


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 02/16 今日の出來事

Emperor Trajan sends laureatae to the Roman Senate at Rome on account of his victories and being conqueror of Parthia.

Trajan=Imperator Caesar Nerva Traianus Divi Nervae filius Augustus 005317 =トラヤスヌス。ロウマ帝國を最大の國土にした軍人出身の皇帝。



{歴史と物語の二部構成 ―― まづは歴史=彼の經歴を追ってその一生を概觀してみよう


死後、物語へと ――




{怨靈信仰と菅原道眞。怨靈=御靈信仰こそが日本人のもっとも根源的な宗教感情である。夭折させられた者たちへの畏怖と慰撫のおもひが、權力鬪爭などで犠牲になった者たいへの同情として古代の日本人の心に宿った。それは畏怖と慰撫の合はせ重なった死者への追悼の氣持であった。 …… わが日本人論の一書である『畏怖と慰撫』より

L'abbé Suger se voit confier la régence du royaume de France en l'absence de Louis VII parti en croisade.

1222/0216:立正安國論の僧 日蓮122282、誕生

Nichiren Shōnin ou tout simplement, Nichiren4 était un moine bouddhiste japonais du XIIIe siècle, fondateur du Bouddhisme de Nichiren, appelé parfois Hokke Shū5. Les écoles principales de la branche sont la Nichiren Shū, la Nichiren Shōshū et de nombreux mouvements bouddhistes laïcs comme la Sōka Gakkai, le Risshō Kōsei Kai ou le bouddhisme Reiyukai.


Andrew of Longjumeau is dispatched by Louis IX of France as his ambassador to meet with the Khagan of the Mongol Empire.

André de Longjumeau 120071: un missionnaire et diplomate dominicain du XIIIe siècle. Il a dirigé deux ambassades auprès des Mongols : lors du premier voyage il porta les lettres du pape Innocent IV et lors du second des cadeaux et lettres de Louis IX à Güyük Khan.

{モンゴルへと、教皇と皇帝の親書を持って東方世界への使者として。『東方見聞録』の Marco Polo 125424 より五十年ほど早い人、か。

After the death of his father Alfons III. Dionysius ascends as the sixth king from the house of Burgundy the Portuguese throne.

Der Habsburger Maximilian I. wird in Frankfurt am Main zum Rex Romanorum gekürt.

1497/0216:プロテスタント Philippe Mélanchthon 149760、誕生

ein deutscher Altphilologe, Philosoph, Humanist, lutherischer Theologe, Lehrbuchautor und neulateinischer Dichter.
Er war als Reformator neben Martin Luther eine treibende Kraft der deutschen und europäischen kirchenpolitischen Reformation und wurde auch „Praeceptor Germaniae“, Lehrer Deutschlands genannt.

In Luther 's religious reform, he strives to systematize Luther's thought. Being based on Protestant Orthodox Foundation, it is sometimes referred to as Calvin.
In 1518, he resonated with Luther and participated in religious reform. For non-systematic and intuitive Luther he is systematic and intelligent, and has played a role in systematizing Luther's thought. In addition, he opened school education based on humanities and classical Collegium and contributed to Lutheran secondary and higher education.

1543/0216(天文12/0113):日本の繪師 狩野永徳154390、誕生


1556/0216(弘治02/0106):日本の大名 藤堂高虎155630、誕生



1620/0216:ドイツの選帝侯 Friedrich Wilhelm 182088、誕生

Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg aus dem Haus Hohenzollern war seit 1640 Markgraf von Brandenburg, Erzkämmerer und Kurfürst des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, Herzog in Preußen, Pommern und Kleve sowie Fürst in Minden und Halberstadt.

Seine pragmatisch-entschlossene und reformfreudige Regierungspolitik ebnete den Weg für den späteren Aufstieg Brandenburg-Preußens zur Großmacht und der Hohenzollern zu einem der führenden deutschen Herrscherhäuser.
Nach der Schlacht von Fehrbellin am 18. Juni/28. Juni 1675 erhielt er den Beinamen der Große Kurfürst.

1637/0216(寛永14/0122):家康側室 雲光院阿茶局)155537、死去



Battle of Torrington, Devon: The last major battle of the first English Civil War.

First Leopoldine Diploma is issued by the Holy Roman Emperor, recognizing the Greek Catholic clergy enjoyed the same privileges as Roman Catholic priests in the Principality of Transylvania.


