Julius Caesar conduce la sua prima campagna in Gran Bretagna.
0840承和07、淳和が崩御。二年後、嵯峨も病重篤となった。かうした情勢に、恆貞親王に仕へる舎人の伴健岑 TomoNoKowamine とその盟友であった橘逸勢078242 TachibanaNoHayanari であった。彼等は皇太子の身邊に危險あるを察し、都より脱出し東國に移すことを画策、それを阿保親王に相談した。阿保親王079242は嵯峨・淳和の同母の長兄であった051平城安殿077424の皇子であった。
1071/0826:Valcan「Battle of Manzikert」
The Seljuq Turks defeat the Byzantine army at the Battle of Manzikert, and soon gain control of most of Anatolia.
Ladislaus IV of Hungary and Rudolf I of Germany defeat Ottokar II of Bohemia in the Battle on the Marchfeld near Dürnkrut in (then) Moravia.
Alauddin Khilji captures Chittorgarh.
1346/0826:Hundred Years' War:
The military supremacy of the English longbow over the French combination of crossbow and armoured knights is established at the Battle of Crécy.
bataille de Crécy (guerre de Cent Ans). Victoire des soldats anglais d’Édouard III sur ceux de Philippe VI de France.1444/0826:Swiss「Battle of St.Jakob an der Birs」
A vastly outnumbered force of Swiss Confederates is defeated by the Dauphin Louis (future Louis XI of France) and his army of 'Armagnacs' near Basel.
1498/0826:Vatican「Basilica di San Pietro」
Michelangelo is commissioned to carve the Pietà.
1648/0826:France「Journée des barricades à Paris」
Marquant le début de la Fronde, civils et parlementaires s’insurgent contre le gouvernement de la reine Anne d’Autriche et de son Premier ministre, le cardinal Mazarin.
1652/0826:First Anglo-Dutch War「Battle of Plymouth」
Michiel de Ruyter's Dutch naval victory over the British fleet.
The Leipzig amateur astronomer Johann Abraham Ihle is the first to observe a ball star cluster through his telescope, the M22 in the constellation of Sagittarius.
1666/0826:Frans Hals 158166、死去
a Dutch Golden Age portrait painter who lived and worked in Haarlem.René Descartes 159650
下描きを描いたり下地を置いたりせずに直描技法 (alla prima)
1676/0826:Robert Walpole 167645, 1st Earl of Orford、誕生
a British statesman who is generally regarded as the de facto first Prime Minister of Great Britain.1723/0826:Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 173223、死去
「アントニ・ファン・レェウェンフック」a Dutch businessman, scientist, and one of the notable representatives of the Golden Age of Dutch science and technology.
A largely self-taught man in science, he is commonly known as "the Father of Microbiology", and often considered to be the first acknowledged microscopist and microbiologist
Johannes Vermeer 163275『天文学者』。
Johannes Vermeer 163275『地理学者』、これも。
…… My work, which I've done for a long time, was not pursued in order to gain the praise I now enjoy, but chiefly from a craving after knowledge, which I notice resides in me more than in most other men. And therewithal, whenever I found out anything remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that all ingenious people might be informed thereof. — Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, in a letter dated 12 June 1716.
1743/0826:Antoine Lavoisier 174394、誕生
un chimiste, philosophe et économiste français, souvent présenté comme le père de la chimie moderne, qui se développera à partir des bases et des notions qu'il a établies et d'une nouvelle exigence de précision offerte par les instruments qu'il a mis au point. Il a inauguré la méthode scientifique, à la fois expérimentale et mathématique, dans ce domaine qui, au contraire de la mécanique, semblait devoir y échapper.1748/0826:nAmerica
The first Lutheran denomination in North America, the Pennsylvania Ministerium, is founded in Philadelphia.
1768/0826:World Expeditin
Captain James Cook sets sail from England on board HMS Endeavour.
The first recorded ascent of Triglav, the highest mountain in Slovenia.
Adoption de la Déclaration des droits de l’Homme et du citoyen.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen is approved by the National Constituent Assembly of France.1791/0826:American、特許「Steamboat」
John Fitch is granted a United States patent for the steamboat.
The former viceroy Santiago de Liniers of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata is executed after the defeat of his counter-revolution.
1813/0826:「War of the Sixth Coalition」
An impromptu battle takes place when French & Prussian-Russian forces accidentally run into each other near Liegnitz, Prussia (now Legnica, Poland).
1814/0826:Chilean War of Independence:
Infighting between the rebel forces of José Miguel Carrera and Bernardo O'Higgins erupts in the Battle of Las Tres Acequias.
