


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 06/07 今日の出來事

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Alexandre Kojève 190268 が「日本」體驗によって直感した、西洋人の「日本人化」によって「歴史の終り」を克服していく ――

では、どうすれば西洋人を、世界中の人々を「日本人化」できるか ―― 日本人である私にあたへられた宿題として(ヤコブとたたかふ天使になったつもりで)挌鬪することにしたのであった。



かうして、世界の人々を「日本人化」するといふ Idea & Plan だ。どうですか、コジェヴ先生、こんな解答で。




0421/0607:Mariage de l'empereur Théodose II avec Eudocie.
Emperor Theodosius II marries Aelia Eudocia. The wedding was celebrated at Constantinople (Byzantine Empire).




{暦日と時間とを支配すること、それが天下の司祭者となることであり、國家の主宰者となることであった。國家は時を告げる鐘と太鼓の音で規律を帶びて機能を始める。中大兄皇子天智天皇062671 はそのことに鋭く氣付いた、新しい世代の先導者であったのである。


0871/0607(貞觀13/0516):日本[平安朝] 鳥海山、噴火


0879/0607:Pope John VIII recognizes
 the Duchy of Croatia under duke Branimir as an independent state.


0923/0607(延長01/④20):日本[平安朝] 怨靈信仰、菅原道眞を祀る

政爭に敗れ、左遷された先の大宰府で怨みを抱いて死んだ菅原道眞084503 の怨靈の猛威凄まじく、ために官位を右大臣に復し正二位を贈り、鎭魂する。


0960/0607:日本 平安期の關白太政大臣 藤原師輔090960、死

Fujiwara no Morosuke, also known as Kujō-dono or Bōjō-udaijin, was a Japanese statesman, courtier and politician during the middle Heian period.
Considered a learned scholar and well-versed in the customs of the court, he supported the court's government as udaijin during the reign of Emperor Murakami 062村上092667天皇. Morosuke's eldest daughter Fujiwara no Anshi, empress consort to Emperor Murakami, gave birth to two princes who later became Emperor Reizei 063冷泉憲平095011 and Emperor En'yū 064圓融守平095991, putting Morosuke's lineage in an advantageous position as the maternal relatives of the Emperor.


1099/0607:First Crusade、Siege of Jerusalem begins.



1358/0607(延文03/0430):日本 室町幕府開祖 足利尊氏130558、死

Ashikaga Takauji was the founder and first shōgun of the Ashikaga shogunate.
His rule began in 1338, beginning the Muromachi period of Japan, and ended with his death in 1358.
He was a descendant of the samurai of the (Minamoto) Seiwa Genji line 清和源氏 who had settled in the Ashikaga area of Shimotsuke 下野 Province, in present-day Tochigi 栃木 Prefecture.

According to Zen master and intellectual Musō Soseki 夢窗疎石127551 , who enjoyed his favor and collaborated with him, Takauji had three qualities. First, he kept his cool in battle and was not afraid of death. Second, he was merciful and tolerant. Third, he was very generous with those below him.

This is a masterpiece of Japanese portrait


1402/0607(應永09/0507):日本[室町] 公卿、一条兼良140281、生

Ichijō Kaneyoshi aussi connu sous le nom Ichijō Kanera, est le fils du régent Tsunetsugu.
Kugyō, il appartient à la noblesse de cour japonaise de l'époque Muromachi (1336–1573).
Il occupe les positions de régent sesshō en 1432 et kampaku de 1447 à 1453 et de 1467 à 1470.
Norifusa et Fuyuyoshi sont ses fils. Une de ses filles, Keishi (経子), épouse Takatsukasa Masahira.

Troops Republic Venice capture Udine, 

Les troupes de la République de Venise prennent Udine, mettant fin à l'indépendance de la Patria del Friuli.

The Polish king Kasimir IV Jagiełło enters into the purchase of Ordensburg Marienburg. The Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, which was hostile to him, fled to Konigsberg.

1494/0607:Spain & Portugal「Treaty of Tordesillas」
which divides the New World between the two countries.




1513/0607:イタリア、Bataille de Novare


1520/0607:L'entrevue du Camp du Drap d'Or






1628/0607:Petition of Right(權利の請願)、イギリス國王が署名
a major English constitutional document, is granted the Royal Assent by Charles I and becomes law.


