


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の El Greco 154114 Knabe 1570

歴史暦:古今東西 04/07 今日の出來事

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これにふざけて唱和してみた ―― 、




Correspondent in the Hebrew calendar on Friday 15 nissan, the day of Pesach, it is one of the most often announced dates for the scourging, condemnation to death and the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth.


0030/0407:Jésus de Nazareth -00530、刑死

(selon l'une des datations les plus fréquentes).

Crucifixion by El Greco 154114 of today's dead


Babylonian astronomers record their observations of the lunar eclipse from 6/7. April.

Attila the Hun sacks the town of Metz and attacks other cities in Gaul.


Publication du Code Justinien (Codex Justinianus) réformant l’administration (0529~34). La réforme est menée par le préfet du prétoire Jean de Cappadoce pour lutter contre la corruption des fonctionnaires.

First draft of the Corpus Juris Civilis (a fundamental work in jurisprudence) is issued by Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I.

Justinianus I 048365:東ロウマ帝國皇帝(0527~65)。後世に「大王」と讚へられたやうに古代末期の最重要の人物。その治世は東ロウマ帝國に繁榮と領土擴大をもたらしたが、その覇業は0543に大流行した黒死病(ペスト)が拒んだ。


彼の文化的業績は、ロウマ法を統合して編修した『 Corpus Iuris Civilis 』であり、これが今でも多くの大陸法の基礎となってゐる。
ユスティニアヌス帝が0528/0213の勅法によってトリボニアヌスら十名に命じ、従前の勅法を集成させたのが『旧勅法彙纂』 (Codex vetus) であり、0529:0407公布、0416より施行された。『旧勅法彙纂』は現存せず、その一部がパピルス文書の形で伝来しているにすぎない。

Maya king Uneh Chan of Calakmul sacks rival city-state Palenque in southern Mexico.

# Inscriptions at Palenque record two long-range attacks by Uneh Kaan during the reign of this powerful king in the years following the eclipse of Tikal's power and the ascendency of the Snake kingdom. In the dry season of AD 599 and then again 611 his forces crossed the Usumacinta River and struck Lakamha', the very center of Palenque.


この時、平忠盛は公家どもから辱めを受けた。『平家物語』によれば ――


Empress Matilda became the first female ruler of England, adopting the title 'Lady of the English'.

Der deutsche König Karl IV. gründet in Prag die Alma Mater Carolina als erste deutsche Universität und erste Universität nördlich der Alpen.



1474/0407:ロンドン条約=Traité de Londres,
 signé entre Louis XII de France et Henri VI d'Angleterre. Négociations entreprises par Jean de Selve, président de l’échiquier de Normandie (Parlement de Normandie à Rouen), ambassadeur en Angleterre, le duc de Longueville et Thomas Bohier.

1506/0407:Francisco de Xavier 150652、誕生

「ザビエル(シャビエルだらうけど)」um missionário católico do padroado português e apóstolo navarro (basco-navarro).
Pioneiro e cofundador da Companhia de Jesus. A Igreja Católica Romana considera que tenha convertido mais pessoas ao Cristianismo do que qualquer outro missionário desde São Paulo, merecendo o epíteto de "Apóstolo do Oriente". Ele exerceu a sua actividade missionária no Oriente, especialmente na Índia Portuguesa e no Japão.
Pioneer and co-founder of the Society of Jesus. The Roman Catholic Church believes that it has converted more people to Christianity than any other missionary since St. Paul, deserving the epithet "Apostle of the East". He exercised his missionary activity in the East, especially in Portuguese India and Japan.

O castelo da família em Xavier, província de Navarra,

ザビエルは日本人の印象について絶讃してゐる ――
この國の人々は今までに見た國民のなかで最高であり、日本人より優れている民族は異教徒のあいだでは見つけられないでせう。彼らは親しみやすく、一般に善良で悪意がありません。驚くほど名誉心の強い人びとで、他の何ものよりも名誉を重んじます。 …… 

Francisco de Xavier 150652 leaves Lisbon on a mission to the Portuguese East Indies.

1614/0407:スペインのギリシア人画家 El Greco 154114、死去

Doménikos Theotokópoulos, en griego Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος, conocido como el Greco («el griego»),a​ fue un pintor del final del Renacimiento que desarrolló un estilo muy personal en sus obras de madurez.

