


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の Repin『Садко』 1876


歴史暦:古今東西 09/29 今日の出來事

Persian Empire, Darius I of Persia kills the Magian usurper Gaumata, securing his hold as king of the Persian Empire.




-048/0929:ロウマ共和政 Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus -10648、敗死

Pompey the Great celebrates his third triumph for victories over the pirates and the end of the Mithridatic Wars on his 45th birthday.

Gaius Julius Caesar -10044・Marcus Licinius Crassus -11553 とともに第一回三頭政治を擔當。


Bischof Bernward von Hildesheim weiht die fertiggestellte Michaeliskirche in Hildesheim. Der Bau der Kirche hat vermutlich im Jahre 1010 begonnen.



1227/0929:King vs Pope
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, is excommunicated by Pope Gregory IX for his failure to participate in the Crusades.


1325/0929:日本曹洞宗第四祖 瑩山紹瑾126825、入滅

「Keizan Joukin」日本の曹洞宗の第四祖で瑩山派(総持寺派)の派祖。教團内では、開祖の永平寺派の開祖である道元120053を高祖、瑩山を太祖と尊稱する。




1364/0929:ブルタニュ繼承戰爭「Battle of Auray」
 English forces defeat the French in Brittany; end of the War of the Breton Succession.

Bataille d'Auray (guerre de Succession de Bretagne). Victoire des Anglo-Bretons de Jean IV de Montfort.

Abdication de Richard II d'Angleterre au profit de son cousin, Henri IV.

England's King Richard II was captured by Henry of Bolingbroke, later King Henry IV, with parliamentary approval and forced to abdicate because of arbitrariness.

1509/0929:スペインの宗教改革期の人 Miguel Servet 150953、誕生

un teólogo y científico español.

キリスト教義の三位一体説を批判したため、カトリックプロテスタントの双方から異端者とされ、逃亡中に立ち寄ったスヰスのジュネヴで Jean Calvin 150964 の手の者によって告発され、ジュネブ市議会によって火刑に處せられることになる。

El conquistador español Vasco Núñez de Balboa alcanza el primer Océano Pacífico, después de cruzar (a pie) el istmo de Panamá en 4 días.

the Spanish conquistador Vasco Núñez de Balboa reaches the first Pacific Ocean, after crossing (on foot) the Isthmus of Panama in 4 days.

1518/0929:イタリアの画家 Tintoret (Jacopo Robusti) 151894、誕生

un pittore italiano, uno dei più grandi esponenti della scuola veneziana e probabilmente l'ultimo grande pittore del Rinascimento italiano.
Il soprannome "Tintoretto" gli derivò dal mestiere paterno, tintore di stoffe.


1547/0929:ドンキホウテの作者 Miguel de Cervantes 154716、誕生

un soldado, novelista, poeta y dramaturgo español.
Está considerado la máxima figura de la literatura española y es universalmente conocido por haber escrito El ingenioso Hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (conocida habitualmente como el Quijote), que muchos críticos han descrito como la primera novela moderna y una de las mejores obras de la literatura universal, además de ser el libro más editado y traducido de la historia, solo superado por la Biblia

1571/0929:イタリアの画家 Caravaggio 157110、誕生

Caravage (Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, dit), peintre italien.


1560/0929:スヱデンの王樣 Gustav I Wasa 149560、崩去

von 1523 bis 1560 schwedischer König.


Tegucigalpa(capital city of Honduras)is claimed by the Spaniards.




1703/0929:フランスの画家 François Boucher 170370、誕生

un peintre français, représentatif du style rocaille français.
Boucher a abordé tous les genres : peinture religieuse, sujets mythologiques, scènes rustiques, paysages, animaux, décorations de monuments et de maisons particulières, modèles de tapisserie.

An earthquake strikes Antigua Guatemala, destroying much of the city's architecture and making authorities consider moving the capital to a different city.


1758/0929:イギリスの名將 Horatio Nelson 175805、誕生

He was noted for his inspirational leadership, superb grasp of strategy, and unconventional tactics, which together resulted in a number of decisive naval victories, particularly during the Napoleonic Wars.
He was wounded several times in combat, losing the sight in one eye in Corsica and most of one arm in the unsuccessful attempt to conquer Santa Cruz de Tenerife. He was shot and killed during his final victory at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

The United States Department of War first establishes a regular army with a strength of several hundred men.


