


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 03/28 今日の出來事

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今の日本を、日本人を見てゐると心底さう思はれてくる。國内の、云はば小さなコップのなかの騷動に国会が、報道が、そして國民がその事一つに熱中して、今、日本のすぐ近くで暴發寸前に醸成されてゐる狀況については「見ざる聞かざる云はざる」のノウテンキぶり。トグロを巻いたウンチを囲んで、背中を丸めて興味津々、その背中をドンと揺すぶる衝撃波、 ―― ま、さうなってみないと慌てない、慌てられないのが日本人だけど、ほんたうに心底心配になってきます。


the Swiss people begin their migration (see war of the Gauls).

 Première apparition des Vikings aux portes de Paris, début du siège de la ville.

In the Battle of Ferrybridge during the Wars of the Roses for the English throne, Yorkists and Lancastrians break up without a decision. Already the next day the battle of Towton takes place.

1515/0328:スペイン 聖女 Teresia Abulensis 151582、誕生

Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, más conocida como Santa Teresa de Jesús o simplemente Santa Teresa de Ávila fue una monja, fundadora de la Orden de Carmelitas Descalzos —rama de la Orden de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo—, mística y escritora española.

1584/0328:ロシアの雷帝 Ivan IV Vasilyevich 、崩去

(Иван Грозный / Ivan Groznyi)
Sire, the Grand Duke of Moscow and All Russia since 1533, the first tsar of all Russia (since 1547, except 1575-1576, when "the Grand Duke of All Russia" was nominally Simeon Bekbulatovich).
the Grand Prince of Moscow from 1533 to 1547, then Tsar of All the Russias until his death in 1584. The last title was used by all his successors.

{彼のことについては、私は Sergueï Eisenstein 189848 の映画でよく識ったつもりでゐます。そして、イヴァンこそがロシア人の本性(信仰深さと殘忍さなど)を作りだしたやうな氣がしてゐます。

1592/0328:學校教育の思想家 John Amos Comenius 159270、誕生

is considered the father of modern education.
Comenius was a Czech philosopher, pedagogue and theologian from the Margraviate of Moravia.
He served as the last bishop of Unity of the Brethren and became a religious refugee and one of the earliest champions of universal education, a concept eventually set forth in his book Didactica Magna.
As an educator and theologian, he led schools and advised governments across Protestant Europe through the middle of the seventeenth century.



The Marathas under Baji Rao I attack and defeat the Mughals in the Battle of Delhi

1750/0328:南米初の獨立革命家 Francisco de Miranda 175016、誕生

Sebastián Francisco de Miranda y Rodríguez, conocido como Francisco de Miranda fue un político, militar, diplomático, escritor, humanista e ideólogo, español y venezolano, considerado El Precursor de la Emancipación Americana contra el Imperio español.

He is also considered a pioneer of Simón Bolívar 178330. Miranda aimed at independence from Spanish empire and integration of Ispano America but failed, caught in Spain in 1812 and died in prison in 1816.

1757/0328:フランス王暗殺者 Robert-François Damiens 171557、処刑

Robert François Damiens ou Damier, né le 9 janvier 1715 à La Thieuloye, près d'Arras (Pas-de-Calais) et mort le 28 mars 1757 à Paris, condamné par la Justice pour avoir tenté d'assassiner le roi Louis XV, fut la dernière personne, en France, à subir l'écartèlement, supplice réservé au régicide sous l'Ancien Régime.


Juan Bautista de Anza finds the site for the Presidio of San Francisco.

The Spaniard Juan Bautista de Anza is the first European to reach the Bay of San Francisco by land with his expedition and hoists the Spanish flag at what is now Fort Point to incorporate the area into the viceroyalty of New Spain. As a result, he begins with the construction of a military base with mission station.

1795/0328:Partitions of Poland:
 The Duchy of Courland and Semigallia, a northern fief of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, ceases to exist and becomes part of Imperial Russia.


The American Nathaniel Briggs receives the first US patent for a washing machine. His invention resembles a washboard with a crank.

A 1876 advertisement published in Argentina.


1799/0328:バセドウ病發見 Carl von Basedow 179954、誕生

ein deutscher Arzt. Discovery of Graves' disease.


 Signature du traité de Florence.

 un traité signé entre la France et le royaume de Naples le 28 mars 1801 mettant fin aux hostilités entre ces deux nations durant la guerre de la Deuxième Coalition.

Der deutsche Astronom H.W.Olbers entdeckt den Asteroiden Pallas, den er zunächst als Planeten einstuft.

Heinrich Wilhelm Matthäus Olbers discovers 2 Pallas, the second asteroid ever to be discovered.

