


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 06/26 今日の出來事

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China's Western Han Dynasty Prince Liu Ying-jiu, is for the Han Hui Di.


0004/0626:ロウマ帝國、Augustus adopts Tiberius
In order to regulate his succession, the Roman Emperor Augustus adopted his 42-year-old step-sire Tiberius Claudius Nero, after his two adoptive sons Lucius and Gaius Caesar died before.


0221/0626:ロウマ皇帝、Elagabalus adopts Alexander Severus
 as his heir and receives the title of Caesar.


0363/0626:ロウマ皇帝、Flavius Claudius Julianus 033163、崩去

un imperatore e filosofo romano, l'ultimo sovrano dichiaratamente pagano, che tentò, senza successo, di restaurare la religione romana dopo che essa era caduta in decadenza di fronte alla diffusione del cristianesimo.





En no Ozuno, a Japanese mystic and apothecary who will later be regarded as the founder of a folk religion Shugendō, is banished to Izu Ōshima.



0822/0626(弘仁13/0604):日本の天臺宗佛僧 最澄076622、入定

Saichō était un moine bouddhiste fondateur de la branche Tendai du bouddhisme au Japon, connu aussi sous son nom posthume de Dengyō Daishi.






Mongols defeat the Seljuk Turks at the Battle of Köse Dağ.


A legend from the town of Hamelin (Hameln), Lower Saxony, Germany. 

The legend dates back to the Middle Ages, the earliest references describing a piper, dressed in multicolored ("pied") clothing, who was a rat-catcher hired by the town to lure rats away with his magic pipe.

When the citizens refuse to pay for this service, he retaliates by using his instrument's magical power on their children, leading them away as he had the rats. 


This version of the story spread as folklore and has appeared in the writings of  Goethe, the Brothers Grimm, and Robert Browning, among others.


{私としては、昨日紹介した ETA Hoffmann 177622 に取りあげてもらひたかった事件。



Przemysł II crowned king of Poland, following Ducal period. The white eagle is added to the Polish coat of arms.





Ulrich von Jungingen becomes Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights.


1409/0626:Western Schism:
The Roman Catholic Church is led into a double schism as Petros Philargos is crowned Pope Alexander V after the Council of Pisa, joining Pope Gregory XII in Rome and Pope Benedict XII in Avignon.


Richard Neville(16th Earl of Warwick, and Edward, Earl of March)land in England with a rebel army and march on London.


Richard Ⅲ becomes King of England.

Richard III begins his regency after the British Parliament declared him the right heir to the throne the day before.

1492/0626:フランス人、Mont Aiguille に初登山
Antoine de Ville de réussir la France König Karl VIII ordonna l'ascension du Mont Aiguille dans les Alpes occidentales françaises . Dans la première ascension de la montagne et les échelles sont utilisées en plus des équipements d'alpinisme.



Ottomans begin the 2nd Siege of Rhodes.

The Ottomans under Süleyman the Magnificent appear with a huge fleet before Rhodes and begin with the siege of the island, which is in the possession of the Johanniterordens.

1541/0626:スペインコンキスタドル Francisco Pizarro 147141、戰死

Francisco Pizarro González​ fue un conquistador español quien, a principios del siglo xvi, lideró la expedición que iniciaría la Conquista del Perú.a​ Posteriormente sería nombrado gobernador de Nueva Castilla, con sede de gobierno en la Ciudad de los Reyes.
Francisco Pizarro is assassinated in Lima by the son of his former companion and later antagonist, Diego de Almagro the younger. Almagro is later caught and executed.

Imperio Inca
Asesinato de Francisco Pizarro a manos de los almagristas


Tumba de Francisco Pizarro


1668/0626(寛文08/0517):江戸時代の儒者 雨森芳洲166855、生



Louis XIV et Vauban prennent Maastricht

The siege of Maastricht was one of the principal episodes of the plan of invasion of the Netherlands by Louis XIV in 1673 during the War of Holland in order to avenge the role of the Triple Alliance during the Revolutionary War.
The siege, which began on the 13th, ended on June 30 with a French victory.


Alexei Petrovich, Tsarevich of Russia, Peter the Great's son, mysteriously dies after being sentenced to death by his father for plotting against him.


1723/0626:包圍と大砲による攻撃に Baku、Russia に降伏
After a siege and bombardment by cannon, Baku surrenders to the Russians.


1730/0626:Charles Messier 173017、生

un astronome français, éminent chasseur de comètes. Il est renommé pour avoir créé le fameux catalogue d'objets du ciel profond portant son nom.



