歴史暦:古今東西 09/02 今日の出來事
≫ 西洋人は、日本が平和な文藝に耽ってあひだは、野蠻國と見做してゐた。しかるに、満州の戰場に大々的殺戮を始めると文明國と呼びだした。『茶の本』1906
Pharaoh Cleopatra VII declares her son co-ruler as Ptolemy XV Caesarion.
-044/0902:Roman Republic
Cicero launches the first of his Philippicae (oratorical attacks) on Mark Antony. He will make 14 of them over the following months.
# Phillippicae:ピリッピカ ou フィリッピカ(philippic)は、特定の政治家などを非難するときの激しい攻撃演説を意味する。デモステネスがピリッポス二世に対しておこなった数回の彈劾演に由來。
-031/0902:ロウマ共和政最後の戰爭「Battle of Actium」
Off the western coast of Greece, forces of Octavian defeat troops under Mark Antony & Cleopatra.
The last of the Roman civil wars of the republic, fought between Mark Antony (assisted by Cleopatra) and Octavian. After the Roman Senate declared war on the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, Antony(her lover and ally), betrayed the Roman government and joined the war on Cleopatra’s side. After the decisive victory for Octavian at the Battle of Actium, Cleopatra and Antony withdrew to Alexandria, where Octavian besieged the city until both Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide.
Fondation de l'abbaye de Cluny, en Bourgogne.
1179/0902:平清盛の嫡男 平重盛113879、逝去
1192/0902:03十字軍「Treaty of Jaffa」
The Third Crusade ends with a peace agreement between Sultan Saladin and Richard Lionheart.
1610/0902:これも二代目 大友義統155810、死去
「おほとも よしむね」九州の名門である大友氏の第二十二代の當主。戰國大名の雄、大友宗麟義鎭153087の嫡男。
1628/0902:Denmark「Battle of Wolgast」,
the imperial troops of Wallenstein defeated the Danish defenders of the recently conquered Pomeranian town. Denmark's King Christian IV fled after his defeat in his kingdom.
1649/0902:Italy「War of Castro」
The city of Castro is completely destroyed by the forces of Pope Innocent X, ending the Wars.
1666/0902:London「Great Fire」
breaks out and burns for 3 days, destroying 10,000 buildings including St Paul's Cathedral.
1667/0902:Paris「L'éclairage public
est présenté à Paris pour mieux surveiller les événements de la nuit.
1715/0902:France、Philippe d'Orléans devient régent.
Philippe II de Bourbon, gardien du nouveau roi français Louis XV, a pu annuler la volonté du roi Louis XIV, décédé la veille, par le parlement de Paris. Cela a réduit ses pouvoirs par la création d'un conseil de régence. En retour, Philippe met l'accent sur les limites de la loi sur les remontrances du parlement.
Great Britain adopts the Gregorian calendar, nearly two centuries later than most of Western Europe.
1778/0902:ナポレオンの弟 Louis Bonaparte 177846、誕生
un prince français et roi de Hollande de 1806 à 1810 sous le nom de Louis Napoléon (Lodewijk Napoleon en néerlandais).
Membre de la maison Bonaparte, il est un des frères de Napoléon Ier et le père de Napoléon III.
1789/0902:USA「Department of the Treasury」founded.
1792/0902:France、パリで 「Massacres de Septembre」
Au cours de la Révolution française, le massacre de septembre organisé par Jean Paul Marat et Georges Jacques Danton a commencé à Paris.
During what became known as the September Massacres of the French Revolution, rampaging mobs slaughter three Roman Catholic Church bishops, more than two hundred priests, and prisoners believed to be royalist sympathizers.
0902から数日間つづけられたパリの監獄での虐殺事件。殺害者数は 14,000人とも 16,000人とも。その大半は、普通の犯罪者であった。
A massive landslide destroys the town of Goldau, Switzerland, killing 457.
1807/0902:Denmark, Copenhargen
The Royal Navy bombards Copenhagen with fire bombs and phosphorus rockets to prevent Denmark from surrendering its fleet to Napoleon.
1811/0902:Norway, オスロ大学創立
The University of Oslo is founded as The Royal Fredericks University, after Frederick VI of Denmark and Norway.
1813/0902:フランス革命期の將軍 Jean Victor Moreau 176313、死去
un général français de la Révolution, également feld-maréchal de Russie et maréchal de France à titre posthume.
