


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

1865 Leloir Jacob Wrestling with the Angel


歴史暦:古今東西 07/05 今日の出來事




1182/0705:San Francesco d'Assisi 118226、誕生

{0705を誕生日とするのと不明とするのとあり。0705を特定するのは、Giovanni di Pietro Bernardone の記事に依ってゐるらしい。不明だったら、この『歴史暦』に登場してこないので、仮にこの日の誕生といふことにしておきます。私にとって、大事な西洋人ですので。

Panorama von Assisi vom Monte Subasio

1316/0705:In the Battle of Manolada、Burgundian & Majorcan claimants of the Principality of Achaea meet.


1594/0705:Portuguese forces
under the command of Pedro Lopes de Sousa begin an unsuccessful invasion of the Kingdom of Kandy during the Campaign of Danture in Sri Lanka.

1601/0705:During the Dutch independence war,
the siege of Ostende begins through the Spaniards.

1610/0705:John Guy sets sail from Bristol
with 39 other colonists for Newfoundland.

1687/0705:Newton's Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica、publish

Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica(Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy)3 vols

First Edition

Book 1, De motu corporum
Book 2
Book 3, De mundi systemate

1770/0705:Battle of Chesma
between the Russian Empire & the Ottoman Empire begins.

Битва Чешме между Екатериной II России и флотов Османской империи.

1755/0705:Sarah Siddons 175531、誕生

She is a Welsh-born actress, the best-known tragedienne of the 18th century. She was most famous for her portrayal of the Shakespearean character, Lady Macbeth, a character she made her own,

1775/0705:2nd Continental Congress adopts
the Olive Branch Petition.



1792/0705:Der Habsburger Franz II wird zum römisch-deutschen König gewählt.

1803/0705:The Convention of Artlenburg is signed,
leading to the French occupation of Hanover (which had been ruled by the British king).

1807/0705:In Buenos Aires the local militias repel the British soldiers within the Second English Invasion.

1809/0705:Début de la bataille de Wagram entre Napoléon Ier et archiduc Charles.

Napoleonic Wars, Battle of Wagram、is fought between the French and Austrian Empires.
French army 180 thousand, Austrian army 150 thousand armies crashed together, and combined more than 70,000 casualties. In the battle the French army won and Austria succumbed to Schoenbrunn's sum about it.

1811/0705:Venezuela declares independence from Spain.


1814/0705:USA、War of 1812: Battle of Chippawa:
American Major General Jacob Brown defeats British General Phineas Riall at Chippawa, Ontario.


1830/0705:France、Prise d'Alger.

The Invasion of Algiers in 1830 was a large-scale military operation by which the Kingdom of France, ruled by Charles X, invaded and conquered the Ottoman Regency of Algiers. Algiers had been a province of the Ottoman Empire since the Capture of Algiers in 1529 by Hayreddin Barbarossa.

1833/0705:Joseph Nicéphore Niépce 176533、死去

un ingénieur français, connu comme étant l'inventeur de la photographie, appelée alors « procédé héliographique

彼の發明は Camera obscura のほかに、Pyréolophore といふ内燃機関の一種、水汲み機械、それに Velocipede と命名した自轉車 などがあります。が、いづれも彼と彼の兄弟とが獨走する發明品とはいかなかったやうです。

1833/0705:Admiral Charles Napier wins the navy of the Portuguese usurper Dom Miguel at the third Battle of Cape St. Vincent.

1841/0705:Tourism pioneer Thomas Cook organizes the first joint trip in England for 570 followers of the abstinence movement.


1853/0705:Cecil Rhodes 185302、誕生

a British businessman, mining magnate and politician in South Africa

He said神は望まれる、世界がより多くイギリスのものとなることを。できることならなば、私はさらに夜空の星々さへもイギリスのものにしたい

≫ I contend that we are the first race in the world, and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race...If there be a God, I think that what he would like me to do is paint as much of the map of Africa British Red as possible...
≫ I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit, the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence, look again at the extra employment a new country added to our dominions gives.
≫ We must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at the same time exploit the cheap slave labor that is available from the natives of the colonies. The colonies would also provide a dumping ground for the surplus goods produced in our factories.
この精神は今も變ってゐない。Globalist は世界の制覇ばかりに思ひを致す。彼等にとって、世界は征服しなければならぬ何物なのかだ。


水戸藩を脱藩した攘夷派の浪士十四名がイギリス公使の Rutherford Alcock を襲撃した事件。
An incident where 14 strangled samurai wrestlers who had dismissed the Mito clan attacked British minister Rutherford Alcock.






この頃の姉小路公知の行動に「變節」を思った武市半平太182965や轟武兵衛181873ら攘夷派は、公知が勝海舟182399に籠絡されたと疑ひ、それが岡田以藏などとともに高市の殺し屋となってゐた田中の耳にも入り、{姉小路家に驅け込み訴へした那須信吾182563の存在から解いていったらどうだ。彼も高市の殺し屋だった。だが、どうして彼が密告したのか。高市の命令か。だが、高市が何のために。{那須薩摩藩邸に匿はれてゐた。那須信吾は土佐の浪士で、この事件の一年ほど前、高市の指令で吉田東洋181662を暗殺した犯人の一人。暗殺後脱藩して長州藩に逃げ込み(それが薩摩藩から出てくる?)、そして、この事件の直後の八月中旬には天誅組に參加して、鷲家村で銃撃されて戰死してしまふ。{殘された刀の所有者を田中新兵衛と證言するくらゐだから田中とは親密な關係であった。だが、同僚とも云ふべき男をなぜ密告しなければならないのか。そして、密告後、彼はどこに行ったのだ。どこから天誅組に參加したのか。天誅組の中心人物の吉村寅太郎183763も土佐の浪士であった。その関係か。それとも危險となった京都から姿を消すためだったのか。薩摩藩が關與してゐたとすれば(してゐなかったとしても)那須を手放すはずはあるまい。その久光薩摩から逃れるために? 高市那須のこの頃の關係は?{どうやら謎は多く那須信吾の周圍に立ちこめてくる。

1884/0705:Germany takes possession of Cameroon.

