


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 05/07 今日の出來事

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今日は、Ludwig van Beethoven 177027が彼の最後となる九番目の交響曲をウインで初演した日です。1824年五月七日のことです。
さらに歴史暦を捲っていったら、この西歐音楽史上記念すべき傑作が世に出た日の九年後に、 なんとあの(ベトフェンの精神の後を繼ぐことに一生懸命となった)ブラウムJohannes Brahms 183397がドイツで生まれ、 それから七年後には、ロシアにロマン主義の最終ランナーとなったチャイコフスキー Pyotr Tchaikovsky 184093 が生まれてゐました。

ベートーベン の第九、ブラウムスの最後の第四番、そして、チャイコフスキのこれも最後となった第六番の『Pathétique 悲愴』と表題された交響曲。この三つの交響曲は Symphony といふジャンルのなかで私がもっともよく聽いた三曲です、多分。あまり讀めもしない樂譜に目を通しながら、それでも樂譜を見ながら聽いてゐると音樂の細部が立體的に見えてきます。ラヂオだらうが、モノラルだらうが、樂譜が完璧な音場を作りだしてくれます。オウディオセットなんかにこだわるより、安上がりで氣の利いた音樂の聽き方の工夫であったと思ってゐます。

じつは、今日が誕生花とあった「牡丹」について ――


木の芽時の五月病、季節の變はり目は氣の變はり目でもある。 牡丹と云へば、花王とも呼ばれ、その東洋的な豪奢さは漢詩に和歌に俳句に詠まれ續けてきました。
 ―― 牡丹の花に魅惑され、靈感された東洋の文藝や美術の紹介を記事にしようと用意したのですが、まとめあげるには時間がかかりさうなので、後日の事とします。


en Palestine, la révolte juive contre Constantius Gallus éclate.
The Jewish revolt against Constantius Gallus breaks out. After his arrival at Antioch, the Jews begin a rebellion in Palestine.


In Constantinople, the dome of the Hagia Sophia collapses. Justinian I immediately orders that the dome be rebuilt.


草壁皇子尊066289は 天武天皇063086とその皇后で天武天皇崩御後に天皇となった持統天皇064502との皇子であった。特に皇后にとっては唯一の子であり、この子を天皇にするために彼女は苦勞する。といふのも、草壁皇子には大津皇子066386といふ強力な對抗馬があり、晩年の天武天皇大津皇子に心が傾いてゐた。天武天皇崩御の直後、大津皇子は謀反を企て、あへなく失敗(密告により)したと『日本書紀』は記してゐるが、史實は曖昧である。大津皇子が斷罪され「死を賜った」のは事實であるが、それが謀反であったか、皇后の策謀であったか、眞相は不明である ―― といったところを私は『かなしむちから』といふ物語に作ったのであった。生來病弱であったらしい草壁皇子は皇太子のまゝ、母の期待もむなしく、天武天皇大津皇子の死から三年足らずして薨去してしまふ。持統天皇となってゐた皇后はなほを諦めず、草壁の遺児を皇位に就けるべく奮闘する。そして、虚仮の一心、成功させてしまふのである。それが文武天皇068307であり、この祖母から孫といふ異例中の異例の天皇継続を強引に押し通すために「天孫降臨」といふ神話を『日本書紀』『古事記』に捏造させた、とは物語作者となってゐた私の讀解であった。
  日並皇子尊の殯宮の時に、柿本人麻呂の作る歌一首 あはせて短歌 
天地の 初めの時の ひさかたの 天の河原に 八百萬 千萬神の 神集ひ 集ひいまして 神はかり はかりし時に 天照らす 日女の命 天をば 知らしめすと 葦原の 瑞穂の國を 天地の 寄り合ひの極み 知らしめす 神の命と 天雲の 八重かきわけて 神下し いませまつりし 高照らす 日の皇子は 飛鳥の 清御の宮に 神ながら 太敷きまして 天皇の 敷きます國と 天の原 石門を開き 神上り 上りいましぬ 我が大君 皇子の命の 天の下 知らしめしせば 春花の 貴くあらむと 望月の 滿はしけむと 天の下 四方の人の 大船の 思ひ頼みて 天つ水 仰ぎて待つに いかさまに 思ほしめせか つれもなき 眞弓の岡に 宮柱 太敷きいまし 御殿を 高知りまして 朝言に 御言問はさず 日月の 數多くなりぬる そこ故に 皇子の宮人 ゆくへ知らずも 

