


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 02/03 今日の出來事



The regent of the mentally ill Chinese Emperor Jin Huidi 惠帝, Sima Lun 司馬倫, has the emperor deposed and executed his crown prince Sima Zang. He then appoints himself emperor.


0853/0203(仁壽02/1222):日本の公卿 小野篁080252、卒去

Ono no Takamura est un poète, fonctionnaire et érudit japonais du début de l'époque de Heian.
平安時代前期の公卿。 参議だった小野岑守の一男。官位は従三位の参議。


Death of King Sven I of Denmark during the conquest of England.

Division of Norway after the Battle of Svolder

The peace of Bautzen is sealed by the marriage of Boleslaw Chrobry with Oda, the youngest sister of Margrave Hermann I of Meissen.

Ramon Berenguer III, Count of Barcelona and Douce I, Countess of Provence marry, uniting the fortunes of those two states.

1116/0203:ハンガリ王 Kálmán 107016、崩去

Coloman the Learned, also the Book-Lover or the Bookish, was King of Hungary from 1095 and King of Croatia from 1097 until his death. Because Coloman and his younger brother Álmos were underage when their father King Géza I of Hungary died, their uncle Ladislaus I ascended the throne in 1077.


General Alexios Dukas Murtzuphlos deposes the Byzantine Emperor Nikolaos Kanabos, who was elected only six days earlier, and has him imprisoned.

More than 2,000 people of the Italian city of Cesena are killed by the Condottieri (papal armed forces) in the "Cesena Bloodbath".

Pontifical mercenaries conquer Cesena and begin a three-day massacre of the inhabitants on the instructions of the papal legate Robert Earl of Geneva, because they opposed Gregor XI, who recently returned from papal exile in Avignon. have raised. Robert receives the name "hangman of Cesena".

1428/0203(應永35/0118):日本の04足利將軍 義持138628、卒去

Ashikaga Yoshimochi was the 4th shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate who reigned from 1394 to 1423 during the Muromachi period of Japan.
Yoshimochi was the son of the third shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu




Sultan Mehmed II inherits the throne of the Ottoman Empire.

After the death of his father Murad II, Mehmed II becomes Sultan of the Ottoman Empire for the second time.

1468/0203:ドイツの印刷業者 Johannes Gutenberg 140068、死去

Johannes Gensfleisch, genannt Gutenberg gilt als Erfinder des modernen Buchdrucks mit beweglichen Metalllettern (Mobilletterndruck) und der Druckerpresse.


Bartolomeu Dias of Portugal lands in Mossel Bay after rounding the Cape of Good Hope, becoming the first known European to travel so far south.


The Portuguese navy defeats a joint fleet of the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Sultan of Gujarat, the Mamlûk Burji Sultanate of Egypt, the Zamorin of Calicut, and the Republic of Ragusa at the Battle of Diu in Diu, India.

Naval battle of Diu which gives the Portuguese control of the Indian Ocean.



At a tulip auction in Haarlem the expected prices can not be achieved at the time of the tulip mania. A price decline sets in the consequence, the speculation bubble bursts.





1669/0203(寛文09/01013):日本の國學者 荷田春滿169936、誕生

Kada no Azumamaro est un philologue et poète japonais du début de la période Edo issu d'une famille d'érudits qui a fourni des prêtres shinto au sanctuaire de Fushimi Inari-taisha 稲荷大社 à Fushimi-ku 伏見.

En 1699 il s'installe à Edo où il enseigne les classiques du shintoïsme 神道, un curriculum qui inclut alors les textes anciens tels que le Man'yōshū 『萬葉集』et le Nihon Shoki『日本書紀』. Ses études des anciens classiques bénéficient particulièrement des travaux du prêtre bouddhiste Keichū 契沖164001


The colony of Massachusetts issues the first paper money in the Americas.

In the British Massachusetts Bay Colony comes the first paper money in America in circulation.

During the Battle of Fraustadt Swedish forces defeat a superior Saxon-Polish-Russian force by deploying a double envelopment.

