


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が命日の Benvenuto Cellini 150071 Il Perseo con la testa di Medusa (1554)

歴史暦:古今東西 02/13 今日の出來事


Emperor He 和帝 of Han dies at the age of 26 without an adult heir. Successor will be his one-year-old son Liu Long as Emperor Shang 殤帝 of Han.

文化面では、班固と班昭の兄妹による『漢書』の完成、蔡倫による製紙法の改良が挙げられる。 https://is.gd/ypTZA3

# 後漢の第4代皇帝和帝は多くの皇子をもうけたが、いずれも夭折していた。宦官、外戚による謀殺の疑惑を抱いた和帝は、皇子を民間で養育することとした。元興元年(105年)12月、和帝が崩御した際、長子の劉勝は病気を理由に即位が見送られ、劉隆が宮廷に迎えられて皇帝に即位した。劉勝は殤帝即位と共に平原王に立てられた。

0869/0213(貞觀10/1228):日本の皇族 源信081069、薨去

Minamoto no Makoto was the seventh son of the Japanese Emperor Saga 052嵯峨078642天皇, and was the first courtier to be given the name Minamoto 源.
Initially an honorary name given to a number of unrelated courtiers by a number of different Emperors, the Minamoto clan would grow to be an integrated clan family, one of the most powerful and most important in all of Japanese history.

Makoto 信 was the brother of Emperor Nimmyō 054仁明081050天皇. He received the name "Minamoto" in 814.
0866, Towards the end of his life, the main gate (Ōtemmon 應天門) of the Imperial Palace was destroyed by a fire; in one of the Heian period's more famous events of court intrigues, Makoto was accused by his political rival Tomo no Yoshio 伴善男081168 of having set the blaze. This came to be known as the "Ōtenmon Conspiracy" (應天門の變, Ōtemmon no Hen); with the help of his powerful connections at court, Makoto was able to successfully argue his innocence. It was later discovered that Ban Tomo set the fire himself.

Emperor Otto I and Pope John XII co-sign the Diploma Ottonianum, recognizing John as ruler of Rome.

The most controversial caliph of Fatimid Egypt, Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, disappears during a night walk in the hills of al-Muqattam.

The Fatimid caliph Al-Hākim bi-amr Allāh, deitied by the Druze, disappears under unexplained circumstances. It is believed that he is murdered on his ride.

1162/0213(應保02/0128):日本の皇族 重仁親王114062、薨去






Minamoto no Sanetomo was the third shōgun of the Kamakura shogunate. Sanetomo was the second son of the founder of the Kamakura shogunate Minamoto no Yoritomo, his mother was Hōjō Masako, and his older brother was the second Kamakura shogun Minamoto no Yoriie.
He was also an accomplished waka poet.


Kugyō, also known as Minamoto no Zensai (源善哉) or Saemon Hokkyō Yoriaki (左衛門法橋頼暁), was the second son of the second Kamakura shogun of Japan, Minamoto no Yoriie 源頼家118204.
At the age of six, after his father was killed in Shuzenji 修禪寺 in Izu 伊豆, he became his uncle Sanetomo's adopted son and, thanks to his grandmother Hōjō Masako 北条政子115725's intercession, a disciple of Songyō, Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū's bettō 別當(head priest).

After his tonsure he was given the Buddhist name "Kugyō" replacing his childhood name Yoshinari.
He then went to Kyōto to take his vows, coming back at age 18 to become Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū's new bettō, the shrine's fourth.
In 1219 he murdered his uncle Sanetomo on the stone stairs at Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū in the shogunal capital of Kamakura, an act for which he was himself slain on the same day

The central tower of Ely Cathedral falls on the night of 12th–13th.

Ely Cathedral is an Anglican cathedral in the city of Ely, Cambridgeshire, England.

