


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 12/11 今日の出來事




Hun Han / former Zhao general Liu Yao led troops captured Chang'an, prisoners Jin Emperor, the West died.




Julian enters Constantinople as sole Emperor of the Roman Empire.

After the funeral of his predecessor and opponent Constantius II, who died on 3 November, Emperor Julian begins his attempt to withdraw the Constantinian turn and to abandon Christianity.







Assassination of the Abbasid caliph al-Mutawakkil by the Turkish guard, who raise al-Muntasir to the throne. Start of the "Anarchy at Samarra".



Liao Taizong Yelv Deguang emperor.

遼太宗耶律德光090247,大契丹國第二位皇帝(927年12月11日至947年5月15日在位),在位20年。字「德謹」,契丹名「耶律堯骨」,遼太祖耶律阿保機次子。 947年2月24日,遼太宗耶律德光將國號由“大契丹國”改為“大遼”,成為遼朝首位皇帝。



Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros II Phokas is assassinated by his wife Theophano and her lover, the later Emperor John I Tzimiskes.

le général Jean Ier Tzimiskès fait assassiner l'empereur byzantin Nicéphore II Phocas et prend sa place.



"The latter three years" warfare is a battle that happened in Mutsuokuni and Dewa countries in the latter half of the Heian period, Mr. Kiyohara, who actually controlled Ou wo after the "Nine years" war, was destroyed, Oshu Fujiwara clan. made an opportunity to appear.



1241/1211:02モンゴル皇帝 Ögedei Khan 118641、崩去

the third son of Genghis Khan and second Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, succeeding his father. He continued the expansion of the empire that his father had begun, and was a world figure when the Mongol Empire reached its farthest extent west and south during the Mongol invasions of Europe and East Asia.


Battle of Orewin Bridge: Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, the last native Prince of Wales, is killed at Cilmeri, near Builth Wells, in mid-Wales.

In the Battle of Orewin Bridge, the British under King Edward I defeat the Welsh. Their leader Llywelyn ap Gruffydd is killed in the fighting. Wales is under English dependency.

1282/1211:Llywelyn ap Gruffudd 122382、敗死

「ルウェリン・アプ・グリフィズ」Prince of Wales (Latin: Princeps Wallie; Welsh: Tywysog Cymru) from 1258 until his death at Cilmeri in 1282.
The son of Gruffudd ap Llywelyn Fawr and grandson of Llywelyn the Great, he was the last sovereign prince of Wales before its conquest by Edward I of England.




1282/1211:Michel VIII Paléologue 122582、崩去

(Μιχαήλ Η΄ Παλαιολόγος), empereur byzantin de 1261 à 1282
reigned as Byzantine Emperor 1259–1282. Michael VIII was the founder of the Palaiologan dynasty that would rule the Byzantine Empire until the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. He recovered Constantinople from the Latin Empire in 1261 and transformed the Empire of Nicaea into a restored Byzantine Empire.


The restored Byzantine Empire in 1265


1465/1211(寛正06/1123):09室町將軍 足利義尚146589、誕生

Ashikaga Yoshihisa (足利 義尚):the 9th shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate who reigned from 1473 to 1489 during the Muromachi 室町 period of Japan. Yoshihisa was the son of the eighth shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa 足利義政143690 with his wife Hino Tomiko 日野富子144096.

In Ou'nin's Ran, he was recruited as a contending candidate for his uncle' s Ashikaga Yoshimi 足利義視143991 for his military service. After the turbulent period, in order to recover the power of the Muromachi shogunate which faded, he was struggling to actively rebuild the shogunate such as Rokkaku's conquest, but he died in the camp in Oumi-koku 近江國.



the preacher and future theoretician of Protestantism Ulrich Zwingli is elected to the cure of the cathedral of Zurich

le prédicateur et futur théoricien du protestantisme Ulrich Zwingli est élu à la cure de la cathédrale de Zurich

A surprise attack by forces under the command of Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy, and his brother-in-law, Philip III of Spain, is repelled by the citizens of Geneva. 

dans la nuit du 11 au 12 décembre, attaque savoyarde sur la ville de Genève, épisode resté dans l'histoire sous le terme d'Escalade.

