


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の Maurits Cornelis Escher 189872『Drawing Hands』1948

歴史暦:古今東西 03/27 今日の出來事

1306/0327:Robert Bruce declared Scottish throne.

Robert I 127429:was King of Scots from 1306 until his death in 1329. Robert was one of the most famous warriors of his generation, and eventually led Scotland during the First War of Scottish Independence against England. He fought successfully during his reign to regain Scotland's place as an independent country and is today revered in Scotland as a national hero.

Pope John XXII issues his In Agro Dominico condemning some writings of Meister Eckhart as heretical.

In der Bulle In agro dominico verurteilt Papst Johannes XXII. 28 Lehrsätze von Meister Eckhart als häretisch oder als teils häresieverdächtig (irrig, nicht mit der Rechtgläubigkeit vereinbar). Damit endet das Inquisitionsverfahren gegen Eckhart, der vor Veröffentlichung der Bulle gestorben ist.

1446/0327:en France,
 une ordonnance royale place l'université sous la juridiction du Parlement.

Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León reaches the northern end of The Bahamas on his first voyage to Florida.

(Amérique du Nord) : le jour des Rameaux, Pascuas floridas, l'Espagnol Juan Ponce de León aborde une nouvelle terre à laquelle il donne le nom de Floride. Au retour, il organise la déportation et la réduction en esclavage des Amérindiens Taïnos de l'archipel des Lucayes (Bahamas).

1574/0327:日本の戰國大名 武田信虎149474、死去

Takeda Nobutora was a Japanese daimyō (feudal lord) who controlled the Province of Kai 甲斐, and fought in a number of battles of the Sengoku 戰國 period.
He was the father of the famous Takeda Shingen 武田信玄152173, who was originally named Harunobu 晴信, along with two other sons, Nobushige 信繁 and Nobukado 信廉.


イエズス会巡察使 A.ヴァリニャノが黒人「弥助」を同道して織田信長に謁見

The Jesuit patrol mission Alessandro Valignano gathered blacks named "Yasuke" and audiences with Nobunaga Oda 織田信長153482.

1625/0327:Charles I becomes King of England, Scotland and Ireland as well as claiming the title King of France.

1679/0327:オランダ 画家 Abraham Mignon 164079、死去

ein deutsch-niederländischer Maler.

Früchtestillleben von Abraham Mignon (um 1650)

1770/0327:イタリア 画家 Giambattista Tiepolo 169670、死去

un pittore e incisore italiano, cittadino della Repubblica di Venezia. È uno dei maggiori pittori del Settecento veneziano.

1785/0327:ブルボン最後の王 Louis XVII 178595、誕生

Louis-Charles de France , second fils de Louis XVI et de Marie-Antoinette, duc de Normandie, dauphin de France à partir de 1789, puis prince royal de 1791 à 1792.
Après la mort de son père, en 1793, et suivant l’ordre dynastique, il est reconnu comme titulaire de la couronne de France sous le nom de Louis XVII par les puissances coalisées et par son oncle, futur Louis XVIII, alors qu'il est détenu à la prison du Temple.

Il serait mort en captivité en 1795, à l’âge de dix ans, sans avoir jamais régné, mais l'éventualité de sa survie alimente encore l'attention des historiens.

1797/0327:フランス文人 Alfred de Vigny 179763、誕生

un écrivain, romancier, dramaturge et poète français.
Figure influente du romantisme, il écrit parallèlement à une carrière militaire entamée en 1814 et publie ses premiers poèmes en 1822.
Avec la publication de Cinq-Mars en 1826, il contribue au développement du roman historique français. Ses traductions versifiées de Shakespeare s'inscrivent dans le drame romantique, de même que sa pièce Chatterton (1835).
Son œuvre se caractérise par un pessimisme fondamental, et une vision désenchantée de la société. Il développe à plusieurs reprises le thème du paria, incarné par le poète, le prophète, le noble, Satan ou bien le soldat.
Sa poésie est empreinte d’un stoïcisme hautain, qui s’exprime en vers denses et dépouillés, souvent riches en symboles, annonçant la modernité poétique de Baudelaire, Verlaine et Mallarmé.

1809/0327:パリの改造 Georges Eugène Haussmann 180991、誕生

オスマン」Georges Eugène Haussmann a été préfet de la Seine du 23 juin 1853 au 5 janvier 1870.
À ce titre, il a dirigé les transformations de Paris sous le Second Empire en approfondissant le vaste plan de rénovation établi par la commission Siméon qui vise à poursuivre les travaux engagés par ses prédécesseurs à la préfecture de la Seine Rambuteau et Berger.