1752/0203(寶暦01/1219):江戸南町奉行 大岡忠相167752、死去

Ōoka Tadasuke was a Japanese samurai in the service of the Tokugawa shogunate.
During the reign of Tokugawa Yoshimune 徳川吉宗168451, as a magistrate (machi-bugyō 町奉行) of Edo, his roles included chief of police, judge and jury, and Yamada Magistrate (Yamada bugyō) prior to his tenure as South Magistrate (Minami Machi-bugyō 南町奉行) of Edo. With the title Echizen no Kami 越前守(Governor of Echizen or Lord of the Echizen), he is often known as Ōoka Echizen (大岡越前).
He was highly respected as an incorruptible judge. In addition, he established the first fire brigade made up of commoners, and the Koishikawa Yojosho (a city hospital). Later, he advanced to the position of jisha bugyō, and subsequently became daimyō of the Nishi-Ōhira Domain (10,000 koku).


1781/0203:American Revolutionary War:
 British forces seize the Dutch-owned Caribbean island Sint Eustatius.

Taken from the island of St. Eustache by the British (Fourth Anglo-Dutch War).
Admiral George Rodney conquers with a British force in the English-Dutch War without a fight the Caribbean island Sint Eustatius Dutch-owned.

1783/0203:American Revolutionary War:
 Spain recognizes United States independence.

Militia led by General Benjamin Lincoln crush the remnants of Shays' Rebellion in Petersham, Massachusetts.

1790/0203:イギリスの古生物学者 Gideon Mantell 179052、誕生

Gideon Algernon Mantell was an English obstetrician, geologist and palaeontologist.
His attempts to reconstruct the structure and life of Iguanodon began the scientific study of dinosaurs: in 1822 he was responsible for the discovery (and the eventual identification) of the first fossil teeth, and later much of the skeleton, of Iguanodon. Mantell's work on the Cretaceous of southern England was also important.

fossil Iguanodon teeth with a modern iguana jaw from Mantell's 1825 paper

1795/0203:Antonio José de Sucre 179530、誕生

Antonio José Francisco de Sucre y Alcalá , conocido como El Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho, fue un político y militar venezolano, prócer de la independencia americana, así como un diplomático y estadista, presidente de Bolivia, Gobernador del Perú, General en Jefe del Ejército de la Gran Colombia,
Soldiers and politicians who led South American countries from Spain to independence. President of the second generation Bolivia. Since the first generation was Simon Bolivar only a nominal position, he was the de facto first president,
In 1830 he became the parliamentary chairman of Colombia, but was assassinated the same year.

British troops conquer Montevideo and capture Spanish governor Pascual Ruiz Huidobro. However, the British invasions on the Río de la Plata are not successful in the long term.

1809/0203:ドイツの作曲家 Felix Mendelssohn 180947、誕生

Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy war ein deutscher Komponist, Pianist und Organist.
Er gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Musiker der Romantik und setzte als Dirigent neue Standards, die das Selbstverständnis des Dirigierens bis heute maßgeblich mitprägen.
In addition, Mendelssohn Bartholdy championed the performance of works by Handel and Johann Sebastian Bach. Thus, he contributed significantly to their rediscovery and to the development of an understanding of the "classical" epoch of German music. He is regarded as a cofounder of historical music care and founded the first conservatory in Germany.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b1/Mendelssohn_Bartholdy_1821.jpg/800px-Mendelssohn_Bartholdy_1821.jpg Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy im Alter von 12 Jahren,

The Territory of Illinois is created by the 10th United States Congress.

José de San Martín defeats a Spanish royalist army at the Battle of San Lorenzo, part of the Argentine War of Independence.

In Switzerland, the commercial cheese utilization begins by the newly founded cooperative village dairy in Kiesen.

1826/0203:イギリスの政論家 Walter Bagehot 182677、誕生

a British journalist, businessman, and essayist, who wrote extensively about government, economics, and literature.
In 1855, Bagehot founded the National Review with his friend Richard Holt Hutton.
In 1860, he became editor-in-chief of The Economist. In the 17 years he served as its editor, Bagehot expanded The Economist's reporting on politics and increased its influence among policymakers.

As a critic, he targets a wide range of fields including politics, economics, society, literature, history, and people. His "The English Constitution" has become a classic of political science, following Edmund Burke 172397 "Reflections of the French Revolution" as a theory of monarchy defense.

Signature of the final version of the London Treaty of 1827 formalizing the independence of Greece.

