


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 10/14 今日の出來事

中国語の「乒乓」、 右足をなくした兵士と左足をなくした兵士、とはさすがに思ひませんでしたけれど、これで「PingPong」だとは、まさか思ひもしませんでしたよ。現代の中国人の作字能力といふか感覺に呆れるほかありませんでした。

0066/1014:イギリス、Norman Conquest「Battle of Hastings」
In England on Senlac Hill(7 miles from Hastings)the Norman forces of William the Conqueror defeat the English army and kill King Harold II of England.



0764/1014:藤原南家仲麻呂の三男 藤原訓儒麻呂??0764、敗死

Hujihara no Kusumaro」藤原南家二代目の南家仲麻呂070664の三男。官位は従四位下の参議。


1092/1014:セルジュク朝の高官 Nizam al-Mulk 101792、暗殺

a Persian scholar and vizier of the Seljuq Empire. セルジュク帝國の學者にして高官
He held near absolute power for 20 years after the assassination of Alp Arslan in 1072. One of his most important legacies was founding madrasas in cities throughout the Seljuk Empire.

his Death
Nizam al-Mulk was assassinated en route from Isfahan to Baghdad on 10 Ramadan 485 A.H. (14 October 1092) The mainstream literature says he was stabbed by the dagger of a member of the Assassins (Hashshashin) sent by the notorious Hassan-i-Sabbah near Nahavand, as he was being carried on his litter. The killer approached him disguised as a dervish

1189/1014(文治05/0903):奥州藤原四代目 藤原泰衡115589、敗死



1310/1014:アラゴン女王 Blanca de Anjou 128010、薨去

Blanca de Anjou fue princesa de Nápoles y reina consorte de Aragón.



1322/1014:スコットランドvsイングランド「Battle of Byland」
Robert the Bruce of Scotland defeats King Edward II of England at Byland, forcing Edward to accept Scotland's independence.


1404/1014:フランスの女王 Marie d'Anjou 140463、誕生

, reine de France de 1422 à 1461, épouse de Charles VII 140361


1499/1014:フランソワ一世王妃 Claude de France 149924、誕生

duchesse de Bretagne (1514) devint aussi reine de France (1515), en épousant François Ier, roi de France.
Elle meurt à 24 ans après avoir mis au monde sept enfants


Mary, Queen of Scots, goes on trial for conspiracy against Elizabeth I of England.


Embroidery done by Mary in captivity


1633/1014:イングランド王 James II 163301、誕生

King of England and Ireland as James II and King of Scotland as James VII, from 6 February 1685 until he was deposed in the Glorious Revolution of 1688.
He was the last Roman Catholic monarch of England, Scotland and Ireland.

James with his father, Charles I, by Sir Peter Lely, 1647


1643/1014: ムガル07皇帝 Bahadur Shah I 164312、誕生

the seventh Mughal emperor of India, ruled from 1707 until his death in 1712.


1644/1014:ペンシルバニア創設者 William Penn 164418、誕生

 the son of Sir William Penn, and was an English real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker, and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania, the English North American colony and the future Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
He was an early advocate of democracy and religious freedom, notable for his good relations and successful treaties with the Lenape Native Americans. Under his direction, the city of Philadelphia was planned and developed.


Massachusetts enacts the first punitive legislation against the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). The marriage of church-and-state in Puritanism makes them regard the Quakers as spiritually apostate and politically subversive.


première du Bourgeois Gentilhomme de Molière à Chambord1 devant Louis XIV.

14 octobre 1670, devant la cour de Louis XIV, au château de Chambord par la troupe de Molière. La musique est de Jean-Baptiste Lully, les ballets de Pierre Beauchamp, les décors de Carlo Vigarani et les costumes turcs du chevalier d'Arvieux.


Seven Years' War: Austria defeats Prussia at the Battle of Hochkirch.


The first recorded Ministry of Education(the Commission of National Education) is formed in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.


Just before the beginning of the American Revolutionary War, several of the British East India Company's tea ships are set ablaze at the old seaport of Annapolis, Maryland.