1809/0327:Peninsular War:
 A combined Franco-Polish force defeats the Spanish in the Battle of Ciudad Real.

1814/0327:米英戰爭=War of 1812:
 In central Alabama, U.S. forces under General Andrew Jackson defeat the Creek at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.


à Paris, le Conseil d'État relève Napoléon de sa déchéance, qui forme un gouvernement avec Carnot à l'Intérieur, Davout à la Guerre, Caulaincourt aux Affaires étrangères et Fouché à la Police.


Auguste Brunet et Jean-Baptiste Cochot déposent le brevet de la scie circulaire 回転鋸.
Les premières scies circulaires, actionnées par l’eau, ne coupaient que le bois.

1817/0327:スヰス生物学者 Karl Wilhelm von Nägeli 181791、誕生

Carl Wilhelm von Nägeli was a Swiss botanist.
He studied cell division and pollination but became known as the man who discouraged Gregor Mendel from further work on genetics.
He rejected natural selection as a mechanism of evolution, favouring orthogenesis driven by a supposed "inner perfecting principle".


1836/0327:USA 軍人 James Fannin 180536、処刑

James Walker Fannin Jr. was a 19th-century U.S. military figure in the Texas Army and leader during the Texas Revolution of 1835–36.
After being outnumbered and surrendering to Mexican forces at the Battle of Coleto Creek, Colonel Fannin and nearly all his 344 men were executed soon afterward at Goliad, Texas, under Santa Anna's orders for all rebels to be executed.

Texas Revolution: On the orders of General Antonio López de Santa Anna, the Mexican army massacres 342 Texas POWs at Goliad, Texas.

1845/0327:レントゲン写真の Wilhelm Röntgen 184523、誕生

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen war ein deutscher Physiker.
Er entdeckte am 8. November 1895 im Physikalischen Institut der Universität Würzburg die nach ihm benannten Röntgenstrahlen; hierfür erhielt er 1901 bei der Vergabe der ersten Nobelpreise den ersten Nobelpreis für Physik.
Seine Entdeckung revolutionierte unter anderem die medizinische Diagnostik und führte zu weiteren wichtigen Erkenntnissen des 20. Jahrhunderts, z. B. der Entdeckung und Erforschung der Radioaktivität.

First medical X-ray by Röntgen of his wife's hand

1847/0327:ドイツ 化學者 Otto Wallach 184731、誕生

ein deutscher Chemiker und Nobelpreisträger.
Wallach war organischer Chemiker und hat mehrere Reaktionen zum Aufbau heterozyklischer Verbindungen und von Farbstoffen entdeckt.
Wallach hat in der Terpenchemie grundlegende Arbeiten zur Strukturaufklärung und der Synthese dieser Stoffklasse geleistet.


1854/0327:Crimean war:
 Great Britain declares war on the Russian empire.

1857/0327:イギリス 統計學 Karl Pearson 185736、誕生

an English mathematician and biostatistician.
He has been credited with establishing the discipline of mathematical statistics.
He contributed significantly to the field of biometrics, meteorology, theories of social Darwinism and eugenics.
Pearson was also a protégé and biographer of Sir Francis Galton.





President Andrew Johnson vetoes the Civil Rights Act of 1866. His veto is overridden by Congress and the bill passes into law on April 9.

The first international rugby football match, when Scotland defeats England in Edinburgh at Raeburn Place.

In Prague, the premiere of the opera Two Widows by Bedřich Smetana takes place with very little success, which is why he decides to revise it.

1875/0327:フォウビズムの画家 Albert Marquet 187547、誕生

un peintre post-impressionniste français

1906, Fécamp (The Beach at Sainte-Adresse),

1916, Port of Marseilles,

1879/0327:USA 写真家 Edward Steichen 187973、誕生

a Luxembourgish American photographer, painter, and art gallery and museum curator.
Portrait of Auguste Rodin by Steichen, 1900

Picture by Steichen of Brâncuși's studio, 1920

Isadora Duncan in the Parthenon, Athens, 1921

1880/0327:à Paris, ゾラの『ナナ』連載
 l'éditeur Charpentier vend dès le premier jour cinquante-cinq mille exemplaires du nouveau roman d'Émile Zola, Nana.

1884/0327:USA、A mob in Cincinnati, Ohio,
 attacks members of a jury which had returned a verdict of manslaughter in what was seen as a clear case of murder; over the next few days the mob would riot and eventually destroy the courthouse.

