


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が誕生日の Che Guevara 192867、射殺直後


歴史暦:古今東西 06/14 今日の出來事

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我々が空想家のやうだと云ふのなら、救ひがたい理想主義者と云ふのなら、できもしないことを考へてゐる夢想家と云ふのなら ―― 何千万回でも答へよう「そのとおりだ」と。




平高望 Tahira no Takamotichi:葛原親王の三男、高見王の子、寛平元年五月十三日、059宇多086731天皇により平朝臣を賜姓され臣籍降下して平高望と名乘った。


1097/0614:ヨウロパ、01十字軍、Siège de Nicée 戰
Début du siège de Nicée pendant la première croisade.



München wird von Henry der Löwe am Ufer der Isar gegründet.

Munich is founded by Henry the Lion on the banks of the river Isar.
Im Augsburger Schied gibt Kaiser Friedrich I. Barbarossa dem Welfenherzog Heinrich dem Löwen das Recht, die errichtete Brücke über die Isar zu betreiben. Er muss allerdings Bischof Otto von Freising ein Drittel der Einnahmen für dessen abgerissene Brücke abgeben. Am Flussübergang entwickelt sich im Laufe der Zeit die Stadt München.

1161/0614:中國[宋] 09皇帝 欽宗110061、崩去

Emperor Qinzong of Song, personal name Zhao Huan, was the ninth emperor of the Song dynasty in China and the last emperor of The Northern Song Dynasty.


1216/0614:フランスとイングランドの戰爭、First Barons' War、
Prince Louis of France captures the city of Winchester and soon conquers over half of the Kingdom of England.


1235/0614(文暦02/0527):日本[鎌倉] 和歌史、藤原定家



While taking exile in Fuzhou in southern China, away from the advancing Mongol invaders, the remnants of the Song dynasty court hold the coronation ceremony for the young prince Zhao Shi, making him Emperor Duanzong.


Second Mongol invasion of Vietnam: Forces led by Prince Trần Quang Khải of the Trần dynasty destroy most of the invading Mongol naval fleet in a battle at Chuong Duong.



1287/0614:モンゴル、Kublai Khan
 defeats the force of Nayan and other traditionalist Borjigin princes in East Mongolia and Manchuria.

# モンゴル=元の猛威は、中国の外では、治世の初期から服属していた高麗で起こった三別抄の反乱を鎮圧した後、13世紀末には事実上滅亡させ、傀儡政権として王女クトゥルク=ケルミシュを降嫁させた王太子王賰の王統を立て朝鮮半島支配を確立した。また至元24年(1287年)にはビルマパガン王朝を事実上滅亡させ(→モンゴルのビルマ侵攻)、傀儡政権を樹立して一時的に東南アジアまで勢力を広げた。しかし、日本への2度の侵攻(元寇)や、樺太アイヌ(→モンゴルの樺太侵攻)、ベトナムの陳朝やチャンパ王国(→モンゴルのヴェトナム侵攻)、ジャワ島のマジャパヒト王国(→モンゴルのジャワ侵攻(英語版))などへの遠征は現地勢力の激しい抵抗を受け敗退した。 Wikipedia ja

RIchardⅡ136700 of England meets leaders of Peasants' Revolt on Blackheath. The Tower of London is stormed by rebels who enter without resistance.



Welsh rebel leader Owain Glyndŵr, having declared himself Prince of Wales, allies himself with the French against King Henry IV of England.


1486/0614:日本[室町] 勸進僧 願阿彌??1486、死去


1497/0614:チェザレボルジア兄弟 Giovanni Borgia 147497、暗殺

un nobiluomo italiano, secondo duca di Gandia, figlio illegittimo di Papa Alessandro VI e fratello di Cesare, Lucrezia e Goffredo Borgia.

