


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
1815/1015、セントヘレナ流刑となった Napoléon Bonaparte 176921


歴史暦:古今東西 10/15 今日の出來事

詩人は思ひ描く、歴史と悲劇、悲劇の誕生と歴史の終焉 豫定調和の王道樂土

-070/1015:ラテン語の大詩人 Publius Vergilius Maro -07019、誕生

ウェルギリウス」un poeta latino.


≫ 汝等、深海からのスキュラの雄叫びが響く岩礁に近づいた汝等よ、キュクロプスの岩山を経験した汝等よ。勇氣を震ひ起こし、悲哀と恐怖を追ひはらふがよい。これらの苦難を思ひだしては喜べる日が訪れることもあらう。『アエネイス』


0961/1015:ウマヤド朝のカリフ Abd-ar-Rahman III 088961、崩去

「アブダル・ラマン」全部云ふと (′Abd ar-Rahmān ibn Muhammad ibn ′Abd Allāh ibn Muhammad ibn ′abd ar-Rahman ibn al-Hakam ar-Rabdi ibn Hisham ibn ′abd ar-Rahman ad-Dakhil)
the Emir & Caliph of Córdoba (0912~61) of the Umayyad dynasty in al-Andalus. Called al-Nasir li-Din Allah ( Defender of God's Faith),
he ascended the throne in his early 20s, and reigned for half a century as the most powerful prince of Iberia


1066/1015:イングランド王位に Edgar the Ætheling
is proclaimed King of England, but is never crowned. He reigns until 10 December 1066.


The Jin Dynasty Hailing King from the Kaifeng sent troops to the Southern Song Dynasty and eventually failed.



1211/1015:Latin vs Nicae「Battle of the Rhyndacus」
The Latin emperor Henry of Flanders defeats the Nicaean emperor Theodore I Laskaris.



1529/1015:Austria vs Turk「ウイン包圍戰」
ends as the Austrians rout the invading Turks, turning the tide against almost a century of unchecked conquest throughout eastern and central Europe by the Ottoman Empire.


1564/1015:フランドルの解剖學者 Andreas Vesalius 151464、死去

a Flemish anatomist, physician, and author of one of the most influential books on human anatomy, De humani corporis fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human Body).
He was born in Brussels, which though now part of Belgium, was then part of the Habsburg Netherlands. He was professor at the University of Padua and later became Imperial physician at the court of Emperor Charles V.
ブリュッセルの御殿醫の家に生まれ、Karl V 150058 の從者となった。後には侍醫となった。が、

1576: Die von Herzog Julius von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel gestiftete Universität Helmstedt, die sich während der Dauer ihres Bestehens zu einer bedeutenden protestantischen Hochschule entwickelt, wird feierlich eröffnet.

1582/1015:スペインの神女 Thérèse d'Ávila 151582、死去

またの呼び名は「Teresa de Jesús」una monja, fundadora de la Orden de Carmelitas Descalzos —rama de la Orden de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo—, mística y escritora española.

Santa Teresa de Jesús, por José de Ribera, 1630


Éxtasis de Santa Teresa. Escultura de Gian Lorenzo Bernini.


1605/1015:Jalâluddin Muhammad Akbar 154205、死去

(Jalâluddin Muhammad Akbar (جلال‏ الدين محمّد أكبر), dit), empereur moghol de 1556 à 1605.
Il est généralement considéré comme le plus grand - akbar en arabe - Moghol.


1608/1015:イタリアの科学者 Evangelista Torricelli 160847、誕生

un matematico e fisico italiano.
1641から Galileo Galilei 156242 の助手となり。その死まで研究をともにした。
トリチェリの眞空、トリチェリの定理トリチェリの問題、トリチェリ ……  

In Helmstedt wird das Hörsaal und Bibliotheksgebäude Juleum der Universität eingeweiht.



Die Universität Innsbruck wird von Kaiser Leopold I gegründet.



1763/1015:江戸期の繪師 谷文晁176341、誕生


Edward Gibbon observes a group of friars singing in the ruined Temple of Jupiter in Rome, which inspires him to begin work on The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.