élargissement des grands chemins et plantation d'arbres des deux côtés.

1755/0216(寶暦5/0106):日本の儒學者 雨森芳洲166855、死去

「Amenomori houshuu」江戸時代中期の儒者


Lavoisier organise une expérience qu'il vient de mettre au point : la décomposition de l'eau en oxygène et en hydrogène.

Lavoisier organizes an experiment he has just perfected: the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen.

L'Assemblée nationale française a déclaré l'abolition de l'exclusivité exclusive commerciale et industrielle (guilde).

The French National Assembly declared the abolition of exclusive exclusive commercial and industrial association (guild).

1804/0216:USA、First Barbary War:
 Stephen Decatur leads a raid to burn the pirate-held frigate USS Philadelphia.

American riflemen enter the port of Tripoli and burn down the American frigate Philadelphia, which was captured by pirates

1807/0216:ワイマアル、ゲエテ『Torquato Tasso』初演、大好評
In Weimar wird Goethes Schauspiel Torquato Tasso uraufgeführt und von der Kritik in den höchsten Tönen gelobt.

l'armée de Napoléon entre en Espagne.

After the capture of Santiago de Chile in the Chilean War of Independence, Bernardo O'Higgins becomes Director Supremo de Chile, a president with dictatorial rights.

1822/0216:イギリス進化論 Francis Galton 182211、誕生

mathématicien, explorateur et biologiste britannique

1834/0216:ドイツ生物學者 Ernst Haeckel 183419、誕生

ein deutscher Mediziner, Zoologe, Philosoph und Freidenker, der die Ideen von Charles Darwin zu einer speziellen Abstammungslehre ausbaute.
Er trug durch seine populären Schriften sehr zur Verbreitung des Darwinismus in Deutschland bei, den er im Gegensatz zu seinem Lehrer Rudolf Virchow wie seinem Gegner Emil Heinrich Du Bois-Reymond im Schulunterricht dargestellt sehen wollte.
Darüber hinaus erarbeitete er eine ausführliche embryologische Argumentation für die Evolutionstheorie und formulierte in diesem Zusammenhang das biogenetische Grundgesetz.

Stammbaum des Menschen nach Haeckel (1874)

彼は「個体発生は系統発生を反復する」とする「反復説(Recapitulation theory)」を独自の発生理論として主張した。この説は、その後修正を受けながらも今も発生学で仮説として使はれている。また、これに基づいた動物の系統論を展開し、動物の多細胞化について「ガスツレア説」を提唱し、これも修正や批判を受けながらもほぼ主流として扱はれている。

1843/0216:USAエンジニア Henry Lelannd 184332、誕生

Henry Martyn Leland、an American machinist, inventor, engineer and automotive entrepreneur.
He founded the two premier American luxury automotive marques, Cadillac and Lincoln.

1848/0216:フランス作家 Octave Mirbeau 184851、誕生

「オクタヴ ミルボ」, journaliste, écrivain, et polémiste libertaun écrivain, critique d'art et journaliste français.
Il connut une célébrité européenne et de grands succès populaires, tout en étant également apprécié et reconnu par les avant-gardes littéraires et artistiques, ce qui n'est pas commun

Departing as a journalist, in 1899 he announced the novel "Le Jardin des supplices" 1899 and took notice. Next, in 1900, "Le Journal d'une femme de chambre" was represented, and in 1903 he wrote the play "Les affaires sont les affaires" and established his position as a naturalist writer


Dernier concert de Frédéric Chopin à Paris.

1862/0216:American Civil War:
 General Ulysses S. Grant captures Fort Donelson, Tennessee.

The Confederate surrender under Simon Bolivar Buckner ends the five-day battle of Fort Donelson in the American Civil War. The capture of the fort subsequently allowed for a Union push under Ulysses S. Grant along the Cumberland and Tennessee.

Creation of the International Committee of the Red Cross by the Swiss Henri Dunant.

1865/0216:解剖學者 Louis Pierre Gratiolet 181565、死去

un anatomiste, anthropologue et zoologiste français. Il est membre-fondateur de la Société d'anthropologie et professeur de zoologie à la faculté de sciences de l'université de Paris.

