen Herrschaften und Unterthanen den Nutzen von Anpflantzung dieses Erd Gewächses begreiflich zu machen, und denselben anzurathen, dass sie noch dieses Früh-Jahr die Pflantzung der Kartoffeln als einer sehr nahrhaften Speise unternehmen.“

Prussia's King Frederick II issues a Circular Order to his officials with the mission "to make understandable to those gentlemen and subjects the benefits of planting this earthy plant, and to advise them that they plant the potatoes this very spring as a very nutritious food. "

1765/0324:American Revolution
 Great Britain passes the Quartering Act, which requires the Thirteen Colonies to house British troops.

1776/0324:イギリス 時計職人 John Harrison 169376、死去

, horloger britannique, qui découvrit une méthode de calcul de la longitude


1786/0324:WAモウツァルト『ピアノ協奏曲 第24番ハ短調』初演

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart vollendet sein 24. Klavierkonzert in c-moll (KV 491).

1792 /0324:フランス革命
les Girondins conduits par Roland et Dumouriez, forment un gouvernement avec le projet d'une déclaration de guerre à l'Autriche.

1794/0324:フランス革命の志士 Jacques-René Hébert 175794、処刑

Jacques-René Hébert et ses partisans sont victimes de leur propre appel à un resserrement du règne de la terreur dans la Révolution française.
19 d'entre eux sont exécutés à la guillotine après seulement quatre jours de procès.

Richard Trevithick receives a patent for the high-pressure steam engine he developed.

1829/0324:Catholic emancipation:
The Parliament of the United Kingdom passes the Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829, allowing Catholics to serve in Parliament.

1832/0324:USA、in Hiram, Ohio,
 Joseph Smith, who founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints months before, is tarred and feathered in Hiram, Ohio.

1834/0324:イギリス 圖案家 William Morris 183496、誕生

English textile designer, poet, novelist, translator, and socialist activist.
Associated with the British Arts and Crafts Movement, he was a major contributor to the revival of traditional British textile arts and methods of production. His literary contributions helped to establish the modern fantasy genre, while he played a significant role in propagating the early socialist movement in Britain.


The Chinese chief official Lin Zexu forbids the opium trade in China by executing an imperial edict of foreigners and lets 350 merchants intern in their factories. The First Opium War is evoked by the action.



Sakuradamon Incident: Assassination of Japanese Chief Minister (Tairō) Ii Naosuke.



1860/0324:江戸幕府大老 井伊直弼181560、暗殺

Ii Naosuke was daimyō of Hikone (1850–1860) and also Tairō of the Tokugawa shogunate, Japan, a position he held from April 23, 1858, until his death on March 24, 1860.
He is most famous for signing the Harris Treaty with the United States, granting access to ports for trade to American merchants and seamen and extraterritoriality to American citizens. He was also an enthusiastic and accomplished practitioner of the Japanese tea ceremony, in the Sekishūryū style, and his writings include at least two works on the tea ceremony.

1869/0324:フランス 軍事學者 Antoine de Jomini 177969、死去

un banquier, militaire, historien et théoricien de la stratégie militaire, ayant fait partie de l'état-major de Napoléon, puis de celui du tsar Alexandre Ier.

1874/0324:USAで活躍した幻術家 Harry Houdini 187226、誕生

an Austro-Hungarian-born American illusionist and stunt performer, noted for his sensational escape acts.
He first attracted notice in vaudeville in the US and then as "Harry Handcuff Houdini" on a tour of Europe, where he challenged police forces to keep him locked up. Soon he extended his repertoire to include chains, ropes slung from skyscrapers, straitjackets under water, and having to escape from and hold his breath inside a sealed milk can with water in it.


Robert Koch berichtet in seinem Vortrag Aetiologie der Tuberkulose von seiner Entdeckung des Erregers der Tuberkulose.

1883/0324:First telephone link
 between NewYork & Chicago

1886/0324:日本の歌舞伎役者 初代中村吉右衛門188654、誕生

Nakamura Kichiemon I est un comédien du répertoire kabuki.
En 1945, il devient le plus ancien acteur kabuki encore en activité au Japon.

1886/0324:USA写真家 Edward Weston 188658、誕生

He is an American photographer and a founding member of group f / 64. His photographs are taken with a large 8 x 10 in wooden large camera (view camera).


Pepper No. 30 (1930) by Weston

1877/0324:イギリス Walter Bagehot 182677、死去

a British journalist, businessman, and essayist, who wrote extensively about government, economics, and literature.