Die Universität Rostock wird von den Herzögen Johann IV. und Albrecht V. von Mecklenburg und dem Rat der Hansestadt Rostock gegründet, die heute drittälteste Hochschule Deutschlands und die älteste Universität im Ostseeraum.


Attentat de Champtoceau, les comtes de Penthièvre enlèvent le duc de Bretagne.

1457/0213:Marie de Bourgogne 145782、誕生

La duchesse de Bourgogne, régnait sur de nombreux territoires du duché de Bourgogne, maintenant principalement en France et dans les Pays-Bas, de 1477 jusqu'à sa mort. Enfant unique de Charles le Téméraire, duc de Bourgogne, et de sa femme Isabelle de Bourbon, elle hérita du duché à la mort de son père à la bataille de Nancy le 5 janvier 1477.
En raison de la grande prospérité de plusieurs des territoires qui composent le duché, Mary a souvent été appelée Mary the Rich (bien que cela ne soit pas habituel en anglais).

The Treaty of Westminster is finalised between Edward IV of England and the Scottish Lord of the Isles.

1503/0213:Challenge of Barletta:
 Tournament between 13 Italian and 13 French knights near Barletta.

Funérailles d'Anne de Bretagne à la basilique de Saint-Denis.

1539/0213:イタリア Isabelle d'Este 147439、死去

una delle donne più autorevoli del Rinascimento e del mondo culturale italiano del suo tempo. Fu mecenate delle arti, nonché leader della moda, il cui innovativo stile di vestire venne copiato da donne in tutta Italia e alla corte francese.

Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII of England, is beheaded.

Henry VIII 149147が五番目の妃とした Catherine / Katherine Howard 152142(二番目の Anne Boleyn [Queen Elizabeth I 153303 の生母]の從妹)

1542/0213:Catherine Howard 152342、刑死(斷首)

She (then 16 or 17) married Henry VIII (then 49) on 28 July 1540, at Oatlands Palace, in Surrey, almost immediately after the annulment of his marriage to Anne of Cleves was arranged.
She was stripped of her title as queen within 16 months, in November 1541. She was beheaded three months later, on the grounds of treason for committing adultery while married to Henry.

{これもまた Beheading ―― 原因は王妃となったキャサリンの浮気、不倫の疑惑だったさうだ。彼女は前の王妃、Anne of Cleves の侍女であったが、ヘンリのお手が付いた。キャサリンを「私の棘のない薔薇」と呼び、彼女を王妃とするためにアンを離婚した。が、周圍の者がキャサリンの男性關係を仄めかし、オセロよろしき心理状態になったのであらうか、ヘンリは疑惑を太らせていき、疑惑は曖昧なまゝ、斷頭臺へと送りこんだ。入牢中の彼女は幽霊となって出没するやうになり、一時はヘンリの祈禱室のすぐ近くまで行ったが、衛兵に掴まり、牢に戻されたとか。

1571/0213:イタリア彫刻家 Benvenuto Cellini 150071、死去

uno scultore, orafo, scrittore, argentiere e artista italiano, considerato uno dei più importanti artisti del Manierismo.
Il Perseo con la testa di Medusa (1554)

Sacre d'Henri III, roi de France à Reims.

{こっちはフランスのヘンリ=アンリの事。フランス王アンリⅢ、ランスのノウトルダム大聖堂で戴冠。同日、ルイズドロレヌヴォデモンと擧式。このアンリⅢは、フランスにきた Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) 154287 と結婚して早逝したフランソワの弟で、生母はイタリアはフィレンチェの、メディチ家出身の Catherine de Médicis 151989 、當代の女傑といふかフランス史上有數の惡女扱ひ。

Galileo viene arrestato dall'Inquisizione a Roma.

Galileo Galilei arrives in Rome for his trial before the Inquisition.
Galileo Galilei 156242、異端審問のために出頭を命じられロウマに到着


España reconoce la independencia de Portugal por el Tratado de Lisboa (1668).

