歴史暦:古今東西 12/21 今日の出來事
Vespasian moves into Rome and is recognized by the Senate as the new Roman Emperor, the last of the Four Emperors.
鑑眞068863、Jianzhen (or Ganjin in Japanese)was a Chinese monk who helped to propagate Buddhism in Japan. In the eleven years from 743 to 754, Jianzhen attempted to visit Japan some six times. Ganjin finally came to Japan in the year 754 and founded Tōshōdai-ji 東大寺 in Nara 平城京. When he finally succeeded on his sixth attempt he had lost his eyesight as a result of his hardship.
1117/1221:Thomas Becket 111770、誕生
Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 until his murder in 1170.
He is venerated as a saint and martyr by both the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion.
He engaged in conflict with Henry II, King of England, over the rights and privileges of the Church and was murdered by followers of the king in Canterbury Cathedral.
Becket was born in London as a child of the parents of the wealthy Norman people. About 1142, he served Archbishop Theobald of Canterbury and became the deacon president in 1154 after studying abroad.
1140/1221:コンラド三世、ワインスベルク城を包囲。その時、女たちはKing Konrad III conquers the castle Weinsberg after a long siege. The women carry their men out of the castle and save their lives. The women are known as Loyalty Weiber von Weinsberg, the castle as Weibertreu.
Die Stadt Rjasan wird nach erfolgreicher Belagerung von Mongolen unter Batu Khan fast völlig zerstört.
The city of Ryazan is sacked by the Mongol army of Batu Khan.
1375/1221:Giovanni Boccaccio 131375、死去
「ボッカチオ」an Italian writer, poet, correspondent of Petrarch, and an important Renaissance humanist.
Giovanni Boccaccio insieme a Dante Alighieri 126521 e Francesco Petrarca 130474 fa parte delle cosiddette «Tre corone» della letteratura italiana.
His most famous work is the Decameron, a collection of short stories that in the following centuries was a determining factor for the Italian literary tradition, especially after Pietro Bembo elevated the Boccaccio style to the model of Italian prose in the sixteenth century.
1361/1221:スペインのレンコンスタ「Battle of Linuesa」
is fought in the context of the Spanish Reconquista between the forces of the Emirate of Granada and the combined army of the Kingdom of Castile and of Jaén resulting in a Castilian victory.
1401/1221:Tommaso Masaccio 140828、誕生
「マサッチョ」un pittore italiano.
Fu uno degli iniziatori del Rinascimento a Firenze, rinnovando la pittura secondo una nuova visione rigorosa, che rifiutava gli eccessi decorativi e l'artificiosità dello stile allora dominante, il gotico internazionale.
Partendo dalla sintesi volumetrica di Giotto di Bondone 126737, riletta attraverso la costruzione prospettica brunelleschiana e la forza plastica della statuaria donatelliana, inserì le sue «figure vivissime e con bella prontezza a la similitudine del vero» (Vasari) in architetture e paesaggi credibili, modellandole attraverso l'uso del chiaroscuro. Bernard Berenson disse di lui «Giotto rinato, che ripiglia il lavoro al punto dove la morte lo fermò».
O marinheiro português João de Santarém descobre a vizinha ilha de São Tomé no Golfo da Guiné e toma posse da ilha para Portugal.
The Portuguese sailor João de Santarém discovers the nearby São Tomé island in the Gulf of Guinea and takes possession of the island for Portugal.
El navegante español Hernando de Grijalva descubre la isla llamada Socorro como la primera de las islas Revillagigedo en el Pacífico oriental.
The Spanish navigator Hernando de Grijalva discovers the later renamed Socorro island as the first of the Mexican Revillagigedo Islands in the Eastern Pacific.
Kuroda Nagamasa was a daimyo during the late Azuchi-Momoyama 安土桃山(織田豐臣)and Early Edo 江戸(徳川)Period.
He was the son of Kuroda Kanbei 黒田考高154604, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's chief strategist and adviser.