In 1867, Bagehot wrote The English Constitution,[6] a book that explores the nature of the constitution of the United Kingdom, specifically its Parliament and monarchy. It appeared at the same time that Parliament enacted the Reform Act of 1867, requiring Bagehot to write an extended introduction to the second edition which appeared in 1872.

1882/0324:USA詩人 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 180782、死去

an American poet and educator whose works include "Paul Revere's Ride", The Song of Hiawatha, and Evangeline. He was also the first American to translate Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy and was one of the five Fireside Poets from New England.


Alexander Popov makes the first radio link in Morse.

Mayor of New York City Robert Anderson Van Wyck breaks ground for a new underground "Rapid Transit Railroad" that would link Manhattan and Brooklyn.


After long controversy, the flag of New Zealand is adopted by law as the official national flag of the country.




1905/0324:フランスの小説家 Jules Verne 182805、死去

un écrivain français dont l'œuvre est, pour la plus grande partie, constituée de romans d'aventures utilisant les progrès scientifiques propres au XIXe siècle.

1909/0324:アイルランド劇作家 John Millington Synge 187109、死去

an Irish playwright, poet, prose writer, travel writer and collector of folklore. He was a key figure in the Irish Literary Revival and was one of the co-founders of the Abbey Theatre.
He is best known for his play The Playboy of the Western World, which caused riots in Dublin during its opening run at the Abbey Theatre.


ドイツの軍需産業 Siemensu による日本海軍の高官への贈賄事件。

1916/0324:スペイン作曲家 Enrique Granados 186716、死去

un compositor y pianista español, relacionado con la escuela de Felipe Pedrell.
Es conocido por su obra pianística, especialmente por la suite Goyescas (1911), en la que basó también la ópera homónima.

US President Wilson threatens to sever diplomatic relations with Germany if it does not cease submarine warfare.

1917/0324:イギリス生化学者 John Kendrew 191797、誕生

an English biochemist and crystallographer who shared the 1962 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Max Perutz; their group in the Cavendish Laboratory investigated the structure of heme-containing proteins.

1918/0324:中國のフシギな奇術師 Chung Ling Soo、死去

Chung Ling Soo(程連蘇) was the stage name of the American magician William Ellsworth Robinson who is mostly remembered today for his death after a bullet catch trick went wrong.



After the outbreak of the Nanjing incident, British and U.S. warships bombarded Nanjing, China, killed more than 2,000 civilians, and the March 4th massacre occurred.

1928/0324:イギリス 小説家 Alan Sillitoe 192810、誕生

an English writer and one of the so-called "angry young men" of the 1950s.[3][4][5] He disliked the label, as did most of the other writers to whom it was applied. He is best known for his debut novel Saturday Night and Sunday Morning and early short story The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, both of which were adapted into films.

1930/0324:USA 映画俳優 Steve McQueen 193080、誕生

He was called "The King of Cool", whose "anti-hero" persona developed at the height of the counterculture of the 1960s and made him a top box-office draw of the 1960s and 1970s.
McQueen received an Academy Award nomination for his role in The Sand Pebbles. His other popular films include The Cincinnati Kid, The Thomas Crown Affair, Bullitt, The Getaway, and Papillon, as well as the all-star ensemble films The Magnificent Seven, The Great Escape, and The Towering Inferno.

1932/0324:日本 小説家 梶井基次郎190132、死去

Kajii Motojirō est un écrivain japonais de l'Ère Shōwa. Kajii fut peu connu pendant sa courte vie, mais ses œuvres furent louées par Kawabata1 et sont aujourd'hui très connues et appréciées des Japonais, particulièrement les nouvelles Le Citron 檸檬, Sous les cerisiers, et Jours d'hiver (Lemon ou Remon, Sakura no ki no shita ni wa, et Fuyu no hi).


Mit seiner Verkündung tritt das am Vortag beschlossene Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich, das sogenannte Ermächtigungsgesetz, in Kraft. Damit können von der Reichsregierung beschlossene Reichsgesetze von der Reichsverfassung abweichen, womit diese im Zuge der nationalsozialistischen Machtergreifung de facto außer Kraft gesetzt wird.
With its promulgation, the Act on the Elimination of the Poverty of the People and the Reich, the so-called Empowerment Act, which was passed the previous day, came into force. This means that the Reichsgesetz (Reichsgesetz), which was passed by the Reich government, can deviate from the Reichsverfassung, which in effect deprives them of this effect in the course of the Nazi-Socialist occupation.