1660/0213:With the death of Swedish King Charles X Gustav, the Swedish government begins to seek peace with Sweden's enemies in the Second Northern War, something that Charles had refused. As his son and successor on the throne, Charles XI, is only four years old, a regency rules Sweden until 1672.


the coronation of William III and Mary II puts an end to a long period of troubles in England.
William and Mary are proclaimed co-rulers of England.

1692/0213:Massacre of Glencoe:
 Almost 80 Macdonalds at Glen Coe, Scotland are killed early in the morning for not promptly pledging allegiance to the new king, William of Orange.

Because the head of the family appeared late to the oath of the English King William of Orange after the suppression of the Jacobite uprising, the Scottish MacDonalds clan in the Glencoe massacre, in which over 30 clan members are killed instantly. 40 women and children die as a result of their homes being burnt down.

1723/0213:フランスの醫師 Antoine Louis 172392、誕生

un chirurgien militaire français.
Son rôle de médecin légiste fut crucial dans l’affaire Calas. Il est l'un des contributeurs à l'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert pour les articles consacrés à la chirurgie et l'un des concepteurs de la guillotine, d'abord appelée « louisette » ou « louison »


1728/0213:イギリスの醫師 John Hunter 172893、誕生

a Scottish surgeon, one of the most distinguished scientists and surgeons of his day.
He was an early advocate of careful observation and scientific method in medicine. He was a teacher of, and collaborator with, Edward Jenner, pioneer of the smallpox vaccine.
He has a back face of corpse procurement for anatomy classes, and the house of Leicester Square became a model of "Jekyll and Hide".


1739/0213:インド、ムガル帝國「Battle of Karnal」
 The army of Iranian ruler Nader Shah defeats the forces of the Mughal emperor of India, Muhammad Shah.

In the Battle of Karnal, the army sent out for defense by the Mughal emperor Muhammad Shah is outnumbered by the Persian king Nadir Shah, who has outnumbered the Mughal Empire.

1750/0213(寛延03/0107):浮世繪出版 蔦屋重三郎175097、誕生

Tsutaya Jūzaburō fut un célèbre éditeur d'estampes japonaises ukiyo-e de la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Il édita notamment des estampes de Utamaro 喜多川歌麿175306 et de Sharaku 東洲齋寫樂176320.


1754/0213:フランス政事家 Talleyrand 175438、誕生

タレイラン」Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord est un homme d'État et diplomate français,
Talleyrand occupe des postes de pouvoir politique durant la majeure partie de sa vie et sous la plupart des régimes successifs que la France connaît à l'époque : il est notamment agent général du clergé puis député aux États généraux sous l'Ancien Régime, président de l'Assemblée nationale et ambassadeur pendant la Révolution française, ministre des Relations extérieures sous le Directoire, le Consulat puis sous le Premier Empire, président du gouvernement provisoire, ambassadeur, ministre des Affaires étrangères et président du Conseil des ministres sous la Restauration, ambassadeur sous la Monarchie de Juillet. Il assiste aux couronnements de Louis XVI (1775), Napoléon Ier (1804) et Charles X (1825)


Treaty of Giyanti signed by VOC, Pakubuwono III and Prince Mangkubumi.
The treaty divides the Javanese kingdom of Mataram into 2: Sunanate of Surakarta and Sultanate of Yogyakarta.

1766/0213:イギリス經濟學者 Thomas Robert Malthus 176632、誕生

an English cleric and scholar, influential in the fields of political economy and demography.

In his 1798 book An Essay on the Principle of Population, Malthus observed that an increase in a nation's food production improved the well-being of the populace, but the improvement was temporary because it led to population growth, which in turn restored the original per capita production level. In other words, mankind had a propensity to utilize abundance for population growth rather than for maintaining a high standard of living, a view that has become known as the "Malthusian trap" or the "Malthusian spectre".