0973/0507:神聖ロウマ帝國、Otto1死んで Otto2 卽位
Otto II., Mitkaiser seit 967, wird nach dem Tod seines Vaters Otto I. alleiniger Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches.


1104/0507:第一十字軍、In the Battle of Harran,
 the Seljuks conquered a united Crusader Crusader from the Principality of Antioch and the County of Edessa. It is the first major battle against the newly founded states during the First Crusade.



Eine Siedlung am westlichen Alsterufer, welche zuvor von Graf Adolf III. von Schauenburg und Holstein gegründet worden ist, erhält durch einen angeblichen kaiserlichen Freibrief Friedrich Barbarossas weitgehende handels- und stadtrechtliche Privilegien. Dieses Diplom gilt als Gründungsurkunde Hamburgs.

A settlement on the western Alster bank, which was previously founded by Count Adolf III of Schauenburg and Holstein, receives by an alleged imperial charter Friedrich Barbarossas far-reaching commercial and city privileges. This diploma is considered the founding document of Hamburg.

Im von Friedrich I. Barbarossa geführten Dritten Kreuzzug besiegt eine Vorhut der Kreuzfahrer unter Friedrich V. von Schwaben ein Heer der Rum-Seldschuken in der Schlacht bei Philomelion.

In the Third Crusade led by Frederick I Barbarossa, an advance guard of the Crusaders under Frederick V of Swabia defeats an army of Rum-Seljuks in the Battle of Philomelion.

König Wenzel von Böhmen unterzeichnet auf dem Königstein die Oberlausitzer Grenzurkunde, mit der die Grenzen zwischen der zum Königreich Böhmen gehörenden Oberlausitz und den Besitzungen des Bischofs von Meißen definiert werden.


{あ!これ、トロンプルイユ Trompe-l'œil じゃないか(馬の足とか槍先が額から飛びだしてゐる)。いいのを偶然見付けたぞ

Der Kölner Erzbischof Konrad von Hochstaden gesteht Köln das Stapelrecht zu. Alle Waren müssen nunmehr den städtischen Bürgern drei Tage lang angeboten werden, auch die auf dem Rhein transportierten. Der Mülheimer Hafen profitiert vom Umgehen dieser Pflicht.

The Cologne archbishop Konrad von Hochstaden admits Cologne the stack right. All goods must now be offered to urban citizens for three days, including those transported on the Rhine. The Mülheim harbor benefits from bypassing this obligation.


Established Charles University, the oldest in Central Europe, in Prague

After the initial successes of the Venetians, the Genoese decided for themselves the maritime battle at Pola. Both sea republics are fighting for the supremacy in the eastern Mediterranean during the Chioggia War.


Pendant le siège d'Orléans pendant la guerre de Cent Ans la conquête française du dernier lieu par la forteresse britannique réussir Les Tourelles sous Lahire en présence de Jeanne d'Arc.

Joan of Arc ends the Siege of Orléans, pulling an arrow from her own shoulder and returning, wounded, to lead the final charge. The victory marks a turning point in the Hundred Years' War.

1463 /0507:フランスのツウルウズで大火事
Grand incendie de Toulouse.


The Siege of Málaga commences during the Spanish Reconquista.


Mit dem Neubrandenburger Hausvertrag wird die Teilung Mecklenburgs in Mecklenburg-Güstrow unter Albrecht VII. und Mecklenburg-Schwerin unter Heinrich V. festgelegt.

