


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 01/22 今日の出來事


Eight-month-old Constantine is crowned as co-emperor (Caesar) by his father Heraclius at Constantinople.



1170/0122:中國の全眞教開祖 王重陽111370、死去

王重用 Wang Chongyang was a Chinese Taoist and one of the founders of the Quanzhen School in the 12th century during the Jin dynasty (1115–1234).
He was one of the Five Northern Patriarchs of Quanzhen.


Hulagou Khan laid siege to the city of Baghdad, after crushing the caliphate army in a pitched battle.

Hulagu Khan 121765 was a Mongol ruler who conquered much of Western Asia. Son of Tolui and the Keraite princess Sorghaghtani Beki, he was a grandson of Genghis Khan and brother of Ariq Böke, Möngke Khan, and Kublai Khan.

The approximately 400-member Jewish community in Speyer is destroyed by a pogrom in the persecution of Jews at the time of the Black Death.

Os portugueses descobrem a ilha de São Vicente, uma das Ilhas de Cabo Verde no Oceano Atlântico.

The Portuguese discover the island of São Vicente, one of the Cape Verde Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

The first 150 mercenaries of the Swiss Guards summoned by Pope Julius II arrive at the Vatican, led by Peter von Hertenstein.

この衣裝はたしか Michelangelo Buonarroti 147564 のデザインだったはずだ。

The Ottoman Empire under Selim I defeats the Mamluk Sultanate and captures present-day Egypt at the Battle of Ridaniya.

La France et l'Angleterre déclarent la guerre à Charles Quint.

Auf dem Prinzipalmarkt in Münster werden die Anführer der Münsterschen Täufer, Jan van Leiden, Bernd Krechting und Bernd Knipperdolling, öffentlich gefoltert und hingerichtet.

The Ava Kingdom falls to the Taungoo Dynasty in what is now Burma.

1561/0122:イギリスの思想家 Francis Bacon 190992、誕生

an English scientist and philosopher.
Francis Bacon develops in his work the De dignitate and augmented scientiarumn an empiricist theory of knowledge, and he specifies the rules of the experimental method in the Novum Organum, which makes him one of the pioneers of modern scientific thought.


"Knowledge is power" (Ipsa scientia potestas est)

1592/0122:フランスの思想家Pierre Gassendi 159255、誕生

un mathématicien, philosophe, théologien et astronome français.


ガッサンディは、自身の唯物論キリスト教会の教理に順応させた René Descartes 159650 を批判し、感覚による印象を疑った「デカルト的懐疑」を観念の遊戯と考え、デカルトの「存在は思惟によってのみ認められる」に対し「存在は、まさしく思惟からと同様に、他のいかなる作用からも推測することができる」と反論した。


Guillaume Le Gouverneur est nommé évêque de Saint-Malo. Il le restera jusqu'à sa mort en 1630.

1666/0122:インドのムガル皇帝 Shâh Jahân 159266、崩去

(شهاب الدین محمّد شاه جهان), empereur moghol de 1628 à 1658.
better known by his regnal name Shah Jahan (Persian "King of the World"), was the fifth Mughal emperor, who reigned from 1628 to 1658.


The Convention Parliament convenes to determine whether James II and VII, the last Roman Catholic monarch of England, Ireland and Scotland, had vacated the thrones of England and Ireland when he fled to France in 1688.

le roi d'Angleterre, Jacques II, en fuite, est accueilli par Louis XIV à Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

España acepta vender las Islas Malvinas a Inglaterra.

Las islas Malvinas is Falkland Islands in english.

1729/0122:ドイツの文人 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 172981、誕生

ein bedeutender Dichter der deutschen Aufklärung.
Mit seinen Dramen und seinen theoretischen Schriften, die vor allem dem Toleranzgedanken verpflichtet sind, hat dieser Aufklärer der weiteren Entwicklung des Theaters einen wesentlichen Weg gewiesen und die öffentliche Wirkung von Literatur nachhaltig beeinflusst.
an important poet of the German Enlightenment. With his dramas and his theoretical writings, which are above all committed to the idea of tolerance, this enlightener has shown the essential direction of the further development of the theater and has had a lasting effect on the public impact of literature.