1769/0213:ロシアの寓話作家 Ivan Krylov 176944、誕生

русский публицист, поэт, баснописец, издатель сатирико-просветительских журналов.
Russian publicist, poet, fabulist, publisher of satirical and educational magazines.
Après avoir débuté par des drames et des comédies satiriques, il publie, en 1809, un premier recueil de fables. Celui-ci sera suivi de plusieurs autres recueils, qui vaudront à leur auteur une immense popularité. Les fables de Krylov empruntent souvent leur sujet à celles d'Ésope et de Jean de La Fontaine.

the French occupy the island Saint-Christophe, in the West Indies.

la France supprime et interdit les vœux monastiques.

 Napoléon rompt avec Pie VII à la suite des réserves énoncées par le pape à propos du « catéchisme impérial » qui sera proclamé le 4 avril et qui fait de Napoléon Ier « ministre de Dieu sur Terre ».

俳人 小林一茶176327『おらが春』脱稿

小林一茶が五十七歳の一年間の出来事に觸れて作った俳句や俳文を纏め、歿後二十五年となる1825[嘉永05] に白井一之が自家本として『おらが春」と題して刊行した。

l'Autriche accède à une demande de Ferdinand IV et envoie une armée à Naples pour réprimer un soulèvement.

The delegation headed by Metropolitan bishop Andrei Șaguna hands out to the Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria the General Petition of Romanian leaders in Transylvania, Banat and Bukovina, which demands that the Romanian nation be recognized.

Perry Commander of the East India Fleet led the seven warships and made a second visit to Japan.


1858/0213:Hermann Heinrich Gossen 181056、死去

in preußischer Jurist, Königlich preußischer Regierungs-Assessor, der mit seinem Buch Entwickelung der Gesetze des menschlichen Verkehrs, und der daraus fließenden Regeln für menschliches Handeln den Begriffen Wert, Preis und Nutzen eine revolutionär neue Bedeutung gab. Er ist der wichtigste Vorläufer der Grenznutzenschule, welche die klassische Ökonomik in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts ablöste.
Prussian lawyer, Royal Prussian Government Assessor, who, with his book Developing the Laws of Human Traffic and the Rules Governing Them for Human Action, gave the concepts of value, price and utility a revolutionary new meaning. He is the most important forerunner of the marginal utility school, which replaced classical economics in the second half of the 19th century.


In search of the source of the Nile, British explorers Richard Francis Burton and John Hanning Speke are the first Europeans to invade Lake Tanganyika.

In Gaeta the capitulation of the fortress decreeing the end of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies is signed.

Both of Sicily's King Francis II capitulates with Gaeta Fortress opposite the army of King Victor Emmanuel in the Italian Risorgimento trial.





1866/0213:ロシアの絶望家 Lev Shestov 186638、誕生

un avocat, écrivain et philosophe russe.
Il étudie la philosophie rationaliste de la tradition grecque et influence, dès 1933, Albert Camus, notamment dans Le mythe de Sisyphe et Caligula.

 The James Younger gang around Frank and Jesse James and commits the first bank robbery in the United States after the Civil War with the raid on the Clay County Savings Association in Liberty, Missouri.

Work begins on the covering of the Senne, burying Brussels's primary river and creating the modern central boulevards.


1873/0213:ロシアの歌手 Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin 187338、誕生

русский оперный и камерный певец (высокий бас), в разное время солист Большого и Мариинского театров, а также театра Метрополитен Опера, первый народный артист Республики (1918—1927, звание возвращено в 1991), в 1918—1921 годах — художественный руководитель Мариинского театра.
1894年からサンクトペテルブルクの帝室マリインスキ劇場に所属。さらにモスクワに移り、マモントフ私立歌劇場、次いで1899年にはボリショイ劇場に招かれる。マモントフオペラでは Сергей Рахманинов 187343 と出会い、生涯の知友となる。ボリショイでは、1914年まで定期的に出演し、代表的なロシアオペラの主役を次々に演じ、時代を代表するバス歌手としての地位を不動のものとした。



Thomas Edison observes the Edison effect.

