


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日死去した August Ferdinand Möbius 179068 の「メビウスの輪


歴史暦:古今東西 09/26 今日の出來事

今日、九月二十六日は大きな事故や事件が重なった一日でした ――

1905年に Albert Einstein 187955 が特殊相對性理論を公表して、物理學を一新した日であり、
ミュウジカルファンには『West Side Story』が初演された日であり、
ビイトルズファンには最後のアルバム『Abbey Road』が発売された日であり、

詩人の T.S.Eliot 188865 が、思想家の Martin Heidegger 188976 が、作曲家の George Gershwin 189837 が誕生し、
小泉八雲こと Lafcadio Hearn 185004が死去した日であり

ドイツの画家 August Macke 188714 が第一次世界大戦で戰死、夭折し、
アメリカの歌手、Bessie Smith 189437 が自動車事故で、
ドイツの思想家、Walter Benjamin 189240 が亡命中に服毒自殺し、
ハンガリの作曲家、Béla Bartók 188145 が亡命先のアメリカで病死し、
日本の思想家、三木清189745 が拘留中の刑務所で病死し、


-046/0926:ロウマ共和政「Battle Pharsalus」
Julius Caesar dedicates a temple to his mythical ancestor Venus Genetrix in accordance with a vow he made at the Battle of Pharsalus.



Ragenfrid defeats Theudoald at the Battle of Compiègne.

The Battle of Compiègne was fought on 26 September 715 and was the first definite battle of the civil war which followed the death of Pepin of Heristal, Duke of the Franks, on 16 December 714. Dagobert III had appointed one Ragenfrid as mayor of the palace in opposition to Pepin's choice as his successor: his grandson Theudoald. Ragenfrid enjoined battle on Theudoald, then young, and defeated him, sending him fleeing back to his grandmother Plectrude in Cologne.   Wikipedia en



William II is crowned King of England, and reigns until 1100.


1212/0926:Bohemia「Golden Bull of Sicily」
 is issued to confirm the hereditary royal title in Bohemia for the Přemyslid dynasty.


Golden Bull of Sicily


1241/0926:鎌倉期の公家(歌人) 藤原定家116241、誕生



代表的な歌は ―― 逝去の時にあげることにします。今日は、私にとっての大事な死者が多い。

1345/0926:Frisian vs Holland「Friso-Hollandic Wars」
Frisians defeat Holland in the Battle of Warns.


Couronnement du roi Jean II le Bon en la cathédrale de Reims.


1371/0926:Serbian–Turkish war
The forces of the Ottoman sultan Murad I's lieutenant Lala Şahin Pasha and the Serbian army under the command of Vukašin Mrnjavčević and Jovan Uglješa clash at the Battle of Maritsa.


Pope Alexander VI issues the papal bull Dudum siquidem to the Catholic Monarchs, extending the grant of new lands he made them in Inter caetera.


1573/0926:日本の戰國大名 淺井長政154573、敗死




Francis Drake finishes his circumnavigation of the Earth.





1620/0926:China[明] 15皇帝 泰昌帝158220、崩去(毒殺?)



The Parthenon in Athens is partially destroyed by an explosion caused by the bombing from Venetian forces led by Morosini who are besieging the Ottoman Turks stationed in Athens.


The city council of Amsterdam votes to support William of Orange's invasion of England, which became the Glorious Revolution.


1777/0926:American Revolution:
British troops occupy Philadelphia.


Thomas Jefferson is appointed the first United States Secretary of State,

John Jay is appointed the first Chief Justice of the United States,
Samuel Osgood is appointed the first United States Postmaster General, and
Edmund Randolph is appointed the first United States Attorney General.

1791/0926:フランスの画家 Théodore Géricault 179124、誕生

ジェリコ」un peintre, sculpteur, dessinateur et lithographe français.
Incarnation de l’artiste romantique, sa vie courte et tourmentée a donné naissance à de nombreux mythes. Son œuvre la plus célèbre est Le Radeau de La Méduse .