À Paris, pendant la Révolution française, le procès contre la veuve Capet a appelé la Reine pour haute trahison.


Marie-Antoinette au Tribunal révolutionnaire.



1801/1014:ベルギイの発明家 Joseph Plateau 180183、誕生

un physicien et mathématicien belge. Il a découvert la synthèse du mouvement.


1805/1014:フランスvsオウストリア「Battle of Elchingen」
Les troupes françaises du maréchal Ney triomphent sur les forces autrichiennes du maréchal von Riesch.


1806/1014:フランスvsオウストリア「Battle of Jena–Auerstedt」
Bbataille d'Iéna (campagne de Prusse et de Pologne). Victoire de l'armée impériale française, commandée par Empereur, sur le forces prussiennes et saxes.

Die Doppelschlacht von Jena und Auerstedt während des Vierten Koalitionskrieges endet mit dem Sieg der französischen Truppen unter Napoleon gegen Preußen.


Republic of Ragusa is annexed by France.



1809/1014:ナポレオン「Traité de Schönbrunn」
Après l'occupation de Vienne et la victoire de la bataille de Wagram, Napoléon dicte à l'Empire autrichien la paix de Schönbrunn pour mettre fin à la cinquième guerre de coalition. L'Autriche perd son accès à l'Adriatique et doit céder Salzbourg au Royaume de Bavière.


1829/1014:イギリス「SL競爭=Race of Rainhill」
 started on 6 October, ends with a victory of the steam locomotive The Rocket by George and Robert Stephenson.


1831/1014:フランスの天文観測者 Jean-Louis Pons 176131、死去

en 1789 comme concierge puis obtient le poste d'astronome adjoint en 18131.
En 1819 il devient directeur du nouvel observatoire de Marlia près de Lucques en Italie, qu'il quitte en 1825 pour rejoindre l'observatoire du muséum de Florence.

1836/1014:江戸期の蝦夷地探検家 最上徳内175436、死去



The Maronite leader Bashir II surrenders to the British Army and then is sent to Malta in exile.


Irish nationalist Daniel O'Connell arrested by British on charges of criminal conspiracy.


Zeng Guofan defeated the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom army, occupied Wuchang.

Japan & GreatBritain「Pacific Treaty」conclude


1863/1014:アメリカ南北戰爭「Battle of Bristoe Station」
Confederate troops under the command of General Robert Lee fail to drive the Union Army completely out of Virginia.


1867/1014:明治日本の詩歌改革者 正岡子規186702、誕生



1871/1014:オウストリの作曲家 Alexander von Zemlinsky 187142、誕生

ein österreichischer Komponist und Dirigent.
オウストリア出身の作曲家、ツェムリンスキは Arnold Schönberg 187451 に對位法を教授したが、それがシェンベルクが受けた唯一の音樂教育であった。



George Eastman receives a U.S. Government patent on his new paper-strip photographic film.


1886/1014:日本の圍碁棋士 本因坊秀甫183886、死去



1888/1014:NZの短編作家 Katherine Mansfield 188823、誕生

a prominent New Zealand modernist short story writer who was born and brought up in colonial New Zealand and wrote under the pen name of Katherine Mansfield.

Louis Le Prince prend le premier film du monde, le Roundhay Garden Scene, avec une caméra de film auto-développé.


1890/1014:フランスのセナリスト Louis Delluc 189024、誕生

un réalisateur, scénariste et critique de cinéma français

1890/1014:US大統領 Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower 189069、誕生

an American Army general and statesman who served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 until 1961.

In the UK, the anthology The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes with twelve earlier short stories by the author Arthur Conan Doyle appears. The book is illustrated by Sidney Paget.



1893/1014:アメリカの女優 Lillian Gish 189393、誕生

, actrice américaine

1894/1014:アメリカの詩人 Edward Estlin Cummings 189462、誕生

an American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. He wrote approximately 2,900 poems; two autobiographical novels; four plays and several essays. He is remembered as an eminent voice of 20th century English-language literature.