Entre Paris et Saint-Germain-en-Laye, la première ligne ferroviaire à vapeur française est ouverte.
Between Paris and Saint-Germain-en-Laye, the first French steam railway line is open.1850/0826:Louis-Philippe Ier 177350、沒去
le second et dernier souverain français à avoir régné sur la France avec le titre de « roi des Français », le premier étant Louis XVI.Louis-Philippe métamorphosé en poire, dessin de Charles Philipon.
l'inventeur français Charles Bourseul décrit le téléphone dans le magazine L'illustration. Cependant, il n'est pas pris au sérieux et ne poursuit pas son idée.
{さういふ人もゐます。といふか、大多數はさういふ人です。發明にまで取り憑かれるはうが異常なのです。1857/0826:The German explorer, Adolf von Schlagintweit, is beheaded without a trial as an alleged Chinese spy in the asian city of Kashgar.
1857/0826:Adolf Schlagintweit 182957、スパイと疑はれ斬首刑
ein deutscher Reisender und Entdecker.Adolf Schlagintweit bereiste im Sommer 1857 erneut das Hochland nördlich des Himalaya, überschritt den Kunlun östlicher als seine Brüder im Jahr zuvor und stieg dann nach Turkestan hinab. In der Nähe von Kaxgar wurde er gefangengenommen und am 26. August 1857 ohne Prozess oder Anhörung am Hof des Hodschas Wali Khan als mutmaßlicher chinesischer Spion enthauptet.
1854年、アレクサンダーフォンフンボルトの推薦によりイギリス東インド会社は、ヘルマン、アドルフとロベルトの三人に領域内の科学的調査、特に、地磁気についての研究を委託した。以後三年間、デカン高原に始まり、ヒマラヤ山脈、カラコルム山脈と崑崙山脈を彼等は踏破した。 1857年の初めにヘルマンとロベルトは旅行を終へたが、アドルフはさらに探検をつづけた。が、カシュガルの首長であるワリ・ハンに清朝のスパイではないかという嫌疑を受け、その地で裁判を受けることもなく斬首刑になった。
1858/0826(安政05/0718):Japan & G.B「Treaty of Amity and Commerce」日英修好通商条約、調印
The Novara expedition, an Austrian research trip, ends with the return of the frigate SMS Novara to Trieste.
1873/0826:Lee De Forest 187361、誕生
an American inventor, self-described "Father of Radio", and a pioneer in the development of sound-on-film recording used for motion pictures. He had over 180 patents, but also a tumultuous career—he boasted that he made, then lost, four fortunes.1880/0826:Guillaume Apollinaire 188018、誕生
(Guillaume Albert Vladimir Alexandre Apollinaire de Kostrowitzky, dit), poète et écrivain français.1883/0826:
The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa begins its final, paroxysmal, stage.
Ottmar Mergenthaler's Linotype setting machine is patented.
歌舞伎界でたゞたんに「六代目」と云へばこの人のことをさす。それほどの不世出の歌舞伎役者。1885/0826:Jules Romains 188572、誕生
écrivain et poète français.1901/0826:陳毅1990172、誕生
PRChina の軍人、元帥。國務院副総理。文化大革命で紅衛兵、四人組の標的とされる。
1904/0826:Christopher Isherwood 190486、誕生
écrivain américain1905/0826:Europe「Dam」
Die Urfttalsperre, damals die größte Talsperre Europas, wird eingeweiht.
1910/0826:William James 184210、逝去
an American philosopher and psychologist who was also trained as a physician.Along with Charles Sanders Peirce and John Dewey, James is considered to be one of the major figures associated with the philosophical school known as pragmatism, and is also cited as one of the founders of functional psychology.
≫ それを信じたい人には信じるに足る證據となるが、疑ふ人を信じさせるほどの力はない。超常現象とは本質的にさういった限界を持ってゐる。
1910/0826:Mother Teresa 191097、誕生
The German colony of Togoland surrenders to French & British forces after a 20-day campaign.
1914/0826:Julio Cortázar 191484、誕生
un escritor, traductor e intelectual argentino. Optó por la nacionalidad francesa en 1981, en protesta contra el régimen militar argentino.1914/0826:WWⅠ:
During the retreat from Mons, the British II Corps commanded by General Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien fought a vigorous and successful defensive action at Le Cateau.
The 19th amendment to United States Constitution takes effect, giving women the right to vote.
1922/0826:Greco-Turkish War:
Turkish army launched what has come to be known to the Turks as the "Great Offensive" (Büyük Taarruz). The major Greek defense positions were overrun.