1792/0926:French Revolution「ロベスピエル批判」
Marc-David Lasource begins accusing Maximilien Robespierre of wanting a dictatorship for France.


2nd Battle of Zurich Austro-Russian forces under Korsakov are defeated by Franco-Swiss under André Masséna, leading to the collapse of Alexander Suvorov's campaign.

Victoire de Masséna près du lac de Zurich (guerre de la deuxième coalition).

La Sainte-Alliance est formée le 26 septembre 1815 à Paris par trois monarchies européennes victorieuses de l'empire napoléonien héritier de la France révolutionnaire, dans le but de maintenir la paix dans un premier temps, puis de se protéger mutuellement d'éventuelles révolutions. Constituée dans un premier temps par l'Empire russe, l'empire d'Autriche et le royaume de Prusse, elle fut par la suite rejointe par un grand nombre de pays européens à l'exception du Royaume-Uni. Ce n'est qu'en 1818, après avoir mis fin à l'occupation étrangère, que la France y prend part. Elle fut dissoute de fait en 1825, à la mort de l'empereur Alexandre Ier, qui en était l'instigateur.




1820/0926:アメリカの開拓者(國民英雄) Daniel Boone 173420、死去

an American pioneer, explorer, woodsman, and frontiersman, whose frontier exploits made him one of the first folk heroes of the United States.


1830/0926:幕末維新の功臣 大久保利通183078、誕生



1849/0926:パブロフの犬生理学者 Ivan Pavlov 184936、誕生

Иван Петрович Павлов 「パブロフの犬」条件反射の實驗で有名な生理學者。

Le prince président Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte dépose la première pierre de la Cathédrale de la Major à Marseille, amorçant sa construction.


1868/0926:メビウスの輪 August Ferdinand Möbius 179068、死去

ein deutscher Mathematiker und Astronom an der Universität Leipzig.
Er leistete wertvolle Beiträge zur analytischen Geometrie, u. a. mit der Einführung der homogenen Koordinaten und des Dualitätsprinzips. Er gilt als Pionier der Topologie.


1872/0926:ツウリズムの流行「Around the world」その名も
The travel agency Thomas Cook and Son starts the first world tour, which ends 222 days later with the return of the participants.

{偶然だけど、この日に Francis Drake が地球一周して、それから三百年後、観光として世界旅行がビジネスとなった。

1877/0926:ドイツのポリマス Hermann Graßmann 180977、死去

ein deutscher Mathematiker, Physiker und Sprachwissenschaftler. Er gilt als eigentlicher Begründer der Vektor- und Tensorrechnung.
a German polymath, known in his day as a linguist and now also as a mathematician. He was also a physicist, neohumanist, general scholar, and publisher.


1877/0926:フランスのピアニスト Alfred Cortot 187762、誕生

un pianiste français
Il est considéré comme l'un des grands interprètes du XXe siècle. Pédagogue renommé, il est un des fondateurs de l'École normale de musique de Paris. Son rôle dans le gouvernement de Vichy et son attitude pendant l'Occupation sont un sujet de controverses.

Emil Berliner aus Hannover meldet ein Grammophon zum Patent an, das als Tonträger Schallplatten benutzt.



1888/0926:二十世紀の代表的詩人 Thomas Stearns Eliot 188865、誕生

a British essayist, publisher, playwright, literary and social critic, and "one of the twentieth century's major poets".
He moved from his native United States to England in 1914 at the age of 25, settling, working, and marrying there. He eventually became a British subject in 1927 at the age of 39, renouncing his American citizenship.

1889/0926:二十世紀の代表的哲学者 Martin Heidegger 188976、誕生

ein deutscher Philosoph.
Er stand in der Tradition der Phänomenologie vornehmlich Edmund Husserls, der Lebensphilosophie insbesondere Wilhelm Diltheys sowie der Existenzdeutung Søren Kierkegaards, die er in einer neuen Ontologie überwinden wollte. Die wichtigsten Ziele Heideggers waren die Kritik der abendländischen Philosophie und die denkerische Grundlegung für ein neues Weltverständnis.

