


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 06/05 今日の出來事

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六月四日の今日もまた歴史は偶然の奇跡、なんと經濟學の大立者とも云ふべき二人、 Adam Smith 172390John Maynard Keynes 188346 がこの日に誕生!
昨日は聖武天皇徽宗皇帝、一昨日は Donatien Alphonse François de Sade 174014 とAlessandro Cagliostro 174395、その前は ……

また、この日、1963年には、UnitedKingdom で、ソ連のスパイとの関係があった売春婦と関係し「イギリス政界、二十世紀最大のスキャンダル」とされる John Profumo が陸相辭任した日であり、

その三年後の1966年には、アメリカ合衆國のロサンゼルスで大統領選擧運動中の Robert Kennedy が撃たれ、翌日死亡し、

1989には、PRChina の天安門事件は「TankMan of TienAnMen」が最後の見せ場を作り、中國の民主化運動は挫折させられてしまった。

{みな YouTube に記録ビデオがあった。


Titus and his Roman legions breach the middle wall of Jerusalem in the Siege of Jerusalem.


Boniface, Anglo-Saxon missionary, is killed by a band of pagans at Dokkum in Frisia.


1221/0605(承久03/0514):日本[源平時代] 「承久の亂」




1251/0605:日本[鎌倉] 08執權 北条時宗125184、生

Hōjō Tokimune of the Hōjō clan was the eighth shikken 執權 (officially regent of the shōgun, but de facto ruler of Japan) of the Kamakura shogunate, known for leading the Japanese forces against the invasion of the Mongols and for spreading Zen Buddhism.



1283/0605:イタリア、Battle of the Gulf of Naples
Roger of Lauria, admiral to King Peter III of Aragon, captures Charles of Salerno.


The Earl Lamoral of Egmond and Philippe de Montmorency are beheaded on the market square of Brussels. The Spanish state administrator Alba has put her before the Council of Unrest, which condemns the accused to death for high treason. The executions are part of the eighties war between the Netherlands and Spain.


The city of Breda surrenders to the Spanish tercios under general Ambrosio Spinola.

Después de doce meses de asedio de la ciudad protestante de Breda, en los Países Bajos se pasa a los españoles menores de Ambrosio Spinola.

1568年から1648年にかけての八十年戦争ではスペイン軍に二度にわたり蹂躙されるが、1637年にオラニエ公フレデリック・ヘンドリックによって解放された。特に1624年から翌年にかけてスペイン軍がこの町を包囲した戦闘は特に有名で、攻城戦を指揮したアンブロジオ・スピノラにブレダ守備隊の司令官であった Justinus van Nassau(オラニエ公ウィレム1世の庶子)が城門の鍵を渡して降伏する場面を Diego Velázquez 159960が『ブレダの開城』として描いた。その後、1648年のヴェストファーレン条約で正式にネーデルラント連邦共和国に加わった。

Christina I renounces the Swedish throne and secretly converts to Catholicism.


Louis XIV prend le Soleil comme emblème.




1723/0605:国富論 Adam Smith 172390、生

a Scottish economist, philosopher and author as well as a moral philosopher, a pioneer of political economy and a key figure during the Scottish Enlightenment era.
Smith is best known for two classic works: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776) and The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759). The former, usually abbreviated as The Wealth of Nations, is considered his magnum opus and the first modern work of economics


Adam Smith 172390『道徳感情論』1795
社会秩序の要因としての感情は、端的に言へば symphathy 同感 である。この同感とは、他人の感情および行爲の適切性 propety を評價する能力である。同感を通じて人々が自信の行動や感情が評價されてゐることを意識し、是認を望み否認を嫌ふと考へた。だが、つねに利害關係による對立があるから、個人が言動の適切性を測るための基準が必要であり、これを impartial spectator と呼び、これを意識して尊重しながら行動してゐると考へた。
但、fortune 偶然のもとでは公平な觀察者の評價と世間の評價が異なる場合がある。このやうな不規則性が社界的に重要な意義があると考へ、偶然で公平な觀察者の評價を重視する者を wise man、逆の評價に從ふ者を weal man と呼んだ。

