


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
Albrecht Dürer 147128 Melanchoria

歴史暦:古今東西 03/15 今日の出來事

-044/0315:ロウマ共和政、Caedem Caesaris.

Gaius Iulius Caesar、Marcus Junius Brutus元老院議員によって刺殺される。
Julius Caesar (Dictator of the Roman Republic) is stabbed to death by Marcus Junius BrutusGaius Cassius LonginusDecimus Junius Brutus, and several other Roman senators on the `Idus Martae=Ides of March =0315)`. {二人の Brutus がゐるから注意!、このため、カエサルの有名な最後の言葉「Et tu, Brute」が誰だったのか問題となった。

◇被害者の側 Gaius Iulius Caesar -10044 
この日、元老院に行く終身獨裁官 Caesar の随行者は側近の Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus -08543 であった(彼はカエサル暗殺の謀議に加はってゐた)。その時、カエサルの妻カルブルニアは惡夢を見たと云ひ、夫の外出を止めた。カエサルも一度は見合はせる氣になったが、デキムスの説得によってやはり行くことにした。
元老院の途中で、以前カエサルに「Idus Martiae に氣を付けよ」と豫言した占ひ師の Vestlicius Splinna に出會ったカエサルが「何もなかったではないか」と云ふと「三月十五日はまだ終ってゐない」と云ひ返された。
終身獨裁官のカエサル随行員であるリクトルは元老院の慣習に從ひ、外で待機。腹心の Marcus Antonius -08330 は、カエサル配下でありながら謀議派に加はった Gaius Trebonius ??-043 によってカエサルから引き離されてゐた。
カエサル随行者のはうのブルタス、Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus 
Caesar は常々「思ひがけない死、突然の死こそ望ましい」と口にしてゐた。

◆加害者の側 Marcus Junius Brutus -08542 
Brutus は最初謀議には加はってゐなかったが、肅清行動に加はるやうに誘はれた。
首謀者は Gaius Cassius Longinus -08742 が Brutus の祖先、Lucius Brutus銅像の前に手紙を置き、Junius 家の使命をBに思ひ起こさせたといふのは、セクスピアによる創作と見られてゐる。
カエサルに最初の一刺しを與へたのは Brutus であった。致命傷にはならなかった。が、次々と元老院議員が襲來してくるのを見て、Caesar は自分の體をトウガに被って防禦の仕草を見せた。それを元老院の議員が次々とメッタ刺しにした。
その後、Brutus はロウマを立ち去った。クレタ島へ行ったといふ說もあるが、定かではない。
 Death of Caesar by Vincenzo Camuccini
  (La Mort de César) ジャン=レオン・ジェローム 1867

ロウマでは、カエサルの腹心であった Marcus Antonius -08330 が演説を始めてゐた。セクスピアによれば、
≫ (姿を消したBrutusについて)This was the noblest Roman of them all:  All the conspirators save only he   Did that they did in envy of great Caesar;  He only, in a general honest thought   And common good to all, made one of them.  His life was gentle, and the elements   So mix'd in him that Nature might stand up   And say to all the world "This was a man!"  William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 5, Scene 5 (Mark Antony)


Cao Cao (Chinese warlord and penultimate Chancellor of the Han dynasty) passes away.


Sun Hao of Eastern Wu surrenders to Sima Yan which began the Jin dynasty.


Constantius II elevates his cousin Gallus to Caesar, and puts him in charge of the Eastern part of the Roman Empire.

The Roman emperor Constantius II appoints his cousin Constantius Gallus to Caesar and leaves him the rule over the east of the empire. On the same day, Gallus marries Constantius' sister Constantina.


Constantius II 031761(在位0337~61)
父の Constantius I と同樣、熱心なキリスト教で、キリスト教を優遇したが、彼の宗旨は父とは違ってアリウス派で、司教 Athanasius 029873 を迫害した。

 the first barbarian King of Italy after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, is slain by Theoderic the Great, king of the Ostrogoths, while the two kings were feasting together.

At a reconciliation meal in Ravenna after the Rabenschlacht killed the Ostgotenherrscher Theoderich its rival Odoaker and becomes thereby as "representative" of the east Roman emperor autoc ruler in Italy.


