


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 06/09 今日の出來事

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どうして、開始して間もないロウマ帝國に Nero 003768のやうなひたすら惡逆なる王が出現したのか。ネロの直前にはカリグラがゐた。ネロの後にはネロをまねたやうな皇帝が續出する。
これが人の世、人間の世界だからとたゞ納得するしかないのだらうか。要するに、人間そのものが惡の素質を善よりもより多く持ってゐるといふことから生じる事實と思ふほかない。自然と惡へ傾いていき、それが極限までいくとハッとして反射的に善に戻り、また自然と惡へと傾いていく ―― といった居睡りの樣子が浮かんでくるのである。


Friedrich Hegel 177031 が云った「MasterーSlave」の關係は、かうした人間の本性にもとづいてゐるのであって、外部的条件よりも人間の内面、しかも本質の部分によって成立してゐるのではないだらうか。もう一つの「SM」サディズムマゾヒズムの組合せも、この「支配したがる」のと同時に「支配されたがる」心理構造で説明がつけられるだらう。そして、この「S/M」心理は一人の人間のなかに同居してゐるのである。


The Athenian coup succeeds, forming a short-lived oligarchy.

A Athènes, la révolution des « Quatre-Cents » renverse le gouvernement démocratique pour lui substituer une oligarchie, en pleine guerre du Péloponnèse.

0053/0609:Nero è sposato con Ottavia.
The Roman emperor Nero marries Claudia Octavia.



0068/0609:ロウマ皇帝 Nero 003768、自死

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus fuit Imperator Romanus ab anno 54 usque ad annum 68.
Natus est Lucius Domitius, postea Nero nominatus, Antii, prope Romam, anno 37. Puer et Agrippina mater a Caligula in exsilium pulsi sunt, sed Caligula anno 41 iugulato, Claudius imperator Agrippinam eiusque filium in regiam reduxit atque Domitium adoptavit. Anno 53, Nero in matrimonium Octaviam, filiam Claudii, duxit.
The Roman emperor Nero commits suicide, after quoting Homer's Iliad, thus ending the Julio-Claudian dynasty and starting the civil war known as the Year of the Four Emperors.

Sketch of Ancient graffiti portrait of Nero found at the Domus Tiberiana.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/Domizi_Aenobarbi_jpg.jpg Stemma Neronis imperatoris maiorum.

 Nero の最後の言葉
Qualis artifex pereo!「なんと惜しい芸術家が、私の死によって失われることか」

Cao Cao is nominated by the Emperor Xian as chancellor.



高歓 usurped the Eastern Wei and self, is the day the emperor bit. National Qi, known as the "Northern Qi".


Odo defeats Moors in Battle of Toulouse.

A la bataille de Toulouse, le duc d'Aquitaine Eudes remporte la victoire sur le gouverneur d'Al-ʾAndalus As-Samḥ ibn Mālik Al-Ḫawlāniyy, mettant fin au siège de la ville.

0747/0609:Abbasid Revolution:
Abu Muslim Khorasani begins an open revolt against Umayyad rule, which is carried out under the sign of the Black Standard.


0813/0609:Ouverture du concile de Mayence.
Ce concile est l'un des cinq conciles régionaux réunis par Charlemagne en 813.


Duomo di Siena, murale di Duccio è un rappresentante pittorica del primo Rinascimento "Maesuta" viene pubblicato.

Duccio's Maestà Altarpiece, a seminal artwork of the early Italian Renaissance, is unveiled and installed in Siena Cathedral in Siena, Italy.


Duccio di Buoninsegna 125519

Carnage de Mello lors de la Grande Jacquerie.

ジャックリの反亂 は、百年戦争中の1358年にフランスで發生した大規模な農民反乱。


1200/0609:日本、頼朝の御家人 安達盛長113500、死

Adachi Morinaga was a Japanese warrior from the Adachi clan who fought for Minamoto no Yoritomo 源頼朝114799 against the Taira 平氏.
Morinaga had already supported Yoritomo while he lived in exile in Izu 伊豆 province. After the wars, he became a monk and took the name Rensai (蓮西).