He played an active part in Hideyoshi's conquest of Kyushu 九州征伐 and Bunroku 文祿 & Keicho 慶長 's battle on the Korean Peninsula. Especially in the battle of Sekigahara Ieyasu gave a special honor to the East Army, Tokugawa Ieyasu gave the Chikuzen 筑前 country a large area of 523000 石(koku) so much, founded the Fukuoka 福岡 clan and became the first lord. He was a Christian lord as well as his father, but he dismissed.
1598/1221:チリでスペインへの反亂「Battle of Curalaba」
The revolting Mapuche, led by cacique Pelentaru, inflict a major defeat on Spanish troops in southern Chile.
Los rebeldes Mapuche bajo el liderazgo del Jefe de Guerra Pelantaro logran en la Batalla de Curalaba en Chile una victoria sobre el gobernador español Martín García Óñez de Loyola y sus soldados.
A group of Pilgrim Fathers arrived in the New World with the Mayflower forms a settlement on the mainland.
Plymouth Colony: William Bradford and the Mayflower Pilgrims land on what is now known as Plymouth Rock in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Nicolas Fouquet est condamné à la peine de confiscation de tous ses biens et au bannissement hors du royaume.
Nicolas Fouquet is condemned to the penalty of confiscation of all his property and banishment out of the kingdom.
Nicolas Fouquet, marquis de Belle-Île, vicomte de Melun et Vaux1, né en janvier 16152 à Paris, mort le 23 mars 1680 à Pignerol, est un homme d'État français de haut rang, surintendant des finances à l'époque de Mazarin, procureur général au parlement de Paris. Il eut un pouvoir et une fortune considérables. Promoteur des arts au sens le plus noble du terme, Nicolas Fouquet sut s'attirer les services des plus brillants artistes de son temps. De nos jours, il est possible de mesurer la grandeur qui fut la sienne au château de Vaux-le-Vicomte. Destitué et arrêté sur l'ordre de Louis XIV en 1661 pour malversations, condamné à la confiscation de ses biens et au bannissement hors du royaume, il vit sa peine élargie par le roi, en vertu de ses pouvoirs de justice, à l'emprisonnement à vie. Personnage candidat au masque de fer, Nicolas Fouquet connut, bien longtemps après sa disgrâce, une réhabilitation posthume de son destin tragique, par les nombreux romans et films qui lui furent consacrés, et dont l'exemple le plus fameux fut le récit d'Alexandre Dumas, Le vicomte de Bragelonne.
He had a glittering career, and acquired enormous wealth. He fell out of favor, accused of peculation (maladministration of the state's funds) and lèse-majesté (actions harmful to the well-being of the monarch). The king had him imprisoned from 1661 until his death in 1680.
1773/1221:Robert Brown 177358、誕生
a Scottish botanist and palaeobotanist who made important contributions to botany largely through his pioneering use of the microscope.
His contributions include one of the earliest detailed descriptions of the cell nucleus and cytoplasmic streaming; the observation of Brownian motion; early work on plant pollination and fertilisation, including being the first to recognise the fundamental difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms; and some of the earliest studies in palynology.
In 1827 (1828 years), he discovered that the pollen floating on the surface of the water ruptured and the fine particles coming out moved irregularly. There was a scholar who observed this movement even before Brown, but this movement is still called "Brownian motion" because he left the most detailed record.
Kurozumi Munetada was a priestly priest at the end of the Tokugawa period, which opened the "Kurozumi Kyodo" which is the predecessor of Shintoism's new religion.
1795/1221:Leopold Ranke 179586、誕生
「ランケ」ein deutscher Historiker, Historiograph des preußischen Staates, Hochschullehrer und königlich preußischer Wirklicher Geheimer Rat.
Based on positivism, he established scientific history by criticism of historical materials. Ranke's achievement became a branch point of history, as we call historical researchers before Ranshu as "historians" and subsequent historical researchers as "historians."
