


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 08/31 今日の出來事


0012/0831:003ロウマ皇帝 Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus 001241、誕生

短い在位期間に、カリグラは壮大な建設事業と領土の拡大に力を注いだ。また最高権力者としての威信を高めることに努め、彼を打ち倒そうと繰り返される陰謀から自身の地位を懸命に守りつづけたが、元老院も関与した陰謀により、41年にプラエトリアニ(親衛隊)の一部将校らによって暗殺された。その治世を通じてローマ市民からは人気が高かったが、現存する後代の史料ではいずれも、カリグラは狂気じみた独裁者であり、残忍で浪費癖や性的倒錯の持ち主であったとしている。しかし現存する一次史料の数は少なく、カリグラの治世の実態には不明な点が多い。 Wikipedia ja


0161/0831:017ロウマ皇帝 Lucius Aurelius Commodus Antoninus 016192、誕生

先帝マルクス・アウレリウスの嫡男であるため、ティトゥス帝以来となる父子間の帝位継承を果たした。加えてアウレリウス・コンモドゥスは紫の皇子の渾名で呼ばれた最初の皇帝だった。紫とはローマの皇帝権を指し、在位中の皇帝を父に生まれたという意味である。 Wikipedia ja


1056/0831:Macedonia dynasty
After a sudden illness a few days previously, Byzantine Empress Theodora dies childless, thus ending the Macedonian dynasty.


1218/0831:Ayyubid dynasty
Al-Kamil becomes sultan of the Ayyubid dynasty.




1314/0831:Norway 首都移転
King Haakon V of Norway moves the capital from Bergen to Oslo.


King Henry V of England dies of dysentery while in France. His son, Henry VI becomes King of England at the age of 9 months.


1528/0831:ドイツルネサンス画家 Matthias Grünewald 147028、死去

ein bedeutender Maler und Grafiker der Renaissance.

↑表 裏↓


1593/0831:茶湯の天下三宗匠の一人 今井宗久152093、死去




1688/0831:イギリスの宗教文藝者 John Bunyan 162888、死去

an English writer and Puritan preacher best remembered as the author of the Christian allegory The Pilgrim's Progress.

1795/0831:アジアでの西洋列強「War of the First Coalition」
The British capture Trincomalee (Sri Lanka) from the Dutch in order to keep it out of French hands.


1798/0831:「Irish Rebellion of 1798」
Irish rebels(with French assistance)establish the short-lived Republic of Connacht.


1811/0831:Louis Antoine de Bougainville 172911、死去

un officier de marine, navigateur et explorateur français.
Il a mené en tant que capitaine, de 1766 à 1769, le premier tour du monde officiel français.



At the final stage of the Peninsular War, British-Portuguese troops capture the town of Donostia (San Sebastián), resulting in a rampage and eventual destruction of the town.
Elsewhere, Spanish troops repel a French attack in the Battle of San Marcial.


1821/0831:ドイツ科学者 Hermann von Helmholtz 182194、誕生

ein deutscher Physiologe und Physiker.
Im Sinne moderner Wissenschaft schuf er wichtige Beiträge auf den Gebieten der Optik, Akustik, Elektro-, Thermo- und Hydrodynamik.

1832/0831:JapanPunch 創刊者 Charles Wirgman 183291、誕生

an English artist and cartoonist, the creator of the Japan Punch and illustrator in China and Meiji period-Japan for the Illustrated London News.

Johann Strauss I "Radetsky March" in Wien uraufgeführt


1864/0831:ドイツ 社会改革者 Ferdinand Lassalle 182564、死去

Schriftsteller, sozialistischer Politiker im Deutschen Bund und einer der Wortführer der frühen deutschen Arbeiterbewegung.




1867/0831:フランスの詩人 Charles Baudelaire 182167、死去


L'invitation au Voyage
Mon enfant, ma sœur,
Songe à la douceur
D'aller là-bas vivre ensemble,
Aimer à loisir,
Aimer et mourir
Au pays qui te ressemble.
Les soleils mouillés
De ces ciels brouillés
Pour mon esprit ont les charmes
Si mystérieux
De tes traîtres yeux,
Brillant à travers leurs larmes.
Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté,
Luxe, calme et volupté.

Des meubles luisants,
Polis par les ans,
Décoreraient notre chambre,
Les plus rares fleurs
Mêlant leurs odeurs
Aux vagues senteurs de l'ambre
Les riches plafonds,
Les miroirs profonds,
La splendeur orientale
Tout y parlerait
À l'âme en secret
Sa douce langue natale.
Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté,
Luxe, calme et volupté.

Vois sur ces canaux
Dormir ces vaisseaux
Dont l'humeur est vagabonde;
C'est pour assouvir
Ton moindre désir
Qu'ils viennent du bout du monde.
Les soleils couchants
Revêtent les champs,
Les canaux, la ville entière,
D'hyacinthe et d'or;
Le monde s'endort
Dans une chaude lumière!
Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté,
Luxe, calme et volupté.