0476、西R皇帝の Romlus Augustulus 046011 を廢位にし、R元老院より「もはや西ロウマ帝國に皇帝は必要でない」の勅書を東R帝国の皇帝Zenonに送付、帝冠と紫衣を返上した。Zenon はOdoacer にロウマ貴族とイタリア王の稱號とロウマ皇帝の代官となってイタリア統治する權限をあたへた。そして、Odoacer がゼノンが支持する Julius Nepos を西R皇帝として承認することを提案した。これは受け入れ、彼自身はロウマ皇帝の代理としてイタリアの統治を始めた。

0624/0315: マホメット「Battle of Badr」
 first victory of Islam.

# La bataille de Badr, aussi appelée invasion de Safouan, est la première bataille victorieuse des Arabes musulmans. C'est la bataille de Mohamed contre le clan quraychite qui l'avait contraint à l'exil vers Médine, et eut lieu le 17 mars 624.

map of the Badr campaign

 Prophet Muhammad leaves his hometown of Mecca for Medina, after completing his farewell pilgrimage.


『續日本紀』、『日本書紀』につづく「六國史」の第二。0697 文武天皇元年から桓武天皇延暦十年(0791)までの九十五年間の史實を扱ふ。
菅野眞道 074114 らにより編修、完成。全四十卷。

孝謙女帝、重祚して稱徳となったが、この天皇崩御の後を受け繼いだ 049 光仁白壁 070982 天皇は、『續日本紀』の修整作業を 石川名足 072888・淡海三船 072285・當麻永嗣に命じた。が、彼等は『天平寶字元年紀』を紛失したうへ、作業を未完成のまゝに終らせた(その原因はこの年の前後に政爭絡みの事件が多く、近過去の史實について見解調整できす、紛失といふかたちにしたとする說もある)。
その後、光仁天皇を受け繼いだ 050 桓武山部 073706 天皇の命により、菅野眞道 074114・秋篠安人 075221・中科巨都雄が擔當して、全二十卷とした。

後半となる作業は當初、前半の作業を受け繼いで、時代は天平寶字二年からおそらく寶龜八年(0777)、047 淳仁大炊 073365 から 049 光仁白壁 070982 までの時代を扱ふはずであった。編集者たちは、先に編纂された二十卷を、菅野眞道 074114・秋篠安人 075221・中島巨都雄が十四卷に纏め直し、延暦十三年(0794)に一旦完成した。

政事的な配慮は、殊に桓武紀において顯著である。桓武天皇の懊惱となった廢太子早良親王075085にかんする記事において顯著であり、その發端となった藤原式家種繼 073785 暗殺事件とともに、最初は記載されたが後に削除された。

Michael III, emperor of the Byzantine Empire, overthrows the regency of his mother, empress Theodora (wife of Theophilos) with support of the Byzantine nobility.

Der ostfränkische König Heinrich I. bezwingt in der Schlacht bei Riade an der Unstrut ein ungarisches Heer und beendet damit vorläufig die Ungarneinfälle.

After a ten-year truce, German King Henry the Fowler defeats a Hungarian army at the Battle of Riade near the Unstrut river.

1147/0315:Conquest of Santarém:
 The forces of Afonso I of Portugal capture Santarém.

Isabelle de Hainaut meurt en couches après avoir donné trois enfants à Philippe Auguste, dont Louis, (père du futur Saint-Louis).

1311/0315:Battle of Halmyros:
 The Catalan Company defeats Walter V, Count of Brienne to take control of the Duchy of Athens, a Crusader state in Greece.

In the battle of Halmyros, the Catalan company defeats the Duke of Athens, Walter V of Brienne, after having freed his duchy from his enemies, but has been betrayed by Walter for their reward. Walter falls, the company takes over the rule of the Duchy of Athens.

The sentence of excommunication of Jan Hus by Pope Gregory XII is made public.

Jan Hus 136915ボヘミア出身、イングランドの John Wycliffe 132084 の運動に啓示されて宗教改革に着手、ボヘミア王の支持のもと、ロウマ教會を批判、聖書だけを信仰の根據とし、プロテスタントの先驅者となった。

 Jan Hus auf dem Scheiterhaufen (Spiezer Chronik, 1485)

1416/0315:フランスの王族 Jean I de Berry 134016、死去

le troisième fils du roi de France, Jean II dit le Bon et de Bonne de Luxembourg.


Cristóbal Colón regresa del Nuevo Mundo.