スミスの洞察によれば、人間は自己規制 self command によって公平な觀察者に随おうとするが、激しい情念下では自己欺瞞によって公平な觀察者を無視しようとする矛盾した存在である。

`An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations`1776
説得性向、交換性向、自愛心、 分業のシステム
業績主義 meritocracy

1798/0605:Ireland「Battle of New Ross」
The attempt to spread the United Irish Rebellion into Munster is defeated.


Napoléon, qui fonda le royaume Hollande afin de rendre le roi un frère de Louis Bonaparte.


1819/0605:イギリス 数学者 John Couch Adams 181992、生

a British mathematician and astronomer.
His most famous achievement was predicting the existence and position of Neptune, using only mathematics. The calculations were made to explain discrepancies with Uranus's orbit and the laws of Kepler and Newton. At the same time, but unknown to each other, the same calculations were made by Urbain Le Verrier.

1826/0605:ドイツロマン派 作曲家 Carl Maria von Weber 178626、死

ein deutscher Komponist, Dirigent und Pianist.
Er war einer der ersten bedeutenden Komponisten der romantischen Schule.

Weber's operas Der Freischütz, Euryanthe and Oberon greatly influenced the development of the Romantische Oper (Romantic opera) in Germany.
Der Freischütz came to be regarded as the first German "nationalist" opera, Euryanthe developed the Leitmotif technique to an unprecedented degree, while Oberon may have influenced Mendelssohn's music for A Midsummer Night's Dream and, at the same time, revealed Weber's lifelong interest in the music of non-Western cultures. This interest was first manifested in Weber's incidental music for Schiller's translation of Gozzi's Turandot, for which he used a Chinese melody, making him the first Western composer to use an Asian tune that was not of the pseudo-Turkish kind popularized by Mozart and others.
Im Jahr 1821, als "Der Freischütz" in Berlin uraufgeführt wurde, gab es eine große Wirkung und etablierte das Monumentaldenkmal der Deutschen Nationaloper



HMS Pickle captures the armed slave ship Voladora off the coast of Cuba.


1832/0605:The June Rebellion breaks out in Paris
 in an attempt to overthrow the monarchy of Louis Philippe.

Insurrection à Paris jusqu'au 6 juin, à la suite des obsèques du général de division de l'Empire Jean Maximilien Lamarque décédé le 1er juin, victime de l'épidémie de choléra qui sévissait à Paris.

Denmark becomes a constitutional monarchy by the signing of a new constitution.


1850/0605:ビリザキッドを射殺した Pat Garrett 185008、生

an American Old West lawman, bartender and customs agent who became renowned for killing Billy the Kid.

He co-authored a book about Billy the Kid which, for a generation after the Kid's death, was deemed authoritative; however, historians have since found many embellishments and inconsistencies with other accounts of the outlaw's life. Garrett was murdered under unclear circumstances.

1880/1107、オウトサマの保安官に指名される。同年12月、ニュウメキシコ州知事が500ドルの賞金をつけて探してい Billy the Kidd とその仲間を逮捕した。が、翌年四月、キッドが脱走したため、ふたたびキッドを追跡し、0714、彼を射殺した。


1851/0605:USA、Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, 連載開始
 starts a ten-month run in the National Era abolitionist newspaper.


The first Japanese western ship "Hou-Ou Maru" completed in Uraga.




As the Treaty of Saigon is signed, ceding parts of southern Vietnam to France, the guerrilla leader Trương Định decides to defy Emperor Tự Đức of Vietnam and fight on against the Europeans.


1864/0605:American Civil War: Battle of Piedmont:
Union forces under General David Hunter defeat a Confederate army at Piedmont, Virginia, taking nearly 1,000 prisoners.


