12/16:歴史から未來を紡ぎだす SF「と云っても Social Fiction、もう一つの來たるべき世界
歴史暦:古今東西 12/16 今日の出來事
私の好む SFは Science Fiction よりは Social Fiction のはう、Utopia/Dystopia 系の。
私の持説は、人間の社界の Utopia/Dystopia の複雜微妙な表裏一體といふか(まさにメビウスの輪のやうに)ユウトピアがいつしかディストピアとなり、またいつしかディストピアがユウトピアになってゐる ―― もっと云ってしまへば、觀察者の視点と視覺によって同じ世界がユウトピア的であったり、ディストピアであったりする(そもそも地獄極樂がさうした性格を持ってゐるのだが。たとへば、さうした狀況を『看視と監視』といふタイトルで構想して、造形してみたことがある。病院での看護婦と警備員のそれ。また、George Orwell 190350 は BigBrother と名付けたが、それが BigSister だったり GreatMother だったりしたら、Dystopia はたちまち Utopia になってしまふのではないだらうか …… とか。
0705/1216:唐の女帝 武則天062405、崩去
Contemporary called "Shun Tian Sheng Sheng Queen", or "Wuhou (left retired queen)," known as "Empress Wu." And the state of Manshui people, the only history of China because of the monarchy who have been recognized by the official history of the female emperor.
Pepin of Herstal, mayor of the Merovingian palace, dies at Jupille (modern Belgium). He is succeeded by his infant grandson Theudoald while his wife Plectrude holds actual power in the Frankish Kingdom.
An Lushan revolts against Chancellor Yang Guozhong at Yanjing, initiating the An Lushan Rebellion during the Tang dynasty of China.
1742/1216:Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher 174219、誕生
Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, Fürst von Wahlstatt war preußischer Generalfeldmarschall und hat sich in bedeutenden Schlachten hervorgetan.
Seiner offensiven Truppenführung verdankte er den populären Beinamen Marschall Vorwärts, der ihm nicht von den Deutschen, sondern von den damals in den Befreiungskriegen verbündeten Russen verliehen wurde
攻撃的な性格から前進元帥(Marschall Vorwärts)と渾名された。
L'enciclopedista italiano Cecco d'Ascoli, condannato dall'Inquisizione, è costretto a lasciare Bologna.
The Italian encyclopedist Cecco d'Ascoli, condemned by the Inquisition, is forced to leave Bologna.
Francesco Stabili, dit Cecco d'Ascoli 126927 était un poète et encyclopédiste italien du Moyen Âge. Il est l'auteur d'un poème didactique intitulé Acerba, écrit en italien, une sorte d'encyclopédie où il traite de la physique et de l'astrologie.
Il est mort sur le bûcher de l'Inquisition. 死罪、焚刑。
1431/1216:百年戰爭 Hundred Years' War:
Henry VI of England is crowned King of France at Notre Dame in Paris.
Henri VI d'Angleterre est sacré roi de France à Notre-Dame.
Vasco da Gama passes the Great Fish River, where Bartolomeu Dias had previously turned back to Portugal.
An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 8.5 strikes Valdivia, Chile.
1598/1216:China&Korea vs Japan「Seven-Year War: Battle of Noryang」
The final battle of the Seven-Year War is fought between the China and the Korean allied forces and Japanese navies, resulting in a decisive allied forces victory.
He led the Korean navy army in the role of Bunroku & Keicho, fought against the Japanese army. However, it was a man of undulating career, for example, being harassed frequently by the influence of the internal party struggle and being made a soldier as a result of being appointed to it.
éruption du Vésuve.
Jules Mazarin est nommé cardinal.
English Interregnum: The Protectorate: Oliver Cromwell becomes Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland.
Oliver Cromwell est nommé Lord Protecteur d'Angleterre, d'Écosse et d'Irlande.
1687/1216:William Petty 162387、死去
English economist, scientist and philosopher.
He first became prominent serving Thomas Cromwell 148540 and the Commonwealth in Ireland. He developed efficient methods to survey the land that was to be confiscated and given to Cromwell's soldiers. He also managed to remain prominent under King Charles II and King James II, as did many others who had served Cromwell.