After their caravels Niña and Pinta have been separated from their first discovery trip by a storm on the return journey, Christopher Columbus and Martín Alonso Pinzón reach the Spanish home port Palos de la Frontera on the same day.

1506/0315:Papst Julius II
 genehmigt die Errichtung der Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder.

1556/0315:Suleyman the Magnificent,
 influenced by his wife Roxelane, who managed to convince him of the betrayal of his grand vizier Ibrahim Pasha, had him assassinated and named in his place his son-in-law (the husband of his daughter Mihrimah), Rüstem Pasha .

The naval battle of Djerba, along the Tunisian coast, which opposed the Ottoman fleet, commanded by Dragut to a European fleet mainly composed of Spanish ships.
 The battle was won by the Ottomans.

Mughal Emperor Akbar abolishes "jizya" (per capita tax).



 Samuel de Champlain en compagnie d'un marchand de Saint-Malo, Gravé du Pont, prend la mer en direction du Canada.

1615/0315:242Papa Innocentius XII 161500、誕生

, nato Antonio Pignatelli di Spinazzola è stato il 242º papa della Chiesa cattolica dal 1691 alla sua morte. Fu uno degli ultimi papi nati nell'Italia meridionale: dopo di lui la Chiesa cattoli ca ha annoverato solamente papa Benedetto XIII.

He took a hard stance against nepotism in the church, continuing the policies of Pope Innocent XI, who started the battle against nepotism. To that end, he issued a papal bull strictly forbidding it.

1638/0315:中國[清]03皇帝 順治帝163861、誕生



Charles II issues the Royal Declaration of Indulgence.

King Charles II of England issues the Royal Declaration of Indulgence, which seeks tolerance for the country's Catholics. After resistance from the parliament, it is withdrawn in the following year.

Hagopdjan de Deritchan, plus riche marchand arménien, quitte Erevan avec l'ambassadeur de Perse et prend la route de l'Europe pour transporter des présents du Chah de Perse Hussein Ier au roi de France Louis XIV.

Hagopdjan de Deritchan, the richest Armenian merchant, leaves Yerevan with the Persian ambassador and takes the road to Europe to transport presents from the Shah of Persia Hussein I to the King of France Louis XIV.

1717/0315:日本[江戸時代 享保02/0203]、吉宗の幕政

1738/0315:イタリアの法學者 Cesare Beccaria 173894、誕生

Cesare Beccaria Bonesana, marchese di Gualdrasco e di Villareggio è stato un giurista, filosofo, economista e letterato italiano considerato tra i massimi esponenti dell'Illuminismo italiano, figura di spicco della scuola illuministica milanese.

イタリアの法学者、経済学者、啓蒙思想家。著書『Dei delitti e delle pene』1764 で拷問と死刑への反対論を主張し、教育により犯罪を防止すべきであると説き、啓蒙思想家に支持された。

1767/0315:USA大統領 Andrew Jackson 176745、誕生

an American soldier and statesman who served as the seventh president of the United States from 1829 to 1837.
Before being elected to the presidency, Jackson gained fame as a general in the United States Army and served in both houses of Congress. As president, Jackson sought to advance the rights of the "common man" against a "corrupt aristocracy" and to preserve the Union.

L'astronome français Pierre Méchain découvre les trois galaxies spirales Messier 98, Messier 99 et Messier 100.

1781/0315:American Revolutionary War「Battle of Guilford Court House」
 Near present-day Greensboro, North Carolina, 1,900 British troops under General Charles Cornwallis defeat a mixed American force numbering 4,400 in a Pyrrhic victory.

In an emotional speech in Newburgh, New York, George Washington asks his officers not to support the Newburgh Conspiracy. The plea is successful and the threatened coup d'état never takes place.


1830/0315:ドイツ作家 Paul von Heyse 183914、誕生

Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse, geadelt 1910, war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Dramatiker und Übersetzer.
Neben vielen Gedichten schuf Heyse rund 180 Novellen, acht Romane und 68 Dramen. Heyses Biograf Erich Petzet rühmte die „Umfassenheit seiner Produktion“. Die
Ausgabe der Werke, die Petzet 1924 besorgte, umfasst drei Reihen von je fünf Bänden, von denen jeder rund 700 Seiten zählt (darin sind nicht alle Werke enthalten). Der einflussreiche Münchener „Dichterfürst“ Heyse pflegte zahlreiche Freundschaften und war auch als Gastgeber berühmt.