1654/0607:フランス、Louis XIV 即位

Lous14 とその父と母、なんかスゴイ


Port Royal, Jamaica, is hit by a catastrophic earthquake; in just three minutes, 1,600 people are killed and 3,000 are seriously injured.


In St. Petersburg, laid the first Winter Palace, built for the Empress Anna Ioannovna.

B Санкт-Петербурге заложен первый Зимний дворец, сооружённый для императрицы Анны Иоанновны.

1742/0607:數學、Conjecture de Goldbach、未解決中

In einem Brief an Leonhard Euler äußert der Mathematiker Christian Goldbach die später nach ihm benannte, bis heute unbewiesene Vermutung. Danach soll sich jede gerade Zahl größer 2 als Summe zweier Primzahlen darstellen lassen.

Louis XVI offre le domaine du Petit Trianon à son épouse Marie-Antoinette.

1778/0607:イギリスのダンディ George Byron Brummell 177840、生

George Bryan "Beau" Brummell was an iconic figure in Regency England and for many years the arbiter of men's fashion.
At one time he was a close friend of the Prince Regent, the future King George IV, but after the two quarrelled, and Brummell got into debt, he had to take refuge in France. Eventually he died shabby and insane in Caen.

平民の身でイトンカレッヂに入り、その貴公子然とした立ち居振舞ひは Beau と綽名されるほどであった。


彼の着付けの技法では、Neck Cloth といふ(肖像画にあるやうなのだらう)もので、当時の伊達男の定番となった。

彼の魅力は、氣取りのない口調と人を見下ろしたやうな態度、時に大膽な毒舌にもあったらしい。その毒舌のために大事な取卷を多く失ったやうだが、それもダンディぶりに、あのGeorge Gordon Byron 178824が「ナポレオンになるよりブランメルになりたい」と云ふほどだった。

➜ 『對のあそび』「George Bryan Brummell 177840 et Oscar Wilde 185400」

Richard Henry Lee presents the "Lee Resolution" to the Continental Congress. The motion is seconded by John Adams and will lead to the United States Declaration of Independence.


1788/0607:French Revolution: Day of the Tiles:
Civilians in Grenoble toss roof tiles and various objects down upon royal troops.

Emeutes contre l'autorité du roi durant la journée des Tuiles à Grenoble.

1832/0607:Asian cholera reaches Quebec,
 brought by Irish immigrants, and kills about 6,000 people in Lower Canada.


1843/0607:ドイツ 詩人 Friedrich Hölderlin 177043、死

Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin zählt zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Lyrikern. Sein Werk lässt sich in seiner Bedeutung innerhalb der deutschen Literatur um 1800 weder der Weimarer Klassik noch der Romantik zuordnen.
He became a divine student at the University of Tübingen, where he studied with Hegel and Schering. He was not a priest and kept poetry while tutoring in various places and made poetry including a literary novel "Huperion" and numerous praise and anthems, but in the thirties suffering from schizophrenia, after that spent in the tower.


1862/0607:USA & UK agree
 in the Lyons–Seward Treaty to suppress the African slave trade.


1848/0607:フランス 画家 Paul Gauguin 184803、生

un peintre postimpressionniste. Chef de file de l'École de Pont-Aven et inspirateur des nabis, il est considéré comme l'un des peintres français majeurs du XIXe siècle, et l'un des plus importants précurseurs de l'art moderne avec Munch et Cézanne.

La Vision après le sermon ou La Lutte de Jacob avec l'ange (1888)


D'où venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Où allons-nous ?

During the French intervention in Mexico, Mexico City is captured by French troops.


1868/0607:スコッチ 建築家 Charles Rennie Mackintosh 186828、生

a Scottish architect, designer, water colourist and artist.
His artistic approach had much in common with European Symbolism. His work, alongside that of his wife Margaret Macdonald, was influential on European design movements such as Art Nouveau and Secessionism. He was born in Glasgow and died in London.

"The Lighthouse", Charles Mackintosh's Glasgow Herald building.




1903 有名な椅子。おそらく彼の建築物より




1880/0607:War Pacific: Battle of Arica,
 the assault and capture of Morro de Arica (Arica Cape), ends the Campaña del Desierto (Desert Campaign).