イギリスの Edward Hallett Carr 189282 は「歴史家は単に事実を報告しないばかりか使用する事実の選択さへするので、経験主義を口にするランケの着想はナイヴで退屈で時代遅れ」と批判した。
フランスの Fernand Braudel 190285 は 史實そのものへ肉迫するために histoire problème 事件史によって歴史を「生体」として扱った。
ドイツ人だがユダヤ系の Walter Benjamin 189240は、歴史家は過去を "wie es eigentlich gewesen"(実際に起きたままに) 説明するべきである、と言うランケの信条について「19世紀の最強の麻薬に等しい」と痛烈に記述した。
{私まで尻馬に乘ることもないが、この Leopold Ranke 179586 とか Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 177031 とかこの時代のドイツ人は森ばかりを理念的に見るばかりで木々を具体的に見詰めることがなかった。見てゐたら、歴史が理念的、理性的な進行をしてゐないことが痛切に理解されただらう。彼等は「実際に起きたまゝに」などは見なかった。彼等は先見的に確信した史觀でしか歴史を見なかった。
1804/1221:Benjamin Disraeli 180481、誕生
a British statesman of the Conservative Party who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He played a central role in the creation of the modern Conservative Party, defining its policies and its broad outreach
B. Disraeli and W. Gladstone of the Liberal Party are statesman representing the Victorian party politics. In addition, he also worked as a novelist
Alexander von Humboldt reports for the first time of a magnetic storm. In the following night, aurora borealis can also be seen in Berlin.
In the US, the American Colonial Society is founded to solve the problem of slavery.
The founders are of the opinion that black people can not be integrated into the society of whites and should return to Africa. As a result, the company buys land there and founds the state of Liberia.
In the Third Marathen War, the soldiers of the British East India Company defeat the Indore army at the Battle of Mahidpur.
1826/1221:アメリカ入植者「Fredonian 反亂」始める
American settlers in Nacogdoches, Mexican Texas, declare their independence, starting the Fredonian Rebellion.
Egyptian–Ottoman War: Egyptian forces decisively defeat Ottoman troops at the Battle of Konya.
les forces égyptiennes mettent en déroute l'armée turque à la bataille de Konya.
The Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers commences business at its cooperative in Rochdale, England, starting the Cooperative movement.
During the First Sikh War, the Battle of Ferozeshah begins.
Plébiscite accordant à Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte le pouvoir constituant et la présidence pour dix ans.
1859/1221:USA、テキサス、Sam Houston
becomes Governor of Texas. As he has already exercised this office in Tennessee from 1827 to 1829, he is the first and only governor in several US states.
The American Civil War ends in Savannah General Sherman's famous "March to the Sea," which has struck a trail of destruction from Atlanta to Savannah.
Challenger expedition: HMS Challenger, commanded by Captain George Nares, sails from Portsmouth, England.
The Challenger Expedition sets out from Plymouth on the eponymous corvette for scientific investigations, including research into the deep sea and the location of islands.
1879/1221:Joseph Stalin 187853、誕生
一般に知られているスタリンはロシア語で「鋼鉄の人」の意味のの筆名であり、本姓はジュガシヴィリ(Джугашви́ли、グルジア語: ჯუღაშვილი)
Владимир Ленин 187024 が主導したロシア社会民主労働党ボリシェビキ派(ロシア共産党)による十月革命に參加、ソヴィエト連邦政府とソヴィエト連邦共産党の成立に關係し、1924年のレニン死後に起きた Лев Давидович Троцкий 187940 との後継者爭ひを制すると、自身が務めていたソビエト連邦共産党中央委員会書記長に権限を集中させることで後継者としての地位を確立した。党内ではトロツキ派の世界革命論(永久革命)を否定して、一国社会主義論による国内体制の維持を優先する路線を主張、この理論対立はトロツキ派の粛清の大義名分として用ゐられた。
World premiere of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The drama Nora or Ein Puppenheim by Henrik Ibsen premieres at the Det Kongelige Teater in Copenhagen.
