


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が誕生日の Benoît Mandelbrot 192410 Fractal

歴史暦:古今東西 11/20 今日の出來事

今日が命日の Benedetti Croce 186652 は「すべての歴史は現代史」と云ったさうだが、


The Roman official John declares himself a Western Roman ruler and thus ends the three-month imperial period after the death of Honorius.
However, the Eastern Roman emperor Theodosius II, Honorius' nephew and his true heir, does not recognize his rule.


During the An Shi Rebellion, the Tang dynasty, with the help of Huihe tribe, recaptures Luoyang from the rebels.


Song Taizong (赵光义), empereur de Chine de 976 à 997
宋太宗趙炅,北宋第二位皇帝(0976/1115~0997/0508 在位),在位21年,享年58歲。趙弘殷第三子,是北宋開國君宋太祖趙匡胤的胞弟。本名趙匡義,字廷宜,其兄長趙匡胤登基後避諱,改名趙光義,即位時又改名趙炅(音炯)


Der deutsche Kaiser Heinrich VI. zieht auf seinem Feldzug gegen Sizilien unter Wilhelm III. in das eroberte Palermo ein. Damit lösen die Staufer die Normannen endgültig als Herrscher von Sizilien ab.

The German Emperor Heinrich VI. moves on his campaign against Sicily under William III. into the conquered Palermo. In this way, the Staufer are finally replacing the Normans as rulers of Sicily.

The first invasion attempt by the Mongols under Kublai Khan in Japan is fought by the numerically superior samurai at the Battle of Bun'ei.


In Köln endet eine Schlacht der Bürger im Kölner Weberaufstand zwischen ratstreuen Bürgern und Gaffeln einerseits und der Zunft der Weber andererseits in einer Flucht der Weber beim Erkennen ihrer zahlenmäßigen Unterlegenheit.

In Cologne ends a battle of the citizens in the Weber Rebellion in Cologne between ratreuuen citizens and gaffs on the one hand and the guild of weavers on the other hand in an escape of the weavers in recognizing their numerical inferiority.

A truce between John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy and Louis of Valois, Duke of Orléans is agreed upon under the auspices of John, Duke of Berry. Orléans would be assassinated three days later by Burgundy.



1542/1120:「Promulgation des Leyes Nuevas」

Les Leyes Nuevas (« Lois Nouvelles », nom complet Leyes y ordenanças nuevamente hechas por su Magestad para la governación de las Indias y buen tratamiento y conservación de los Indios)) espagnoles du 20 novembre 1542, rédigées à l'instigation du prêtre Bartolomé de Las Casas, l'évêque du Chiapas, puis édictées par Charles Quint, visaient à protéger les indigènes d'Amérique du Sud en interdisant aux colons de les réduire en esclavage et en soulignant que les Amérindiens étaient des fidèles à qui la religion catholique ouvrait ses portes.

Zumbi, the last of the leaders of Quilombo dos Palmares in early Brazil, is executed by the forces of Portuguese bandeirante Domingos Jorge Velho.

The captured and previously against slavery fighting Zumbi is executed in the Portuguese colony of Brazil. He was the last leader of the largest slave settlement of Palmares, the plantation of African slaves escaped for decades a home.

1752/1120:Thomas Chatterton 175270、誕生

an English poet whose precocious talents ended in suicide at age 17. He became a heroic tragic figure in Romantic art.

1739/1120:イギリスvsスペイン「Battle of Porto Bello」
 between British and Spanish forces during the War of Jenkins' Ear.

La prima dell'opera L'Isola disabitata di Domenico Scarlatti si svolge al Teatro San Samuele di Venezia.

1759/1120:七年戰爭、イギリスvsフランス「Bataille des Cardinaux」
In the naval battle in the Bay of Quiberon, a British squadron manages a decisive victory in the Seven Years' War against a pulp of French liners. The French fleet can not recover from this defeat until the end of the war.

La bataille des Cardinaux, connue sous le nom de Battle of Quiberon Bay par les Britanniques, est une bataille navale ayant opposé les flottes française et britannique, pendant la guerre de Sept Ans. Elle a lieu le 20 novembre 1759 et se déroule dans un triangle de sept milles marins formé par les îles d'Hœdic et Dumet et la pointe du Croisic, au large de la Bretagne.