1768/1015:盲目の旅行家 James Holman 176857、誕生

known as the "Blind Traveller," he was a British adventurer, author and social observer, best known for his writings on his extensive travels
Completely blind and suffering from debilitating pain and limited mobility, he undertook a series of solo journeys that were unprecedented both in their extent of geography and method of "human echolocation".

The Montgolfier brothers' hot air balloon (tethered) makes the first human ascent, piloted by Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier.



La reine Marie-Antoinette, nommée "veuve Capet", est condamnée à mort par le Tribunal révolutionnaire français.
Queen Marie Antoinette of France is tried and convicted in a swift, pre-determined trial in the Palais de Justice, Paris, and condemned to death the following day.
フランス革命: マリ・アントワネットが革命裁判で死刑判決。



1805/1015:第三次同盟戦争「Bataille d'Ulm」一日で終る
After the Battle of Elchingen in the Third Coalition War, negotiations began between Napoleon Bonaparte and the Austrian Field Marshal Karl Mack von Leiberich, whose army was surrounded by the French troops under Ulm by Michel Ney.


1814/1015:ロシアの作家 Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov 181441、誕生

「レルモントフ」русский поэт, прозаик, драматург, художник
a Russian Romantic writer, poet and painter, sometimes called "the poet of the Caucasus", the most important Russian poet after Alexander Pushkin's death in 1837 and the greatest figure in Russian Romanticism. His influence on later Russian literature is still felt in modern times, not only through his poetry, but also through his prose, which founded the tradition of the Russian psychological novel.

Napoléon Bonaparte entre dans l'île de Sainte-Hélène, où il passera ses dernières années en exil.

Napoleon I of France begins his exile on Saint Helena in the Atlantic Ocean.



1817/1015:ポウランドの國民的英雄 Tadeusz Kościuszko 174617、死去

un officier polonais qui participe à la guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis et organise une insurrection contre la domination russe et prussienne en 1794.
Il est aujourd'hui considéré comme un héros national en Pologne, en Biélorussie, en Lituanie et aux États-Unis.



彼がアメリカ獨立戰爭に加はってゐた時、將軍の George Washington 173299 が彼に云った「タディ(タデウシュの愛稱)よ、君の姓の Kościuszko は発音が難しいな、云ひにくい」、するとコシチュシュコは輕妙に答へた「云ひにくい?でも Washington と同じく Kościuszko もたったの三音節ですよ」。

1831/1015:イギリスの明治日本の訪問者 Isabella Lucy Bird 183104、誕生

a English explorer, writer, photographer, and naturalist

東方旅行に赴いた彼女は、1878明治十一年の六月から九月にかけて日本を訪れ、東京から日光、新潟へ拔け、日本海側を北海道へ行く北日本の旅をした。十月からは、關西の都會や伊勢などを訪ねた。この時の旅行を『Unbeaten Tracks in Japan』1880として本にした。

1838/1015:日本發の寫眞師 上野彦馬183804、誕生


Attentat de Marius Darmès contre Louis-Philippe.


1844/1015:この人を見よ Friedrich Nietzsche 184400、誕生

ein deutscher klassischer Philologe.


American Civil War: The HL Hunley, the first submarine to sink a ship, sinks during a test, killing its inventor, Horace Hunley.


1864/1015:南北戰爭「Battle of Glasgow」
resulting in the surrender of Glasgow, Missouri and its Union garrison, to the Confederacy.


1867/1015:日本の洋画の草分け 藤島武二186743、誕生


The Edison Electric Light Company begins operation.


38 Jahre nach Gründung des Zentral-Dombau-Vereins zu Köln wird die Vollendung des 1248 begonnenen Kölner Doms gefeiert.



1882/1015:日本の大衆小説家 野村胡堂188263、誕生


1885/1015:日本の皇族で歌人 柳原白蓮188567、誕生



1888/1015:アメリカの推理小説家 S. S. Van Dine 188839、誕生

the pseudonym used by American art critic Willard Huntington Wright when he wrote detective novels.

1888/1015:ロンドン「Jack the Ripper、警察を挑撥」
The "From Hell" letter allegedly sent by Jack the Ripper is received by investigators.


1891/1015:イギリスの探検家 Thomas W. Blakiston 183291、死去

an English explorer and naturalist.