1878/0605:メキシコの革命指導者 Pancho Villa 187323、生

José Doroteo Arango Arámbula fue uno de los jefes de la Revolución mexicana,​ cuya actuación militar fue decisiva para la derrota del régimen del entonces presidente Victoriano Huerta.



1883/0605:イギリス 経済学者 John Maynard Keynes 188346、生

a British economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments.
He built on and greatly refined earlier work on the causes of business cycles, and was one of the most influential economists of the 20th century and the founder of modern macroeconomic theory


The first Orient Express departs from Paris's east station to Varna on the Black Sea, where travelers can take a ship to Constantinople.

1886/0605:日本 陶藝家 富本憲吉188663、生

Tomimoto Kenkichi est un potier japonais.
Il a reçu une commande pour concevoir une grande étagère japonaise en zelkova appelée kingin-sai kazari tsubo pour la salle d'audience Ume-no-Ma du palais impérial de Tokyo

1887/0605:『菊と刀』の Ruth Benedict 188748、生


an American anthropologist and folklorist.
She can be viewed as a transitional figure in her field, redirecting both anthropology and folklore away from the limited confines of culture-trait diffusion studies and towards theories of performance as integral to the interpretation of culture. She studied the relationships between personality, art, language and culture, insisting that no trait existed in isolation or self-sufficiency, a theory which she championed in her 1934 Patterns of Culture.

1898/0605:スペイン 詩人 Federico García Lorca 189836、生

un poeta, dramaturgo y prosista español, también conocido por su destreza en muchas otras artes.
Adscrito a la llamada Generación del 27, fue el poeta de mayor influencia y popularidad de la literatura española del siglo xx. Como dramaturgo se le considera una de las cimas del teatro español del siglo xx, junto con Valle-Inclán y Buero Vallejo. Murió fusilado tras el golpe de Estado que dio origen a la Guerra Civil Española un mes después de iniciada esta.

1900/0605:USA 小説家 Stephen Crane 187100、死

an American poet, novelist, and short story writer. Prolific throughout his short life, he wrote notable works in the Realist tradition as well as early examples of American Naturalism and Impressionism. He is recognized by modern critics as one of the most innovative writers of his generation.

1900/0605:イギリス「2nd Boer War」
British soldiers take Pretoria.

1906/0605:ドイツ 思想家 Karl von Hartmann 184206、死

ein deutscher Philosoph.
Er gilt auch als „der Philosoph des Unbewussten“. Von Hartmann versuchte in seinem Werk Philosophie des Unbewussten zwei verschiedene Denkweisen (Rationalismus und Irrationalismus) zusammenzuführen, indem er die zentrale Rolle des Unbewussten betonte.
Hartmann stellte eine metaphysische Idee von Hegel zusammen, einen blinden Willen von Schauenhauer, und stellte die Position seiner Philosophie als "unbewusst" ein. (Spinozas Wesen, Fichtes absolutes Ego, Hegels Idee sind in diesem System enthalten).
Sein Werk hatte Einfluss auf Tiefenpsychologen wie Sigmund Freud und Carl Gustav Jung.

1910/0605:USA 短編作家 O. Henry 186210、死

William Sydney Porter, known by his pen name O. Henry, was an American short story writer. His stories are known for their surprise endings.

Arab Revolt to Ottoman Empire breaks out.

Ernst Alexanderson sends the first fax over the Atlantic.

1928/0605:イギリス 演出家 Tony Richardson 192891、生

an English theatre and film director and producer whose career spanned five decades.

1930/0605:画家 Jules Pascin 188530、死

un peintre et dessinateur américain d'origine bulgare.

Portrait de Mimi Laurent (1927-1928)

Manolita (1929)

1931/0605:フランス 映画監督 Jacques Demy 193190、生

Principalement connu comme réalisateur, mais également scénariste, dialoguiste, parolier, producteur et acteur, il était proche de la Nouvelle Vague.
Il est surtout connu pour ses films musicaux : Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (1964), Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (1967), Peau d'âne (1970) ou encore Une chambre en ville (1982).