Nella notte tra il 14 e il 15 giugno 1497, Giovanni Borgia fu assassinato a Roma da ignoti, all'età di circa ventuno anni. Il suo corpo venne ritrovato dopo pochi giorni nel Tevere con nove coltellate disseminate in varie parti del corpo. Fuori di sé dal dolore, Alessandro VI fece iniziare delle indagini per trovare gli assassini; tuttavia, il misterioso crimine non fu mai risolto. Sono stati sospettati di omicidio varie persone della Roma dell'epoca, fra cui anche suo fratello Cesare Borgia. Gli storici generalmente condividono l'idea che l'omicidio sia stato commissionato dalla famiglia Orsini, avversaria dei Borgia



1583/0614(天正11/0424):戰國大名 柴田勝家夫妻、敗戰自害




Shibata Katsuie or Gonroku (権六) was a Japanese samurai and military commander during the Sengoku period.
He served Oda Nobunaga as one of his trusted generals, was severely wounded in the 1571 Siege of Nagashima, but then fought in the 1577 Battle of Tedorigawa.

夏の夜の 夢路儚き 後の名を 雲井にあげよ 山不如



Oichi was a female historical figure in the late Sengoku period.
She is known primarily as the mother of three daughters who married well – Yodo-dono,[2] Ohatsu[3] and Oeyo.
Oichi was the younger sister of Oda Nobunaga; and she was the sister-in-law of Nōhime, the daughter of Saitō Dōsan. Oichi was equally renowned for her beauty and her resolve.

1594/0614:フランドル 作曲家 Orlande de Lassus 153294、死去

Roland de Lassus (ou Orlando di Lasso, Orlande de Lassus ou encore Roland Delattre), est un compositeur de l'école franco-flamande, vers la fin de la Renaissance.

He is today considered to be the chief representative of the mature polyphonic style of the Franco-Flemish school, and one of the three most famous and influential musicians in Europe at the end of the 16th century (the other two being Palestrina and Victoria).

1645/0614:English Civil War: Battle of Naseby:
Twelve thousand Royalist forces are beaten by 15,000 Parliamentarian soldiers.

In the Battle of Naseby of the English Civil War, the New Model Army of the English Parliament defeated Thomas Fairfax and Oliver Cromwell decisively the army of King Charles I.  Wikipedia en

1658/0614:フランスブ・リタックとオランダ・イスパニョルとの戰鬪Bataille des Dunes.

La bataille dans les dunes gagne une force franco-britannique en tête le Marshal Turenne contre l'armée des Pays-Bas espagnols, le Don Juan José de l'Autriche et de Louis II. De Bourbon. Parce que le soulagement de la ville de Dunkerque se rendit assiégée elle échoue, le même jour.  Wikipedia fr

1667/061:2nd Anglo-Dutch War ends
The Raid on the Medway by the Dutch fleet in the Second Anglo-Dutch War ends. It had lasted for five days and resulted in the worst ever defeat of the Royal Navy.


King William III of England (William of Orange) lands in Ireland to confront the former King James II.


1736/0614:Charles Augustin De Coulomb 173606、誕生

「シャルル オギュスタン ド クロン」un officier, ingénieur et physicien français.
Il est passé à la postérité pour la formulation précise des lois du frottement solide, et pour l'invention du pendule de torsion, dynamomètre de précision qui lui permit de formuler la loi d'attraction entre solides électrisés.


1775/0614:USA Rev War: 大陸會議で大陸軍(US陸軍)の創設が決定
the Continental Army is established by the Continental Congress, marking the birth of the United States Army.


The Stars and Stripes is adopted by Congress as the Flag of the United States.

On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress passed the Flag Resolution which stated: "Resolved,
That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes,
alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a
blue field, representing a new constellation." Flag Day
is now observed on June 14 of each year. While scholars still argue
about this, tradition holds that the new flag was first hoisted in June
1777 by the Continental Army at the Middlebrook encampment.  Wikipedia en

1789/0614:Mutiny on the Bounty、その後の經過
HMS Bounty mutiny survivors including Captain William Bligh and 18 others reach Timor after a nearly 7,400 km journey in an open boat.