Out of consideration for the contemporary view of the institution of marriage Nora remains in this performance in the end with her husband. The first performance with Ibsen's original conclusion takes place in 1880 in Munich.
1890/1221:Hermann Joseph Muller 189067、誕生
an American geneticist, educator.
Muller frequently warned of long-term dangers of radioactive fallout from nuclear war and nuclear testing, which resulted in greater public scrutiny of these practices.
"During the first century or the second century from now ... Lenin, Newton, Da Vinci, Pasteur, Beethoven, Omar High Arm, Poohkin, Sun Yat-sen, Marx ... and even all of those talented together A possessor may become to occupy the majority of society "(" Outside of the night - the future seen by biologists ")
1892/1221:Walter Hagen 189269、誕生
, golfeur américain
Die Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft wird von Bertha von Suttner und Alfred Hermann Fried als eine politisch unabhängige Vereinigung gegründet.
The German Peace Society is founded by Bertha von Suttner and Alfred Hermann Fried as a politically independent association.
Marie und Pierre Curie entdecken das chemische Element Radium.
The British expedition ship RRS Discovery, headed by Robert Falcon Scott, sets off from the New Zealand port of Lyttelton for an Antarctic expedition.
On board is Ernest Shackleton, among others. The Discovery Expedition is from the beginning under no good star, even at the exit from the port a sailor is killed.
Le Prix Goncourt, le plus important prix littéraire de France, est décerné pour la première fois. Le premier lauréat du prix annuel ininterrompu est John-Antoine Nau.
The Chilean Army commits a massacre of at least 2,000 striking saltpeter miners in Iquique, Chile.
a Japanese writer.
Seichō's works created a new tradition of Japanese crime fiction. Dispensing with formulaic plot devices such as puzzles, Seichō incorporated elements of human psychology and ordinary life. In particular, his works often reflect a wider social context and postwar nihilism that expanded the scope and further darkened the atmosphere of the genre. His exposé of corruption among police officials as well as criminals was a new addition to the field. The subject of investigation was not just the crime but also the society in which the crime was committed
Auteur prolifique, Matsumoto a écrit plus de 450 œuvres, en quatre décennies, jusqu'à sa mort en 1992. Bien qu'il ait publié de nombreux romans, ce sont ses récits policiers qui l'ont rendu célèbre. Les œuvres de Matsumoto ont créé une nouvelle tradition dans le roman policier japonais. Matsumoto incorpore dans leurs intrigues des éléments de la psychologie humaine et de la vie ordinaire. C'est pourquoi il est souvent comparé à Georges Simenon.
An underground explosion at the Hulton Bank Colliery No. 3 Pit in Over Hulton, Westhoughton, England, kills 344 miners.
Arthur Wynne's "word-cross", the first crossword puzzle, is published in the New York World.
1913: The World's First Crossword Appears in the Weekend Supplement to New York World, Invented by Arthur Wynne.
1917/1221:Heinrich Böll 191785、誕生
「ベル」der bedeutendsten deutschen Schriftsteller der Nachkriegszeit.
戦後1946年から短編小説を書き始め、1949年に最初の長編小説『汽車は遅れなかった』を出版、1951年に『Die schwarzen Schafe』で「47年グルウプ賞」を受賞、1953年の『そして一言も言わなかった』でその文名が廣まった。これらの作品は「廃墟の文学 Trümmerliteratur」と呼ばれた。
American anarchist Emma Goldman is deported to Russia.
United Kingdom and Nepal formally signed an agreement of friendship, called the Nepal–Britain Treaty of 1923, which superseded the Treaty of Sugauli signed in 1816.
The propagandistic silent movie Battleship Potemkin by Sergei Eisenstein with the music of Dmitri Shostakovich is premiered on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the 1905 revolution in the Moscow Bolshoi Theater.
В связи с 20-летием революции 1905 года в Большом театре в Москве премьера пропагандистского немого фильма «Битвы Потемкина» Сергея Эйзенштейна с музыкой Дмитрия Шостаковича.