Par ses travaux en anatomie comparée, Gratiolet observe que les circonvolutions cérébrales suivent une organisation similaire entre les différentes espèces de primates et l'homme : chez les espèces plus éloignées, seuls les grands sillons sont présents, mais plus on se rapproche de l'être humain et plus le cerveau est plissé. Gratiolet introduit aussi la division de la surface corticale en cinq lobes (lobe frontal, lobe temporal, lobe pariétal, lobe occipital et insula), découpage encore utilisé au XXIe siècle.

Refusant tout lien entre l'intelligence et la taille du cerveau, Gratiolet s'opposa vivement à Paul Broca (1824-1880) sur cette question mais les deux hommes qui, coïncidence, étaient originaires de la même ville, se retrouvèrent sur l'idée que l'aphasie résultait d'une atteinte des lobes frontaux, en particulier gauche, du cerveau.

彼は Pierre Paul Broca 182480前頭葉失語症の関係についても研究した。

the Franco-Prussian war ends with a defeat of France.

The Franco-Prussian War ended the last military operations. After 108 days of siege, the East French town of Belfort is handed over to German troops.

La República se proclama en España.

The Canadian Pacific Railway is incorporated by Act of Parliament at Ottawa (44th Vic., c.1).


1884/0216:記録映畫の父 Robert Flaherty 188451、誕生

an American filmmaker who directed and produced the first commercially successful feature-length documentary film, Nanook of the North (1922).
The film made his reputation and nothing in his later life fully equaled its success, although he continued the development of this new genre of narrative documentary, e.g. with Moana (1926), set in the South Seas, and Man of Aran (1934), filmed in Ireland's Aran Islands.
He is considered the "father" of both the documentary and the ethnographic film.

1884/0216:日本の日本畫家 安田靫彦188478、誕生

Yasuda Yukihiko est le nom d'artiste d'une figure majeure de la peinture japonaise de l'ère Taishō et du début de l'ère Shōwa, qui est considéré comme l'un des fondateurs de la technique nihonga.


1892/0216:イギリスの自然學者 Henry Walter Bates 182592、死去

an English naturalist and explorer who gave the first scientific account of mimicry in animals.
He was most famous for his expedition to the rainforests of the Amazon with Alfred Russel Wallace 182313, starting in 1848.

1893/0216:ロシア映画監督 Vsevolod Pudovkin 189353、誕生

Всеволод Илларионович Пудовкин
советский кинорежиссёр, актёр, сценарист, художник, педагог.
He developed influential theories of montage. Pudovkin's masterpieces are often contrasted with those of his contemporary Sergei Eisenstein, but whereas Eisenstein utilized montage to glorify the power of the masses, Pudovkin preferred to concentrate on the courage and resilience of individuals.


1893/0216:ソ連軍人 Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky 189337、誕生

советский военный деятель, военачальник РККА времён Гражданской войны, военный теоретик, Маршал Советского Союза (1935).
Soviet military leader, military commander of the Red Army during the Civil War, military theorist, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935). He was shot in 1937 on the "military cause", rehabilitated in 1957.


1893/0216:シベリウス交響詩『En Saga』初演
The symphonic poem En Saga by Jean Sibelius premieres in Helsinki.

After two years in the ice, a rescue expedition under the leadership of the Terra Nova manages to rescue the British research vessel RRS Discovery under Robert Falcon Scott from the pack ice in the Antarctic McMurdo Sound.
Despite the long involvement, the Discovery Expedition, in which Ernest Shackleton also participates, is a success.

Die Discovery im Eis der Antarktis

1907/0216:イタリアの国民詩人 Giosuè Carducci 183507、死去

un poeta, scrittore, critico letterario e accademico italiano. Fu il primo italiano a vincere il Premio Nobel per la letteratura, nel 1906.

1909/0216:マクドナルドの Richard McDonald 190998、誕生

, pionnier américain du fast-food.


China Alliance will split, Sun Yat-sen and Zhang Tai-ying parted ways.

1914/0216:日本の外交官 青木周蔵184414、死去

Aoki Shūzō was a diplomat and Foreign Minister in Meiji period Japan.




1917/0216:フランスの作家 Octave Mirbeau 184817、死去

, écrivain français, membre de l'Académie Goncourt

Le port anglais de Douvres est attaqué par un sous-marin allemand.

la Lituanie obtient son indépendance.

The Council of Lithuania unanimously adopts the Act of Independence, declaring Lithuania an independent state.