1789/0614:USA、Bourbon Whisky、生産開始
Whiskey distilled from maize is first produced by American clergyman the Rev Elijah Craig. It is named Bourbon because Rev Craig lived in Bourbon County, Kentucky.


1800/0614:Louis Charles Antoine Desaix 176800、死去

un général français qui s'est illustré lors des guerres révolutionnaires et sous les ordres de Bonaparte, notamment en Égypte et en Italie.
Selon l'usage de l'époque, afin de se distinguer de son frère, il a ajouté à son nom celui du fief de sa famille et a pris pour nom Desaix de Veygoux. Desaix est surnommé le « Sultan juste ».


1800/0614:ワイマル、Schiller の悲劇『Maria Stuart』初演
Die Uraufführung des Trauerspiels Maria Stuart von Friedrich Schiller erfolgt im Weimarer Hoftheater.


1800/0614:ナポレオン、オウストリアとの Marengo 戰で初勝利
The French Army of First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte defeats the Austrians at the Battle of Marengo in Northern Italy and re-conquers Italy.


1807/0614:ナポレオン、ロシアとの Friedland 戰で勝利
Emperor Napoleon's French Grande Armée defeats the Russian Army at the Battle of Friedland in Poland (modern Russian Kaliningrad Oblast) ending the War of the Fourth Coalition.


1811/0614:アンクルトム小屋 Harriet Beecher Stowe 181196、誕生

an American abolitionist and author. She came from the Beecher family, a famous religious family, and is best known for her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852), which depicts the harsh conditions for enslaved African Americans. The book reached millions as a novel and play, and became influential in the United States and Great Britain, energizing anti-slavery forces in the American North, while provoking widespread anger in the South.

After the start of the Civil War, Stowe traveled to the capital, Washington, D.C., where she met President Abraham Lincoln on November 25, 1862. Stowe's daughter, Hattie, reported, "It was a very droll time that we had at the White house I assure you... I will only say now that it was all very funny—and we were ready to explode with laughter all the while." What Lincoln said is a minor mystery. Her son later reported that Lincoln greeted her by saying, "so you are the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war." Her own accounts are vague, including the letter reporting the meeting to her husband: "I had a real funny interview with the President.

Badi VII, king of Sennar, surrenders his throne and realm to Isma'il Pasha (general of the Ottoman Empire), ending the existence of that Sudanese kingdom.



Charles Babbage proposes a difference engine in a paper to the Royal Astronomical Society entitled "Note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables".

Difference engine(階差機關)歴史上の機械式用途固定計算機で、多項式の数表を作成するよう設計された。対数も三角関数多項式で近似できるため、そのようなマシンはかなりの汎用性があった。

1825/0614:USA「ワシントンDC」設計者 Pierre L'Enfant 175425、死

a French-American military engineer who designed the basic plan for Washington, D.C. (capital city of the U.S.) known today as the L'Enfant Plan (1791).

L'Enfant's 1791 plan for the "Federal City", later Washington City,


1829/0614(文政12/0513):寛政の改革 松平定信175929、死去

Matsudaira Sadanobu, Japanese daimyō of the mid-Edo period, famous for his financial reforms which saved the Shirakawa Domain, and the similar reforms he undertook during his tenure as chief senior councilor (老中首座 rōjū shuza) of the Tokugawa shogunate, from 1787 to 1793.



Débarquement de Sidi-Ferruch au cours de la prise d'Alger.

Beginning of the French colonization of Algeria: Thirty-four thousand French soldiers begin their invasion of Algiers, landing 27 kilometers west at Sidi Fredj.

1832/0614:4サイクルエンジン Nicolaus Otto 183291、誕生

un inventeur industriel allemand, inventeur du moteur à quatre temps en 1867 et fondateur de la société industrielle Deutz AG. Il est le père de Gustav Otto, cofondateur de BMW avec Karl Rapp en 1917.

Isaac Fischer Jr. receives a US patent on a manufacturing process for abrasive paper.