1648/0407:日本の皇族 覺深法親王158848、薨去





1719/0407:キリスト教聖人 Jean-Baptiste de La Salle 165119、死去

Saint Jean-Baptiste de La Salle est un ecclésiastique français et un innovateur dans le domaine de la pédagogie, qui a consacré sa vie à éduquer les enfants pauvres. Il est le fondateur de l'institut des Frères des écoles chrétiennes. Il est canonisé en 1900.

Die Johannespassion (BWV 245) von Johann Sebastian Bach wird am Karfreitag in der Nikolaikirche in Leipzig erstmals aufgeführt.

Burmese–Siamese War (1765~7) ended.

1770/0407:イギリス詩人 William Wordsworth 177050、誕生

a major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their joint publication Lyrical Ballads (1798).
Wordsworth's magnum opus is generally considered to be The Prelude, a semi-autobiographical poem of his early years that he revised and expanded a number of times.

In 1798, Wordsworth and Coleridge collaborated on "Lyrical Ballads" and publish it. In the UK Romantic movement, it was a collection of works that will be an epoch.

1772/0407:空想的社界主義者 Charles Fourier 177237、誕生

un philosophe français, fondateur de l’École sociétaire.
Considéré par Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels comme une figure du « socialisme critico-utopique », dont un autre représentant fut Robert Owen, plusieurs communautés utopiques, indirectement inspirées de ses écrits, ont été créées depuis les années 1830.


Die Spatzenmesse von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart hat vermutlich an diesem Datum ihre Uraufführung im Salzburger Dom. Es handelt sich um eine Missa brevis et solemnis.

Dans le Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux a ouvert, appelé par ses contemporains comme les plus grands et les plus beaux théâtres de France, est joué à la cérémonie drame Athalie de Jean Racines.

Selim III became Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and Caliph of Islam.

1795/0407:フランス、metre を長さの單位に採用
Adoption en France du système métrique après un rapport de Claude-Antoine Prieur-Duvernois (Prieur de la Côte-d'Or).


The Mississippi Territory is organized from disputed territory claimed by both the United States and Spain. It is expanded in 1804 and again in 1812.

1803/0407:カリブの英雄 Toussaint Louverture 174303、死去

François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture, à l'origine Toussaint de Bréda est un homme politique français des Antilles d'origine afro-caribéenne.
Descendant d'esclaves noirs, il joue un rôle historique de premier plan en tant que chef de la Révolution haïtienne (1791-1802) et devient une des grandes figures des mouvements anticolonialiste, abolitionniste et d'émancipation des Noirs.

イギリスの詩人 William Wordsworth 177050 は彼のことをソネット『To Toussaint L'Ouverture』1803 を作った。{偶然にも今日は彼が誕生した日であった。

Lewis and Clark Expedition: The Corps of Discovery breaks camp among the Mandan tribe and resumes its journey West along the Missouri River.

The Lewis and Clark expedition leaves their winter quarter Fort Mandan and heads out to the Rocky Mountains. A few expedition members are on their way home to report President Thomas Jefferson's first results.

1805/0407:ベトベン『第三交響曲 英雄』初演
Die 3. Sinfonie (Eroica) von Ludwig van Beethoven wird im Theater an der Wien unter der Leitung des Komponisten erstmals öffentlich aufgeführt.

Die Missa solemnis von Ludwig van Beethoven wird zur Gänze erstmals als Oratorium bei der Philharmonischen Gesellschaft in Sankt Petersburg aufgeführt.

Kaiser Franz I. stiftet den österreichischen Orden der Eisernen Krone.

In his pharmacy begins the Englishman John Walker, under the name "friction lights" to sell the matches he invented.

friction light=燐寸(と書いてマッチと讀む)を新發賣。

Emperor Pedro I of Brazil resigns. He goes to his native Portugal to become King Pedro IV.

