


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 10/24 今日の出來事


0051/1024:011ロウマ皇帝 Titus Flavius Domitianus、誕生


0069/1024:ロウマ帝國内戰「2nd Battle of Bedriacum」
the legions of the ruler Vespasian defeated Vitellius's army in the Battle of Bedriacum, and finally decided the succession of Nero's civil war in favor of the Flavians.



0996/1024:フランス カペ王朝開祖 Hugues Capet 094096、崩去

un roi robertien (987 à 996) et le fondateur de la dynastie capétienne, qui régnera sur la France jusqu'à la Révolution, puis de la Restauration à 1848.


Le royaume d'Hugues Capet au début de son règne, fin du Xe siècle.



0996/1024:フランク國王に「ロベル二世(ユグカペの子)」即位Avènement du roi des Francs Robert II.


1071/1024:ビザンチンの王に「Michael VII Dukas」
 called Parapinakes, is proclaimed emperor of the Byzantine Empire.


After a four-month siege, the Moorish city of Lisbon surrenders to a cruiser of cruises that plunder the city and leave King Alfonso I of Portugal on the following day.


Consécration solennelle de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres.

En 1240, les vitraux sont déjà réalisés et la consécration solennelle a lieu le

1360/1024:百年戰爭、フランスvsイングランド「Treaty of Brétigny」
 is ratified at Calais, marking the end of the first phase of the Hundred Years' War.


France after the Treaty of Brétigny 
French territory in green, English territory in pink

1531/1024:スヰス、旧教と新教との「Battle of Gubel」
the last battle in the 2nd Kappelerrieg between the Catholic and Reformed places of the Old Confederation, the Catholics defeated the Protestants' supremacy on account of the surprise effect.


Fürschwand Kapelle: Hier sollen sich die Innerschweizer vor der Schlacht am Gubel 
am 24. Oktober 1531 zum Gebet versammelt haben.


1537/1024:ヘンリ八世の何番目かの妃 Jeanne Seymour 150837、死去

Queen of England from 1536 to 1537 as the third wife of King Henry VIII.

1012、彼女は難産したが、ヘンリ八世待望の男子(後の Edward VI 153753)を出産した。が、体力回復しないジェンは洗礼式にも担架で運ばれて立ち会った。その後容体は悪化して、1024の深夜に息絶えた。

John White(the governor of the second Roanoke Colony)returns to England after an unsuccessful search for the "lost" colonists.

John White 154093 was an English artist and early pioneer of English efforts to settle North America. He was among those who sailed with Richard Grenville to the shore of present-day North Carolina in 1585, acting as artist and mapmaker to the expedition. During his time at Roanoke Island he made a number of watercolor sketches of the surrounding landscape and the native Algonkin peoples.


1601/1024:デンマルクの天文學者 Tycho Brahe 154601、死去

ein dänischer Adeliger und einer der bedeutendsten Astronomen.

Das tychonische Weltbild nach Brahe in einer Darstellung von Andreas Cellarius 1708


1599年には、神聖ロウマ帝国の皇帝ルドルフ2の皇室付帝国数学官となる。その時、助手として何人かの数学者と天文学者を雇ひ、そのなかに Johannes Kepler 157130 がゐた。


After the death of his father Akbar, Selim ascends as Jahangir the throne in the Mogulreich.



1632/1024:微生物学の父 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 163223、誕生

a Dutch businessman, scientist, and one of the notable representatives of the Golden Age of Dutch science and technology. A largely self-taught man in science, he is commonly known as "the Father of Microbiology", and often considered to be the first acknowledged microscopist and microbiologist. Van Leeuwenhoek is best known for his pioneering work in the field of microscopy and for his contributions toward the establishment of microbiology as a scientific discipline.

Sir Felim O'Neill of Kinard the leader of the Irish Rebellion issues his Proclamation of Dungannon justifying the uprising and declaring continued loyalty to Charles I


Der im Rathaus zu Münster und Osnabrück verhandelte Westfälische Friede zur Beendigung des Dreißigjährigen Krieges wird unterzeichnet

The Peace of Westphalia is signed, marking the end of the Thirty Years' War.