1883/0213:楽劇作曲家 Richard Wagner 181383、死去

ein deutscher Komponist, Dramatiker, Dichter, Schriftsteller, Theaterregisseur und Dirigent. Mit seinen Musikdramen gilt er als einer der bedeutendsten Erneuerer der europäischen Musik im 19. Jahrhundert.

The Financial Times is first available in London. Under this title, the London Financial Guide, published about a month earlier, will be continued.

Les frères Lumière déposent le brevet du cinématographe.


・パリで、兄弟の父のアントワヌは Thomas Edison 184731 が開發した『キネトスコウプ』を見て、息子二人に動画の研究を命じた。キネトスコウプを改良してスクリンに投影することで、一度に多勢が見られる『シネマトグラフ・リュミエル』を開發し、特許を取得した。

1902/0213:USA思想家 Harold Dwight Lasswell 190278、誕生

a leading American political scientist and communications theorist.
He has been described as a "one-man university" whose "competence in, and contributions to, anthropology, communications, economics, law, philosophy, psychology, psychiatry and sociology are enough to make him a political scientist in the model of classical Greece.

Lasswell is well known for his model of communication, which focuses on "Who (says) What (to) Whom (in) What Channel (with) What Effect".

1903/0213:日本の幕臣 高橋泥舟183503、死去



1903/0213:フランス小説家 Georges Simenon 190389、誕生

un écrivain belge francophone
L'abondance et le succès de ses romans policiers - dont les Maigret - éclipsent en partie le reste de son œuvre très riche : cent quatre-vingt-treize romans, cent cinquante-huit nouvelles, plusieurs œuvres autobiographiques et de nombreux articles et reportages publiés sous son propre nom, ainsi que cent soixante-seize romans, des dizaines de nouvelles, contes galants et articles parus sous vingt-sept pseudonymes.

1910/0213:トランジスタ発明者 William Shockley 191089、誕生

an American physicist and inventor. Shockley was the manager of a research group at Bell Labs that included John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. The three scientists were jointly awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for "their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect."

John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain at Bell Labs, 1948.

Ouverture à Paris du vélodrome d'Hiver.


Sun Yat-sen resigned from temporary presidential post of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai took over.

The American Composers Authors Association (ASCAP) was established.

米国作曲家作詞家出版者協会 (ASCAP) 設立。

The 13th Dalai Lama proclaims Tibetan independence following a period of domination by Manchu Qing dynasty and initiated a period of almost four decades of independence.

1913/0213:(New York)  The Armory Show
 introduces for the first time modern art in America.

 In New York City the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers is established to protect the copyrighted musical compositions of its members.

1916/0213:デンマアクの画家 Vilhelm Hammershøi 186416、死去

a Danish painter.
He is known for his poetic, subdued portraits and interiors. In 1997, Denmark issued a postage stamp in his honour.

Cour intérieure, 1899

Intérieur avec jeune femme vue de dos, 1904

Arrestation de Mata Hari par le contre-espionnage français.


Shantou Earthquake, the most serious earthquake in Guangdong since historic records, with 10,000 casualties.

Switzerland is admitted to the League of Nations, which recognizes its perpetual neutrality.

The Negro National League is formed.

Funérailles de Pierre Alexeiévitch Kropotkine.

1926/0213:Francis Ysidro Edgeworth 184526、死去

an Anglo-Irish philosopher and political economist who made significant contributions to the methods of statistics during the 1880s.
From 1891 onward he was appointed the founding editor of The Economic Journal.
He can speak French, German, Italian and Spanish, and quoting from classics like Milton, Pope, Virgil and Homer on every occasion. While maintaining a single, lifelong singular and international international network, I left a strong impression on my contemporaries with irony, dignity and a cowardly attitude, and many innovations and anecdotes.

