Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
…… 諸君は、由緒あり、歴史ある早稲田の大學生である。便乗はよしなさい。歴史の動向と取り組みなさい。天下、一人を以て興る。諸君みな一人を以て興らうではないか。日本は革新せられなければならぬ。日本の巨船は怒濤の中にただよっている。便乘主義者を滿載してゐては危險である。諸君は自己に目覺めよ。天下、一人を以て興れ、これが私の親愛なる同學諸君に切望する所である。 …… 中野正剛。1942/1110 早稲田大學大隈講堂での二時間半にわたる東条英機彈劾の大演説のなかで{さうして、彼は自殺へと追ひ込まれていく。
歴史暦:古今東西 08/04 今日の出來事
LiuXiu 劉秀=Emperor Guangwu of Han 漢光武帝-00557 was an emperor of th Chinese Han 漢 dynasty, restorer of the dynasty in -025 and thus founder of the LateHan 後漢 or EasternHan 東漢.版圖
Emperor Titus ends the siege of Jerusalem after destroying Herod's Temple.
エルサレム攻囲戦: ローマ帝国軍がエルサレムの第二神殿を破壊。0367/0804:Roman Empire
Gratian, son of Roman Emperor Valentinian I, is named co-Augustus by his father and associated to the throne aged eight.
Goguryeo-Sui War: Emperor Wéndi of Sui orders his youngest son, Yang Liang (assisted by the co-prime minister Gao Jiong), to conquer Goguryeo (Korea) during the Manchurian rainy season, with a Chinese army and navy.0897/0804(寛平09/0703):Japan[平安時代]、
Emperor Uda(59宇多定省086731)Uda's reign spanned the years 0887~97.Emperor Uda stopped the practice of sending ambassadors to China (遣唐使). The emperor's decision was informed by what he understood as persuasive counsel from Sugawara Michizane.
1060/0804:Henri I 100860、死去
roi des Francs de 1031 à 1060.Philippe Ier succède à son père Henri Ier sur le trône de France.
1265/0804:Second Barons' War: Battle of Evesham:
The army of Prince Edward (the future king Edward I of England) defeats the forces of rebellious barons led by Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester, killing de Montfort and many of his allies.
1265/0804:Simon V de Montfort 120865、敗死
a French-English nobleman who inherited the title and estates of the earldom of Leicester in England.Simon V de Montfort, sur un vitrail de la cathédrale de Chartres
1327/0804:First War of Scottish Independence:
James Douglas leads a raid into Weardale and almost kills Edward III of England.
Fondation des Hospices de Beaune, hôpital pour les pauvres, créé à l'initiative de Nicolas Rolin, chancelier du duc de Bourgogne Philippe III le Bon, et de son épouse Guigone de Salins.
Exécution de Jacques d'Armagnac.
The Duchy of Brittany is united to the Kingdom of France.
1578/0804:Battle of Al Kasr al Kebir:
The Moroccans defeat the Portuguese. King Sebastian of Portugal is killed in the battle, leaving his elderly uncle, Cardinal Henry, as his heir. This initiates a succession crisis in Portugal.
1598/0804:William Cecil 152098(1st Baron Burghley)、死去
an English statesman, the chief advisor of Queen Elizabeth I for most of her reign, twice1609/0804:
A hurricane across Newengland, where a ship sinks near Bermuda, inspires William Shakespeare to his last play The Tempest.
1639/0804:Juan Ruiz de Alarcón y Mendoza 158139、死去
un escritor novohispano del Siglo de Oro que cultivó distintas variantes de la dramaturgia.1639/0804(寛永16/0705):Japan[江戸時代]、第五次鎖國令、發布。
Foreign trade management of the Edo shogunate was completed.1693/0804:Invention、Champagne par Dom Pérignon.