Das Herzogtum Mecklenburg wird aber immer noch als einheitliches Ganzes gesehen.

Im Deutschen Bauernkrieg nehmen Aufständische unter der Leitung von Götz von Berlichingen die Stadt Würzburg ein, die Festung Marienberg widersteht dem Landvolk.

In the German Peasants' War, insurgents under the leadership of Götz von Berlichingen take over the city of Würzburg, while the fortress Marienberg resists the country people.

1560 /0507:フランス王、ロモランタンの勅令により
Par l'édit de Romorantin, François II accepte le culte des protestants et repousse l'Inquisition.

By the Edict of Romorantin, Francis II accepted the cult of Protestants and rejected the Inquisition.


文祿役:1592文祿01(萬暦20, 宣祖25)に始まって翌年に休戰。
慶長役:1598慶長03(萬暦26, 宣祖31)、秀吉の死で日本軍撤収で終結

Louis XIV of France begins construction of the Palace of Versailles.


1685/0507:トルコあたりで「Battle of Vrtijeljka」
between rebels and Ottoman forces.


1711/0507:經驗論の思想家 David Hume 171176、誕生

a Scottish philosopher, historian, economist, and essayist, who is best known today for his highly influential system of philosophical empiricism, skepticism, and naturalism.
Hume's empiricist approach to philosophy places him with John Locke, Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes as a British Empiricist. Beginning with his A Treatise of Human Nature (1739), Hume strove to create a total naturalistic science of man that examined the psychological basis of human nature.
 Against philosophical rationalists, Hume held that passion rather than reason governs human behaviour. Hume argued against the existence of innate ideas, positing that all human knowledge is founded solely in experience; Hume thus held that genuine knowledge must either be directly traceable to objects perceived in experience, or result from abstract reasoning about relations between ideas which are derived from experience, calling the rest "nothing but sophistry and illusion",[4] a dichotomy later given the name Hume's fork. David Hume, Scottish economist, historian, and philosopher (d. 1776)



He was a finished person in British empirical theory philosophy, he was known as a historian and a philosopher before his life.

Stockholm's royal castle is destroyed by fire. It is replaced in the 18th century by the current Royal Palace.


1718/0507:アメリカ、NewOrleans 創立

The city of New Orleans is founded by Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville.
Le Français Jean-colonist Baptiste Le Moyne a fondé une ville sur le Mississippi et renomme en l'honneur de Philippe Charles d'Orléans, duc d'Orléans, La Nouvelle-Orléans, la Nouvelle-Orléans aujourd'hui ..

1748/0507:フランス革命の犠牲者 Olympe de Gouges 174898、誕生

une femme de lettres française, devenue femme politique.
Elle est considérée comme une des pionnières du féminisme français. Auteur de la Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne, elle a laissé de nombreux écrits en faveur des droits civils et politiques des femmes et de l’abolition de l'esclavage des Noirs. Elle est souvent prise pour emblème par les mouvements pour la libération des femmes.



1774/0507:アイルランド 水路学者 Francis Beaufort 177457、誕生

an Irish hydrographer and officer in the Royal Navy. Beaufort was the creator of the Beaufort Scale for indicating wind force.


1763/0507:アメリカインディアンの鬪爭「Pontiac's War」
 begins with Pontiac's attempt to seize Fort Detroit from the British.

With an unsuccessful attack on Fort Detroit, the Pontiac insurrection, a large revolt of several Indian tribes under Ottawa chief Pontiac, begins against the British colonial rule on the Great Lakes.

Révolution française: Robespierre introduit le Culte de l'être suprême dans la Convention nationale comme nouvelle religion d'état de la Première République française.

1795/0507:Antoine Quentin Fouquier de Tinville 174695、処刑

Antoine Quentin Fouquier de Tinville, dit Antoine Fouquier-Tinville, est un homme de loi et révolutionnaire français, accusateur public du Tribunal révolutionnaire.