1763/1120:Louis-Alexandre Berthier 176315、誕生

un militaire français du 19e siècle.
Corps de genie(工兵部隊) 司令官の庶子としてヴェルサイユに誕生。

1776/1120:American Revolutionary War:
British forces land at the Palisades and then attack Fort Lee. The Continental Army starts to retreat across New Jersey.

Britain's declaration of war on the Netherlands begins the fourth English-Dutch Sea War.

1789/1120:USA「Bill of Rights」
New Jersey becomes the first U.S. state to ratify the Bill of Rights.

1803/1120:Jevfimij Putjatin 180383、誕生

Евфимий(Ефим) Васильевич Путятин


Die Uraufführung von Fidelio, Ludwig van Beethovens einziger Oper, findet im Theater an der Wien in Wien statt.

Beethoven's only opera, Fidelio, premieres in Vienna.

Second traité de Paris. Fin définitive du Premier Empire.

Roi Friedrich Wilhelm III. de Prusse, l'empereur François Ier d'Autriche et le tsar Alexandre Ier de Russie signent la deuxième Paix de Paris, avec laquelle la France est réduite aux frontières de 1790, mais sans Saarbrücken, Landau et la Savoie. Dans le même temps, la quadruple alliance de Chaumont sera renouvelée dans un document séparé entre la Grande-Bretagne, la Prusse, la Russie et l'Autriche.

An 80-ton sperm whale attacks the Essex (a whaling ship from Nantucket, Massachusetts) 2,000 miles from the western coast of South America. (Herman Melville's 1851 novel Moby-Dick is in part inspired by this story.)

Fondation de l'Université libre de Bruxelles par Théodore Verhaegen.

In Brussels, the Free University, in 1970 split into a French- and a Dutch-speaking institution, takes up teaching.


The Cologne Archbishop Clemens August Droste to Vischering is arrested in the dispute with Prussia for the acceptance of mixed marriages.


un homme politique japonais de l'ère Meiji qui réprima l'opposition politique durant les élections législatives japonaises de 1892.

1845/1120:アルゼンチン「Battle of Vuelta de Obligado」
Anglo-French blockade of the Río de la Plata

1849/1120:ブタとペストを結ぶ橋「Széchenyi Lánchid」
, die erste feste Donaubrücke zwischen Buda und Pest, wird ihrer Bestimmung übergeben.

1856/1120:Farkas Bolyai 177556、死去

a Hungarian mathematician, mainly known for his work in geometry.
ハンガリ語では「Farkas Bolyai」「ファルカシュ ボヤイ」
家は名家であったが、彼の代には零落してゐた。その經濟的理由から大學進學は斷念しようとした時、友人の父の貴族が援助してゲッティング大學に入ることができ、そこでCarl Friedrich Gauß 177755の同窓生となり、以後親交を結んだ。

1858/1120:Selma Lagerlöf 185840、誕生

a Swedish author and teacher. She was the first female writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Anna Ollson, Karlstad. Photograph of writer Selma Lagerlöf. Taken in 1881

1861/1120:American Civil War:
A secession ordinance is filed by Kentucky's Confederate government.

1862/1120:Georges Palante 186225、誕生

un philosophe et sociologue français nietzschéen et libertaire.
Arthur Schopenhaue 178860・Friedrich Nietzsche 184400・Sigmund Freud 185639・Max Stirner 180656・Henrik Ibsen 182806 などから影響を受けた、徹底した個人主義の思想家で、それなりの影響力を後世の或部分に及ぼした。


1862/1120:Edvard Westermarck 186239、誕生

a Finnish philosopher and sociologist. Among other subjects, he studied exogamy and the incest taboo.

The phenomenon of reverse sexual imprinting is when two people live in close domestic proximity during the first few years in the life of either one, and both become desensitised to sexual attraction, now known as the Westermarck effect, was first formally described by him in his book The History of Human Marriage (1891).

1886/1120:Karl von Frisch 188682、誕生

langjähriger Professor für Zoologie an der Universität München und gilt als einer der bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Verhaltensforscher. Im Zentrum seines Schaffens stand die Erforschung der Sinneswahrnehmungen der Honigbiene und der Art und Weise der Verständigung dieser Tiere untereinander.
Für seine Leistungen wurde er 1973 gemeinsam mit Konrad Lorenz und Nikolaas Tinbergen mit dem Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin geehrt. Mit der Auszeichnung wurden „ihre Entdeckungen zur Organisation und Auslösung von individuellen und sozialen Verhaltensmustern“ gewürdigt.