The Symphony No. 39 in E♭ major of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, K. 543, was completed on 26 June 1788. No. 40 was completed 25 July and No. 41 on 10 August.

{Wolgang Amadeus Mozart 175691 はフランス革命の時期とまったく重なった時代を生きてゐたのか …… とふと氣付いてちょっとフシギな氣分

1793/0626:イギリスの自然愛好家 Gilbert White 172093

a "parson-naturalist", a pioneering English naturalist and ornithologist.
He remained unmarried and a curate all his life. He is best known for his Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne.

White's house, The Wakes, now a museum,

イギリス文学史上、彼の『博物誌』は「政争から身を引き自然に遊ぶ隠棲者の随想」として、Izaak Walton 159383 の『The Compleat Angler 釣魚大全』と双璧をなすものとも評価される。

1794/0626:フランス革命戦争、Battle of Fleurus 

marked the first successful military use of aircraft.
La bataille de Fleurus voit la première utilisation militaire d'un ballon d'observation dans l'histoire de l'aérostation.

1824/0626:イギリス 数学・工学 William Thomson 182407、生

William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin was a Scots-Irish mathematical physicist and engineer
He did important work in the mathematical analysis of electricity and formulation of the first and second laws of thermodynamics, and did much to unify the emerging discipline of physics in its modern form.


William Ⅳ becomes king of Britain & Hanover.


1835/0626:日本[明治] 官僚 三島通庸183588、生

Mishima Michitsune was a vassal of the Satsuma Domain during the Late Tokugawa shogunate, Home Ministry bureaucrat and viscount. He is also commonly known as Yahei or Yahée (弥兵衞 Yahee).

Treaty of Nanking comes into effect, Hong Kong Island is ceded to the British "in perpetuity".


Les Journées de Juin, les émeutes par les travailleurs français



Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du mal is published.


書き込みは Charles Baudelaire 182167 自身

1857/0626:イギリス、HydePark で VictoriaCross の授賞式
The first investiture of the Victoria Cross in Hyde Park, London.


1859/0626:大正天皇の生母 柳原愛子185943、生

Yanagihara Naruko, also known as Sawarabi no Tsubone was a Japanese lady-in-waiting of the Imperial House of Japan.
A concubine of Emperor Meiji, she was the mother of Emperor Taishō and the last concubine to have given birth to a reigning Japanese emperor.




Touzenji became a British temporary military office, but the incident was a case where the clan Matsumoto, who is in charge of security, murdered two British sailors.



Egypt sells its shares in the Suez Canal to Great Britain.


Henri Moissan isolated elemental Fluorine for the first time.


1892/0626:USA女流作家 Pearl Buck 189273、生

Pearl Sydenstricker Buck also known by her Chinese name Sai Zhenzhu; 賽珍珠, was an American writer and novelist.
As the daughter of missionaries, Buck spent most of her life before 1934 in Zhenjiang, China.
Her novel The Good Earth was the best-selling fiction book in the United States in 1931 and 1932 and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932. In 1938, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces".

in 1932, about the time The Good Earth was published

Felix Hoffmann synthesized heroin by the method of C. R. Wright of 1874. It is offered by Bayer as a drug.


1898/0626:ドイツ 飛行機設計 Willy Messerschmitt 189878、生

Wilhelm „Willy“ Emil Messerschmitt war ein deutscher Flugzeugkonstrukteur und Unternehmer. Er gilt als ein Pionier der Luftfahrt.

1934年にWレテルと設計した「メッサシュミット Bf109」の設計者として名を殘す。
Bf 109は第二次世界大戦のドイツ空軍の主力レシプロ戦闘機で、35,000機が生産された。

{飛行機を作る人になるしかないやうな名前だな。Ferrari が車を作るしかなかったやうに。ブラウニンブやトカレフが銃器設計者となるしかなかったやうに。

1899/0626:日本[明治]官僚 大木喬任183299、死

Ōki Takatō was a Japanese statesman during the early Meiji period. He was Governor of Tokyo in 1868 and a member of the Privy Council in 1889.

{日本のWPでは亡日は 0626 だが、ヨウロパ各國では 0926 にしてゐる。おそらくは 6と9の誤寫を飜譯しあった結果だらう。

1899/0626:ロシア ニコライ二世の皇女 Maria Nikolaïevna 189918、生

, grande-duchesse de Russie, fille du tsar Nicolas II




1905/0626:First Telegram、From England to Iceland
At 22:38, Iceland receives the first telegram. The British Marconi Company sent it by radio from Cornwall. Only a year later the sea cable follows.


First Grand Prix motor racing event held.


Science Museum in London comes 

into existence as an independent entity.