Il est l'accusateur public aux procès
de Charlotte Corday, (17 juillet 1793),
de la reine Marie-Antoinette, (23-25 vendémiaire an II, 14-16 octobre 1793),
des Girondins, (3-9 brumaire an II, 24-30 octobre 1793),
de Barnave (7-8 frimaire an II, 27-28 novembre 1793),
de Madame du Barry (16-17 frimaire an II, 6-7 décembre 1793),
des Hébertistes, (1er-4 germinal an II, 21-24 mars 1794),
des Dantonistes (13-16 germinal an II, 2-5 avril 1794),
d'Elisabeth, sœur de Louis XVI,
du comte et de la comtesse de Sérilly et de leur famille (21 floréal An II, 10 mai 1794) ou encore des Carmélites de Compiègne (29 messidor an II, 17 juillet 1794).
C'est toujours lui qui, après le 9 thermidor, procède à la reconnaissance d'identité des rebelles mis hors-la-loi Robespierre, Saint-Just et Couthon avant leur envoi à la guillotine.
Ainsi, durant les dix-sept mois qu'il occupa ce siège d'accusateur public, Fouquier-Tinville a requis et obtenu la mort de plus de deux mille personnes. ↓

Portrait pris sur le vif de Fouquier Tinville pendant son procès, par Vivant Denon

Ramené à la Conciergerie, Fouquier-Tinville écrivit ces dernières lignes : « Je n'ai rien à me reprocher : je me suis toujours conformé aux lois, je n'ai jamais été la créature de Robespierre ni de Saint-Just ; au contraire, j'ai été sur le point d'être arrêté quatre fois. Je meurs pour ma patrie et sans reproche. Je suis satisfait : plus tard, on reconnaîtra mon innocence ».
Son exécution eut lieu le lendemain matin, place de Grève.
Il fut le dernier guillotiné des seize condamnés à mort.

テルミドル後、革命裁判所は一新され、役人や判事は罷免された。間もなく彼は被害者の遺族に告発されて逮捕された。裁判では、自分の無実を信じて「単に命令に忠実な役人として行動したに過ぎない」と主張したが認められず、1795年5月7日に元裁判長マルティアル J アルマン エルマンや元判事らとともに処刑された。

US President John Adams signs a law which, as part of the Northwest Territory, marks Indiana territory as the territory of the United States. The Act shall enter into force on 4 July.


L'empereur français Napoleon Bonaparte a affirmé à Vienne, le pape Pie VII avait cessé comme un souverain laïque pour gouverner, et annexé les États pontificaux ..



1812/0507:Robert Browning 181289、誕生

an English poet and playwright whose mastery of the dramatic monologue made him one of the foremost Victorian poets.
His poems are known for their irony, characterization, dark humour, social commentary, historical settings, and challenging vocabulary and syntax.

When Browning died in 1889, he was regarded as a sage and philosopher-poet who through his writing had made contributions to Victorian social and political discourse. 

"God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.


World premiere of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony in Vienna, Austria. The performance is conducted by Michael Umlauf under the composer's supervision.

Der völlig ertaubte Ludwig van Beethoven dirigiert gemeinsam mit Michael Umlauf im Theater am Kärntnertor in Wien die Uraufführung seiner 9. Sinfonie. Die Gesangsparts werden von Henriette Sontag (Sopran), Caroline Unger (Alt), Anton Haizinger (Tenor) und Joseph Seipelt (Bariton) dargeboten. Das Werk ruft frenetischen Jubel beim Publikum hervor.