1889/1120:Edwin Hubble 188953、誕生

an American astronomer. He played a crucial role in establishing the fields of extragalactic astronomy and observational cosmology and is regarded as one of the most important astronomers of all time.

Die 1.Sinfonie von Gustav Mahler wird in Budapest uraufgeführt.

1894/1120:Anton Rubinstein 182994、死去

(Антон Григорьевич Рубинштейн), compositeur, pianiste et chef d'orchestre russe
русский композитор, пианист, дирижёр, музыкальный педагог. Брат пианиста Николая Рубинштейна.
Russian composer, pianist, conductor, music teacher. The brother of pianist Nikolai Rubinstein.


un philosophe, critique littéraire et culturel japonais.

1902/1120:Erik Eriksen 190272、誕生

, homme politique danois, Premier ministre du Danemark de 1950 à 1953

Unter der Regie von Max Reinhardt findet an den Berliner Kammerspielen die Uraufführung von Frank Wedekinds Drama Frühlings Erwachen statt, das von diesem bereits 1891 fertiggestellt worden ist.

Under the direction of Max Reinhardt, the world premiere of Frank Wedekind's drama Spring Awakening takes place at the Berlin Kammerspiele, which was completed by him in 1891.

1907/1120:Henri-Georges Clouzot 190777、誕生

un scénariste, dialoguiste, réalisateur, et producteur de cinéma français.

1952、イブ・モンタンを主演に起用して、ニトログリセリンをトラックで運ぶ四人の男を描いた『Le Salaire de la peur 恐怖の報酬』を発表し、同年のベルリン国際映画祭金熊賞カンヌ国際映画祭でグランプリを受賞し、世界三大映画祭の最高賞を全て獲得した映画史上初めての監督となった。
Le Salaire de la peur (d'après le roman de Georges Arnaud), avec Yves Montand et Charles Vanel en 1952, films ayant tous bénéficié d'une large audience. Il fut surnommé plus tard le "Hitchcock français".

1910/1120:Lev Tolstoï 182810、死去

(Лев Николаевич Толстой), écrivain russe

Tolstoy in his youth, maturity, old age

Mexican Revolution: Francisco I. Madero issues the Plan de San Luis Potosí, denouncing Mexican President Porfirio Díaz, calling for a revolution to overthrow the government of Mexico, effectively starting the Mexican Revolution.

Ein halbes Jahr nach dem Tod des Komponisten wird in München Gustav Mahlers Das Lied von der Erde unter der Leitung von Bruno Walter uraufgeführt. Unter Vermeidung des Wortes Sinfonie hat Mahler das Werk als „sinfonischen Liederzyklus“ bezeichnet, aus Angst, eine 9. Sinfonie könnte – wie bei seinen Vorbildern Ludwig van Beethoven und Anton Bruckner – seine letzte sein.

Half a year after the death of the composer Gustav Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde under the direction of Bruno Walter is premiered in Munich. For avoiding the word symphony, Mahler called the work a "symphonic song cycle", for fear that a 9th symphony could be his last, as in his role models Ludwig van Beethoven and Anton Bruckner.

Der deutsche Kaiser Wilhelm II. verbietet das Tanzen von Tango in Uniform wegen Unschicklichkeit.

The German Kaiser Wilhelm II forbids the dancing of Tango in uniform because of impropriety.




Hu Yaobang (胡耀邦), homme politique chinois, secrétaire général du Parti communiste chinois de 1980 à 1987
a high-ranking official of the People's Republic of China. He held the top office of the Communist Party of China from 1981 to 1987, first as Chairman from 1981 to 1982, then as General Secretary from 1982 to 1987. Hu joined the Chinese Communist Party in the 1930s, and rose to prominence as a comrade of Deng Xiaoping. During the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), Hu was purged, recalled, and purged again.

The Central Council of Ukraine, founded in March, proclaims the autonomous Ukrainian People's Republic within the federative new Soviet Russia.

1917/1120:WWⅠ「Battle of Cambrai」begins
British forces make early progress in an attack on German positions but are later pushed back.

Lors de cette offensive, les Britanniques ont utilisé pour la première fois en masse des chars d'assaut (en anglais tank, « réservoir »), les Mark IV. Cette offensive, initialement une réussite, fut cependant largement entamée par la contre-offensive allemande.

The violinist Ben Selvin plays the instrumental piece Dardanella with Victor Records, which will exceed the limit of 3 million copies sold as the first single in the history of music.

