Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
歴史暦:古今東西 12/01 今日の出來事
Charlemagne judges the accusations against Pope Leo III in the Vatican.
The loss of the Crusader state of Edessa causes Pope Eugene III to turn to the French King Louis VII with the bull Quantum praedecessores. The church leader recruits for a Second Crusade.
From resistance to the Italian policy of Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa, several northern Italian cities join forces in the Lombard League.
ロンバルディア同盟(Lega Lombarda)は、1167年に結成された北イタリアのロンバルディア地方を中心とする都市同盟のことで、北イタリアの支配をもくろむ神聖ロウマ帝国の皇帝フリドリヒ一世に対抗すべくロウマ教皇の支援を受けて結成され、教皇派と皇帝派の抗争で教皇派(ゲルフ)の中心となった。1455/1201:Lorenzo Ghiberti 138155、死去
uno scultore, orafo, architetto e scrittore d'arte italiano.初期ルネサンスの彫刻家、金細工師。鋳造技術では当時並ぶ者のない技倆の持主であった。フィレンツェでも随一の藝術家の名聲を得て、彼の工房からはドナテロやウッチェロ、バルトロメオらの俊英が輩出した。
San Giovanni Battista, Orsanmichele
1521/1201:Leo X 147521、崩去
il 217º papa della Chiesa cattolica dal 1513 alla sua morte.Raffaello, Ritratto di Leone X con i cardinali Giulio de' Medici e Luigi de' Rossi
フィレンチェ黄金期を築いた Lorenzo de' Medici 144992 の二男。父と教皇インノケンティウス8の後押しで、十六歳で枢機卿。同年、父が沒し、にはかにフィレンチェでのメディチ家は沒落し、彼は兄のピエロ、弟のジュリアニとともにフィレンチェを追放され、イタリアを轉々とし、ロウマに落ち着いた。
1515、フランス王François I 149447 のミラノ侵攻では、フランソワに妥協、ボロニャ協定を結ぶ。
1519、神聖ロウマ帝國マクシミリアン1の歿後におこなはれた皇帝選擧では、マクシミリアンの孫となる Karl V 150058 の卽位を拒むべくフランソワにつくが失敗。カアルが卽位すると、当時ドイツで隆盛してきた Martin Luther 148346 の宗教改革に對抗する必要上、カアルと同盟した。
レオの時代、サンピエトロ大聖堂の完成を急ぎ、Michelangelo Buonarroti 147564 や Raffaello Santi 148320 を傭ひ入れ、ロウマを中心としてルネサンスの爛熟期を実現した。
1521、Martin Luther 148346 を避難したイギリス王 Henry VIII 149147 を「信仰の擁護者」と稱號したが、後に離婚問題をヘンリは次の次の教皇クレメンス7と對立し、イングランド國教會を創立した。
{私の教皇嫌ひ、ひいてはカトリック嫌惡の原因はこの時代の教皇、殊にこの教皇にあった。私は西洋史をルネサンスの美術史、なかんづく Leonard da Vinci 145219 を中心に知識し始めたのであったが、そこに登場してくるロウマ教皇庁の面々があまりにも俗物で、宗教者の風上にはおけない連中であることが不快であった。なかでも、フィレンチェのメディチ出身の面々、ルネサンスが藝術とそれに被さる二つのメディチ家といふかたちで構造的に理解されて、これが基本的に私の西洋理解になっていったといふかなってしまった。政事は經濟と宗教の基盤のうへに醜惡に運營された。
Takeda Shingen (武田 信玄), of Kai 甲斐 Province, was a pre-eminent daimyō 大名 in feudal Japan with exceptional military prestige in the late stage of the Sengoku period 戰國時代.甲斐の守護であった甲斐源氏武田家第十八代の武田信虎149474の嫡男。信虎は武田氏を守護大名から戦国大名に仕立てあげ、甲斐国の統一を達成し、体制を信玄も継承し、隣国との激しい領土爭ひに明け暮れる。その過程で越後国の上杉謙信153078とは都合五回になる鬪爭を川中島のあたりで繰り廣げた。やがて、信濃をほぼ領国化し、甲斐本国に加へ周圍の信濃・駿河・遠江・三河と美濃の一部を領するやうになり、京都に上り天下取りの第一人者になったが、その西上作戦の途上において三河で病を發し、没した。
1530/1201:Margarete von Österreich 148030、死去
Marguerite, archiduchesse d'Autriche, duchesse de Savoie de 1501 à 1504, gouverneure des Pays-Bas de 1507 à 1530.神聖ロウマ皇帝Maximillian I 145919 の一女。
1580/1201:Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc 158037、誕生
un intellectuel de l'époque baroque, conseiller au Parlement de Provence, polymathe, scientifique, homme de lettres, astronome et collectionneur.バロック時代の萬能人
Il est connu notamment pour avoir entrepris de dresser la première carte de la Lune fondée sur des observations télescopiques.