1921/0216:中共指導者 華国鋒192108、誕生

Hua Guofeng, formerly known as Su Zhu, , one of the main leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Republic of China in Jiaocheng County, Shanxi Province, former chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, the Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, the Central Military Committee chairman and so on.
Following the death of Zhou Enlai 周恩來 and Mao Zedong 毛澤東, Hua Guofeng successively inherited the posts of both of them and was the only leader who took the post of the highest leadership position of the party, government and army since 1949 and died in 2008.


Howard Carter unseals the burial chamber of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon open the burial chamber of the ancient Egyptian King of the 18th Dynasty, Tutankhamun, which Carter discovered on November 4 of last year in the Valley of the Kings. In the course of the excavation they find besides numerous treasures also the famous death mask of the Tutankhamun.

1931/0216:日本の映画男優 高倉健193114、誕生

Takakura Ken was a Japanese actor and singer who appeared in over 200 films.
Affectionately referred to as "Ken-san" by audiences, he was best known for his brooding style and the stoic presence he brought to his roles.


Northeast Supreme Administrative Council was established with Japan's support, Pu Yi was in power, and Zheng Xiaoxu was prime minister.

the industrialist Jean Mantelet files the patent of the "puree-mash. "

in the face of the German threat, Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia constitute the "Little Entente" and create a permanent council.

The Blaine Act ends Prohibition in the United States.

The Austrian Civil War ends with the defeat of the Social Democrats and the Republikanischer Schutzbund.

el Frente Popular gana las elecciones en España.

Elections bring the Popular Front to power in Spain.

Wallace H. Carothers receives a United States patent for nylon.

a patent for nylon is granted to Dr. Wallace Carothers. According to one hypothesis, the word Nylon comes from the initials of the first name of the wives of the five researchers who participated in the development of this material. His invention dates from February 28, 1935.

Wallace Hume Carothers 189637:アメリカの化學者、デュポンの有機化學部門の長として、世界初となる「高分子からなる化學繊維}=ナイロンを發明、特許、取得。

1940/0216:WWⅡ「Altmark Incident」
 The German tanker Altmark is boarded by sailors from the British destroyer HMS Cossack. 299 British prisoners are freed.

The first Lord of the British Admiralty Winston Churchill orders the putting out of action of a German ship, the Altmark, in a fjord of Norway. Stung, Hitler will make the decision to invade the Scandinavian country, despite its neutrality.

The German supply ship Altmark is attacked and boarded with 303 captured Allied sailors on board by the British destroyer HMS Cossack in territorial waters of neutral Norway during the Second World War. The so-called Altmark incident represents another reason for the company Weserübung, the occupation of Norway by the German Wehrmacht.

 sur la proposition de la SNCF, le gouvernement de Vichy prend un décret qui généralise à tout le territoire l'heure allemande, mesure qui explique que la France a toujours aujourd'hui une heure de décalage horaire avec l'Angleterre.

on the proposal of the SNCF, the government of Vichy takes a decree which generalizes to the whole territory the German time, a measure which explains that France still has today an hour of time difference with England.

1942/0216:北朝鮮の独裁者 金正日194211、誕生

Kim Jong Il (Korean: 김정일, Korean: [kim.dzɔŋ.il];[a]) was the leader of North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), from the death of his father Kim Il-sung in 1994 until his own death in 2011.

Massacre du village de Domenikon en Grèce.

# Le Massacre de Domenikon est la destruction du village de Domenikon, dans la région de Thessalie en Grèce, effectuée par l'armée italienne dans la nuit du 16 au 17 février 1943, ainsi que le massacre de sa population masculine de quatorze à quatre-vingts ans : soit 150 victimes.

 In the early phases of the Third Battle of Kharkov, Red Army troops re-enter the city.

Colonel Juan Perón in Argentina is a coup d'etat.

 American forces land on Corregidor Island in the Philippines.

Start of massive air raids of the Boeing B-29 of the American Air Force on Tokyo.


Ottawa announces the arrest of twenty espionage suspects, following the revelations of Igor Gouzenko, a clerk at the Soviet embassy; Eleven people will be sentenced.

Proclamation of the North Korean People's Republic, the date corresponding to Kim Jong-il's birthday.