Date traditionally ascribed to Dom Perignon's invention of champagne; it is not clear whether he actually invented champagne, however he has been credited as an innovator who developed the techniques used to perfect sparkling wine.{修道院が生みだした最高の傑作はドンペリオンのシャンパンか。ま、しかし、日本の懷石料理だって、空腹を誤魔化すために石を懷くところから始まったわけだし、
1704/0804:War of the Spanish Succession:
Gibraltar is captured by an English and Dutch fleet, commanded by Admiral Sir George Rooke & allied with Archduke Charles.
≫ 花を見つ郭公をも待ちいでつ、この世後の世思ふことなき
1770/0804:François Étienne Kellermann 177035、誕生
un général de division français du Premier Empire. Second duc de Valmy, il fut pair de France sous la Monarchie de Juillet.ナポレオン戦争での大胆にしてかつ熟達した戦法での劇的な勝利で有名。
# 彼は1815年7月16日のカートル・ブラの戦闘で有名な騎兵突撃で部隊を指揮した。ケレルマンはネイ元帥の厳命によりギュタン指揮下の770人の猟騎兵師団と共にイギリス軍へ正面突撃を行った。騎兵の教義に対して、ケレルマンは敵に数を知られないように即座に駆け足を命じ、4つの分散突撃によって第8及び第11胸甲騎兵隊は英国第69歩兵隊を粉砕し軍団旗を奪取した。ハノーバー大隊は追い散らされ、第33歩兵隊及び第73歩兵隊は近くの森に撤退した。 騎兵隊は短時間ではあるが重要な十字路を占領したが、見込みが甘く、ケレルマンは落馬し敵騎兵の鐙にしがみつくことによってようやく離脱に成功した。 Wikipedia
1783/0804:Japan、Mt. Asama 淺間山 erupts,
killing about 1,400 people. The eruption causes a famine, which results in an additional 20,000 deaths.
1789/0804:En France, abolition des privilèges par l'Assemblée nationale constituante.
In France members of the National Constituent Assembly take an oath to end feudalism and abandon their privileges.國民議會が「アンシャンレジムの廢止」を採択。
The Treaty of Sistova is signed, ending the Ottoman–Habsburg wars.
1792/0804:Percy Bysshe Shelley 179222、誕生
one of the major English Romantic poets, and is regarded by some as among the finest lyric poets in the English language, and one of the most influential.その死は、 …… その死は死んだ日に記すこととしよう。
江戸時代後期の尊皇思想家。その死は ――
1796/0804:French Revolutionary Wars:
Napoleon leads the French Army of Italy to victory in the Battle of Lonato.
1805/0804:William Rowan Hamilton 180565、誕生
an Irish physicist, astronomer, and mathematician, who made important contributions to classical mechanics, optics, and algebra.幼くして神童、長じて、二十歳過ぎても神童。死ぬまで神童だった、らしい。が、天才過ぎたか、周圍に理解されず、さらに孤獨となって、暴飲暴食しながら數學の研究に没頭、發見された彼の死體は酒と肉汁の染みこんだ無數のノウト類に埋もれてゐた、とか。幸福な生涯であった、と云はなければならない。
1821/0804:Louis Vuitton 182192、誕生
, maroquinier français.{偶然だけど、この初代ルイヴィトンが作った鞄を、日本からフランスを訪れた明治維新の後藤象二郎183897が買ったのださうだが、その後藤象二郎がこの日、逝去してゐる。
1834/0804:John Venn 183423、誕生
an English logician and philosopher noted for introducing the Venn diagram, used in the fields of set theory, probability, logic, statistics, and computer science.1841/0804:William Henry Hudson 184122、誕生
an author, naturalist, and ornithologist.1844/0804(弘化01/0621):Japan[江戸時代]
The missionary & African explorer David Livingstone reaches the upper reaches of the Zambezi.
The Hinomaru is established as the official flag to be flown from Japanese ships.
1859/0804:Knut Hamsun 185952、誕生
a major Norwegian writer, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920.1873/0804:Viktor Alexandrovich Hartmann 183473、死去
a Russian architect and painter. He was associated with the Abramtsevo Colony, purchased and preserved beginning in 1870 by Savva Mamontov, and the Russian Revival.{ムソルグスキに『展覽會の繪』を作曲させた、展覽會の繪を描いた人。
1873/0804:American Indian Wars:
While protecting a railroad survey party in Montana, the United States 7th Cavalry, under Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer clashes for the first time with the Cheyenne and Lakota people near the Tongue River; only one man on each side is killed.