1614/1201:Traité d'Asti
Paix entre l'Espagne et le duché de Savoie au sujet de la succession du marquisat de Montferrat.
1640/1201:Georg Wilhelm (Brandenburg) 159540、死去
von 1619 bis 1640 Kurfürst und Markgraf von Brandenburg und Herzog in Preußen.彼の玄孫となるフリドリヒ二世はその著書『ブランデンブルク選帝侯家の歴史』で「何よりも先づ、戦争前に二万の兵さへ指揮下に置いてゐなかった点で彼を責めねばなるまい。。彼の治世の時代はわが一族の君侯のなかで最も不幸な時代であった。その国土は三十年戦争であまりにひどく荒廃した」と身内からさへ書かれた彼は、
決断力に乏しい君主であった。三十年戦争の爭亂のなかで、領國内部に不一致を抱へてカトリックとプロテスタントの両陣営に翻弄され、あげく双方の軍にブランデンブルクを荒らされた ―― と實も蓋もない説明だったので、採用してみる氣になった。
Friedrich Wilhelm wird nach dem Tod seines Vaters Georg Wilhelm Kurfürst von Brandenburg und Herzog von Preußen.
Friedrich Wilhelm becomes Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia after the death of his father Georg Wilhelm.
João, o duque de Bragança se torna rei de Portugal sob o nome de João IV de Portugal.
Com uma tempestade no Palácio Real, as Cortes portuguesas acabam com a união pessoal de Portugal com a Espanha. O primeiro rei do Portugal re-independente é João IV da casa de Bragança.End of the Iberian Union: Portugal acclaims as King João IV of Portugal, ending 59 years of personal union of the crowns of Portugal and Spain and the end of the rule of the Philippine Dynasty.
1729/1201:Giacomo Filippo Maraldi 176529、死去
un astronomo italiano.高名な天文學者、ジョバンニ・カッシニの甥で、1687~1718年の間、パリ天文台で働いた。
1761/1201:Marie Tussaud 176150、誕生
la créatrice du musée de cire Madame Tussauds qu'elle ouvrit à Londres à l'âge de 74 ansフランス人でありながらイギリスのロンドンに『タッソウ館』を作った人。
The former slave ship Fredensborg sinks off Tromøya in Norway.
In the thirteen colonies in North America begins the boycott of British goods, which the first Continental Congress has decided.
1792/1201:Nikolaï Ivanovitch Lobatchevski 179256、誕生
(Николай Иванович Лобачевский), mathématicien et géomètre russeрусский математик, один из создателей неевклидовой геометрии, деятель университетского образования и народного просвещения.
Russian mathematician, one of the creators of non-Euclidean geometry, a figure in university education and public education.
Costa Rica gets the provisional constitution Pacto de Concordia.
1822/1201:ブラジル、Peter I 卽位
No Brasil, Dom Pedro I é coroado Imperador. É a primeira coroação imperial no continente sul-americano.