The U.S. Congress abrogates the United States' use of the gold standard by enacting a joint resolution (48 Stat. 112) nullifying the right of creditors to demand payment in gold.



After a brief lull in the Battle of France, the Germans renew the offensive against the remaining French divisions south of the River Somme in Operation Fall Rot ("Case Red").

1941/0605:アルゼンチン ピアニスト Martha Argerich 1941、生

una pianista argentina de música académica, considerada una de los mayores exponentes de su generación y la posguerra.

4000 Chongqing residents are asphyxiated in a bomb shelter during the Bombing of Chongqing.

Battle of the Midway: The main aircraft carrier "Kaga" "Souruu" sinks and the Japanese Navy powered fleet falls into a state of destruction.



More than 1000 British bombers drop 5,000 tons of bombs on German gun batteries on the Normandy coast in preparation for D-Day.

1945/0605:日米戰爭、日本本土空襲: 神戸大空襲

The Allied Control Council, the military occupation governing body of Germany, formally takes power.

1947/0605:USA、Marshall Plan
In a speech at Harvard University, the United States Secretary of State George Marshall calls for economic aid to war-torn Europe.

1956/0605:USA、Elvis PresleyHound Dog」release
Elvis Presley introduces his new single, "Hound Dog", on The Milton Berle Show, scandalizing the audience with his suggestive hip movements.


The British Secretary of State for War, John Profumo, resigns in a sex scandal known as the "Profumo affair".

1963/0605:イラン、Movement of 15 Khordad: 

Protests against the arrest of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini by the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. In several cities, masses of angry demonstrators are confronted by tanks and paratroopers.

1967/0605:第三次中東戦争、Six-Day War begins:
Israel launches surprise strikes against Egyptian air-fields in response to the mobilisation of Egyptian forces on the Israeli border.


1968/0605:USA、Robert F. Kennedy、暗殺される

Robert F. Kennedy, a U.S. presidential candidate, is shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian. Kennedy dies the next day.

The International communist conference begins in Moscow.


The United Kingdom holds its first country-wide referendum on remaining in the European Economic Community (EEC).

イギリス、欧州経済共同体 (EEC) にとどまるかどうかを決める国民投票

1981/0605:The "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report" of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that five people in Los Angeles, California, have a rare form of pneumonia seen only in patients with weakened immune systems, in what turns out to be the first recognized cases of AIDS.

1982/0605:日本の詩人 西脇順三郎189482、死

Nishiwaki Junzaburō est un critique littéraire et poète japonais de l'ère Shōwa, tourné vers le modernisme, le dadaïsme et le surréalisme. Il est également un peintre reputé d'aquarelles.

The passenger ship Alexandre Suvorov collides with the Ulyanovsk Railway Bridge, giving 177 deaths.

Indira Gandhi orders an attack on the Golden Temple, the holiest site of the Sikh religion.

1989/0605:PRChina、天安門事件、TankMan of TianAnMen
The Tank Man halts the progress of a column of advancing tanks for over half an hour after the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.

六四天安門事件: 「無名の反逆者」戦車の前に立ちふさがり、戰車を止める。

1999/0605:Jazz 歌手 Mel Tormé 192599、死

Melvin Howard Tormé, nicknamed The Velvet Fog, was an American musician, best known as a singer of jazz standards. He was also a jazz composer and arranger, drummer, an actor in radio, film, and television, and the author of five books.

2000/0605:Six-Day War in Kisangani begins
in Kisangani, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, between Ugandan and Rwandan forces. A large part of the city is destroyed.

A severe heat wave across Pakistan and India reaches its peak, as temperatures exceed 50 °C (122 °F) in the region.

Serbia declares independence from the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World