Parution de Notre-Dame de Paris de Victor Hugo.

 Le choléra touche officiellement la ville.

1835/0315:日本、幕末の遺臣 高橋泥舟183503、誕生

Takahasi De'ishuu、Japanese samurai and shogunate(旗本).



1842/0315:イタリアの作曲家 Luigi Cherubini 176042、死去

un compositore italiano, esponente del Classicismo.

Im Zuge der Märzrevolution im Kaisertum Österreich verspricht Kaiser Ferdinand I. den Österreichern die Aufhebung der Pressezensur und den Erlass einer Verfassung.

In the course of the March Revolution in the Empire of Austria, Emperor Ferdinand I promises the Austrians the lifting of press censorship and the adoption of a constitution.

 A revolution breaks out in Hungary. The Habsburg rulers are compelled to meet the demands of the Reform party.

The March Revolution in Austria also spread to Hungary, where revolts by the common people begin the struggle for freedom against Austrian rule.

1852/0315:アイルランド文藝復興 Isabella Gregory 185232、誕生

Isabella Augusta, Lady Gregory was an Irish dramatist, folklorist and theatre manager.
With William Butler Yeats 186539 and Edward Martyn 185923, she co-founded the Irish Literary Theatre and the Abbey Theatre, and wrote numerous short works for both companies. Lady Gregory produced a number of books of retellings of stories taken from Irish mythology.

Lady Gregory's motto was taken from Aristotle: "To think like a wise man, but to express oneself like the common people."

1854/0315:ドイツの醫學者 Emil Adolf von Behring 285417、誕生

ein deutscher Immunologe und Serologe.
Er war Begründer der passiven antitoxischen Schutzimpfung („Blutserumtherapie“) und erhielt 1901 den ersten Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin.

Received the 1st Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in "Studies of Serum Therapy Against Diphtheria"

1856/0315:日本の政事家 原敬185621原敬185621、誕生

Hara Takashi was a Japanese politician and the 10th Prime Minister of Japan from 29 September 1918 until his assassination on 4 November 1921.
He was also called Hara Kei informally.

He was the first commoner appointed to the office of prime minister of Japan, giving him the informal title of "commoner prime minister" (平民宰相 heimin saishō). He was also the first Japanese Christian prime minister.

1864/0315:American Civil War: Red River Campaign:
 U.S. Navy fleet arrives at Alexandria, Louisiana.

Asie du Sud-Est : la France signe avec l'Annam un traité à Saïgon qui reconnaît la présence de la France en Basse-Cochinchine et lui accorde la liberté de navigation.

France and Viet Nam sign the Second Treaty of Saigon, further recognizing the full sovereignty of France over Cochinchina.

1876/0315:沖縄の民俗學者 伊波普猷187647、誕生

the father of Okinawaology and a Japanese scholar who studied various aspects of Japanese and Okinawan culture, customs, linguistics, and lore.
His most famous book on the subject, Ko Ryūkyū 古琉球 (Old Ryūkyū), was published in 1911 and remains one of the best works on Okinawan studies. He devoted much time to the discovery of the origins of Okinawan people to establish their history. He had considerable influence not only on the study of Okinawan folklore but also of Japanese folklore.


Anglo-Tibetan War of 1888 bigins.

1890/0315:International Labor Conference,
 meeting in Berlin from 15 to 26, provides for the creation of international labor legislation.

Jesse W. Reno receives the patent in the USA for his inclined conveyor belt, the predecessor of the escalator.

la France et l'Allemagne fixent le tracé de la frontière entre le Congo et le Cameroun, et le long du fleuve Chari.



1900/0315:フランス演劇、Sarah Bernhardt
 triomphe dans L'Aiglon d'Edmond Rostand.