この作品を稀代の名作として認めさせたのは Richard Wagner 181383 であった。

≫ 不幸のさなかにあつても私の生活は王者のものであつた。その生活の核心は高貴 ―― 端金は求めず、星を求むる生活であつた。Ludwig van Beethoven 177027

1833/0507:ドイツの作曲家 Johannes Brahms 183397、生



1840/0507:ロシア 作曲家 Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 184093、生



1840/0507:ドイツロマン派 Caspar David Friedrich 177440、死去

ein deutscher Maler, Grafiker und Zeichner.
 Er gilt heute als der bedeutendste Künstler der deutschen Frühromantik.
 Mit seinen auf die Wirkungsästhetik ausgerichteten, konstruierten Bilderfindungen, die den geläufigen Vorstellungen einer romantischen Malerei als gefühlige Ausdruckskunst widersprechen, leistete er einen originären Beitrag zur modernen Kunst.
 In den Hauptwerken Friedrichs wird in revolutionärer Weise der Bruch mit den Traditionen der Landschaftsmalerei von Barock und Klassizismus vollzogen. Der Themen- und Motivkanon dieser Bilder vereinigt Landschaft und Religion vorzugsweise zu Allegorien von Einsamkeit, Tod, Jenseitsvorstellungen und Erlösungshoffnungen. Friedrichs von Melancholie geprägtes Welt- und Selbstverständnis wird als exemplarisch für das Künstlerbild in der Epoche der Romantik gesehen.



 Arnold Böcklin 182701 の『死の島』を想起してしまったが、

1840/0507:USA、Great Natchez Tornado
 strikes Natchez, Mississippi killing 317 people.

It is the second deadliest tornado in United States history.

1841/0507:Gustave Le Bon 184131、誕生

un médecin, anthropologue, psychologue social et sociologue français.
Esprit universel, polygraphe, intervenant dans des domaines variés, il est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages dans lesquels il aborde le désordre comportemental et la psychologie des foules.
Le Bon reste une personnalité controversée. D’une part, à une époque où la méthode devient importante, son « amateurisme » gêne ses contemporains tels que Durkheim, sans que cela ait vraiment d’influence sur son début de carrière. D’autre part, Le Bon dégage une image pseudo-raciste, qui renvoie à « l’idéologie coloniale de son époque1 ».
Il avait des tendances anticléricales et compte au nombre des anti-colonisateurs.


 1881, L'homme et les sociétés
 1894, Les Lois psychologiques de l'évolution des peuples
 1895, La psychologie des foules
 1896, Psychologie du socialisme

1861/0507:インドの文豪 Rabindranath Tagore 186141、誕生

a Bengali polymath who reshaped Bengali literature and music, as well as Indian art with Contextual Modernism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
 Author of Gitanjali and its "profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful verse", he became in 1913 the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Tagore's poetic songs were viewed as spiritual and mercurial; however, his "elegant prose and magical poetry" remain largely unknown outside Bengal. He is sometimes referred to as "the Bard of Bengal".


American Civil War: The Army of the Potomac, under General Ulysses S. Grant, breaks off from the Battle of the Wilderness and moves southwards.


Eighty-five Indian members (sepoys) of the British garrison in Merath, British India, refuse to use the new Enfield rifle, which has been rumored to have processed beef tallow and lard. Her harsh punishment two days later leads to the Sepoy uprising, which will last until 1858.


Der Tübinger Student Ferdinand Cohen-Blind verübt auf der Straße Unter den Linden in Berlin ein Attentat auf Otto von Bismarck, um den drohenden Bruderkrieg gegen Österreich abzuwenden. Bismarck wird kaum verletzt und entwaffnet den Attentäter anschließend selbst. Dieser begeht in der Nacht im Polizeigewahrsam Selbstmord.



In London, the second London conference begins with the participation of representatives of the great powers of Great Britain, France, Prussia and Russia. The aim is to overcome the Luxembourg crisis between the French Emperor Napoleon III. And the Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck.


1873/0507:天皇機關説 美濃部達吉187348、誕生

Minobe Tatsukichi was a Japanese statesman and scholar of constitutional law.
His interpretation of the role of the monarchy in the pre-war Empire of Japan was a source of considerable controversy in the increasingly radicalized political environment of Japan in the 1930s.