United States presidential election, 1824: Since no candidate received a majority of the total electoral college votes in the election, the United States House of Representatives is given the task of deciding the winner in accordance with the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Argentine general Juan Lavalle makes a coup against governor Manuel Dorrego, beginning the Decembrist revolution.
fondation par Charles Philipon du Charivari, premier quotidien illustré satirique du monde.
1844/1201:Alexandra de Danemark 184425、誕生
Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Empress of India as the wife of King-Emperor Edward VII.1848/1201(嘉永01/1106):曲亭馬琴176948、死去
曲亭 Kyokutei 馬琴 Bakin was a late Edo period gesaku 戲作 author best known for works such as Nansō Satomi Hakkenden 南総里見八犬傳 (The Chronicles of the Eight Dog Heroes of the Satomi Clan of Nansô) and Chinsetsu Yumiharizuki 椿説弓張月 (Strange Tales of the Crescent Moon). Both are outstanding examples of nineteenth-century yomihon 讀本, or "books for reading" (as opposed to picture books and books for recitation).ほとんど原稿料のみで生計を営むことのできた日本で最初の文藝者、だとか。
Bakin's portrait by Kunisada (国貞)
In his State of the Union Address President Abraham Lincoln reaffirms the necessity of ending slavery as ordered ten weeks earlier in the Emancipation Proclamation.
1866/1201:George Everest 179066、死去
a Welsh surveyor and geographer, and the Surveyor General of India from 1830 through 1843.Everest was largely responsible for completing the section of the Great Trigonometric Survey of India along the meridian arc from southern India extending north to Nepal, a distance of about 2,400 kilometres (1,500 mi). This survey was started by William Lambton in 1806 and it lasted for several decades.
In 1865, Mount Everest was named in his honour in the English language, despite his objections
「電力王」「電力の鬼」と言われた日本の財界人。美術コレクター、茶人としても知られ、號は「耳庵」。この人も偏屈者であったらしい。1866/1201:USA、Suspension Bridge、架橋
The John Roebling Suspension Bridge, built by John August Roebling over the Ohio River near Cincinnati, can be crossed for the first time on foot one month before opening.
With the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge in 1883, it is the longest suspension bridge in the world with a wingspan of 322 meters.
un sculpteur japonais actif pendant l'ère Meiji de Japon.Son nom véritable est Morie Ogiwara (荻原守衛, Ogiwara Morie).
Il est considéré comme l'un des pionniers de la sculpture en bronze moderne de style occidental au Japon.
Russian nihilists commit near Moscow an explosive device on the imperial train to Tsar Alexander II
русские нигилисты совершают под Москвой взрывное устройство на императорском поезде царю Александру II
Zhu De (朱德), général et homme politique chinois原名「朱代珍」,曾用名「建德」,字「玉阶」。四川仪陇人,祖籍廣東韶關。中国共产党、中国人民解放军和中华人民共和国的主要缔造者和领导人之一。中华人民共和国十大元帅之首。
Der Amtsrichter Emil Hartwich stirbt nach einem Duell. Theodor Fontane verarbeitet den Fall in seinem Roman Effi Briest.
The magistrate Emil Hartwich dies after a duel. Theodor Fontane processes the case in his novel Effi Briest.1887/1201:シンガポウルにコロニアルスタイルのホテル、開業
A ten-room colonial-style bungalow opened in Singapore forms the starting point for the now luxuriously designed Raffles Hotel.
1896/1201:Gueorgui Joukov 189674、誕生
(Георгий Константинович Жуков)、советский полководец. Маршал Советского Союза (1943), четырежды Герой Советского Союза, кавалер двух орденов «Победа», множества других советских и иностранных орденов и медалей.Soviet commander. Marshal of the Soviet Union (1943), four times Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of two Orders of Victory, many other Soviet and foreign orders and medals.