He was the first time to cast the "labor value theory" and as a pioneer of "political arithmetic school", it is said to be the founder of classical economics and statistics.
1645/11頃にオランダを離れ、フランスのパリに移る。ペルの紹介状により Thomas Hobbes 158879 の知己を得て、その縁によりマランメルセンヌを中心とするサアクルに参加。メルセンヌ、ホッブス、デカルト、ジルドロベルヴァル、クロウド ミドルジュら当代フランスにおける著名な科学者や知識人と交流した。ホッブスとは光学や解剖学の分野で協働し、数学的論証を重視する姿勢に大きな影響を受けた。
1662、ペティとの協働とされるグラントの著作『死亡表に関する自然的および政治的諸観察』が出版され、さらに同年ペティによって財政論『租税貢納論』が匿名で出版された。1665年に戦時財政論『賢者には一言をもって足る』が執筆され、ペティの死後1692年に 『アイルランドの政治的解剖』の付録として出版された。
Convention Parliament: The Declaration of Right is embodied in the Bill of Rights.
イギリスの不成典憲法を構成する法律の一つ。正式名称は「臣民の権利と自由を宣言し、かつ、王位の継承を定める法律」(An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown)
The volcano Fuji, Japan's highest mountain, begins its last eruption. The eruption lasting about two weeks causes a second volcanic crater halfway up the mountain.
The first meeting of the Society of Antiquaries of London takes place in London. The members want to take care of antiquities and cultural assets of the country.
1761/1216:Seven Years' War:
After a four-month siege, the Russians under Pyotr Rumyantsev take the Prussian fortress of Kołobrzeg.
After a four-month siege, the Prussian fortress Kołobrzeg surrenders to Russian troops under Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev-Sadunaiski because of hunger in the Seven Years' War.
American Revolution: Boston Tea Party: Members of the Sons of Liberty disguised as Mohawk Indians dump hundreds of crates of tea into Boston harbor as a protest against the Tea Act.
The Sons of Liberty, Indians disguised citizens of Boston, board ships of the English East India Company and destroy three loads of tea. This Boston Tea Party is the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.
1774/1216:François Quesnay 169474、死去
「フランソワ ケネ」un médecin et économiste français, penseur du roi Louis XV et l'un des fondateurs de la première école en économie, l'école des Physiocrates.
Il est l'auteur du Tableau économique (1758), qui est la première représentation schématique de l'économie.
重農主義の基礎を提供した"Tableau economique"『経済表』を出版。これは、分析的手法で経済活動についての始めての説明である。
1775/1216:Jane Austen 177517、誕生
English novelist known primarily for her six major novels, which interpret, critique and comment upon the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th century. Austen's plots often explore the dependence of women on marriage in the pursuit of favourable social standing and economic security. Her works critique the novels of sensibility of the second half of the 18th century and are part of the transition to 19th-century literary realism.
Her use of biting irony, along with her realism and social commentary, have earned her acclaim among critics and scholars.
Her novel draws the private life style of a woman with irony and affection focusing on marriage, set aside in the middle-class society of the country from the 18th century to the 19th century England, and its work is regarded as the top of modern English novels . It is also known that he contributed greatly to the development of free indirect speech method in English (depiction talking method)
1816/1216:Franz Sacher 181607、誕生
österreichischer Koch und Konditor; er gilt als der Erfinder der international bekannten Sachertorte.
Im Jahr 1832, der als Koch bei Klemens von Metternich 177359 diente, wurde ihm eines Tages von ihm befohlen, "besondere Süßigkeiten für die Gäste von mir und Aristokraten zu machen". Zu dieser Zeit war der Koch mit einer plötzlichen Krankheit abwesend und zu dieser Zeit antwortete Sacher, der im zweiten Lehrjahr noch 16 Jahre alt war, diese Rolle. Zu dieser Zeit wurde Sacher Torte geboren.
In 1832, who served as a cook at Klemens von Metternich 177359, he was ordered from him one day "to make special sweets for the guests of me and aristocrats" from him. At that time the chef was absent with a sudden illness and at that time Sacher, who was still 16 years old in the second year of apprentice, replied that role. At this time SacherTorte was born.