1837/0614:イタリア 詩人 Giacomo Leopardi 179837、死去

un poeta, filosofo, scrittore, filologo e glottologo italiano.
Riflessione filosofica ed empito poetico fanno sì che Leopardi, al pari di Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche e più tardi di Kafka, possa essere visto come un esistenzialista o almeno un precursore dell'Esistenzialismo.

Nel febbraio del 1837 ritornò a Napoli con Ranieri e la sorella, ma le sue condizioni si aggravarono verso maggio, anche se non in modo tale da far sospettare ai medici o a Ranieri il reale stato di salute. Il 14 giugno di quell'anno, Leopardi morì improvvisamente, ……

Operette morali(哲学的散文)


1838/0614(天保09/④22):幕末維新の偉人 山縣有朋183822、誕生

Yamagata Aritomo, also known as Yamagata Kyōsuke, was a Japanese field marshal in the Imperial Japanese Army and twice Prime Minister of Japan.
He was one of the main architects of the military and political foundations of early modern Japan.
Yamagata Aritomo can be seen as the father of Japanese militarism.



1839/0614:イギリス、Henley Royal Regatta、第一回

the village of Henley-on-Thames, on the River Thames in Oxfordshire, stages its first regatta.

Wegen unterschiedlicher Vorstellungen über den Status Schleswig-Holsteins kommt es zwischen Preußen und Österreich zum Krieg. Österreich erwirkt den Bundesbeschluss vom 14. Juni, mit dem der Deutsche Bund das Bundesheer gegen Preußen mobilisiert. Preußen interpretiert den Beschluss als verfassungswidrig und Ende des Bundes.



1863/0614:USA Civil War: Second Battle of Winchester:
A Union garrison is defeated by the Army of Northern Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley town of Winchester, Virginia.



1863/0614:Second Assault on the Confederate
 works at the Siege of Port Hudson during the American Civil War.



1864/0614:アルツハイマー Aloïs Alzheimer 186415、誕生

ein deutscher Psychiater und Neuropathologe. Er beschrieb als erster eine Demenzerkrankung, die heute Alzheimer-Krankheit genannt wird.

1899/0614:日本の小説家 川端康成189972、誕生

Kawabata Yasunari est un écrivain japonais, prix Nobel de littérature en 1968.
Considéré comme un écrivain majeur du XXe siècle et obsédé par la quête du beau, la solitude et la mort, il a écrit en particulier des récits très courts, d'un dépouillement stylistique extrême, regroupés plus tard en recueils, mais ses œuvres les plus connues internationalement sont ses romans comme Pays de neige (1935-1947), Le Grondement de la montagne (1954) ou Les Belles Endormies (1960-1961).


≫ 人間は、みんなに愛されているうちに消えるのが一番だ。――『山の音』(1949)



The Olympic mark (Olympic symbol) invented by Pierre de Coubertin is enacted as the Olympic Games flag.

The Olympic flag has a white background, with five interlaced rings 
in the centre: blue, yellow, black, green and red. This design is
symbolic; it represents the five continents of the world, united by
Olympism, while the six colours are those that appear on all the
national flags of the world at the present time.
— Pierre de Coubertin (1931)


John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown depart from St. John's, Newfoundland on the first nonstop transatlantic flight.


1920/0614:ドイツ 社会学Max Weber 186420、死去

ein deutscher Soziologe und Nationalökonom.
Er gilt als einer der Klassiker der Soziologie sowie der gesamten Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften.
Mit seinen Theorien und Begriffsprägungen hatte er großen Einfluss insbesondere auf die Wirtschafts-, die Herrschafts- und die Religionssoziologie.
Mit seinem Namen verknüpft sind die „Protestantismus-Kapitalismus-These“, das Prinzip der „Werturteilsfreiheit“ sowie die Unterscheidung von „Gesinnungs-“ und „Verantwortungsethik“.