A census in the German Reich gives a population of 56,345,014 inhabitants.
a Japanese author of proletarian literature. He is best known for his short novel Kanikōsen 蟹工船(Crab Cannery Ship), a short novel published in 1929. It tells the story of several different people and the beginning of organization into unions of fishing workers.He killed due to violent torture after arrest by the Tokkō 特高 police at the age of 29.
The first western in film history, The Great Train Robbery by Edwin S. Porter, is premiered in the USA. Max Aronson plays three roles in it.
The Western Pacific Railway opens the approximately 1500 km long railway line from Salt Lake City to San Francisco for freight traffic.
During the so-called "Golden Age of Antarctic Research" the ship leaves Kainan Maru 海南丸 under the command of Shirase Nobu 白瀬矗the port of Tokyo in the direction of Antarctica.
This begins the Japanese Antarctic research. The expedition lasts until June 20, 1912.
Hugo von Hofmannsthals Theaterstück Jedermann wird im Berliner Zirkus Schumann unter der Regie von Max Reinhardt uraufgeführt.
The Buenos Aires Metro, the first underground railway system in the Southern Hemisphere and in Latin America, begins operation.
Ford Motor Company introduces the first moving assembly line.
The Ford Motor Company introduces the assembly line to industrial production.1913/1201:クレタ、01バルカン戰爭でトルコから獨立
Crete, having obtained self rule from Turkey after the First Balkan War, is annexed by Greece.
1914/1201:Alfred Thayer Mahan 184014、死去
a United States naval officer and historian, whom John Keegan called "the most important American strategist of the nineteenth century."His book The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660–1783 (1890) won immediate recognition, especially in Europe, and with its successor, The Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793–1812 (1892), made him world-famous and perhaps the most influential American author of the nineteenth century.
「世界の諸処に植民地を獲得せよ。 アメリカの貿易を擁護し、かつ外国に強圧を加えるために諸処に海軍根拠地を獲得し、これを発展させよ」との持論を持っていた。
1918/1201:ルウマニア王國中心に「Great Union」結成
Transylvania unites with the Kingdom of Romania, following the incorporation of Bessarabia (March 27) and Bukovina (November 28), thus concluding the Great Union.
The Kingdom of Iceland becomes a sovereign state, yet remains a part of the Danish kingdom.
The German journalist Eduard Stadtler founds the anti-Bolshevik League with the financial support of the banker Karl Helfferich. This is responsible for the order to kill Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg.
1921/1201:China vs Japan「山東問題」
Chinese and Japanese delegates negotiate on the Shandong issue and mediate between Britain and the United States.1922/1201:China[]、溥儀在北京紫禁城舉行大婚典禮。
Pu Yi held a wedding ceremony in Beijing.1924/1201:USA、ガアシュイン『Lady, Be Good』初演
The premiere of the musical Lady, Be Good by George Gershwin, takes place at the Liberty Theater in New York.
Parution du premier numéro de la revue La Révolution surréaliste dirigée par Pierre Naville et Benjamin Péret.
1925/1201:Martin Rodbell 192598、誕生
an American biochemist and molecular endocrinologist who is best known for his discovery of G-proteins.生化学者、内分泌学者。1994年、Gタンパク質およびそれらの細胞内情報伝達にかんする役割の発見により、アルフレッド・ギルマンとノベル生理学医学賞を受賞
Ratification des accords de Locarno à Londres.
Germany and the victorious powers of the First World War sign the Locarno treaties negotiated in Locarno on 16 October in London, with the aim of normalizing relations between the states. Germany recognizes therein the western border defined in the Treaty of Versailles.1925/1201:Japan「思想統制」
Chiang Kai-shek and Soong May Ling married in Shanghai.1933/1201:ドイツ、唯一政党システムに
Das während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus beschlossene Gesetz zur Sicherung der Einheit von Partei und Staat unterwirft Deutschland dem Einparteiensystem.