Sarah Bernhardt 184423

# Appelée par Victor Hugo « la Voix d'or », mais aussi par d'autres « la Divine » ou encore l'« Impératrice du théâtre », elle est considérée par beaucoup comme une des plus grandes tragédiennes françaises du XIXe siècle. Première « star » internationale, elle est la première comédienne à avoir fait des tournées triomphales sur les cinq continents, Jean Cocteau inventant pour elle l'expression de « monstre sacré».
Victor Hugo 180285 は「黄金色の聲」と呼び、「女神」「劇場の女帝」と讚へられ、「世界初の國際スタア」と見做され、Jean Cocteau 188963は「聖なる怪物」と例へた。そして アァルヌウヴォウの女神として聖化された。

{先日紹介したばかりの Mata Hari 187617 と重なるやうに出てきたので、これはこれはと『對のあそび』にしようと思ったが、調べてみると、年齡差が三十年ほどあり、演技ジャンルも全然異なるので、{でも、共通点もある、サラベルナアルもオランダ出身でユダヤ系の行商人の娘で、パリに出てきて高級娼婦となった。黒髮のせゐかどことなく東洋系のエクソチズムが感じられる、マタハリはインド系の感じだが、ナダルが撮影した彼女はもっと東寄りアジアを思はせる。黒髮のせゐだらうが。 …… しかし、Nadar 182010 のポウトレイトの肖像性はすばらしい。繪畫が寫眞に怖じ気をふるふわけだ。ナダルと同世代のフランスの藝術家は彼に感謝すべきだらう。

 Rétrospective de 21 peintures de Van Gogh à la galerie Bernheim Jeune.

{すでにゴッホも、賣れない繪を描きつづける兄を支へた弟もこの世を去って十年ほどが經ち、そろそろゴッホ發見の時が近づいてゐた。これを仕掛けたのは、弟のテオの妻であったはずだ。 …… 

The British complete the occupation of northern Nigeria.

1906/0315:Rolls-Royce Limited is incorporated.
Automotive partners Henry Royce and Charles Rolls have their newly-founded Rolls-Royce Limited registered in Manchester.

Harry Gordon Selfridge opens his first Selfridges department store on London's Oxford Street.

United States President Woodrow Wilson sends 4,800 United States troops over the U.S.–Mexico border to pursue Pancho Villa.

1917/0315:(Jullius 0302) ロシア革命「ツァ・ニコライII」退位
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia abdicates the Russian throne ending the 304-year Romanov dynasty.

sous la pression de l'état major, le tsar Nicolas II abdique après avoir nommé un libéral, le prince Lvov, à la tête du gouvernement. Ne voyant aucune possibilité de rétablir l'ordre, le grand-duc Michel, choisi par le tsar pour lui succéder, renonce au trône.


The stock price has plummeted due to the reaction to the booming economy caused by the First World War. "Postwar Crisis" begins

Talaat Pasha, former Grand Vizir of the Ottoman Empire and chief architect of the Armenian Genocide is assassinated in Berlin by a 23-year-old Armenian, Soghomon Tehlirian.

Rwanda, territory of East Africa, is ceded to Great Britain by Belgium.

After Egypt gains nominal independence from the United Kingdom, Fuad I becomes King of Egypt.

In Deutschland werden die letzten Papiermark im Nennwert von fünf Billionen Mark gedruckt. Sie entsprechen nach der Währungsreform desselben Jahres fünf Rentenmark.

The dictator Theodoros Pangalos is elected President of Greece without opposition.






SS Viking explodes off Newfoundland, killing 27 of the 147 on board.


# マルクス主義を忠実に実践するため非合法の無産政党の設立および第三インターナショナルの日本支部を目的として設立された日本共産党等の活動員の数千名を検束、検挙された者が約三百名、治安維持法に問われただちに市ヶ谷刑務所に収監された者が30名にのぼった事件 https://is.gd/AcO7Cb

 Premier numéro de Cercle et carré avec Piet Mondrian et Michel Seuphor.

1933/0315:In Wien
 wird der Nationalrat nach der angeblichen „Selbstausschaltung des Parlaments“ von der austrofaschistischen Bundesregierung unter Engelbert Dollfuß mit Polizeigewalt am Zusammentreten gehindert. 

Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss keeps members of the National Council from convening, starting the Austrofascist dictatorship.

1937/0315:ホラ作者 Howard Phillips Lovecraft 189037、死去

an American writer who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. He was virtually unknown and published only in pulp magazines before he died in poverty, but he is now regarded as one of the most significant 20th-century authors in his genre.

"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die."

In Soviet Union, Stalin's Great Purge, execution begins

1938/0315:Aleksei Ivanovich Rykov 188138、銃殺

Алексей Иванович Рыков
Russian revolutionaries, politicians of the Soviet Union. He exercises excellent skills in administrative and economic practices, becoming the Chairman of the People's Committee meeting (prime minister) after the death of Lenin, but was lost by power struggle with Stalin and was purged.