1348/0609:イタリア 画家 Ambrogio Lorenzetti 129048、死

un pittore italiano. Fu uno dei maestri della scuola senese del Trecento. Fratello minore di Pietro Lorenzetti, fu attivo dal 1319 al 1348 e si distinse soprattutto per la forte componente allegorica e complessa simbologia delle sue opere mature e per la profonda umanità dei soggetti rappresentati e dei loro rapporti.


Maestà dalla chiesa di San Pietro all'Orto di Massa Marittima (1335 circa),


Allegoria del Cattivo Governo (1338-1339)

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/Ambrogio_Lorenzetti_Allegory_of_Good_Govt.jpg/1280px-Ambrogio_Lorenzetti_Allegory_of_Good_Govt.jpg Allegoria degli Effetti del Buon Governo in Città (1338-1339)

Jacques Cartier is the first European to discover the Saint Lawrence River.







1650/0609:USA、The Harvard Corporation,
 the more powerful of the two administrative boards of Harvard, is established. It is the first legal corporation in the Americas.


1660/0609:Mariage de Louis XIV et de Marie-Thérèse 


Diego Velázquez 159960 描くところの マリテレズ


Mariage de Louis XIV et de Marie-Thérèse d'Autriche


1667/0609:2nd Anglo-Dutch War: Medweyの急襲
The Raid on the Medway by the Dutch fleet begins. It lasts for five days and results in the worst ever defeat of the Royal Navy.


1672/0609:ロシアのツァア Pyotr I Alekseevich 167225、生

Пётр I Великий 167225(ум. 1725), царь России (с 1682 года) и первый российский император.
ruled the Tsardom of Russia and later the Russian Empire from 7 May (O.S. 27 April) 1682 until his death in 1725, jointly ruling before 1696 with his elder half-brother, Ivan V.
Through a number of successful wars, he expanded the Tsardom into a much larger empire that became a major European power.
He led a cultural revolution that replaced some of the traditionalist and medieval social and political systems with ones that were modern, scientific, Westernised and based on the Enlightenment.
Peter's reforms made a lasting impact on Russia, and many institutions of Russian government trace their origins to his reign.


1717/0609:キエチズムの神祕思想家 Jeanne Guyon 164817、死

Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de La Motte, appelée couramment Madame Guyon, est une mystique française.




British forces begin the Siege of Havana and capture the city during the Seven Years' War.


1781/0609:イギリス鐵道の父 George Stephenson 178148、生

a British civil engineer and mechanical engineer. Renowned as the "Father of Railways", Stephenson was considered by the Victorians a great example of diligent application and thirst for improvement







1798/0609:Irish Rebellion of 1798
Battles of Arklow and Saintfield.


Lors de la bataille de Montebello, les troupes françaises dirigées par Lannes remportent la victoire sur les Autrichiens commandés par Peter-Carl Ott.


End of the Congress of Vienna: The new European political situation is set.

ウイン会議が終了。議定書を締結し、ナポレオン戦争後のヨウロパの NewWorldOrder をめざす國際秩序ウイン体制を始める。


Luxembourg declares independence from the French Empire.


1862/0609:American Civil War、Stonewall Jackson の成功
Stonewall Jackson concludes his successful Shenandoah Valley Campaign with a victory in the Battle of Port Republic; his tactics during the campaign are now studied by militaries around the world.


1863/0609:A.C.War: Battle of Brandy Station, Virginia.




1870/0609:イギリス 大衆小説家 Charles Dickens 181270、死

an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.




VictoriannEraの大英帝國の文藝は、MelodoramaやGothicFiction, PicaresqueRomanなどの先行するスタイルから NewgateCalendorに啓示された犯罪物が流行し、それがNewgateNovelといふ刺激性の強い小説分野を作りだし、Charles Dickens 181270などがそこから登場し、彼の作品の變遷が次のブウムとなるジャンルを開拓していく。彼の同志?となったWilkie Collins 182489がその魁となる Woman in white を發表して、これが SensationNovelの代表作となる。この小説には後の文藝に細分化されていくジャンルが未分化に絡み合って存在してゐる。刺戟的な物語狀況、犯罪小説的趣向、波瀾萬丈のはてのハッピイエンド。



Treaty of Tientsin is signed to end the Sino-French War, with China eventually giving up Tonkin and Annam most of present-day Vietnam to France.