The law passed during the period of National Socialism for securing the unity of party and state subjects Germany to the one-party system.1934/1201:Sergueï Kirov 188634、暗殺
(Сергей Миронович Костриков), homme politique soviétiqueроссийский революционер, советский государственный и политический деятель. 1 декабря 1934 года был убит Леонидом Николаевым. Убийство Кирова послужило началом массовых репрессий в СССР, известных как «Большой террор».
a Russian revolutionary, a Soviet state and political figure. December 1, 1934 was killed by Leonid Nikolaev. The killing of Kirov served as the beginning of mass repressions in the USSR, known as the "Great Terror."
1935/1201:Woody Allen 1935--、誕生
(Allan Stewart Konigsberg, dit), homme de cinéma américain.an American filmmaker, writer, actor, comedian, and musician whose career spans more than six decades.
Adolf Hitler verkündet das Gesetz über die Hitler-Jugend, wonach diese „die gesamte deutsche Jugend“ umfasst.
Adolf Hitler promulgates the law on the Hitler Youth, according to which it covers "the entire German youth".1936/1201:PRChina、
Chinese leaders Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and others wrote a letter to Chiang Kai-shek, calling for a joint fight against the enemy.1937/1201:China、抗日戰爭中,南京保衛戰開始。
During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Battle of Nanjing began.1941/1201:WWⅡ、Japan「御前會議」對米英開戰を決定
Emperor Hirohito of Japan gives the final approval to initiate war against the United States.
Beginn der systematischen Deportationen der Juden aus Württemberg. Vom Stuttgarter Nordbahnhof werden über 1000 Menschen nach Riga in das Lager Jungfernhof deportiert. Die meisten von ihnen kehren nie wieder zurück.
Beginning of the systematic deportations of the Jews from Württemberg. More than 1000 people are deported from Riga to the Jungfernhof camp from the Stuttgart North Station. Most of them never return.1943/1201:Damrong Rajanubhab 186243、死去
(สมเด็จพระเจ้าบรมวงศ์เธอ พระองค์เจ้าดิศวรกุมาร กรมพระยาดำรงราชานุภาพ), historien et enseignant thaïlandais ダムロンラーチャヌパープ、タイの王族、歴史学者the founder of the modern Thai educational system as well as the modern provincial administration. He was an autodidact, a (self-taught) historian, and one of the most influential Thai intellectuals of his time
1945/1201:Bette Midler 1945--、誕生
Bethany Ann « Bette » Midler,an American singer, songwriter, actress, comedian, and film producer.
1947/1201:Godfrey Harold Hardy 187747、死去
an English mathematician, known for his achievements in number theory and mathematical analysis.In biology, Hardy is known for the Hardy–Weinberg principle, a basic principle of population genetics.
1947/1201:Aleister Crowley 187543、死去
an English occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, novelist, and mountaineer. He founded the religion of Thelema, identifying himself as the prophet entrusted with guiding humanity into the Æon of Horus in the early 20th century. A prolific writer, he published widely over the course of his life.イギリスのオカルティスト、儀式魔術師、登山家。『法の書』を執筆し、これを聖典とする宗教にして哲学である『セレマ』を提唱
1955/1201:USA、American Civil Rights Movement:
In Montgomery, Alabama, seamstress Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat to a white man and is arrested for violating the city's racial segregation laws, an incident which leads to that city's bus boycott.
The romantic operetta Candide by Leonard Bernstein premieres at the Martin Beck Theater in New York.1958/1201:
The Central African Republic attains self-rule within the French Union.
signature du traité sur l'Antarctique.
Twelve consultative states sign the Antarctic Treaty, which among other things "freezes" territorial claims on the Antarctic and prohibits the military use of the continent. The "administration" is transferred to the two organizations SCAR and COMNAP.1964/1201:John Burdon Sanderson Haldane 189264、死去
a British, later Indian, scientist known for his work in the study of physiology, genetics, evolutionary biology, and in mathematics, where he made innovative contributions to the fields of statistics and biostatistics生物に関する理論的研究を得意とし、生命の起源に関する科学的理論の最初の提唱者となった。
彼は作家の Aldous Huxley 189463 と幼少期からの親友で、ハクスレの『道化芝居』にはホウルデンをモデルにした生物学者が登場する。『すばらしい新世界』も、人工子宮で胎児を育てる話など『ダイダロス』の影響が非常に大きく、無断借用ではないかとさへも言はれている。
1964/1201:Vietnam War:
U.S. President Lyndon Johnson and his top-ranking advisers meet to discuss plans to bomb North Vietnam.