Sigismond III de Pologne épouse en deuxièmes noces Constance d'Autriche.



1610/1211:Adam Elsheimer 157810、死去


彼の作品のほとんどが銅板に描かれた「Cabinet painting」と呼ばれる小画面だった。だが、作品には種々樣々な照明効果が持ち込まれ、風景画については革新的な処理を施した。後續の、Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn 160669 など多くの画家に影響をあたへた。


Signing of the Treaty of Déoulino by Russia and Poland.

In the peace of Deulino, Poland-Lithuania and Muscovy agree on a truce lasting 14.5 years. The Rzeczpospolita reaches its greatest extent to the east, but Russia manages to maintain its independence.


It is the largest revolt in Japanese history that occurred in the early Edo period, and before the end of the Tokugawa period the last full-scale civil war
The trigger of the turbulence was tyranny and heavy taxes, but after the turbulence Christianity was regarded as a revolt. A year and a half after quitting, Portuguese people were expelled from Japan, so-called "鎖國 seclusion" began.


Banner of Amakusa Shiro 天草四郎


Glorious Revolution: James II of England, while trying to flee to France, throws the Great Seal of the Realm into the River Thames.

le roi Jacques II d'Angleterre (roi Jacques VII d'Écosse) s'enfuit en France. Il est formellement déposé le 6 janvier 1689.


The Swedish king Karl XII. is killed in the siege of the fortress Fredriksten in Norwegian Fredrikshald by a shot, whether by a ball of enemy or its own ranks, is unclear. His sister Ulrika Eleonore takes over the government and is later confirmed as queen.



1725/1211:George Mason 172592、誕生

a Virginia planter and politician, and a delegate to the U.S. Constitutional Convention of 1787, one of three delegates, together with fellow Virginian Edmund Randolph and Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, who refused to sign the constitution.


Durante gli scavi di Ercolano, si trova un'iscrizione sul teatro della città antica e ora si sa che ulteriori reperti nel pavimento di lava possono essere nascosti.
During excavations in Herculaneum, one finds an inscription about the theater of the ancient city and now knows that further finds in the lava floor may be hidden.




In New England, the war of independence gains the colonies of the south, Caroline and Georgia.


Emperor Joseph II passes the Masonic patent. This creates a Grand Lodge in Austria, which are subject to those of other crown lands. The number of boxes is limited, the Freemasonry strictly supervised by the state.


1792/1211:フランス革命、ルイ16 の裁判が始まる
Début du procès de Louis XVI devant la Convention

Emprisonné par Louis XVI, le nom est également désigné sous le nom « Louis Capet », il sera forcé à la vie pratique. Pendant ce temps (1792 second semestre), dans le traitement du roi, Feuillants pour défendre le roi résolument (et royaliste), jacobin à rechercher l'exécution, Girondist attention à un conflit d'essai, discuté longuement continue il est d'avoir. Après une telle impasse, comme Novembre 13, le Saint-Juste, le roi, âgé de 25 ans qui a dominé la souveraineté du peuple était à l'origine est un usurpateur souverain, en République de son existence elle-même est le péché que le roi , plutôt que de juger l'individu, de la parole que nous devrions la monarchie elle-même est la punition, le traitement du roi de ceux qui cherchent la République a plongé le girondin qui avait orchestré cette paix pour tenir dans un coin. 11 décembre Malesherbes qui ont servi à deux reprises le ministre d'État de Louis XVI a envoyé une lettre au président de la Convention nationale, a pris le conseil de Louis XVI.

The impersonated Louis XVI, whose name is also called "Louis Capée", will be forced to live inconveniently. Meanwhile (the second half of 1792), the Huyan faction (and the royalist) decisively defending the king over the treatment of the king, Jacobin school seeking the execution, the careful Gironde in court conflicted, the discussion continued for a long time It was done. After such a stalemate, on November 13, the 25-year-old Saint-Just confirmed that the king who monopolized the sovereign that the people had originally had is sovereign, and that the existence of the king himself is a crime in the Republic In spite of the speech that the monarchy itself should be punished rather than judging individuals, the king's treatment to seek Republicans fell into a dilemma in the Gironde faction that had been planning to accommodate peacefully. On December 11, Marzerbu, who had served the Secretary of State Louis XVI twice, sent a letter to the National Assembly Chairman and assumed Lewis 16's defense counsel.