1886/0327:ドイツ 建築家 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 188669、誕生

ein deutsch-amerikanischer Architekt.

Farnsworth House, Plano/Illinois 1950/51

Seagram Building, New York City 1958

彼は、Le Corbusier 188765、Frank Lloyd Wright 186759 とともに近代建築の三大巨匠、またはこれらに、Walter Gropius 188369 を加えて、四大巨匠とみなされてゐる。

「Less is more」
「God is in the detail」


1886/0327:ソ連の指導者 Sergey Kirov 188634、誕生

Sergei Mironovich Kirov was a prominent early Bolshevik leader in the Soviet Union.
Kirov rose through the Communist Party ranks to become head of the party organization in Leningrad.

On 1 December 1934, Kirov was shot and killed by a gunman at his offices in the Smolny Institute. Many historians place the blame for his assassination on Joseph Stalin and believe the NKVD organized his execution, but conclusive evidence for this claim remains lacking.


 Geronimo, Apache warrior, surrenders to the U.S. Army, ending the main phase of the Apache Wars.

1893/0327:知識社界學者 Karl Mannheim 189347、誕生

ein Soziologe und Philosoph österreichisch-ungarischer Herkunft, jüdischer Religion, deutscher und britischer Staatsbürgerschaft und kosmopolitischer Gesinnung.

Károly Manheim in the original spelling, was a Hungarian-born sociologist, influential in the first half of the 20th century and one of the founding fathers of classical sociology as well as a founder of the sociology of knowledge. He is most known for his book Ideology and Utopia published in 1929 where he argues that ideologies are the true nature of any given society and in trying to achieve utopia, these ideologies affect theories of philosophy and even history.

思想の存在被拘束性を乗り越えて真理に近づくためには、全体的視野から歴史を見ようとする、を自由に浮動する知識人になるべきだとした。{つまり、私が云ふところの「歴史の天使」による「世界史」認識の Globalistだ。


大衆社会の危険性について論じた『変革期における人間と社会』は、後の Erich Fromm 190080 などの大衆社会論に大きな影響を及ぼした。の流れに大きな影響を与えた。
 イデオロギとユウトピア 1929

1899/0327:草創期の映画女優 Gloria Swanson 189983、誕生

Gloria May Josephine Swanson was an American actress and producer best known for her role as Norma Desmond, a reclusive silent film star, in the critically acclaimed 1950 film Sunset Boulevard.

 Emilio Aguinaldo leads Filipino forces for the only time during the Philippine–American War at the Battle of Marilao River.

Der zweite Abschnitt der Brockenbahn, der Schmalspureisenbahnlinie auf den Brocken, wird durch die Nordhausen-Wernigeroder Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft eröffnet.

Guglielmo Marconi manages the first wireless telegraphic service across the English Channel.

日露戦争: 第二回旅順口閉塞作戦。広瀬武夫中佐が戦死。



1904明治37、日露戦争において旅順港閉塞作戦に従事。3月27日、第2回の閉塞作戦で閉塞船福井丸を指揮していたが、敵駆逐艦の魚雷を被彈。撤退時に広瀬は、自爆用の爆薬に点火させるために船倉にやった杉野孫七上等兵曹が戻ってこないことに気付いた。広瀬は杉野救助のため単身沈み始めた福井丸に戻り、船内を三度までも捜索したが、杉野の姿は見つけられなかった。やむを得ず救命ボウトに乗り移ろうとした直後、頭部にロシア軍砲弾の直撃を受け、即死した。 五日後、彼の遺体は福井丸の船首付近に浮かんでゐるのが発見され、ロシア軍により埋葬された。

Cherry seedlings Tokyo City gave to the United States were planted on the banks of the Potomac River in Washington, D.C.


 at the 11th Congress of the Bolshevik Party, held in Moscow (27 March to 2 April), in the presence of Lenin. Stalin, who, having been the People's Commissar of the Nationalities, has just been appointed political commissar of the Armies during the struggle against the whites, is, with the help of Zinoviev, elected general secretary of the party. This technical post, which was considered to be of little importance, enabled Stalin, the first director of Pravda, to control the recruitment of party cadres.

1923/0327:スコットランド 化學者 James Dewar 184223、死去

a Scottish chemist and physicist.
He is probably best known today for his invention of the vacuum flask, which he used in conjunction with extensive research into the liquefaction of gases.
He was also particularly interested in atomic and molecular spectroscopy, working in these fields for more than 25 years.