2 Pallas orbit with inner solar system and positions on Jan 1, 2018

1809/0328:フランスvsスペイン「Peninsular War」
 France defeats Spain in the Battle of Medellín.

1814/0328:War of 1812: In the Battle of Valparaíso,
 two American naval vessels are captured by two Royal Navy vessels of equal strength.

The US frigate Essex is being fought during the British-American War after a successful Pacific pirate haul in Chilean territorial waters by a British frigate band, Phoebe and Sloop Cherub, and has to surrender after a lossy battle.

1820/0328:フランス&オランダ「Traité de Courtrai
 fixant la frontière entre la France et les Pays-Bas (devenue depuis la frontière entre la France et la Belgique).

First concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, founded by Otto Nicolai.

Am Ostermontag begründet Hofkapellmeister Otto Nicolai mit dem Wiener Hofopernorchester die Tradition der Philharmonischen Konzerte.

1854/0328:Crimean War:
 France and Britain declare war on Russia.

Great Britain and France declare war on Russia under Tsar Nicholas I, having already signed a war aid agreement with the Ottoman Empire in the Crimean War on 12th March.

1860/0328:First Taranaki War: Battle of Waireka begins.


1862/0328:American Civil War:
 In the Battle of Glorieta Pass, Union forces stop the Confederate invasion of the New Mexico Territory. The battle began on March 26.

On the third day of the Battle of the Glorieta Pass, the Union forces of the Northern States succeed in destroying the supply of the already confident Confederate Army. This will stop the Confederate's advance into the New Mexico Territory and decide on the New Mexico campaign of the American Civil War for the Union.

1868/0328:ロシアソ連の作家 Maxime Gorki 186838、誕生

(Алексей Максимович Пешков)
русский и советский писатель, прозаик, драматург. Один из самых значительных и известных в мире русских писателей и мыслителей.



1871/0328:オランダの指揮者 Willem Mengelberg 187151、誕生

ein niederländischer Dirigent und Komponist.

La Commune de Paris est officiellement établie à Paris.

The Paris Commune is formally established in Paris.


1881/0328:ロシア作曲家 Modeste Moussorgski 183981、死去

(Модeст Петрович Мусоргский), compositeur russe
русский композитор, член «Могучей кучки».

И. Е. Репин. Портрет композитора М. П. Мусоргского

Paul Carl Beiersdorf receives the patent for the production of painted plaster. This is considered the founding date of Beiersdorf AG.

1883/0328:中國[清]「Tonkin Campaign」
 French victory in the Battle of Gia Cuc.

 In Berlin wird unter Federführung von Carl Peters die Gesellschaft für deutsche Kolonisation mit dem Ziel gegründet, in Ostafrika deutsche Ackerbau- und Handelskolonien zu gründen.


Jin Yujun was assassinated by an assassin sent by the North Korean government in Shanghai.



Sven Hedin 186552 により古代の東西を結んだ Silk Road の遺跡が発見される。この年、彼は古代都市の桜蘭と干上がったオプノウルの湖床を發見「さまよへる湖」を直觀した。

{私だって ―― もっと規模壯大に、古今東西、世界史のタイムトラヴェルだ。


1902/0328:日本 落語家 三代目桂三木助190261、誕生


彼は当時まではとりわけて注目もされていなかった 三遊亭園朝183900 の作とされる『芝濱』を独自に掘り下げ、練り上げて名作に仕上げた。

Henri Fabre, pionnier de l'aviation française, réussit à Marseille le premier vol avec hydravion. Au second essai, il vole avec Hydravion à environ 600 mètres.

Henri Fabre becomes the first person to fly a seaplane, the Fabre Hydravion, after taking off from a water runway near Martigues, France.


Onoe Shōroku, un acteur japonais qui fut l'un des plus importants interprètes de pièces classiques de kabuki.

1913/0328:山口組三代目 田岡一雄191381、誕生

Taoka Kazuo was one of the most prominent yakuza godfathers.
Known as the "Godfather of Godfathers", Taoka was third kumicho of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Japan's largest yakuza organization, from 1946 to 1981.

1914/0328:チェコ 作家 Bohumil Hrabal 191497、誕生

a Czech writer, regarded by many Czechs as one of the best writers of the 20th century.

1920/0328:Palm Sunday tornado
 outbreak of 1920 affects the Great Lakes region and Deep South states.


1921/0328:イギリス映画男優 Dirk Bogarde 192199、誕生

Sir Derek Jules Gaspard Ulric Niven van den Bogaerde
a British actor and writer who recorded numerous theatrical hits between the 1950s and 1970s.
As a highlight of his acting career, he considered his starring role in Death in Venice (1971) by Luchino Visconti 190676.