フランス革命で將軍となり、1800ホウエンリンデン戰でオウストリア軍を破り國民的英雄となったが、1802以後ナポレオンと不和となり、王統派に鞍替へした。イギリスの William Pitt 175906 の後援によるクウデタに加はり、流刑となった。後にロシア皇帝アレクサンドル一世に招かれ、ロシア軍元帥となり、ドレスデン戰で負傷、プラハで沒した。
1820/0902(嘉慶25/0725):中國[清]07皇帝 嘉慶帝176020、崩去
1838/0902:ハワイ王國最後の王 Lydia Liliuokalani 183817、誕生
the last reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii, beginning January 29, 1891 until the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii on January 17, 1893. The composer of "Aloha ʻOe" , she authored her biography during her imprisonment following the overthow.
1840/0902:イタリアの作家 Giovanni Verga 174022、誕生
uno scrittore e drammaturgo italiano, considerato il maggior esponente della corrente letteraria del verismo.
# ゾラの「ルウゴンマッカル叢書」の構成に想を得た連作『敗者たちの作品群』(Il ciclo dei vinti)をめざした。が、
The German emigrant and pharmacist Hermann Blumenau founds the village Blumenau named after him in Brazil. The city is becoming a center of German colonization in the country.
1852/0902:フランス 作家 Paul Bourget 185235、誕生
un écrivain et essayiste catholique français, académicien, issu d’une famille originaire d’Ardèche.
1853/0902:ドイツの化学者 Wilhelm Ostwald 185332、誕生
ein deutsch-baltischer Chemiker und Philosoph.
Er gilt als einer der Begründer der Physikalischen Chemie und lehrte an der Universität Leipzig.
The Tianjing incident takes place in Nanjing, China.
1862/0902:American Civil War「2nd Battle of Bull Run」
US President Abraham Lincoln reluctantly restores Union General George McClellan to full command after General John Pope's disastrous defeat at the Second Battle of Bull Run.
1864/0902:American Civil War:
Union forces enter Atlanta, a day after the Confederate defenders flee the city, ending the Atlanta Campaign.
1865/0902:アイルランド 数学者 William Hamilton 180565、死去
mathématicien, physicien et astronome irlandais
1870/0902:Franco-Prussian War「 Battle of Sedan」
Prussian forces take Napoleon III and 100,000 of his soldiers prisoner.
Signature de l'acte de reddition après la défaite de Sedan.
1871/0902:明治の藝妓 川上貞奴194671、誕生
1877/0902:皇女和宮 親子内親王184677、薨去
仁孝天皇の第八皇女。孝明天皇の異母妹。徳川將軍、14徳川家茂184666 に降嫁。
1877/0902:イギリス 放射化学 Frederick Soddy 187756、誕生
an English radiochemist who explained, with Ernest Rutherford, that radioactivity is due to the transmutation of elements, now known to involve nuclear reactions.
1879/0902:伊藤博文の暗殺者 安重根191079、誕生
1885/0902:USA「Rock Springs massacre」
In Rock Springs, Wyoming, 150 white miners, who are struggling to unionize so they could strike for better wages and work conditions, attack their Chinese fellow workers killing 28, wounding 15 and forcing several hundred more out of town.
1894/0902:明治時代の公家華族 柳原前光185094、死去
1898/0902:GB vs Egypt「Battle of Omdurman」
British & Egyptian troops defeat Sudanese tribesmen and establish British dominance in Sudan.
1901/0902:American Creed「Speak softly and carry a big stick」
Vice President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt utters the famous phrase, "Speak softly and carry a big stick" at the Minnesota State Fair.
{Softly ではないだらう。あからさまに、單刀直入に、強迫し、無論、これみよがしに棍棒をちらつかせながら、それがずっとアメリカのやり方だった。
Qing abolished enumeration.
1910/0902:フランス 画家 Henri Rousseau 184410、死去
un peintre français. Il est considéré comme un représentant majeur de l'art naïf.
1913/0902:東西の懸け橋の一人 岡倉天心186313、逝去
幼少期から覺えた英語で、お傭ひ外國人の Ernest Fenollosa 185308 の助手となり、公私にわたり彼の手傳ひをするうちに美術史の専門家になってゐた。
彼の有名な逸話に ――
When Tenshin (invited from the Boston Museum of Art) went to the United States with Yokoyama Taikan and Hishida Syunsou, the American who differently saw the Japanese official costume (haori and hakama) said to ridicule him,
"What sort of nese are you people? Are you Chinese, or Japanese, or Javanese?"
As if waiting for it to be said so, Tenshin rephrased things wonderfully.