A Paris, à l'initiative de Madame de Pompadour, avec le soutien de Louis XV. l'École Militaire, la plus ancienne académie militaire du monde, fondée.

(India) Lally-Tollendal, defeated at Wandowash by the English army, is besieged in Pondicherry.
He will capitulate after a long resistance on January 16, 1761. Embellished, he will be tried, sentenced for high treason and executed on May 9, 1766. His judgment will be revised in 1778 and it will be rehabilitated.

Il racconto tragicomico di Turandot di Carlo Gozzi è presentato in anteprima mondiale al Teatro San Samuele di Venezia.

1775/0122:フランスの科學者 André-Marie Ampère 177536、誕生

un mathématicien, physicien, chimiste et philosophe français. Il a été membre de l'Académie des sciences, ainsi que professeur à l'École polytechnique et au Collège de France.

One of the founders of electromagnetism. He discovered "Ampere's Law". The ampere of SI unit of current is named after his name.

1788/0122:イギリス詩人 George Gordon Byron 178824、誕生

George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron FRS , known as Lord Byron, was an English nobleman, poet, peer, politician, and leading figure in the Romantic movement.
He is regarded as one of the greatest British poets and remains widely read and influential.
Among his best-known works are the lengthy narrative poems Don Juan and Childe Harold's Pilgrimage as well as the short lyric poem "She Walks in Beauty".

1799/0122:スヰス自然學者 Horace-Bénédict de Saussure 174099、死去

un physicien, géologue et naturaliste genevois considéré comme l'un des fondateurs de l’alpinisme. Ses recherches eurent notamment pour cadre les Alpes, et plus particulièrement le massif du Mont-Blanc.

A prominent linguist Ferdinand de Saussure 185713 becomes his great-grandson.
著名な言語学者の Ferdinand de Saussure 185713 は彼の曾孫になる。

i patrioti napoletani proclamano la breve repubblica partenopea durante la conquista di Napoli da parte delle truppe francesi.

the Neapolitan patriots proclaim the short Neapolitan republic during the conquest of Naples by the French troops.

The Portuguese royal family arrives in Brazil after fleeing the French army's invasion of Portugal two months earlier.

Napoléon annexe Oldenbourg, ce qui mécontente le tsar Alexandre.

Batalla de Tenancingo (Guerra de Independencia de México).

The Ashantis defeat British forces in the Gold Coast.


1849/0122:August Strindberg 184912、誕生

un écrivain, dramaturge et peintre suédois.
Il fait partie des auteurs suédois les plus importants et est un des pères du théâtre moderne.
Ses œuvres se classent parmi deux courants littéraires majeurs, le naturalisme et l'expressionnisme.

1849/0122:イギリスvsインド「Second Anglo-Sikh War」
 The Siege of Multan ends after nine months when the last Sikh defenders of Multan, Punjab, surrender.

1851/0122(嘉永03/1221):日本の侠客 国定忠治181051、刑死

un joueur de l'époque d'Edo, bienfaiteur d'un village affecté par la famine.


The January Uprising breaks out in Poland, Lithuania and Belarus. The aim of the national movement is to regain Polish–Lithuanian–Ruthenian Commonwealth from occupation by Russia.

Soulèvement à Paris contre le gouvernement de Défense nationale. Une sanglante fusillade a lieu place de l'Hôtel de Ville à Paris


Tayama Katai est un écrivain japonais.
Ses livres les plus connus comprennent Inaka Kyōshi (田舎教師, « Instituteur rural ») et Futon (蒲団).
Il est connu pour avoir fondé le genre littéraire japonais naturaliste appelé roman «je» 私小説 qui tourne autour de l'auto-examen détaillé d'un auteur introspectif.
Il a également écrit au sujet de ses expériences de la guerre russo-japonaise 日露戰爭.