Im Frieden von Posen mit Napoleon Bonaparte schließt sich Sachsen dem Rheinbund an, kommt es zu Gebietsarrondierungen, wird Kurfürst Friedrich August III der Königstitel gewährt und fällt ihm später das Herzogtum Warschau zu.


1803/1211:Hector Berlioz 180369、誕生

un compositeur, chef d'orchestre, critique musical et homme de lettres français
Reprenant, immédiatement après Beethoven, la forme symphonique créée par Haydn, Berlioz la renouvelle en profondeur par le biais de la musique à programme (Symphonie fantastique), de la symphonie concertante (Harold en Italie) et en créant la « symphonie dramatique » (Roméo et Juliette).

1810/1211:Alfred de Musset 181057、誕生

un poète et dramaturge français de la période romantique,

En 1830, il a été critiqué pour la première de la pièce "La nuit de Venise" et il continuera à écrire "le jeu pour être lu" (la collection de théâtre dans laquelle ils sont contenus est "la vue dans le fauteuil" C'était autorisé. Son jeu est caractérisé par beaucoup de prose sauf pour les premiers.

En 1833, il rencontra une écrivaine, Georges Sand, devint une relation amoureuse et écrivit une longue histoire « La Confession d'un enfant du siècle (1836)» avec une histoire d'amour avec elle.

Par le traité de Valençay, Napoléon reconnaît son prisonnier, Ferdinand VII, comme le roi d'Espagne légitime et le relâche.

Francia y España napoleónicas concluyen la paz con el Tratado de Valençay en la Guerra de la Independencia española y acuerdan el regreso de Fernando VII al trono español.

# Le traité de Valençay est un acte conclu le 11 décembre 1813 entre Ferdinand VII, roi d'Espagne, interné au Château de Valençay, et Napoléon Ier, empereur des Français, permettant à Ferdinand VII de retrouver son trône d'où il avait été déposé par les Français en 1808. La régence et les Cortès d'Espagne ayant refusé de ratifier le traité, Napoléon finit par libérer Ferdinand en mars 1814 sans pouvoir obtenir son application.

The U.S. Senate creates a select committee on finance and a uniform national currency, predecessor of the United States Senate Committee on Finance.


1817/1211:Marie Walewska 178617、死去

, maîtresse de Napoléon Ier


1843/1211:Robert Koch 184110、誕生

ein deutscher Mediziner, Mikrobiologe und Hygieniker.
Louis Pasteur 182295 とともに「近代細菌学の開祖」と呼ばれてゐる。

The Battle of Fredericksburg begins in the Civil War. It lasts until the 15th of December.


1864/1211:Maurice Leblanc 186441、誕生

un écrivain français
Auteur de nombreux romans policiers et d’aventures, il est le créateur du célèbre personnage d’Arsène Lupin, le gentleman-cambrioleur.

Born in Rouen, a regional city in Normandy. It was the home doctor of Leblanc who took him up, he was the older brother of Gustave Flaubert 182180.

Paraguayan War: Brazilian troops defeat Paraguayan at the Battle of Avay.


In Bremerhaven, the most serious assassination attempt in Germany to date with the attack on the Moselle.
A premature bomb blast during the loading process kills 83 people to death and demands about 200 injured. The explosive should sink the ship on the high seas and be a means of insurance fraud.



1890/1211:Carlos Gardel 189035、誕生

un cantante, compositor y actor de cine. Es el más conocido representante del género en la historia del tango.
Due to the sudden death of an airplane accident at the height of its popularity, he is still a national hero of Argentina not only in the world of tango yet.


「Shouji Tarou」a popular Japanese ryūkōka singer.
With Lloyd glasses, wearing a tail clothes, he sang with upright immovable posture.

Second Boer War: In the Battle of Magersfontein the Boers commanded by general Piet Cronjé inflict a defeat on the forces of the British Empire commanded by Lord Methuen trying to relieve the Siege of Kimberley.

lors de la bataille de Magersfontein, les Boers infligent une sévère défaite aux troupes de l'Empire britannique commandées par Lord Methuen.