1938/0315:Nikolay Krestinsky 188338、銃殺

Николай Николаевич Крестинский
a Russian Bolshevik revolutionary and Soviet politician. Like most Old Bolsheviks, he did not survive the Great Purge.

1938/0315:Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin 188838、銃殺

российский революционер, советский политический, государственный и партийный деятель.
He was valued as Vladimir Lenin as the leading theorist of the Soviet Union Communist Party, cooperating with Joseph Stalin after the death of Lenin, but was crushed as a right wing and was defeated, purged and shot dead.

Arthur Koestler 190583『真昼の暗黒』ブハリン裁判をモデルに1940年に出版された小説。主人公のモデルがブハリンであることが著者によって明言されている。

1938/0315:Genrikh Yagoda 189138、銃殺

Генрих Григорьевич Ягода
российский революционер, советский государственный и политический деятель,
First Secretary of the NKVD (Interior People's Committee). National Security Committee (transferring reserve in January 1937).

On March 13, 1938, he was sentenced to the third Moscow trial with Nikolai Bukharin and Alexei Ruikov and was convicted of 21 cases including rebellion and conspiracy, and was executed on the 15th. Everyone of his family was arrested and executed. It is said that nearly 3,000 people died this time, as Nagda members of the Yagoda school were also subject to purification.

German Nazi invaded Czechoslovakia

Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht besetzen die restlichen Teile von Böhmen und von Mähren, die am nächsten Tag zum Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren erklärt werden. Die Tschechoslowakei hört auf zu bestehen.

Carpatho-Ukraine declares itself an independent republic, but is annexed by Hungary the next day.


1940/0315:ドイツ、週刊誌「Das Reich』創刊
Die erste Ausgabe der Wochenzeitung Das Reich erscheint, die sich in Deutschland bis 1945 zu einer der meistgelesenen Publikationen entwickelt.

The first issue of the weekly Das Reich appears, which developed in Germany until 1945 to one of the most widely read publications.

1943/0315:WWⅡ Third Battle of Kharkov:
 The Germans retake the city of Kharkov from the Soviet armies in bitter street fighting.

Der deutschen Wehrmacht gelingt an der Ostfront in der Schlacht um Charkow die Rückeroberung der Stadt.

Adolf Hitler fiel in das Land ein, das den Alliierten näher kommen wollte.

 The third battle of Monte Cassino's battle (Dickens campaign) begins.


1944/0315:WWⅡ France
 le conseil national de la résistance proclame son programme.

1945/0315:WWⅡ 日米戰爭

At the Iwo Jima war, the US military announced full occupation of Iwo Jima.

 Soviet forces begin an offensive to push Germans from Upper Silesia.

1945/0315:WWⅡに翻弄された Pierre Drieu la Rochelle 189345、自殺

un écrivain français de romans, de nouvelles et d'essais politiques.
Drieu La Rochelle est devenu un partisan du fascisme français dans les années 1930, et était un collaborateur bien connu pendant l'occupation allemande.
Il a apprécié le fascisme comme le capitalisme et le communisme et a pensé que l'Europe était une régénération de la corruption et est devenue un collaborateur avec l'Allemagne.

1945/0315:USA、Billboard magazine
 publishes the first hit-parade of albums. Nat King Cole is in the lead.

Iranian oil industry is nationalized.

Under Prime Minister Hossein Ala, the Iranian parliament decides to nationalize the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.

1952/0315:In Cilaos, Réunion, 記録的大雨ふりつづく
1870 mm (73 inches) of rain falls in a 24-hour period, setting a new world record (March 15 through March 16).

Parution de Bonjour tristesse, premier roman de Françoise Sagan.

1956/0315:神祕思想家 Austin Osman Spare 186656、死去

an English artist and occultist who worked as both a draughtsman and a painter. Influenced by symbolism and art nouveau his art was known for its clear use of line, and its depiction of monstrous and sexual imagery.
In an occult capacity, he developed idiosyncratic magical techniques including automatic writing, automatic drawing and sigilization based on his theories of the relationship between the conscious and unconscious self.

 aged sixteen, in 1904.
Spare's Portrait of the Artist (1907). An "important self-portrait",

"Ascension of the Ego from Ecstasy to Ecstasy", an image taken from The Book of Pleasure (1913).

sigils created by Austin Osman Spare

https://is.gd/NJ2kVk シジル (オカルト) - Wikipedia

1956/0315:USAミュウジカル『My Fair Lady』開演、
 The musical My Fair Lady after the play Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw premieres with Julie Andrews & Rex Harrison in the main roles at the Mark Hellinger Theater on Broadway in New York.
 The piece is received with enthusiasm by the audience and brings it in the episode on 2,717 performances.