1836/0407:イギリス 思想家 William Godwin 175636、死去

an English journalist, political philosopher and novelist.
He is considered one of the first exponents of utilitarianism and the first modern proponent of anarchism.
Godwin is most famous for two books that he published within the space of a year: An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, an attack on political institutions, and Things as They Are; or, The Adventures of Caleb Williams, which attacks aristocratic privilege, but also is the first mystery novel. Based on the success of both, Godwin featured prominently in the radical circles of London in the 1790s. He wrote prolifically in the genre



1847/0407:デンマアク 作家 Jens Peter Jacobsen 184785、誕生

a Danish novelist, poet, and scientist,
He began the naturalist movement in Danish literature and was a part of the Modern Breakthrough.
Jacobsen's canon consists of two novels, seven short stories, and one posthumous volume of poetry – small, but enough to place him as one of the most influential Danish writers.

1850/0407:日本 黒住教開祖 黒住宗忠178050、死去

Kurozumi Munetada was a priestly priest at the end of the Tokugawa period, which opened the "Kurozumi Kyodo" which is the predecessor of Shintoism's new religion.


1860/0407:Will Keith Kellogg 186051、誕生

, industriel, fondateur de la compagnie Kellogg's en 1906

1862/0407:American Civil War「 Battle of Shiloh」ends
 The Union Army under General Ulysses Grant defeats the Confederates near Shiloh, Tennessee.

1868/0407:日本最後の侍 川路聖謨180168、自栽

Kawaji Toshiakira est un vassal des Tokugawa et membre de l'administration du bakufu.
Il est une des importantes figures du début de relations officielles entre la Russie et le Japon.




日露交渉の応接でロシア側は川路の写真を撮ろうすると、川路は「私のやうな醜男を日本人の顔の代表と思はれては困る」と云って彼らを笑はせた。この時、プチャチンに随行していたイワン ゴンチャロフは「川路を我々ロシア人はみな気に入っていた。。川路は非常に聡明であった。彼は私我々に反駁する巧妙な弁論を知性をもって閃かせたものの、それでもこの人を尊敬しないわけにはいかなかった。彼の發言の一言一句、一瞥、それに物腰までがすべて良識と機知と炯眼と練達を顕してゐた。明知はどこの國にへ行っても同じである

1874/0407:オリザニン発見 鈴木梅太郎187443、誕生

a Japanese scientist.
In 1910 he was researching the effects of rice bran in curing patients of beriberi when he discovered an active fraction, which he patented as "aberic acid" (later "oryzanin"). In 1935, this compound was refined and correctly described as thiamine. His research was among the earliest of modern vitamin research.

1883/0407:イタリア 未來派 Gino Severin 188366、誕生

un pittore italiano.
Trasferitosi a Parigi nel 1906 per studiare la pittura d'oltralpe degli impressionisti e dei post-impressionisti, Severini conosce molti dei maggiori esponenti delle avanguardie artistiche della capitale francese, tra cui Paul Signac, Georges Braque, Juan Gris, Amedeo Modigliani, Pablo Picasso e i poeti Guillaume Apollinaire, Paul Fort e Max Jacob.
Nonostante questa permanenza a Parigi, non interrompe i suoi contatti con l'Italia. Infatti, dopo aver aderito al movimento Futurista su invito di Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, è uno dei firmatari nel 1910 del manifesto della pittura futurista insieme a Balla, Boccioni, Carrà e Russolo.

1884/0407:人類学者 Bronisław Malinowski 188442、誕生

an anthropologist, often considered one of the most important 20th-century anthropologists.

ヤギェウォ大学で数学と物理学を専攻し、その後ライプツィヒ大学で2年ほど学び、そこでWヴントの民族心理学に影響を受け、関心領域を人類学に移したマリノフスキは、James George Frazer 185441 などの研究を知り、当時人類学でもっとも有名だったイギリス行きを決意。1910年にロンドンの LSEで人類学を研究した。

1889/0407:チリ 女流詩人 Gabriela Mistral188957、誕生

, seudónimo de Lucila de María del Perpetuo Socorro Godoy Alcayaga fue una poetisa, diplomática y pedagoga chilena.
Una de las principales figuras de la poesía y literatura chilena y latinoamericana, fue la primera iberoamericana​ premiada con el Nobel:​ ganó el de Literatura en 1945.

1891/0407:サアカス興行師 Phineas Taylor Barnum 181091、死去

an American showman, politician and businessman remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes and for founding the Barnum & Bailey Circus.
Although Barnum was also an author, publisher, philanthropist, and for some time a politician, he said of himself, "I am a showman by profession...and all the gilding shall make nothing else of me," and his personal aim was "to put money in his own coffers."
Barnum is widely, but erroneously, credited with coining the phrase "There's a sucker born every minute."