The 1st United States Congress adjourns.


1793/0929:French Revolution
la Convention vote la Loi du maximum général.

Economic distress and the pressure of starving Sansculottes, in the French Revolution, allow the National Convention to pass the Great Maximum Law. It sets maximum prices for daily necessities.

1810/0929:イギリスの文人 Elizabeth Gaskell 181065、誕生

an English novelist, biographer, and short story writer.
Her novels offer a detailed portrait of the lives of many strata of Victorian society, including the very poor, and are of interest to social historians as well as lovers of literature.

Met(Metropolitan Police of London)is founded.

Metropolitan Police Service officials are on their way to London for the first time. According to its founder, the then Interior Minister Sir Robert Peel, the policemen of Greater London to this day are called "Bobbies". The Metropolitan Police Service itself is mainly known as its headquarters New Scotland Yard.

 By the death of the king Ferdinand VII his minor daughter Isabella II becomes new ruler of the country.

The regency was first taken by Ferdinand's widow Maria Christina of Sicily. The change of the throne provoked a long conflict with Carlism.



1848/0929:ハンガリ「Battle of Pákozd」
 Stalemate between Hungarian and Croatian forces at Pákozd; the first battle of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848.



The papal bull Universalis Ecclesiae restores the Roman Catholic hierarchy in England and Wales.


1860/0929(萬延01/0815):水戸藩09當主 徳川齊昭180060、逝去




Xianfeng Emperor fled the Yuanmingyuan, arrived in Rehe, life Prince Wang Yi Xin for the imperial minister to the British and French.

1864/0929:スペインの思想家 Miguel de Unamuno 186436、誕生

un escritor y filósofo español perteneciente a la generación del 98. En su obra cultivó gran variedad de géneros literarios como novela, ensayo, teatro y poesía.

1864/0929:American Civil War「Battle of Chaffin's Farm」


1881/0929:オウストリ出身の思想家 Ludwig von Mises 188173、誕生

ein österreichisch-amerikanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Theoretiker des klassischen Liberalismus und Libertarismus.
Er gilt als einer der wichtigsten Vertreter der Österreichischen Schule der Nationalökonomie im 20. Jahrhundert.

⇨ Friedrich Hayek 189992

1882/0929:日本児童文学の父 鈴木三重吉188236、誕生


1885/0929:イギリス「Electric tramway」
The first practical public electric tramway in the world is opened in Blackpool, England.


1891/0929:大津事件の単独犯 津田三藏185591、死去(刑務所で病死)



1898/0929:ソ連生物学者 Trofim Lyssenko 189876、誕生

(Трофим Денисович Лысенко), ingénieur agronome soviétique

The Malolos Congress ratified the Philippine Declaration of Independence from Spain.



1901/0929:イタリアの理論物理学者 Enrico Fermi 190154、誕生

un fisico italiano naturalizzato statunitense


1902/0929:フランスの良心の一人 Émile Zola 184002、死去

un écrivain et journaliste français
Considéré comme le chef de file du naturalisme, c'est l'un des romanciers français les plus populaires, les plus publiés, traduits et commentés au monde.

マネ『エミル・ゾラの肖像』 1866

Sa vie et son œuvre ont fait l'objet de nombreuses études historiques. Sur le plan littéraire, il est principalement connu pour Les Rougon-Macquart, fresque romanesque en vingt volumes dépeignant la société française sous le Second Empire et qui met en scène la trajectoire de la famille des Rougon-Macquart, à travers ses différentes générations et dont chacun des représentants d'une époque et d'une génération particulière fait l'objet d'un roman.
He was a major figure in the political liberalization of France and in the exoneration of the falsely accused and convicted army officer Alfred Dreyfus, which is encapsulated in the renowned newspaper headline J'accuse.
Les dernières années de sa vie sont marquées par son engagement dans l'affaire Dreyfus avec la publication en janvier 1898, dans le quotidien L'Aurore, de l'article intitulé « J'accuse… ! » qui lui a valu un procès pour diffamation et un exil à Londres la même année.


First commercial musical theater in New York · Broadway opened.