1898/1014:新楽器オンドマルトノ發明 Maurice Martenot 189880、誕生

Maurice Martenot (Maurice Louis Eugène Martenot) est un musicien, musicologue et pédagogue français, créateur des ondes Martenot. 



Under the secret Treaty of Windsor, Britain & Portugal recognize each other their possessions in Africa. Britain is given the right to free movement of troops in the Portuguese colonies against the obligation to help defend her.


1900/1014:アメリカの統計学者 William Deming 190093、誕生




1906/1014:ドイツの女流思想家 Hannah Arendt 190675、誕生

Johanna(Hannah)Arendt, philosophe allemande
eine jüdische deutsch-amerikanische politische Theoretikerin und Publizistin.
Die Entrechtung und Verfolgung von Juden in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus sowie ihre eigene kurzzeitige Inhaftierung durch die Gestapo bewogen sie 1933 zur Emigration aus Deutschland.


1907/1014:アメリカの古代史学者 Ignace Gelb 190785、誕生

a Polish-American ancient historian and Assyriologist who pioneered the scientific study of writing systems.
文字の研究をグラマトロジと命名した彼は、1952年に出版した著書 A Study of Writing で、文字体系は「表語文字から音節文字を経てアルファベットに至る」と、直線的に進化すると主張した。

English aviator Claude Grahame-White lands his Farman Aircraft biplane on Executive Avenue near the White House in Washington, D.C.



1911/1014:ヴェトナムの政事家 Le Duc Tho 191190、誕生

homme politique et diplomate vietnamien

While campaigning in Milwaukee, the former President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, is shot and mildly wounded by John Schrank, a mentally-disturbed saloon keeper

With the fresh wound in his chest, and the bullet still within it, Mr. Roosevelt still carries out his scheduled public speech.

1913/1014:イギリス、炭坑事故「Senghenydd colliery disaster」
the United Kingdom's worst coal mining accident claims the lives of 439 miners.


The Japanese Navy has completed occupation of the German-owned South Pacific islands.


The Kingdom of Bulgaria joins the Central Powers.


Part of Petsamo Province is ceded by the Soviet Union to Finland.





1925/1014:ボディビルの創始者 Eugen Sandow 186725、死亡

ein Vorreiter des Kraftsports, speziell des Bodybuildings.

(Friederich Wilhelm Müller)として生まれたサンドウは、少年時代に父に連れられてイタリアで鑑賞した古代ギリシャ・ローマ彫刻の戦士達や伝説の英雄達の肉体への憧れを強くしていた。



The children's book Winnie-the-Pooh, by A. A. Milne, is first published.

The popular children's book Winnie-the-Pooh by Alan Alexander Milne appears for the first time in the London publishing house Methuen & Co.


eine deutsche Volkssage, ein Stummfilm von Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau wird uraufgeführt


1930/1014:USA、ガアシュイン musical『Girl Crazy』初演
The premiere of the musical Girl Crazy by George Gershwin takes place at New York's Alvin Theater.


Joseph Goebbels erklärt den Austritt des Deutschen Reichs aus dem Völkerbund. Zugleich verlässt Deutschland die Genfer Abrüstungskonferenz.

Nazi Germany withdraws from the League of Nations and World Disarmament Conference.

1934/1014:Michael Vasilyevich Matjuschin 186134、死去

Михаил Васильевич Матюшин
русский художник, музыкант, теоретик искусства, один из лидеров русского авангарда первой половины 20 в.
Russian artist, musician, art theorist, one of the leaders of the Russian avant-garde of the first half of the 20th century.
Казимир Малевич 187835 と生涯にわたる友情を交はし、1913共同で歌劇『太陽の征服』を制作、この舞台美術を担当したことがマレヴィッチにスプレマチズムへの展開を着想させたらしい。音樂はマチュウチンが擔當。

Konoe Humimaro cabinet decided to end cooperative relations with the International Federation.


The German submarine U-47 sinks the British battleship HMS Royal Oak within her harbour at Scapa Flow, Scotland.