1924/1120:Benoît Mandelbrot 192410、誕生

mathématicien français
Il a travaillé, au début de sa carrière, sur des applications originales de la théorie de l’information, puis développé ensuite une nouvelle classe d’objets mathématiques : les objets fractals, ou fractales.

1975年、マンデルブロは一連の図形を表現するためにフラクタルという概念を考案し、1977年に 『Les objets fractals: forme, hasard et dimension』 という論文で発表した。

1925/1120:Robert Kennedy 192568、誕生

Robert « Bobby » Kennedy, homme politique américain, procureur général des États-Unis de 1961 à 1964
an American politician and lawyer from Massachusetts. He served as a United States senator from New York from January 1965 until his assassination in June 1968. He was previously the 64th U.S. attorney general from January 1961 to September 1964, serving under his older brother President John F. Kennedy and his successor, President Lyndon B. Johnson


1925/1120:Maïa Plissetskaïa 192515、誕生

(Майя Михайловна Плисецкая), danseuse, chorégraphe, actrice et écrivaine russe
une danseuse russe, considérée comme l'une des plus grandes ballerines et surnommée la « Diva de la danse ».


Dorothea Angermann von Gerhart Hauptmann wird an siebzehn deutschsprachigen Bühnen gleichzeitig uraufgeführt.

Dorothea Angermann by Gerhart Hauptmann will be premiered simultaneously on seventeen German-language stages.





The Västerbron is inaugurated in Stockholm. The two arched structures of the bridge connect the districts Södermalm and Kungsholmen.

1936/1120:José Antonio Primo de Rivera 190336、銃殺刑

José Antonio Primo de Rivera, founder of the Falange, is killed by a republican execution squad.
After the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the leader of the Spanish fascist party Falange, José Antonio Primo de Rivera, is executed by the Republicans. His successor will be Francisco Franco. From followers of Franquism this day is still celebrated as 20-N.
un abogado y político español, primogénito del dictador Miguel Primo de Rivera y principal líder del fascismo español como fundador de Falange Española. Acusado de conspiración y rebelión militar contra el Gobierno de la Segunda República, fue condenado a muerte y finalmente ejecutado durante los primeros meses de la Guerra Civil Española.


1936/1120:Donald Richard DeLillo 1936--、誕生

an American novelist, playwright and essayist. His works have covered subjects as diverse as television, nuclear war, sports, the complexities of language, performance art, the Cold War, mathematics, the advent of the digital age, politics, economics, and global terrorism.

1988年、ジョンFケネディ暗殺犯のオズワルドを主人公にした『リブラ 時の秤』がベストセラとなり、名実ともに現代アメリカを代表する作家となった。

1937/1120:Ruth Laredo 193705、誕生

an American classical pianist.
She became known in the 1970s in particular for her premiere recordings of the 10 sonatas of Scriabin and



Hungary becomes a signatory of the Tripartite Pact, officially joining the Axis powers.


Arrestation du Général Weygand.

11 novembre 1942, il est interné dans le Reich de novembre 1942 à la fin de la guerre. Il reste après-guerre un défenseur de la mémoire du maréchal Pétain, et soutient les partisans de l'Algérie française pendant la guerre d'Algérie.

1942/1120:USA「Alaska Highway」
is officially opened. The construction of the road was accelerated by the US after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor from a military point of view. The road connects Dawson Creek, located in the Canadian province of British Columbia, with Delta Junction in the US state of Alaska.

1943/1120:Edward Bagnall Poulton 185643、死去

a British evolutionary biologist who was a lifelong advocate of natural selection through a period in which many scientists such as Reginald Punnett doubted its importance. He invented the term sympatric for evolution of species in the same place, and in his book The Colours of Animals (1890) was the first to recognise frequency-dependent selection.



1943/1120:WWⅡ「Battle of Tarawa (Operation Galvanic)」
 begins: United States Marines land on Tarawa Atoll in the Gilbert Islands and suffer heavy fire from Japanese shore guns and machine guns.


「Shigeru Honjoo」a general in the Imperial Japanese Army during the early period of the Second Sino-Japanese War. He was considered an ardent follower of Sadao Araki's doctrines.