1928/0328:フランス 数学者 Alexandre Grothendieck 192614、誕生

Il est resté longtemps apatride tout en vivant principalement en France ; il obtient la nationalité française en 1971.
Il est considéré comme le refondateur de la géométrie algébrique et, à ce titre, comme l'un des plus grands mathématiciens du XXe siècle.
Il était connu pour son intuition extraordinaire et sa capacité de travail exceptionnelle. La médaille Fields lui a été décernée en 1966.


1930/0328:日本のキリスト者 内村鑑三186130、死去

Uchimura Kanzō was a Japanese author, Christian evangelist, and the founder of the Nonchurch Movement (Mukyōkai) of Christianity in the Meiji and Taishō period Japan.
He is often considered to be the most well-known Japanese pre-World War II pacifist.

Constantinople is officially named Istanbul after the city has long been known to the population as such. Furthermore, the capital Angora is now referred to as Ankara.


The Republic of China's National Army launched the "second round of reclamation" to the Red Army

1934/0328:USA 環境學者 Lester Russel Brown 1934--、誕生

He is a United States environmental analyst, founder of the Worldwatch Institute, and founder and former president of the Earth Policy Institute, a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, D.C.
The Washington Post reported him as "one of the most influential thinkers in the world."

 Der Propagandafilm Triumph des Willens von Leni Riefenstahl über den Reichsparteitag der NSDAP vom Vorjahr hat in Berlin Premiere.

The propaganda film Triumph of the Will of Leni Riefenstahl on the Reich Party Rally of the NSDAP from the previous year has its premiere in Berlin.

1936/0328:ペルの作家 Mario Vargas Llosa 1936--、誕生

un escritor peruano que cuenta también con la nacionalidad española desde 1993. Considerado uno de los más importantes novelistas y ensayistas contemporáneos,

Adolf Hitler weist bei einem Gespräch den Führer der Sudetendeutschen Partei, Konrad Henlein, an, der tschechoslowakischen Regierung gegenüber Forderungen zu erheben, denen sie nicht entsprechen kann. Die angeschürte Krise über das Sudetenland endet im Herbst im Münchner Abkommen.

In a conversation Adolf Hitler instructs the leader of the Sudeten German party, Konrad Henlein, to make demands on the Czechoslovak government which she can not comply with. The stoked crisis over the Sudetenland ends in the autumn in the Munich Agreement.


The Republic of China Reform Government was established in Nanjing.

Rendición de Madrid a las fuerzas del General Franco.

Francisco Franco conquers the Spanish capital of Madrid with the help of the "fifth column" and thus ends the civil war in the country. Spain is henceforth completely under the control of the Francoist regime.


1941/0328:イギリス 作家 Virginia Woolf 188241、入水自殺

an English writer who is considered one of the foremost modernists of the twentieth century and a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device. Born in an affluent household in Kensington, London, she attended the King's College London and was acquainted with the early reformers of women's higher education.

Virginia Woolf et sa sœur Vanessa jouant au cricket.


 Britain's Mediterranean Fleet sinks three heavy cruisers and two destroyers of Italy's Regia Marina.

1942/0328:USA 思想家 Daniel Dennett 1942--、誕生

American philosopher, writer, and cognitive scientist whose research centers on the philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and philosophy of biology, particularly as those fields relate to evolutionary biology and cognitive science.

 A British combined force permanently disables the Louis Joubert Lock in Saint-Nazaire in order to keep the German battleship Tirpitz away from the mid-ocean convoy lanes.

 Naissance des Francs-tireurs et partisans (FTP).

1943/0328:ロシア 音樂家 Sergueï Rachmaninov 187343、死去

(Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов)русский композитор, пианист, дирижёр.
, compositeur et pianiste russe

1946/0328:Cold War:
 The United States Department of State releases the Acheson–Lilienthal Report, outlining a plan for the international control of nuclear power.

{Hot な戰爭が終ったら、今度は Cold な戰爭が始まる。

1951/0328:First Indochina War:
 In the Battle of Mạo Khê, French Union forces, led by World War II hero Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, inflict a defeat on Việt Minh forces commanded by General Võ Nguyên Giáp.


In 1959: Zhou Enlai, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, signed the State Council order to dissolve the Tibetan local government (Gaoxia). The Tibet Autonomous Region's preparatory committee exercised the authority of the Tibetan local government and called on the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet to quell the rebellion while implementing democratic reforms.
The State Council of the People's Republic of China dissolves the government of Tibet.



Alfred Hitchcock's movie The Birds Commences in the Cinemas of the USA.