La fortaleza en la montaña de El Morro en la ciudad puerto peruano de Arica es conquistado por los chilenos en el salitre.

Mohandas Gandhi commits his first act of civil disobedience.


The Japanese army completely occupied Taiwan in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty of Shimonoseki.


1896/0607:ドイツで、HugoWolf oper Der Corregidor 初演
In Mannheim wird die Komische Oper Der Corregidor von Hugo Wolf nach einem Libretto von Rosa Mayreder mit großem Erfolg uraufgeführt.


1905/0607:ドイツ、Kirchnerら『Brücke』結成In Dresden gründen Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Fritz Bleyl, Erich Heckel und Karl Schmidt-Rottluff die Brücke, eine expressionistische Künstlergruppe.


Norway's parliament dissolves its union with Sweden. The vote was confirmed by a national plebiscite on August 13 of that year.


McKinley, the highest mountain of North American continent, America's missionary stacks and others first climbed.



Hudson Stuck, auteur de la première ascension réussie du mont McKinley.


Chute du Fort de Vaux.

Le fort de Vaux, situé à Vaux-devant-Damloup, près de Verdun, dans la Meuse (France), est construit de 1881 à 1884 dans le cadre du système Séré de Rivières et renforcé en 1888. Il est l'un des hauts lieux de la bataille de Verdun en 1916.


1917/0607:WWⅠ、Battle of Messines
Allied soldiers detonate ammonal mines underneath German trenches at Messines Ridge, killing 10,000 German troops.


El español Baumeister Antoni Gaudí es atropellado en su ciudad de Barcelona desde el tranvía. Él murió varios días después.

{Sagrada Família の彼の作り方は、私には非常に參考になった。

1929/0607:Accords du Latran
Ratification des accords du Latran qui matérialise la naissance de l'État de la Cité du Vatican.



Am Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris wird das Ballett mit Gesang Die sieben Todsünden von Bertolt Brecht (Libretto), Kurt Weill (Musik) und George Balanchine (Choreographie) mit Lotte Lenya und Tilly Losch in den Hauptrollen uraufgeführt.
https://is.gd/H9Bt6v Die sieben Todsünden (Ballett)

1936/0607:Signature des accords Matignon en France.


1937/0607:USA 映画女優 Jean Harlow 191137

an American film actress and sex symbol of the 1930s.
Harlow became a leading lady for MGM, starring in a string of hit films including Red Dust (1932), Dinner at Eight (1933), Reckless (1935), and Suzy (1936). Harlow's popularity rivaled and soon surpassed that of her MGM colleagues Joan Crawford and Norma Shearer. She had become one of the biggest movie stars in the world by the late 1930s, often nicknamed the "Blonde Bombshell" and the "Platinum Blonde"; she was also popular for her "Laughing Vamp" movie persona.

par George Hurrell en 1933


Harlow and Ben Lyon in Hell's Angels (1930)




1942/0607:WWⅡ、Battle of Midway ends. American victory.



1942/0607:WWⅡ、Aleutian Islands Campaign:
Imperial Japanese soldiers begin occupying the American islands of Attu and Kiska, in the Aleutian Islands off Alaska.


1944/0607:WWⅡ:Steamer Danae, 沈没。中には、
carrying 350 Cretan Jews and 250 Cretan partisans, is sunk without survivors off the shore of Santorini.


1945/0607:日本で一番有名な哲學者 西田幾多郎187045、死

Nishida Kitarō est un philosophe japonais, fondateur de l'École de Kyōto, une école philosophique japonaise, qui a cherché à marier la philosophie occidentale avec la spiritualité issue des traditions extrême-orientales tel le bouddhisme. Il introduisit la phénoménologie de Husserl au Japon.
Le zen, qu'il pratiqua intensivement, eut une influence considérable sur sa pensée. Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki fut un ami de Nishida. Ils se rencontrèrent durant leur jeunesse, avant que Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki ne devienne l'un des érudits les plus respectés de son temps concernant la pensée zen, particulièrement après qu'il se fut installé aux États-Unis.