1933/1221:Manuel António Gomes 186833、死去
, scientifique et inventeur portugais
First flight of the Junkers Ju 88 multi-role combat aircraft.
Die Junkers Ju 88, eines der Standard-Kampfflugzeuge der Luftwaffe des nationalsozialistischen Deutschlands, fliegt zum ersten Mal.
1937/1221:Jane Fonda 1937--、誕生
an American actress, writer, political activist, former fashion model and fitness guru.
The first full-length Walt Disney cartoon, Snow White, and the Seven Dwarfs in the US premieres in front of an all-adult audience.
1940/1221:Scott Fitzgerald 189640、死去
an American novelist and short story writer, whose works illustrate the Jazz Age. While he achieved limited success in his lifetime, he is now widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. Fitzgerald is considered a member of the "Lost Generation" of the 1920s. He finished four novels: This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, The Great Gatsby, and Tender Is the Night.
1940/1221:Frank Zappa 194093、誕生
an American musician, composer, activist and filmmaker. His work is characterized by nonconformity, free-form improvisation, sound experiments, musical virtuosity, and satire of American culture.
Bogdanovka Concentration Camp begins mass murder of about 54,000 Jewish inmates by Romanian soldiers, Ukrainian policemen and local ethnic Germans.
# Bogdanovka was a concentration camp for Jews that was established by the Romanian authorities during World War II as part of the Holocaust, during the 1941 Odessa massacre which saw the extermination of Jews in Odessa and surrounding towns in Transnistria during the autumn of 1941 and the winter of 1942 in a series of massacres and killings by Romanian forces, under German control, encouragement and instruction.
1941/1221:WWⅡ 日本とタイ、日泰同盟締結
A formal treaty of alliance between Thailand and Japan is signed in the presence of the Emerald Buddha in Wat Phra Kaew, Thailand.
1945/1221:George Smith Patton 188545、死去
a senior officer of the United States Army who commanded the U.S. Seventh Army in the Mediterranean and European theaters of World War II, but is best known for his leadership of the U.S. Third Army in France and Germany following the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944.
≫ Be audacious! 大胆不敵であれ!
An 8.1 Mw earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Nankaidō, Japan, kills over 1,300 people and destroys over 38,000 homes.
Charles de Gaulle est élu président de la République française.
Kitaōji Rosanjin est un artiste japonais
Il a réalisé diverses activités tout au long de sa vie, comme des bracelets, des peintres, des potiers, des calligraphes, des artistes de laque, des chefs et des gourmets.
en Arabie saoudite, démission de l'émir Fayçal, Premier ministre ; le roi Saoud prend la tête du gouvernement.
1960/1221:USA「Free Jazz」登場
Ornette Coleman records the album Free Jazz: A Collective Improvisation with a double quartet, after which a direction of jazz is named Free Jazz.
1963/1221:キプロス、"Bloody Christmas" begins
in Cyprus, ultimately resulting in the displacement of 25,000-30,000 Turkish Cypriots and destruction of more than 100 villages.
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination is adopted.
1968/1221:USA「Apollo program」
Apollo 8 is launched from the Kennedy Space Center, placing its crew on a lunar trajectory for the first visit to another celestial body by humans.
With Apollo 8, astronauts Frank Borman, James Arthur Lovell and William Anders on board, the Kennedy Space Center is the first manned spacecraft of the Apollo program to make its way towards the moon.
The fighter aircraft Grumman F-14 Tomcat completes its maiden flight in the USA.
首都高速三号渋谷線「渋谷 - 東名東京IC」が開通し、首都高速道路と東名高速道路が接続。同時に首都高速三号渋谷線と東名高速道路が全線開通。
à Berlin, signature du traité fondamental entre les deux États allemands.
The Geneva Conference on the Arab–Israeli conflict opens.