A workers' uprising occurs in Kiev, Ukraine (then part of the Russian Empire), and establishes the Shuliavka Republic.


The New Zealand Parliament Buildings are almost completely destroyed by fire.


1911/1211:Naguib Mahfouz 191106、誕生

(نجيب محفوظ), écrivain égyptien, prix Nobel de littérature en 1988
un écrivain égyptien contemporain de langue arabe et un intellectuel réputé d’Égypte, ayant reçu le prix Nobel de littérature en 1988.

1912/1211:Carlo Ponti 191207、誕生

un produttore cinematografico italiano.
Laureatosi in giurisprudenza, si occupa di cinema dal 1940. Nel primo dopoguerra lavora per la Lux Film ricoprendo, con Dino De Laurentiis, il ruolo di produttore esecutivo. In particolare segue molti registi esordienti, come Pietro Germi, Luigi Zampa, Luigi Comencini, Steno e Mario Monicelli.

1913/1211:Jean Marais 191398、誕生

(Jean Alfred Villain-Marais, dit), acteur, écrivain, peintre et sculpteur français

1933年に映画デビュ。1937年に Jean Cocteau 188963 と知りあふ。舞台『恐るべき親達』で主役を演じ、俳優としての地歩を固める。第二次世界大戦に出征後、舞台と映画で活躍。戦後は『美女と野獣』1946、『オルフェ』1949 など、ほとんどのコクトウ作品に出演

British General Edmund Allenby enters Jerusalem on foot and declares martial law.


1918/1211:Ivan Cankar 187618、死去

a Slovene writer, playwright, essayist, poet and political activist.
He is regarded as the greatest writer in the Slovene language, and has sometimes been compared to Franz Kafka and James Joyce.


Ivan Cankar as a martyr: caricature by Hinko Smrekar, 1913

1918/1211:Alexandre Soljenitsyne 191808、誕生

(Александр Исаевич Солженицын), écrivain russe, prix Nobel de littérature en 1970.
Pусский писатель, драматург, публицист, поэт, общественный и политический деятель, живший и работавший в СССР, Швейцарии, США и России.

Irish War of Independence: In retaliation for a recent IRA ambush, British forces burn and loot numerous buildings in Cork city. Many civilians report being beaten, shot at, robbed and verbally abused by British forces.

saccage de Cork par les Black and Tans lors de la guerre d'indépendance irlandaise.

1925/1211:Paul Greengard 1925--、誕生

, neuroscientifique américain, prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine en 2000.
an American neuroscientist best known for his work on the molecular and cellular function of neurons

Roman Catholic papal encyclical Quas primas introduces the Feast of Christ the King.


Hitler "Mein Kriegskampf" Band 2, Veröffentlichung.


The Chinese Communist Party mobilized the Left Forces of the National Revolutionary Army and workers' organizations to capture Guangzhou and the riot broke out in Guangzhou.

Guangzhou Uprising: Communist Red Guards launch an uprising in Guangzhou, China, taking over most of the city and announcing the formation of a Guangzhou Soviet.

Bankruptcy of the Bank of United States, with sixty branches and four hundred thousand depositors.


Après une virulente campagne de presse, le préfet de police Jean Chiappe fait saisir le film L'Âge d'or de Luis Buñuel et Salvador Dalí.

After a virulent press campaign, the police prefect Jean Chiappe seizes the film The Golden Age of Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí.

1931/1211:Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh 193190、誕生

「バグワン シュリ ラジニシ」an Indian Godman and leader of the Rajneesh movement. During his lifetime he was viewed as a controversial mystic, guru, and spiritual teacher.

1931/1211:GB「Statute of Westminster 1931」UK
The British Parliament establishes legislative equality between the UK and the Dominions of the Commonwealth—Australia, Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand, South Africa, and Ireland.

le Statut de Westminster abolit les quelques pouvoirs qu'avait conservé le gouvernement britannique sur les dominions, qui deviennent ainsi totalement souverains.