1834/1216:Léon Walras 183410、誕生
un économiste français.
Il a été considéré par Joseph Schumpeter comme « le plus grand de tous les économistes1 ».
Walras a décrit l’équilibre général de concurrence pure et parfaite et a cherché à montrer que cet équilibre est optimal. Il a voulu dire par là que l’équilibre de concurrence parfaite permettrait le plein emploi de tous les facteurs de production : toute la population active serait occupée et tous les capitaux seraient utilisés.
Joseph Schumpeter 188350 により「すべての経済学者中、最も偉大」と評された。また、経済学的分析に数学的手法を積極的に活用し、一般均衡理論を最初に定式化した。
{今日は経済学史上、有數の經濟學者がたくさん生まれてゐるな。William Petty 162387 に、François Quesnay 169474、そして、Léon Walras 183410。この後も?
1838/1216:南アフリカ「Great Trek: Battle of Blood River」
Voortrekkers led by Andries Pretorius and Sarel Cilliers defeat Zulu impis, led by Dambuza (Nzobo) and Ndlela kaSompisi in what is today KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
1859/1216:Wilhelm Carl Grimm 178659、死去
deutscher Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftler sowie Märchen- und Sagensammler. Sein Lebenslauf und sein Werk ist eng mit dem seines ein Jahr älteren Bruders Jacob Grimm verbunden, worauf die oft gebrauchte Bezeichnung Brüder Grimm hinweist.
兄と共同の仕事では、ゲルマン語の古典文献学、ゲルマン語学やドイツ語文献学などの基礎を築いた。彼らの名を一躍有名にしたのは、『グリム兄弟の子どもと家庭の童話』Kinder und Hausmärchen
1864/1216:American Civil War「Battle of Nashville」
Major General George Thomas's Union forces defeat Lieutenant General John Bell Hood's Confederate Army of Tennessee.
1866/1216:Wassily Kandinsky186644、誕生
Русскоязычный художник, теоретик-художник
Outbreak of the First Boer War between the Boer South African Republic and the British Empire.
1882/1216:Zoltán Kodály 188267、誕生
ungarischer Komponist, Musikpädagoge und Musikethnologe.
{彼の音樂は僚友だった Béla Bartók 188145 には(私においては)比べようもないが、彼の『無伴奏チェロソナタ』だけは一度聽いて魅惑された。
Tonkin Campaign: French forces capture the Sơn Tây citadel.
Carnegie Hall in New York is the premiere of Symphony No. 9 From the New World in E Minor Opus 95 by Antonín Dvořák.
1897/1216:Alphonse Daudet 184097、死去
écrivain et auteur dramatique français.
1899/1216:Noël Coward 188273、誕生
Sir Noël Peirce Coward was an English playwright, composer, director, actor and singer, known for his wit, flamboyance, and what Time magazine called "a sense of personal style, a combination of cheek and chic, pose and poise"
In 1910 he stepped on the stage as a child. In the epidemic of Jazz Age which also appeared in the UK after World War I, it was stylish and witty with fashionable themes such as the ease of transition of the psychology of middle class people and a romance game freed up for men and women relations I gained popularity by writing works. The young generation, who was tired of the long-standing Victorian rugged atmosphere, enthusiastically supported his work.
He had a great influence on the fashion of the 1920s. Tying a scarf on the neck and a turtlenec sweater showed him for the first time at the 1924 stage "Vortex."
1901/1216:Margaret Mead 190178、誕生
American cultural anthropologist who featured frequently as an author and speaker in the mass media during the 1960s and 1970s
Mead was a respected and often controversial academic who popularized the insights of anthropology in modern American and Western culture.[2] Her reports detailing the attitudes towards sex in South Pacific and Southeast Asian traditional cultures influenced the 1960s sexual revolution. She was a proponent of broadening sexual mores within a context of traditional Western religious life.
des peintres de paysages japonais les plus connus du Yō-ga, mouvement de la peinture japonaise influencé par l'art occidental apparu durant l'ère Meiji.
1912/1216:イギリスvsオットマン「First Balkan War」
The Royal Hellenic Navy defeats the Ottoman Navy at the Battle of Elli.
Admiral Franz von Hipper commands a raid on Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby.