1889/0705:Jean Cocteau 188963、誕生

un poète, graphiste, dessinateur, dramaturge et cinéaste français.

 Jean Cocteau par Modigliani, 1919.


The Republic of China National Army government was established.

1924/0705:János Starker 192413、誕生


1935/0705:USA、『National Labor Relations Act』(governs labor relations in the United States)is signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt.



The special Army Military Legal Conference sentenced 17 deputy executives of the "2・26 Jiken" to death.



1937/0705:USA、Spam(= luncheon meat)is introduced into the market by the Hormel Foods Corporation.

1940/0705:WWⅡ、UK & Vichy France government break off diplomatic relations.

1941/0705:WWⅡ、Operation Barbarossa:
German troops reach the Dnieper river.

1943/0705:WWⅡ、Allied invasion fleet sails for Sicily (Operation Husky, ~0710, 1943).

1943/0705:WWⅡ、Operation Citadel:German forces begin a massive offensive against the Soviet Union at the Battle of Kursk.

1945/0705:WWⅡ、Liberation of the Philippines is declared.

1946/0705:”Bikini like the bomb, the bikini is small & devastating"

The bikini goes on sale after debuting during an outdoor fashion show at the Molitor Pool in Paris, France.

1948/0705:UK、National Health Service Acts create the national public health system.

1950/0705:Korean War: Task Force Smith: American & North Korean forces first clash, in the Battle of Osan.

1950/0705:Zionism: The Knesset passes the Law of Return which grants all Jews the right to immigrate to Israel.

1951/0705: JFET by William Shockley from Bell Labs、Announcement of a new transistor type.


1954/0705:BBC broadcasts its first television news bulletin.

1954/0705:Elvis Presley, a trucker, takes the old Blues song "That's All Right, Mama" at the Sun Studio in Memphis and starts his career as a rock 'n' roll star.


1958/0705:Gusher Blum I peak (11th highest in the world), first climb by Nicholas Clinch Team of USA.


1960/0705:(Outbreak of Congo disturbance)
A soldier's rebellion begins in Republic of Congo. 

1962/0705:Indépendance de l'Algérie.

Algeria becomes independent from France.


Deng Xiaoping of the People's Republic of China and Nikita Khrushchev of the Soviet prime minister talked with each other in the ideological dispute and the meeting broke down on July 20.

1969/0705:Walter Gropius 188369、死去

ein deutscher (seit 1944 US-amerikanischer) Architekt & Gründer des Bauhauses.

Paul Klee 187940 も属したことがある BauHaus でこの人の名前を識ったが、その名前がとんでもないところで出てきたのには愕かされた。

あの作曲家、Gustav Mahler 186011 の死後、未亡人となった Alma は Gropius と結婚して、女の子が生まれた。その子、Manon は十八歳で早逝するのだが、その少女の「天使の思ひ出」のために Violin Concerto を作曲したのは、なんとあの ALban Berg 188535であった。そして、この作品を遺作として彼も死んでしまふ。

ちなみに、アルマとグロピウスは1920年に早々に別れてゐた。別れた後、アルマが一緒になったのは、Franz Werfel であった。彼も著名な劇作家であった。

1969/0705:Wilhelm Backhaus 188469、死去

deutscher Pianist.


1905年、Backhaus は「ルビンシュタイン音樂コンクウル」のピアノ部門で優勝したが、その時の二位が、後世二十世紀を代表する作曲家の一人となる Béla Bartók 188145 であった。バルトクはピアニストとして食っていかうと思ってゐたのでこの結果に落膽し、作曲家の運命のはうを選んだ。

私はバックハウスの演奏を好んだ。Ludwig van Beethoven 177027 の晩年のピアノソロは無論のことだが、特に第四のピアノコンチェルトが好きであった。

1971/0705:Right to vote、"Twenty-sixth Amendment" to the U. S Constitution, lowering the voting age from 21 to 18 years, is formally certified by President Richard Nixon.

1975/0705:Cape Verde gains its independence from Portugal.


Military coup in Pakistan: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the first elected Prime Minister of Pakistan, is overthrown.



1987/0705:Sri Lankan Civil War:
LTTE uses suicide attacks on the Sri Lankan Army for the first time.
The Black Tigers are born and, in the following years, will continue to kill with the tactic.



{私にとっては小津安二郎190363の戰後の映画の常連の脇役として この人と相棒の北竜二が出てくる『彼岸花』や『秋日和』『秋刀魚の味』などの小津の映画を、まるで音楽のやうに繰り返し見ても飽きることがない。


1995/0705:The Republic of Armenia adopts its constitution, 4 years after its independence from the Soviet Union.

1996/0705:Dolly the sheep becomes the first mammal cloned from an adult cell.


2006/0705:North Korea tests four short-range missiles, one medium-range missile & a long-range Taepodong-2.
The long-range Taepodong-2 reportedly fails in mid-air over the Sea of Japan.


2009/0705:PRChina、A series of violent riots break out in Ürümqi,
the capital city of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the People's Republic of China.

2015/0705:In Greece, the "no" vote prevails in a referendum organized on the draft agreement proposed by the creditors of the country.


USAに歸化した日本生まれの理論物理學者、NobelPrize 受賞者。

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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