


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 08/16 今日の出來事



0815 奈良、高圓山の大文字燒

WangMang 王莽 consolidates his power and is declared marshal of state. Emperor Ai 哀帝 of Han(who had died the previous day)had no heirs.

王莽-04523 was a Han Dynasty official who seized the throne from the Liu family and founded the Xin (or Hsin, meaning "renewed") Dynasty (新), ruling 0009–0023 AD.



Nikephoros II Phokas is crowned emperor of the Byzantine Empire.

Nikephoros II Phokas (Νικηφόρος Β΄ Φωκᾶς,) 091269 was Byzantine Emperor from 0963~69.



Philippe le Bel de la France épouse Jeanne I de Navarre.


The House of Gonzaga seizes power in the Duchy of Mantua, and will rule until 1708.


1378/0816:中國[明]04皇帝 康煕帝137825、誕生



1513/0816:England「Battle of the Spurs (Battle of Guinegate)」
 King Henry VIII of England and his Imperial allies defeat French Forces who are then forced to retreat.

As part of the Holy League, during the ongoing Italian Wars, English and Imperial troops under Henry VIII and Maximilian I surprised and routed a body of French cavalry under Jacques de La Palice.

meeting of Henry VIII and Maximilian at the siege of Thérouanne

1645/0816:フランスモラリスト Jean de La Bruyère 164596、誕生

un moraliste français.
La Bruyère est célèbre pour une œuvre unique, Les Caractères ou les Mœurs de ce siècle (1688). Cet ouvrage, constitué d’un ensemble de brèves pièces littéraires, compose une chronique essentielle de l’esprit du XVIIe siècle.

≫ Le motif seul fait le mérite des actions des hommes, et le désintéressement y met la perfection. The motive alone is the merit of the actions of men, and disinterestedness puts perfection in it. 行動の價値は動機にあり、達成にはあらず。


1652/0816:First Anglo-Dutch War「Battle of Plymouth」Inconclusive naval action between the fleets of Michiel de Ruyter and George Ayscue.

It was a short battle, but had the unexpected outcome of a Dutch victory over England.


1705/0816:スヰス 数学者 Jakob Bernoulli 165405、死去

ein Schweizer Mathematiker und Physiker.


1744/0816:フランス天文學者 Pierre François Méchain 174404、誕生

un astronome français.
Avec son ami Charles Messier, il est l'un de ceux qui découvrirent le plus d'objets du ciel profond avant William Herschel.


1777/0816:American Revolutionary War:  Battle of Bennington
The Americans led by General John Stark rout British and Brunswick troops under Friedrich Baum at the Battle of Bennington in Walloomsac, New York.


This is a map depicting the positions of the opposing forces at the 1777 Battle of Bennington, which actually took place in Walloomsac.

1780/0816:American Revolutionary War「Battle of Camden
The British defeat the Americans near Camden, South Carolina.


1792/0816:French Revolution、ロベスピエル
Maximilien de Robespierre presents the petition of the Commune of Paris to the Legislative Assembly, which demanded the formation of a revolutionary tribunal.


1793/0816:French Revolution: 國民公会
A levée en masse is decreed by the National Convention.


1812/0816:War of 1812:
American General William Hull surrenders Fort Detroit without a fight to the British Army.


Arnold Abbühl, Joseph Bortis und Alois Volker gelingt die Erstbesteigung des Finsteraarhorns, des höchsten Berges der Berner Alpen.



1819/0816:England「Peterloo Massacre」
Seventeen people die and over 600 are injured in cavalry charges at a public meeting at St. Peter's Field, Manchester, England.

広場で選挙法改正を求めて集会を開いていた群衆に騎兵隊が突入して鎮圧を図り、多数の死傷者が出る惨事となった https://is.gd/VWKOHn

1832/0816:ドイツ 心理學者 Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt 183220、誕生

ein deutscher Physiologe, Psychologe und Philosoph.



Wundt–Täuschung (die roten Linien sind parallel)


U.S. President John Tyler vetoes a bill which called for the re-establishment of the Second Bank of the United States. Enraged Whig Party members riot outside the White House in the most violent demonstration on White House grounds in U.S. history.


1845/0816:フランス科学者 Gabriel Lippmann 184521、誕生

un physicien français. Il est lauréat du prix Nobel de physique de 1908 « pour sa méthode de reproduction des couleurs en photographie, basée sur le phénomène d'interférence».


U.S. President James Buchanan inaugurates the new transatlantic telegraph cable by exchanging greetings with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
However, a weak signal forces a shutdown of the service in a few weeks.



The Edo shogunate established a foreign magistrate.

The Tuscan National Assembly formally deposes the House of Habsburg-Lorraine.


1860/0816:Jules Laforgue 186087、誕生

un poète français symboliste. Connu pour être un des inventeurs du vers libre, il mêle, en une vision pessimiste du monde, mélancolie, humour et familiarité du style parlé.

どっちかが Jules だったけ?

1861/0816:江戸幕府の外國奉行 岩瀬忠震181861、死去


1863/0816:Dominica「Dominican Restoration War」
 when Gregorio Luperón raises the Dominican flag in Santo Domingo after Spain had recolonized the country.