The Japanese envoy Enomoto Takeaki concludes with the Russian government the Treaty of Saint Petersburg /05 The island of Sakhalin becomes a complete Russian state territory. In return, Japan receives all Kuril Islands north of the 1855 treaty negotiated by Shimoda.


1892/0507:ユウゴスラビア独裁者 Josip Broz Tito 189280、誕生

a Yugoslav communist revolutionary and political leader, serving in various roles from 1943 until his death in 1980.
During World War II, he was the leader of the Partisans, often regarded as the most effective resistance movement in occupied Europe.
 While his presidency has been criticized as authoritarian and concerns about the repression of political opponents have been raised, some historians consider him a benevolent dictator.
He was a popular public figure both in Yugoslavia and abroad. Viewed as a unifying symbol, his internal policies maintained the peaceful coexistence of the nations of the Yugoslav federation.
 He gained further international attention as the chief leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, alongside Jawaharlal Nehru of India, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Sukarno of Indonesia, and Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana.

In Saint Petersburg, Russian scientist Alexander Stepanovich Popov demonstrates to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society his invention, the Popov lightning detector — a primitive radio receiver. In some parts of the former Soviet Union the anniversary of this day is celebrated as Radio Day.


1901/0507:USA 映画男優 Gary Cooper 190161、誕生

an American film actor known for his natural, authentic, and understated acting style and screen performances.
 His career spanned thirty-six years, from 1925 to 1961, and included leading roles in eighty-four feature films. He was a major movie star from the end of the silent film era through to the end of the golden age of Classical Hollywood.
 His screen persona appealed strongly to both men and women, and his range of performances included roles in most major film genres.
 Cooper's ability to project his own personality onto the characters he played contributed to his natural and authentic appearance on screen.
 Throughout his career, he sustained a screen persona that represented the ideal American hero.


1909/0507:ポラロイド創業 Edwin Herbert Land 190991、誕生

an American scientist and inventor, best known as the co-founder of the Polaroid Corporation.
 He invented inexpensive filters for polarizing light, a practical system of in-camera instant photography, and the retinex theory of color vision, among other things. His Polaroid instant camera went on sale in late 1948 and made it possible for a picture to be taken and developed in 60 seconds or less.

In 1932, he established the Land-Wheelwright Laboratories together with his Harvard physics instructor, George Wheelwright, to commercialize his polarizing technology. The company was renamed the Polaroid Corporation in 1937.

1970年代に入ると色覚恒常と呼ばれる現象を説明するレチネックス理論を提唱。色覚恒常のデモンストレイションを行ったことで、一般にその概念を広めた。また拡散転写法天然色写真術を完成させ、1972年、非剥離式拡散転写印画法の SX-70 として製品化した。

German submarine U-20 sinks RMS Lusitania, killing 1,198 people, including 128 Americans. Public reaction to the sinking turns many formerly pro-Germans in the United States against the German Empire

Bei der Versenkung des britischen Passagier- und Frachtschiffs RMS Lusitania durch das deutsche U-Boot U-20 vor der Küste Irlands sterben 1195 Menschen. Da sich 128 US-amerikanische Staatsangehörige unter den Todesopfern befinden, kommt es zu einer diplomatischen Krise zwischen dem Deutschen Reich und den Vereinigten Staaten.

Japanese 21 Demands Ultimatum to China (Commemorated as National Day of Humiliation)


1919/0507:アルゼンチンのエビタ Eva Perón 191952、誕生

María Eva Duarte de Perón, más conocida como Eva Perón o Evita, fue una dirigente política y actriz argentina.
 Se casó con Juan Domingo Perón en 1945 y tras la asunción de este como presidente de la Nación Argentina el año siguiente, Duarte se convirtió en primera dama.
Fue presidenta del Partido Peronista Femenino, presidenta de la Fundación Eva Perón y fue declarada oficialmente "Jefa Espiritual de la Nación" en 1952.

en 1939.