1923/0327:日本の作家 遠藤周作192396、誕生

Endō Shūsaku est un écrivain japonais, connu pour avoir écrit avec le point de vue de sa foi catholique.
Avec Junnosuke Yoshiyuki, Shōtarō Yasuoka, Junzō Shōno, Hiroyuki Agawa, Ayako Sono et Shumon Miura, Endō est catégorisé comme un « écrivain de la troisième génération », le troisième groupe d'écrivains majeurs apparus après la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

1924/0327:日本の女優 高峰秀子192410、誕生

Takamine Hideko est une actrice et essayiste japonaise.
Elle débute au cinéma dès son enfance et devient extrêmement populaire au point qu'on la compare à Shirley Temple.
Elle poursuit sa carrière à l'âge adulte et reste une des actrices les plus populaires du cinéma japonais jusqu'aux années 1960.
Parmi ses films les plus importants, Carmen revient au pays de Keisuke Kinoshita et Nuages flottants de Mikio Naruse. Son autobiographie Une vie au turbin (渡世日記, Tosei nikki) a reçu le prix du Club des essayistes du Japon en 1976.

1924/0327:JazzSinger、Sarah Vaughan 192490、誕生

, chanteuse de jazz américaine

1926/0327:日本の歌人 島木赤彦187626、死去


# 赤彦の歌論の中心をなしてゐるのは「鍛錬道」と言はれてゐる。「一心集中」と言はれることもあるが、これらは表裏一体のものである。これらの歌論はまた 彼の万葉集批評などにもあり、いわく「万葉集の作者は、どんな事柄に對しても苟も歌ふとなれば、何處迄も眞面目に正面から其の事柄に向き合つている。そうして一心をそれに集中してゐる。其處から力が生れてくる」「永久の徹底は、常住の鍛錬であり、常住の鍛錬は終生の苦行である」、などと言ふのが彼の歌論{といふより歌道だらう。

みづうみの氷は解けてなほ寒し三日月の影波にうつろふ 『太虚集』

信濃路はいつ春ならん夕づく日入りてしまらく黄なる空の色 『柿蔭集』


1927/0327:ソ連 チェリスト Mstislav Rostropovitch 192707、誕生

, violoncelliste et chef d'orchestre russe

1927/0327:ドイツ 作家 Martin Walser 1927--、誕生

ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Bekannt wurde Walser durch seine Darstellung innerer Konflikte der Antihelden in seinen Romanen und Erzählungen
Franz Kafka 188324の影響下から、歴史的社界的な人間關係での個人的な現実をリアリスティックに

1928/0327:日本の小説家 田辺聖子1928--、誕生

Tanabe Seiko、une écrivain japonaise

In Geneva, Japan and Germany prefer to leave the League of Nations rather than to respect the clauses of the Treaty of Versailles.

Reginald Oswald Gibson and Eric Fawcett manage the industrial production of polyethylene, but the process does not become commercially interesting until seven years later.

Second Sino-Japanese War: The Battle of Taierzhuang begins, resulting several weeks later in the war's first major Chinese victory over Japan.


Adolf Hitler fordert Polen auf, die Annexion von Danzig durch Deutschland zu akzeptieren.

Himmler befiehlt den Bau eines Konzentrationslagers in Auschwitz.

 Alfred Hitchcock's first Hollywood film Rebecca premieres in Los Angeles after the eponymous novel by Daphne du Maurier starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine.
 He is received by critics and audiences alike and will be the only Hitchcock film to receive an Oscar for Best Picture.

 Prince Paul of Yugoslavia is overthrown by a coup d'état, following a pact with Adolf Hitler.

 Yugoslavian Air Force officers topple the pro-Axis government in a bloodless coup.

Battle of the Komandorski Islands: In the Aleutian Islands the battle begins when United States Navy forces intercept Japanese attempting to reinforce a garrison at Kiska.

連合国軍側は(Battle of the Komandorski Islands)と呼ぶ。

1945/0327:WWⅡ、日米戰爭「Operation Starvation」,
 the aerial mining of Japan's ports and waterways begins. Argentina declares war on the Axis Powers.


1945/0327:WWⅡ、USA アイゼンハワ元帥、西部戦線での勝利宣言
General Dwight Eisenhower declares that the Allies are victorious on the Western Front.

1955/0327:In Pakistan、
The state of emergency is proclaimed.

 Nikita Khrushchev becomes Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union

American history at a magnitude of 9.2 strikes Southcentral Alaska, killing 125 people and inflicting massive damage to the city of Anchorage.

Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, who was the first man in space, kills himself at the controls of a MIG-15 training plane.