1891/0926:オウケストラ指揮者 Charles Munch 189168、誕生

un chef d'orchestre français,

1898/0926:アメリカの代表的作曲者 George Gershwin 189837、誕生

an American composer and pianist.
Gershwin's compositions spanned both popular and classical genres, and his most popular melodies are widely known. Among his best-known works are the orchestral compositions Rhapsody in Blue (1924) and An American in Paris (1928) as well as the opera Porgy and Bess (1935).

{私は『Porgy and Bess』のために、Gershwin が黒人とばかり思ってゐた。

1904/0926:日本に歸化した Lafcadio Hearn(小泉八雲) 185004、死去

in Greek Πατρίκιος Λευκάδιος Χερν , known also by the Japanese name Koizumi Yakumo (小泉 八雲), was an international writer, known best for his books about Japan, especially his collections of Japanese legends and ghost stories, such as Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things.




Albert Einstein veröffentlicht seine spezielle Relativitätstheorie in den Annalen der Physik.

Albert Einstein publishes his first paper on the special theory of relativity.
Albert Einstein publie sa théorie de la relativité restreinte.

1907/0926:NewZealand & NewFoundland
 each become dominions within the British Empire.

NZ & NF、イギリス連邦内の自治領となり、事実上の独立をはたす。

Indian journalist Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai is arrested after publishing criticism of the government of Travancore and is exiled.


1914/0926:ドイツ表現主義の画家 August Macke 188714、戰死

einer der bekanntesten deutschen Maler des Expressionismus. Er beteiligte sich an den beiden Ausstellungen des Blauen Reiters.

自画像 1906 と 妻エリザッベトの肖像 1909



1914(この年のうちに彼は死んでしまふのだが)の四月、Paul Klee 187940 とともにチュニジアを訪れた。わづか二週間ほどの滯在だったが、チュニスなどの都市を廻り、その鮮烈な色彩の異國はドイツ人の彼等に啓示をあたへた。

チュニス近郊サン・ジェルマン 1914


The United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is established by the Federal Trade Commission Act.


1917/0926:WWⅠ「Battle of Polygon Wood」 


The Meuse-Argonne Offensive, the bloodiest single battle in American history, begins.


Gustav Stresemann resumes the Weimar Republic's payment of reparations.


1933/0926:USA、「Hey! G-Men」
As gangster Machine Gun Kelly surrenders to the FBI, he shouts out, "Don't shoot, G-Men!", which becomes a nickname for FBI agents.


1937/0926:アメリカのブルウス歌手 Bessie Smith 189437、自動車事故

an American blues singer. Nicknamed the Empress of the Blues, she was the most popular female blues singer of the 1920s and 1930s


1940/0926:歴史の天使の命名者 Walter Benjamin 189240、自殺(暗殺の疑ひも)

ein deutscher Philosoph, Kulturkritiker und Übersetzer der Werke von Honoré de Balzac, Charles Baudelaire und Marcel Proust. Als undogmatisch positionierter Denker und durch die enge Freundschaft zu u. a. Theodor W. Adorno kann er zum assoziierten Wirkungskreis der Frankfurter Schule gerechnet werden.

1940春『歴史の概念について』執筆して、ドイツナチスによる陥落直前のパリを逃れてスペイン國境に近いルルドへ向かふ。八月の始め、非占領地域のマルセイユへ移る。アメリカへの渡航を計画するが、出国ビザが下りず、徒歩でスペインへ向かひ、0926、スペインに入国しようとするがポルボウで拒否され、大量のモルヒネで自殺をはかり、翌日死去。暗殺説も近年囁かれてゐる。ベンヤミンの持ち物のなかに Paul Klee 187940 が描いたこの繪 Angelus Novus があった。