1904/0929:イギリス出身の女優 Greer Garson 190496、誕生

a British-American actress who was very popular during the Second World War,
A major star at MGM during the 1940s, Garson received seven Academy Award nominations, including a record five consecutive nominations, winning the Best Actress award for Mrs. Miniver (1942).


1907/0929:USA「ナショナル カセドラル」
The cornerstone is laid at Washington National Cathedral in the U.S. capital.



1908/0929:ブラジルの文人 Machado de Assis 183908、死去

um escritor brasileiro, considerado por muitos críticos, estudiosos, escritores e leitores um dos maiores senão o maior nome da literatura do Brasil.


1913/0929:ドイツの自動車人 Rudolf Diesel 185813、死去

ein deutscher Ingenieur und der Erfinder des Dieselmotors.


Italy declares war on the Ottoman Empire.


1912/0929:イタリア映画作家 Michelangelo Antonioni 191207 、誕生

un regista cinematografico, sceneggiatore, montatore, scrittore e pittore italiano, considerato uno dei maggiori registi della storia del cinema

Antonioni alla cinepresa durante il si gira di Cronaca di un amore (1950)


1913/0929:アメリカの映画監督 Stanley Kramer 191301、誕生

an American film director and producer, responsible for making many of Hollywood's most famous "message films"
Among the subjects covered in his films were racism (in The Defiant Ones and Guess Who's Coming to Dinner), nuclear war (in On the Beach), greed (in It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World), creationism vs. evolution (in Inherit the Wind) and the causes and effects of fascism (in Judgment at Nuremberg). His other notable films included High Noon (1952, as producer), The Caine Mutiny (1954, as producer), and Ship of Fools (1965).

1913/0929:イギリスの男優 Trevor Howard 191398、誕生

an English actor. After varied stage work, he achieved star status with his role in the film Brief Encounter (1945), followed by The Third Man (1949).

1913/0929:イタリアのフットボウラー Silvio Piola 191396、誕生

è stato un calciatore e allenatore di calcio italiano, di ruolo attaccante.



the German 9th Army began an attack on Warsaw, which was to enter the Battle of the Vistula. In this the Imperial Russian Army can later assert itself against the German invaders.


1918/0929:WWⅠ「Battle of St. Quentin Canal」
 The Hindenburg Line is broken by Allied forces. Bulgaria signs an armistice.


1920/0929:チェコの指揮者 Václav Neumann 192095、誕生

a Czech conductor, violinist and viola player.

1920/0929:USA、MLB「Balck Sox Scandal

The Black Sox Scandal was a Major League Baseball match fixing incident in which eight members of the Chicago White Sox were accused of intentionally losing the 1919 World Series against the Cincinnati Reds in exchange for money from a gambling syndicate led by Arnold Rothstein. 


Das Drama Trommeln in der Nacht wird als erstes Stück Bertolt Brechts inszeniert und unter Otto Falckenbergs Regie in den Münchner Kammerspielen uraufgeführt.


1923/0929:France「Mandatory Syria」
The French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon takes effect.


1927/0929:心電図発明 Willem Einthoven 186027、死去

, physiologiste néerlandais, prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine en 1924


 hit the season 60 home run, updated the major league record at that time.


1929/0929:日本の軍人から政事家へ 田中義一186429、死去



1930/0929:ロシアの画家 Ilya Yefimovich Repin 184430、死去

Сын солдата, в юности работал иконописцем. Занимался в Рисовальной школе под руководством И. Н. Крамского, продолжил обучение в Петербургской Академии художеств.(=Son of a soldier, in his youth worked as an icon painter. He studied at the Drawing School under the leadership of IN Kramskoy, continued his studies at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.)

a Russian realist painter. He was the most renowned Russian artist of the 19th century, when his position in the world of art was comparable to that of Leo Tolstoy in literature. He played a major role in bringing Russian art into the mainstream of European culture.

«Пахарь. Лев Толстой на пашне». 1887


Отдых. 1882


1932/0929:パラグァイvsボリビア「Chaco War」
 Last day of the Battle of Boquerón between Paraguay & Bolivia.