Blakiston was the first person to notice that animals in Hokkaidō, Japan's northern island, were related to northern Asian species, whereas those on Honshū to the south were related to those from southern Asia. The Tsugaru Strait between the two islands was therefore established as a zoogeographical boundary, and became known as "Blakiston's Line".

1893/1015:日本の日本畫家 山口蓬春189371、誕生


Arrestation d'Alfred Dreyfus.

L'affaire Dreyfus commence par l'arrestation de l'officier français Alfred Dreyfus pour espionnage présumé.
The Dreyfus affair: Alfred Dreyfus is arrested for spying.


The Russian Baltic Fleet leaves Reval, Estonia for Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese War.

日露戦争: バルチック艦隊がアジアへ向けてリバウ軍港を出港。

Claude Debussy "La Mer, trois esquisses symphoniques pour orchestre" a été créé.


1905/1015:USA、マンガ「Little Nimo」誕生
In the New York Herald, the comic series ”Little Nemo”(invented and drawn by Winsor McCay)begins.


1908/1015:アメリカの経済学者 John Kenneth Galbraith 190806、誕生

a Canadian-born economist, public official, and diplomat, and a leading proponent of 20th-century American liberalism.

1910/1015:アメリカの学者で日本大使 Edwin Reischauer 191090、誕生

an American educator and professor at Harvard University. Born in Tokyo to American educational missionaries, he became a leading scholar of the history and culture of Japan and East Asia.


1915/1015:ドイツのファンタジ作者 Paul Scheerbart 186315、死去

ein deutscher Schriftsteller phantastischer Literatur und Zeichner.
He was also published under the pseudonym Kuno Küfer and is best known for the book Glasarchitektur (1914).


Illustration from Jenseits-Galeri, 1907

Scheerbart was associated with expressionist architecture and one of its leading proponents, Bruno Taut. He composed aphoristic poems about glass for the Taut's Glass Pavilion at the Werkbund Exhibition (1914).
Scheerbart's fantasy essays about glass architecture influenced architects at that time, including the young Bruno Taut. Among his Berlin friends and drinking circle was Erich Mühsam, who dedicated a chapter to Scheerbart in his 'Unpolitical Memories' and Richard Dehmel. Scheerbart was also an important influence on Walter Benjamin who quoted his ideas on glass in his Arcades Project.


1917/1015:稀代の怪女 Mata Hari 187617、スパイ容疑で銃殺

condamnée à mort pour espionnage, Mata Hari est fusillée au polygone de tir de Vincennes.
An execution commission shoots the dancer Mata Hari, who is found guilty of the double espionage and the treason by a military court, in the fortifications of the Vincennes castle.

(Margaretha Geertruida Zelle, dite), espionne néerlandaise


le jour de son arrestation.


L'exécution de Mata Hari (film de 1920).



1922/1015:明治期の自由民権運動家 大井憲太郎184322、死去



1923/1015:イタリアの作家 Italo Calvino 192385、誕生

, écrivain italien


The German Rentenmark is introduced in Germany to counter hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic.


1924/1015:アメリカの經營者 Lee Iacocca 1924--、誕生

an American automobile executive best known for spearheading the development of Ford Mustang and Pinto cars, while at the Ford Motor Company in the 1960s, and then later for reviving the Chrysler Corporation as its CEO during the 1980s




1926/1015:フランスの思想家 Michel Foucault 192684、誕生

un philosophe français dont le travail porte sur les rapports entre pouvoir et savoir.


1926/1015:ドイツのバッハ演奏家 Karl Richter 192681、誕生

ein deutscher Dirigent, Chorleiter, Organist und Cembalist.


1926/1015:アメリカのミステリ作家 Ed McBain 192605、誕生

an American author and screenwriter.
(Salvatore Lombino, dit),


1928/1015:ドイツ「Airship Zeppelin、大西洋横断」成功
The airship, Graf Zeppelin completes its first trans-Atlantic flight, landing at Lakehurst, New Jersey, United States.



In München legt Adolf Hitler den Grundstein für das Haus der deutschen Kunst, den ersten Monumentalbau des nationalsozialistischen Regimes.



The Soviet Republic of China collapses when Chiang Kai-shek's National Revolutionary Army successfully encircles Ruijin, forcing the fleeing Communists to begin the Long March.