「Mori Tsutomu(Kaku)」昭和時代戦前の政事家、立憲政友会衆議院議員
An imperialist who confessed "Oriental Cecil Rose". He partnered with the military and played a major role in the Chinese invasion of Japan.
When the Tanaka cabinet resigned in full, in 1929, he became secretary general of the Futsushi Association. In February 1931 he took up the "London Naval Disarmament Treaty", attacked Foreign Minister Kishiro Shimahara on temporary prime minister, shook Hamaguchi Cabinet. After the second Wakatsuki cabinet, when the cabinet of the Futsu-kai was established, he became president of the Cabinet. However, the forest emphasizing the relationship with the military and the dog culture of a genuine political party politician are in conflict with the continental policy. Forest recommends cabinet reshuffle for dog culture, but can not be contained, submit a resignation, it is taken as custody. In the "Fifty-one Five Incident" on May 15, 1932, I smiled a smile of my conscience. However, he developed on July the same year. December 11, asthma of chronic disease accompanied pneumonia, died at the residence Kamakura Kaihama Hotel.

1936/1211:UK「Abdication Crisis」
Edward VIII's abdication as King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, and Emperor of India, becomes effective.

With His Majesty's Declaration of Abdication Act 1936, the abdication of Edward VIII as British monarch is valid. Eduard VIII's successor will be his younger brother Georg VI.

Second Italo-Ethiopian War: Italy leaves the League of Nations.

Ritiro dell'Italia dalla Società delle Nazioni, a seguito delle sanzioni imposte dall'organizzazione internazionale contro lo stato fascista, in seguito all'invasione dell'Etiopia.

Germany and Italy declare war on the United States, following the Americans' declaration of war on the Empire of Japan in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
The United States, in turn, declares war on them.


Poland declares war on the Empire of Japan.


The Imperial Japanese Navy suffers its first loss of surface vessels during the Battle of Wake Island.




1944/1211:フランス『Le Monde』創立
le journal Le Monde est fondé par Hubert Beuve-Méry.

え? もっと歴史を持ってゐると思ってた。

l'UNICEF est créée par les Nations unies.

The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is established.

Arab–Israeli War: The United Nations passes General Assembly Resolution 194, creating a Conciliation Commission to mediate the conflict.



a Japanese physicist and a pioneer of Japanese physics during the Meiji period.

1900明治33、パリで開催された万国物理学会では、Henri Poincaré 185412 やキュリイ夫妻、など当時の著名な物理学者とともに参加、「磁歪」の研究成果を報告





French forces crack down in a violent clash with protesters in French Algeria during a visit by French President Charles de Gaulle.

Manifestations de décembre 1960 pour l'indépendance de l'Algérie à Alger et dans plusieurs villes algériennes.

Adolf Eichmann is convicted in the Eichmann trial by the Jerusalem District Court for crimes against humanity. The sentence will be announced on 15 December.


1964/1211:Alma Mahler-Werfel 187964、死去

eine Persönlichkeit der Kunst-, Musik- und Literaturszene in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sie war die Ehefrau des Komponisten Gustav Mahler, des Architekten Walter Gropius und des Dichters Franz Werfel sowie Geliebte des Malers Oskar Kokoschka und weiterer prominenter Männer.


Die Eltern Walter Gropius und Alma Mahler mit ihrer Tochter Manon Gropius (1918)

Manon who Alma gave birth as a daughter of Gropius was a revered beautiful girl, but he was frail and died. Composer ALban Berg 188535 who was pretentious about Manon composed the Violin Concerto with "a certain angel's memories" with a dedication. That was his remains.

1964/1211:Sam Cooke 193164、死去

an American singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur.
Influential as both a singer and composer, he is commonly known as the King of Soul for his distinctive vocals and importance within popular music.


Che Guevara speaks at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.




In Toulouse invited guests are presented with the prototype of the British-French joint project Concorde.


1969/1211:Albrecht von Urach 190369、死去

ein deutscher Adeliger, Künstler und Kriegsautor, Fotojournalist und Diplomat.
a German nobleman, artist and wartime author, journalist, linguist and diplomat.