後年になると彼は確率よりも統計学へと興味の中心が移行し、確信や見込みのような主観が大きく左右する対象を数学によって規定できるかということについて、疑いをもつようになってきたようだ。心理学では、全体は部分の総和に等しくなく、数量の比較は意味をなさず、小さな変化が大きな効果をもたらし、一様で等質な連続は仮定できない。ただ哲学上の普遍性は主張できないとしても、大量の統計資料は現実に応用して差し支えないほど確実性を備えている、と彼はJohn Maynard Keynes 188346に答えている。

1929/0213:日本の映画男優 フランキー堺192996、誕生

Furankī Sakai est un acteur et musicien japonais dont la carrière s'étend de 1955 à 1996.


1931/0213:日本の洋画家 小出楢重188731、死去

Koide Narashige est un peintre et illustrateur japonais dont l’œuvre est reconnue comme pionnière de la tendance modernisme Hanshinkan dans le portrait et le nu du mouvement yō-ga (style occidental) de la peinture japonaise du début du XXe siècle.



The British Raj completes its transfer from Calcutta to New Delhi.

The Soviet expedition ship Cheliuskin sinks after months of uncontrolled drift in the exploration of the Northeast Passage in the Chukchi Sea.
The event, in which 104 of the 105 people on board can save themselves on an ice floe, leads to the foundation of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

A jury in Flemington, New Jersey finds Bruno Hauptmann guilty of the 1932 kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh baby, the son of Charles Lindbergh.

un incendie au théâtre d'Antong, Chine, fait 700 morts.

La première de l'opérette Les Petites Cardinales d'Arthur Honegger et Jacques Ibert se déroule au Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens à Paris.

en los últimos días de la Guerra Civil española, Francisco Franco emite un decreto sobre el procedimiento con los delincuentes políticos, que penaliza retroactivamente las actividades consideradas por Franco como una actividad subversiva hasta 1934. La persecución de disidentes políticos en el franquismo cuesta cientos de miles de vidas.

In the last days of the Spanish Civil War, Francisco Franco issues a decree on the procedure with political offenders, which retroactively criminalizes activities regarded by Franco as a subversive activity back to 1934. The persecution of political dissidents in Franquism costs hundreds of thousands of lives.

The Norwegian passenger ship Irma is sunk in the bay of Hustadvika in front of Kristiansund by two torpedo hits.
There are 61 people killed. Only after the war, it turns out that the ship has been attacked by a torpedo boat of the Norwegian Navy.

The siege of Budapest concludes with the unconditional surrender of German and Hungarian forces to the Red Army.

Mit der Kapitulation der von der Roten Armee eingekesselten deutschen Einheiten in Budapest endet die seit dem 25. Dezember verbissen geführte Schlacht um die Stadt im Zweiten Weltkrieg, nachdem einige Stunden zuvor ein Ausbruchsversuch aus der Stadt misslungen ist. Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht hat die besondere Kraftanstrengung, die rund 100.000 Wehrmachtsoldaten das Leben gekostet hat, mit der strategischen Mission begründet, dort Wien zu verteidigen.
独ソ戦: ブダペスト包囲戦が終結赤軍ブダペストを占領。

Royal Air Force bombers are dispatched to Dresden, Germany to attack the city with a massive aerial bombardment.

Am Faschingsdienstag beginnen dreitägige alliierte Luftangriffe auf Dresden. Bei dem Flächenbombardement und dem darauf folgenden Feuersturm kommen zwischen 18.000 und 25.000 Menschen ums Leben, Dresdens Innenstadt wird beinahe vollständig zerstört.



・/0213/03、Douglas MacArthur 188064 は日本政府に憲法改正作業を任せてゐては、彼をGHQ司令官に任じた極東委員會の國際世論から天皇制の廃止を要求される懸念ありとして、早急に憲法草案を作るべきと判斷。この時、憲法改正にかんして遵守すべき三原則を、憲法草案起草の責任者に任じた民政局の局長の Courtney Whitney 189769 に命じた。




1950/0213:日本、Red Purge

1951/0213:Korean War: Battle of Chipyong-ni,
 which represented the "high-water mark" of the Chinese incursion into South Korea, commences.

