


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 06/18 今日の出來事

今日の私には四つの聲=Voice が響いてゐる。「Sound and Fury」となって響いてゐる。

このフランスとイギリスを窮状に追ひ込んでゐるドイツナチスの、プロパガンダの Voice となった奇妙奇天烈な經歴の、William Joyce といふ男、アメリカ生まれでイギリスに來て、そこでイタリアのファシズムに感染し、つひにはナチスのドイツに亡命し、そこでナチスの宣傳要員となり、ドイツ敗戰とともにイギリスに捕まり、祖國への反逆罪を問はれ、有罪死刑を判決され、最後に彼が殘した言刃
それから、五十年後のアメリカ、有名な連續爆破の Unabomber 事件の實行犯、Theodore Kacznski が犯行中止の取引として全国紙への掲載を要求した Unabomber Manifest(『産業社界とその未來』)とが、

1940年の今日、ドイツに祖國占領されてイギリスに亡命したフランス政府の Charles de Gaulle 189070 はラヂオでフランス國民にナチスドイツへの徹底抗戰を呼びかけた。
同じ日、イギリスの首相、Winston Churchill 187465 は國會の場で"This was their finest hour"と題して、擧國一致のための演説をおこなった。
その頃、William Joyce はドイツに帰化し、ゲッペルスのもとで對英宣傳に從事することなった。彼は「Lord Haw-Haw of Zeesen」と呼ばれる人氣者になっていった。
國家とは、思想とは、文明とは、進化とは、かうした人間にとっては難問となる話題を、「D'où venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Où allons-nous ? 我々はどこから來て、何者であり、どこへ行かうとしてゐるのか」と重ねて思ひ考へてゐると、マクベスが冷やかすやうに呟き始める ……

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told   an idiot, full of sound and fury Signifying nothing. 明日、また明日、また明日と、時は 小きざみな足どりで一日一日を歩み、 ついには歴史の最後の一瞬にたどりつく、 昨日という日はすべて愚かな人間が塵と化す 死への道を照らしてきた。消えろ、消えろ、 束の間の燈火! 人生は歩きまわる影法師、 あわれな役者だ、舞台の上で見榮をきっても 出場が終われば消えてしまう。白痴の語る 物語だ、わめき立てる響きと怒りはすさまじいが、意味はなに一つありはしない。`Macbeth`5-5


Li Yuan becomes Emperor Gaozu of Tang, initiating three centuries of Tang dynasty rule over China.。


0860/0618:Byzantine–Rus' War: 

A fleet of about 200 Rus' vessels sails into the Bosphorus and starts pillaging the suburbs of the Byzantine capital Constantinople.

1053/0618:Battle of Civitate: 

Three thousand horsemen of Norman Count Humphrey rout the troops of Pope Leo IX.

1155/0618:Frédéric Barberousse ➜ Empereur romain germanique.

Barberousse fut couronné empereur par Adrien IV dans la basilique Saint-Pierre de Rome.

1156/0618:Treaty of Benevento、

Pope Hadrian IV and William I of Sicily conclude the Treaty of Benevento, in which the Pope definitively acknowledges the Norman Empire in southern Italy. As a result, a conflict arises in the bond between Pope and Emperor, who wants to fight the Norman conquest of southern Italy.


Five Canterbury monks see what is possibly the Giordano Bruno crater being formed. It is believed that the current oscillations of the Moon's distance from the Earth (on the order of meters) are a result of this collision.


Yoritomo of the Kamakura shogunate orders the reconstruction of shrines that have been devastated by Battle of Genpei.


The Parliament of Ireland meets at Castledermot in County Kildare, the first definitively known meeting of this Irish legislature.


In his second campaign against Toktamisch, the ruling power of the Golden Horde, the Mongol leader Timur defeated with his units near the river Kondurtscha the power of the descendant of Genghis Khan.

1538/0618:スペインとフランス、Paix de Nice

Trêve de deux ans entre le roi d'Espagne Charles Quint et celui de France, François Ier.


Victoire des Français dirigés par Jeanne d'Arc sur les Anglais.
French forces under the leadership of Joan of Arc defeat the main English army under Sir John Fastolf at the Battle of Patay. This turns the tide of the Hundred Years' War.