In the essay, Benjamin's famed ninth thesis struggles to reconcile the Idea of Progress in the present with the apparent chaos of the past:
≫ A Klee painting named Angelus Novus shows an angel looking as though he is about to move away from something he is fixedly contemplating. His eyes are staring, his mouth is open, his wings are spread. This is how one pictures the angel of history. His face is turned toward the past. Where we perceive a chain of events, he sees one single catastrophe which keeps piling wreckage upon wreckage and hurls it in front of his feet. The angel would like to stay, awaken the dead, and make whole what has been smashed. But a storm is blowing from Paradise; it has got caught in his wings with such violence that the angel can no longer close them. The storm irresistibly propels him into the future to which his back is turned, while the pile of debris before him grows skyward. This storm is what we call progress.
The final paragraph about the Jewish quest for the Messiah provides a harrowing final point to Benjamin's work, with its themes of culture, destruction, Jewish heritage and the fight between humanity and nihilism. He brings up the interdiction, in some varieties of Judaism, to try to determine the year when the Messiah would come into the world, and points out that this did not make Jews indifferent to the future "for every second of time was the strait gate through which the Messiah might enter."

August Frank(a higher official of the SS concentration camp administration department)issues a memorandum containing a great deal of operational detail in how Jews should be "evacuated".


1944/0926:WWⅡ「Operation Market Garden」
The Operation Market Garden during the WWⅡ for the landing in Northern Brabant and Gelderland must be terminated with the evacuation of the Allied troops unsuccessfully.



On the central front of the Gothic Line Brazilian troops control the Serchio Valley region after 10 days of fighting.


1945/0926:二十世紀の代表的作曲家 Béla Bartók 188145、死去

a Hungarian composer, pianist and an ethnomusicologist. He is considered one of the most important composers of the 20th century;

Béla Bartók died at age 64 in a hospital in New York City from complications of leukemia (specifically, of secondary polycythemia) on 26 September 1945.
His funeral was attended by only ten people. Among them were his wife Ditta, their son Péter, and his pianist friend György Sándor

1945/0926:日本の思想家 三木清189745、獄死



≫ 孤独は山になく、街にある。一人の人間にあるのでなく、大勢の人間の「間」にあるのである。『人生論ノート』(1947)





1946/0926:日本陸軍中將 洪思翊(ホンサイク)188946、戦争責任で刑死


昔より冤死せしものあまたあり われもまたこれに加わらんのみ
くよくよと思ってみても愚痴となり 敗戦罪とあきらむがよし



1947/0926:ドリトル博士の生みの親 Hugh Lofting 188647、死去

a British author, trained as a civil engineer, who created the character of Doctor Dolittle, one of the classics of children's literature.

1950/0926:フランスのシュウルレアリズム画家 Pierre Roy 188050、死去

un peintre français.
Selon Louis Aragon, il est « le plus grand méconnu du surréalisme », et il fut appelé « père du surréalisme » dans la Revue de France, mais lui-même « détestait les groupes et les appartenances ».
Ces tableaux sont des mises en scène d'objets courants, représentés le plus fidèlement possible. Coquillages, légumes et fruits, bobines de laine, épis et graines, œufs, rubans sont assemblés, mélangés pour créer des scènes poétiques.

彼の繪に詩人の Guillaume Apollinaire 188018 が注目し、Giorgio de Chirico 188878 とも相識となった。キリコは彼を André Breton 189666 らのシュウルレアリストに紹介し、シュウルレアリズムに溶けこんでいった。

1950/0926:Korean War
United Nations troops recapture Seoul from North Korean forces.


Indonesia is admitted to the United Nations.


Japanese rail ferry Tōya Maru sinks during a typhoon in the Tsugaru Strait, Japan, killing 1,172.




1956/0926:フランスの歴史家 Lucien Febvre 187856、死去

un historien moderniste français qui a eu une forte influence sur l'évolution de cette discipline, notamment à travers l'École des Annales, revue d'histoire et de sciences sociales qu'il a fondée avec Marc Bloch,



1957/0926:USA、Musical「West Side Story」初演
The premiere of the musical West Side Story takes place at the Winter Garden Theater in New York City. The music comes from Leonard Bernstein, the singing texts of Stephen Sondheim and the book by Arthur Laurents after an idea by the choreographer Jerome Robbins.