1918/0626:WWⅠ「Belleau の森の戰鬪」
Allied Forces under John J. Pershing and James Harbord defeat Imperial German Forces under Wilhelm, German Crown Prince in the Battle of Belleau Wood.


Chaplin The Gold Rush premier

Sortie de la comédie dramatique américaine La Ruée vers l'or (The Gold Rush) de Charles Chaplin.

1931/0626:イギリス 作家 Colin Wilson 193113、生

an English writer, philosopher and novelist.
He also wrote widely on true crime, mysticism and the paranormal, eventually writing more than a hundred books.
Wilson called his philosophy "new existentialism" or "phenomenological existentialism", and maintained his life work was "that of a philosopher, and (his) purpose to create a new and optimistic existentialism"

The instructional film is introduced as a teaching material in the schools by a decree by the National Socialist Prussian Minister of Education, Bernhard Rust.


1934/0626:日本 歴史&支那内藤湖南186634、死

Naitō Torajirō (内藤 虎次郎), connu d'ordinaire sous le nom de Naitō Konan (内藤 湖南), est un historien et sinologue japonais. Il fonde l'école de Tokyo d'historiographe, et avec 白鳥庫吉186542 Shiratori Kurakichi (cofondateur de l'école de Tokyo), est l'un des principaux historiens japonais de l'Asie orientale au début du XXe siècle. Son ouvrage le plus connu s'intitule « Nara »

Initial flight of the Focke-Wulf Fw 61, the first practical helicopter.




Soviet planes bomb Kassa, Hungary, giving Hungary the impetus to declare war the next day.


First flight of the Grumman F6F Hellcat.




1943/0626:血液型の發見者 Karl Landsteiner 186843、死

ein österreichisch-US-amerikanischer Pathologe, Hämatologe und Serologe, der 1900 das AB0-System der Blutgruppen entdeckte, wofür er 1930 den Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin erhielt.


1944/0626:WWⅡ、Battle of Osuchy in Osuchy, Poland,
one of the largest battles between Nazi Germany and Polish resistance forces, ends with the defeat of the latter.


The United Nations Charter is signed in San Francisco.



Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida told the House of Representatives that "Article 9 of the revised Constitution abandons self-defense war."


The first supply flights are made in response to the Berlin Blockade.


William Shockley files the original patent for the grown-junction transistor, the first bipolar junction transistor.

1949/0626:韓國の政事運動家 金九187649

Kim Gu (김구; 金九) also known by his pen name Baekbeom (백범; 白凡), was a Korean nationalist politician.
He was the sixth and later the last Premier of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, a leader of the Korean independence movement against the Japanese Empire, and a reunification activist after 1945.

Red purge: GHQ orders the 30th day of publication of the Japanese Communist Party agency newspaper "Akahata". It changed to indefinite stop on July 18.



スターリンの側近としてヤルタ会談に出席した際、ルーズベルト米大統領に「うちのヒムラーです」と紹介されたベリヤ、Lavrentiy Beria, head of MVD, is arrested by Nikita Khrushchev and other members of the Politburo. Il sera exécuté le 23 décembre.



At Obninsk, a suburb of Moscow, the world's first commercial nuclear power plant, Obninsk Nuclear Power Station, began operation.


1956/0626:Jazz Trumpeter Clifford Brown 193056、自動車事故死

also known as "Brownie", was an American jazz trumpeter.
 He died at the age of 25 in a car accident, leaving behind only four years' worth of recordings.

The former British Protectorate of British Somaliland gains its independence as Somaliland.


Madagascar gains its independence from France.


1963/0626:ドイツ訪問のJFK、"Ich bin ein Berliner" 演説
U.S. President John F. Kennedy gave his "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech, underlining the support of the United States for democratic West Germany shortly after Soviet-supported East Germany erected the Berlin Wall.


The Ogasawara archipelago, which was under American rule, is returned to Japan.


1974/0626:Universal Product Code
 is scanned for the first time to sell a package of Wrigley's chewing gum at the Marsh Supermarket in Troy, Ohio.


Two FBI agents and a member of the American Indian Movement are killed in a shootout on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota; Leonard Peltier is later convicted of the murders in a controversial trial.


Deng Xiaoping first proposed the concept of "one country, two systems".


1986/0626:日本の建築家 前川國男1990586

Maekawa Kunio était un architecte japonais particulièrement connu pour le bâtiment Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, et une figure clé de l'architecture japonaise moderne.

The Yugoslav People's Army begins the Ten-Day War in Slovenia.


Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani deposes his father Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar, in a bloodless coup d'état.


The Human Genome Project announces the completion of a "rough draft" sequence.



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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World