1464/0618:Rogier van der Weyden 140064

Jan van Eyck 139541 や Robert Campin 137544 とともに初期フランドル派を代表する大画家、肖像画がすばらしい。殘念ながら自画像は遺ってゐない。



A castle tower at Fushimi castle of Toyotomi Hideyoshi completed.

1633/0618:Scotland, Charles I is crowned 

King of Scots at St Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh.

1742/0618:Benoît XIV béatifie Jeanne de France.


1757/0618:プロシアとオウストリア、Battle of Kolín 

between Prussian forces under Frederick the Great and an Austrian army under the command of Field Marshal Count Leopold Joseph von Daun in the Seven Years' War.


Samuel Wallis, an English sea captain, sights Tahiti and is considered the first European to reach the island.

1779/0618:Sullivan Expedition

(also known as the Sullivan-Clinton Expedition)was an extended systematic military campaign during the American Revolutionary War against Loyalists ("Tories") and the four Amerindian nations of the Iroquois which had sided with the British.

1778/0618:USA Rev War: British troops abandon Philadelphia.

1799/0618:F革命、Coup d'État du 30 prairial an VII.

Action of 18 June 1799: A frigate squadron under Rear-admiral Perrée is captured by the British fleet under Lord Keith

Révolution française: A Paris, le coup d'Etat sans effusion de sang jacobin du 30 prairial VII échoue Louis Marie de La Révellière-Lépeaux et Philippe-Antoine Merlin doit démissionner ..


The United States declaration of war upon the United Kingdom is signed by President James Madison.
https://is.gd/5pB2td 米英戦争

1815/0618:Bataille de Waterloo、ナポレオンの百日天下、終了

Napoleonic Wars: The Battle of Waterloo results in the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte by the Duke of Wellington and Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher forcing him to abdicate the throne of France for the second and last time.

1830/0618:French invasion of Algeria.



In San Francisco, Domingo Ghirardelli, an Italian chocolate maker, founded Ghirardelli Girard, the predecessor of the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company in the United States and the industry.


Charles Darwin receives a paper from Alfred Russel Wallace that includes nearly identical conclusions about evolution as Darwin's own, prompting Darwin to publish his theory.

1859/0618:イギリス登山家、アルプスの Aletschhorn に初登頂

The English alpineist Francis Fox Tuckett completed the first ascent of the Aletschhorn in the Bernese Alps with the Swiss mountain guides Johann Joseph Bennen, Peter Bohren and V. Tairraz.


Susan B. Anthony is fined $100 for attempting to vote in the 1872 presidential election.


The German empire, Austria=Hungarian empire, Empire of the Russian Empire (Three Emperor Alliance) is established.


The Reinsurance Treaty between Germany and Russia is signed.



In commemoration of the "25th anniversary of Universal Postal Union Member Association" Japan's first public postcard is on sale.


Empress Dowager Cixi of China orders all foreigners killed, including foreign diplomats and their families.

1903/0618:Raymond Radiguet 190323、生

Raymond Radiguet par Modigliani (1915)


Japanese immigration to Brazil begins when 781 people arrive in Santos aboard the ship Kasato-Maru.
日本からの本格的な海外移住の第一陣となる、日本人 781人を乗せた笠戸丸がブラジルのサントス港に到着。

1928/0618:Roald Amundsen 187228、遭難死

The Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen arrives with a flightboat to rescue the crew with Umberto Nobile from the Arctic. Amundsen and his companions fall near the bear island and die.


1936/0618:Maxime Gorki 186836


Антон Чехов 186004 と
Иосиф Сталин 187853 と

1940/0618:Appeal of 18 June by Charles de Gaulle.

イギリスに亡命したフランス政府の Charles de Gaulle 189070、ラジオを通じてナチスドイツへの徹底抗戦を呼びかける。

1940/0618:"Finest Hour" speech by Winston Churchill.

イギリス首相、Winston Churchill 187465、"This was their finest hour" の演説。

It was given just over a month after he took over as PM of the UK at the head of an all-party coalition goverment.


William Joyce ("Lord Haw-Haw") is charged with treason for his pro-German propaganda broadcasting during World War II.

William Joyce 190646:American-born Irish-German Fascist politician & Nazi propaganda broadcaster to the UK during WW2.
In 1945, he was convicted of one count of high treason and was sentenced to death.