Max Weber 186420 # Modernism=合理化、呪術からの開放 合理主義の進行が必然的にメカニカルな運營の官僚制化を促進することになる この合理的システムのプロセスは經濟をCapitalismにし、行政をBureaucracy化していく。彼の時代、まだ官僚は腐敗してゐず「個人が正確な部品として有機的に働くMechanicalSystem」であった。が、その行末には悲觀的でもあった。「精神なき専門家、心情なき享樂人」「未來の奴隷の鑑」 支配強制のレジテマシの根據(合法的・傳統的・カリスマ的)支配

國家とは、或一定の領域の内部で(この領域といふ点が特徴なのだが)正当な物理的暴力行使の獨占を要求する人間共同体である。 M.Weber『職業としての政治』

1923/0614:ケイベル先生 Raphael von Koeber 184823、死去

ein deutsch-russischer Philosoph und Musiker, der an der Universität Tokio lehrte.


Béatification de Bernadette Soubirous, témoin d'une apparition mariale et sainte catholique française.



1925/0614:日本 圍碁棋士 藤澤秀行192509、誕生

Fujisawa Hideyuki, plus connu sous le nom de Fujisawa Shuko, est un joueur de go professionnel. Il a pris sa retraite en octobre 1998, après une longue carrière parmi les meilleurs joueurs de go japonais.


1928/0614:Ernesto Rafael « Che » Guevara 192867、誕生

un médico, político, militar, escritor y periodista argentino-cubano,​ y uno de los ideólogos y comandantes de la Revolución cubana.



1926/0614:印象派女流画家 Mary Stevenson Cassatt 184426、死去

Mary Stevenson Cassatt, dite Mary Cassatt est une peintre et graveuse américaine.



1936/0614:イギリス 作家 Gilbert Keith Chesterton 187436、死去

an English writer, poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist, orator, lay theologian, biographer, and literary and art critic.
Chesterton is well known for his fictional priest-detective Father Brown, and for his reasoned apologetics. Even some of those who disagree with him have recognised the wide appeal of such works as Orthodoxy and The Everlasting Man.
Chesterton routinely referred to himself as an "orthodox" Christian, and came to identify this position more and more with Catholicism, eventually converting to Catholicism from High Church Anglicanism. George Bernard Shaw, his "friendly enemy", said of him, "He was a man of colossal genius."
Biographers have identified him as a successor to such Victorian authors as Matthew Arnold, Thomas Carlyle, Cardinal John Henry Newman, and John Ruskin

Self-portrait of Chesterton based on the distributist slogan "Three acres and a cow"


George Bernard Shaw, Hilaire Belloc, and G. K. Chesterton







キリスト教徒は世界を逃れて宇宙に入るのであるが、仏教徒は世界ばかりかむしろ宇宙から逃れることを願うのである。これら二つのものに比べられるものは、他に地上には殆ど無い。そしてキリストの頂に登らぬ者は、仏陀の奈落に落ちるのである。 宗教は他にもある。しかし、この地上にゐるよりは山頂にゐるか、奈落にゐたはうが正解なのかも知れない。

1936/0614:中國 革命思想家 章炳麟186936、死去

Zhang Binglin, also known as Zhang Taiyan, was a Chinese philologist, textual critic, philosopher, and revolutionary.
An activist as well as a scholar, he produced many political works. Because of his outspoken character, he was jailed for three years by the Qing Empire and put under house arrest for another three by Yuan Shikai.



1937/0614:日本 プロゴルファ 杉原輝雄193711、誕生

a Japanese professional golfer.

1938/0614:SuperMan とともにコミック雜誌、新登場
An American comic magazine "Action Comics" ("Superman" etc was launched) published .



As part of Germany's Fall Rot (Case Red), Paris is occupied and Allied forces retreat.

Entrée de l'armée allemande à Paris déclarée ville ouverte.