1959/0315:Jazzテナー奏者 Lester Young 190959、死去

nicknamed "Pres" or "Prez", was an American jazz tenor saxophonist and occasional clarinetist.

At the 1961 Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference, South Africa announces that it will withdraw from the Commonwealth when the South African Constitution of 1961 comes into effect.



1962/0315:核物理學者 Arthur Compton 189262、死去

an American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1927 for his 1923 discovery of the Compton effect, which demonstrated the particle nature of electromagnetic radiation.
It was a sensational discovery at the time: the wave nature of light had been well-demonstrated, but the idea that light had both wave and particle properties was not easily accepted. He is also known for his leadership of the Manhattan Project's Metallurgical Laboratory, and served as Chancellor of Washington University in St. Louis from 1945 to 1953.

Hooking up between US military advisers in South Vietnam and irregular communists.

The United States proposes the installation of a red telephone between Washington and Moscow to avoid accidental conflicts.

President Lyndon Johnson, responding to the Selma crisis, tells U.S. Congress "We shall overcome" while advocating the Voting Rights Act.

Clashes between Soviet and Chinese forces on the border of the two countries.

After a recent incident at the common border river Ussuri there are renewed fighting between Soviet and Chinese soldiers.

Francis Ford Coppola's feature film The Godfather after the novel by Mario Puzo with Marlon Brando in the lead role and Al Pacino, James Caan, Robert Duvall and Diane Keaton in other roles has its world premiere in the US.

1973/0315:ウインで SALT
The fourth session of the SALT Soviet-American negotiations on arms control opens in Vienna.

1978/0315:Somalia & Ethiopia
 signed a truce to end the Ethio-Somali War.

1979/0315:舞踏家 Léonide Massine 189679、死去

Leonid Fyodorovich Myasin (Леонид Фёдорович Мясин), better known in the West by the French transliteration as Léonide Massine was a Russian choreographer and ballet dancer. Massine created the world's first symphonic ballet,

1980/0315:日本映画、ドラえもんシリーズ第1作『ドラえもん のび太の恐竜』封切。以降、毎年新作公開、国民的な日本映画となる。


1981/0315:詩人&飜譯家 堀口大學189281、死去

Horiguchi Daigaku est un traducteur de littérature française et poète japonais des ères Taishō et Shōwa.
Il est crédité de l'introduction du surréalisme français dans la poésie japonaise, et de la traduction d'œuvres de plus de 66 auteurs français en japonais.

1981/0315:フランス映画の巨匠 René Clair 189881、死去

René Clair, de son vrai nom René Lucien Chomette, est un réalisateur, scénariste et écrivain français.

Clair & Erik Satie, film Relache, november 1924


The first Internet domain name is registered (symbolics.com).

1986/0315:Collapse of Hotel New World:
 Thirty-three people die when the Hotel New World in Singapore collapses.

Mikhail Gorbachev is elected as the first President of the Soviet Union.

Михаил Горбачев приведен к присяге в качестве первого президента Советского Союза на пятилетний срок.

 The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany comes into effect, granting full sovereignty to the Federal Republic of Germany.

ドイツ統一: ドイツ最終規定条約が発効、統一ドイツが完全に主権を回復。


Hu Jintao succède à Jiang Zemin à la tête de la République populaire de Chine dans le cadre de l'intronisation d'une nouvelle génération de dirigeants à la tête du pays le plus peuplé de la planète.

Stockpiles of obsolete ammunition explode at an ex-military ammunition depot in the village of Gërdec, Albania, killing 26 people. To date, no other tragedy has caused more deaths in post-World War II Albania.

東日本大震災の影響で 日経平均株価が1,000円以上を値下がり

The Nikkei 225 average price declined by more than 1,000 yen due to the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake

Beginning of the Syrian Civil War.

Début de la Guerre civile syrienne.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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