On Good Friday, an earthquake off Alaska triggers a tsunami all over the US West Coast. There are 107 deaths in Alaska, four in Oregon, and eleven in California.

After an earthquake, the dam breaks at El Cobre, Chile. At the dam break, the city is buried, at least 200 people are killed.

Brazilian high school student Edson Luís de Lima Souto is killed by military police at a protest for cheaper meals at a restaurant for low-income students.


1969/0328:US大統領 Dwight David Eisenhower 189069、死去

an American Army general and statesman who served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961.

An earthquake strikes western Turkey at about 23:05 local time, killing 1,086 and injuring 1,260.

The earthquake of Gediz of magnitude 7.4 in the province of Kütahya in western Turkey destroys the city of Gediz and claims about 1,100 deaths. Around 80,000 people become homeless.

1974/0328:フランス 映画女優 Françoise Rosay 189174、死去

(Françoise Gilberte Bandy de Nalèche, dite), est une actrice française.
Sa carrière cinématographique s'est étendue sur plus de soixante ans, faisant d'elle un personnage légendaire dans le cinéma français.


Je n'ai pas du tout envie de vivre centenaire. Ce ne serait pas poli. I do not want to live a hundred years at all. It would not be polish.


Nicolae Ceauşescu takes over the office of President in Romania in addition to his position as State Council Chairman. The necessary constitutional amendment will not be made up until the following year.

 Accident at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station.

A coolant leak at the Three Mile Island's Unit 2 nuclear reactor outside Harrisburg, Pennsylvania leads to the core overheating and a partial meltdown.

{この事故をもとにして映画『The China Syndrome.』ができた、とばかり思ってゐたら、逆に、この映画が公開された十二日後にこのゲンパツ事故が起こった、のであった。

1985/0328:愛の画家 Marc Chagall 188785、死去

российский и французский художник белорусско-еврейского происхождения.
In 1900, he entered a four-year public school. Ossip Zadkine 189067 aiming for a sculptor was in this classmate at the time, and both aimed at an artist



1987/0328:Maria Augusta von Trapp、死去

eine österreichische Sängerin und Schriftstellerin, die nach dem „Anschluss“ Österreichs an das „Dritte Reich“ in die USA emigrierte und 1944 die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft beantragte.

She wrote The Story of the Trapp Family Singers which was published in 1949. The story served as the inspiration for the 1956 West German film The Trapp Family, which in turn inspired the Broadway musical The Sound of Music (1959) and the 1965 film of the same name.



1994/0328:パリの不条理劇作者 Eugène Ionesco 190994、死去

un dramaturge et écrivain roumano-français.
Il passe une grande partie de sa vie à voyager entre la France et la Roumanie ; représentant majeur du théâtre de l'absurde en France, il écrit de nombreuses œuvres dont les plus connues sont La Cantatrice chauve (1950), Les Chaises (1952), Rhinocéros (1959) et Le roi se meurt (1962).

1994/0328:In South Africa,
 African National Congress security guards kill dozens of Inkatha Freedom Party protesters.


1996/0328:ドイツ 隱喩学創始者 Hans Blumenberg 192096 、死去

a German philosopher and intellectual historian.
He studied philosophy, German studies and the classics (1939–47, interrupted by World War II) and is considered to be one of the most important German philosophers of the century.
Blumenberg created what has come to be called 'metaphorology 隱喩學', which states that what lies under metaphors and language modisms, is the nearest to the truth (and the farthest from ideologies).

His last works, especially "Care Crosses the River" (Die Sorge geht über den Fluss), are attempts to apprehend human reality through its metaphors and involuntary expressions. Digging under apparently meaningless anecdotes of the history of occidental thought and literature, Blumenberg drew a map of the expressions, examples, gestures, that flourished in the discussions of what are thought to be more important matters. Blumenberg's interpretations are extremely unpredictable and personal, all full of signs, indications and suggestions, sometimes ironic. Above all, it is a warning against the force of revealed truth, and for the beauty of a world in confusion.


A stone avalanche kills about 380 people in Afghanistan.


1999/0328:Kosovo War:
 Serb paramilitary and military forces kill 146 Kosovo Albanians in Izbica.




An earthquake shakes northern Sumatra with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VI (Strong), leaving 915–1,314 people dead and 340–1,146 injured.


Massive protests are mounted against France's First Employment Contract law, meant to reduce youth unemployment.

Lors d'une journée nationale de protestation, trois millions de Français descendent dans la rue pour exprimer leur mécontentement face au Contrat première embauche. Le projet de loi a pour but de permettre le licenciement de salariés de moins de 26 ans en France sans justification et sans avertissement dans les deux premières années de la relation de travail.



Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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