# During World War II, Fall Rot (Case Red) was the plan for the second phase of the conquest of France by the German Army and began on 5 June 1940. It had been made possible by the success of Fall Gelb (Case Yellow), the invasion of the Benelux countries and northern France in the Battle of France and the encirclement of the Allied armies in the north on the Channel coast. Powerful forces were also to advance into France



Completed movable bridge "Katsidoki-bashi" over Sumidagawa river.


A group of 728 Polish political prisoners from Tarnów become the first inmates of the Auschwitz concentration camp.


The Soviet Union presents an ultimatum to Lithuania resulting in Lithuanian loss of independence.


June deportation: the first major wave of Soviet mass deportations and murder of Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians, begins.


1946/0614:テレビ発明家 John Logie Baird 188846、死去

a Scottish engineer, innovator, one of the inventors of the mechanical television, demonstrating the first working television system on 26 January 1926, and inventor of both the first publicly demonstrated colour television system, and the first purely electronic colour television picture tube.



Baird in 1926 with his televisor equipment and dummies "James" and "Stooky Bill"

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Baird_first_color_photo.jpg This live image of Paddy Naismith was used to demonstrate Baird's first all-electronic colour television system, which used two projection CRTs.

1946/0614:USA 大統領 Donald John Trump 1946--、誕生

the 45th and current President of the United States, in office since January 20, 2017. Before entering politics, he was a businessman and television personality.


1951/0614:USA、UNIVAC I、dedicated to U.S. Census Bureau.
世界初の商用コンピュタUNIVAC Iの1号機がアメリカ合衆国国勢調査局に納入される。


The world's first nuclear submarine, the US Navy's "Nautilus" launched.


A coup d'etat in Colombia. Columbia Army General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla set up a military regime.


A group of Dominican exiles depart from Cuba and land in the Dominican Republic with the intent of overthrowing the totalitarian government of Rafael Trujillo. All but four are killed or executed.


1962/0614:USA「Boston Strangler」1962/0614~1964/0104


The Vatican announces the abolition of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum ("index of prohibited books"), which was originally instituted in 1557.


The Convention on the Protection of Freedom of Association and the Right to Organize (ILO No. 87) came into force in Japan. The effective date of the treaty itself is July 4, 1950.


1966/0614:アジア太平洋協議会 (ASPAC) 設立
Established the Asia Pacific Council (ASPAC).

The People's Republic of China tests its first hydrogen bomb.


1968/0614:イタリア 詩人 Salvatore Quasimodo 190168、死去

un poeta italiano, esponente di rilievo dell'ermetismo.
Ha contribuito alla traduzione di vari componimenti dell'età classica, soprattutto liriche greche, ma anche di opere teatrali di Molière e William Shakespeare.


Japan Airlines 471 flight DC-8-53 type (JA8012) crashed on the banks of the Jamuna River near the airport while entering the airport of New Delhi's Param Airport, 86 out of 89 crew members and 4 ground workers death. 

日本航空471便DC-8-53型 (JA8012) が、ニューデリーのパラム空港への着陸進入中に空港手前のジャムナ河畔に墜落、搭乗員89名中86名と地上の工事作業員4名が死亡。

1982/0614:Falklands War、アルゼンチン、イギリスに降伏
Argentine forces in the capital Stanley conditionally surrender to British forces.


Terror affair of Transworld Airlines 847 flight, occurrence.


1986/0614:Jorge Luis Borges 189986、死去

Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges Acevedo fue un erudito escritor argentino, considerado uno de los autores más destacados de la literatura del siglo XX. Publicó ensayos breves, cuentos y poemas. Su obra, fundamental en la literatura y el pensamiento universal, además de objeto de minuciosos análisis y múltiples interpretaciones, excluye todo tipo de dogmatismo.


en 1963, ya con dificultades en la visión.


1994/0614:USA 映画音樂作曲家 Henry Mancini 192494、死去

an American composer, conductor and arranger, who is best remembered for his film and television scores.
『Moon River』『Days of Wine and Roses』『Charade』(他にもたくさんあるけれど)の作曲者、


The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development adopted the "Rio Declaration" on the environment and development, and closed.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World