Balham underground station disaster in London, 66 people in the station were killed during the Nazi Luftwaffe air raids on Great Britain.


Prisoners at the Nazi German Sobibór extermination camp in Poland revolt against the Germans, killing eleven SS guards, and wounding many more. About 300 of the Sobibor Camp's 600 prisoners escape, and about 50 of these survive the end of the war.

In a successful uprising of the prisoners of the extermination camp Sobibor, nine SS members are killed. About 400 prisoners can flee. Then the remaining prisoners are murdered by the SS and the camp finally closed.

The American Eighth Air Force loses 60 of 291 B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bombers in aerial combat during the second mass-daylight air raid on the Schweinfurt ball bearing factories in western Nazi Germany.


The Second Philippine Republic(a puppet of the Empire of Japan)was inaugurated with Jose Laurel as its president.


1944/1014:ドイツの名將 Johannes Rommel 189144、毒物自殺

ein deutscher Generalfeldmarschall in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus.
Sein Einsatz während des Afrikafeldzugs in Nordafrika brachte ihm den Beinamen „Wüstenfuchs“ ein.

Linked to a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel is forced to commit suicide.


Athens, Greece, is liberated by British Army troops entering the city as the Wehrmacht pulls out. This clears the way for the Greek government-in-exile to return to its historic capital city, with Georgios Papandreou, as the head of government.


1945/1014:NorthKorea 北朝鮮
Kim Il Sung made the first public speech.


Captain Chuck Yeager of the United States Air Force flies a Bell X-1 rocket-powered experimental aircraft, the Glamorous Glennis, faster than the speed of sound at Mach 1.06 (700 miles per hour (1,100 km/h; 610 kn) over the high desert of Southern California and becomes the first pilot and the first airplane to do so in level flight.



Eleven leaders of the American Communist Party are convicted, after a nine-month trial in a Federal District Court, of conspiring to advocate the violent overthrow of the U.S. Federal Government.


Chinese Civil War: Chinese Communist forces occupy Guangzhou.


President Truman meeting with MacArthur Marshal on Wake Island.


Ruth typhoon arrives in Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushuu. Great damage to many places of Honshu. Dead & missing, 943 people.


à Marseille, inauguration de la Cité radieuse de Le Corbusier.

La Cité radieuse est ouverte à Marseille. Le bâtiment est le premier de cinq unités résidentielles du type moderne conçu par l'architecte Le Corbusier.


1952/1014:朝鮮戦争「Battle of Triangle」
Korean War: United Nations and South Korean forces launch Operation Showdown against Chinese strongholds at the Iron Triangle. The resulting Battle of Triangle Hill is the biggest and bloodiest battle of 1952.


1953/1014:イスラエル「Qibya Massacre」アラブ系住民69人を虐殺
The Qibya massacre begins in the evening. In the village of Qibya, where an external post of the Arab Legion is located, elite units of the Israeli army destroy 45 houses, a school and a mosque. 69 Arabs, including 42 villagers, are killed.


Das nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wiederaufgebaute Wiener Burgtheater wird mit einem Staatsakt feierlich wiedereröffnet.



Dr. B. R. Ambedkar(the Indian Untouchable caste leader)converts to Buddhism along with 385,000 of his followers.


At least 81 people are killed in the most devastating flood in the history of the Spanish city of Valencia.


1958/1014:Japan「Tower of Tokyo」complete



After the military coup in Turkey, the Yassıada trials against 592 former members of the government, Members of the Turkish Parliament and officials, including President of the Republic of Celál Bayar and Prime Minister Adnan Menderes, begin.


Die Insel Yassıada


1962/1014:USA & USSR「キュウバ危機」
The Cuban Missile Crisis begins: A U.S. Air Force U-2 reconnaissance plane and its pilot flies over the island of Cuba and takes photographs of Soviet SS-4 Sandal missiles being installed and erected in Cuba.


Martin Luther King Jr. received the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolence.