Britain, France and Russia declare the founding of Greece at the end of the Greek Revolution in the London Protocol and guarantee their independence from the Ottoman Empire. First head of state is Ioannis Kapodistrias.

The Indian port city of Karachi is occupied by British troops because of its strategic position on the river delta of the Indus.


・1850、日本に歸ることを決意。その渡航費を得るために、當時 Gold Rush に湧くサンフランシスコに行き、山に入り數ヶ月間、金鑛堀りをして、600ドルの金を持ってハワイに渡り、昔の仲間と再會した。ほゞ十年ぶりの再會だった。



1862/0203:フランスの科學者 Jean-Baptiste Biot 177462、死去

un physicien, astronome et mathématicien français, pionnier de l'utilisation de la lumière polarisée pour l'étude des solutions.

Gay-Lussac et Biot à 4 000 mètres de hauteur


Meiji becomes after the surprising death of his father Kōmei Tennō 121孝明統仁183167 of Japan. According to his posthumous name Meiji-tennō 122明治睦仁185212, the period of his rule is referred to as the Meiji period, in which soon extensive reforms are initiated.

The 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified. It forbids denying a masculine person the right to vote because of their ethnicity, race or former slave.


1874/0203:USA蒐集家 Gertrude Stein 187446、誕生

an American novelist, poet, playwright, and art collector.
Stein moved to Paris in 1903, and made France her home for the remainder of her life. She hosted a Paris salon, where the leading figures of modernism in literature and art, such as Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sinclair Lewis, Ezra Pound, and Henri Matisse, would meet.

Pablo Picasso, Portrait of Gertrude Stein, 1906

1885/0203:日本の哲學者 田邊元188562、誕生

Tanabe Hajime est un philosophe japonais, membre de l'école de Kyoto et disciple de Nishida Kitarō 西田幾多郎187045, le fondateur de cette école philosophique japonaise, qui a cherché à marier la philosophie occidentale avec la spiritualité issue des traditions extrême-orientales.

1889/0203:ドイツの詩人 Georg Trakl 188914、誕生

ein österreichischer Dichter des Expressionismus mit starken Einflüssen des Symbolismus. Eine eindeutige Zuordnung seiner poetischen Werke zu einer der annähernd gleichzeitigen Strömungen der Literaturgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts ist aber nicht möglich.
Georg Trakl wuchs als fünftes von sieben Geschwistern, darunter ein älterer Halbbruder, in Salzburgauf.

ラクルは名前を明かさない富豪から友人のフィッカを通じて寄付金(2万クロネ)を送られる(当時のトラクルの年収は600クロネ程度だった)。この匿名富豪は、相続した莫大な遺産を有意義に使おうとして、若い芸術家を援助し育成する基金にしようと考え、フィッカに相談して、それを実行に移したのであった。この奇特な富豪こそ、哲学者のLudwig Wittgenstein 188951 であった。彼は、他にも Rainer Maria Rilke 187526 や ココシュカ、Rロウスらに資金援助した。

1889/0203:スヱデンの映画監督 Carl Theodor Dreyer 188968、誕生

un réalisateur danois.
Sa carrière fut aussi longue que ses œuvres furent rares : quatorze films en cinquante ans - rareté qui s'explique autant par la frilosité des producteurs que par le soin méticuleux qu'il apportait à la préparation de chacun de ses films, mûris de longues années avant leur tournage.
Il demeure, pour la postérité, le cinéaste des visages féminins et des tourments de l'amour chrétien dans une société désenchantée, comme en témoignent, aux deux extrémités de son œuvre, La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928), achèvement des recherches du cinéma muet, et Gertrud (1964), source d'inspiration pour tout le cinéma moderne.

He said
"It is extremely dangerous to limit myself to a certain form to a certain style"

The Greco-Turkish War breaks out.

1899/0203:中國の小説家 老舎189966、誕生


He loved Beijing's town and people, and was called "Beijing Flower" "People's Artist" "Language Teacher".
A representative person who was sacrificed by the Cultural Revolution.

1901/0203:日本の思想家 福澤諭吉183501、死去

Fukuzawa Yukichi was a Japanese author, writer, teacher, translator, entrepreneur and journalist who founded Keio University, Jiji-Shinpō (a newspaper) and the Institute for Study of Infectious Diseases.