1894/0407:日本の邦樂家 宮城道雄189456、誕生

Miyagi Michio est un musicien et compositeur de koto japonais, né à Kobe.
Il est surtout connu pour être l'inventeur du jyūshichigen 十七弦 (koto à 17 cordes), et pour son œuvre Haru no umi 春の海(« La mer au printemps », pour koto et shakuhachi).

Répression d'une manifestation, en Suisse, contre l'extradition d'un anarchiste italien ayant été soupçonné d'avoir participé à un attentat contre le roi d'Italie Umberto Ier le 29 juillet 1900.

Eruzione del Vesuvio, devastare a Napoli.

Mount Vesuvius erupts and devastates Naples.

1907/0407:ベトナム 政事指導者 Lê Duẩn 190786、誕生

Lê Duẩn (Vietnamese: [lē jûən]) was a Vietnamese communist politician.
He rose in the party hierarchy in the late 1950s and became General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (VCP) at the 3rd National Congress in 1960.
He continued Hồ Chí Minh's policy of ruling through collective leadership. From the mid-1960s, when Hồ's health was failing, until his own death in 1986, he was the top decision-maker in Vietnam.

1915/0407:Jazz歌手 Billie Holiday 191559、誕生

Eleanora Fagan, better known as Billie Holiday, was an American jazz musician and singer-songwriter with a career spanning nearly thirty years.
Nicknamed "Lady Day" by her friend and music partner Lester Young, Holiday had a seminal influence on jazz music and pop singing.
Her vocal style, strongly inspired by jazz instrumentalists, pioneered a new way of manipulating phrasing and tempo. She was known for her vocal delivery and improvisational skills, which made up for her limited range and lack of formal music education.

1920/0407:インド シタル演奏家 Ravi Shankar 192012、誕生

an Indian musician and a composer of Hindustani classical music.
He was one of the best-known proponents of the sitar in the second half of the 20th century and influenced many other musicians throughout the world.

1926/0407:日本の詩人 尾崎放哉188526、死去

Ozaki Hōsai was the haigo 俳號(haikai pen name) of Ozaki Hideo, a Japanese poet of the late Meiji and Taishō periods of Japan.
An alcoholic, Ozaki witnessed the birth of the modern free verse haiku movement. His verses are permeated with loneliness, most likely a result of the isolation, poverty and poor health of his final years.





1928/0407:Alexander Bogdanov 187328、死去

a Russian and Soviet physician, philosopher, science fiction writer, and revolutionary of Belarusian ethnicity.
He was a key figure in the early history of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, being one of its co-founders and a rival to Vladimir Lenin until being expelled in 1909.
In the first decade of the Soviet Union, he was an influential opponent of the government from a Marxist perspective. Bogdanov received training in medicine and psychiatry. His scientific interests ranged from the universal systems theory to the possibility of human rejuvenation through blood transfusion. He invented an original philosophy called “tectology,” now regarded as a forerunner of systems theory. He was also an economist, culture theorist, science fiction writer, and political activist.

1930/0407:フランス、Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
 est fait chevalier de la Légion d'honneur au titre de l'aéronautique civile.

Prohibition in the United States is repealed for beer of no more than 3.2% alcohol by weight, eight months before the ratification of the XXI amendment.

1938/0407:フランス 女流画家 Suzanne Valadon 186538、死去

une artiste peintre française.
Elle est la mère du peintre Maurice Utrillo.

Portrait d'Erik Satie (1893)

1939/0407:USA 映画作家 Francis Ford Coppola 1939--、誕生

an American film director, producer, screenwriter and film composer. He was a central figure in the New Hollywood wave of filmmaking.

Italy invades Albania.

Das faschistische Italien unter Benito Mussolini okkupiert Albanien. König Zogu I. geht mit seiner Frau Geraldine und seinem zwei Tage alten Sohn Leka ins Exil nach Griechenland. Der italienische König Viktor Emanuel III. wird albanischer König in Personalunion.

 In Terebovlia, Ukraine, Germans order 1,100 Jews to undress to their underwear and march through the city of Terebovlia to the nearby village of Plebanivka where they are shot dead and buried in ditches.