1929/0826:Ernest Mason Satow 184329、死去
a British scholar, diplomat and Japanologist.Poem by the Tang poet Wang Bo 王勃 in Satow's calligraphy
At the invitation of the philosopher Louis Rougier, the Colloque Walter Lippmann begins as a meeting of 25 liberal thinkers in Paris.
The aim, as opposed to the Manchester liberalism, is to give liberal ideas new meaning in the face of the increasing influence of the state and totalitarian developments. The ideas formulated here together are effective as a neoliberalism from the post-war period.
https://is.gd/NK3rIl 新自由主義 - Wikipedia1940/0826:Africa
Chad becomes the first French colony to join the Allies under the administration of Félix Éboué, France's first black colonial governor.
At Chortkiv, the Ukrainian police and German Schutzpolizei deport two thousand Jews to Bełżec extermination camp. Five hundred of the sick and children are murdered on the spot. This continued until the next day.
Charles de Gaulle enters Paris.
Akira Kurosawas Film Rashomon – Das Lustwäldchen kommt in die japanischen Kinos.1951/0826:USA、Musical Film『An American in Paris』has premiered in London.
TASS delivers experimental success of the world's first Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) "R-7".
タス通信が世界初の大陸間弾道ミサイル (ICBM) 「R-7」の実験成功を配信。1959/0826:PRChina vs India「國境紛爭」
the Chinese people's free-trade armies entered the McMahon line between China and India and captured the guards of an Indian outpost.
The Namibian War of Independence starts with the battle at Omugulugwombashe.
From this day on August 29, heavy rain falls at Ouu奥羽 & Echigo越後.
A new feminist movement leads a nationwide Women's Strike for Equality.
1970/0826:登山、Japanese 植村直己が北米大陸最高峰マッキンリ山に単独初登頂。世界初の五大陸最高峰登頂者となる。
Uemura Naomi first climbed to Mt. McKinley, the highest peak in the North American continent. Become the world's first climber of the five continents highest peak.1974/0826:Charles Lindbergh 190274、死去
an American aviator, military officer, author, inventor, explorer, and environmental activist. At age 25 in 1927, he went from obscurity as a U.S. Air Mail pilot to instantaneous world fame by making his Orteig Prize–winning nonstop flight from Long Island, New York, to Paris.≫ どちらかを選ばなければならないとしたら、飛行機よりも鳥の方を選ぶ。
1976/0826:Lotte Lehmann 188876、死去
eine deutschamerikanische Opernsängerin (Sopran).Sie gehörte neben Erna Berger, Elisabeth Grümmer, Hilde Güden, Martha Mödl und Elisabeth Schwarzkopf zu den herausragenden deutschen Sopranistinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts und war auch als Schriftstellerin und Dichterin bekannt.
The world's first patient with Ebola fever by Zaire-Ebola virus came out in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
ザイル・エボラウイルスによるエボラ出血熱の世界初となる患者がコンゴ民主共和国で出る。1978/0826:Charles Boyer 189978、死去
un acteur franco-américain.En 1938, il décroche le fameux rôle de Pépé le Moko, le voleur en fuite dans Casbah, un remake en langue anglaise du film français Pépé le Moko (avec Jean Gabin).
1979/0826:Mika Toimi Waltari 190879、死去
a Finnish writer, best known for his best-selling novel The Egyptian (Finnish: Sinuhe egyptiläinen).He was extremely productive, and wrote in addition to novels also poetry, short stories, criminal novels, plays, essays, travel stories, film scripts and rhymed texts for comic strips.
Deng Xiaoping first proposed "one country, two systems"1988/0826:Japan、Nara
A large number of wooden chapter was excavated from the planned construction site of department store in Nara City, it turned out that there was a palece of NagayaOu 長屋王.
Rainbow Bridge opened in Minato-ku, Tokyo.
Beni Ali massacre in Algeria where 60 ~ 100 people were killed.
1999/0826:Chechen War
Russia begins the Second Chechen War in response to the Invasion of Dagestan by the Islamic International Peacekeeping Brigade.
The World Summit on Sustainable Development is held in Johannesburg.
2007/0826:Edward Seidensticker 192107、死去
a noted post-World War II scholar, historian, and preeminent translator of classical and contemporary Japanese literature.2010/0826:Japan「ゲンパツ事故」
In a nuclear reactors' fast breeder reactor "Monju" located in Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture, a cylindrical reactor interior device (weight 3.3 tons) was dropped in the accident. It stopped operating for a long time.
福井県敦賀市にある日本原子力研究開発機構の高速増殖炉「もんじゅ」で、原子炉容器内に筒型の炉内中継装置(重さ3.3トン)が落下する事故。長期間の運転休止となる。Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World