In Versailles erhält die deutsche Delegation den Entwurf des Friedensvertrages der Alliierten zur Beendigung des Ersten Weltkriegs ausgehändigt. Die quasi unabänderbaren Vertragsbedingungen bewirken im Juni den geschlossenen Rücktritt des Kabinetts Scheidemann.

1920/0507:中欧、Kiev Offensive:
Polish troops led by Józef Piłsudski and Edward Rydz-Śmigły and assisted by a symbolic Ukrainian force capture Kiev only to be driven out by the Red Army counter-offensive a month later.


1920/0507:ソ連中欧對策「Treaty of Moscow」
Soviet Russia recognizes the independence of the Democratic Republic of Georgia only to invade the country six months later.


1920/0507:Torontoで Art Gallery of Ontario opens
the first exhibition by the Group of Seven.

Mit einem großen Fest wird das Deutsche Museum auf der Kohleninsel in München eröffnet, die aus diesem Grund den Namen Museumsinsel erhält. Gerhart Hauptmann hat eigens das Stück Festaktus zur Eröffnung des Deutschen Museums in München für den Anlass verfasst.

1925/0507:ロシア的怪人 Boris Savinkov 187925、死去

Борис Викторович Савинков、революционер, террорист, российский политический деятель — один из лидеров партии эсеров, руководитель Боевой организации партии эсеров. Участник Белого движения, писатель (прозаик, поэт, публицист, мемуарист; литературный псевдоним — В. Ропшин).

un écrivain et un révolutionnaire russe, l'un des dirigeants de l'Organisation de combat des SR, la « Brigade terroriste » du Parti socialiste révolutionnaire.
Comme beaucoup de révolutionnaires partisans de la violence, il avait pris un pseudonyme : Viktor Ropchine

a Russian writer and revolutionary. As one of the leaders of the Fighting Organisation of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, he was responsible for the assassinations of several high-ranking imperial officials in 1904 and 1905. After the February Revolution of 1917, he became Assistant War Minister in the Provisional Government. After the October Revolution of the same year, he organized armed resistance against the ruling Bolsheviks. Savinkov emigrated in 1920, but in 1924 he was lured back to the Soviet Union, was arrested and either was killed in prison or committed suicide.

Boris Sawinkow (links, gekennzeichnet mit einem Kreuz) während des gegen ihn gerichteten Prozesses in Moskau. (Zwischen dem 16. August und dem 29. August 1924)

The Jinan incident begins with Japanese forces killing the Chinese negotiating team in Jinan, China, and going on to kill over 2,000 Chinese civilians in the following days.

{事件の經過については、日本語の Wikipedia ではかうなっている。


The 7.1 Mw Salmas earthquake shakes northwestern Iran and southeastern Turkey with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). Up to three-thousand people were killed.




1937/0507:Spanish Civil War、ドイツ、フランコを支援
The German Condor Legion, equipped with Heinkel He 51 biplanes, arrives in Spain to assist Francisco Franco's forces.


1941/0507:『金枝篇』の James George Frazer 185441、死去

a Scottish social anthropologist influential in the early stages of the modern studies of mythology and comparative religion.
He is often considered one of the founding fathers of modern anthropology. His most famous work, The Golden Bough (1890), documents and details the similarities among magical and religious beliefs around the globe.
Frazer posited that human belief progressed through three stages: primitive magic, replaced by religion, in turn replaced by science.



Hagimoto Kin'ichi、Japanese comedian. He is active as a stage performer, emcee,

During the Battle of the Coral Sea, United States Navy aircraft carrier aircraft attack and sink the Imperial Japanese Navy light aircraft carrier Shōhō; the battle marks the first time in the naval history that two enemy fleets fight without visual contact between warring ships.


Der entmachtete deutsche Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring begibt sich auf der Flucht vor der Roten Armee am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs im Salzburger Pinzgau in die Gefangenschaft der 7. US-Armee.