1932, J joinced the British Union of Fascists under Sir Oswald Morsley, & swiftly a leading speaker.
"Thin, pale, intense, he had not been speaking many minutes before we were electrified by this man ... so terrifying in its dynamic force, so vituperative, so vitriolic."

1934, J was promoted to the BUF's Director of Propaganda,
His violent rhetoric & willingness to physically confront anti-fascist elements head-on played no small part in further marginalizing the BUF.

In 1939/08, shortly before war, Joyce & his wife fled to Germany.
J became a naturalised German citizen in 1940.
In Berlin, J could not find employment until a chance meeting with fellow
The name "Lord Haw-Haw of Zeesen" was coined in 1939 by the pseudonymous Daily Express radio critic Jonah Barinngton,

1945/0528, J was captured by British forces at Flensburg, near the German border with Denmark.

He went to his death unrepentant & defiant:
In death as in life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war, and I defy the power of darkness which they represent. I warn the British people against the crushing imperialism of the Soviet Union. May Britain be great once again and in the hour of the greatest danger in the West may the standard be raised from the dust, crowned with the words – "You have conquered nevertheless". I am proud to die for my ideals and I am sorry for the sons of Britain who have died without knowing why.


Battle of Okinawa: Order to dissolve to Himeyuri school squad.


Joseph Keenan, US chief prosecutor at the Far East International Military Tribunal, stated that he would not trial the Emperor as a war criminal.


Columbia Records introduces the long-playing record album in a public demonstration at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City.


The Egyptian revolution of 1952 ends with the overthrow of the Muhammad Ali dynasty and the declaration of the Republic of Egypt.


A United States Air Force C-124 crashes and burns near Tachikawa, Japan, killing 129.


Carlos Castillo Armas leads an invasion force across the Guatemalan border, setting in motion the 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état


Vietnam War: The United States uses B-52 bombers to attack National Liberation Front guerrilla fighters in South Vietnam.


Sanyo Denki bomb incident. Two people are killed, 29 people injured injured.


Staines air disaster: One hundred eighteen are killed when a BEA H.S. Trident crashes two minutes after take off from London's Heathrow Airport.

1979/0618:USA & ソ連、SALTⅡ、調印

SALT II is signed by the United States and the Soviet Union.


Mona Mahmudnizhad together with nine other Bahá'í women, is sentenced to death and hanged in Shiraz, Iran because of her Bahá'í Faith.


Kazuo Nagano, president of Toyoda Corporation, is stabbed at his apartment house surrounded by the press.


Recruit Incident: Asahi Shimbun scooped allegations of transferring "RecruitCosmos" unlisted stock to Kawasaki city agency. Since then, the fact that undisclosed shares were also transferred to bigger politicians has been discovered one after another, and it will develop into one of Japan's largest corruption cases at the time.


The military government of Burma renamed the country to "Myanmar".


Theodore Kaczinski  is arrested and indicted by a series of "Unabomber cases".

FBI agents arrested Kaczynski on April 3, 1996, at his remote cabin outside Lincoln, Montana, where he was found in an unkempt state.

Theodore John Kaczynski 1942:1978/05~1995、全米各地の大學・航空業界・金融關係者に爆發物を送付、3人死亡、29人以上に重軽傷を負わせた事件の犯人、「Unabomber(University & Airline Bomber)」と呼ばれる。

1995、犯行声明文(『産業社界とその未來』と題した)いはゆる『Unabomber Manifest』を全国紙に掲載することを条件に犯行を中止。NYTとWPが掲載、反響を呼んだ。が、これにより、その声明文の調子が兄に似てゐると感じた弟がFBIに通報、Harvard 卒業時の論文と附き合はされ、その論調と文調が酷似してゐることで捜査が始まり、翌年、百人あまりの捜査員や兵士に包圍され、逮捕された。

裁判では、Kaczynski が弁護団を解任し、みづから弁護をおこなふなどして審理が進まないと判斷した検察官は「仮釈放なしの八回分の終身刑」といふ司法取引を提案し、これを受け入れたため刑は確定、公判は一度も開かれなかった。ために、彼の犯行動機の詳細は今も不明のまゝである。現在、服役中。


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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