 The Japanese battleship Yamato, the largest battleship ever constructed, is sunk by American planes 200 miles north of Okinawa while en route to a suicide mission in Operation Ten-Go.

 In Hadersdorf am Kamp werden in der Endphase des Zweiten Weltkriegs bei der so genannten „Kremser Hasenjagd“ 61 entlassene politische Häftlinge von der SS erschossen.

Syria's independence from France is officially recognised.

1947/0407:自動車王、Henry Ford 186347、死去

an American captain of industry and a business magnate, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, and the sponsor of the development of the assembly line technique of mass production.

Ford with Edison and Firestone. Fort Myers, Florida, February 11, 1929.

1948/0407:World Health Organization=WHO
 is established by the United Nations.

The Rodgers and Hammerstein musical South Pacific opened on Broadway; it would run for 1,925 performances and win ten Tony Awards.



United States President Dwight Eisenhower gives his "domino theory" speech during a news conference.


1955/0407:イギリス、Winston Churchill
 resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom amid indications of failing health.

 renamed "Yugoslavia Socialist Federal Republic", Tito became president for the lifetime.



IBM announces the System/360.

1968/0407:F1例サー Jim Clark 193668、死去(事故死)

a British Formula One racing driver from Scotland, who won two World Championships, in 1963 and 1965.

Clark was killed in a Formula Two racing accident in 1968 in Hockenheim, West Germany. At the time of his death at age 32, he had won more Grand Prix races (25) and achieved more Grand Prix pole positions (33) than any other driver. In 2009, The Times placed Clark at the top of a list of the greatest-ever Formula One drivers.


A culprit of Nagoyama Norio, a sequel pistol shooting incident that occurred from 1968/1011 is arrested.





Development of the neutron bomb is canceled by President Jimmy Carter.



The United States severs relations with Iran.


During STS-6, astronauts Story Musgrave and Don Peterson perform the first Space Shuttle spacewalk.

1985/0407:ドイツ 思想家 Carl Schmitt 188885、死去

ein deutscher Staatsrechtler, der auch als politischer Philosoph rezipiert wird. Er ist einer der bekanntesten, wenn auch umstrittensten deutschen Staats- und Völkerrechtler des 20. Jahrhunderts. Schmitt engagierte sich ab 1933 für den NS-Staat. Obwohl er schon Ende 1936 erheblich an Einfluss verlor, galt er nach 1945 als kompromittiert.
Schmitt's work has attracted the attention of numerous philosophers and political theorists, including Walter Benjamin, Leo Strauss, Jürgen Habermas, Friedrich Hayek,[5] Jacques Derrida, Hannah Arendt, Susan Buck-Morss, Giorgio Agamben, Jaime Guzmán, Antonio Negri, Slavoj Žižek and Avital Ronell among many others.


Ausnahmezustand (state of exceptin)

https://is.gd/1gvDAB Auctoritas - Wikipedia

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev declares a moratorium on the deployment of middle-range missiles in Europe.

1986/0407:ソ連 經濟學者 Leonid Kantorovitch 191286、死去

(Леонид Витальевич Канторович), économiste russe,
a Soviet mathematician and economist, known for his theory and development of techniques for the optimal allocation of resources. He is regarded as the founder of linear programming.
He was the winner of the Stalin Prize in 1949 and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1975.

Soviet submarine Komsomolets sinks in the Barents Sea off the coast of Norway killing 42 sailors.

In Wien werden vier Beschäftigte des Krankenhauses Lainz unter Mordverdacht verhaftet. Als Todesengel von Lainz haben sie den Ermittlungen zufolge in sechs Jahren eine größere Anzahl von Patienten getötet.

1990/0407:Iran–Contra affair:
 John Poindexter is found guilty of five charges for his part in the scandal (the conviction is later reversed on appeal).

A fire breaks out on the passenger ferry Scandinavian Star, killing 159 people.

1994/0407:Rwandan genocide
「Massacres of Tutsis」begin in Kigali, Rwanda.

1995/0407:First Chechen War:
 Russian paramilitary troops begin a massacre of civilians in Samashki, Chechnya.

Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori is sentenced to 25 years in prison for ordering killings and kidnappings by security forces.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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