Jim Drake and Hoyle Schweitzer file the patent for windsurfing.

1969/0327:USA、NASA launches spacecraft Mariner 7 towards Mars.

1972/0327:フシギなる画家 Maurits Cornelis Escher 189872、死去

a Dutch graphic artist who made mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints.

Construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System begins.

1977/0327:飛行機事故、Tenerife airport disaster:
 Two Boeing 747 airliners collide on a foggy runway on Tenerife in the Canary Islands, killing 583 (all 248 on KLM and 335 on Pan Am). Sixty-one survived on the Pan Am flight. This is the worst aviation accident in history.

The Norwegian oil platform Alexander Kielland collapses in the North Sea, killing 123 of its crew of 212.

1981/0327:中國 作家 茅盾189681、死去

Mao Dun was the pen name of Shen Dehong (沈徳鴻), a 20th-century Chinese novelist, cultural critic, .
He is one of the most celebrated left-wing realist novelists of modern China.
His most famous works are Ziye 子夜, a novel depicting life in cosmopolitan Shanghai, and Spring Silkworms. He also wrote many short stories.

He adopted "Mao Dun" (矛盾), meaning "contradiction", as his pen name to express the tension in the conflicting revolutionary ideology in China in the unstable 1920s. His friend Ye Shengtao changed the first character from 矛 to 茅, which literally means "thatch".

1981/0327:in Poland、
 The Solidarity movement stages a warning strike, in which at least 12 million Poles walk off their jobs for four hours.

A car bomb explodes outside Russell Street Police HQ in Melbourne, Australia, killing one police officer and injuring 21 people.


The first session of the Eighth National People's Congress elected Jiang Zemin as Chairman of the People’s Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China. Rong Yiren was Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China.
Jiang Zemin is appointed President of the People's Republic of China.

Italian former minister and Christian Democracy leader Giulio Andreotti is accused of mafia allegiance by the tribunal of Palermo.

The Food and Drug Administration approves Viagra for use as a treatment for male impotence, the first pill to be approved for this condition in the United States.

1999/0327:Kosovo War:
 An American Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk is shot down by a Yugoslav SAM, the first and only Nighthawk to be lost in combat.

2002/0327:映画監督 Billy Wilder 190602、死去

Samuel "Billy" Wilder was an Austrian-American filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, artist, and journalist whose career spanned more than five decades.
He is regarded as one of the most brilliant and versatile filmmakers of Hollywood's golden age.
With The Apartment, Wilder became the first person to win Academy Awards as producer, director, and screenwriter for the same film.

Studio publicity photo of Billy Wilder and Gloria Swanson.
{偶然だけど、Gloria Swanson は今日が誕生日だった。

2002/0327:イスラエルで「Passover massacre」
 A Palestinian suicide bomber kills 29 people at a Passover seder in Netanya, Israel.

2002/0327:フランスで「Nanterre massacre」
 In Nanterre, France, a gunman opens fire at the end of a town council meeting, resulting in the deaths of eight councilors; 19 other people are injured.

2006/0327:SF作家 Stanislas Lem 192106、死去

Stanisław Herman Lem (Polish pronunciation: [staˈɲiswaf ˈlɛm] ) was a Polish writer of science fiction, philosophy, and satire, and a trained physician.
Lem's books have been translated into 41 languages and have sold over 45 million copies.
From the 1950s to 2000s, he published many books, both science fiction and philosophical/futurological. He is best known as the author of the 1961 novel Solaris, which has been made into a feature film three times. In 1976, Theodore Sturgeon wrote that Lem was the most widely read science fiction writer in the world.

Translations of his works are difficult due to passages with elaborate word formation, alien or robotic poetry, and puns.

2007/0327:日本の藝人 植木等192607、死去

Ueki Hitoshi was a Japanese actor, comedian, singer, and guitarist.
He won six awards for acting. His film credits stretch from 1960 to 1995.

1961年、「Crazy Cats」の一員として、テレビ番組『シャボン玉ホリデー』に出演し、コントでの演技や歌、「お呼びでない?…こりゃまた失礼いたしました!!!」などのギャグで、爆発的な人気を得て。

The dam forming Situ Gintung, an artificial lake in Indonesia, fails, killing at least 99 people.

Philippines signs a peace accord with the largest Muslim rebel group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, ending decades of conflict.

Al-Shabab militants attack and temporarily occupy a Mogadishu hotel leaving at least 20 people dead.

A suicide blast in Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park, Lahore claims over 70 lives and leaves almost 300 others injured. The target of the bombing are Christians celebrating Easter.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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