1875/0122:USA映画監督 David Wark Griffith 187548、誕生

an American director, writer, and producer who pioneered modern filmmaking techniques.
Griffith is most remembered for The Birth of a Nation (1915) and Intolerance (1916).
The Birth of a Nation made use of advanced camera and narrative techniques, and its popularity set the stage for the dominance of the feature-length film in the United States.

Cross cutting, Close-up, Flashback

1877/0122:名探偵 Hercule Poirot 1877??、誕生

, détective privé belge, personnage fictif de romans d'Agatha Christie. 

The Battle of Rorke's Drift, also during the Anglo-Zulu War and just some 71km away from Isandlwana, results in a British victory.

In the Battle of Isandhlwana, a British contingent under Lord Chelmsford in the Zulu war is completely destroyed by a Zulu army under the leadership of the 70-year-old Ntshingwayo Khoza. On the same day, at Rorke's Drift, 145 Britons under John Rouse Merriott Chard and Gonville Bromhead withstood the onslaught of some 4,000 Zulu warriors. For 11 men are awarded the Victoria Cross.

Founding of Columbia Phonograph Company, later to become CBS.

The United Mine Workers of America is founded in Columbus, Ohio.

1891/0122:イタリア思想家 Antonio Gramsi 189137、誕生

un politico, filosofo, politologo, giornalista, linguista e critico letterario italiano.
As a Marxist intellectual, he developed a theory of cultural hegemony.
His work, conducted mainly during his eleven years of imprisonment, also deals with the history of Italy, nationalism, political parties, literature (including the work of Machiavelli), the time of the Renaissance and the Reform, or historical materialism.


1891/0122:モンマルトルの画家 Moïse Kisling 189153、誕生

un peintre français d'origine polonaise, rattaché à l'École de Paris.
En 1910, il s'installe dans le quartier de Montmartre, puis dans celui de Montparnasse. Pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, il s'engage dans la Légion étrangère. En 1915, il est sérieusement blessé lors de la bataille de l'Artois, ce qui lui vaudra la citoyenneté française.

1916, La Sieste à Saint-Tropez (Kisling with Renée)

1893/0122:日本の戯曲作者 河竹默阿彌181693、死去

un dramaturge japonais de kabuki connu comme l'un des trois plus grands hommes du théâtre.
La première partie de son œuvre concerne l'occidentalisation du Japon (avant 1868) alors que la seconde concerne la restauration. Parfois surnommé le "poète des voleurs", Mokuami semble s'être intéressé aux mauvais garçons qui fréquentaient Yoshiwara (quartier des plaisirs).

1900/0122:GB→USA発明家 David Edward Hughes 183100、死去

a British-American inventor, practical experimenter, and professor of music known for his work on the printing telegraph and the microphone.

1901/0122:イギリスの Queen Victoria 181901、崩去

Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria) was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death. On 1 May 1876, she adopted the additional title of Empress of India.

Self-portrait, 1835

Queen Victoria aged 80, 1899

Edward VII is proclaimed King after the death of his mother, Queen Victoria.

Bloody Sunday in Saint Petersburg, beginning of the 1905 revolution.

«Красное воскресенье» в Санкт-Петербурге, где армия стреляет на демонстрации рабочих и крестьян перед Зимним дворцом.
« Dimanche rouge » à Saint-Pétersbourg où l'armée tire sur une manifestation d'ouvriers et de paysans devant le palais d'Hiver.

1904/0122:ロシア生まれの振付師 George Balanchine 190483、誕生

(გიორგი მელიტონის ძე ბალანჩივაძე), danseur et chorégraphe russe d'origine géorgienne († 30 avril 1983).
Founder of the major ballet group in the United States, the most progressive ballet choreographer of the 20th century. He left his name in the history of ballet as a person who bridged classical ballet and modern ballet.

Enterrement de Louise Michel suivi par un cortège de plus de 100 000 personnes.

1906/0122:USA小説家 Robert Ervin Howard 190636、誕生

an American novelist.
He is considered, along with J. R. R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings) and H. P. Lovecraft (The Myth of Cthulhu) as one of the fathers of modern fantasy literature (fantasy). He is especially the inventor of the Heroic fantasy, with the adventures of his hero Conan the Cimmerian.