≫ 多年軍ノ要職ニ奉仕致シナカラ御国ヲシテ遂ニ今日ノ如キ破局ニ近キ未曾有ノ悲境ヲ見ルニ立到ラシメタル仮令退役トハ云ヘ何共恐懼ノ至リニ耐ヘス罪万死ニ値ス 満州事変ハ排日ノ極鉄道爆破ニ端ヲ発シ関東軍トシテ自衛上止ムヲ得サルニ出テタルモノニシテ何等政府及ヒ最高軍部ノ指示ヲ受ケタルモノニアラス全ク当時ノ関東軍司令官タル予一個ノ責任ナリトス 爰ニ責ヲ負ヒ世ヲ辞スルニ当タリ謹テ聖寿ノ万歳、国体ノ護持、御国ノ復興ヲ衷心ヨリ念願シ奉ル  昭和二十年九月 本庄 繁 花押


Nuremberg trials: Trials against 24 Nazi war criminals start at the Palace of Justice at Nuremberg.
Im Justizpalast in Nürnberg beginnt mit der Verlesung der Anklage der Prozess gegen zwanzig führende Persönlichkeiten des „Dritten Reichs“, darunter Hermann Göring, Joachim von Ribbentrop und Julius Streicher, wegen Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit.

1947/1120:Wolfgang Borchert 192147、死去

「ヴォルフガング ボルヒェルト」
ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Sein schmales Werk von Kurzgeschichten, Gedichten und einem Theaterstück machte Borchert nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zu einem der bekanntesten Autoren der Trümmerliteratur.

1947/1120:UK、エリザベスII の結婚

The Princess Elizabeth marries Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten, who becomes the Duke of Edinburgh, at Westminster Abbey in London.

1952/1120:Benedetti Croce 186652、死去

un filosofo, storico, politico, critico letterario e scrittore italiano, principale ideologo del liberalismo novecentesco italiano ed esponente del neoidealismo.

≫ すべての歴史は現代史である。

The uprising of Klaksvík reaches one of its most dramatic climaxes in Tvøroyri with the assassination attempt on Kristian Djurhuus, the Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands. Djurhuus remains uninjured, but for Faroese circumstances, it will remain one of the most serious domestic motivated violent acts in their history.


linguiste japonais, fondateur de l'influente « grammaire Yamada », et a été le premier à utiliser le mot « chinjutsu » comme terme linguistique.

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child is adopted by the United Nations.

proclamation de la Déclaration des droits de l'enfant.

1962/1120:PRChina vs India「國境紛爭」停戦
After achieving its war aims, the People's Republic of China proclaims a unilateral ceasefire in the Indian-Chinese border war. India's approval on the following day ends the conflict that began on October 20.

1962/1120:USA vs USSR「Cuban Missile Crisis」ends
In response to the Soviet Union agreeing to remove its missiles from Cuba, U.S. President John F. Kennedy ends the quarantine of the Caribbean nation.

1965/1120:Lawrence Wager 190465、死去

a British geologist, explorer and mountaineer, described as "one of the finest geological thinkers of his generation" and best remembered for his work on the Skaergaard intrusion in Greenland, and for his attempt on Mount Everest in 1933.

The sponge-diver Andreas Karolou discovers the Kyrenia ship from the pre-Roman Iron Age off the north coast of Cyprus.

The Swiss canton of Zurich votes against women's suffrage in a referendum.

1967/1120:Kazimierz Funk 188467、死去

commonly anglicized as Casimir Funk, was a Polish-Jewish biochemist, generally credited with being among the first to formulate (in 1912) the concept of vitamins, which he called "vital amines" or "vitamines".


A total of 78 miners are killed in an explosion at the Consolidated Coal Company’s No. 9 mine in Farmington, West Virginia in the Farmington Mine disaster

1969/1120:ベトナム戦争 Vietnam War
The Plain Dealer publishes explicit photographs of dead villagers from the My Lai Massacre in Vietnam.

1969/1120:USA「Occupation of Alcatraz」
Native American activists seize control of Alcatraz Island until being ousted by the U.S. Government on June 11, 1971.


The United States Department of Justice files its final anti-trust suit against AT&T Corporation. This suit later leads to the breakup of AT&T and its Bell System.

1975/1120:Francisco Franco 189275、死去

un militar y dictador español, integrante del grupo de altos cargos de la cúpula militar que dio el golpe de Estado de 1936 contra el Gobierno democrático de la Segunda República, cuyo fracaso desembocó en la guerra civil española.

Muere en Madrid el dictador español General Franco. Con el segundo 20-N, el tiempo del Franquismo termina.