1952/0213:スコットランド推理小説家 Josephine Tey 189652、死去

a Scottish author best known for her mystery novels. She also wrote as Gordon Daviot, under which name she wrote plays, many with biblical or historical themes.

In five of the mystery novels, all of which except the first she wrote under the name of Tey, the hero is Scotland Yard Inspector Alan Grant. (Grant appears in a sixth, The Franchise Affair, as a minor character.) The most famous of these is The Daughter of Time, in which Grant, laid up in hospital, has friends research reference books and contemporary documents so that he can puzzle out the mystery of whether King Richard III of England murdered his nephews, the Princes in the Tower. Grant comes to the firm conclusion that King Richard was totally innocent of the death of the Princes.

In 1990, The Daughter of Time was selected by the British Crime Writers' Association as the greatest mystery novel of all time; The Franchise Affair was 11th on the same list of 100 books.

Several former members of the SS are sometimes sentenced in absentia in Bordeaux by a military tribunal for the massacre of Oradour-sur-Glane.
The absent Heinz Lammerding and two other people are sentenced to death - but the sentence is never enforced - the others receive several years in prison.

Israel obtains four of the seven Dead Sea Scrolls.

1958/0213:フランス画家 Georges Rouault 187158、死去

un peintre, dessinateur et imprimeur français, dont le travail est souvent associé au fauvisme et à l'expressionnisme.
Georges Rouault also met Henri Matisse, Albert Marquet, Henri Manguin, and Charles Camoin. These friendships brought him to the movement of Fauvism, the leader of which was considered to be Matisse.

Después de la victoria de los revolucionarios sobre el régimen de Batista en Cuba, Fidel Castro asume el cargo de primer ministro.

After the revolutionaries' victory over the Batista regime in Cuba, Fidel Castro takes over as prime minister.

Premier essai nucléaire français à Reggane dans le désert de Tanezrouft en Algérie.

With the success of a nuclear test codenamed "Gerboise Bleue", France becomes the fourth country to possess nuclear weapons.
France carries out its first nuclear weapons test in the Algerian part of the Sahara at the place Reggane.

In Cambodia, Nhiek Tioulong is appointed Prime Minister.

Assassinat de Humberto Delgado, chef de l'opposition au Portugal.

1967/0213:日本の實業家 鮎川義介188067、死去

Aikawa Yoshisuke was a Japanese entrepreneur, businessman, and politician, noteworthy as the founder and first president of the Nissan zaibatsu between 1931 and 1945.

American researchers discover the Madrid Codices by Leonardo da Vinci in the National Library of Spain.

A US reinforcement of 10,000 men is on its way to South Vietnam, where fighting intensifies.

L'écrivain Alexandre Soljenitsyne est déchu de sa nationalité soviétique et exilé.

Писатель Александр Солженицын лишен своей советской национальности и сослан.

Fire at the World Trade Center in New York.

1978/0213:オウストラリアで、Hilton bombing:
 a bomb explodes in a refuse truck outside the Hilton Hotel in Sydney, Australia, killing two refuse collectors and a policeman.

In Japan, a cola incident containing hypochlorous acid, occurrence

An intense windstorm strikes western Washington and sinks a 1/2-mile-long section of the Hood Canal Bridge.

A series of sewer explosions destroys more than two miles of streets in Louisville, Kentucky.

Australian media entrepreneur Rupert Murdoch buys traditional London newspapers The Times and The Sunday Times.

1982/0213:日本の歌手 江利チエミ193782、死去

Eri Chiemi est une chanteuse et actrice japonaise de l'ère Shōwa. Elle a tourné dans une cinquantaine de films.