1979/1221:ロウデシア「Lancaster House Agreement」
An independence agreement for Rhodesia is signed in London by Lord Peter Carrington, Sir Ian Gilmour, Robert Mugabe, Joshua Nkomo, Bishop Abel Muzorewa and S.C. Mundawarara.
1983/1221:Paul de Man 191983、死去
a Belgian-born literary critic and literary theorist.
At the time of his death, de Man was one of the most prominent literary critics in the United States—known particularly for his importation of German and French philosophical approaches into Anglo-American literary studies and critical theory.
The Soviet space probe Vega 2 is launched for exploration of the planet Venus and the comet Halley.
Fujiwara Kamatari was a Japanese actor.
Fukiwara worked regularly and extensively with Akira Kurosawa, and was known for both being adept at comic acting, as well as being able to do serious role
Fujiwara's perhaps most famous role abroad was as the character of Manzo 萬藏, in the famous Akira Kurosawa movie, Seven Samurai. The character of Manzo was a paranoid peasant, who protected his daughter from the attentions of the Samurai by dressing her as a little boy. The character's story is part of the key plot. Manzo, like many of the characters that Fujiwara portrayed, is low class, and disheveled.
Kurosawa and Fujiwara disputed over how Manzo should be portrayed. Kurosawa wanted him played seriously while Fujiwara wanted to make his paranoia comical. Fujiwara won and when he saw the film again, Kurosawa found that Fujiwara made the right decision.
A bomb explodes on board Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, killing 270.
1988/1221:Nikolaas Tinbergen 190788、死去
a Dutch biologist and ornithologist who shared the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Karl von Frisch and Konrad Lorenz for their discoveries concerning organisation and elicitation of individual and social behaviour patterns in animals. He is regarded as one of the founders of modern ethology, the study of animal behaviour.
Tinbergen described four questions he believed should be asked of any animal behaviour, which were:
Causation (mechanism): what are the stimuli that elicit the response, and how has it been modified by recent learning? How do behaviour and psyche "function" on the molecular, physiological, neuro-ethological, cognitive and social level, and what do the relations between the levels look like? (compare: Nicolai Hartmann: "The laws about the levels of complexity")
Development (ontogeny): how does the behaviour change with age, and what early experiences are necessary for the behaviour to be shown? Which developmental steps (the ontogenesis follows an "inner plan") and which environmental factors play when / which role? (compare: Recapitulation theory)
Function (adaptation): how does the behaviour impact on the animal's chances of survival and reproduction?
Evolution (phylogeny): how does the behaviour compare with similar behaviour in related species, and how might it have arisen through the process of phylogeny? Why did structural associations (behaviour can be seen as a "time space structure") evolve in this manner and not otherwise?*
In ethology and sociobiology, causation and ontogeny are summarised as the "proximate mechanisms", while adaptation and phylogeny are the "ultimate mechanisms". They are still considered as the cornerstone of modern ethology, sociobiology and transdisciplinarity in Hum
The first flight of Antonov An-225 Mriya, the largest aircraft in the world.
At the Alma-Ata Summit, the Commonwealth of Independent States is extended to include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, while Ukraine, Russia and Belarus receive the status of founding member.
A Dutch DC-10, flight Martinair MP 495, crashes at Faro Airport, killing 56.
The Spanish Civil Guard intercepts a van loaded with 950 kg of explosives that ETA intended to use to blow up Torre Picasso in Madrid, Spain.
Ms. Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga is confirmed as head of state in Sri Lanka.
2004/1221:Iraq War: 自爆テロ
A suicide bomber killed 22 at the forward operating base next to the main U.S. military airfield at Mosul, Iraq, the single deadliest suicide attack on American soldiers.
Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Polen, Tschechien, die Slowakei, Ungarn, Slowenien und Malta werden Mitglieder des Schengen-Raums.
The long census of the Mayan calendar, which has been in use since August 11, 3114 BC. Chr. Runs, ends.
2012 phenomenon: this day was regarded as the end-date of a 5126-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, leading to widespread expectations of cataclysmic events (which failed to happen).