Kano River Typhoon is closest to Izu Peninsula, Shizuoka Prefecture. The Kano River flooded.

Typhoon Vera, the strongest typhoon to hit Japan in recorded history, makes landfall, killing 4,580 people and leaving nearly 1.6 million others homeless.


1960/0926:USA「Debate Nixon vs Kennedy」
In Chicago, the first televised debate takes place between presidential candidates Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy.


A coup occurred in Yemen kingdom. Yemen & the Arab Republic (North Yemen) declare the foundation.





1968/0926:Japan「Minamata disease」


1969/0926:Pops「BeatlesAbbey Road
 the last recorded album by The Beatles, is released.

In the UK, Abbey Road is released - the last album recorded jointly by the Beatles. The photo taken by Iain MacMillan on the cover of the album heats the Paul is dead conspiracy theory.

1973/0926:イタリアの女優 Anna Magnani 190873、死去

un'attrice italiana.
Considerata una delle maggiori interpreti femminili della storia, attrice simbolo del cinema italiano, è altresì particolarmente conosciuta per essere stata,


Concorde makes its first non-stop crossing of the Atlantic in record-breaking time.


1978/0926:Japan「Word Processor


At the Oktoberfest terror attack in Munich 13 people die and 211 are injured.


Nolan Ryan sets a Major League record by throwing his fifth no-hitter.


Military officer Stanislav Petrov identifies a report of an incoming nuclear missile as a computer error and not an American first strike.


1983/0926:ヨット「America's Cup」
Australia II wins the America's Cup, ending the New York Yacht Club's 132-year domination of the race.


The United Kingdom and China agree to a transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong, to take place in 1997.


1990/0926:イタリアの代表的作家 Alberto Moravia 190790、死去

uno scrittore, giornalista, saggista, drammaturgo, reporter di viaggio e critico cinematografico italiano.

Considerato uno dei più importanti romanzieri del XX secolo, ha esplorato nelle sue opere i temi della sessualità moderna, dell'alienazione sociale e dell'esistenzialismo.

1996/0926:イギリスの化学者 Geoffrey Wilkinson 192196、死去

a English chemist who pioneered inorganic chemistry and homogeneous transition metal catalysis.

A Garuda Indonesia Airbus A300 crashes near Medan, Indonesia, airport, killing 234.


An earthquake strikes the Italian regions of Umbria and the Marche, causing part of the Basilica of St. Francis at Assisi to collapse.


Anti-globalization protests in Prague (some 20,000 protesters) turn violent during the IMF and World Bank summits.


The MS Express Samina sinks off Paros in the Aegean Sea killing 80 passengers.


2001/0926:Japan プロ野球史上最初にしておそらくは最後となるであらう「代打逆転サヨナラ滿壘&優勝決定ホウムラン」を大阪近鉄バファロウズの北川博敏選手が放つ。



An overcrowded Senegalese ferry, MV Le Joola, capsizes off the coast of the Gambia killing more than 1,000.


2005/0926:USA Female Soldier「Prisoner abuse」
US American soldier Lynndie England is found guilty in six charges for her involvement in torture in the Abu Ghraib prison during the occupation of Iraq after the Iraq war. The following day, she was sentenced to three years' imprisonment.


2006/0926:アメリカのプロゴルファ Byron Nelson 191206、死去

an American professional golfer between 1935 and 1946, one of the greats not only in his day but over the history of the sport.
Nelson and two other legendary champions of the time, Ben Hogan and Sam Snead, were born within seven months of each other in 1912






2008/0926:アメリカの映画俳優 Paul Newman 192508、死去

an American actor, film director, producer, race car driver,


Typhoon Ketsana hits the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, causing 700 fatalities.




2014/0926:Hong Kong、大荒れ
Protests in Hong Kong are escalating with the occupation of parts of the Admiralty city center by demonstrators. The occupations with which the demonstrators want to force democratic reforms will continue until 15 December 2014.


A mass kidnapping occurs in Iguala, Mexico.


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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World