1934/0929:ハンガリの心理学者 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 1934--、誕生

a Hungarian psychologist.
He recognised and named the psychological concept of flow, a highly focused mental state.
Csikszentmihalyi is noted for his work in the study of happiness and creativity, but is best known as the architect of the notion of flow


En España, la Junta de Defensa Nacional nombra al General Franco como jefe de gobierno y comandante de las fuerzas armadas en el campo nacionalista.

=Junta de Defensa Nacional appoints General Franco as head of government and commander of the armed forces in the nationalist camp.

 between Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy settles the Sudetenland dispute in Germany's favor. The Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia are not invited.



 German Einsatzgruppe C begins the Babi Yar massacre, according to the Einsatzgruppen operational situation report.


1942/0929:イタリアの自轉車乘り Felice Gimondi1942--、誕生

un ex ciclista su strada e dirigente sportivo italiano.

東京地裁が Richard Sorge や尾崎秀實らに死刑宣告

ゾルゲ事件とは、Richard Sorge 189544 を首魁にしたソ連のスパイ組織が日本の中樞部にたいする諜報と謀略をおこなってゐた事件である。その構成員の一人には、元朝日新聞記者で内閣囑託の尾崎秀實190144がゐて、彼は近衛文麿189145や西園寺公望184940ら、当時の日本政事の中樞部に關係を持ってゐた。


Newspapers post pictures of Emperor Showa & MacArthur.







The convention establishing the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is signed.



Nikita Kurushchev of the Soviet Union General Secretary visited PRChina for the first time.


Twenty MCi (740 petabecquerels) of radioactive material is released in an explosion at the Soviet Mayak nuclear plant at Chelyabinsk.


Oman joins the Arab League.


1972/0929:China & Japan「日中国交正常化
Japan establishes diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China after breaking official ties with the Republic of China.


1973/0929:イギリスの詩人 Wystan Hugh Auden 190773、死去

an English-American poet.
Auden's poetry was noted for its stylistic and technical achievement, its engagement with politics, morals, love, and religion, and its variety in tone, form and content.

A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language.

Acts of injustice done
Between the setting and the rising sun
In history lie like bones, each one.

We would rather be ruined than changed
We would rather die in our dread
Than climb the cross of the moment
And let our illusions die.

1975/0929:Casey Stengel 189075、死去

Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel, joueur et gérant de baseball américain
an American Major League Baseball right fielder and manager best known as the manager of both the championship New York Yankees of the 1950s, and later of the hapless expansion New York Mets.





 launches STS-26, the return to flight mission, after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.



Haitian coup d'état.


Brazilian President Fernando Collor de Mello is impeached.


1995/0929:日本の歌手 林伊佐緒191295、死去

日本最初の Singer SongWriter と云はれてゐる。

1996/0929:日本の作家 遠藤周作192396、死去


1997/0929:アメリカの画家 Roy Lichtenstein 192397、死去

, peintre américain.

The asteroid 4179 Toutatis passes within four lunar distances of Earth.


Gol Transportes Aéreos Flight 1907 collides in mid-air with an Embraer Legacy 600 business jet near Peixoto de Azevedo, Mato Grosso, Brazil, killing 154 people, and triggering a Brazilian aviation crisis.


Calder Hall, the world's first commercial nuclear power station, is demolished in a controlled explosion.


The Heisei major repair project of Byodo-in terminates (~ 2003).


2008/0929:Financial Crisis
Following the bankruptcies of Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual, The Dow Jones Industrial Average falls 777.68 points, the largest single-day point loss in its history.

サブプライムローン問題: 米下院で緊急経済安定化法が否決。ダウ平均株価が史上最大の下落幅となる777.68ドル安を記録。


The 8.1 Mw Samoa earthquake strikes with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VI (Strong). A destructive tsunami follows, leaving 189 dead and hundreds injured.


2010/0929:アメリカの男優 Tony Curtis 192510、死去

Tony Curtis (Bernard Schwartz, dit), acteur et producteur américain
an American film actor whose career spanned six decades but who was mostly popular in the 1950s and early 1960s.
He acted in more than 100 films in roles covering a wide range of genres, from light comedy to serious drama.


2013/0929:日本の大衆小説家 山崎豊子192413、死去


2013/0929:Africa, Nigeria「Boko Haram」
Over 42 people are killed by members of Boko Haram at the College of Agriculture in Gujba, Nigeria.


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World