1917/1216:Arthur Charles Clarke 191708、誕生
British science fiction writer, science writer and futurist,[3] inventor, undersea explorer, and television series host.
His masterpiece is "End of Childhood"1953, "2001: A Space Odyssey" 1968(film with Stanley Kubrick).
1918/1216:リチュアニアVincas Mickevičius-Kapsukas declares the formation of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic; it is dissolved in 1919.
The Haiyuan earthquake, magnitude 8.5, rocks the Gansu province in China, killing an estimated 200,000.
le séisme de 1920 au Haiyuan, de magnitude 8,5 (Richter), fait quelque 240 000 morts dans la province de Gansu, en Chine.
1921/1216:Camille Saint-Saëns 183521、死去
pianiste, organiste et compositeur français de l'époque post-romantique.
1871年にはフランス音楽普及のために、César Auguste Franck 182290 らと国民音楽協会を設立。
President of Poland Gabriel Narutowicz is assassinated by Eligiusz Niewiadomski at the Zachęta Gallery in Warsaw.
1928/1216:Philip Kindred Dick 192882、誕生
American science fiction writer. Dick explored philosophical, social, and political themes in his novels with plots dominated by monopolistic corporations, alternative universes, authoritarian governments, and altered states of consciousness.
His work reflected his personal interest in metaphysics and theology, and often drew upon his life experiences in addressing the nature of reality, identity, drug abuse, schizophrenia, and transcendental experiences.
{Arthur Charles Clarke 191708 と Philip Kindred Dick 192882 も同じ日に誕生してゐたのか。十二月十六日は「SFの日」とすべき、かな。
Bank robber Herman Lamm and members of his crew are killed by a 200-strong posse, following a botched bank robbery, in Clinton, Indiana.
この火災に際してのいはゆる「白木屋ズロス …… 興味のある方は御自分でお調べください。
Theodore Cole and Ralph Roe attempt to escape from the American federal prison on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay; neither is ever seen again.
1938/1216:Liv Ullmann 1938--、誕生
, actrice, réalisatrice et scénariste norvégienne.
Ingrid Bergman 191582 の映画によく出てゐた。
Adolf Hitler institutes the Cross of Honour of the German Mother.
1940/1216:Eugène Dubois 185840、死去
Dutch paleoanthropologist and geologist. He earned worldwide fame for his discovery of Pithecanthropus erectus (later redesignated Homo erectus), or "Java Man". Although hominid fossils had been found and studied before, Dubois was the first anthropologist to embark upon a purposeful search for them.
Japanese forces occupy Miri, Sarawak.
Schutzstaffel chief Heinrich Himmler orders that Roma candidates for extermination be deported to Auschwitz.
1944/1216:WWⅡ「Battle of the Bulge」
begins with the surprise offensive of three German armies through the Ardennes forest.
Japanese politician in the Empire of Japan who served as the 34th, 38th and 39th Prime Minister of Japan and founder/leader of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association. He was Prime Minister in the lead-up to Japan entering World War II.
Léon Blum devient président du Conseil du gouvernement Léon Blum en France.
1946/1216:フランス、Christian Dior、
grâce à Marcel Boussac, « le roi du tissu », le styliste Christian Dior inaugure sa maison de couture, avenue Montaigne à Paris.
William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain build the first practical point-contact transistor.
Mao Zedong visits the Soviet Union for the first time.
1950/1216:Korean War:
U.S. President Harry Truman declares a state of emergency, after Chinese troops enter the fight in support of communist North Korea.
A United Airlines Douglas DC-8 and a TWA Lockheed Super Constellation collide over Staten Island, New York and crash, killing all 128 people aboard both aircraft and six more on the ground.
1965/1216:Somerset Maugham 187465、死去
British playwright, novelist and short story writer. He was among the most popular writers of his era and reputedly the highest-paid author during the 1930s.
1965/1216:Vietnam War
General William Westmoreland sends U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara a request for 243,000 more men by the end of 1966.
Adoption du pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques.
At Stanford University, a group of scientists around Arthur Kornberg succeed in isolating reduplicable DNA.