Ses idées sur le gouvernement et les institutions sociales eurent une influence importante sur le Japon en pleine mutation de l’ère Meiji. Il est considéré comme l’un des fondateurs du Japon moderne.



黒龍會の英名「Black Dragon Society」としてモノモノしくも鳴り響いたその名の「黒龍」は、中國・滿洲・露西亜の國境を流れる「黒龍江」に由來する。その名の黒々とした印象とは裏腹に、命名者の内田は少女のやうな理想をこの黒龍といふ名に込めてゐたのだ …… ( Wikipedia ja の脚注に寄って記せば)、春になると川原一面にきれいな花が咲き亂れる。その、のどかな光景をシベリア横斷鐵道の旅窗に見た若き内田良平は「東亞の理想はこの光景にある」と直觀し、歐米列強の諸國により植民併呑されたアジアを復興し、まるでこの極樂を想はせる、春の美しい黒龍江のやうなアジアを建設することをわが畢生の事業にしなければならぬと悲願を立てた、 ―― それがこのおどろおどろしい名のほんたうの眞心なのであった。

・「大アジア主義」を掲げ、第一次世界大戦後、國際連名の出席にたいし、黒龍會は各界に強く働きかけ、そのなかの主張には「人種的差別撤廢」の提案などもあった。また、インドの革命家、Rash Behari Bose 188645 (ラス・ビハリ・ボス) (日本では中村屋の相馬愛藏&黒光 夫妻のもとに隠れ、中村屋に本場のインドカレエを教へ、日本に流行らせた。のみならず、相馬夫婦の娘と結婚し、日本に歸化 ―― とこれも調べだしたらキリがない)の亡命を演出したり、アジアの西洋列強からの獨立を支援した。敗戰後の右翼とはなどとは一味も二味も違ふのだ。




1909/0203:フランスの思想家 Simone Weil 190343、誕生

Simone Adolphine Weil est une philosophe, humaniste, écrivain et militante politique française, sœur cadette du mathématicien André Weil,
Personnalité complexe, elle est la seule philosophe à avoir vécu dans sa chair « la condition ouvrière », juive elle se convertit à l'anarcho-syndicalisme et à l'amour du Christ. À bout de forces, refusant de se nourrir, elle meurt dans un sanatorium anglais en août 1943

The 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified, authorizing the Federal government to impose and collect an income tax.


The Centre Block of the Parliament buildings in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada burns down with the loss of 7 lives.

 The United States breaks off diplomatic relations with Germany a day after the latter announced a new policy of unrestricted submarine warfare.

The Twin Peaks Tunnel in San Francisco, California begins service as the longest streetcar tunnel in the world at 11,920 feet (3,633 meters) long.

The Twin Peaks Tunnel opens in San Francisco at the opening of one of the longest tram tunnels in the world, now part of the Muni Metro.


1924/0203:USA大統領 Woodrow Wilson 185624、死去

Thomas Woodrow Wilson was an American statesman and academic who served as the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921.
A member of the Democratic Party, Wilson served as the President of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910 and then ran and was elected as a progressive Democrat to the office of Governor of New Jersey.
Wilson's victory in the 1912 presidential election made him the first Southerner elected to the presidency since Zachary Taylor in 1848.
He also led the United States during World War I, establishing an activist foreign policy known as "Wilsonianism." He was a major leader at the Paris [Versailles] Peace Conference in 1919, where he championed the proposed League of Nations. However, he was unable to obtain Senate approval for U.S. membership. After he suffered debilitating strokes in September 1919, his wife and staff members handled most of his presidential duties.

Communist Party of Vietnam is founded at a "Unification Conference" held in Kowloon, British Hong Kong.


The Hawke's Bay earthquake, New Zealand's worst natural disaster, kills 258.

1933/0203:ドイツナチス、"Lebensraum in the East"
Vier Tage nach der Übernahme der Macht im Deutschen Reich halten Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler und Reichswehrminister Werner von Blomberg Reden vor höchsten Vertretern der Reichswehr. Darin verkündet Hitler auch sein Expansionsprogramm zur Gewinnung von „Lebensraum im Osten“. Durch die stichwortartigen Aufzeichnungen von Generalleutnant Curt Liebmann werden diese frühen Äußerungen überliefert.