1886/0609:日本 作曲家 山田耕筰188665、生

Yamada Kōsaku est un compositeur et chef d'orchestre japonais.




藝妓となった花井お梅186316 は美貌の持主で氣っ風もよかったが、反面、勝ち氣で酒癖がわるく、癇癪持ちであった。座敷で彼女を見かけたことのある、お傭ひ外國人の Erwin von Bälz 184913(彼は当時の日本について貴重な傍觀者の觀察を殘してゐる)は「人殺しでもしかねない女」と云ったといふ。それが當たった。


その後の彼女の運命は、型通りの零落物語となって終ったが、何時の間にか彼女の事件は「明治一代女」に脚色され、一時代を象徴する存在となってゐた。その流行歌は歌ふ ――

十五雛妓であくる年 花の一本ひだり褄 好いた惚れたと大川の 水に流した色のかず 花がいつしか命とり

1891/0609:USA SongWriter Cole Porter 189164、生

an American composer and songwriter.
His numerous hit songs include "Night and Day", "Begin the Beguine", "I Get a Kick Out of You", "Well, Did You Evah!", "I've Got You Under My Skin", "My Heart Belongs to Daddy" and "You're the Top". He also composed scores for films from the 1930s to the 1950s, including Born to Dance (1936), which featured the song "You'd Be So Easy to Love"; Rosalie (1937), which featured "In the Still of the Night"; High Society (1956), which included "True Love"; and Les Girls (1957).

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7a/Cole_Albert_Porter_Yale_College_class_of_1913.jpg 1913

1892/0609:日本 浮世繪師 月岡芳年183992、死

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi aussi connu sous le nom de Taiso Yoshitoshi (大蘇芳年)
Il est le dernier grand maître – et l’un des plus grands génies innovateurs et créatifs – des estampes japonaises Ukiyo-e.

「直助権兵衛」 無惨絵 血塗れ芳年


      「神武天皇」1880  「九郎判官源義経 武蔵坊弁慶」1885



Premier of the Chancellor of the Chancellor of the Qing Dynasty, Li Hongzhang, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Qing Dynasty, and Doueng Le, the British Embassy in China, signed the "Extension of Hong Kong Boundary" in Beijing and loaned the New Territories to the United Kingdom for a term of 99 years.


Alice Ramsey starts her journey from New York with the automobile across the United States to San Francisco.





William Jennings Bryan resigns as Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State over a disagreement regarding the United States' handling of the sinking of the RMS Lusitania.


1917/0609:イギリス 歴史家 Eric Hobsbawm 191712、生

a British historian of the rise of industrial capitalism, socialism and nationalism. Ideologically a Marxist, his socio-political convictions influenced the character of his work, though this is true of any coherent intellectual.
Whether it affected its quality is the more crucial question and remains a topic of critical debate.
His best-known works include his trilogy about what he called the "long 19th century" (The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789–1848, The Age of Capital: 1848–1875 and The Age of Empire: 1875–1914), The Age of Extremes on the short 20th century, and an edited volume that introduced the influential idea of "invented traditions".

1920/0609:London『Imperial War Museum』Open
The museum, one of the most important wartime museums worldwide, is a public success right from the start.


1923/0609:日本 白樺派作家 有島武郎187823、心中死

Arishima Takeo était un écrivain, nouvelliste et essayiste japonais actif pendant les ères Meiji et Taishō.
His two younger brothers, Ikuma Arishima (有島生馬) and Ton Satomi (里見弴), were also authors. His son was the internationally known film and stage actor, Masayuki Mori 森雅之191173.



Bulgaria's military takes over the government in a coup.


Charles Kingsford Smith completes the first trans-Pacific flight in a Fokker Trimotor monoplane, the Southern Cross.