"We are Japanese gentlemen. But what kind of key are you? Are you a Yankee, or a donkey, or a monkey?"
『The Awakening of the East』東洋の目覺め 1902
『The Ideals of the East-with special reference to the art of Japan』東洋の理想 1903
『The Awakening of Japan』日本の目覺め 1904
『The Book of Tea』茶の本 1906
≫ 西洋人は、日本が平和な文藝に耽ってあひだは、野蠻國と見做してゐた。しかるに、満州の戰場に大々的殺戮を始めると文明國と呼びだした。
1916/0902:函館戰爭 五稜郭の戰士 小芝長之助182916、死去
1920/0902:Soviet Russia
After the invasion of Soviet troops into the Emirate of Bukhara, Emir Alim Khan fled to Afghanistan.
1927/0902:大相撲第二十代横綱 梅ヶ谷藤太郎187827、死去
1930/0902:Germany Nazis
Hitler übernimmt den Oberbefehl über die SA (Sturmabteilung).
1937/0902:オリンピック創立 Pierre de Coubertin 186337、死去
un historien et pédagogue français fortement influencé par la culture anglo-saxonne, qui a particulièrement milité pour l'introduction du sport dans les établissements scolaires français.
Following the start of the invasion of Poland the previous day, the Free City of Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland) is annexed by Nazi Germany.
Combat ends in the Pacific Theater: The Japanese Instrument of Surrender is signed by Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu and accepted aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
Douglas MacArthur ordered the Japanese army on the Korean peninsula to surrender to both the USSR and the Army with the 38th line as the boundary. The beginning of North Korea's division of Korea.
1945/0902:Vietnam declares its independence,
forming the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
The Interim Government of India is formed, headed by Jawaharlal Nehru as Vice President with the powers of a Prime Minister.
Cinema "The Third Man" by Carol Rees is premiered
United States Air Force C-130A-II is shot down by fighters over Yerevan in Armenia when it strays into Soviet airspace while conducting a sigint mission. All crew members are killed.
1960/0902:Tibet 選擧
The first election of the Parliament of the Central Tibetan Administration, in history of Tibet. The Tibetan community observes this date as Democracy Day.
Alabama's governor George Wallace mobilizes the state police, which black children must refuse to enter integrated schools. The separation of races is to be continued from the governor's point of view.
The Principality of Sealand declares its independence from the UK.
Nigerian Civil War「Operation OAU」begins
1969/0902:ベトナム建國の父 Hồ Chí Minh 189069、死去
1970/0902:USA、NASA announces
the cancellation of two Apollo missions to the Moon, Apollo 15 and Apollo 19.
1973/0902:イギリス 作家 John Ronald Tolkien 189273、死去
an English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor who is best known as the author of the classic high-fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion.
A Japanese fishing boat fishing in the northern part of the Yellow Sea will be shot by North Korea, two will die and will be taken to North Korea.
Magnetic levitation type linear motor car under development by JNR succeeded in the world's first manned running.
1985/0902:Sri Lankan Civil War:
Sri Lankan Tamil politicians and former MPs M. Alalasundaram and V. Dharmalingam are shot dead.
1987/0902:Soviet Russia
In Moscow, the trial begins for 19-year-old pilot Mathias Rust, who flew his Cessna airplane into Red Square in May.
1992/0902:USA 細胞遺伝学 Barbara McClintock 190292、死去
an American scientist and cytogeneticist who was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
1996/0902:Emily Kame Kngwarreye 191096、死去
an indigenous Australian artist from the Utopia community in the Northern Territory.
She is one of the most prominent and successful artists in the history of contemporary indigenous Australian art.
1997/0902:Viktor Frankl 190597、死去
ein österreichischer Neurologe und Psychiater.
Er begründete die Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse („Dritte Wiener Schule der Psychotherapie“).
≫ „Sinn muss gefunden werden, kann nicht erzeugt werden.“
Sense must be found, can not be generated.
≫ „Seit Auschwitz wissen wir, wessen der Mensch fähig ist. Und seit Hiroshima wissen wir, was auf dem Spiel steht.“
Since Auschwitz we know what man is capable of. And since Hiroshima we know what is at stake.
Swissair Flight 111 crashes near Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia; all 229 people onboard are killed.
The UN's International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda finds Jean-Paul Akayesu, the former mayor of a small town in Rwanda, guilty of nine counts of genocide.
2011/0902:Japan 民主党政權、首相のタライ回し
Noda Yoshihiko became the 95th Prime Minister.