1869/0816:Battle of Acosta Ñu:
A Paraguayan battalion made up of children is massacred by the Brazilian Army during the Paraguayan War.





1870/0816:Franco-Prussian War「Battle of Mars-la-Tour」
resulting in a Prussian victory.

# Two Prussian corps encountered the entire French Army of the Rhine in a meeting engagement and, surprisingly, successfully forced the Army of the Rhine to retreat into the fortress of Metz. https://is.gd/xk5MFD



1886/0816:インド行者 Ramakrishna Paramahamsa 183686、死去

an Indian mystic & yogi during the 19th-century.


 Wikipedia イギリスの植民地支配が経済の貧困を強め、西洋から流入する文化によって伝統文化が蔑まれた19世紀のインドにあって、インド伝統の豊かな精神文化を体現し、インド人に誇りを取り戻させ希望を与えたという。 思想は強力な神秘主義と宗教多元論およびシャンカラのアドヴァイタ・ヴェダンタ(不二一元論)哲学を根本としている。現象世界はマヤ(幻影)でありブラフマン(神)だけが実在とし、解脱の手段は知識であると

1888/0816:アラビアのロレンス Thomas Edward Lawrence 188835、誕生

a British archaeologist, military officer, diplomat, and writer.
He was renowned for his liaison role during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign and the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire during the First World War.



1893/0816:フランス神経学者 Jean-Martin Charcot 182593、死去

un neurologue français, professeur d'anatomie pathologique et académicien.


1896/0816:Canada「Gold Rush」
Skookum Jim Mason, George Carmack and Dawson Charlie discover gold in a tributary of the Klondike River in Canada, setting off the Klondike Gold Rush.


1899/0816:ドイツの化学者Robert Wilhelm Bunsen 181199、死去

ein deutscher Chemiker.


1900/0816:Battle of Elands River
during the Second Boer War ends after a 13-day siege is lifted by the British.
The battle had begun when a force of 2,000~3,000 Boers had surrounded a force of 500 Australians, Rhodesians, Canadians & British soldiers at a supply dump at Brakfontein Drift.


1904/0816:Wendell Meredith Stanley 190471、誕生

an American biochemist, virologist and Nobel laureate.


An estimated 8.2 MW earthquake hits Valparaíso, Chile, killing 3,886 people.


Tōhoku Imperial University of Japan becomes the first university in Japan to admit female students.





Completion of the Royal Navy battlecruiser HMS Queen Mary.



1916/0816:Umberto Boccioni 188216、死去

un pittore e scultore italiano, esponente del futurismo.



1916/0816:Canada & USA「Migratory Bird Treaty」signed.


1918/0816:Battle of Lake Baikal
between the Czechoslovak Legion and the Red Army.




1920/0816:Polish–Soviet War「Battle of Radzymin」concludes,
the Soviet Red Army is forced to turn away from Warsaw.


1923/0816:UK & NewZealand
The United Kingdom gives the name "Ross Dependency" to part of its claimed Antarctic territory and makes the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand its administrator.





『テラスの広告』1927 ブリヂストン美術館


1929/0816:明治の女 津田梅子186429、死去



1929/0816:Bill Evans 192980、誕生

an American jazz pianist and composer
Evans' use of impressionist harmony, inventive interpretation of traditional jazz repertoire, block chords, and trademark rhythmically independent, "singing" melodic lines continue to influence jazz pianists today.


The Palestine riots break out in Mandatory Palestine between Palestinian Arabs and Jews and continue until the end of the month. 

In total, 133 Jews and 116 Arabs are killed.

1938/0816:USA ブルスライタ Robert Johnson 191138、死去

an American blues singer-songwriter and musician. His landmark recordings in 1936 and 1937 display a combination of singing, guitar skills, and songwriting talent that has influenced later generations of musicians.


1941/0816:日本の医学者 長與又郎187841、死去



1943/0816:WWⅡ「Italian bombing」
The Santa Maria delle Grazie church in Milan Italy collapsed with Allied bombing. Mural painting 'Last Supper' by Leonardo da Vinci remains miraculously.




The Tokyo metropolitan government ordered the disposal of beasts at Ueno Zoo. Starting drug killing from the next day.

First flight of the Junkers Ju 287.





Stalin suggests occupation by the Soviet Union in the northern part of Hokkaido, but US President Truman refused, "Japan will not divide and rule" statement.


Manchukuo Emperor Yu Yi was arrested by Soviet troops.

1946/0816:Tokyo Trial、

Former Manchukuo emperor's Yu Yi appeared as a witness of the Soviet Union in the Far East international military trial.

The National Representatives' Congress(the precursor of the current National Assembly of Vietnam)convenes in Sơn Dương.