A Chicago Tribune reporter, Jake Lingle, is killed during rush hour at the Illinois Central train station by Leo Vincent Brothers, allegedly over a $100,000 gambling debt owed to Al Capone.


Donald Duck makes his debut in The Wise Little Hen.




1944/0609:WWⅡ、Massacre de Tulle
Ninety-nine civilians are hanged from lampposts and balconies by German troops in Tulle, France, in reprisal for maquisards attacks.

Le massacre de Tulle, faisant au total 213 victimes civiles, est commis 72 heures après le débarquement en Normandie.

Soviet Union invades East Karelia and the previously Finnish part of Karelia, occupied by Finland since 1941.




King Ananda Mahidol is found shot dead in his bedroom, Bhumibol Adulyadej ascends the throne of Thailand.
He was the world's longest reigning monarch from 1989 to 2016.


1948/0609:UNESCO の仕事
Foundation of the International Council on Archives under the auspices of the UNESCO.


1954/0609:McCarthyism: マカシへの有名なセリフ
Joseph Welch(special counsel for the United States Army)lashes out at Senator Joseph McCarthy during hearings on whether Communism has infiltrated the Army giving McCarthy the famous rebuke, "You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"


1957/0609:Broad Peak、登頂を許す
First ascent of Broad Peak by Fritz Wintersteller, Marcus Schmuck, Kurt Diemberger, and Hermann Buhl.



The USS George Washington is launched. It is the first nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine.


1965/0609:Vietnam War:
The Viet Cong commences combat with the Army of the Republic of Vietnam in the Battle of Đồng Xoài, one of the largest battles in the war.


1967/0609:Six-Day War、イスラエルゴラン高原、制壓
Israel captures the Golan Heights from Syria.


Severe rainfall causes a dam in the Black Hills of South Dakota to burst, creating a flood that kills 238 people and causes $160 million in damage.


In horse racing, Secretariat wins the U.S. Triple Crown.


1974/0609:ラテンアメリカ作家 Miguel Angel Asturias 189974、死

Miguel Ángel Asturias Rosales fue un escritor, periodista y diplomático guatemalteco que contribuyó al desarrollo de la literatura latinoamericana, influyó en la cultura occidental y, al mismo tiempo, llamó la atención sobre la importancia de las culturas indígenas, especialmente las de su país natal, Guatemala.

1991/0609:ペルウ出身のピアニスト Claudio Arrau 190391、死

Claudio Arrau León、Chilean pianist known for his interpretations of a vast repertoire spanning the baroque to 20th-century composers, especially Bach, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Schumann, Liszt and Brahms. He is widely considered one of the greatest pianists of the twentieth century.

Arrau was an intellectual and a deeply reflective interpreter. He read widely while travelling, and he learned English, Italian, German, and French in addition to his native Spanish. He became familiar with Jung's psychology in his twenties.



1994/0609:オランダ 経済学者 Jan Tinbergen 190394、死

an important Dutch economist. He was awarded the first Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1969, which he shared with Ragnar Frisch for having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes. He is widely considered to be one of the most influential economists of the 20th century and one of the founding fathers of econometrics.


1999/0609:Kosovo War、ユウゴとNATO、平和条約に署名
The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and NATO sign a peace treaty.


2003/0609:多言語通訳者 Kató Lomb 190903、死

a Hungarian interpreter, translator and one of the first simultaneous interpreters in the world.
Originally she graduated in physics and chemistry, but her interest soon led her to languages. Native in Hungarian, she was able to interpret fluently in nine or ten languages (in four of them even without preparation), and she translated technical literature and read belles-lettres in six languages.
She was able to understand journalism in further eleven languages. As she put it, altogether she earned money with sixteen languages (Bulgarian, Chinese, Danish, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Ukrainian). She learned these languages mostly by self-effort, as an autodidact. Her aims to acquire these languages were most of all practical, to satisfy her interest.


At least 40 people are killed and more than 70 wounded in a suicide bombing at a wedding party in Arghandab, Kandahar.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World