1874/0804:Charles-Louis Philippe 187409、誕生
un poète et romancier français.1875/0804:Hans Christian Andersen 180575、死去
a Danish author. Although a prolific writer of plays, travelogues, novels, and poems, Andersen is best remembered for his fairy tales.1878/0804:桂春團治187834、誕生
1880/0804:Werner von Fritsch 188039、誕生
ein deutscher Offizier, zuletzt Generaloberst sowie von 1936 bis zu seinem Sturz 1938 Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres.1881/0804:Record highest temperature in Europe
En Sevilla, España, presuntamente una temperatura de 50 ° C. Ese sería el pico Europeo, sin embargo, se confirmó 46,6 ° C.
The Great Fire of Spokane, Washington destroys some 32 blocks of the city, prompting a mass rebuilding project.
1892/0804:USA、Mysterious murder incident
The father and stepmother of Lizzie Borden are found murdered in their Fall River, Massachusetts home.
幕末維新の志士。土佐藩士。維新後は政事家、實業家。立憲政治視察のため板垣退助と渡欧した明治15年(1882年)から16年(1883年)の間に、ヴィトン本店で板垣の為に鞄を購入、当時の顧客名簿の購入者欄に後藤の名が記されている。後藤が購入し板垣の愛用したルイ・ヴィトンの鞄は、高知市立自由民権記念館に現存している。 Wikipedia
1897/0804:En España,
el busto de la escultura de la Dama de Elche como los ibéricos del siglo quinto se encuentra por casualidad,
In Spain, the bust of the sculpture of the Lady of Elche as the Iberians of the fifth century is found by chance.
Japan's first "Beer Hall" opened at Ginza 8-chome.1900/0804:Isaac Ilyich Levitan 186000、死去
Левитан, Исаак Ильичрусский художник, мастер «пейзажа настроения».
{彼の描いた風景画はたっぷり Wikipedia にあります。
1901/0804:Louis Armstrong 190171、誕生
an American trumpeter, composer, singer and occasional actor who was one of the most influential figures in jazz.1902/0804:London、
The Greenwich pedestrian tunnel under the Thames, which connects the two London Boroughs Greenwich and Tower Hamlets, is opened.
1904/0804:Witold Gombrowicz 190469、誕生
a Polish writer and playwright. His works are characterised by deep psychological analysis, a certain sense of paradox and absurd, anti-nationalist flavor.1905/0804:Walther Flemming 184305、死去
ein deutscher Anatom und Zellbiologe. Er gilt als der Begründer der Zytogenetik.1914/0804:WWⅠ、
In response to the German invasion of Belgium, Belgium and the United Kingdom declare war on Germany. The United States declares its neutrality.
The German 12th Army occupies Warsaw during the Gorlice–Tarnów Offensive and the Great Retreat of 1915.
Liberia declared war on German empire.
1922/0804:Ismail Enver Pasha 188122、死去
an Ottoman military officer and a leader of the 1908 Young Turk Revolution.1924/0804:
Diplomatic relations between Mexico and the Soviet Union are established.
In the journal Die Weltbühne, Kurt Tucholsky's famous statement "Soldiers are murderers" appears.
Prime Minister of Greece Ioannis Metaxas suspends parliament & the Constitution and establishes the 4th of August Regime.
Anne Frank und ihre Familie werden von den Nationalsozialisten verhaftet, nachdem ein niederländischer Denunziant ihr Amsterdamer Versteck verraten hat.