昨日ドイツ議會で承認された「全權委任法」Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich(民族および国家の危難を除去するための法律)

Adolf Hitler 188945首相率ゐる政府に、ワイマル憲法に拘束されない無制限の立法權を付與。この法律により、ナチ=國家社界主義ドイツ勞働者党が掌中にしてゐた權力に合法性が付與され、ワイマル共和政は名實ともに崩壊。この法律の成立をナチ党機関誌は「第三帝國」の始まりと宣言した。

Das Er- mächtigungsgesetz

United States Congress passes the Tydings–McDuffie Act, allowing the Philippines to become a self-governing commonwealth.

Citroën présente le premier modèle d'automobile à traction avant : la 7CV « Traction avant ».

1944/0324:WWⅡ:ドイツによる Ardeatine massacre: 

At the Ardeatine caves, 335 Italian civilians were shot by order of the SS police officer of Rome, Herbert Kappler. The massacre is a "retaliation" for the death of 33 German soldiers who were killed in a bomb attack by partisans.

In an event later dramatized in the movie The Great Escape, 76 Allied prisoners of war begin breaking out of the German camp Stalag Luft III.

During a massacre in Rechnitz, Burgenland, about 180 Hungarian Jews who were used for forced labor were murdered by the National Socialists in a so-called final phase crime.

1955/0324:USA Tウイリアムスの『熱いトタン屋根のうへの猫』上演

The play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams is premiered at the Morosco Theater, New York City, directed by Elia Kazan, starring Barbara Bel Geddes. Williams later won the Pulitzer Prize for the play.

1962/0324:天空と海底の訪問者 Auguste Piccard 188462、死去

Auguste Antoine Piccard was a Swiss physicist, inventor and explorer, known for his record-breaking helium filled balloon flights, with which he studied Earth's upper atmosphere and cosmic rays, and for his invention of the first bathyscaphe, FNRS-2, with which he made a number of unmanned dives in 1948 to explore the ocean's depths.
Piccard also was the first to witness views of earth from 10 miles up, stating in a 1931 Popular Science magazine that the “It (the Earth) seemed a flat disk with upturned edge”

Piccard and Paul Kipfer, wearing improvised crash helmets

1965/0324:USA 公民權運動、MLキング「三日行進」完歩

Martin Luther King arrives with his civil rights movement after a three-day march by Selma from Montgomery to reach Schwarzer in the electoral lists. In the attempt to reach the capital of Alabama during the Selma-to-Montgomery march, several people have died.

1965/0324:NASA spacecraft Ranger 9,
equipped to convert its signals into a form suitable for showing on domestic television, brings images of the Moon into ordinary homes before crash landing.

A Vickers Viscount of Aer Lingus crashes on the 712 flight from Cork to London for unknown reasons near the island of Tuskar Rock in County Wexford into the sea, all 61 people on board are killed.

The Northern Ireland Parliament is dissolved during the Northern Ireland conflict and Northern Ireland is placed under the direct control of the government in London.

The British rock group Pink Floyd released their most successful album The Dark Side of the Moon. It becomes one of the most sold albums of all time.

In Argentina, the armed forces overthrow the constitutional government of President Isabel Perón and start a 7-year dictatorial period self-styled the National Reorganization Process. 


Óscar Romero, Archbishop of El Salvador and Liberation Theologian, is assassinated by state death squads during a mass, marking the beginning of more than a decade of civil war.

1989/0324:In Prince William Sound in Alaska,
 the Exxon Valdez spills 240,000 barrels (38,000 m3) of crude oil after running aground.

Oil tanker Exxon Valdez runs into a reef in Prince William Sound off Alaska while alcoholic captain Joseph Hazelwood is drunk in his bunk. 40,000 tons of crude oil run out and pollute around 2,000 kilometers of coastline. Hundreds of thousands of fish, seabirds and other animals are killed in the oil spill. The long-term consequences on the ecosystem are still unclear.

1995/0324:日本の歌舞伎役者 七代目尾上梅幸191595、死去

Onohe Baiko'u、歌舞伎役者

Comet Hyakutake grazes the land at 15,000,000 km.


Kuomintang politician Lee Teng-hui, openly advancing the secession of Taiwan, is confirmed as head of state in the first direct presidential election in Taiwan, despite the Chinese people's openly threatening military maneuvers in the Taiwan Strait.

1999/0324:Kosovo War
NATO commences aerial bombardment against Yugoslavia, marking the first time NATO has attacked a sovereign country.

 In the South Atlantic the cyclone Catarina develops, which moves westwards on the coast of Brazil. It develops into one of the rare storms with a hurricane speed.


The second referendum on the future flag of New Zealand ends in New Zealand. The majority of voters are in favor of retaining the old flag.

Germanwings Flight 9525 crashes in the French Alps in an apparent pilot mass murder-suicide, killing all 150 people on board.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World