1655/1024:フランスのポリマス Pierre Gassendi 159255、死去

un mathématicien, philosophe, théologien et astronome français.

彼の批判は、自分の唯物論を教會の教義に順応させたRené Descartes 159650にも向けられた。


1725/1024:イタリアの作曲家 Alessandro Scarlatti 166025、死去

un compositore italiano di musica barocca, particolarmente famoso per le sue opere.
In campo operistico, è considerato uno dei fondatori della scuola musicale napoletana.


1790/1024:フランス「Tricolore トリコロウル」


Pavillon de beaupré adopté par l'Assemblée constituante, le 24 octobre 1790





Third Partition of Poland: The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth is completely divided among Austria, Prussia, and Russia.



1804/1024:ドイツの自然科學者 Wilhelm Eduard Weber 180491、誕生

ein deutscher Physiker. Die abgeleitete SI-Einheit „Weber“ (abgekürzt Wb) des magnetischen Flusses ist nach ihm benannt.
Er war der einzige Naturwissenschaftler unter den so genannten Göttinger Sieben.

1812/1024:ナポレオンvsロシア「Battle of Maloyaroslavets」
 takes place near Moscow.
La Grande Armée française a remporté une victoire tactique lors de la bataille de Malojaroslawez lors de la campagne de Russie. Il se retire ensuite, conduisant à un succès stratégique de l'armée russe.


In the peace of Gulistan, Persia loses large parts of the Caucasus to Russia.


1820/1024:フランスの文人 Eugène Fromentin 182076、誕生

un artiste peintre et un écrivain français.
半自傳的内容の小説の『Dominique ドミニック』で名を残す。

Auf Anregung von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wird in Frankfurt am Main ein Physikalischer Verein gegründet.


1828/1024:ドイツで最初の「Volksbibliothek 國民圖書館」創設
Im sächsischen Großenhain entsteht in der ehemaligen Lateinschule mit der Vaterländischen Bürger-Bibliothek die erste deutsche Volksbibliothek auf Initiative von Karl Benjamin Preusker. Sie will mit Büchern alle Bevölkerungsschichten ansprechen.


1829/1024:土佐藩の幕末の志士 武市瑞山182965、誕生


1831/1024:イタリア、ポンペイの「Nella Casa del Fauno (casa dei Fauni)」で
 a Pompei il mosaico si trova per il "Alexanderschlacht" nel pavimento.

In the Casa del Fauno (house of the Fauns) in Pompeii the mosaic is found for the "Alexanderschlacht" in the floor.



Le traité de Huangpu entre l'empire de la Chine et la France abolit les restrictions commerciales chinoises et oblige la cessation de l'activité missionnaire catholique dans l'Empire du Milieu.


1846/1024:明治維新の実業家 雨宮敬次郎191146、誕生


William Lassell discovers the moons Umbriel, and Ariel, orbiting Uranus.


1857/1024:スポウツ「現存最古の FootBall クラブ」創立
Sheffield F.C.(the world's oldest association football club)is founded in Sheffield, England.


Das Bethaus der Baptisten in Jever wird seiner Bestimmung übergeben. 

The prayer house of the Baptists in Jever is given over to its destination. Johann Gerhard Oncken and Julius Köbner as well as the missionary August Friedrich Wilhelm Haese are involved in the inauguration ceremonies. It is one of the oldest Baptist churches in continental Europe.


The first transcontinental telegraph line across the United States is completed.


17 to 20 Chinese immigrants were tortured and lynched in the Chinese massacre of 1871 in Los Angeles, California.


The Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I opened in Vienna on the occasion of the world exhibition the 1st Viennese high-water pipeline, the largest water supply system in Europe. Among other things, the Hochbrunnen fountain on Schwarzenbergplatz will also be put into operation.


Japan had an armed rebellion against the government of the Kumamoto Nobunaga. Known as "the wind with the chaos" or "God of the party chaos."