1964/1014:ソ連、首脳交代「フルシチョフ ⇨ ブレジネフ」
Leonid Brezhnev becomes the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and thereby, along with his allies, such as Alexei Kosygin, the leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), ousting the former monolithic leader Nikita Khrushchev, and sending him into retirement as a nonperson in the USSR.


The city of Montreal begins the operation of its underground Montreal Metro rapid transit system.


1967/1014:フランスの流行作家 Marcel Aymé 190267、死去

un écrivain, dramaturge, nouvelliste, scénariste et essayiste français. Écrivain prolifique, il a laissé deux essais, dix-sept romans, plusieurs dizaines de nouvelles, une dizaine de pièces de théâtre, plus de cent soixante articles et des contes.


Vietnam War: American folk singer and activist Joan Baez is arrested concerning a physical blockade of the U.S. Army's induction center in Oakland, California.



Vietnam War: Twenty-seven soldiers are arrested at the Presidio of San Francisco in California for their peaceful protest of stockade conditions and the Vietnam War.


Vietnam War: The United States Department of Defense announces that the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps will send about 24,000 soldiers and Marines back to Vietnam for involuntary second tours of duty in the combat zone there.


The first live TV broadcast by American astronauts in orbit performed by the Apollo 7 crew.


Jim Hines of the United States of America becomes the first man ever to break the so-called "ten-second barrier" in the 100-meter sprint in the Summer Olympic Games held in Mexico City with a time of 9.95 seconds.


In the Thammasat student uprising over 100,000 people protest in Thailand against the Thanom military government, 77 are killed and 857 are injured by soldiers.

Population uprising in Thailand: After a student quarrel, where more than 70 people are killed, the military government under Thanom Kittikachorn retires. New Prime Minister will be Sanya Dharmasakti.



1977/1014:アメリカの歌手&役者 Bing Crosby 190377、死去

an American singer and actor. Crosby's trademark warm bass-baritone voice made him the best-selling recording artist of the 20th century,



The first Gay Rights March on Washington, D.C., the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, demands "an end to all social, economic, judicial, and legal oppression of lesbian and gay people", and draws approximately 100,000 people.

1981/1014:USA「American Indian Movement」
Citing official misconduct in the investigation and trial, Amnesty International charges the U.S. Federal Government with holding Richard Marshall of the American Indian Movement as a political prisoner.


1981/1014:エジプト大統領「Sadat ⇨ Mubarak」
Vice President Hosni Mubarak is elected as the President of Egypt one week after the assassination of the President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat.


U.S. President Ronald Reagan proclaims a War on Drugs.


Maurice Bishop, Prime Minister of Grenada, is overthrown and later executed in a military coup d'état led by Bernard Coard.


1990/1014:作曲家で指揮者 Leonard Bernstein 191890、死去

an American composer, conductor, author, music lecturer, and pianist. He was among the first conductors born and educated in the US to receive worldwide acclaim.


Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.






The Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, The Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, and the Foreign Minister of Israel, Shimon Peres, receive the Nobel Peace Prize for their role in the establishment of the Oslo Accords and the framing of the future Palestinian Self Government.


1999/1014:タンザニアの反植民地運動家 Julius Nyerere 192299、死去

a Tanzanian anti-colonial activist, politician, and political theorist. He governed Tanganyika as its Prime Minister from 1961 to 1963 and then as its President from 1963 to 1964, after which he led its successor state, Tanzania, as its President from 1964 until 1985.
タンガニカの少数民族、ザナキ族の首長の家系に生まれる。現ウガンダマケレレ大学卒業、エディンバラ大学修士取得。スワヒリ語でBaba wa Taifa(国家の父)と呼ばれ

2001/1014:中国の軍閥 張學良190101、死去


Felix Baumgartner jumps in free fall over 39000m and reaches Mach 1.24, beating several world records.


A snowstorm and avalanche in the Nepalese Himalayas triggered by the remnants of Cyclone Hudhud kills 43 people.


2015/1014:日本の古代史研究家 古田武彦192615、死去



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