Nakamura Tempū (中村天風) was a Japanese martial artist and founder of Japanese yoga. He was the first to bring yoga to Japan and founded his own art called Shinshin-tōitsu-dō (心身統一道 lit. way of mind and body unification).「クンバカ」 瓶に水を満たした状態の意味。肛門を締めて、肩の力を抜き肩を下げ、下腹に力を充実させる行法。
1969/1201:Vietnam War:
The first draft lottery in the United States is held since World War II.
En France, le film gangster d'Henri Verneuil, Le Clan des Siciliens, est présenté en première.
Hirano TyouSei、自然保護運動家群馬県利根郡片品村出身。高度経済成長時代の眞っ最中の日本で、尾瀬を自然破壊から守った人。
1966年に着工された大清水から尾瀬へ乗り入れ、沼山峠と結ぶ自動車用道路建設について 1971年七月、大石武一環境庁長官に建設中止を直訴。建設中止に持ち込んだ。
Cambodian Civil War: Khmer Rouge rebels intensify assaults on Cambodian government positions, forcing their retreat from Kompong Thmar and nearby Ba Ray.
1973/1201:イスラエル初代首相 David Ben Gourion 188673、死去
(דָּוִד בֶּן-גּוּרִיּוֹן),the primary national founder of the State of Israel and the first Prime Minister of Israel.
Papua New Guinea gains self-governance from Australia.
TWA Flight 514, a Boeing 727, crashes northwest of Dulles International Airport, killing all 92 people on board.
Northwest Airlines Flight 6231, another Boeing 727, crashes northwest of John F. Kennedy International Airport.
Inex-Adria Aviopromet Flight 1308, a McDonnell Douglas MD-80, crashes in Corsica, killing all 180 people on board.
A Paris, le musée d'Orsay, reconstruit d'une gare en musée d'art, ouvre ses portes.
1987/1201:James Baldwin 192487、死去
, écrivain américain1989/1201:フィリピン、クウデタ
Philippine coup attempt: The right-wing military rebel Reform the Armed Forces Movement attempts to oust Philippine President Corazon Aquino in a failed bloody coup d'état.
East Germany's parliament abolishes the constitutional provision granting the Communist Party the leading role in the state.
Jonction des tunnels de service du tunnel sous la Manche.
Channel Tunnel sections started from the United Kingdom and France meet 40 metres beneath the seabed.1991/1201:George Stigler 191191、死去
U.S. economist, the 1982 laureate in Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and a key leader of the Chicago School of Economics.スティグラはミルトン・フリドマンと並ぶシカゴ学派の重鎮であり、1982年に「市場と規制」に関する研究が評価され、ノベル経済学賞を受賞した。
Ukrainian voters overwhelmingly approve a referendum for independence from the Soviet Union.
1997/1201:Stephane Grappelli 190897、死去
un violoniste, pianiste, et jazzman français. Il fait partie des plus grands violonistes de jazz du XXe siècle et créa le « Quintette du Hot Club de France » avec Django Reinhardt.ジャズギタリストのジャンゴ・ラインハルトの相棒としても知られ、彼と(Quintette du Hot Club de France)」を結成、第二次世界大戦前から晩年まで精力的な演奏活動を続けた。
Reinhardt et Grappelli
In the Indian state of Bihar, Ranvir Sena attacked the CPI(ML) Party Unity stronghold Lakshmanpur-Bathe, killing 63 lower caste people.2010/1201:Japan「關西広域連合」發足
Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World