≫ どこだっていい!この世界の外でさへあれば!

Bei der Wahl zum Norddeutschen Reichstag erhalten die Unterstützer der Politik des preußischen Ministerpräsidenten Otto von Bismarck eine Mehrheit.

In the election to the North German Reichstag, the supporters of the policy of the Prussian Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck receive a majority.


1870/0831:イタリア 教育改革者 Maria Montessori 187052、誕生

un'educatrice, pedagogista, filosofa, medico, neuropsichiatra infantile e scienziata italiana, internazionalmente nota per il metodo educativo che prende il suo nome, adottato in migliaia di scuole materne, primarie, secondarie e superiori in tutto il mondo



1874/0831:USA 心理学者 Edward Thorndike 187449、誕生

an American psychologist
His work on Comparative psychology and the learning process led to the theory of connectionism and helped lay the scientific foundation for modern educational psychology.


1876/0831:オスマン 皇帝交替
Ottoman Sultan Murad V is deposed and succeeded by his brother Abdul Hamid II.




1879/0831:坂本龍馬183667の姉 坂本乙女183279、死去




1879/0831:天皇 123嘉仁大正187926、誕生




1879/0831:Alma Mahler 187964、誕生

Gustav Mahler 186011 の未亡人で、
peintre et musicienne autrichienne

1880/0831:幕末の商人志士 白石正一郎181280、死去



1888/0831:London「Jack the Ripper」最初の犯行
Mary Ann Nichols is murdered. She is the first of Jack the Ripper's confirmed victims.


Jack the Ripper is the best-known name given to an unidentified serial killer generally believed to have been active in the largely impoverished areas in and around the Whitechapel district of London in 1888.

The sites of the first seven Whitechapel murders – Osborn Street (centre right), George Yard (centre left), Hanbury Street (top), Buck's Row (far right), Berner Street (bottom right), Mitre Square (bottom left), and Dorset Street (middle left)

この「Jack the Ripper」時代は Oscar Wilde 185400 と重なる。




German Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin patents his navigable balloon.


The First Zionist World Congress convened by Theodor Herzl in Basel calls for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.


Thomas Edison patents the Kinetoscope, the first movie projector.


1901/0831:俺がルウルブックだ! 二出川延明190189、誕生



1903/0831:Vladimir Jankélévitch 190385、誕生

, philosophe français{命日の日に紹介してある。

Count Alexander Izvolsky and Sir Arthur Nicolson sign the St. Petersburg Convention, which results in the Triple Entente alliance.


1908/0831:USA 小説家 William Saroyan 190881、誕生

an American novelist, playwright, and short story writer. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1940, and in 1943 won the Academy Award for Best Story for the film adaptation of his novel The Human Comedy.

1913/0831:ドイツ 医学者(お傭ひ外國人)Erwin von Bälz 184913、死去

ein deutscher Internist, Tropenmediziner, Anthropologe und Leibarzt der Kaiserlichen Familie von Japan. Gemeinsam mit dem ebenfalls aus Deutschland stammenden Chirurgen Julius Scriba gilt er als Mitbegründer der modernen Medizin in Japan.


1918/0831:WWⅠ「Battle of Mont Saint-Quentin」
a successful assault by the Australian Corps during the Hundred Days Offensive.


1920/0831:Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt 183220、死去

ein deutscher Physiologe, Psychologe und Philosoph.


1920/0831:「Polish–Soviet War」
A decisive Polish victory in the Battle of Komarów.


1928/0831:In Berlin『三文オペラ』初演
「The Threepenny Opera」 is first produced.

Bertolt Brecht 189856 作、Kurt Weill 190050 作曲のオペレッタ三文オペラ』がベルリンで初演。

1931/0831:日本の作家 高橋和巳193171、誕生


Nazi Germany mounts a false flag attack on the Gleiwitz radio station, creating an excuse to attack Poland the following day, thus starting WW II in Europe.

親衛隊大將のReinhard Heydrich 190442と國家秘密警察のHeinrich Müller190045の命令で實行。


1941/0831:WWⅡ「Battle of Loznica」
Serbian paramilitary forces defeat Germans.


1942/0831:日本のプロゴルファ 青木功1942--、誕生


1945/0831:ポウランド 数学者 Stefan Banach 189245、死去

ein polnischer Mathematiker.
Er gilt als Begründer der modernen Funktionalanalysis und als einer der Hauptvertreter der Lemberger Mathematikerschule.


1948/0831:ソ連の政事家 Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov 189648、死去

Андрей Жданов「アンドレイ・ジダノフ」


The retreat of the Democratic Army of Greece in Albania after its defeat on Gramos mountain marks the end of the Greek Civil War.


Kitty Typhoon landed in the Kanto region. 135 dead, 25 missing.