つまり、Heimatlos の déraciné となってしまったのだ。自分が故郷喪失のハイマトロスであり、根無し草のデラシネ(この邊はわざとで書いてゐます)であることにきづかないほどの亡國者となってゐながら、國際人などといふ何の中身のないエコノミックアニマルとなって。


Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in India appeals to mobilize the "third world" in the Congress, which does not belong to the two major camps of the United States and the Soviet Union.


# 滄浪号ハイジャック事件(창랑호납북사건/滄浪號拉北事件)は、大韓航空の前身である大韓国民航空社(KNA)の旅客機が北朝鮮工作員にハイジャックされた事件。大韓民国(韓国)史上初のハイジャック事件

1959/0216:USAテニス John McEnroe 1959--、誕生

John Patrick McEnroe Jr. is a retired American tennis player, often considered among the greatest in the history of the sport. He was known for his shot-making artistry and volleying skills, as well as his confrontational on-court behavior that frequently landed him in trouble with umpires and tennis authorities.


Fidel Castro becomes Premier of Cuba after dictator Fulgencio Batista was overthrown on January 1.

The U.S. Navy submarine USS Triton begins Operation Sandblast, setting sail from New London, Connecticut, to begin the first submerged circumnavigation of the globe.

1961/0216:USA、Explorer program:
 Explorer 9 (S-56a) is launched.

大気密度測定衛星「エクスプロラ 9号」打ち上げ。

Flooding in the coastal areas of West Germany kills 315 and destroys the homes of about 60,000 people.

The first helicopter with a fixed rotor head, the Bölkow Bo 105, completes its maiden flight.

1970/0216:ウイルス學者 Francis Peyton Rous、死去

Rous was involved in the discovery of the role of viruses in the transmission of certain types of cancer. In 1966 he was awarded a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work.

In 1966 he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. The award at the age of 87 was the oldest record at that time, and it was the longest record ever in history that he was kept waiting 55 years after conducting the awarded research.


Japan and the United States agreed to abolish the textile agreement export restrictions on exports to the United States. It is effectively de facto liberalization.

The first computer bulletin board system is created (CBBS in Chicago).

Japan and China sign a long-term trade agreement in Beijing

The Ash Wednesday bushfires in Victoria and South Australia kill 75.

Hezbollah is founded.

The Soviet liner MS Mikhail Lermontov runs aground in the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand.

1987/0216:日本の史料取扱人 坂本太郎190187、死去


The trial of John Demjanjuk, accused of being a Nazi guard dubbed "Ivan the Terrible" in Treblinka extermination camp, starts in Jerusalem.

1990/0216:USA壁画家 Keith Haring 195890、死去

an American artist whose pop art and graffiti-like work grew out of the New York City street culture of the 1980s.

Nicaraguan Contras leader Enrique Bermúdez is assassinated in Managua.

A Chicago-bound Amtrak train, the Capitol Limited, collides with a MARC commuter train bound for Washington, D.C., killing 11 people.

China Airlines Flight 676 crashes into a road and residential area near Chiang Kai-shek International Airport in Taiwan, killing all 196 aboard and seven more on the ground.

The 196 passengers of an Airbus A300-600 of the Taiwanese airline China Airlines and 6 people on the ground lose their lives as the aircraft crashes into a residential area near Taipei International Airport.

Le suspect numéro un de l'affaire des disparues de l'Yonne, Émile Louis, soixante-six ans, est mis en examen et placé en détention provisoire, pour quatre viols et agressions sexuelles commis entre 1993 et 1996 dans le Var.

the number one suspect in the case of the disappeared Yonne, Émile Louis, sixty-six, is indicted and placed in custody, for four rapes and sexual assaults committed between 1993 and 1996 in the Var.

Theft of 123 vaults from the Diamond Center in Antwerp for an estimated loot of 110 million euros.

The Kyoto Protocol comes into force, following its ratification by Russia.

Entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change, signed by 140 countries and imposing a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2012.

2012/0216:日本の女優 淡島千景192412、死去

Awashima Chikage?) est une actrice japonaise,

「あわしまちかげ」の藝名は、百人一首源兼昌の「淡路島 かよふ千鳥の なく声に いく夜ね覚めぬ 須磨の関守」から採った。


A bomb blast at a market in Hazara Town, Quetta, Pakistan kills more than 80 people and injures 190 others.

La'l Shahbâz Qalandar shrine attack in Pakistan killed about 100 people.

Le sanctuaire de La'l Shahbâz Qalandar.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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