SS Valencia runs aground on rocks on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, killing more than 130.

1908/0122:ロシアの科學者 Lev Davidovitch Landau 190868、誕生

「レフ ランダウ」(Лев Давидович Ландау), physicien russe
советский физик-теоретик, основатель научной школы, академик АН СССР (избран в 1946).

He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics by a theoretical study of helium near absolute zero.

Unter dem Vorsitz von Wassily Kandinsky gründen mehrere Maler die Neue Künstlervereinigung München.

Over 600 people are killed in Guadalajara, Mexico, when a train plunges off the tracks into a deep canyon.

US President Woodrow Wilson of the still-neutral United States calls for "peace without victory" in Europe.


1918/0122:日本の歴史地理学者 吉田東伍186416、死去

「Yoshida Tougo」Japanese historian and geographer (historical geography).

Act Zluky is signed, unifying the Ukrainian People's Republic and the West Ukrainian National Republic.

Ramsay MacDonald becomes the first Labour Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

the December 1923 elections gave power to the Labor Party. Their leader is a former Scottish teacher of peasant origin: Ramsay MacDonald. In order not to frighten the middle classes, it is forming a moderate cabinet today. But the elections of October 29 see the victory of the Conservatives.

1928/0122:日本の歴史學者 網野善彦192804、誕生

Amino Yoshihiko was a Japanese Marxist historian and public intellectual, perhaps most singularly known for his novel examination of medieval Japanese history.
Although little of Amino's work has been published in the West, Japanese writers and historians of Japan regard Amino as one of the most important Japanese historians of the twentieth century.

Dmitri Chostakovitch revient sur le devant de la scène, cette fois avec Lady Macbeth du district de Mtsensk, créé ce jour au petit théâtre de Saint-Pétersbourg.

Дмитрий Шостакович возвращается на фронт сцены, на этот раз с леди Макбет из Мценского района, созданной сегодня в маленьком театре в Санкт-Петербурге.
The opera Lady Macbeth by Mtsensk by Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich is premiered with overwhelming success at the Mariinsky Theater in Leningrad. Until January 28, 1936, the opera celebrates one success after another.

British and Commonwealth troops capture Tobruk from Italian forces during Operation Compass.

The Allies commence Operation Shingle, an assault on Anzio and Nettuno, Italy.

Nach viertägigem Widerstand der Jüdischen Kampforganisation unter Mordechaj Anielewicz im Warschauer Ghetto ziehen sich die Deutschen vorläufig aus dem Ghetto zurück.

Allied troops land as part of Operation Shingle near Anzio and Nettuno in Italy.

In Iran, Qazi Muhammad declares the independent people's Republic of Mahabad at Chahar Cheragh Square in the Kurdish city of Mahabad; he becomes the new president and Haji Baba Sheikh becomes the prime minister.



Suppression of Counter-Revolutionary Movement: Mao Zedong Elicits Notice to Guangdong Province Central Government's Director of South China Branch: "You have already killed more than 3,700, which is very good and you kill another 3-4 people." "Targets of killing 89,000 people this year"

1953/0122:USA映画監督 Jim Jarmusch 1953--、誕生

James Roberto « Jim » Jarmusch
an American film director, screenwriter, actor, producer, editor, and composer.
He has been a major proponent of independent cinema since the 1980s, directing such films as Stranger Than Paradise (1984), Down by Law (1986), Mystery Train (1989), Dead Man (1995), Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999), Coffee and Cigarettes (2003), Broken Flowers (2005), Only Lovers Left Alive (2013), and Paterson (2016).

The Israeli army evacuates the Sinai Peninsula, but continues to occupy the Gaza Strip.

The New York City "Mad Bomber", George P. Metesky, is arrested in Waterbury, Connecticut and charged with planting more than 30 bombs.


Under US pressure, the Organization of American States (OAS) excludes Cuba from participation in its other activities.