1956/0831:フランス ピアニスト Yves Nat1899056、死去

un pianiste et pédagogue français.



The Federation of Malaya (Malaysia) gains its independence from the United Kingdom.


A parcel bomb sent by Ngô Đình Nhu(younger brother and chief adviser of South Vietnamese President Ngô Đình Diệm)fails to kill King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia.


1962/0831:Trinidad Tobago「Independence」
Trinidad and Tobago becomes independent.


1963/0831:フランス 画家 Georges Braque 188263、死去

un peintre, sculpteur et graveur français.

1910, Violin and Candlestick


Man with a Guitar


1912, Violin: "Mozart Kubelick"


Crown Colony of North Borneo (Sabah) achieves self governance.


1968/0831:日本人の MLB 投手 野茂英雄1968--、誕生


1969/0831:USA プロボクサー Rocky Marciano 182369、死去

an American professional boxer who competed from 1947 to 1955, and held the world heavyweight title from 1952 to 1956.



1972/0831:USA & Japan
Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka Kaku'ei & US President Richard Nixon met in Hawaii. Nixon wishes to introduce the Lockheed Tri Star machine into Japan, which is the cause of the Lockheed incident.


1973/0831:アメリカの映画監督 John Ford 189473、死去

an American film director.
He is renowned both for Westerns such as Stagecoach (1939), The Searchers (1956), and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), as well as adaptations of classic 20th-century American novels such as the film The Grapes of Wrath (1940). His four Academy Awards for Best Director (in 1935, 1940, 1941, and 1952) remain a record. One of the films for which he won the award, How Green Was My Valley, also won Best Picture.

彼の映画で私が一番好きなのは`The Quiet Man`1952だな。それと`The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance `1962 。どっちにも Man が入ってゐる。今氣が付いた。やっぱり John Ford は「男」を描く物語作家だったのだ。

After two weeks of nationwide strikes, the Polish government signed the Gdańsk Agreement, allowing for the creation of the trade union Solidarity.


Anti-government demonstrations are held in 66 Polish cities to commemorate the second anniversary of the Gdańsk Agreement.


1985/0831:Frank Macfarlane Burnet 189985、死去

an Australian virologist best known for his contributions to immunology.
He won a Nobel Prize in 1960 for predicting acquired immune tolerance and was best known for developing the theory of clonal selection.

1986/0831:彫刻家 Henry Moore 189886、死去

an English artist. He is best known for his semi-abstract monumental bronze sculptures which are located around the world as public works of art.



1986/0831:AirPlane Accicendent
The Soviet passenger liner Admiral Nakhimov sinks in the Black Sea after colliding with the bulk carrier Pyotr Vasev, killing 423.


1987/0831:AirPlane Accicendent
Thai Airways Flight 365 crashes into the ocean near Ko Phuket, Thailand, killing all 83 aboard.


Kyrgyzstan declares its independence from the Soviet Union.


Russia completes removing its troops from Lithuania.


The withdrawal of the Russian troops stationed in the former East Germany for 49 years was completed.


Saddam Hussein's troops seized Irbil after the Kurdish Masoud Barzani appealed for help to defeat his Kurdish rival PUK.


1997/0831:Diana, Princess of Wales 186197、自動車事故死

Diana, Princess of Wales, her companion Dodi Fayed and driver Henri Paul die in a car crash in Paris.


North Korea launches ballistic missile "Taepodong 1"


1999/0831:Russia「Bombing Terror」
The first of a series of bombings in Moscow kills one person and wounds 40 others.


A LAPA Boeing 737-200 crashes during takeoff from Jorge Newbury Airport in Buenos Aires, killing 65, including two on the ground.


2002/0831:ジャズプレイヤー Lionel Hampton 190802、死去

an American jazz vibraphonist, pianist, percussionist, bandleader and actor.


2005/0831:ポウランド 核物理学 Joseph Rotblat 190805、死去

a Polish physicist, a self-described "Pole with a British passport".
Rotblat worked on Tube Alloys and the Manhattan Project during World War II, but left the Los Alamos Laboratory after the war with Germany ended.


The 2005 Al-Aaimmah bridge stampede in Baghdad kills 1,199 people.


Edvard Munch's famous painting The Scream(stolen on August 22, 2004)is recovered in a raid by Norwegian police.




日本の古代史のなかでも、もっとも多くの「血と汗と泪」とが流された戰場の地であった平城山に、敗戰後作られた Nara Dream Land(そして、それに隣接する地に明治時代に作られた獄舎、今は Nara Juvenile Prison となってゐる)、日本の聖地をこんな用途に使ひやがってと思ひながら歩きまはるうちに、私の『きよきまなじり*つよきまなざし』の構想は練り上げられていったのであった。



 ruled out full universal suffrage in Hong Kong.


Private photos of more than 100 celebrities such as Hollywood stars leak out


Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff is impeached and removed from office.




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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World