1945/0816:日本の海軍 中將 大西瀧治郎189145、腹切り首突いて自決

Kamikaze 神風特別攻撃隊の發案&實行者。敗戦を見屆けて自決。

 Wikipedia 渋谷南平台町の官舎にて大西は遺書を残し割腹自決した。午前2時から3時ごろ腹を十字に切り頸と胸を刺したが生きていた。官舎の使用人が発見し、多田武雄次官が軍医を連れて前田副官、児玉誉士夫も急行した。熱海にいた矢次一夫も駆けつけたが昼過ぎになった。大西は軍医に「生きるようにはしてくれるな」と言い、児玉に「貴様がくれた刀が切れぬばかりにまた会えた。全てはその遺書に書いてある。厚木の小園に軽挙妄動は慎めと大西が言っていたと伝えてくれ。」と話した。児玉も自決しようとすると大西は「馬鹿もん、貴様が死んで糞の役に立つか。若いもんは生きるんだよ。生きて新しい日本を作れ。」といさめた。介錯と延命処置を拒み続けたまま同日夕刻死去。享年55。


1945/0816:日本 新劇俳優 丸山定夫190145、被曝により死去



1946/0816:India「Mass riots in Kolkata」begin;
more than 4,000 people would be killed in 72 hours.


1948/0816:USA MLB George Herman "Babe" Ruth 189548、死去



Lou Gehrig, Tris Speaker, Ty Cobb, and Babe, 1928


1949/0816:『風とともに去りぬ』作者 Margaret Mitchell 190049、死去

an American author and journalist. One novel by Mitchell was published during her lifetime, the American Civil War-era novel, Gone with the Wind,

Margaret Mitchell was struck by a speeding automobile as she crossed Peachtree Street at 13th Street in Atlanta with her husband, John Marsh, while on her way to see the movie A Canterbury Tale on the evening of August 11, 1949. She died at age 48 at Grady Hospital five days later without fully regaining consciousness.

1949/0816:Japan「Hero introduce」
古橋廣之進 Furuhashi Hironoshin won 1,500m Freestyle(the Los Angeles North American Water Championships Tournament)with the World New Record. On the 18th & 19th too, won with the world new record.


1951/0816:フランス 役者 Louis Jouvet 188851、死去

un acteur français, metteur en scène et directeur de théâtre, professeur au Conservatoire national supérieur d'art dramatique,

The first issue of Sports Illustrated is published.


1957/0816:USA 化学者Irving Langmuir 188157、死去

an American chemist and physicist. His most noted publication was the famous 1919 article "The Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms and Molecules" in which, building on Gilbert N. Lewis's cubical atom theory and Walther Kossel's chemical bonding theory,


1959/0816:ピアノ&Wanda Landowska 187959、死去

eine polnische Cembalistin und Pianistin.


Cyprus gains its independence from the United Kingdom.


1960/0816:World New Record
Joseph Kittinger parachutes from a balloon over New Mexico at 102,800 feet (31,300 m), setting three records that held until 2012: High-altitude jump, free fall, and highest speed by a human without an aircraft.

プロジェクト・エクセルシオ: アメリカ空軍のジョゼフ・キッティンジャーが気球による最高高度31,300mからパラシュート降下し、乗物によらない人間の最高速度988km/hを記録。

1964/0816:Vietnam War:
A coup d'état replaces Dương Văn Minh with General Nguyễn Khánh as President of South Vietnam.
A new constitution is established with aid from the U.S. Embassy.


1966/0816:Vietnam War:
The House Un-American Activities Committee begins investigations of Americans who have aided the Viet Cong. The committee intends to introduce legislation making these activities illegal. Anti-war demonstrators disrupt the meeting and 50 people are arrested.


In an unsuccessful coup d'état attempt, the Royal Moroccan Air Force fires upon Hassan II of Morocco's plane while he is traveling back to Rabat.


The serial killer Ted Bundy is arrested in Utah for the first time.


1976/0816:PopMusic「Dancing Queen」,
number one hit in the USA and many other countries and thus the world's most successful song by the Swedish pop group ABBA, is released.


1977/0816:ロックンロウラー Elvis Presley 193577、死去

an American singer and actor. Regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century,



Explosion accident in Shizuoka Ekimae underground shopping area. A gas explosion occurred in the underground shopping area in front of Shizuoka station, 15 people dead, 233 injuries

Northwest Airlines Flight 255 a McDonnell Douglas MD-82 crashes after take off in Detroit, Michigan, killing 154 of the 155 on board, plus two people on the ground.


A solar flare from the Sun creates a geomagnetic storm that affects micro chips, leading to a halt of all trading on Toronto's stock market.


1996/0816:日本 女優 澤村貞子190896、死去



2007/0816:Jazz ドラマー Max Roach 192407、死去

an American jazz drummer and composer.

2008/0816:World Record(HighestTower)
The Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago is topped off at 1,389 feet (423 m), at the time becoming the world's highest residence above ground-level.


South African police fatally shoot 34 miners and wound 78 more during an industrial dispute near Rustenburg.


The ferry St.Thomas Aquinas collides with a cargo ship and sinks at Cebu, Philippines, killing 61 people with 59 others missing.


More than 96 people are killed and hundreds injured following a series of air-raids by the Syrian Arab Air Force on the rebel-held market town of Douma.


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World