Im Theater an der Wien wird die Operette Der Zigeunerbaron mit der Musik von Johann Strauss und nach dem Libretto Ignaz Schnitzers uraufgeführt.





Hirofumi Ito assumes the position of the first chairman of the first nobility house


1891/1024:ドミニカの独裁者 Rafael Leónidas Trujillo 189161、誕生

un militar y político dominicano, que gobernó como dictador de la República Dominicana desde 1930 hasta su asesinato en 1961.


Sino - Japanese War: Japanese troops entered China.


1898/1024:フランスの画家 Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 182498、死去

un peintre français, considéré comme une figure majeure de la peinture française du XIXe siècle.




Annie Edson Taylor entered a barrel of Niagara Falls for the first time in history, and survived safely.



In Guatemala the volcano Santa María breaks out. 

The several-day eruption with volcano explosiveness index 6 is the second-heavy volcanic eruption of the 20th century and almost completely destroys the city of Quetzaltenango.


1910/1024:明治日本の文藝家 山田美妙186810、死去




First Balkan War: The Battle of Kirk Kilisse concludes with the Bulgarian victory against the Ottoman Empire.


1916/1024:ヴェルダン戰での「Fort Douaumont」爭奪戰
, which was hotly contested in the Battle of Verdun, was recaptured by the French.


「Battle of Caporetto」Italy suffers a catastrophic defeat by the forces of Austria-Hungary and Germany on the Austro-Italian front of World War I 


Bolshevik Red Guards began takeover of buildings in Russia, among the first events associated with the October Revolution.


1927/1024:フランスの歌手 Gilbert Bécaud 192701、誕生

un chanteur, compositeur et pianiste français.

1929/1024:USA、MYC 株式市場「Black Thursday」
Stock market crash on the New York Stock Exchange.

Am „Schwarzen Donnerstag“ endet die jahrelange Hausse der New Yorker Börse. Die Weltwirtschaftskrise beginnt.

Virginia Woolf's feminist essay A Room of One’s Own appears.


A bloodless coup d'état in Brazil ousts Washington Luís Pereira de Sousa, the last President of the First Republic. Getúlio Vargas is then installed as "provisional president".


The George Washington Bridge between New York City and New Jersey is opened.



Al Capone is sentenced to 50,000 dollars and 11 years imprisonment for tax fraud.



1935/1024:USA ギャング Dutch Schultz 190235、暗殺(機關銃による)

a New York City-area Jewish-American mobster of the 1920s and 1930s who made his fortune in organized crime-related activities, including bootlegging and the numbers racket. Weakened by two tax evasion trials led by prosecutor Thomas Dewey, Schultz's rackets were also threatened by fellow mobster Lucky Luciano. In an attempt to avert his conviction, Schultz asked the Commission for permission to kill Dewey, which they refused. When Schultz disobeyed them and made an attempt to kill Dewey, the Commission ordered his murder in 1935.




1938/1024:ドイツの彫刻家 Ernst Barlach 187038、逝去

ein deutscher Bildhauer, Schriftsteller und Zeichner. Barlach ist besonders bekannt für seine Holzplastiken und Bronzen.

Der Berserker (1910)


Der Schwebende, auch Güstrower Ehrenmal, Güstrower Dom (1927)


Magdeburger Ehrenmal (1928/1929)


Entrevue de Montoire entre Pétain et Hitler, à Montoire.


1941/1024:WWⅡ、ドイツ「First battle of Kharkov」
Kharkov is taken by the 6th German Army.




The soldier of Calais radiates his first broadcast. The British propagandist wants to influence the opinion of the German listeners with targeted half-truths in the program.


 The Japanese aircraft carrier Zuikaku and the Japanese battleship Musashi are sunk by American aircraft in the Battle of Leyte Gulf.