1968/1216:035横綱 双葉山定次191268、死去
Futabayama Sadaji (双葉山 定次), born as Akiyoshi Sadaji (龝吉 定次) in Oita Prefecture, Japan, was the 35th yokozuna in sumo wrestling, from 1937 until 1945. He won twelve yūshō or top division championships and had a winning streak of 69 consecutive bouts, an all-time record. Despite his dominance he was extremely popular with the public.
現役引退から一年が過ぎた1947/0121、石川県金沢市にあった新宗教「璽宇」に対して、石川県警察が 食糧管理法違反の容疑で取り締まりをおこなった。双葉山は現役時代に蓄膿症の手術を受けた頃から熱心な日蓮宗の信者だったが、この時はなぜか璽宇に帰依していた。その理由は「日本の敗戦による虚脱感、または部屋と相撲協会の指導者の立場で悩んでいた」「璽宇の関係者だった呉清源に誘われた」「長岡良子の奸計にはまった」など諸説あるが、いずれにせよ双葉山の悩みと求道的な性格に付け込んで、言葉巧みに璽宇関係者がマインドコントロールを行って利用したものと言はれてゐる。双葉山は金沢市で警察関係者の進入を阻止したことで、教祖の璽光尊とともに逮捕された。
1968/1216:Vatican「Second Vatican Council」
Official revocation of the Edict of Expulsion of Jews from Spain.
1971/1216:Bangladesh Liberation War & Indo-Pakistani War
The surrender of the Pakistan Army brings an end to both conflicts. This is commemorated annually as Victory Day in Bangladesh, and as Vijay Diwas in India.
The United Kingdom recognizes Bahrain's independence, which is commemorated annually as Bahrain's National Day.
Libya joins four other OPEC nations in raising crude oil prices, which has an immediate, dramatic effect on the United States.
1980/1216:Colonel Sanders 189080、死去
American businessman, best known for founding Kentucky Fried Chicken and later acting as the company's brand ambassador and symbol. His name and image are still symbols of the company.
1985/1216:Constantino Paul Castellano 191565、暗殺
Paul Castellano and Thomas Bilotti are shot dead on the orders of John Gotti, who assumes leadership of New York's Gambino crime family.
Constantino Paul "Big Paul" Castellano (Italian pronunciation: [kastelano]; June 26, 1915 – December 16, 1985), also known as "The Howard Hughes of the Mob" and "Big Paulie" (or "PC" to his family), was an American mafia boss who succeeded Carlo Gambino as head of the Gambino crime family in New York, the nation's largest Cosa Nostra family at the time. The unsanctioned assassination of Castellano in 1985 by John Gotti sparked years of instability for the Gambino family.
On December 16, 1985, Bilotti drove Castellano to the prearranged meeting at the Sparks Steak House in Midtown Manhattan. A hit team was waiting near the restaurant entrance. Positioned down the street were backup shooters Dominick Pizzonia, Angelo Ruggiero and Anthony Rampino.[38] Gotti observed the scene from a car across the street.[39]
As Castellano was exiting the car at the front of the restaurant, the gunmen ran up and shot him several times. Allegedly, John Carneglia was the gunman who shot Castellano in the head.[40][41] They shot Bilotti as he exited from the driver's door. Before leaving the murder scene, Gotti drove over to view the bodies.
1989/1216:Silvana Mangano 193089、死去
un'attrice cinematografica italiana.
1989/1216:ルウマニア革命 Romanian Revolution
Protests break out in Timișoara, Romania, in response to an attempt by the government to evict dissident Hungarian pastor László Tőkés.
U.S. Appeals Court Judge Robert Smith Vance is assassinated by a mail bomb sent by Walter Leroy Moody, Jr.
en Roumanie, début de la révolution roumaine de 1989 à Timișoara.
Kazakhstan declares independence from the Soviet Union.
田中 角榮 Tanaka Kakuei, 4 May 1918 – 16 December 1993) was a Japanese politician who served in the House of Representatives from 26 April 1947 to 24 January 1990, and as the 40th Prime Minister of Japan from 7 July 1972 to 9 December 1974 (his two terms being divided by the 1972 general election).
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan militants attacked an Army Public School in Peshawar, Pakistan, killing 145 people, mostly schoolchildren.