General Alfred Jodl signs unconditional surrender terms at Reims, France, ending Germany's participation in the war. The document takes effect the next day.


Dwight D Eisenhower 189069
Alfred Josef Ferdinand Jodl 189046

Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering (later renamed Sony) is founded with around 20 employees.


1948/0507:Council of Europe、創設
The Council of Europe is founded during the Hague Congress.


The concept of the integrated circuit, the basis for all modern computers, is first published by Geoffrey Dummer.


In the GDR the Russian leader Josef Stalin, who died in March, was honored with the appointment of Stalinstadt. After the de-Stalinization, the place was named in Eisenhüttenstadt in 1961.


1954/0507:Indochina War「Battle of Dien Bien Phu」ends
 in a French defeat and a Vietnamese victory (the battle began on March 13).

1954/05 The surrender of the French garrison ệiện Biên Phủ under Christian Marie de Castries sealed the defeat of the French troops against the Việt Minh under Võ Nguyên Giáp in the Battle of ệiện Biên Phủ and initiated the end of the Indochinian War.


1956/0507:ドイツ 建築家 Josef Hoffmann 187056、死去

Josef Franz Maria Hoffmann war ein österreichischer Architekt und Designer. Mit Koloman Moser war er Gründungsmitglied und einer der Hauptvertreter der Wiener Werkstätte. an Austrian architect and designer of consumer goods who co-established Wiener Werkstätte.

Kubus-Fauteuil (1910)


Sanatorium Purkersdorf 


1960/0507:Cold War: U-2 Crisis of 1960:
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev announces that his nation is holding American U-2 pilot Gary Powers.


1964/0507:日本の海軍人で外交官 野村吉三郎187764、死去

Nomura Kichisaburō was an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy and was the ambassador to the United States at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor.






Edvard Munch's iconic painting The Scream is recovered undamaged after being stolen from the National Gallery of Norway in February.
Le Cri, célèbre tableau d'Edvard Munch, est retrouvé intact après avoir été égaré par la Galerie nationale de Norvège en février.


1998/0507:CTスキャナ開発 Allan McLeod Cormack 192498、死去

a South African American physicist who won the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (along with Godfrey Hounsfield) for his work on X-ray computed tomography (CT).

Cormack became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1966. Although he was mainly working on particle physics, Cormack's side interest in x-ray technology led him to develop the theoretical underpinnings of CT scanning.
This work was initiated at the University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital in early 1956 and continued briefly in mid-1957 after returning from his sabbatical. His results were subsequently published in two papers in the Journal of Applied Physics in 1963 and 1964.
These papers generated little interest until Hounsfield and colleagues built the first CT scanner in 1971, taking Cormack's theoretical calculations into a real applicatio

Mercedes-Benz buys Chrysler for US$40 billion USD and forms DaimlerChrysler in the largest industrial merger in history.


1999/0507:Kosovo War、NATO軍による誤爆
Three Chinese citizens are killed and 20 wounded when a NATO aircraft apparently inadvertently bombs the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Serbia.


Vladimir Putin is inaugurated as president of Russia.


American businessman Nick Berg, is beheaded by Islamic militants. The act is recorded on videotape and released on the Internet.


2004/0507:トルコの EU 加盟
Surprisingly swiftly changed constitutional changes in Turkey are supposed to increase the chances for negotiations on a later EU accession. Among other things, the death penalty is abolished in all cases.


2009/0507:EU、Eastern Partnership
The European Union signs an "Eastern Partnership" with the states of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus at the Prague Founding Assembly.




Israeli archaeologists discover the tomb of Herod the Great south of Jerusalem.




2011/0507:プロゴルファ Severiano Ballesteros 195711、死去

un golfista profesional español, poseedor de uno de los mejores palmareses de la historia del golf y es considerado como uno de los mejores jugadores europeos de la historia.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World