1983/0213:ProGolf、Hawaian Open で青木功が 日本人初の America PGA Tour 優勝

{その前の、1980年の全米OpenGolf での、Jニクラウスとの最終日にまで縺れこんだ死鬪のはうがもっと記憶に殘ってゐるが。

Konstantin Chernenko succeeds the late Yuri Andropov as general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.


Carnaval à Rio de Janeiro : 121 morts.


Tokyo District Public Prosecutor Special Prosecutors' Department, Pre-Recruit's President, Ezo'e Hiromasa were arrested.

1990/0213:German reunification:
 An agreement is reached on a two-stage plan to reunite Germany.

1991/0213:Gulf War:
 Two laser-guided "smart bombs" destroy the Amiriyah shelter in Baghdad. Allied forces said the bunker was being used as a military communications outpost, but over 400 Iraqi civilians inside were killed.

It is proved that A Wiles's "The Fermat's Final Theorem" is not wrong, and the history of 360 years is settled.


1996/0213:映画男優 Martin Balsam 191996、死去

an American character actor.
He is best known for a number of renowned film roles, including detective Milton Arbogast in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960), Arnold Burns in A Thousand Clowns (1965) (for which he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor), Juror #1 in 12 Angry Men (1957), and Mr. Green in The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974), as well as for his role as Murray Klein in the television sitcom Archie Bunker's Place (1979~1983).

The Nepalese Civil War is initiated in the Kingdom of Nepal by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist-Centre).


All incidents of Glyco Morinaga Incident to the prescription

An earthquake measuring 6.6 hits El Salvador, killing at least 400.

The Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announces the discovery of the universe's largest known diamond, white dwarf star BPM 37093.
Astronomers named this star "Lucy" after The Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".

2005/0213:ファティマ聖母の体験者 Lúcia dos Santos 190705、死去

a Portuguese Catholic Carmelite nun and one of the three children, including her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, who claimed to witness Marian apparitions in Fátima in 1917.
Lúcia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos foi uma freira da Ordem das Carmelitas Descalças, conhecida no Carmelo como Irmã Maria Lúcia de Jesus e do Coração Imaculado e pela maioria dos portugueses simplesmente como Irmã Lúcia, que, juntamente com os seus primos Santa Jacinta e São Francisco Marto (os chamados três pastorinhos), assistiu às aparições de Nossa Senhora no lugar da Cova da Iria, em Fátima.


Taiwan opposition leader Ma Ying-jeou resigns as the chairman of the Kuomintang party after being indicted on charges of embezzlement during his tenure as the mayor of Taipei; Ma also announces his candidacy for the 2008 presidential election.

2008/0213:日本の映画監督 市川崑191508、死去

Il a réalisé un grand nombre de films, des années 1940 à nos jours, et, bien que peu d'entre eux furent diffusés en Occident, leur reconnaissance (nomination, parfois récompense) dans des festivals internationaux parmi les plus prisés comme le Mostra de Venise ou le Festival de Cannes lui valurent une notoriété internationale.
Son style a beaucoup varié durant sa longue carrière, mais on notera qu'il privilégia souvent les objectifs grand angle et le cinémascope pour restituer une esthétique visuelle proche du théâtre kabuki, et qu'il revint fréquemment à des thèmes pacifistes nuancés d'humour noir.


2008/0213:イタリアのマフィア Michele Greco 192408、死去

un mafioso italiano, legato a Cosa Nostra.

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd makes a historic apology to the Indigenous Australians and the Stolen Generations.

A bomb explodes in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, killing 17 and injuring 60 more.

For the first time in more than 100 years the Umatilla, an American Indian tribe, are able to hunt and harvest a bison just outside Yellowstone National Park, restoring a centuries-old tradition guaranteed by a treaty signed in 1855.

Assassinat de Kim Jong-Nam en Aéroport international de Kuala Lumpur.

Kim Jong-nam is assassinated at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.


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