1934年にアルブレヒトはイタリアで、Anna Mahler(Gustav Mahler 186011 の娘)から借りたヴェネツィアのフラットに住んでいたときに、サンマルコ広場での演説会の後のムッソリニとヒトラの秘密会談の写真を撮影した。この写真によって彼はフォトジャナリストとしての名声を獲得、
1934/09から東京を拠点としてドイツの新聞数誌と契約して、日中戦争ノモンハン事件などを取材した。 ジャーナリストになるために彼はナチスに入党さへした。ドイツの東京駐在武官で後に駐日大使となったオイゲン・オットは、ウラッハ家とは家族ぐるみの交際があった。彼らは赤軍の有名なスパイであった Richard Sorge 189544 とは飲み仲間でもあった。

極東の専門家としてアルブレヒトは、ベルリンに起居しながら1939年から1943年にかけての多くの時間を軍國日本の躍進についての執筆に費やした。それは1943年に出版され、八十万冊も売れた、アルブレヒトの最も知られた著作「日本の強さの秘密」(Japans schöpferische Aussenpolitik )となった。


Apollo 17 becomes the sixth and last Apollo mission to land on the Moon.


1978/1211:Vincent du Vigneaud 1909178、死去

an American biochemist. He won the 1955 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his work on biochemically important sulphur compounds, especially for the first synthesis of a polypeptide hormone," a reference to his work on the cyclic peptide oxytocin.


The Lufthansa heist is committed by a group led by Lucchese family associate Jimmy Burke. It was the largest cash robbery ever committed on American soil, at that time.


1981/1211:エルサルバドル「El Mozote massacre」
Armed forces in El Salvador kill an estimated 900 civilians in an anti-guerrilla campaign during the Salvadoran Civil War.


39-year-old Muhammad Ali completes the last boxing match of his career. In the drama in the Bahamas, the already drawn by illness loses clearly on points against Trevor Berbick.




John Philip Sousa's composition Stars and Stripes Forever from 1896 becomes the official national march of the United States.



John Gotti, the boss of NewYork's mafia organization' Gambino family 'arrested.



Demonstrations by students and workers across Albania begin, which eventually trigger the fall of communism in Albania.






1994/1211:チェチェン「First Chechen War」
Russian President Boris Yeltsin orders Russian troops into Chechnya.


A bomb explodes on Philippine Airlines Flight 434, en route from Manila, Philippines, to Tokyo, Japan, killing one. The captain is able to safely land the plane.


1997/1211:地球温暖化防止京都会議 (COP3) が閉幕、
The Kyoto Protocol opens for signature.

In Kyoto, the Kyoto Protocol is signed as an Additional Protocol to the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): The 2012 agreement sets binding targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which are seen as triggering global warming.

Thai Airways Flight 261 crashes near Surat Thani Airport, killing 101. The pilot flying the Airbus A310-300 is thought to have suffered spatial disorientation.



After 15 years of negotiations, the People's Republic of China officially joined the World Trade Organization. This is the longest negotiation time in GATT / WTO history.
The People's Republic of China joins the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust is opened in Tehran, Iran, by then-president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; nations such as Israel and the United States express concern.

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's desired Holocaust conference begins. The two-day meeting in Tehran is a propagandistic stage for speakers who deny or challenge the Holocaust and doubt Israel's right to exist.

Felipe Calderón, the President of Mexico, launches a military-led offensive to put down the drug cartel violence in the state of Michoacán. This effort is often regarded as the first event in the Mexican Drug War.


2007/1211:アルジェ「Insurgency in the Maghreb」
Two car bombs explode in Algiers, Algeria, one near the Supreme Constitutional Court and the other near the offices of the United Nations.


The first stable version of the web browser Google Chrome, for Windows, is released worldwide.




2012/1211:Ravi Shankar 192012、死去

his name often preceded by the title Pandit ('Master'), was a Bengali Indian musician and a composer of Hindustani classical music. He was one of the best-known proponents of the sitar in the second half of the 20th century and influenced many other musicians throughout the world.
(Rabindra Shankar Chowdhury (রবীন্দ্র শঙ্কর চৌধুরী), dit),

Shankar performing at Woodstock in 1969


At least 125 people are killed and up to 200 injured in bombings in the Alawite village of Aqrab, Syria.


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World