1933/1015:東西の懸け橋 新渡戸稲造186233、逝去


Bushido: The Soul of Japan(『武士道』)で日本を世界に紹介した


1935/1015:日本の演劇演出家 蜷川幸雄193516、誕生


Charlie Chaplin's famous satire on Adolf Hitler, the great dictator, is premiered in the USA.


Das Doppelkreuz als Symbol des Diktators Hynkel


The President of Catalonia, Lluís Companys, is executed by the Spanish dictatorship of Francisco Franco, making him the only European president to have been executed.

exécution du président de la Generalitat de Catalogne, Lluís Companys, par le régime franquiste.

The Arrow Cross Party (very similar to Hitler's NSDAP (Nazi party)) takes power in Hungary.

In order to prevent a truce of Hungary with the Allies and thus a departure from the circle of the Axis powers, a German SS special unit in Budapest is carrying out Panzerfaust. Reichsverweser Miklós Horthy is arrested and replaced by Ferenc Szálasi.

The Arrow Cross Party (Hungarian: Nyilaskeresztes Párt – Hungarista Mozgalom, literally "Arrow Cross Party-Hungarist Movement") was a national socialist party led by Ferenc Szálasi, which led a government in Hungary known as the Government of National Unity from 15 October 1944 to 28 March 1945. During its short rule, ten to fifteen thousand civilians (many of whom were Jews and Romani) were murdered outright, and 80,000 people were deported from Hungary to various concentration camps in Austria. After the war, Szálasi and other Arrow Cross leaders were tried as war criminals by Hungarian courts.


In the early morning hours, the No. 5 bomber group of the Royal Air Force in the air war in the WWⅡ a heavy bomb attack on Braunschweig on the basis of the Area Bombing Directive of the British Air Ministry. The city center of Braunschweig is destroyed by the attack and the subsequent two-day fire tower 90%, about 1,000 people are killed.



1945/1015:日本の医者で文藝者 木下杢太郎188545、死去


The former premier of Vichy France Pierre Laval is shot by a firing squad for treason.







1946/1015:Hermann Göring 189346、監獄内で自殺

ein führender deutscher nationalsozialistischer Politiker. Ab Mai 1935 war er Oberbefehlshaber der deutschen Luftwaffe.

Der im Nürnberger Prozess zum Tode verurteilte Hermann Göring begeht in der Nacht vor seiner geplanten Hinrichtung mit einer Giftkapsel Selbstmord.




Mit Wolfgang Staudtes Die Mörder sind unter uns wird der erste deutsche Nachkriegsfilm uraufgeführt.






Mexican chemist Luis Miramontes conducts the very last step of the first synthesis of norethisterone, the progestin that would later be used in one of the first three oral contraceptives.


1951/1015:USA、TV「I Love Lucy」starts
The first episode of I Love Lucy, an American television sitcom starring Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, Vivian Vance, and William Frawley, airs on the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS).




British nuclear test Totem 1 is detonated at Emu Field, South Australia.


Hurricane Hazel devastates the eastern seaboard of North America, killing 95 and causing massive floods as far north as Toronto. As a Category 4 upon landfall, it is the strongest storm on record to strike as far south as North Carolina.


1955/1015:黒沢映画の音楽監督 早坂文雄191455、死去


早坂は「汎東洋主義」を主唱して、東洋的・日本的な美意識を作品に生かすことを試みた。れは、主に東洋の傳統藝術から抽出された様式美であり、彼の戦前の代表作となった『左方の舞と右方の舞』1941 では、換骨奪胎された雅楽的要素とともに日本の絵巻物を彷彿とさせるものがあった。

the first modern computer language, is shared with the coding community for the first time.


1957/1015:ベルギイの造形作家 Henry Van de Velde 186357、死去

un peintre, architecte, décorateur d'intérieur et enseignant belge,
Dans les premières années du XXe siècle, il joue un rôle déterminant dans le domaine de l’architecture et des arts décoratifs, en Allemagne essentiellement.




第一次世界大戦のため、工芸学校の後継者をヴァルター・グロピウス(1883年 - 1969年)に託し、ドイツを去った(1915年)。工芸学校は後のバウハウスの元になった。

1962/1015:USA vs USSR「キュウバ危機」
The photos taken the day before during espionage flights in the Cuba Crisis show the USA the evidence of Soviet SS-4 medium-range missiles stationed on Cuba.