Four days after the assumption of power in the German Reich, Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Reichswehr Minister Werner von Blomberg make speeches to the highest representatives of the Reichswehr. In it Hitler also announces his expansion program for the production of "Lebensraum in the East". By the keyword-like records of Lieutenant General Curt Liebmann these early statements are handed down.

1935/0203:ドイツの企業家 Hugo Junkers 185935、死去

ein bedeutender deutscher Ingenieur und Unternehmer.

As such, he is generally credited with pioneering the design of all-metal airplanes and flying wings. As founder of what would become the Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenwerke AG following the First World War's armistice, he was one of the mainstays of the German aircraft industry in the years between World War I and World War II.
In particular, his multi-engined all-metal passenger- and freight planes helped establish airlines in Germany, as well as all over the world. Although his name is also linked to some of the most successful German warplanes of the Second World War,

As well as aircraft, Junkers also built both diesel and petrol engines and held various thermodynamic and metallurgical patents.

Upon the 1933 Machtergreifung, the new Nazi government interfered, and the new Reichskommissar of Aviation, Hermann Göring, (who allegedly had unsuccessfully applied as a test pilot in the early 1920s) aimed to make Junkers a tool of German re-armament. The Nazi authorities immediately demanded ownership of Hugo Junkers' patents and the majority of shares of his remaining companies. Under threat of imprisonment, he eventually acquiesced, to little avail; a year later, he was under house arrest and was finally forced to leave Dessau. He died on 3 February 1935 in Gauting near Munich.

He was also one of the main sponsors of the Bauhaus movement and facilitated the move of the Bauhaus from Weimar to Dessau (where his factory was situated) in 1925.

Los franquistas bajo el mando de Gonzalo Queipo de Llano comienzan su ataque contra Málaga durante la Guerra Civil Española en Ronda. La batalla de Málaga dura solo cinco días ya que los republicanos no están preparados para el uso de tanques por parte de los aliados italianos de los nacionalistas.

The Franquists under the command of Gonzalo Queipo de Llano begin their attack on Málaga during the Spanish Civil War at Ronda. The Battle of Málaga lasts only five days as the Republicans are totally unprepared for the use of tanks by the Italian allies of the Nationalists.

The SS Dorchester is sunk by a German U-boat. Only 230 of 902 men aboard survive.

 During the Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign, U.S. Army and Marine forces seize Kwajalein Atoll from the defending Japanese garrison.

US troops win in the Pacific War at the end of the battle for Kwajalein. With the Marshall Islands atoll, an island within Japanese territory is being captured by United States soldiers for the first time in this war.

1945/0203:ドイツ人民法廷裁判長 Roland Freisler 189345、死去

ein deutscher Jurist, dessen berufliche Karriere in der Weimarer Republik begann und im Verlauf der Diktatur des Nationalsozialismus zu ihrem Höhepunkt gelangte. Von August 1942 bis zu seinem Tod war er Präsident des ab 1934 bestehenden Volksgerichtshofes, des höchsten Gerichts des NS-Staates für politische Strafsachen.

Freisler is considered the most famous and notorious criminal judge in National Socialist Germany. He was responsible for about 2,600 death sentences in the negotiations he conducted, including many show trials with pre-determined verdicts. Exemplary of this are the 1943 led by Freisler chair trial against the members of the resistance group White Rose, in which he condemned the siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl among others to death and the trials of the plotters against the Hitler attack of July 20, 1944.
On February 3, 1945, during the trial against Fabien von Schulbrendorf, the court found an American military air raid and a fly-slur under the rubble was found in the corpses. Even if it escaped to the air defense shelter delayed and struck the fragments of the bomb, it is said that he ignored the air raid warning and saw the judicial document in the document storage room and became underlay.


The second heavy bomb attack by the US Air Force on Berlin destroys large parts of the historic city center in Berlin-Mitte and Kreuzberg, killing several thousand people. Among them is Roland Freisler, the presiding judge of the People's Court. His successor will be Wilhelm Crohne.

 As part of Operation Thunderclap, 1,000 B-17s of the Eighth Air Force bomb Berlin, a raid which kills between 2,500 and 3,000 and dehouses another 120,000.

1945/0203:WWⅡ 日米太平洋戰爭、マニラ戰
The United States and the Philippine Commonwealth begin a month-long battle to retake Manila from Japan.