天使といふ語と顰める眉根とが、Albrecht Dürer 147128 の魔法陣のまへでメランコリックな天使を想起させたのであった。そのポウヅは、ロダン地獄の門番の考へる人となったり(ロダンは彼の祕書を務めたこともある Rainer Maria Rilke 187526 の天使を想起させ)、また廣隆寺の半跏思惟の彌勒菩薩みたいになったりする一方、天使を取り憑かれたやうに連作した Paul Klee 187940 を想起させ、彼の描いた天使のなかで最も有名な逸話を持つ『Angelus novus』へと思ひ至らせた。この小さな繪を買ったのは Walter Benjamin 189240 であった。彼はこの繪をタマシヒのブロマイドのやうに肌身離さず、その自殺へといたるナチスドイツからの逃避行の最後まで同行させたのであった。ベンヤミンはこの「目を見開き、口を開き、翼を廣げ(と彼は書いてゐるが私には力なく垂らしてやうに見える)」天使とわが阿修羅像とが重なって、この繪に觸發されてベンヤミンが遺書のやうに遺した論文にある「歴史の天使」が合體するやうに、わが「きよきまなじり*つよきまなざし」の明日等(とわが物語のための主人公をさう命名してゐた)の中心的性格を成してゐたのであった。

1952/0607:トルコの作家 Orhan Pamuk 1952--

a Turkish novelist, screenwriter, academic and recipient of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature.
Pamuk is the author of novels including Silent House, The White Castle, The Black Book, The New Life, My Name Is Red, Snow, The Museum of Innocence, and A Strangeness in My Mind.

1954/0607:イギリス 数学者 Alan Turing 191254、死(自殺?)

Alan Mathison Turing is a British mathematician and cryptologist, author of works that scientifically ground computing.
Turing was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer. Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.

On 8 June 1954, Turing's housekeeper found him dead. He had died the previous day. A post-mortem examination established that the cause of death was cyanide poisoning.
When his body was discovered, an apple lay half-eaten beside his bed, and although the apple was not tested for cyanide, it was speculated that this was the means by which a fatal dose was consumed. An inquest determined that he had committed suicide, and he was cremated at Woking Crematorium on 12 June 1954


GATT(関税及び貿易に関する一般協定) に加盟。


1957/0607:ヨーロッパ横断特急 (TEE) 、運行開始。


1958/0607:USA ミュウジシャン Prince 195816、生

Prince Rogers Nelson was an American singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, actor, and director.
Prince was known for his electric work, flamboyant stage presence, extravagant fashion sense and use of makeup, and wide vocal range. His innovative music integrated a wide variety of styles, including funk, rock, R&B, new wave, soul, psychedelia, and pop.


1967/0607:USA 作家 Dorothy Parker 189367、死

an American poet and screenwriter, known for her caustic humor, her words of wit and the sharp glance she took on 20th-century urban society.

 __Dorothy Parker 189367 Quote
≫ Never throw mud: you can miss the target, but your hands will remain dirty.
≫ Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye.
≫ You can't teach an old dogma new tricks. オレはできるけどね。
The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
≫ The cleverest woman on earth is the biggest fool on earth with a man.

1967/0607:イスラエル電撃「Six-Day War」
Israeli soldiers enter Jerusalem.


1970/0607:イギリス 小説家 Edward Morgan Forster 187970、死

an English novelist, short story writer, essayist and librettist.
Many of his novels examined class difference and hypocrisy in early 20th-century British society, notably A Room with a View (1908), Howards End (1910), and A Passage to India (1924), which brought him his greatest success.


The Israeli Air Force destroys Iraq's Osiraq nuclear reactor during Operation Opera.


1980/0607:USA 作家 Henry Miller 189180、死

an American writer, expatriated in Paris at his flourishing.
He was known for breaking with existing literary forms and developing a new type of semi-autobiographical novel that blended character study, social criticism, philosophical reflection, explicit language, sex, surrealist free association, and mysticism


1991/0607:Mount Pinatubo erupts,
generating an ash column 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) high.



The United Nations defines the Blue Line as the border between Israel and Lebanon.


2015/0607:イギリス 怪奇俳優 Christopher Lee 192215、死

an English character actor. With a career spanning nearly 70 years, Lee was well known for portraying villains and became best known for his role as Count Dracula in a sequence of Hammer Horror films.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World