A tip from a Dutch informer leads the Gestapo to a sealed-off area in an Amsterdam warehouse, where they find and arrest Jewish diarist Anne Frank, her family, and four others.アムステルダムに隠れ住んでゐたアンネフランクの家族ら八人のユダヤ人がアムステルダム駐留軍保安警察に逮捕される。
The Cabinet of the Koiso decided "Total armed of Japanese". Bamboo spear training etc. are full-scale.1944/0804:WWⅡ、Japan、
The first schoolchildren's group evacuation train departs from Ueno station.1947/0804:Japan[敗戦後]、
The Supreme Court of Japan is established.
1958/0804:USA、「Billboard Hot 100」発表、開始。
the "Billboard Hot 100" announcement, start.1958/0804:Japan、京都大学山岳会がカラコルム山脈のチョゴリザ北東峰に初登頂。
Kyoto University mountain party first climbs to Chogolza northeastern peak of the Karakoram Range.1964/0804:USA、Civil Rights Movement: Murder
Civil rights workers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman & James Chaney are found dead in Mississippi after disappearing on June 21.
1964/0804:USA、Gulf of Tonkin incident:
U.S. destroyers USS Maddox & USS Turner Joy report coming under attack in the Gulf of Tonkin.
The Constitution of the Cook Islands comes into force, giving the Cook Islands self-governing status within New Zealand.
1969/0804:Vietnam War:
At the apartment of French intermediary Jean Sainteny in Paris, American representative Henry Kissinger and North Vietnamese representative Xuân Thuỷ begin secret peace negotiations.
The negotiations will eventually fail.1974/0804:Italy、
A bomb explodes in the Italicus Express train at San Benedetto Val di Sambro, Italy, killing 12 people and wounding 22.
1975/0804:Kuala Lumpur Incident
The Japanese Red Army takes more than 50 hostages at the AIA Building housing several embassies in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The hostages include the U.S. consul and the Swedish Chargé d'affaires. The gunmen win the release of five imprisoned comrades and fly with them to Libya.日本赤軍がマレシア・クアラルンプルのアメリカ大使館等を占拠。1976/0804:Japan、(鬼頭史郎謀略電話事件)
Shiro Kito(Judge Kyoto District Court) pretending to be the Attorney General and putting a bogus phone calling Prime Minister Takeo Miki to invoke command authority in the Lockheed case.1977/0804:Ernst Simon Bloch 188577、死去
ein deutscher Philosoph. Bloch stellte sich in die Tradition der Schriften von Karl Marx und wird heute dem Neomarxismus zugeordnet.1977/0804:
U.S. President Jimmy Carter signs legislation creating the United States Department of Energy.
The Republic of Upper Volta changes its name to Burkina Faso.
The Federal Communications Commission rescinds the Fairness Doctrine which had required radio and television stations to present controversial issues "fairly".
石川島重工業・石川島播磨重工業 社長、東芝 社長・会長を歴任、日本経済団体連合会第4代会長に就任し、「ミスター合理化」として土光臨調でも辣腕を振るった。≫ 知恵を出せ、それが出来ぬ者は汗をかけ、それが出来ぬ者は去れ!
It may be him who represents the literary performances of the postwar Japan.戰後日本の文藝を代表するのは彼であるのかも知れない。あるいは、日本では彼だけが現代の作家と呼べる存在であったのかも知れない。
1993/0804:Kenny Drew 192893、死去
an American jazz pianist.1993/0804:Japan、
a Japanese film actor.1999/0804:Victor Mature 191399、死去
an American stage, film and television actor who starred most notably in several Biblical movies during the 1950s and was known for his dark good looks and mega-watt smile.
John Ford's My Darling Clementine 1946での Doc Holliday が Wyatt Earp の Henry Fonda よりも私には強い印象で殘ってゐる。あの映画を深い味にしてゐるのは Victor Mature の dark な演技であった。他の映画の彼には全然興味はないけれど。
A massacre is carried out by Sri Lankan government forces, killing 17 employees of the French INGO Action Against Hunger (known internationally as Action Contre la Faim, or ACF).
2007/0804:Raul Hilberg 192607、死去
an Austrian-born Jewish-American political scientist and historian.{ユダヤ人問題
NASA's Phoenix spacecraft is launched.
Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World