1964/1015:アメリカのポピュラ作曲者 Cole Porter 189164、死去

an American composer and songwriter.
His numerous hit songs include "Night and Day", "Begin the Beguine", "I Get a Kick Out of You", "Well, Did You Evah!", "I've Got You Under My Skin", "My Heart Belongs to Daddy" and "You're the Top". He also composed scores for films from the 1930s to the 1950s, including Born to Dance (1936), which featured the song "You'd Be So Easy to Love"; Rosalie (1937), which featured "In the Still of the Night"; High Society (1956), which included "True Love"; and Les Girls (1957).

Vietnam War: The Catholic Worker Movement stages an anti-war rally in Manhattan including a public burning of a draft card; the first such act to result in arrest under a new amendment to the Selective Service Act.


The Black Panther Party is created by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale.


Vietnam War; The Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam is held in Washington D.C. and across the US. Over two million demonstrate nationally; about 250,000 in Washington D.C..




1970/1015:オウストラリア「Melbourne collapses」
35 construction workers are killed when a section of the new West Gate Bridge in Melbourne collapses.


The start of the 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire in Iran.




1976/1015:アメリカのシシリアンマフィア Carlo Gambino 190276、死去

a Sicilian-American mobster and former boss of the Gambino crime family, which is still named after him. After the 1957 Apalachin Convention, he unexpectedly seized control of the Commission of the American Mafia. Gambino was known for being low-key and secretive.
In 1937 Gambino was convicted of tax evasion but had his sentence suspended.
He lived to the age of 74, when he died of a heart attack in bed "in a state of grace," according to a priest who had given him the Last Rites of the Catholic Church.





1978/1015:アメリカの報道写真家 William Eugene Smith 191878、死去

an American photojournalist, renowned for the dedication he devoted to his projects and his uncompromising professional and ethical standards. Smith developed the photo essay into a sophisticated visual form.

“ これは客観的な本ではない。ジャーナリズムのしきたりからまず取りのぞきたい言葉は『客観的』という言葉だ。そうすれば、出版の『自由』は真実に大きく近づくことになるだろう。そしてたぶん『自由』は取りのぞくべき二番目の言葉だ。この二つの歪曲から解き放たれたジャーナリスト写真家が、そのほんものの責任に取りかかることができる ”

“ ジャーナリズムにおける私の責任はふたつあるというのが私の信念だ。第一の責任は私の写す人たちにたいするもの。第二の責任は読者にたいするもの。このふたつの責任を果たせば自動的に雑誌への責任を果たすことになると私は信じている”

“ 写真は見たままの現実を写しとるものだと信じられているが、そうした私たちの信念につけ込んで写真は平気でウソをつくということに気づかねばならない。

1979/1015:マルタ「Black Monday」
The building of the Times of Malta, the residence of the opposition leader Eddie Fenech Adami and several Nationalist Party clubs are ransacked and destroyed by supporters of the Malta Labour Party.


First day of the new calendar period: The Gregorian calendar repeats every 400 years the course of the switching days and thus the daily and monthly counting as well as the corresponding weekdays.


Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to lessen Cold War tensions and open up his nation.


The Cassini probe launches from Cape Canaveral on its way to Saturn.





Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi apologizes in South Korea with a wreath for Japanese horrors during the occupation of Korea between 1910 and 1945.


Galileo spacecraft passes within 112 miles of Jupiter's moon Io.


By Koizumi's visit to North Korea, five of the Japanese who were kidnapped by North Korea return.


China launches Shenzhou 5, its first manned space mission.


2005/1015:USA「Neo-Nati/Nationa Socialist」
A riot in Toledo, Ohio breaks out during a National Socialist/Neo-Nazi protest; over 100 are arrested.


Kiholo Bay earthquake: A magnitude 6.7 earthquake rocks Hawaii, causing property damage, injuries, landslides, power outages, and the closure of Honolulu International Airport.


2008/1015:USA、Stock market
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes down 733.08 points, or 7.87%, the second worst day in the Dow's history based on a percentage drop.


2012/1015:カンボジアの Norodom Sihanouk 192212、崩去

(នរោត្តម សីហនុ), roi du Cambodge de 1993 à 2004


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