Opening of the trial of Cardinal Mindzsenty.

1952/0203:日本の詩人 蒲原有明187552、死去

Kambara Ariake est le nom de plume d'un poète japonais et romancier actif au cours des ères Taishō et Shōwa du Japon.

複雑な語彙や韻律を駆使した象徴派詩人として『独絃哀歌』『春鳥集』『有明集』1908 などを発表。薄田泣菫187745と併称され、北原白秋188542や三木露風188964たちに影響を及ぼした。

The Batepá massacre occurred in São Tomé when the colonial administration and Portuguese landowners unleashed a wave of violence against the native creoles known as forros.

1958/0203:BeNeLux 条約
Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg sign the Benelux Treaty establishing the Benelux Economic Union, which enters into force in 1960.

Rock and roll musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson are killed in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa.

André Malraux rattache le Centre national de la cinématographie au tout nouveau ministère de la Culture.

British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan speaks of "a wind of change", signalling that his Government was likely to support decolonisation.

The United States Air Forces begins Operation Looking Glass, and over the next 30 years, a "Doomsday Plane" is always in the air, with the capability of taking direct control of the United States' bombers and missiles in the event of the destruction of the SAC's command post.

US President John F. Kennedy imposes a total trade embargo on Cuba.

The hitherto longest passenger ship France commences scheduled service across the Atlantic between Le Havre and New York City.

The Soviet Union's Luna 9 becomes the first spacecraft to make a soft landing on the Moon, and the first spacecraft to take pictures from the surface of the Moon.


In Cairo, Yasser Arafat is appointed Palestine Liberation Organization leader at the Palestinian National Congress.

Yasser Arafat is elected Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).


New York Police Officer Frank Serpico is shot during a drug bust in Brooklyn and survives to later testify against police corruption.


The first day of the seven-day 1972 Iran blizzard, which would kill at least 4,000 people, making it the deadliest snowstorm in history.

The boss of the United Brands Company, Elihu Menashe Black, rushes out of his office on the 44th floor of the New York Pan Am Building.
Subsequent investigations by the US Securities and Exchange Commission reveal the bribery scandal Bananagate.

Space Shuttle program: STS-41-B is launched using Space Shuttle Challenger. Bruce McCandless II makes the first untethered spacewalk.

1987/0203:日本の皇族 高松宮宣仁親王190587、死去

Nobuhito, Prince Takamatsu was the third son of Emperor Taishō (Yoshihito) and Empress Teimei (Sadako) and a younger brother of Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito).

1989/0203:USA映画人 John Cassavetes 192989、死去

John Nicholas Cassavetes was a Greek-American actor, film director, and screenwriter.
Cassavetes was a pioneer of American independent film, writing and directing over a dozen movies, which he partially self-financed, and pioneered the use of improvisation and a realistic cinéma vérité style

Cassavetes with his wife Gena Rowlands

Cassavetes directed the film Gloria (1980), featuring Rowlands as a Mob moll who tries to protect an orphan boy whom the Mob wants to kill. Rowlands earned another Best Actress nomination for it.

After a stroke two weeks previously, South African President P. W. Botha resigns as leader of the National Party, but stays on as president for six more months.

A military coup overthrows Alfredo Stroessner, dictator of Paraguay since 1954.

1994/0203:USA、Space Shuttle program:
 STS-60 is launched, carrying Sergei Krikalev, the first Russian cosmonaut to fly aboard the Shuttle.

Cavalese cable car disaster: a United States military pilot causes the death of 20 people when his low-flying plane cuts the cable of a cable-car near Trento, Italy.

2005/0203:進化論生物學者 Ernst Mayr 190405、死去

Ernst Walter Mayr was one of the 20th century's leading evolutionary biologists.
He was also a renowned taxonomist, tropical explorer, ornithologist, philosopher of biology, and historian of science.
His work contributed to the conceptual revolution that led to the modern evolutionary synthesis of Mendelian genetics, systematics, and Darwinian evolution, and to the development of the biological species concept.

A suicide bomber detonates a truck loaded with explosives on a busy market in Baghdad. In the explosion, 137 people die and more than 300 are injured.

A Baghdad market bombing kills at least 135 people and injures a further 339.

Two people are shot and killed and 29 students are taken hostage at a high school in Moscow, Russia.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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