1945/1024:ノルヱイの軍人で政事家 Vidkun Quisling 188745、死去

Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling
ein norwegischer Offizier und Politiker. Von 1931 bis 1933 war Quisling norwegischer Verteidigungsminister, danach in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus von 1933 bis 1945 Parteiführer des von ihm gegründeten faschistischen Nasjonal Samling. Nachdem die gewählte sozialdemokratische Regierung unter Johan Nygaardsvold NS-besetzungsbedingt ins Exil flüchten musste, führte Quisling von 1942 bis 1945 als Ministerpräsident von Norwegen eine vom NS-Regime eingesetzte Marionettenregierung.


Entrée en vigueur de la Charte des Nations unies.

Founding of the United Nations.

A camera on board the V-2 No. 13 rocket takes the first photograph of earth from outer space.


1948/1024:オペレッタ作曲者 Franz Lehár 187048、死去

ein österreichischer Komponist ungarischer Herkunft.






Dwight Eisenhower pledges United States support to South Vietnam.


1957/1024:フランスのクチュリエ Christian Dior 190557、死去

, couturier français.

1960/1024:ソ連「Nedelin catastrophe」
An R-16 ballistic missile explodes on the launch pad at the Soviet Union's Baikonur Cosmodrome space facility, killing over 100. Among the dead is Field Marshal Mitrofan Nedelin, whose death is reported to have occurred in a plane crash.


The British protectorate of Northern Rhodesia becomes independent as Zambia.

Northern Rhodesia gains independence from the United Kingdom and becomes the Republic of Zambia (Southern Rhodesia remained a colony until the next year, with the Unilateral Declaration of Independence).

Salvador Allende, candidate of the left-wing Unidad Popular will be appointed President of Chile by Congress. The CIA-controlled assassination two days earlier, in which Army Chief René Schneider was mortally wounded, is decisive for the Christian Democrat's approval of the Allende election.


1972/1024:USA MLB Jackie Robinson 191972、死去

an American professional baseball second baseman who became the first African American to play in Major League Baseball (MLB) in the modern era


1973/1024:PRChina & Japan「贖罪日戰爭正式結束」


The armistice between Israel and Egypt ends the Yom Kippur War.


1974/1024:ソ連のバイオリニスト David Oistrakh 190874、死去

a renowned Soviet classical violinist and violist.


In Iceland, 90% of women take part in a national strike, refusing to work in protest of gaps in gender equality.


In the First Gulf War, the battle of Chorramshahr, which lasted over a month, ends with the capture of the Iranian city by Iraqi troops.


Italian prime minister Giulio Andreotti reveals to the Italian parliament the existence of Gladio, the Italian "stay-behind" clandestine paramilitary NATO army, which was implicated in false flag terrorist attacks implicating communists and anarchists as part of the strategy of tension from the late 1960s to early 1980s.




1995/1024:ノベル平和賞に「Aung San Suu Kyi
a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, is placed under house arrest by the military dictatorship.


From Cape Canaveral, the space probe Deep Space 1 is the first spacecraft to be launched with an ion drive into space.

Launch of Deep Space 1 comet/asteroid mission.


Concorde makes its last commercial flight.



2008/1024:世界株式市場「Bloody Friday」
 saw many of the world's stock exchanges experience the worst declines in their history, with drops of around 10% in most indices.


2011/1024:AIの提唱者 John McCarthy 192711、死去

an American computer scientist and cognitive scientist.
McCarthy was one of the founders of the discipline of artificial intelligence.
He coined the term "artificial intelligence" (AI), developed the Lisp programming language family, significantly influenced the design of the ALGOL programming language, popularized timesharing, and was very influential in the early development of AI.

2015/1024:アメリカの女優 Maureen O'Hara 192015、死去

(Maureen FitzSimons, dite), actrice irlandaise.
an Irish-born Irish/American actress and singer. The famously red-headed O'Hara was known for her beauty and playing fiercely passionate but sensible heroines, often in westerns and adventure films.
She worked on numerous occasions with director John Ford and longtime friend John Wayne, and was one of the last surviving stars from the Golden Age of Hollywood.

The Quiet Man (1952), her best-known film,

{私は、John Ford 189473 の映画のなかで、ジョンウエインの映画のなかで、そしてモウリンオハラの映画のなかで、この『靜かなる男』が一番好きだ。


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World