In Madrid dies the Spanish dictator General Franco. With the second 20-N the time of Franquism ends.

1976/1120:Trofim Denissovitch Lyssenko 189876、死去

(Трофим Денисович Лысенко), ingénieur agronome soviétique
 ロシアの園芸家で生物学者であったミチュリンの交配理論を支持し、メンデル遺伝を排斥した。またそれらを疑似科学運動に適用し「ルイセンコ学説」と命名。 ミチュリン主義農法の創立者で指導者、ソ連科学アカデミ(1939)、ウクライナ国立アカデミ(1934)、全ソ連農業アカデミ(1935)を歴任した共産党



Tetsuro Komai, peintre graveur et illustrateur japonais
生涯にわたり一貫してエッチングを制作し、モノクロームの世界で、自己の内面、幻想、夢などを表現し続けた。作風は、Paul Klee 187940 の影響が濃い抽象的幻想的なもの、樹木や風景を繊細で克明なタッチで描いたものなどがある。

Egyptian President Anwar Sadat becomes the first Arab leader to officially visit Israel, when he meets Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin and speaks before the Knesset in Jerusalem, seeking a permanent peace settlement.

1978/1120:Giorgio de Chirico 188878、死去

un pittore e scrittore italiano, principale esponente della corrente artistica della pittura metafisica.

The Song of Love, 1914

The Seer, 1914–15,

Grand Mosque seizure: About 200 Sunni Muslims revolt in Saudi Arabia at the site of the Kaaba in Mecca during the pilgrimage and take about 6000 hostages. The Saudi government receives help from Pakistani special forces to put down the uprising.



Lake Peigneur drains into an underlying salt deposit. A misplaced Texaco oil probe had been drilled into the Diamond Crystal Salt Mine, causing water to flow down into the mine, eroding the edges of the hole.

1985/1120:Microsoft Windows 1.0 is released.

1989/1120:チェコスロヴァキア「Velvet Revolution」
The number of protesters assembled in Prague, Czechoslovakia swells from 200,000 the day before to an estimated half-million.

Andrei Chikatilo, one of the Soviet Union's most prolific serial killers, is arrested; he eventually confesses to 56 killings.


An Azerbaijani MI-8 helicopter carrying 19 peacekeeping mission team with officials and journalists from Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan is shot down by Armenian military forces in Khojavend District of Azerbaijan.

In England, a fire breaks out in Windsor Castle, badly damaging the castle and causing over £50 million worth of damage.

1993/1120:USA「Savings and loan crisis」
The United States Senate Ethics Committee issues a stern censure of California senator Alan Cranston for his "dealings" with savings-and-loan executive Charles Keating.


a Japanese dramatist, translator, and literary critic. In the 1950s he became known for his satirical play Kitty Typhoon and also The Man Who Stroked a Dragon.

The Angolan government and UNITA rebels sign the Lusaka Protocol in Zambia, ending 19 years of civil war. (Localized fighting resumes the next year.)

A fire breaks out in an office building in Hong Kong, killing 41 people and injuring 81.

Galina Starowoitova, Russian reform minister and deputy leader of the Democratic Russia Party, is assassinated in Saint Petersburg.

В Санкт-Петербурге убита Галина Старовайтова, министр российской реформы и заместитель лидера партии «Демократическая Россия».

A court in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan declares accused terrorist Osama bin Laden "a man without a sin" in regard to the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.

The first module of the International Space Station, Zarya, is launched.

Sarja, the first module of the International Space Station (ISS), is launched with a Russian proton-K rocket from Baikonur.

2000/1120:Japan、Honda Robot
Honda introduces the humanoid robot ASIMO to the public.


Seattle Mariners' Ichiro won the first Japanese MVP with Major League baseball.

Two attacks on British institutions in Istanbul kill at least 27 people.

After the November 15 bombings, a second day of the 2003 Istanbul bombings occurs in Istanbul, Turkey, destroying the Turkish head office of HSBC Bank AS and the British consulate.




2006/1120:Robert Altman 192506、死去

an American film director, screenwriter, and film producer. A five-time nominee of the Academy Award for Best Director and an enduring figure from the New Hollywood era, Altman was considered a "maverick" in making films with a highly naturalistic but stylized and satirical aesthetic, unlike most Hollywood films. He is consistently ranked as one of the greatest and most influential filmmakers in American cinema.



Following a hostage siege, at least 19 people are killed in Bamako, Mali.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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