1963/0122:フランスとドイツ「Élysée Treaty of cooperation」
between France and Germany is signed by Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer.

Signature du traité de l'Élysée d'amitié entre le président français Charles de Gaulle et le chancelier de l'Allemagne fédérale Konrad Adenauer. Le 22 janvier est depuis 2003 la journée franco-allemande.

Apollo 5 lifts off carrying the first Lunar module into space.

Operation Igloo White, a US electronic surveillance system to stop communist infiltration into South Vietnam begins installation.

Tentative d'assassinat de Léonid Brejnev par un déserteur de l’armée soviétique.

The Boeing 747, the world's first "jumbo jet", enters commercial service for launch customer Pan American Airways with its maiden voyage from John F. Kennedy International Airport to London Heathrow Airport.

1971/0122:The Singapore Declaration,
 one of the two most important documents to the uncodified constitution of the Commonwealth of Nations, is issued.

The crew of Apollo 17 addresses a joint session of Congress after the completion of the final Apollo moon landing mission.

A chartered Boeing 707 explodes in flames upon landing at Kano Airport, Nigeria, killing 176.

A Boeing 707 of the Royal Jordanian (on behalf of the Nigerian Airlines) crashes in Kano on the way back from Mecca (Saudi Arabia) with 193 pilgrims and 9 crew members on board. 176 of the 202 inmates die.


Ōkubo Kiyoshi was a Japanese serial killer. Between March 31, 1971 and May 10, 1971, he raped and murdered eight women, ages 16 to 21.

Ōkubo Kiyoshi, January 17, 1935 – January 22, 1976) was a Japanese serial killer. Between March 31, 1971 and May 10, 1971, he raped and murdered eight women, ages 16 to 21.

1977/0122:アルゼンチンのプロボクサ Pascual Pérez 192677、死去

un boxeador argentino de peso mosca.
He was 149 cm tall and he was small in flyweight but defended the world flyweight championship nine times with outstanding bangs and physical abilities, speed and footwork making full use of inexhaustible stamina.

Abu Hassan, the man who allegedly organized the Munich Olympics massacre in 1972, is killed in Beirut by the explosion of a remote-controlled charge.

After protests against the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, the Soviet dissident and Nobel laureate Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov is arrested and subsequently banished to Gorky.


Three Sikhs, convicted of the assassination of Indira Gandhi, head of the Indian government, are sentenced to death.

In the US, the student Robert Tappan Morris is convicted of releasing the computer worm Morris named after him in 1988.

1993/0122:日本の作家 安部公房192493、死去

Abe Kimifusa(Kobou) est un romancier, dramaturge et scénariste japonais.
Abe has been often compared to Franz Kafka and Alberto Moravia for his modernist sensibilities and his surreal, often nightmarish explorations of individuals in contemporary society.

1994/0122:フランスの演劇家 Jean-Louis Barrault 191694、死去

, acteur, metteur en scène et directeur de théâtre français, époux de Madeleine Renaud en 1940 et fondateur en 1946 de la troupe du théâtre Marigny

Jean-Louis Barrault, Madeleine Renaud

1995/0122:Israeli–Palestinian conflict:
Beit Lid massacre: In central Israel, near Netanya, two Gazans blow themselves up at a military transit point, killing 19 Israelis.

en Cisjordanie, un kamikaze palestinien tue dix-neuf personnes à un arrêt d'autobus.

Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two sons are burned alive by radical Hindus while sleeping in their car in Eastern India.

Kmart becomes the largest retailer in United States history to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.



2003/0122:USA國防長官「Old Europe」と發言
US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld uses the phrase "Old Europe" at a press conference, which later becomes Word of the Year.

2005/0122:メキシコの作曲家 Consuelo Velázquez 191605、死去

una pianista y compositora mexicana.
Cuando tenía 17 años, compuso "Bésame mucho", un trabajo exitoso de clase mundial.

At least 88 people are killed when two car bombs explode in the Bab Al-Sharqi market in central Baghdad, Iraq.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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